Agents page in Jitterbit Management Console
To manage private agents and private agent groups, and see information about cloud agents and cloud agent groups, use the Management Console Agents page. The page has tabs for each type of agent group, Private and Cloud.
On the Private tab, you can manage private agent groups and private agents:
Your subscription plan determines how many private agent groups and private agents you can have.
On the Cloud tab, you can see the available cloud agent groups and their status:
To open the Agents page, select Management Console > Agents from the Harmony portal menu:
Manage private agent groups
To manage private agent groups, select the Private tab:
The Private tab contains the following:
A toolbar, with these controls:
Search: Search for private agent groups by ID, name, or description.
Refresh: Refresh the table.
Filter Columns: Open the Columns drawer, to rearrange columns, or change their visibility.
Create: Add a private agent group.
A table of private agent groups, with the following columns:
Agent group ID: The private agent group ID number. To copy the ID to your clipboard, hover on the column, then click the Copy icon.
Agent group name: The private agent group name. To copy the name to your clipboard, hover on the column, then click the Copy icon.
Description: The private agent group description.
Cloud logging: When on, you can access detailed log messages in the Runtime Operations Messages tab, and download agent logs. When off, the Messages tab provides a link to the operation log details on the agent host. If your firewall permits, the log opens in a separate browser tab. Important
You must restart all private agents in the group whenever you change this setting.
Actions: This column contains the following icons:
Details: Open the Agent group details drawer. When open, the following controls appear on the top right edge of the drawer:
Previous: Select the previous private agent group.
Next: Select the next private agent group.
Expand: Expand the Agent group details drawer to the size of the page. When expanded, click the Minimize icon to return it to its original size.
Close: Close the drawer.
Update connectors: Update Integration Studio Connector SDK-based connectors on all agents in the group. (This overrides the Disable Auto Connector Update organization policy setting that inhibits automatic updates.)
Edit: Edit the private agent group.
Delete: Delete the private agent group. You cannot delete a group until all environment associations are removed.
Cloud logging
The Cloud logging switch does not enable or disable operation logging, nor affect whether component input and output data (generated when operation debug logging is enabled) is stored in the Harmony cloud. The switch affects only whether operation logs and detailed log messages are stored in the Harmony cloud.
Add a private agent group
To add a private agent group, follow these steps:
Click the Create icon in the Private tab's toolbar. A New agent group row appears in the table:
Enter a value in the Group name field.
(Optional) Enter a value in the Description field.
The group name and description must contain only alpha-numeric characters, underscores
, parentheses()
, dashes-
, and spaces. -
Set the Cloud logging toggle on or off:
Click the Save button.
When the new group (Agent Group C in this example) appears in the table, you can add agents to it:
Edit a private agent group
To edit a private agent group, follow these steps:
Hover on a private agent group, then click the Edit icon in the Actions column. The Edit agent group drawer opens:
Edit the Group name or Description fields, or change the setting for Cloud logging.
Click the Save button.
Delete a private agent group
To delete a private agent group, follow these steps:
Hover on a private agent group, then click the Delete icon in the Actions column. The Delete agent group dialog opens:
To continue the action, enter the word DELETE where indicated, then click the Delete button:
You can delete a private agent group only when it is disassociated from all environments.
Manage private agents
To see the details of a private agent group, you can either click a row in the table, or hover on a row and click the Details icon in the Actions column. The Agent group details drawer opens at the bottom of the page containing the following tabs:
If the private agent group has at least one running agent, and remote agent configuration is enabled in the Organizations Agent Management tab, the following tabs also appear:
View a private agent group's details
To manage the agents in a private agent group, select the Agents tab:
The tab contains the following:
A toolbar, with these controls:
Search: Search for private agents by name, ID, IP address, operating system, agent version number, or status.
Refresh: Refresh the table.
Filter Columns: Open the Columns drawer, to rearrange columns, or change their visibility.
Create: Add a private agent to the private agent group.
A table of private agents, with the following columns:
Name: The private agent name.
ID: The private agent ID number.
IP: The private agent host IP address.
OS: The private agent host operating system.
Version: The private agent software version number.
Status: The status of the private agent.
Download agent logs: To download private agent log files, open the menu, select which private agent logs to download, then click the Download button. You can select any or all of the following:
Jitterbit logs: All files in the private agent host's
directory. -
Apache logs: All files in the private agent host's
directory. -
Transformation logs: All directories and files in the private agent host's
directory. -
Tomcat logs: All files in the private agent host's
directory. -
Debug logs: All directories and files in the private agent host's
Individual logs are zipped, combined, zipped again, then downloaded with the filename
. -
Download Jitterbit Agent: Download the private agent software. Select the version and operating system, then click the Download button.
Drain stop: Active only when the agent is running. A dialog opens for you to confirm the action.
More actions: Click to reveal the following options:
Edit agent: Edit the private agent's name. Active only when the agent is stopped or unregistered.
Delete agent: Delete the private agent, removing it from the private agent group and your organization.
Agent status
The status of a private agent is one of the following:
Unregistered: The agent was added but is not ready to execute operations.
Starting: The agent is registered, and is becoming ready to execute operations.
Running: The agent is ready to execute operations.
Stopping: The agent is responding to a drain stop request. Running operations are allowed up to
seconds (by default, 180) to finish before they are canceled. -
Stopped: The agent remains registered but does not execute operations.
Unknown: The agent is registered but there was no heartbeat within the last 5 minutes (the default interval).
The following diagram shows how a private agent's status can change:
init: {
'state': { 'nodeSpacing': 50, 'rankSpacing': 25 }
direction LR
state " Unknown\n(Lost heartbeat)" as U
Unregistered --> Starting
state Registered {
Stopped --> Starting
Starting --> Running
Running --> Stopping: \nDrain stop
Stopping --> Stopped
Starting --> U
Running --> U
Stopping --> U
Stopped --> U
Add private agents to a private agent group
To add a private agent to a private agent group, follow these steps:
Open the Agent group details drawer for the private agent group where the new private agent should go.
Click the Create icon in the drawer's Agent tab toolbar. A New agent row appears in the table:
Enter a value in the Name field:
Click the Save icon:
You can now register your private agent using the new agent name and ID.
Delete a private agent from a private agent group
To delete a private agent from a private agent group, follow these steps:
Open the Agent group details drawer for the private agent group containing the private agent you want to delete.
In the Agent group details drawer, hover on a private agent, then click the More actions icon.
From the menu, select Delete agent. The Delete agent dialog opens:
To continue the action, enter the word DELETE where indicated, then click the Delete button:
You can delete an agent only when its status is Starting, Stopped, Unregistered, or Unknown.
Manage a private agent group's plugins
To manage a private agent group's plugins, select the Plugins tab:
To associate or disassociate plugins with the selected private agent group, use the toggle in the Association column.
To jump to the plugin entry in the Management Console Plugins page, hover on the Actions column, then click the Go to plugin icon.
View a private agent group's environment association
To see which environments the private agent is associated with, select the Environments tab:
To change the association status, hover on the Actions column, then click the Go to environment icon. The Management Console Environments page opens for the environment.
Manage a private agent group's configuration
If the selected private agent group has active private agents, you can remotely configure all agents in a group without having to log into each individual agent host. To do this, you must satisfy these conditions:
There must be at least one private agent in the group that has a Running status.
You must enable remote agent configuration in the Organizations Agent Management tab.
When these conditions are met, the Jitterbit configuration and Database Drivers tabs are also visible in the Agent group details drawer.
Jitterbit configuration
This tab reproduces the default private agent jitterbit.conf
file in tabular form:
Between the tab bar and the table is a toolbar with the following controls:
Search: Search for configuration items by section, enabled status, key, value, or description.
Reset to default: Reset the configuration for all agents in the group to their default values. To do this, follow these steps:
Click the icon.
Read the information in the Reset configuration to default dialog.
Enter the word RESET where indicated, then click the Reset button.
Default values for each key are shown in tooltips on the Value column.
Refresh: Refresh the table.
Edit configuration: Edit configuration items for all agents in the group. To do this, follow these steps:
Click the icon.
Read the information in the Edit Jitterbit Configuration dialog, then click the Continue button.
Make changes to the configuration items, then click the Save icon.
Read again the information in the Edit Jitterbit Config dialog, then click the Save button.
Add configuration: Add a configuration item for all agents in the group. To do this, follow these steps:
Click the icon.
Read the information in the Add a new Jitterbit Configuration dialog, then click the Continue button.
A new row appears in the table. Set values for Section, Key, and Value, set the Enabled switch on or off, then click the Save icon.
Read again the information in the Add a new Jitterbit Configuration dialog, then click the Save button.
When you enable remote configuration, the values in a private agent's jitterbit.conf
file are overridden but not overwritten. The warning messages are for your information only.
Database drivers
This tab contains a text field with the contents of the [DbDrivers]
section of the jitterbit.conf
To edit the database driver configuration for all agents in the group, follow these steps:
Click the Edit icon.
Read the information in the Edit Database Driver dialog, then click the Continue button.
Edit the file, then click the Save icon.
Read again the information in the Edit Database Driver dialog, then click the Save button.
View cloud agent groups
To see cloud agent groups, select the Cloud tab:
The Status column shows the status of the agent group reported on Jitterbit's system status site, accessible via the Go to Jitterbit System Status icon.
Cloud logging is always enabled for cloud agents.
Table settings
You can sort tables, resize column widths, and rearrange columns:
To sort a table in ascending order, click a column heading. Click again to reverse the sort order.
To resize a column, drag a column's Resize bar.
To rearrange columns, click the Filter Columns icon. The Columns drawer opens with the following controls:
Search: Filter the list of columns. The search is not case-sensitive.
Show all: Click to show all columns. By default, all columns are shown.
Hide: The column is visible. Click to hide it.
Show: The column is hidden. Click to show it.
Move: Click and drag to adjust the order the column appears in.
Save: Click to save any changes.
Cancel: Click to discard any changes.