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Logical functions in Jitterbit Integration Studio

Use the logical functions to control the flow of Jitterbit Scripts.


A maximum of 50,000 loop iterations is allowed for each individual loop in Jitterbit Scripts. To increase the allowed number of iterations per loop, see jitterbit.scripting.while.max_iterations in Scripting Jitterbit variables.



typeN Case(bool b1, type1 arg1[, bool b2, type2 arg2,... bool bN, typeN argN])


Case(<b1>, <arg1>[, <b2>, <arg2>,... <bN>, <argN>])

Required parameters

  • b1: An expression to be evaluated for its boolean result
  • arg1: An argument to be returned if b1 is true

Optional parameters

  • b2... bN: Additional expressions to be evaluated for truthiness
  • arg2... argN: Additional arguments to be returned if the matching parameter is true


This function evaluates pairs of arguments: if the evaluation of the expression in the first argument of a pair is true, it stops checking and returns the second argument with the type preserved. Otherwise it will check the next pair, and so on. If none of the pairs evaluate to true, null is returned.

To create a default or fall-through case, use true and the desired return value as the last pair. See the example.


This example returns "Very Expensive" if price is 1000 or higher. The true in the last pair of arguments serves as the default or fall-through case.

$label = Case(price < 10, "Cheap",
              price < 100, "Not Cheap",
              price < 1000, "Expensive",
              true, "Very Expensive");



bool Equal(type1 array1, type2 array2)

bool Equal(type1 arg1, type2 arg2)


Equal(<array1>, <array2>)

Equal(<arg1>, <arg2>)

Required parameters

  • array1, array2: (First form) Two arrays of the same length and dimension; if not, the function returns false

  • arg1, arg2: (Second form) Two simple types or expressions


Performs a recursive comparison of two arrays. Returns true if all corresponding members of the arrays are equal, otherwise it returns false. It can also be used with simple types, and follows conversion rules to promote different types to compare them.

Calling this function to compare two arrays is different from using the == operator on two arrays. Using the == operator on two arrays returns an array of booleans containing the result of a comparison of each array member. Using this function compares each corresponding element in turn.

The Equal() function always returns false if the two array arguments have different sizes.

Type conversion and promotion is performed if the arguments or elements being compared are of different types.


x = {1, 2.0, 3};
y = {1, 5, 3};

// Returns false since 2.0 != 5
Equal(x, y);

// Returns true because both arrays contain only non-zero numbers.
// Comparison is made as booleans
Equal(Bool(x), y);



typeN If(bool condition, type1 trueResult[, type2 falseResult])


If(<condition>, <trueResult>[, <falseResult>])

Required parameters

  • condition: An expression to be evaluated for its boolean result
  • trueResult: An expression to be evaluated and its result returned if condition is true

Optional parameters

  • falseResult: An expression to be evaluated and its result returned if condition is false


Returns trueResult if condition is true, else it returns falseResult.

If the first argument (condition) is not a boolean data type, it is converted to a boolean before it is evaluated. If the optional third argument is not specified and condition is false, a null value is returned.


//  Returns "Diane"
If(false, "Jack", "Diane");

// Returns "Spoon"
If(7>4, "Spoon", "Knife");

// Adds a trailing comma to s if s is not empty
    s = s + ",";



null While(bool condition, type expression)


While(<condition>, <expression>)

Required parameters

  • condition: An expression to be evaluated for its boolean result
  • expression: An expression to be evaluated repeatedly as long as condition is true


Repeatedly executes an expression as long as a condition is true.

The Jitterbit variable jitterbit.scripting.while.max_iterations limits the number of iterations. An error is reported if the maximum number of iterations is reached.


$jitterbit.scripting.while.max_iterations = 2000;
i = 0;
arr = {"", "", ""};
s = "";
// Concatenates the elements of the array arr
// with commas separating each element
While(i < Length(arr),
    s = s + Get(arr,i) + ",";