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Plugins page in Jitterbit Management Console


Plugins are installed on Jitterbit agents and can be used in both Integration Studio and Design Studio projects.

The Plugins page is a table listing available plugins:

Plugins page

To open it, select Management Console > Customizations > Plugins from the Harmony portal menu:

Harmony portal menu

At the top of the page is a toolbar with the following:

  • Search: Enter text and press return to search for a plugin.

  • Columns Settings: Click to open the Columns Settings drawer.

  • Add Plugin: Click to add a new plugin.


Plugins provided by Jitterbit are deprecated.

Add a plugin

To add a plugin, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Add Plugin icon. A new row appears in the table:

    Plugins add new

  2. Click the Upload button, then browse to the plugin in .zip format. The ZIP must contain a plugin.xml file.

    Plugins add new

  3. Click Save to save, or Cancel to cancel.

Delete a plugin

To delete a custom plug-in, hover on its Actions column, then click the Delete icon. (For standard plugins, this option will be grayed out.)


When you select a plugin, the following tabs open in a drawer at the bottom of the window:

When open, the bottom drawer has the following controls:

  • Next: Select the next plugin in the table.

  • Previous: Select the previous plugin in the table.

  • Expand: Expand the drawer to fill the browser window.

  • Close: Close the drawer.


The Manifest tab shows the manifest file for the selected plugin:


To copy the XML to your system's clipboard, click the Copy contents icon.

To download the XML as a file, click the Download manifest icon.

Private Agent Groups

The Private Agent Groups tab shows which private agent groups are associated with the selected plugin:

Private agent groups

To associate or disassociate an agent group with the selected plugin, click the group's toggle.

To show or hide the details of an agent group, click its Expand or Hide icon:

Agent group details

To find an agent group or agent, enter text in the Search bar. All fields are searched.

To see only associated groups, click the Show associated only toggle.

Cloud Agent Groups

The Cloud Agent Groups tab shows which cloud agent groups are associated with the selected plugin:

Cloud agent groups

Each group's toggle is a read-only device that shows the association status for the selected plugin.

To show or hide the details of an agent group, click its Expand or Hide icon:

Cloud agent group details


The Usage tab lists any projects that are currently using the plugin. The tab also includes the environment the project is in, the specific operation, and the usage type.



The environment, project, and operation will display only when the plugin is added to an activity. The usage will not display when the plugin is called in a script.

Column settings

You can sort the contents of the table, adjust the widths of columns, and rearrange columns:

  • Sort: To sort a table in ascending order, click a column heading. Click again to reverse the sort order.

  • Resize columns: Drag a column's Resize bar to resize it.

  • Columns: To change the arrangement and visibility of columns, click Columns Settings. The Columns drawer opens:

    Columns settings

    The drawer has the following controls:

    • Close: Close the drawer.

    • Filter Columns: Enter text to search for a column.

    • Show All: Make all columns visible.

    • Move: Drag and drop to change the position of the column relative to others.

    • Hide: The column is visible. Click to hide it.

    • Show: The column is hidden. Click to show it.

    • Save: Save the columns.

    • Cancel: Close the columns drawer without saving changes.