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9.3 Harmony release notes

Log in to the Harmony portal to access the latest version of the API Manager, Management Console, and Citizen Integrator or to download the latest version of Design Studio and private agents. As always, please contact support if you need help.

9.3.1 Harmony release notes

Released September 13, 2018 in EMEA and na

In this release, the NetSuite Connector, API Manager, and Harmony Landing Page were updated and Design Studio 9.3.1 was released.

New feature

NetSuite connector

  • Conversion to TBA
    The authentication type of existing NetSuite endpoints can now be changed from single sign-on (SSO) to token-based authentication (TBA), allowing easy switching to TBA without requiring changes to the rest of your project. To configure, first enable TBA in NetSuite, then convert your NetSuite endpoint to use TBA. Design Studio 9.3.1 and agents 9.2 or higher are required to use this feature.


API Manager

  • Trusted IP Ranges for Security Profiles are now shown in a table format, with validation to prevent duplicate IP ranges.
  • The tile and list views now display different versions of the same API as separate tiles and list entries rather than a single tile or row with multiple versions.


API Manager

  • Fixed an issue with flickering in the API Manager for users with multiple organizations.

Harmony landing page

  • Fixed an issue with the Design Studio tile in the Harmony home page not showing the Design Studio download links.

9.3 Harmony release notes

Released September 6, 2018 in EMEA and September 10, 2018 in NA


With this release, Jitterbit Production Cloud Agents will be upgraded to version, matching the version running in the Jitterbit Sandbox Cloud Agent Group, to support upcoming changes to NetSuite authentication.


To all customers that have purchased and are currently running the SAP EventListener:

At the time that you upgrade your private agents to version 8.29.2 or higher, you will be required to upgrade the SAP EventListener to version Please contact your Customer Success Manager to obtain SAP EventListener


The 9.3 release notes refer to private agent as a component of Harmony. Please note that private agent was formerly known as local agent.

New features

  • Docker agent
    Jitterbit now supports a Jitterbit Linux OS agent that is packaged in a Docker Container. Following the Docker standard approach to container deployment, you can deploy and run the Linux agent anywhere that Docker runs. A new Docker agent version will be released at the time a new version of the Jitterbit private agents is released. The Docker agent is public with available tags and instructions on installing found at

  • Jitterbit private API gateway
    Jitterbit is excited to introduce the Jitterbit private API gateway. The Jitterbit private API gateway handles incoming HTTP and HTTPS requests and routes them to the appropriate Jitterbit operations. API endpoint URLs can be set according to the customer's needs and to the domain name the customer owns. The customer has control over the Gateway environment, ensuring it meets the company's standards.


API Manager

  • The 'API Analytics' page should allow the user to interact with the available graphs.
    Graphs within the 'API Analytics' page are now interactive, allowing you to hover over data points and see the values.

Citizen Integrator

  • Improved the 'My Recipes' dropdown menu providing filter options.
    Added a new full text dropdown menu launched via the new Filter icon within the My Recipes section, replacing the previous Gear icon dropdown menu.

  • Improved the user interface while viewing recipes in the Logos page.
    Hover over any logo to view the first 20 associated recipes in a dropdown list. Hover over any other logo on the page to switch the dropdown view. Click on any logo and navigate with the scroll bar to view the complete list of associated recipes.

Private agent

  • Added the SQL Server Microsoft JDBC Driver to the Jitterbit agent.
    The SQL Server Microsoft JDBC Driver is now included in the private agent (Windows, Linux) as an alternative way to connect to SQL Server. This fixes a known Date type bug in the jTDS Driver.


API Manager

  • Using the '\<=' operator in the 'API Logs' time filter displays data that is out of the range.
    Fixed an issue where the data displayed based on the '\<=' and '>=' operators in the time filter within the 'API Logs' page was skewed by a minute.

  • A member assigned to a role that provides only Read access is logged out when selecting 'Security Profile' from the dropdown menu in the 'APIs' page.
    A member is required to have Read access to at least one environment to view the 'Security Profile' page in API Manager. Members assigned to a role that does not have Read access to at least one environment will now see a popup message advising them to contact the Harmony Organization Admin for access. The member can select 'Continue' and remain logged into Harmony.

  • Fixed the issue where multiple validation messages displayed while adding a 'Rate Limit' in the 'Security Profile' page and the arbitrary deselection of the 'Rate Limit' checkbox.
    While adding a 'Rate Limit' in the Security Profile page these messages will display separately for each issue: a message will display if the rate entered is alpha or the rate is numeric but outside of the range, a different message will display if the rate field is left blank after the Rate Limit checkbox is selected. Entering alpha characters in any field will not deselect the 'Rate Limit' checkbox.

  • API Manager allowed an API to be saved and published without an assigned operation.
    When attempting to save and publish an API without first assigning an operation, a popup message will display advising you to assign an operation. You will be required to assign an operation or cancel your changes.

Citizen Integrator

  • Multiple improvements to the Citizen Integrator user interface.
    Added efficiencies to the Citizen Integrator landing page including enhanced search bar, cleaner spacing and additional descriptive text.

Management Console

  • Fixed a bug where a member could be saved, or a role could be added to a member, within the 'Organizations' page without selecting a role.
    Validation is performed when adding a member within the 'Organizations' page that requires a valid role to be selected to save the member. Validation is performed when adding a role to a member within the 'Organizations' page requiring a valid role to be selected to save.

  • Notification messages to install the latest version of private agents are displayed to organizations that use only public cloud agents.
    The end user will not be shown the latest agent version banner in Management Console or the latest agent version popup in Design Studio if all the environments belonging to the user's organization are associated with only public Cloud Agent Groups.

  • Fixed the organization dropdown menu to be consistent across all Harmony applications.
    The organization dropdown menu is now sorted alphabetically within the Identity App landing page, API Manager and Management Console.

  • Tool-tip text message within the 'Agents' page and in the 'Available Agent' tab within the 'Agent Groups' page displays extra HTML tags.
    Within the 'Agents' and 'Agent Groups' pages, fixed the issue where the tool-tip that displays the changes that are made within the agent configuration file included HTML tags.

  • The 'Design' section on the 'Dashboard' page includes deleted projects in the Projects count.
    Fixed the issue where deleted projects were included in the Projects count on the 'Dashboard' page. Deleted projects are now removed from the total displayed in the Projects count.

  • While editing the Jitterbit Conf within the 'Agent Groups' page, the changes made to the 'Db Drivers' tab persist after selecting Cancel, requiring the user to perform a manual refresh.
    While editing the Jitterbit Conf within the 'Agent Groups' page, selecting Cancel now automatically resets the data in the 'Db Drivers' tab to the previously saved version.

Private agent

  • Fixed an issue that created logs referring to [axis] when shutting down a private agent.
    Added resource handling improvements to Tomcat server for axis web-app shutdown. Private agents now shut down properly without any logs referring to [axis].

  • Fixed an issue where you were unable to create an SAP RFC function.
    SAP Remote Function Call now utilizes the user created functions.

  • Fixed an issue where a field is missing on the actual SAP request, which causes the operation to fail.
    The agent transformation engine now generates the required XML tag if the element in the schema has 0 occurrences and contains a fixed attribute.