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Incorporate continuous integration practices


The Harmony platform empowers you to incorporate CI/CD practices in your organization's development processes.

Define CI/CD

The "CI" in CI/CD stands for Continuous Integration, while the "CD" may refer to Continuous Delivery, Deployment, or Development. Together, the term CI/CD refers to a software development practice that allows for frequent or immediate deployment of new product changes. CI/CD requires automation across all development cycles, from building to testing, approving, and releasing.

Ways you can use CI/CD

There are multiple ways in which your organization can incorporate CI/CD practices using Harmony. Harmony not only has built-in capabilities such as migration, deployment, and scheduled operation triggers, but also facilitates integration with third-party CI/CD apps and toolkits such as GitHub.

Use Harmony's built-in capabilities

The Harmony platform includes native CI/CD capabilities with the ability to keep your code fully contained within Harmony projects.

Without ever opening a third-party application, you can review your projects (which contain your code), deploy your projects, migrate your projects, review project deploy history, etc. Some of the things you can do with these abilities include setting up automatic unit tests or upgrading projects in production to the latest version. This is all done by using Jitterbit's built-in capabilities and without going outside of Jitterbit.

Many actions in Harmony are available via multiple interfaces. For example, you can view deploy history from the Management Console interface on the Projects page (see View deploy history under Projects), from Cloud Studio (see Project index), or from the Design Studio application (see Design Studio interface main menus).

Integrate with third-party systems

The Harmony platform provides connectivity, integration, and synchronization with hundreds of supported endpoints, including those that are used for development. If your organization already uses third-party systems in your development process, you can orchestrate these development tools using the Harmony platform as a central system.

Using a connector such as our GitHub connector for Jitterbit Cloud Studio, you can use a combination of on-success and on-failure flows, as well as dynamic flows triggered by events or payload data, to use CI/CD seamlessly without the need for additional tools or manual processes.

Another example is to leverage the Design Studio project cache as the local Code Repository store (see Setting up user preferences in Jitterbit Studio).

Each implementation of CI/CD using Jitterbit can be customized to fit with your organization's business goals, development processes, and use of existing tools. For more information about developing a customized approach using CI/CD for your organization's needs, contact your Customer Success Manager.