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Zuora Connection Details


Connector Version

This documentation is based on version 23.0.8852 of the connector.

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Zuora Version Support

The connector leverages the Zuora API to enable bidirectional access to Zuora.

Establish a Connection

Connect to Zuora

In order to create a valid connection with Zuora, you must configure the Tenant property.

Choose the Tenant value that matches your account configuration. Available options:

  • USProduction: Requests sent to (default)
  • USAPISandbox: Requests sent to
  • USPerformanceTest: Requests sent to
  • EUProduction: Requests sent to
  • EUSandbox: Requests sent to

After you configure the Tenant you must create a custom OAuth application to generate a token. This is a simple one-time operation. For further information, see Creating a Custom OAuth Application.

Authenticate to Zuora

Desktop Applications

To authenticate with the credentials for a custom OAuth application, you must create a custom application to get and refresh the OAuth access token.

After you do that, you are ready to connect.

Set the following connection properties:

  • OAuthClientId: the client ID assigned when you registered your application.
  • OAuthClientSecret: the client secret that was assigned when you registered your application.
  • CallbackURL: the redirect URI that was defined when you registered your application.

When you connect, the connector opens Zuora's OAuth endpoint in your default browser.

Log in and grant permissions to the application. The connector then completes the OAuth process:

  1. The connector obtains an access token from Zuora and uses it to request data.
  2. The OAuth values are saved in the path specified in OAuthSettingsLocation. These values persist across connections.
  3. When the access token expires, the connector refreshes the access token automatically.

Select a Zuora Service

We utilize two Zuora services: Data Query and AQuA API. By default ZuoraService is set to AQuADataExport.


The Data Query feature enables you to export data from your Zuora tenant by performing asynchronous, read-only SQL queries.

We recommend to use this service for quick lightweight SQL queries.


  • The maximum number of input records per table after filters have been applied: 1,000,000
  • The maximum number of output records: 100,000
  • The maximum number of simultaneous queries submitted for execution per tenant: 5
  • The maximum number of queued queries submitted for execution after reaching the limitation of simultaneous queries per tenant: 10
  • The maximum processing time for each query in hours: 1
  • The maximum size of memory allocated to each query in GB: 2
  • The maximum number of indices when using Index Join, in other words, the maximum number of records being returned by the left table based on the unique value used in the WHERE clause when using Index Join: 20,000

Select a Zuora Service

We utilize two Zuora services: Data Query and AQuA API. By default ZuoraService is set to AQuADataExport.


The Data Query feature enables you to export data from your Zuora tenant by performing asynchronous, read-only SQL queries.

We recommend to use this service for quick lightweight SQL queries.


  • The maximum number of input records per table after filters have been applied: 1,000,000
  • The maximum number of output records: 100,000
  • The maximum number of simultaneous queries submitted for execution per tenant: 5
  • The maximum number of queued queries submitted for execution after reaching the limitation of simultaneous queries per tenant: 10
  • The maximum processing time for each query in hours: 1
  • The maximum size of memory allocated to each query in GB: 2
  • The maximum number of indices when using Index Join, in other words, the maximum number of records being returned by the left table based on the unique value used in the WHERE clause when using Index Join: 20,000

AQuA API export is designed to export all the records for all the objects ( tables ). AQuA query jobs have the following limitations:


  • If a query in an AQuA job is executed longer than 8 hours, this job will be killed automatically.
  • The killed AQuA job can be retried three times before returned as failed.

Create a Custom OAuth Application

Create a Custom OAuth Application

All users authenticate to the Zuora via the OAuth 2.0 mechanism. The connector uses the client_credential grant type, which means that only the OAuthClientId and OAuthClientSecret are needed to generate a token. This is done via a single HTTP request. In order to obtain the OAuthClientId and OAuthClientSecret, you must first create a custom OAuth client in the Zuora UI.

Do the following:

  1. Using an account that has administration privileges for your Zuora tenant, log in to the Zuora Profiles & Settings menu.

  2. Navigate to Administration > Manage Users.

  3. Create a user.

    Applications that use OAuth to authenticate to your Zuora tenant will perform actions as this user. Zuora recommends that you create an API user specifically for this purpose.

  4. Navigate to your Zuora tenant's Users page.

  5. Select the new user you just created, then create an OAuth client for that user.

  6. Note the Client ID and Client secret for future use.

Important Notes

Configuration Files and Their Paths

  • All references to adding configuration files and their paths refer to files and locations on the Jitterbit agent where the connector is installed. These paths are to be adjusted as appropriate depending on the agent and the operating system. If multiple agents are used in an agent group, identical files will be required on each agent.

Advanced Features

This section details a selection of advanced features of the Zuora connector.

User Defined Views

The connector allows you to define virtual tables, called user defined views, whose contents are decided by a pre-configured query. These views are useful when you cannot directly control queries being issued to the drivers. See User Defined Views for an overview of creating and configuring custom views.

SSL Configuration

Use SSL Configuration to adjust how connector handles TLS/SSL certificate negotiations. You can choose from various certificate formats; see the SSLServerCert property under "Connection String Options" for more information.


To configure the connector using private agent proxy settings, select the Use Proxy Settings checkbox on the connection configuration screen.

Query Processing

The connector offloads as much of the SELECT statement processing as possible to Zuora and then processes the rest of the query in memory (client-side).

See Query Processing for more information.

User Defined Views

The Zuora connector allows you to define a virtual table whose contents are decided by a pre-configured query. These are called User Defined Views, which are useful in situations where you cannot directly control the query being issued to the driver, e.g. when using the driver from Jitterbit. The User Defined Views can be used to define predicates that are always applied. If you specify additional predicates in the query to the view, they are combined with the query already defined as part of the view.

There are two ways to create user defined views:

  • Create a JSON-formatted configuration file defining the views you want.
  • DDL statements.

Define Views Using a Configuration File

User Defined Views are defined in a JSON-formatted configuration file called UserDefinedViews.json. The connector automatically detects the views specified in this file.

You can also have multiple view definitions and control them using the UserDefinedViews connection property. When you use this property, only the specified views are seen by the connector.

This User Defined View configuration file is formatted as follows:

  • Each root element defines the name of a view.
  • Each root element contains a child element, called query, which contains the custom SQL query for the view.

For example:

    "MyView": {
        "query": "SELECT * FROM SampleTable_1 WHERE MyColumn = 'value'"
    "MyView2": {
        "query": "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id IN (1,2,3)"

Use the UserDefinedViews connection property to specify the location of your JSON configuration file. For example:

"UserDefinedViews", "C:\Users\yourusername\Desktop\tmp\UserDefinedViews.json"

Define Views Using DDL Statements

The connector is also capable of creating and altering the schema via DDL Statements such as CREATE LOCAL VIEW, ALTER LOCAL VIEW, and DROP LOCAL VIEW.

Create a View

To create a new view using DDL statements, provide the view name and query as follows:


If no JSON file exists, the above code creates one. The view is then created in the JSON configuration file and is now discoverable. The JSON file location is specified by the UserDefinedViews connection property.

Alter a View

To alter an existing view, provide the name of an existing view alongside the new query you would like to use instead:

ALTER LOCAL VIEW [MyViewName] AS SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE TimeModified > '3/1/2020';

The view is then updated in the JSON configuration file.

Drop a View

To drop an existing view, provide the name of an existing schema alongside the new query you would like to use instead.


This removes the view from the JSON configuration file. It can no longer be queried.

Schema for User Defined Views

User Defined Views are exposed in the UserViews schema by default. This is done to avoid the view's name clashing with an actual entity in the data model. You can change the name of the schema used for UserViews by setting the UserViewsSchemaName property.

Work with User Defined Views

For example, a SQL statement with a User Defined View called UserViews.RCustomers only lists customers in Raleigh:

SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE City = 'Raleigh';

An example of a query to the driver:

SELECT * FROM UserViews.RCustomers WHERE Status = 'Active';

Resulting in the effective query to the source:

SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE City = 'Raleigh' AND Status = 'Active';

That is a very simple example of a query to a User Defined View that is effectively a combination of the view query and the view definition. It is possible to compose these queries in much more complex patterns. All SQL operations are allowed in both queries and are combined when appropriate.

SSL Configuration

Customize the SSL Configuration

By default, the connector attempts to negotiate SSL/TLS by checking the server's certificate against the system's trusted certificate store.

To specify another certificate, see the SSLServerCert property for the available formats to do so.

Data Model

The connector dynamically extracts all relevant schema information from Zuora via the REST API. All Zuora entities will be exposed as views.

The Zuora connector models Zuora objects as relational tables and views. A Zuora object has relationships to other objects; in the tables, these relationships are expressed through foreign keys. The following sections show the available API objects and provide more information on executing SQL to Zuora APIs.

Schemas for most database objects are defined in simple, text-based configuration files.

Stored Procedures

Stored Procedures are function-like interfaces to Zuora. They can be used create schema files or get and refresh OAuth Access tokens for Zuora apps.


Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.

Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.

Zuora Connector Views

Name Description
Account An account is a customer account that collects all of the critical information about the customer, such as contact information, payment terms, and payment methods.
AccountingCode Each row of this table represents an accounting code.
AccountingPeriod Accounting periods match your financial periods.An accounting period holds the information you need to perform your company's bookkeeping activities, especially tracking and reporting financial activities such as earnings, expenses, and taxes.
Amendment An amendment to a subscription.
ApplicationGroup A group of payment, refund, and credit memo applications.
Attachment The information of a file attached to a Zuora object.
BillingRun Each row of this table represents a billing run.
ChargeMetrics A charge metrics service for accessing the key metrics for Rate Plan Charges in Zuora.
Contact A contact person. For example, the Bill To contact of a customer account
ContactSnapshot A copy of the Bill To or Sold To contact information from a posted invoice.
CreditBalanceAdjustment An adjustment to the credit balance of a customer account.
CreditMemo A credit memo that is owned by a customer account.
CreditMemoApplication A credit memo that is applied to an invoice or a debit memo.
CreditMemoApplicationItem A credit memo that is applied to a line item in an invoice or a line item in a debit memo.
CreditMemoItem A line item in a credit memo.
CreditMemoPart An applied or unapplied portion of a credit memo.
CreditMemoPartItem A portion of a credit memo that is applied to a line item in an invoice or a line item in a debit memo.
CreditTaxationItem A taxation line item in a credit memo.
DebitMemo A debit memo that is owned by a customer account.
DebitMemoItem A line item in a debit memo.
DebitTaxationItem A taxation line item in a debit memo.
DiscountAppliedMetrics A discount rate plan charge that is applied to another rate plan charge.
DiscountApplyDetail Details for the applied discount.
Feature Each row of this table represents a feature.
FXCustomRate A custom exchange rate.
Invoice An invoice represents a bill to a customer.
InvoiceAdjustment An adjustment to an invoice.
InvoiceItem A line item in an invoice.
InvoiceItemAdjustment An adjustment to a line item in an invoice.
InvoicePayment A payment that is applied to an invoice.
JournalEntry A journal entry.
JournalEntryItem A line item in a journal entry.
JournalRun A journal run.
OrderAction An order action that is applied to a subscription.
OrderElp An extended list price metric for an order action.
OrderItem An order item.
OrderMrr A monthly recurring revenue metric for an order action.
OrderQuantity A quantity metric for an order action.
Orders Each row of this table represents an order.
OrderTcb A total contracted billing metric for an order action.
OrderTcv A total contract value metric for an order action.
Payment Each row of this table represents a payment.
PaymentApplication A payment that is applied to an invoice or a debit memo.
PaymentApplicationItem A payment that is applied to a line item in an invoice or a line item in a debit memo.
PaymentGatewayReconciliationEventLog An event that was processed by a payment reconciliation job.
PaymentMethod A payment method.
PaymentMethodSnapshot A copy of the payment method that was used in a transaction.
PaymentMethodTransactionLog A transaction from Zuora to the payment gateway associated with a payment method.
PaymentPart An applied or unapplied portion of a payment.
PaymentPartItem A portion of a payment that is applied to a line item in an invoice or a line item in a debit memo.
PaymentReconciliationJob A payment reconciliation job.
PaymentReconciliationLog A reconciled transaction that was processed by a payment reconciliation job.
PaymentRun A payment run.
PaymentTransactionLog A transaction from Zuora to the payment gateway associated with a payment.
ProcessedUsage Uploaded usage that has been processed.
Product A product in your product catalog.
ProductFeature A feature in your product catalog.
ProductRatePlan A rate plan in your product catalog.
ProductRatePlanCharge A charge in your product catalog.
ProductRatePlanChargeTier A charge tier in your product catalog.
RatePlan A rate plan in a subscription.
RatePlanCharge A charge in a subscription.
RatePlanChargeTier A charge tier in a subscription.
Refund Each row of this table represents a refund.
RefundApplication A refund that is applied to a payment or a credit memo.
RefundApplicationItem A refund that is applied to a line item in a credit memo.
RefundInvoicePayment A refunded portion of a payment that is applied to an invoice.
RefundPart An applied or unapplied portion of a refund.
RefundPartItem A portion of a refund that is applied to a line item in a credit memo.
RefundTransactionLog A transaction from Zuora to the payment gateway associated with a payment.
RevenueChargeSummary A revenue distribution summary of a charge.
RevenueChargeSummaryItem An item in a revenue distribution summary of a charge.
RevenueEvent A revenue event.
RevenueEventCreditMemoItem A revenue event that is associated with a line item in a credit memo.
RevenueEventDebitMemoItem A revenue event that is associated with a line item in a debit memo.
RevenueEventInvoiceItem A revenue event that is associated with a line item in an invoice.
RevenueEventInvoiceItemAdjustment A revenue event that is associated with an adjustment to a line item in an invoice.
RevenueEventItem A revenue event item.
RevenueEventItemCreditMemoItem A revenue event item that is associated with a line item in a credit memo.
RevenueEventItemDebitMemoItem A revenue event item that is associated with a line item in a debit memo.
RevenueEventItemInvoiceItem A revenue event item that is associated with a line item in an invoice.
RevenueEventItemInvoiceItemAdjustment A revenue event item that is associated with an adjustment to a line item in an invoice.
RevenueEventType A revenue event type.
RevenueSchedule A revenue schedule.
RevenueScheduleCreditMemoItem A revenue schedule that is associated with a line item in a credit memo.
RevenueScheduleDebitMemoItem A revenue schedule that is associated with a line item in a debit memo.
RevenueScheduleInvoiceItem A revenue schedule that is associated with a line item in an invoice.
RevenueScheduleInvoiceItemAdjustment A revenue schedule that is associated with an adjustment to a line item in an invoice.
RevenueScheduleItem A revenue schedule item.
RevenueScheduleItemCreditMemoItem A revenue schedule item that is associated with a line item in a credit memo.
RevenueScheduleItemInvoiceItem A revenue schedule item that is associated with a line item in an invoice.
RevenueScheduleItemInvoiceItemAdjustment A revenue schedule item that is associated with an adjustment to a line item in an invoice.
Subscription Each row of this table represents a subscription.
SubscriptionProductFeature Each row of this table represents a subscription for a product feature.
TaxationItem A taxation line item in an invoice.
UpdaterBatch A batch of payment methods that was sent to a payment method updater service provider.
UpdaterDetail A payment method update.
Usage A usage record.f the Active Rating feature is enabled, each row represents a usage record that was created via the Active Rating feature.
User A user in your Zuora tenant. Only platform admin users can access this table.


An account is a customer account that collects all of the critical information about the customer, such as contact information, payment terms, and payment methods.

Name Type Description
taxexempteffectivedate Date Date when the customer's tax exemption starts.
invoicetemplateid String The ID of the invoice template. Each customer account can use a specific invoice template for invoice generation.
totaldebitmemobalance Decimal The total debit memo balance.
updateddate Datetime Date when the account was last updated.
name String Name of the account as displayed in the Zuora UI.
createdbyid String ID of the Zuora user who created the Account object.
taxexemptissuingjurisdiction String Indicates the jurisdiction in which the customer's tax exemption certificate was issued.
currency String Currency that the customer is billed in.
taxexemptcertificateid String ID of your customer's tax exemption certificate.
crmid String CRM account ID for the account. Used in Salesforce integration.
defaultpaymentmethodid String ID of the default payment method for the account. This field is required if the AutoPay field is set to true.
status String Status of the account in the system.
creditmemotemplateid String The credit memo template id.
debitmemotemplateid String The debit memo template id.
communicationprofileid String Associates the account with a specified communication profile.
invoicedeliveryprefsemail Bool Indicates if the customer wants to receive invoices through email.
bcdsettingoption String Billing cycle day setting option.
createddate Datetime Date when the Account object was created.
unappliedcreditmemoamount Decimal The unapplied credit memo amount.
taxcompanycode String Unique code that identifies a company account in Avalara. Use this field to calculate taxes based on origin and sold-to addresses in Avalara.
id String ID of object. Upon creation of this object, this field becomes AccountId.
balance Decimal Current outstanding balance for the account.
soldtoid String ID of the person who bought the subscription associated with the account.
unappliedbalance Decimal The unapplied balance.
invoicedeliveryprefsprint Bool Indicates if the customer wants to receive printed invoices, such as through postal mail.
sequencesetid String The ID of the billing document sequence set to assign to the customer account.
additionalemailaddresses String List of additional email addresses to receive emailed invoices.
mrr Decimal
taxexemptexpirationdate Date Date when the customer's tax exemption certificate expires.
incollections_c String You can use this fields as custom field in your customization.
totalinvoicebalance Decimal Total balance of the account's invoices.
taxexemptentityusecode String You can use this fields as custom field in your customization.
batch String Organizes your customer accounts into groups to optimize your billing and payment operations.
paymentgateway String Gateway used for processing electronic payments and refunds.
billcycleday String Billing cycle day (BCD) on which bill runs generate invoices for the account.
billtoid String ID of the person to bill for the account
notes String Comments about the account.
vatid String EU Value Added Tax ID.
parentid String Identifier of the parent customer account for this Account object. Use this field if you have customer hierarchy enabled.
purchaseordernumber String The number of the purchase order associated with this account. Purchase order information generally comes from customers.
updatedbyid String ID of the user who last updated the account.
creditbalance Decimal Total credit balance for the account.
autopay Bool Indicates if future payments are automatically collected when they're due during a Payment Run
customerservicerepname String Name of the account's customer service representative, if applicable.
paymentterm String Indicates when the customer pays for subscriptions.
entity_c String
lastinvoicedate Date The date when the previous invoice was generated for the account. The field value is null if no invoice has ever been generated for the account.
accountnumber String Unique account number assigned to the account.
taxexemptstatus String Status of the account's tax exemption.
taxexemptcertificatetype String Type of the tax exemption certificate that your customer holds.
salesrepname String The name of the sales representative associated with this account, if applicable.
taxexemptdescription String Description of the tax exemption certificate that your customer holds.
allowinvoiceedit Bool Indicates if associated invoices can be edited.


Each row of this table represents an accounting code.

Name Type Description
status String The 'status' column for the 'accountingcode' table.
category String The 'category' column for the 'accountingcode' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'accountingcode' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'accountingcode' table.
glaccountname String The 'glaccountname' column for the 'accountingcode' table.
name String The 'name' column for the 'accountingcode' table.
type String The 'type' column for the 'accountingcode' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'accountingcode' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'accountingcode' table.
glaccountnumber String The 'glaccountnumber' column for the 'accountingcode' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'accountingcode' table.
notes String The 'notes' column for the 'accountingcode' table.


Accounting periods match your financial periods.An accounting period holds the information you need to perform your company's bookkeeping activities, especially tracking and reporting financial activities such as earnings, expenses, and taxes.

Name Type Description
startdate Date The 'startdate' column for the 'accountingperiod' table.
status String The 'status' column for the 'accountingperiod' table.
fiscalquarter String The 'fiscalquarter' column for the 'accountingperiod' table.
fiscalyear String The 'fiscalyear' column for the 'accountingperiod' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'accountingperiod' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'accountingperiod' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'accountingperiod' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'accountingperiod' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'accountingperiod' table.
enddate Date The 'enddate' column for the 'accountingperiod' table.
notes String The 'notes' column for the 'accountingperiod' table.
name String The 'name' column for the 'accountingperiod' table.


An amendment to a subscription.

Name Type Description
currenttermperiodtype String The 'currenttermperiodtype' column for the 'amendment' table.
description String The 'description' column for the 'amendment' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'amendment' table.
autorenew Bool The 'autorenew' column for the 'amendment' table.
renewaltermperiodtype String The 'renewaltermperiodtype' column for the 'amendment' table.
serviceactivationdate Date The 'serviceactivationdate' column for the 'amendment' table.
resumedate Date The 'resumedate' column for the 'amendment' table.
suspenddate Date The 'suspenddate' column for the 'amendment' table.
termtype String The 'termtype' column for the 'amendment' table.
name String The 'name' column for the 'amendment' table.
contracteffectivedate Date The 'contracteffectivedate' column for the 'amendment' table.
customeracceptancedate Date The 'customeracceptancedate' column for the 'amendment' table.
subscriptionid String The 'subscriptionid' column for the 'amendment' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'amendment' table.
currentterm String The 'currentterm' column for the 'amendment' table.
status String The 'status' column for the 'amendment' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'amendment' table.
renewalsetting String The 'renewalsetting' column for the 'amendment' table.
specificupdatedate Date The 'specificupdatedate' column for the 'amendment' table.
code String The 'code' column for the 'amendment' table.
type String The 'type' column for the 'amendment' table.
termstartdate Date The 'termstartdate' column for the 'amendment' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'amendment' table.
renewalterm String The 'renewalterm' column for the 'amendment' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'amendment' table.
effectivedate Date The 'effectivedate' column for the 'amendment' table.


A group of payment, refund, and credit memo applications.

Name Type Description
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'applicationgroup' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'applicationgroup' table.
operationdate Date The 'operationdate' column for the 'applicationgroup' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'applicationgroup' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'applicationgroup' table.
paymentid String The 'paymentid' column for the 'applicationgroup' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'applicationgroup' table.
refundid String The 'refundid' column for the 'applicationgroup' table.


The information of a file attached to a Zuora object.

Name Type Description
description String The 'description' column for the 'attachment' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'attachment' table.
size String The 'size' column for the 'attachment' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'attachment' table.
filename String The 'filename' column for the 'attachment' table.
associatedobjectid String The 'associatedobjectid' column for the 'attachment' table.
associatedobjecttype String The 'associatedobjecttype' column for the 'attachment' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'attachment' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'attachment' table.
fileid String The 'fileid' column for the 'attachment' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'attachment' table.
filecontenttype String The 'filecontenttype' column for the 'attachment' table.


Each row of this table represents a billing run.

Name Type Description
executeddate Datetime The 'executeddate' column for the 'billingrun' table.
numberofaccounts String The 'numberofaccounts' column for the 'billingrun' table.
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'billingrun' table.
runtime String The 'runtime' column for the 'billingrun' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'billingrun' table.
repeatto String The 'repeatto' column for the 'billingrun' table.
autoemail Bool The 'autoemail' column for the 'billingrun' table.
targetdateoffset String The 'targetdateoffset' column for the 'billingrun' table.
startdate Datetime The 'startdate' column for the 'billingrun' table.
invoicedateoffset String The 'invoicedateoffset' column for the 'billingrun' table.
chargetypetoexclude String The 'chargetypetoexclude' column for the 'billingrun' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'billingrun' table.
autopost Bool The 'autopost' column for the 'billingrun' table.
billcycleday String The 'billcycleday' column for the 'billingrun' table.
lastemailsenttime Datetime The 'lastemailsenttime' column for the 'billingrun' table.
targettype String The 'targettype' column for the 'billingrun' table.
totaltime String The 'totaltime' column for the 'billingrun' table.
noemailforzeroamountinvoice Bool The 'noemailforzeroamountinvoice' column for the 'billingrun' table.
invoicedate Date The 'invoicedate' column for the 'billingrun' table.
monthlyonday String The 'monthlyonday' column for the 'billingrun' table.
numberofcreditmemos String The 'numberofcreditmemos' column for the 'billingrun' table.
billingruntype String The 'billingruntype' column for the 'billingrun' table.
numberofinvoices String The 'numberofinvoices' column for the 'billingrun' table.
status String The 'status' column for the 'billingrun' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'billingrun' table.
weeklyonday String The 'weeklyonday' column for the 'billingrun' table.
repeatfrom String The 'repeatfrom' column for the 'billingrun' table.
enddate Datetime The 'enddate' column for the 'billingrun' table.
invoicesemailed Bool The 'invoicesemailed' column for the 'billingrun' table.
timezone String The 'timezone' column for the 'billingrun' table.
autorenewal Bool The 'autorenewal' column for the 'billingrun' table.
targetdate Date The 'targetdate' column for the 'billingrun' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'billingrun' table.
billingrunnumber String The 'billingrunnumber' column for the 'billingrun' table.
posteddate Datetime The 'posteddate' column for the 'billingrun' table.
batches String The 'batches' column for the 'billingrun' table.
repeattype String The 'repeattype' column for the 'billingrun' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'billingrun' table.
errormessage String The 'errormessage' column for the 'billingrun' table.


A charge metrics service for accessing the key metrics for Rate Plan Charges in Zuora.

Name Type Description
subscriptionowneraccountnumber String The 'subscriptionowneraccountnumber' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
tcvdiscountamount Decimal The 'tcvdiscountamount' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
tcvgrossamount Decimal The 'tcvgrossamount' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
amendmentid String The 'amendmentid' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
rateplanchargeid String The 'rateplanchargeid' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
mrrgrossamount Decimal The 'mrrgrossamount' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
amendmenttype String The 'amendmenttype' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
productrateplanid String The 'productrateplanid' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
productid String The 'productid' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
subscriptionname String The 'subscriptionname' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
enddate Date The 'enddate' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
startdate Date The 'startdate' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
productrateplanchargeid String The 'productrateplanchargeid' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
mrrnetamount Decimal The 'mrrnetamount' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
tcvnetamount Decimal The 'tcvnetamount' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
invoiceowneraccountnumber String The 'invoiceowneraccountnumber' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
chargenumber String The 'chargenumber' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
mrrdiscountamount Decimal The 'mrrdiscountamount' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.


A contact person. For example, the Bill To contact of a customer account

Name Type Description
taxregion String The 'taxregion' column for the 'contact' table.
otherphone String The 'otherphone' column for the 'contact' table.
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'contact' table.
description String The 'description' column for the 'contact' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'contact' table.
postalcode String The 'postalcode' column for the 'contact' table.
county String The 'county' column for the 'contact' table.
mobilephone String The 'mobilephone' column for the 'contact' table.
personalemail String The 'personalemail' column for the 'contact' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'contact' table.
workphone String The 'workphone' column for the 'contact' table.
firstname String The 'firstname' column for the 'contact' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'contact' table.
address2 String The 'address2' column for the 'contact' table.
address1 String The 'address1' column for the 'contact' table.
city String The 'city' column for the 'contact' table.
workemail String The 'workemail' column for the 'contact' table.
nickname String The 'nickname' column for the 'contact' table.
homephone String The 'homephone' column for the 'contact' table.
state String The 'state' column for the 'contact' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'contact' table.
country String The 'country' column for the 'contact' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'contact' table.
lastname String The 'lastname' column for the 'contact' table.
fax String The 'fax' column for the 'contact' table.
otherphonetype String The 'otherphonetype' column for the 'contact' table.


A copy of the Bill To or Sold To contact information from a posted invoice.

Name Type Description
taxregion String The 'taxregion' column for the 'contactsnapshot' table.
otherphone String The 'otherphone' column for the 'contactsnapshot' table.
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'contactsnapshot' table.
description String The 'description' column for the 'contactsnapshot' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'contactsnapshot' table.
postalcode String The 'postalcode' column for the 'contactsnapshot' table.
contactid String The 'contactid' column for the 'contactsnapshot' table.
county String The 'county' column for the 'contactsnapshot' table.
mobilephone String The 'mobilephone' column for the 'contactsnapshot' table.
personalemail String The 'personalemail' column for the 'contactsnapshot' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'contactsnapshot' table.
workphone String The 'workphone' column for the 'contactsnapshot' table.
firstname String The 'firstname' column for the 'contactsnapshot' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'contactsnapshot' table.
address2 String The 'address2' column for the 'contactsnapshot' table.
address1 String The 'address1' column for the 'contactsnapshot' table.
city String The 'city' column for the 'contactsnapshot' table.
workemail String The 'workemail' column for the 'contactsnapshot' table.
nickname String The 'nickname' column for the 'contactsnapshot' table.
homephone String The 'homephone' column for the 'contactsnapshot' table.
state String The 'state' column for the 'contactsnapshot' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'contactsnapshot' table.
country String The 'country' column for the 'contactsnapshot' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'contactsnapshot' table.
lastname String The 'lastname' column for the 'contactsnapshot' table.
fax String The 'fax' column for the 'contactsnapshot' table.
otherphonetype String The 'otherphonetype' column for the 'contactsnapshot' table.


An adjustment to the credit balance of a customer account.

Name Type Description
customercashonaccountaccountingcodeid String The 'customercashonaccountaccountingcodeid' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.
accountingcode String The 'accountingcode' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.
transferredtoaccounting String The 'transferredtoaccounting' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.
invoiceid String The 'invoiceid' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.
sourcetransactiontype String The 'sourcetransactiontype' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.
number String The 'number' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.
referenceid String The 'referenceid' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.
sourcetransactionid String The 'sourcetransactionid' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.
adjustmentdate Date The 'adjustmentdate' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.
cancelledon Datetime The 'cancelledon' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.
accountingperiodid String The 'accountingperiodid' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.
journalentryid String The 'journalentryid' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.
status String The 'status' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.
comment String The 'comment' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.
paymentid String The 'paymentid' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.
reasoncode String The 'reasoncode' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.
sourcetransactionnumber String The 'sourcetransactionnumber' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.
cashaccountingcodeid String The 'cashaccountingcodeid' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.
type String The 'type' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.
refundid String The 'refundid' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.
accountreceivableaccountingcodeid String The 'accountreceivableaccountingcodeid' column for the 'creditbalanceadjustment' table.


A credit memo that is owned by a customer account.

Name Type Description
postedbyid String The 'postedbyid' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
cancelledbyid String The 'cancelledbyid' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
sourceid String The 'sourceid' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
transferredtoaccounting String The 'transferredtoaccounting' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
totaltaxexemptamount Decimal The 'totaltaxexemptamount' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
memonumber String The 'memonumber' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
taxmessage String The 'taxmessage' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
invoiceid String The 'invoiceid' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
source String The 'source' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
taxamount Decimal The 'taxamount' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
exchangeratedate Date The 'exchangeratedate' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
cancelledon Datetime The 'cancelledon' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
totalamountwithouttax Decimal The 'totalamountwithouttax' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
postedon Datetime The 'postedon' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
billtocontactsnapshotid String The 'billtocontactsnapshotid' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
status String The 'status' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
memodate Date The 'memodate' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
comments String The 'comments' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
appliedamount Decimal The 'appliedamount' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
refundamount Decimal The 'refundamount' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
totalamount Decimal The 'totalamount' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
soldtocontactsnapshotid String The 'soldtocontactsnapshotid' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
reasoncode String The 'reasoncode' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
discountamount Decimal The 'discountamount' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
targetdate Date The 'targetdate' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
taxstatus String The 'taxstatus' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'creditmemo' table.
balance Decimal The 'balance' column for the 'creditmemo' table.


A credit memo that is applied to an invoice or a debit memo.

Name Type Description
debitmemoid String The 'debitmemoid' column for the 'creditmemoapplication' table.
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'creditmemoapplication' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'creditmemoapplication' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'creditmemoapplication' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'creditmemoapplication' table.
invoiceid String The 'invoiceid' column for the 'creditmemoapplication' table.
creditmemoid String The 'creditmemoid' column for the 'creditmemoapplication' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'creditmemoapplication' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'creditmemoapplication' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'creditmemoapplication' table.
applicationgroupid String The 'applicationgroupid' column for the 'creditmemoapplication' table.
effectivedate Date The 'effectivedate' column for the 'creditmemoapplication' table.


A credit memo that is applied to a line item in an invoice or a line item in a debit memo.

Name Type Description
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'creditmemoapplicationitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'creditmemoapplicationitem' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'creditmemoapplicationitem' table.
invoiceitemid String The 'invoiceitemid' column for the 'creditmemoapplicationitem' table.
debitmemoitemid String The 'debitmemoitemid' column for the 'creditmemoapplicationitem' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'creditmemoapplicationitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'creditmemoapplicationitem' table.
credittaxationitemid String The 'credittaxationitemid' column for the 'creditmemoapplicationitem' table.
debittaxationitemid String The 'debittaxationitemid' column for the 'creditmemoapplicationitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'creditmemoapplicationitem' table.
creditmemoitemid String The 'creditmemoitemid' column for the 'creditmemoapplicationitem' table.
journalentryid String The 'journalentryid' column for the 'creditmemoapplicationitem' table.
taxationitemid String The 'taxationitemid' column for the 'creditmemoapplicationitem' table.
applicationgroupid String The 'applicationgroupid' column for the 'creditmemoapplicationitem' table.
creditmemoapplicationid String The 'creditmemoapplicationid' column for the 'creditmemoapplicationitem' table.
effectivedate Date The 'effectivedate' column for the 'creditmemoapplicationitem' table.


A line item in a credit memo.

Name Type Description
description String The 'description' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
creditmemoid String The 'creditmemoid' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
taxcodename String The 'taxcodename' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
taxamount Decimal The 'taxamount' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
subscriptionid String The 'subscriptionid' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
servicestartdate Date The 'servicestartdate' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
taxexemptamount Decimal The 'taxexemptamount' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
unappliedamount Decimal The 'unappliedamount' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
journalentryid String The 'journalentryid' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
taxmode String The 'taxmode' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
billtocontactsnapshotid String The 'billtocontactsnapshotid' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
rateplanchargeid String The 'rateplanchargeid' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
unitofmeasure String The 'unitofmeasure' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
serviceenddate Date The 'serviceenddate' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
beappliedbyothersamount Decimal The 'beappliedbyothersamount' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
invoiceitemid String The 'invoiceitemid' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
quantity Decimal The 'quantity' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
chargename String The 'chargename' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
appliedtoothersamount Decimal The 'appliedtoothersamount' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
soldtocontactsnapshotid String The 'soldtocontactsnapshotid' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
onaccountaccountingcodeid String The 'onaccountaccountingcodeid' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
chargedate Datetime The 'chargedate' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
unitprice Decimal The 'unitprice' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
productrateplanchargeid String The 'productrateplanchargeid' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
processingtype String The 'processingtype' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
appliedtoitemid String The 'appliedtoitemid' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
amountwithouttax Decimal The 'amountwithouttax' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
sku String The 'sku' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.
accountreceivableaccountingcodeid String The 'accountreceivableaccountingcodeid' column for the 'creditmemoitem' table.


An applied or unapplied portion of a credit memo.

Name Type Description
debitmemoid String The 'debitmemoid' column for the 'creditmemopart' table.
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'creditmemopart' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'creditmemopart' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'creditmemopart' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'creditmemopart' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'creditmemopart' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'creditmemopart' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'creditmemopart' table.
invoiceid String The 'invoiceid' column for the 'creditmemopart' table.
creditmemoid String The 'creditmemoid' column for the 'creditmemopart' table.


A portion of a credit memo that is applied to a line item in an invoice or a line item in a debit memo.

Name Type Description
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'creditmemopartitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'creditmemopartitem' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'creditmemopartitem' table.
invoiceitemid String The 'invoiceitemid' column for the 'creditmemopartitem' table.
debitmemoitemid String The 'debitmemoitemid' column for the 'creditmemopartitem' table.
creditmemopartid String The 'creditmemopartid' column for the 'creditmemopartitem' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'creditmemopartitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'creditmemopartitem' table.
credittaxationitemid String The 'credittaxationitemid' column for the 'creditmemopartitem' table.
debittaxationitemid String The 'debittaxationitemid' column for the 'creditmemopartitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'creditmemopartitem' table.
creditmemoitemid String The 'creditmemoitemid' column for the 'creditmemopartitem' table.
taxationitemid String The 'taxationitemid' column for the 'creditmemopartitem' table.


A taxation line item in a credit memo.

Name Type Description
accountingcode String The 'accountingcode' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.
name String The 'name' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.
exemptamount Decimal The 'exemptamount' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.
salestaxpayableaccountingcodeid String The 'salestaxpayableaccountingcodeid' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.
taxamount Decimal The 'taxamount' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.
taxcodedescription String The 'taxcodedescription' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.
taxcode String The 'taxcode' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.
taxdate Date The 'taxdate' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.
taxrate Decimal The 'taxrate' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.
unappliedamount Decimal The 'unappliedamount' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.
creditmemoitemid String The 'creditmemoitemid' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.
journalentryid String The 'journalentryid' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.
taxratetype String The 'taxratetype' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.
taxationitemid String The 'taxationitemid' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.
taxmode String The 'taxmode' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.
appliedamount Decimal The 'appliedamount' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.
locationcode String The 'locationcode' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.
refundamount Decimal The 'refundamount' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.
onaccountaccountingcodeid String The 'onaccountaccountingcodeid' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.
jurisdiction String The 'jurisdiction' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.
taxratedescription String The 'taxratedescription' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.
taxableitemsnapshotid String The 'taxableitemsnapshotid' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.
accountreceivableaccountingcodeid String The 'accountreceivableaccountingcodeid' column for the 'credittaxationitem' table.


A debit memo that is owned by a customer account.

Name Type Description
postedbyid String The 'postedbyid' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
cancelledbyid String The 'cancelledbyid' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
transferredtoaccounting String The 'transferredtoaccounting' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
totaltaxexemptamount Decimal The 'totaltaxexemptamount' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
memonumber String The 'memonumber' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
taxmessage String The 'taxmessage' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
invoiceid String The 'invoiceid' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
source String The 'source' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
taxamount Decimal The 'taxamount' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
exchangeratedate Date The 'exchangeratedate' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
cancelledon Datetime The 'cancelledon' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
duedate Date The 'duedate' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
totalamountwithouttax Decimal The 'totalamountwithouttax' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
postedon Datetime The 'postedon' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
billtocontactsnapshotid String The 'billtocontactsnapshotid' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
status String The 'status' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
memodate Date The 'memodate' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
comments String The 'comments' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
autopay Bool The 'autopay' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
totalamount Decimal The 'totalamount' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
soldtocontactsnapshotid String The 'soldtocontactsnapshotid' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
reasoncode String The 'reasoncode' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
discountamount Decimal The 'discountamount' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
targetdate Date The 'targetdate' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
taxstatus String The 'taxstatus' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
balance Decimal The 'balance' column for the 'debitmemo' table.
retrystatus_c String The 'retrystatus__c' column for the 'debitmemo' table.


A line item in a debit memo.

Name Type Description
description String The 'description' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
taxcodename String The 'taxcodename' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
taxamount Decimal The 'taxamount' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
subscriptionid String The 'subscriptionid' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
servicestartdate Date The 'servicestartdate' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
taxexemptamount Decimal The 'taxexemptamount' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
journalentryid String The 'journalentryid' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
taxmode String The 'taxmode' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
billtocontactsnapshotid String The 'billtocontactsnapshotid' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
debitmemoid String The 'debitmemoid' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
rateplanchargeid String The 'rateplanchargeid' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
unitofmeasure String The 'unitofmeasure' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
serviceenddate Date The 'serviceenddate' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
beappliedbyothersamount Decimal The 'beappliedbyothersamount' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
invoiceitemid String The 'invoiceitemid' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
quantity Decimal The 'quantity' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
chargename String The 'chargename' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
appliedtoothersamount Decimal The 'appliedtoothersamount' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
soldtocontactsnapshotid String The 'soldtocontactsnapshotid' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
chargedate Datetime The 'chargedate' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
unitprice Decimal The 'unitprice' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
productrateplanchargeid String The 'productrateplanchargeid' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
processingtype String The 'processingtype' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
amountwithouttax Decimal The 'amountwithouttax' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
sku String The 'sku' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
balance Decimal The 'balance' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.
accountreceivableaccountingcodeid String The 'accountreceivableaccountingcodeid' column for the 'debitmemoitem' table.


A taxation line item in a debit memo.

Name Type Description
accountingcode String The 'accountingcode' column for the 'debittaxationitem' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'debittaxationitem' table.
creditamount Decimal The 'creditamount' column for the 'debittaxationitem' table.
debitmemoitemid String The 'debitmemoitemid' column for the 'debittaxationitem' table.
paymentamount Decimal The 'paymentamount' column for the 'debittaxationitem' table.
name String The 'name' column for the 'debittaxationitem' table.
exemptamount Decimal The 'exemptamount' column for the 'debittaxationitem' table.
salestaxpayableaccountingcodeid String The 'salestaxpayableaccountingcodeid' column for the 'debittaxationitem' table.
taxamount Decimal The 'taxamount' column for the 'debittaxationitem' table.
taxcodedescription String The 'taxcodedescription' column for the 'debittaxationitem' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'debittaxationitem' table.
taxcode String The 'taxcode' column for the 'debittaxationitem' table.
taxdate Date The 'taxdate' column for the 'debittaxationitem' table.
taxrate Decimal The 'taxrate' column for the 'debittaxationitem' table.
journalentryid String The 'journalentryid' column for the 'debittaxationitem' table.
taxratetype String The 'taxratetype' column for the 'debittaxationitem' table.
taxationitemid String The 'taxationitemid' column for the 'debittaxationitem' table.
taxmode String The 'taxmode' column for the 'debittaxationitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'debittaxationitem' table.
locationcode String The 'locationcode' column for the 'debittaxationitem' table.
jurisdiction String The 'jurisdiction' column for the 'debittaxationitem' table.
taxratedescription String The 'taxratedescription' column for the 'debittaxationitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'debittaxationitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'debittaxationitem' table.
balance Decimal The 'balance' column for the 'debittaxationitem' table.
taxableitemsnapshotid String The 'taxableitemsnapshotid' column for the 'debittaxationitem' table.
accountreceivableaccountingcodeid String The 'accountreceivableaccountingcodeid' column for the 'debittaxationitem' table.


A discount rate plan charge that is applied to another rate plan charge.

Name Type Description
discountrateplanchargeid String The 'discountrateplanchargeid' column for the 'discountappliedmetrics' table.
startdate Date The 'startdate' column for the 'discountappliedmetrics' table.
rateplanchargeid String The 'rateplanchargeid' column for the 'discountappliedmetrics' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'discountappliedmetrics' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'discountappliedmetrics' table.
tcv Decimal The 'tcv' column for the 'discountappliedmetrics' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'discountappliedmetrics' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'discountappliedmetrics' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'discountappliedmetrics' table.
mrr Decimal The 'mrr' column for the 'discountappliedmetrics' table.
enddate Date The 'enddate' column for the 'discountappliedmetrics' table.


Details for the applied discount.

Name Type Description
rateplanchargeid String The 'rateplanchargeid' column for the 'discountapplydetail' table.
appliedproductrateplanid String The 'appliedproductrateplanid' column for the 'discountapplydetail' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'discountapplydetail' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'discountapplydetail' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'discountapplydetail' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'discountapplydetail' table.
appliedproductrateplanchargeid String The 'appliedproductrateplanchargeid' column for the 'discountapplydetail' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'discountapplydetail' table.


Each row of this table represents a feature.

Name Type Description
status String The 'status' column for the 'feature' table.
description String The 'description' column for the 'feature' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'feature' table.
featuretype_c String The 'featuretype__c' column for the 'feature' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'feature' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'feature' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'feature' table.
featurecode String The 'featurecode' column for the 'feature' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'feature' table.
name String The 'name' column for the 'feature' table.


A custom exchange rate.

Name Type Description
ratedate Date The 'ratedate' column for the 'fxcustomrate' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'fxcustomrate' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'fxcustomrate' table.
rate Decimal The 'rate' column for the 'fxcustomrate' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'fxcustomrate' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'fxcustomrate' table.
currencyfrom String The 'currencyfrom' column for the 'fxcustomrate' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'fxcustomrate' table.
currencyto String The 'currencyto' column for the 'fxcustomrate' table.


An invoice represents a bill to a customer.

Name Type Description
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'invoice' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'invoice' table.
includesrecurring Bool The 'includesrecurring' column for the 'invoice' table.
sourceid String The 'sourceid' column for the 'invoice' table.
transferredtoaccounting String The 'transferredtoaccounting' column for the 'invoice' table.
taxmessage String The 'taxmessage' column for the 'invoice' table.
paymentamount Decimal The 'paymentamount' column for the 'invoice' table.
source String The 'source' column for the 'invoice' table.
taxamount Decimal The 'taxamount' column for the 'invoice' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'invoice' table.
postedby String The 'postedby' column for the 'invoice' table.
adjustmentamount Decimal The 'adjustmentamount' column for the 'invoice' table.
taxexemptamount Decimal The 'taxexemptamount' column for the 'invoice' table.
invoicedate Date The 'invoicedate' column for the 'invoice' table.
invoicenumber String The 'invoicenumber' column for the 'invoice' table.
duedate Date The 'duedate' column for the 'invoice' table.
billtocontactsnapshotid String The 'billtocontactsnapshotid' column for the 'invoice' table.
lastemailsentdate Datetime The 'lastemailsentdate' column for the 'invoice' table.
status String The 'status' column for the 'invoice' table.
comments String The 'comments' column for the 'invoice' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'invoice' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'invoice' table.
includesusage Bool The 'includesusage' column for the 'invoice' table.
refundamount Decimal The 'refundamount' column for the 'invoice' table.
autopay Bool The 'autopay' column for the 'invoice' table.
soldtocontactsnapshotid String The 'soldtocontactsnapshotid' column for the 'invoice' table.
reversed Bool The 'reversed' column for the 'invoice' table.
targetdate Date The 'targetdate' column for the 'invoice' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'invoice' table.
includesonetime Bool The 'includesonetime' column for the 'invoice' table.
posteddate Datetime The 'posteddate' column for the 'invoice' table.
taxstatus String The 'taxstatus' column for the 'invoice' table.
amountwithouttax Decimal The 'amountwithouttax' column for the 'invoice' table.
creditbalanceadjustmentamount Decimal The 'creditbalanceadjustmentamount' column for the 'invoice' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'invoice' table.
balance Decimal The 'balance' column for the 'invoice' table.
retrystatus_c String The 'retrystatus__c' column for the 'invoice' table.


An adjustment to an invoice.

Name Type Description
impactamount Decimal The 'impactamount' column for the 'invoiceadjustment' table.
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'invoiceadjustment' table.
cancelledbyid String The 'cancelledbyid' column for the 'invoiceadjustment' table.
accountingcode String The 'accountingcode' column for the 'invoiceadjustment' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'invoiceadjustment' table.
transferredtoaccounting String The 'transferredtoaccounting' column for the 'invoiceadjustment' table.
invoiceid String The 'invoiceid' column for the 'invoiceadjustment' table.
adjustmentnumber String The 'adjustmentnumber' column for the 'invoiceadjustment' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'invoiceadjustment' table.
referenceid String The 'referenceid' column for the 'invoiceadjustment' table.
adjustmentdate Date The 'adjustmentdate' column for the 'invoiceadjustment' table.
invoicenumber String The 'invoicenumber' column for the 'invoiceadjustment' table.
cancelledon Datetime The 'cancelledon' column for the 'invoiceadjustment' table.
journalentryid String The 'journalentryid' column for the 'invoiceadjustment' table.
status String The 'status' column for the 'invoiceadjustment' table.
comments String The 'comments' column for the 'invoiceadjustment' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'invoiceadjustment' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'invoiceadjustment' table.
deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'invoiceadjustment' table.
reasoncode String The 'reasoncode' column for the 'invoiceadjustment' table.
type String The 'type' column for the 'invoiceadjustment' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'invoiceadjustment' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'invoiceadjustment' table.
accountreceivableaccountingcodeid String The 'accountreceivableaccountingcodeid' column for the 'invoiceadjustment' table.


A line item in an invoice.

Name Type Description
soldtocontactid String The 'soldtocontactid' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
accountingcode String The 'accountingcode' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
productid String The 'productid' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
invoiceid String The 'invoiceid' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
chargeamount Decimal The 'chargeamount' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
taxamount Decimal The 'taxamount' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
subscriptionid String The 'subscriptionid' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
taxcode String The 'taxcode' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
revrecstartdate Date The 'revrecstartdate' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
servicestartdate Date The 'servicestartdate' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
taxexemptamount Decimal The 'taxexemptamount' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
journalentryid String The 'journalentryid' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
defaultpaymentmethodid String The 'defaultpaymentmethodid' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
parentaccountid String The 'parentaccountid' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
taxmode String The 'taxmode' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
billtocontactsnapshotid String The 'billtocontactsnapshotid' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
amendmentid String The 'amendmentid' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
appliedtoinvoiceitemid String The 'appliedtoinvoiceitemid' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
rateplanchargeid String The 'rateplanchargeid' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
serviceenddate Date The 'serviceenddate' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
productrateplanid String The 'productrateplanid' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
quantity Decimal The 'quantity' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
chargename String The 'chargename' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
billtocontactid String The 'billtocontactid' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
soldtocontactsnapshotid String The 'soldtocontactsnapshotid' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
rateplanid String The 'rateplanid' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
chargedate Datetime The 'chargedate' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
uom String The 'uom' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
unitprice Decimal The 'unitprice' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
productrateplanchargeid String The 'productrateplanchargeid' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
processingtype String The 'processingtype' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
sku String The 'sku' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
balance Decimal The 'balance' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.
accountreceivableaccountingcodeid String The 'accountreceivableaccountingcodeid' column for the 'invoiceitem' table.


An adjustment to a line item in an invoice.

Name Type Description
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
cancelledbyid String The 'cancelledbyid' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
accountingcode String The 'accountingcode' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
sourceid String The 'sourceid' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
sourcetype String The 'sourcetype' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
transferredtoaccounting String The 'transferredtoaccounting' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
invoiceid String The 'invoiceid' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
adjustmentnumber String The 'adjustmentnumber' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
salestaxpayableaccountingcodeid String The 'salestaxpayableaccountingcodeid' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
referenceid String The 'referenceid' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
servicestartdate Date The 'servicestartdate' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
adjustmentdate Date The 'adjustmentdate' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
invoicenumber String The 'invoicenumber' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
journalentryid String The 'journalentryid' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
taxationitemid String The 'taxationitemid' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
cancelleddate Datetime The 'cancelleddate' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
status String The 'status' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
comment String The 'comment' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
serviceenddate Date The 'serviceenddate' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
invoiceitemid String The 'invoiceitemid' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
reasoncode String The 'reasoncode' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
invoiceitemname String The 'invoiceitemname' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
type String The 'type' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
taxableitemsnapshotid String The 'taxableitemsnapshotid' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.
accountreceivableaccountingcodeid String The 'accountreceivableaccountingcodeid' column for the 'invoiceitemadjustment' table.


A payment that is applied to an invoice.

Name Type Description
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'invoicepayment' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'invoicepayment' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'invoicepayment' table.
paymentid String The 'paymentid' column for the 'invoicepayment' table.
refundamount Decimal The 'refundamount' column for the 'invoicepayment' table.
invoiceid String The 'invoiceid' column for the 'invoicepayment' table.
cashaccountingcodeid String The 'cashaccountingcodeid' column for the 'invoicepayment' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'invoicepayment' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'invoicepayment' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'invoicepayment' table.
journalentryid String The 'journalentryid' column for the 'invoicepayment' table.
accountreceivableaccountingcodeid String The 'accountreceivableaccountingcodeid' column for the 'invoicepayment' table.


A journal entry.

Name Type Description
status String The 'status' column for the 'journalentry' table.
transactiontype String The 'transactiontype' column for the 'journalentry' table.
transferredby String The 'transferredby' column for the 'journalentry' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'journalentry' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'journalentry' table.
transferredtoaccounting String The 'transferredtoaccounting' column for the 'journalentry' table.
product_s String The 'product__s' column for the 'journalentry' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'journalentry' table.
number String The 'number' column for the 'journalentry' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'journalentry' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'journalentry' table.
transferdate Datetime The 'transferdate' column for the 'journalentry' table.
journalentrydate Date The 'journalentrydate' column for the 'journalentry' table.
homecurrency String The 'homecurrency' column for the 'journalentry' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'journalentry' table.
accountingperiodid String The 'accountingperiodid' column for the 'journalentry' table.
entity_s String The 'entity__s' column for the 'journalentry' table.
notes String The 'notes' column for the 'journalentry' table.
journalrunid String The 'journalrunid' column for the 'journalentry' table.
transactioncount String The 'transactioncount' column for the 'journalentry' table.


A line item in a journal entry.

Name Type Description
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'journalentryitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'journalentryitem' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'journalentryitem' table.
type String The 'type' column for the 'journalentryitem' table.
amounthomecurrency Decimal The 'amounthomecurrency' column for the 'journalentryitem' table.
accountingcodeid String The 'accountingcodeid' column for the 'journalentryitem' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'journalentryitem' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'journalentryitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'journalentryitem' table.
homecurrency String The 'homecurrency' column for the 'journalentryitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'journalentryitem' table.
journalentryid String The 'journalentryid' column for the 'journalentryitem' table.


A journal run.

Name Type Description
status String The 'status' column for the 'journalrun' table.
targetstartdate Date The 'targetstartdate' column for the 'journalrun' table.
processenddatetime Datetime The 'processenddatetime' column for the 'journalrun' table.
targetdatetype String The 'targetdatetype' column for the 'journalrun' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'journalrun' table.
targetenddate Date The 'targetenddate' column for the 'journalrun' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'journalrun' table.
totaljournalentrycount String The 'totaljournalentrycount' column for the 'journalrun' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'journalrun' table.
number String The 'number' column for the 'journalrun' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'journalrun' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'journalrun' table.
processstartdatetime Datetime The 'processstartdatetime' column for the 'journalrun' table.


An order action that is applied to a subscription.

Name Type Description
currenttermperiodtype String The 'currenttermperiodtype' column for the 'orderaction' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'orderaction' table.
autorenew Bool The 'autorenew' column for the 'orderaction' table.
renewaltermperiodtype String The 'renewaltermperiodtype' column for the 'orderaction' table.
serviceactivationdate Date The 'serviceactivationdate' column for the 'orderaction' table.
resumedate Date The 'resumedate' column for the 'orderaction' table.
suspenddate Date The 'suspenddate' column for the 'orderaction' table.
termtype String The 'termtype' column for the 'orderaction' table.
renewsetting String The 'renewsetting' column for the 'orderaction' table.
contracteffectivedate Date The 'contracteffectivedate' column for the 'orderaction' table.
subscriptionversionamendmentid String The 'subscriptionversionamendmentid' column for the 'orderaction' table.
customeracceptancedate Date The 'customeracceptancedate' column for the 'orderaction' table.
subscriptionid String The 'subscriptionid' column for the 'orderaction' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'orderaction' table.
currentterm String The 'currentterm' column for the 'orderaction' table.
cancellationpolicy String The 'cancellationpolicy' column for the 'orderaction' table.
cancellationeffectivedate Date The 'cancellationeffectivedate' column for the 'orderaction' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'orderaction' table.
sequence String The 'sequence' column for the 'orderaction' table.
orderid String The 'orderid' column for the 'orderaction' table.
type String The 'type' column for the 'orderaction' table.
termstartdate Date The 'termstartdate' column for the 'orderaction' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'orderaction' table.
renewalterm String The 'renewalterm' column for the 'orderaction' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'orderaction' table.


An extended list price metric for an order action.

Name Type Description
rateplanchargeid String The 'rateplanchargeid' column for the 'orderelp' table.
subscriptionownerid String The 'subscriptionownerid' column for the 'orderelp' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'orderelp' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'orderelp' table.
orderactionid String The 'orderactionid' column for the 'orderelp' table.
tax Decimal The 'tax' column for the 'orderelp' table.
term String The 'term' column for the 'orderelp' table.
enddate Date The 'enddate' column for the 'orderelp' table.
generatedreason String The 'generatedreason' column for the 'orderelp' table.
startdate Date The 'startdate' column for the 'orderelp' table.
type String The 'type' column for the 'orderelp' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'orderelp' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'orderelp' table.
value Decimal The 'value' column for the 'orderelp' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'orderelp' table.
invoiceownerid String The 'invoiceownerid' column for the 'orderelp' table.
orderitemid String The 'orderitemid' column for the 'orderelp' table.


An order item.

Name Type Description
startdate Date The 'startdate' column for the 'orderitem' table.
rateplanchargeid String The 'rateplanchargeid' column for the 'orderitem' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'orderitem' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'orderitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'orderitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'orderitem' table.
orderactionid String The 'orderactionid' column for the 'orderitem' table.
quantity Decimal The 'quantity' column for the 'orderitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'orderitem' table.
enddate Date The 'enddate' column for the 'orderitem' table.


A monthly recurring revenue metric for an order action.

Name Type Description
rateplanchargeid String The 'rateplanchargeid' column for the 'ordermrr' table.
subscriptionownerid String The 'subscriptionownerid' column for the 'ordermrr' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'ordermrr' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'ordermrr' table.
orderactionid String The 'orderactionid' column for the 'ordermrr' table.
discountchargeid String The 'discountchargeid' column for the 'ordermrr' table.
term String The 'term' column for the 'ordermrr' table.
enddate Date The 'enddate' column for the 'ordermrr' table.
generatedreason String The 'generatedreason' column for the 'ordermrr' table.
startdate Date The 'startdate' column for the 'ordermrr' table.
type String The 'type' column for the 'ordermrr' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'ordermrr' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'ordermrr' table.
value Decimal The 'value' column for the 'ordermrr' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'ordermrr' table.
invoiceownerid String The 'invoiceownerid' column for the 'ordermrr' table.
orderitemid String The 'orderitemid' column for the 'ordermrr' table.


A quantity metric for an order action.

Name Type Description
rateplanchargeid String The 'rateplanchargeid' column for the 'orderquantity' table.
subscriptionownerid String The 'subscriptionownerid' column for the 'orderquantity' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'orderquantity' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'orderquantity' table.
orderactionid String The 'orderactionid' column for the 'orderquantity' table.
term String The 'term' column for the 'orderquantity' table.
enddate Date The 'enddate' column for the 'orderquantity' table.
generatedreason String The 'generatedreason' column for the 'orderquantity' table.
startdate Date The 'startdate' column for the 'orderquantity' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'orderquantity' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'orderquantity' table.
value Decimal The 'value' column for the 'orderquantity' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'orderquantity' table.
invoiceownerid String The 'invoiceownerid' column for the 'orderquantity' table.
orderitemid String The 'orderitemid' column for the 'orderquantity' table.


Each row of this table represents an order.

Name Type Description
status String The 'status' column for the 'orders' table.
createdbymigration Bool The 'createdbymigration' column for the 'orders' table.
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'orders' table.
description String The 'description' column for the 'orders' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'orders' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'orders' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'orders' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'orders' table.
ordernumber String The 'ordernumber' column for the 'orders' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'orders' table.
orderdate Date The 'orderdate' column for the 'orders' table.


A total contracted billing metric for an order action.

Name Type Description
rateplanchargeid String The 'rateplanchargeid' column for the 'ordertcb' table.
subscriptionownerid String The 'subscriptionownerid' column for the 'ordertcb' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'ordertcb' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'ordertcb' table.
orderactionid String The 'orderactionid' column for the 'ordertcb' table.
tax Decimal The 'tax' column for the 'ordertcb' table.
discountchargeid String The 'discountchargeid' column for the 'ordertcb' table.
term String The 'term' column for the 'ordertcb' table.
enddate Date The 'enddate' column for the 'ordertcb' table.
generatedreason String The 'generatedreason' column for the 'ordertcb' table.
startdate Date The 'startdate' column for the 'ordertcb' table.
type String The 'type' column for the 'ordertcb' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'ordertcb' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'ordertcb' table.
value Decimal The 'value' column for the 'ordertcb' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'ordertcb' table.
invoiceownerid String The 'invoiceownerid' column for the 'ordertcb' table.
orderitemid String The 'orderitemid' column for the 'ordertcb' table.


A total contract value metric for an order action.

Name Type Description
rateplanchargeid String The 'rateplanchargeid' column for the 'ordertcv' table.
subscriptionownerid String The 'subscriptionownerid' column for the 'ordertcv' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'ordertcv' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'ordertcv' table.
orderactionid String The 'orderactionid' column for the 'ordertcv' table.
discountchargeid String The 'discountchargeid' column for the 'ordertcv' table.
term String The 'term' column for the 'ordertcv' table.
enddate Date The 'enddate' column for the 'ordertcv' table.
generatedreason String The 'generatedreason' column for the 'ordertcv' table.
startdate Date The 'startdate' column for the 'ordertcv' table.
type String The 'type' column for the 'ordertcv' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'ordertcv' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'ordertcv' table.
value Decimal The 'value' column for the 'ordertcv' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'ordertcv' table.
invoiceownerid String The 'invoiceownerid' column for the 'ordertcv' table.
orderitemid String The 'orderitemid' column for the 'ordertcv' table.


Each row of this table represents a payment.

Name Type Description
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'payment' table.
accountingcode String The 'accountingcode' column for the 'payment' table.
paymentmethodid String The 'paymentmethodid' column for the 'payment' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'payment' table.
markedforsubmissionon Datetime The 'markedforsubmissionon' column for the 'payment' table.
transferredtoaccounting String The 'transferredtoaccounting' column for the 'payment' table.
appliedcreditbalanceamount Decimal The 'appliedcreditbalanceamount' column for the 'payment' table.
referencedpaymentid String The 'referencedpaymentid' column for the 'payment' table.
softdescriptor String The 'softdescriptor' column for the 'payment' table.
source String The 'source' column for the 'payment' table.
secondpaymentreferenceid String The 'secondpaymentreferenceid' column for the 'payment' table.
gatewayreconciliationreason String The 'gatewayreconciliationreason' column for the 'payment' table.
gatewaystate String The 'gatewaystate' column for the 'payment' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'payment' table.
referenceid String The 'referenceid' column for the 'payment' table.
softdescriptorphone String The 'softdescriptorphone' column for the 'payment' table.
gateway String The 'gateway' column for the 'payment' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'payment' table.
gatewayreconciliationstatus String The 'gatewayreconciliationstatus' column for the 'payment' table.
authtransactionid String The 'authtransactionid' column for the 'payment' table.
bankidentificationnumber String The 'bankidentificationnumber' column for the 'payment' table.
unappliedamount Decimal The 'unappliedamount' column for the 'payment' table.
cancelledon Datetime The 'cancelledon' column for the 'payment' table.
gatewayresponsecode String The 'gatewayresponsecode' column for the 'payment' table.
gatewayresponse String The 'gatewayresponse' column for the 'payment' table.
status String The 'status' column for the 'payment' table.
comment String The 'comment' column for the 'payment' table.
retrynumber_c String The 'retrynumber__c' column for the 'payment' table.
submittedon Datetime The 'submittedon' column for the 'payment' table.
gatewayorderid String The 'gatewayorderid' column for the 'payment' table.
payoutid String The 'payoutid' column for the 'payment' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'payment' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'payment' table.
appliedamount Decimal The 'appliedamount' column for the 'payment' table.
sourcename String The 'sourcename' column for the 'payment' table.
refundamount Decimal The 'refundamount' column for the 'payment' table.
type String The 'type' column for the 'payment' table.
paymentmethodsnapshotid String The 'paymentmethodsnapshotid' column for the 'payment' table.
settledon Datetime The 'settledon' column for the 'payment' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'payment' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'payment' table.
paymentnumber String The 'paymentnumber' column for the 'payment' table.
effectivedate Date The 'effectivedate' column for the 'payment' table.
retrystatus_c String The 'retrystatus__c' column for the 'payment' table.


A payment that is applied to an invoice or a debit memo.

Name Type Description
debitmemoid String The 'debitmemoid' column for the 'paymentapplication' table.
paymentapplicationstatus String The 'paymentapplicationstatus' column for the 'paymentapplication' table.
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'paymentapplication' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'paymentapplication' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'paymentapplication' table.
paymentid String The 'paymentid' column for the 'paymentapplication' table.
invoiceid String The 'invoiceid' column for the 'paymentapplication' table.
billingdocumentownerid String The 'billingdocumentownerid' column for the 'paymentapplication' table.
cashaccountingcodeid String The 'cashaccountingcodeid' column for the 'paymentapplication' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'paymentapplication' table.
applyamount Decimal The 'applyamount' column for the 'paymentapplication' table.
unappliedpaymentaccountingcodeid String The 'unappliedpaymentaccountingcodeid' column for the 'paymentapplication' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'paymentapplication' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'paymentapplication' table.
journalentryid String The 'journalentryid' column for the 'paymentapplication' table.
applicationgroupid String The 'applicationgroupid' column for the 'paymentapplication' table.
accountreceivableaccountingcodeid String The 'accountreceivableaccountingcodeid' column for the 'paymentapplication' table.
effectivedate Date The 'effectivedate' column for the 'paymentapplication' table.


A payment that is applied to a line item in an invoice or a line item in a debit memo.

Name Type Description
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'paymentapplicationitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'paymentapplicationitem' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'paymentapplicationitem' table.
invoiceitemid String The 'invoiceitemid' column for the 'paymentapplicationitem' table.
debitmemoitemid String The 'debitmemoitemid' column for the 'paymentapplicationitem' table.
cashaccountingcodeid String The 'cashaccountingcodeid' column for the 'paymentapplicationitem' table.
paymentapplicationid String The 'paymentapplicationid' column for the 'paymentapplicationitem' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'paymentapplicationitem' table.
unappliedpaymentaccountingcodeid String The 'unappliedpaymentaccountingcodeid' column for the 'paymentapplicationitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'paymentapplicationitem' table.
debittaxationitemid String The 'debittaxationitemid' column for the 'paymentapplicationitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'paymentapplicationitem' table.
journalentryid String The 'journalentryid' column for the 'paymentapplicationitem' table.
taxationitemid String The 'taxationitemid' column for the 'paymentapplicationitem' table.
applicationgroupid String The 'applicationgroupid' column for the 'paymentapplicationitem' table.
accountreceivableaccountingcodeid String The 'accountreceivableaccountingcodeid' column for the 'paymentapplicationitem' table.
effectivedate Date The 'effectivedate' column for the 'paymentapplicationitem' table.


An event that was processed by a payment reconciliation job.

Name Type Description
gatewayreferenceid String The 'gatewayreferenceid' column for the 'paymentgatewayreconciliationeventlog' table.
eventdate Datetime The 'eventdate' column for the 'paymentgatewayreconciliationeventlog' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'paymentgatewayreconciliationeventlog' table.
gatewayreasonmessage String The 'gatewayreasonmessage' column for the 'paymentgatewayreconciliationeventlog' table.
eventtype String The 'eventtype' column for the 'paymentgatewayreconciliationeventlog' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'paymentgatewayreconciliationeventlog' table.
createdgatewayreferenceid String The 'createdgatewayreferenceid' column for the 'paymentgatewayreconciliationeventlog' table.
createdgatewaysecondreferenceid String The 'createdgatewaysecondreferenceid' column for the 'paymentgatewayreconciliationeventlog' table.
gatewayreasoncode String The 'gatewayreasoncode' column for the 'paymentgatewayreconciliationeventlog' table.
paymentreconciliationjobid String The 'paymentreconciliationjobid' column for the 'paymentgatewayreconciliationeventlog' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'paymentgatewayreconciliationeventlog' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'paymentgatewayreconciliationeventlog' table.
gatewayrawrecord String The 'gatewayrawrecord' column for the 'paymentgatewayreconciliationeventlog' table.
gatewaysecondreferenceid String The 'gatewaysecondreferenceid' column for the 'paymentgatewayreconciliationeventlog' table.


A payment method.

Name Type Description
bankname String The 'bankname' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
secondtokenid String The 'secondtokenid' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
streetname String The 'streetname' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
email String The 'email' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
mandateid String The 'mandateid' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
achaccountnumbermask String The 'achaccountnumbermask' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
creditcardexpirationmonth String The 'creditcardexpirationmonth' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
creditcardexpirationyear String The 'creditcardexpirationyear' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
bankstreetnumber String The 'bankstreetnumber' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
creditcardholdername String The 'creditcardholdername' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
name String The 'name' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
creditcardaddress2 String The 'creditcardaddress2' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
paymentmethodstatus String The 'paymentmethodstatus' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
companyname String The 'companyname' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
creditcardaddress1 String The 'creditcardaddress1' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
creditcardcity String The 'creditcardcity' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
paymentretrywindow String The 'paymentretrywindow' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
banktransfertype String The 'banktransfertype' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
streetnumber String The 'streetnumber' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
achabacode String The 'achabacode' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
bankbranchcode String The 'bankbranchcode' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
achbankname String The 'achbankname' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
banktransferaccounttype String The 'banktransferaccounttype' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
bankpostalcode String The 'bankpostalcode' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
iban String The 'iban' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
bankstreetname String The 'bankstreetname' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
mandatereceived String The 'mandatereceived' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
bankcheckdigit String The 'bankcheckdigit' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
city String The 'city' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
mandatecreationdate Date The 'mandatecreationdate' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
lastfailedsaletransactiondate Date The 'lastfailedsaletransactiondate' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
active Bool The 'active' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
existingmandate String The 'existingmandate' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
achcountry String The 'achcountry' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
state String The 'state' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
achaddress1 String The 'achaddress1' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
country String The 'country' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
creditcardpostalcode String The 'creditcardpostalcode' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
lastname String The 'lastname' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
achaccountname String The 'achaccountname' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
achstate String The 'achstate' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
achaddress2 String The 'achaddress2' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
paypalpreapprovalkey String The 'paypalpreapprovalkey' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
creditcardstate String The 'creditcardstate' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
banktransferaccountnumbermask String The 'banktransferaccountnumbermask' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
numconsecutivefailures String The 'numconsecutivefailures' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
paypaltype String The 'paypaltype' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
maxconsecutivepaymentfailures String The 'maxconsecutivepaymentfailures' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
postalcode String The 'postalcode' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
creditcardcountry String The 'creditcardcountry' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
businessidentificationcode String The 'businessidentificationcode' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
achcity String The 'achcity' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
achpostalcode String The 'achpostalcode' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
mandateupdatedate Date The 'mandateupdatedate' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
creditcardmasknumber String The 'creditcardmasknumber' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
mandatestatus String The 'mandatestatus' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
phone String The 'phone' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
bankidentificationnumber String The 'bankidentificationnumber' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
iscompany Bool The 'iscompany' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
devicesessionid String The 'devicesessionid' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
totalnumberofprocessedpayments String The 'totalnumberofprocessedpayments' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
tokenid String The 'tokenid' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
usedefaultretryrule Bool The 'usedefaultretryrule' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
lasttransactiondatetime Datetime The 'lasttransactiondatetime' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
lasttransactionstatus String The 'lasttransactionstatus' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
bankcity String The 'bankcity' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
firstname String The 'firstname' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
paypalemail String The 'paypalemail' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
bankcode String The 'bankcode' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
creditcardtype String The 'creditcardtype' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
paypalbaid String The 'paypalbaid' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
mandatereason String The 'mandatereason' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
achaccounttype String The 'achaccounttype' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
banktransferaccountname String The 'banktransferaccountname' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
type String The 'type' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
totalnumberoferrorpayments String The 'totalnumberoferrorpayments' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
ipaddress String The 'ipaddress' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.
identitynumber String The 'identitynumber' column for the 'paymentmethod' table.


A copy of the payment method that was used in a transaction.

Name Type Description
bankname String The 'bankname' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
secondtokenid String The 'secondtokenid' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
streetname String The 'streetname' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
email String The 'email' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
mandateid String The 'mandateid' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
paymentmethodid String The 'paymentmethodid' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
achaccountnumbermask String The 'achaccountnumbermask' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
creditcardexpirationmonth String The 'creditcardexpirationmonth' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
creditcardexpirationyear String The 'creditcardexpirationyear' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
bankstreetnumber String The 'bankstreetnumber' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
creditcardholdername String The 'creditcardholdername' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
name String The 'name' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
creditcardaddress2 String The 'creditcardaddress2' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
paymentmethodstatus String The 'paymentmethodstatus' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
companyname String The 'companyname' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
creditcardaddress1 String The 'creditcardaddress1' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
creditcardcity String The 'creditcardcity' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
paymentretrywindow String The 'paymentretrywindow' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
banktransfertype String The 'banktransfertype' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
streetnumber String The 'streetnumber' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
achabacode String The 'achabacode' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
bankbranchcode String The 'bankbranchcode' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
achbankname String The 'achbankname' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
banktransferaccounttype String The 'banktransferaccounttype' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
bankpostalcode String The 'bankpostalcode' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
iban String The 'iban' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
bankstreetname String The 'bankstreetname' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
mandatereceived String The 'mandatereceived' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
bankcheckdigit String The 'bankcheckdigit' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
city String The 'city' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
mandatecreationdate Date The 'mandatecreationdate' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
lastfailedsaletransactiondate Date The 'lastfailedsaletransactiondate' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
existingmandate String The 'existingmandate' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
state String The 'state' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
country String The 'country' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
creditcardpostalcode String The 'creditcardpostalcode' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
lastname String The 'lastname' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
achaccountname String The 'achaccountname' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
paypalpreapprovalkey String The 'paypalpreapprovalkey' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
creditcardstate String The 'creditcardstate' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
banktransferaccountnumbermask String The 'banktransferaccountnumbermask' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
numconsecutivefailures String The 'numconsecutivefailures' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
paypaltype String The 'paypaltype' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
maxconsecutivepaymentfailures String The 'maxconsecutivepaymentfailures' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
postalcode String The 'postalcode' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
creditcardcountry String The 'creditcardcountry' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
businessidentificationcode String The 'businessidentificationcode' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
mandateupdatedate Date The 'mandateupdatedate' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
creditcardmasknumber String The 'creditcardmasknumber' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
mandatestatus String The 'mandatestatus' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
phone String The 'phone' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
bankidentificationnumber String The 'bankidentificationnumber' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
iscompany Bool The 'iscompany' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
devicesessionid String The 'devicesessionid' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
totalnumberofprocessedpayments String The 'totalnumberofprocessedpayments' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
tokenid String The 'tokenid' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
usedefaultretryrule Bool The 'usedefaultretryrule' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
lasttransactiondatetime Datetime The 'lasttransactiondatetime' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
lasttransactionstatus String The 'lasttransactionstatus' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
bankcity String The 'bankcity' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
firstname String The 'firstname' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
paypalemail String The 'paypalemail' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
bankcode String The 'bankcode' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
creditcardtype String The 'creditcardtype' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
paypalbaid String The 'paypalbaid' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
mandatereason String The 'mandatereason' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
achaccounttype String The 'achaccounttype' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
banktransferaccountname String The 'banktransferaccountname' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
type String The 'type' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
totalnumberoferrorpayments String The 'totalnumberoferrorpayments' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
ipaddress String The 'ipaddress' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.
identitynumber String The 'identitynumber' column for the 'paymentmethodsnapshot' table.


A transaction from Zuora to the payment gateway associated with a payment method.

Name Type Description
paymentmethodtype String The 'paymentmethodtype' column for the 'paymentmethodtransactionlog' table.
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'paymentmethodtransactionlog' table.
paymentmethodid String The 'paymentmethodid' column for the 'paymentmethodtransactionlog' table.
requeststring String The 'requeststring' column for the 'paymentmethodtransactionlog' table.
gatewaytransactiontype String The 'gatewaytransactiontype' column for the 'paymentmethodtransactionlog' table.
gatewayreasoncode String The 'gatewayreasoncode' column for the 'paymentmethodtransactionlog' table.
transactionid String The 'transactionid' column for the 'paymentmethodtransactionlog' table.
gateway String The 'gateway' column for the 'paymentmethodtransactionlog' table.
gatewayreasoncodedescription String The 'gatewayreasoncodedescription' column for the 'paymentmethodtransactionlog' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'paymentmethodtransactionlog' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'paymentmethodtransactionlog' table.
responsestring String The 'responsestring' column for the 'paymentmethodtransactionlog' table.
transactiondate Datetime The 'transactiondate' column for the 'paymentmethodtransactionlog' table.


An applied or unapplied portion of a payment.

Name Type Description
debitmemoid String The 'debitmemoid' column for the 'paymentpart' table.
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'paymentpart' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'paymentpart' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'paymentpart' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'paymentpart' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'paymentpart' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'paymentpart' table.
paymentid String The 'paymentid' column for the 'paymentpart' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'paymentpart' table.
invoiceid String The 'invoiceid' column for the 'paymentpart' table.
billingdocumentownerid String The 'billingdocumentownerid' column for the 'paymentpart' table.


A portion of a payment that is applied to a line item in an invoice or a line item in a debit memo.

Name Type Description
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'paymentpartitem' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'paymentpartitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'paymentpartitem' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'paymentpartitem' table.
paymentpartid String The 'paymentpartid' column for the 'paymentpartitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'paymentpartitem' table.
debittaxationitemid String The 'debittaxationitemid' column for the 'paymentpartitem' table.
invoiceitemid String The 'invoiceitemid' column for the 'paymentpartitem' table.
debitmemoitemid String The 'debitmemoitemid' column for the 'paymentpartitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'paymentpartitem' table.
taxationitemid String The 'taxationitemid' column for the 'paymentpartitem' table.


A payment reconciliation job.

Name Type Description
status String The 'status' column for the 'paymentreconciliationjob' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'paymentreconciliationjob' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'paymentreconciliationjob' table.
gatewayinstance String The 'gatewayinstance' column for the 'paymentreconciliationjob' table.
jobnumber String The 'jobnumber' column for the 'paymentreconciliationjob' table.
periodstart Datetime The 'periodstart' column for the 'paymentreconciliationjob' table.
periodend Datetime The 'periodend' column for the 'paymentreconciliationjob' table.


A reconciled transaction that was processed by a payment reconciliation job.

Name Type Description
status String The 'status' column for the 'paymentreconciliationlog' table.
paymentgatewayreconciliationeventlogid String The 'paymentgatewayreconciliationeventlogid' column for the 'paymentreconciliationlog' table.
relatedobjectid String The 'relatedobjectid' column for the 'paymentreconciliationlog' table.
createdobjectid String The 'createdobjectid' column for the 'paymentreconciliationlog' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'paymentreconciliationlog' table.
reasonmessage String The 'reasonmessage' column for the 'paymentreconciliationlog' table.
relatedobjecttype String The 'relatedobjecttype' column for the 'paymentreconciliationlog' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'paymentreconciliationlog' table.
createdobjecttype String The 'createdobjecttype' column for the 'paymentreconciliationlog' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'paymentreconciliationlog' table.
reason String The 'reason' column for the 'paymentreconciliationlog' table.


A payment run.

Name Type Description
executeddate Datetime The 'executeddate' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
numberofdebitmemosunprocessed String The 'numberofdebitmemosunprocessed' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
autoapplyunappliedpayment Bool The 'autoapplyunappliedpayment' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
numberofdreditmemos String The 'numberofdreditmemos' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
numberofunappliedpayments String The 'numberofunappliedpayments' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
runtime String The 'runtime' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
consolidatedpayment Bool The 'consolidatedpayment' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
repeatto String The 'repeatto' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
applycreditbalance Bool The 'applycreditbalance' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
collectpayment Bool The 'collectpayment' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
billingrunid String The 'billingrunid' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
batch String The 'batch' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
paymentgatewayid String The 'paymentgatewayid' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
paymentrunnumber String The 'paymentrunnumber' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
monthlyonday String The 'monthlyonday' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
numberofunprocessed String The 'numberofunprocessed' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
numberofpayments String The 'numberofpayments' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
numberofinvoices String The 'numberofinvoices' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
numberoferrors String The 'numberoferrors' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
status String The 'status' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
billingcycleday String The 'billingcycleday' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
totalexecutiontime String The 'totalexecutiontime' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
weeklyonday String The 'weeklyonday' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
repeatfrom String The 'repeatfrom' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
enddate Datetime The 'enddate' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
rundate Date The 'rundate' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
numberofcreditbalanceadjustments String The 'numberofcreditbalanceadjustments' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
timezone String The 'timezone' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
targetdate Date The 'targetdate' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
repeattype String The 'repeattype' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
autoapplycreditmemo Bool The 'autoapplycreditmemo' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
errormessage String The 'errormessage' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
numberofcebitmemos String The 'numberofcebitmemos' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
nextrunon Date The 'nextrunon' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
processpaymentwithclosedpm Bool The 'processpaymentwithclosedpm' column for the 'paymentrun' table.


A transaction from Zuora to the payment gateway associated with a payment.

Name Type Description
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'paymenttransactionlog' table.
requeststring String The 'requeststring' column for the 'paymenttransactionlog' table.
batchid String The 'batchid' column for the 'paymenttransactionlog' table.
gatewaytransactiontype String The 'gatewaytransactiontype' column for the 'paymenttransactionlog' table.
paymentid String The 'paymentid' column for the 'paymenttransactionlog' table.
cvvresponsecode String The 'cvvresponsecode' column for the 'paymenttransactionlog' table.
gatewayreasoncode String The 'gatewayreasoncode' column for the 'paymenttransactionlog' table.
transactionid String The 'transactionid' column for the 'paymenttransactionlog' table.
avsresponsecode String The 'avsresponsecode' column for the 'paymenttransactionlog' table.
gatewaystate String The 'gatewaystate' column for the 'paymenttransactionlog' table.
gateway String The 'gateway' column for the 'paymenttransactionlog' table.
gatewayreasoncodedescription String The 'gatewayreasoncodedescription' column for the 'paymenttransactionlog' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'paymenttransactionlog' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'paymenttransactionlog' table.
responsestring String The 'responsestring' column for the 'paymenttransactionlog' table.
transactiondate Datetime The 'transactiondate' column for the 'paymenttransactionlog' table.


Uploaded usage that has been processed.

Name Type Description
billingperiodenddate Datetime The 'billingperiodenddate' column for the 'processedusage' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'processedusage' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'processedusage' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'processedusage' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'processedusage' table.
billingperiodstartdate Datetime The 'billingperiodstartdate' column for the 'processedusage' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'processedusage' table.
invoiceitemid String The 'invoiceitemid' column for the 'processedusage' table.
usageid String The 'usageid' column for the 'processedusage' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'processedusage' table.


A product in your product catalog.

Name Type Description
category String The 'category' column for the 'product' table.
description String The 'description' column for the 'product' table.
upgradepathsku_c String The 'upgradepathsku__c' column for the 'product' table.
effectiveenddate Date The 'effectiveenddate' column for the 'product' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'product' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'product' table.
name String The 'name' column for the 'product' table.
downgradepathsku_c String The 'downgradepathsku__c' column for the 'product' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'product' table.
productmanager_c String The 'productmanager__c' column for the 'product' table.
allowfeaturechanges Bool The 'allowfeaturechanges' column for the 'product' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'product' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'product' table.
partnercommission_c String The 'partnercommission__c' column for the 'product' table.
sku String The 'sku' column for the 'product' table.
effectivestartdate Date The 'effectivestartdate' column for the 'product' table.


A feature in your product catalog.

Name Type Description
featureid String The 'featureid' column for the 'productfeature' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'productfeature' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'productfeature' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'productfeature' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'productfeature' table.
productid String The 'productid' column for the 'productfeature' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'productfeature' table.
specialtype_c String The 'specialtype__c' column for the 'productfeature' table.


A rate plan in your product catalog.

Name Type Description
description String The 'description' column for the 'productrateplan' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'productrateplan' table.
effectiveenddate Date The 'effectiveenddate' column for the 'productrateplan' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'productrateplan' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'productrateplan' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'productrateplan' table.
productid String The 'productid' column for the 'productrateplan' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'productrateplan' table.
promotioncode_c String The 'promotioncode__c' column for the 'productrateplan' table.
effectivestartdate Date The 'effectivestartdate' column for the 'productrateplan' table.
name String The 'name' column for the 'productrateplan' table.


A charge in your product catalog.

Name Type Description
discountclassid String The 'discountclassid' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
discountlevel String The 'discountlevel' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
ratinggroup String The 'ratinggroup' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
accountingcode String The 'accountingcode' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
specificbillingperiod String The 'specificbillingperiod' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
adjustmentliabilityaccountingcodeid String The 'adjustmentliabilityaccountingcodeid' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
name String The 'name' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
billingperiodalignment String The 'billingperiodalignment' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
uptoperiodstype String The 'uptoperiodstype' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
revenuerecognitionrulename String The 'revenuerecognitionrulename' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
numberofperiod String The 'numberofperiod' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
overagecalculationoption String The 'overagecalculationoption' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
maxquantity Decimal The 'maxquantity' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
enddatecondition String The 'enddatecondition' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
taxmode String The 'taxmode' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
legacyrevenuereporting Bool The 'legacyrevenuereporting' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
weeklybillcycleday String The 'weeklybillcycleday' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
billingperiod String The 'billingperiod' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
usediscountspecificaccountingcode Bool The 'usediscountspecificaccountingcode' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
triggerevent String The 'triggerevent' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
billcycletype String The 'billcycletype' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
productrateplanid String The 'productrateplanid' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
revrectriggercondition String The 'revrectriggercondition' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
pricechangeoption String The 'pricechangeoption' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
contractliabilityaccountingcodeid String The 'contractliabilityaccountingcodeid' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
uptoperiods String The 'uptoperiods' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
overageunusedunitscreditoption String The 'overageunusedunitscreditoption' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
adjustmentrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'adjustmentrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
taxable Bool The 'taxable' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
contractrecognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'contractrecognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
description String The 'description' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
includedunits Decimal The 'includedunits' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
contractassetaccountingcodeid String The 'contractassetaccountingcodeid' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
smoothingmodel String The 'smoothingmodel' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
usagerecordratingoption String The 'usagerecordratingoption' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
recognizedrevenueaccount String The 'recognizedrevenueaccount' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
minquantity Decimal The 'minquantity' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
deferredrevenueaccount String The 'deferredrevenueaccount' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
taxcode String The 'taxcode' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
unbilledreceivablesaccountingcodeid String The 'unbilledreceivablesaccountingcodeid' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
billcycleday String The 'billcycleday' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
defaultquantity Decimal The 'defaultquantity' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
priceincreasepercentage Decimal The 'priceincreasepercentage' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
chargemodel String The 'chargemodel' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
revreccode String The 'revreccode' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
applydiscountto String The 'applydiscountto' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
billingtiming String The 'billingtiming' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
listpricebase String The 'listpricebase' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
uom String The 'uom' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
chargetype String The 'chargetype' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
usetenantdefaultforpricechange Bool The 'usetenantdefaultforpricechange' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.
accountreceivableaccountingcodeid String The 'accountreceivableaccountingcodeid' column for the 'productrateplancharge' table.


A charge tier in your product catalog.

Name Type Description
startingunit Decimal The 'startingunit' column for the 'productrateplanchargetier' table.
includedunits Decimal The 'includedunits' column for the 'productrateplanchargetier' table.
tier String The 'tier' column for the 'productrateplanchargetier' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'productrateplanchargetier' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'productrateplanchargetier' table.
overageprice Decimal The 'overageprice' column for the 'productrateplanchargetier' table.
priceformat String The 'priceformat' column for the 'productrateplanchargetier' table.
discountamount Decimal The 'discountamount' column for the 'productrateplanchargetier' table.
active Bool The 'active' column for the 'productrateplanchargetier' table.
productrateplanchargeid String The 'productrateplanchargeid' column for the 'productrateplanchargetier' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'productrateplanchargetier' table.
discountpercentage Decimal The 'discountpercentage' column for the 'productrateplanchargetier' table.
endingunit Decimal The 'endingunit' column for the 'productrateplanchargetier' table.
price Decimal The 'price' column for the 'productrateplanchargetier' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'productrateplanchargetier' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'productrateplanchargetier' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'productrateplanchargetier' table.


A rate plan in a subscription.

Name Type Description
amendmentid String The 'amendmentid' column for the 'rateplan' table.
subscriptionid String The 'subscriptionid' column for the 'rateplan' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'rateplan' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'rateplan' table.
amendmenttype String The 'amendmenttype' column for the 'rateplan' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'rateplan' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'rateplan' table.
productrateplanid String The 'productrateplanid' column for the 'rateplan' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'rateplan' table.
name String The 'name' column for the 'rateplan' table.


A charge in a subscription.

Name Type Description
discountlevel String The 'discountlevel' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
ratinggroup String The 'ratinggroup' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
accountingcode String The 'accountingcode' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
specificbillingperiod String The 'specificbillingperiod' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
processedthroughdate Date The 'processedthroughdate' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
name String The 'name' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
billingperiodalignment String The 'billingperiodalignment' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
uptoperiodstype String The 'uptoperiodstype' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
islastsegment Bool The 'islastsegment' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
version String The 'version' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
revenuerecognitionrulename String The 'revenuerecognitionrulename' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
numberofperiods String The 'numberofperiods' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
overagecalculationoption String The 'overagecalculationoption' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
enddatecondition String The 'enddatecondition' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
weeklybillcycleday String The 'weeklybillcycleday' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
dtcv Decimal The 'dtcv' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
billingperiod String The 'billingperiod' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
effectiveenddate Date The 'effectiveenddate' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
triggerevent String The 'triggerevent' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
billcycletype String The 'billcycletype' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
chargedthroughdate Date The 'chargedthroughdate' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
triggerdate Date The 'triggerdate' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
revrectriggercondition String The 'revrectriggercondition' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
pricechangeoption String The 'pricechangeoption' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
rateplanid String The 'rateplanid' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
productrateplanchargeid String The 'productrateplanchargeid' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
uptoperiods String The 'uptoperiods' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
overageunusedunitscreditoption String The 'overageunusedunitscreditoption' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
isprocessed Bool The 'isprocessed' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
description String The 'description' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
tcv Decimal The 'tcv' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
mrr Decimal The 'mrr' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
segment String The 'segment' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
billcycleday String The 'billcycleday' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
dmrc Decimal The 'dmrc' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
specificenddate Date The 'specificenddate' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
chargenumber String The 'chargenumber' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
priceincreasepercentage Decimal The 'priceincreasepercentage' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
chargemodel String The 'chargemodel' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
originalid String The 'originalid' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
revreccode String The 'revreccode' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
applydiscountto String The 'applydiscountto' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
billingtiming String The 'billingtiming' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
listpricebase String The 'listpricebase' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
quantity Decimal The 'quantity' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
uom String The 'uom' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
chargetype String The 'chargetype' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
effectivestartdate Date The 'effectivestartdate' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.
accountreceivableaccountingcodeid String The 'accountreceivableaccountingcodeid' column for the 'rateplancharge' table.


A charge tier in a subscription.

Name Type Description
startingunit Decimal The 'startingunit' column for the 'rateplanchargetier' table.
rateplanchargeid String The 'rateplanchargeid' column for the 'rateplanchargetier' table.
includedunits Decimal The 'includedunits' column for the 'rateplanchargetier' table.
tier String The 'tier' column for the 'rateplanchargetier' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'rateplanchargetier' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'rateplanchargetier' table.
overageprice Decimal The 'overageprice' column for the 'rateplanchargetier' table.
priceformat String The 'priceformat' column for the 'rateplanchargetier' table.
discountamount Decimal The 'discountamount' column for the 'rateplanchargetier' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'rateplanchargetier' table.
discountpercentage Decimal The 'discountpercentage' column for the 'rateplanchargetier' table.
endingunit Decimal The 'endingunit' column for the 'rateplanchargetier' table.
price Decimal The 'price' column for the 'rateplanchargetier' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'rateplanchargetier' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'rateplanchargetier' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'rateplanchargetier' table.


Each row of this table represents a refund.

Name Type Description
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'refund' table.
accountingcode String The 'accountingcode' column for the 'refund' table.
paymentmethodid String The 'paymentmethodid' column for the 'refund' table.
secondrefundreferenceid String The 'secondrefundreferenceid' column for the 'refund' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'refund' table.
markedforsubmissionon Datetime The 'markedforsubmissionon' column for the 'refund' table.
sourcetype String The 'sourcetype' column for the 'refund' table.
transferredtoaccounting String The 'transferredtoaccounting' column for the 'refund' table.
softdescriptor String The 'softdescriptor' column for the 'refund' table.
gatewayreconciliationreason String The 'gatewayreconciliationreason' column for the 'refund' table.
gatewaystate String The 'gatewaystate' column for the 'refund' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'refund' table.
softdescriptorphone String The 'softdescriptorphone' column for the 'refund' table.
gateway String The 'gateway' column for the 'refund' table.
gatewayreconciliationstatus String The 'gatewayreconciliationstatus' column for the 'refund' table.
refundnumber String The 'refundnumber' column for the 'refund' table.
cancelledon Datetime The 'cancelledon' column for the 'refund' table.
gatewayresponsecode String The 'gatewayresponsecode' column for the 'refund' table.
gatewayresponse String The 'gatewayresponse' column for the 'refund' table.
status String The 'status' column for the 'refund' table.
comment String The 'comment' column for the 'refund' table.
methodtype String The 'methodtype' column for the 'refund' table.
submittedon Datetime The 'submittedon' column for the 'refund' table.
payoutid String The 'payoutid' column for the 'refund' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'refund' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'refund' table.
refundtransactiontime Datetime The 'refundtransactiontime' column for the 'refund' table.
refunddate Date The 'refunddate' column for the 'refund' table.
reasoncode String The 'reasoncode' column for the 'refund' table.
type String The 'type' column for the 'refund' table.
paymentmethodsnapshotid String The 'paymentmethodsnapshotid' column for the 'refund' table.
referenceid String The 'referenceid' column for the 'refund' table.
settledon Datetime The 'settledon' column for the 'refund' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'refund' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'refund' table.


A refund that is applied to a payment or a credit memo.

Name Type Description
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'refundapplication' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'refundapplication' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'refundapplication' table.
paymentid String The 'paymentid' column for the 'refundapplication' table.
invoiceid String The 'invoiceid' column for the 'refundapplication' table.
cashaccountingcodeid String The 'cashaccountingcodeid' column for the 'refundapplication' table.
creditmemoid String The 'creditmemoid' column for the 'refundapplication' table.
onaccountaccountingcodeid String The 'onaccountaccountingcodeid' column for the 'refundapplication' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'refundapplication' table.
applyamount Decimal The 'applyamount' column for the 'refundapplication' table.
unappliedpaymentaccountingcodeid String The 'unappliedpaymentaccountingcodeid' column for the 'refundapplication' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'refundapplication' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'refundapplication' table.
refundid String The 'refundid' column for the 'refundapplication' table.
journalentryid String The 'journalentryid' column for the 'refundapplication' table.
applicationgroupid String The 'applicationgroupid' column for the 'refundapplication' table.
accountreceivableaccountingcodeid String The 'accountreceivableaccountingcodeid' column for the 'refundapplication' table.
effectivedate Date The 'effectivedate' column for the 'refundapplication' table.


A refund that is applied to a line item in a credit memo.

Name Type Description
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'refundapplicationitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'refundapplicationitem' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'refundapplicationitem' table.
refundapplicationid String The 'refundapplicationid' column for the 'refundapplicationitem' table.
cashaccountingcodeid String The 'cashaccountingcodeid' column for the 'refundapplicationitem' table.
onaccountaccountingcodeid String The 'onaccountaccountingcodeid' column for the 'refundapplicationitem' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'refundapplicationitem' table.
unappliedpaymentaccountingcodeid String The 'unappliedpaymentaccountingcodeid' column for the 'refundapplicationitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'refundapplicationitem' table.
credittaxationitemid String The 'credittaxationitemid' column for the 'refundapplicationitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'refundapplicationitem' table.
creditmemoitemid String The 'creditmemoitemid' column for the 'refundapplicationitem' table.
journalentryid String The 'journalentryid' column for the 'refundapplicationitem' table.
applicationgroupid String The 'applicationgroupid' column for the 'refundapplicationitem' table.
accountreceivableaccountingcodeid String The 'accountreceivableaccountingcodeid' column for the 'refundapplicationitem' table.
effectivedate Date The 'effectivedate' column for the 'refundapplicationitem' table.


A refunded portion of a payment that is applied to an invoice.

Name Type Description
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'refundinvoicepayment' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'refundinvoicepayment' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'refundinvoicepayment' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'refundinvoicepayment' table.
invoicepaymentid String The 'invoicepaymentid' column for the 'refundinvoicepayment' table.
refundamount Decimal The 'refundamount' column for the 'refundinvoicepayment' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'refundinvoicepayment' table.
refundid String The 'refundid' column for the 'refundinvoicepayment' table.
journalentryid String The 'journalentryid' column for the 'refundinvoicepayment' table.
cashaccountingcodeid String The 'cashaccountingcodeid' column for the 'refundinvoicepayment' table.
accountreceivableaccountingcodeid String The 'accountreceivableaccountingcodeid' column for the 'refundinvoicepayment' table.


An applied or unapplied portion of a refund.

Name Type Description
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'refundpart' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'refundpart' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'refundpart' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'refundpart' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'refundpart' table.
paymentid String The 'paymentid' column for the 'refundpart' table.
refundamount Decimal The 'refundamount' column for the 'refundpart' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'refundpart' table.
refundid String The 'refundid' column for the 'refundpart' table.
creditmemoid String The 'creditmemoid' column for the 'refundpart' table.


A portion of a refund that is applied to a line item in a credit memo.

Name Type Description
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'refundpartitem' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'refundpartitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'refundpartitem' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'refundpartitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'refundpartitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'refundpartitem' table.
creditmemoitemid String The 'creditmemoitemid' column for the 'refundpartitem' table.
refundpartid String The 'refundpartid' column for the 'refundpartitem' table.


A transaction from Zuora to the payment gateway associated with a payment.

Name Type Description
requeststring String The 'requeststring' column for the 'refundtransactionlog' table.
batchid String The 'batchid' column for the 'refundtransactionlog' table.
gatewaytransactiontype String The 'gatewaytransactiontype' column for the 'refundtransactionlog' table.
gatewayreasoncode String The 'gatewayreasoncode' column for the 'refundtransactionlog' table.
transactionid String The 'transactionid' column for the 'refundtransactionlog' table.
gatewaystate String The 'gatewaystate' column for the 'refundtransactionlog' table.
gateway String The 'gateway' column for the 'refundtransactionlog' table.
gatewayreasoncodedescription String The 'gatewayreasoncodedescription' column for the 'refundtransactionlog' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'refundtransactionlog' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'refundtransactionlog' table.
refundid String The 'refundid' column for the 'refundtransactionlog' table.
responsestring String The 'responsestring' column for the 'refundtransactionlog' table.
transactiondate Datetime The 'transactiondate' column for the 'refundtransactionlog' table.


A revenue distribution summary of a charge.

Name Type Description
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'revenuechargesummary' table.
description String The 'description' column for the 'revenuechargesummary' table.
rateplanchargeid String The 'rateplanchargeid' column for the 'revenuechargesummary' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'revenuechargesummary' table.
number String The 'number' column for the 'revenuechargesummary' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'revenuechargesummary' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'revenuechargesummary' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'revenuechargesummary' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'revenuechargesummary' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'revenuechargesummary' table.


An item in a revenue distribution summary of a charge.

Name Type Description
revenuechargesummaryid String The 'revenuechargesummaryid' column for the 'revenuechargesummaryitem' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'revenuechargesummaryitem' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'revenuechargesummaryitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'revenuechargesummaryitem' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'revenuechargesummaryitem' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'revenuechargesummaryitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'revenuechargesummaryitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'revenuechargesummaryitem' table.
accountingperiodid String The 'accountingperiodid' column for the 'revenuechargesummaryitem' table.


A revenue event.

Name Type Description
recognitionstart Date The 'recognitionstart' column for the 'revenueevent' table.
revenuescheduleid String The 'revenuescheduleid' column for the 'revenueevent' table.
description String The 'description' column for the 'revenueevent' table.
revenueeventtypeid String The 'revenueeventtypeid' column for the 'revenueevent' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'revenueevent' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'revenueevent' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'revenueevent' table.
recognitionend Date The 'recognitionend' column for the 'revenueevent' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'revenueevent' table.
number String The 'number' column for the 'revenueevent' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'revenueevent' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'revenueevent' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'revenueevent' table.


A revenue event that is associated with a line item in a credit memo.

Name Type Description
recognitionstart Date The 'recognitionstart' column for the 'revenueeventcreditmemoitem' table.
description String The 'description' column for the 'revenueeventcreditmemoitem' table.
revenueeventtypeid String The 'revenueeventtypeid' column for the 'revenueeventcreditmemoitem' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'revenueeventcreditmemoitem' table.
revenueschedulecreditmemoitemid String The 'revenueschedulecreditmemoitemid' column for the 'revenueeventcreditmemoitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'revenueeventcreditmemoitem' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'revenueeventcreditmemoitem' table.
recognitionend Date The 'recognitionend' column for the 'revenueeventcreditmemoitem' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'revenueeventcreditmemoitem' table.
number String The 'number' column for the 'revenueeventcreditmemoitem' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'revenueeventcreditmemoitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'revenueeventcreditmemoitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'revenueeventcreditmemoitem' table.


A revenue event that is associated with a line item in a debit memo.

Name Type Description
recognitionstart Date The 'recognitionstart' column for the 'revenueeventdebitmemoitem' table.
description String The 'description' column for the 'revenueeventdebitmemoitem' table.
revenueeventtypeid String The 'revenueeventtypeid' column for the 'revenueeventdebitmemoitem' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'revenueeventdebitmemoitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'revenueeventdebitmemoitem' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'revenueeventdebitmemoitem' table.
recognitionend Date The 'recognitionend' column for the 'revenueeventdebitmemoitem' table.
revenuescheduledebitmemoitemid String The 'revenuescheduledebitmemoitemid' column for the 'revenueeventdebitmemoitem' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'revenueeventdebitmemoitem' table.
number String The 'number' column for the 'revenueeventdebitmemoitem' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'revenueeventdebitmemoitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'revenueeventdebitmemoitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'revenueeventdebitmemoitem' table.


A revenue event that is associated with a line item in an invoice.

Name Type Description
recognitionstart Date The 'recognitionstart' column for the 'revenueeventinvoiceitem' table.
description String The 'description' column for the 'revenueeventinvoiceitem' table.
revenueeventtypeid String The 'revenueeventtypeid' column for the 'revenueeventinvoiceitem' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'revenueeventinvoiceitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'revenueeventinvoiceitem' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'revenueeventinvoiceitem' table.
revenuescheduleinvoiceitemid String The 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitemid' column for the 'revenueeventinvoiceitem' table.
recognitionend Date The 'recognitionend' column for the 'revenueeventinvoiceitem' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'revenueeventinvoiceitem' table.
number String The 'number' column for the 'revenueeventinvoiceitem' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'revenueeventinvoiceitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'revenueeventinvoiceitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'revenueeventinvoiceitem' table.


A revenue event that is associated with an adjustment to a line item in an invoice.

Name Type Description
recognitionstart Date The 'recognitionstart' column for the 'revenueeventinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
description String The 'description' column for the 'revenueeventinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
revenueeventtypeid String The 'revenueeventtypeid' column for the 'revenueeventinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'revenueeventinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'revenueeventinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'revenueeventinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
recognitionend Date The 'recognitionend' column for the 'revenueeventinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'revenueeventinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
number String The 'number' column for the 'revenueeventinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'revenueeventinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'revenueeventinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'revenueeventinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
revenuescheduleinvoiceitemadjustmentid String The 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitemadjustmentid' column for the 'revenueeventinvoiceitemadjustment' table.


A revenue event item.

Name Type Description
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'revenueeventitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'revenueeventitem' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'revenueeventitem' table.
deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'revenueeventitem' table.
revenueeventid String The 'revenueeventid' column for the 'revenueeventitem' table.
recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'revenueeventitem' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'revenueeventitem' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'revenueeventitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'revenueeventitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'revenueeventitem' table.
accountingperiodid String The 'accountingperiodid' column for the 'revenueeventitem' table.
journalentryid String The 'journalentryid' column for the 'revenueeventitem' table.


A revenue event item that is associated with a line item in a credit memo.

Name Type Description
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'revenueeventitemcreditmemoitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'revenueeventitemcreditmemoitem' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'revenueeventitemcreditmemoitem' table.
deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'revenueeventitemcreditmemoitem' table.
recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'revenueeventitemcreditmemoitem' table.
revenueeventcreditmemoitemid String The 'revenueeventcreditmemoitemid' column for the 'revenueeventitemcreditmemoitem' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'revenueeventitemcreditmemoitem' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'revenueeventitemcreditmemoitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'revenueeventitemcreditmemoitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'revenueeventitemcreditmemoitem' table.
accountingperiodid String The 'accountingperiodid' column for the 'revenueeventitemcreditmemoitem' table.
journalentryid String The 'journalentryid' column for the 'revenueeventitemcreditmemoitem' table.


A revenue event item that is associated with a line item in a debit memo.

Name Type Description
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'revenueeventitemdebitmemoitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'revenueeventitemdebitmemoitem' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'revenueeventitemdebitmemoitem' table.
deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'revenueeventitemdebitmemoitem' table.
recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'revenueeventitemdebitmemoitem' table.
revenueeventdebitmemoitemid String The 'revenueeventdebitmemoitemid' column for the 'revenueeventitemdebitmemoitem' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'revenueeventitemdebitmemoitem' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'revenueeventitemdebitmemoitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'revenueeventitemdebitmemoitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'revenueeventitemdebitmemoitem' table.
accountingperiodid String The 'accountingperiodid' column for the 'revenueeventitemdebitmemoitem' table.
journalentryid String The 'journalentryid' column for the 'revenueeventitemdebitmemoitem' table.


A revenue event item that is associated with a line item in an invoice.

Name Type Description
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'revenueeventiteminvoiceitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'revenueeventiteminvoiceitem' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'revenueeventiteminvoiceitem' table.
deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'revenueeventiteminvoiceitem' table.
recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'revenueeventiteminvoiceitem' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'revenueeventiteminvoiceitem' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'revenueeventiteminvoiceitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'revenueeventiteminvoiceitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'revenueeventiteminvoiceitem' table.
accountingperiodid String The 'accountingperiodid' column for the 'revenueeventiteminvoiceitem' table.
journalentryid String The 'journalentryid' column for the 'revenueeventiteminvoiceitem' table.
revenueeventinvoiceitemid String The 'revenueeventinvoiceitemid' column for the 'revenueeventiteminvoiceitem' table.


A revenue event item that is associated with an adjustment to a line item in an invoice.

Name Type Description
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'revenueeventiteminvoiceitemadjustment' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'revenueeventiteminvoiceitemadjustment' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'revenueeventiteminvoiceitemadjustment' table.
deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'revenueeventiteminvoiceitemadjustment' table.
recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'revenueeventiteminvoiceitemadjustment' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'revenueeventiteminvoiceitemadjustment' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'revenueeventiteminvoiceitemadjustment' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'revenueeventiteminvoiceitemadjustment' table.
revenueeventinvoiceitemadjustmentid String The 'revenueeventinvoiceitemadjustmentid' column for the 'revenueeventiteminvoiceitemadjustment' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'revenueeventiteminvoiceitemadjustment' table.
accountingperiodid String The 'accountingperiodid' column for the 'revenueeventiteminvoiceitemadjustment' table.
journalentryid String The 'journalentryid' column for the 'revenueeventiteminvoiceitemadjustment' table.


A revenue event type.

Name Type Description
active Bool The 'active' column for the 'revenueeventtype' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'revenueeventtype' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'revenueeventtype' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'revenueeventtype' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'revenueeventtype' table.
systemid String The 'systemid' column for the 'revenueeventtype' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'revenueeventtype' table.
name String The 'name' column for the 'revenueeventtype' table.


A revenue schedule.

Name Type Description
billingtransactionid String The 'billingtransactionid' column for the 'revenueschedule' table.
revenuechargesummaryid String The 'revenuechargesummaryid' column for the 'revenueschedule' table.
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'revenueschedule' table.
description String The 'description' column for the 'revenueschedule' table.
transactionnumber String The 'transactionnumber' column for the 'revenueschedule' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'revenueschedule' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'revenueschedule' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'revenueschedule' table.
financetransactiontype String The 'financetransactiontype' column for the 'revenueschedule' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'revenueschedule' table.
number String The 'number' column for the 'revenueschedule' table.
referenceid String The 'referenceid' column for the 'revenueschedule' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'revenueschedule' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'revenueschedule' table.
exchangeratedate Date The 'exchangeratedate' column for the 'revenueschedule' table.
recognitionperiodend Date The 'recognitionperiodend' column for the 'revenueschedule' table.
revenuescheduledate Date The 'revenuescheduledate' column for the 'revenueschedule' table.
undistributedamount Decimal The 'undistributedamount' column for the 'revenueschedule' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'revenueschedule' table.
rule String The 'rule' column for the 'revenueschedule' table.
recognitionperiodstart Date The 'recognitionperiodstart' column for the 'revenueschedule' table.
transactiondate Date The 'transactiondate' column for the 'revenueschedule' table.


A revenue schedule that is associated with a line item in a credit memo.

Name Type Description
revenuechargesummaryid String The 'revenuechargesummaryid' column for the 'revenueschedulecreditmemoitem' table.
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'revenueschedulecreditmemoitem' table.
description String The 'description' column for the 'revenueschedulecreditmemoitem' table.
transactionnumber String The 'transactionnumber' column for the 'revenueschedulecreditmemoitem' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'revenueschedulecreditmemoitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'revenueschedulecreditmemoitem' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'revenueschedulecreditmemoitem' table.
financetransactiontype String The 'financetransactiontype' column for the 'revenueschedulecreditmemoitem' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'revenueschedulecreditmemoitem' table.
number String The 'number' column for the 'revenueschedulecreditmemoitem' table.
referenceid String The 'referenceid' column for the 'revenueschedulecreditmemoitem' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'revenueschedulecreditmemoitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'revenueschedulecreditmemoitem' table.
exchangeratedate Date The 'exchangeratedate' column for the 'revenueschedulecreditmemoitem' table.
recognitionperiodend Date The 'recognitionperiodend' column for the 'revenueschedulecreditmemoitem' table.
revenuescheduledate Date The 'revenuescheduledate' column for the 'revenueschedulecreditmemoitem' table.
undistributedamount Decimal The 'undistributedamount' column for the 'revenueschedulecreditmemoitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'revenueschedulecreditmemoitem' table.
rule String The 'rule' column for the 'revenueschedulecreditmemoitem' table.
creditmemoitemid String The 'creditmemoitemid' column for the 'revenueschedulecreditmemoitem' table.
recognitionperiodstart Date The 'recognitionperiodstart' column for the 'revenueschedulecreditmemoitem' table.
transactiondate Date The 'transactiondate' column for the 'revenueschedulecreditmemoitem' table.


A revenue schedule that is associated with a line item in a debit memo.

Name Type Description
revenuechargesummaryid String The 'revenuechargesummaryid' column for the 'revenuescheduledebitmemoitem' table.
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'revenuescheduledebitmemoitem' table.
description String The 'description' column for the 'revenuescheduledebitmemoitem' table.
transactionnumber String The 'transactionnumber' column for the 'revenuescheduledebitmemoitem' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'revenuescheduledebitmemoitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'revenuescheduledebitmemoitem' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'revenuescheduledebitmemoitem' table.
debitmemoitemid String The 'debitmemoitemid' column for the 'revenuescheduledebitmemoitem' table.
financetransactiontype String The 'financetransactiontype' column for the 'revenuescheduledebitmemoitem' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'revenuescheduledebitmemoitem' table.
number String The 'number' column for the 'revenuescheduledebitmemoitem' table.
referenceid String The 'referenceid' column for the 'revenuescheduledebitmemoitem' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'revenuescheduledebitmemoitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'revenuescheduledebitmemoitem' table.
exchangeratedate Date The 'exchangeratedate' column for the 'revenuescheduledebitmemoitem' table.
recognitionperiodend Date The 'recognitionperiodend' column for the 'revenuescheduledebitmemoitem' table.
revenuescheduledate Date The 'revenuescheduledate' column for the 'revenuescheduledebitmemoitem' table.
undistributedamount Decimal The 'undistributedamount' column for the 'revenuescheduledebitmemoitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'revenuescheduledebitmemoitem' table.
rule String The 'rule' column for the 'revenuescheduledebitmemoitem' table.
recognitionperiodstart Date The 'recognitionperiodstart' column for the 'revenuescheduledebitmemoitem' table.
transactiondate Date The 'transactiondate' column for the 'revenuescheduledebitmemoitem' table.


A revenue schedule that is associated with a line item in an invoice.

Name Type Description
revenuechargesummaryid String The 'revenuechargesummaryid' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitem' table.
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitem' table.
description String The 'description' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitem' table.
transactionnumber String The 'transactionnumber' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitem' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitem' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitem' table.
invoiceitemid String The 'invoiceitemid' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitem' table.
financetransactiontype String The 'financetransactiontype' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitem' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitem' table.
number String The 'number' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitem' table.
referenceid String The 'referenceid' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitem' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitem' table.
exchangeratedate Date The 'exchangeratedate' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitem' table.
recognitionperiodend Date The 'recognitionperiodend' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitem' table.
revenuescheduledate Date The 'revenuescheduledate' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitem' table.
undistributedamount Decimal The 'undistributedamount' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitem' table.
rule String The 'rule' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitem' table.
recognitionperiodstart Date The 'recognitionperiodstart' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitem' table.
transactiondate Date The 'transactiondate' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitem' table.


A revenue schedule that is associated with an adjustment to a line item in an invoice.

Name Type Description
revenuechargesummaryid String The 'revenuechargesummaryid' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
description String The 'description' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
transactionnumber String The 'transactionnumber' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
invoiceitemadjustmentid String The 'invoiceitemadjustmentid' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
financetransactiontype String The 'financetransactiontype' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
number String The 'number' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
referenceid String The 'referenceid' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
exchangeratedate Date The 'exchangeratedate' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
recognitionperiodend Date The 'recognitionperiodend' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
revenuescheduledate Date The 'revenuescheduledate' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
undistributedamount Decimal The 'undistributedamount' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
rule String The 'rule' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
recognitionperiodstart Date The 'recognitionperiodstart' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitemadjustment' table.
transactiondate Date The 'transactiondate' column for the 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitemadjustment' table.


A revenue schedule item.

Name Type Description
revenuescheduleid String The 'revenuescheduleid' column for the 'revenuescheduleitem' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'revenuescheduleitem' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'revenuescheduleitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'revenuescheduleitem' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'revenuescheduleitem' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'revenuescheduleitem' table.
deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'revenuescheduleitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'revenuescheduleitem' table.
recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'revenuescheduleitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'revenuescheduleitem' table.
accountingperiodid String The 'accountingperiodid' column for the 'revenuescheduleitem' table.


A revenue schedule item that is associated with a line item in a credit memo.

Name Type Description
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'revenuescheduleitemcreditmemoitem' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'revenuescheduleitemcreditmemoitem' table.
revenueschedulecreditmemoitemid String The 'revenueschedulecreditmemoitemid' column for the 'revenuescheduleitemcreditmemoitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'revenuescheduleitemcreditmemoitem' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'revenuescheduleitemcreditmemoitem' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'revenuescheduleitemcreditmemoitem' table.
deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'revenuescheduleitemcreditmemoitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'revenuescheduleitemcreditmemoitem' table.
recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'revenuescheduleitemcreditmemoitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'revenuescheduleitemcreditmemoitem' table.
accountingperiodid String The 'accountingperiodid' column for the 'revenuescheduleitemcreditmemoitem' table.


A revenue schedule item that is associated with a line item in an invoice.

Name Type Description
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'revenuescheduleiteminvoiceitem' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'revenuescheduleiteminvoiceitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'revenuescheduleiteminvoiceitem' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'revenuescheduleiteminvoiceitem' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'revenuescheduleiteminvoiceitem' table.
deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'revenuescheduleiteminvoiceitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'revenuescheduleiteminvoiceitem' table.
revenuescheduleinvoiceitemid String The 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitemid' column for the 'revenuescheduleiteminvoiceitem' table.
recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'revenuescheduleiteminvoiceitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'revenuescheduleiteminvoiceitem' table.
accountingperiodid String The 'accountingperiodid' column for the 'revenuescheduleiteminvoiceitem' table.


A revenue schedule item that is associated with an adjustment to a line item in an invoice.

Name Type Description
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'revenuescheduleiteminvoiceitemadjustment' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'revenuescheduleiteminvoiceitemadjustment' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'revenuescheduleiteminvoiceitemadjustment' table.
amount Decimal The 'amount' column for the 'revenuescheduleiteminvoiceitemadjustment' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'revenuescheduleiteminvoiceitemadjustment' table.
deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'revenuescheduleiteminvoiceitemadjustment' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'revenuescheduleiteminvoiceitemadjustment' table.
recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid String The 'recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid' column for the 'revenuescheduleiteminvoiceitemadjustment' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'revenuescheduleiteminvoiceitemadjustment' table.
revenuescheduleinvoiceitemadjustmentid String The 'revenuescheduleinvoiceitemadjustmentid' column for the 'revenuescheduleiteminvoiceitemadjustment' table.
accountingperiodid String The 'accountingperiodid' column for the 'revenuescheduleiteminvoiceitemadjustment' table.


Each row of this table represents a subscription.

Name Type Description
currenttermperiodtype String The 'currenttermperiodtype' column for the 'subscription' table.
quotenumber_qt String The 'quotenumber__qt' column for the 'subscription' table.
subscriptionstartdate Date The 'subscriptionstartdate' column for the 'subscription' table.
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'subscription' table.
opportunityname_qt String The 'opportunityname__qt' column for the 'subscription' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'subscription' table.
partnerid_c String The 'partnerid__c' column for the 'subscription' table.
autorenew Bool The 'autorenew' column for the 'subscription' table.
creatorinvoiceownerid String The 'creatorinvoiceownerid' column for the 'subscription' table.
renewaltermperiodtype String The 'renewaltermperiodtype' column for the 'subscription' table.
serviceactivationdate Date The 'serviceactivationdate' column for the 'subscription' table.
creatoraccountid String The 'creatoraccountid' column for the 'subscription' table.
termtype String The 'termtype' column for the 'subscription' table.
name String The 'name' column for the 'subscription' table.
contracteffectivedate Date The 'contracteffectivedate' column for the 'subscription' table.
subscriptionversionamendmentid String The 'subscriptionversionamendmentid' column for the 'subscription' table.
contractacceptancedate Date The 'contractacceptancedate' column for the 'subscription' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'subscription' table.
version String The 'version' column for the 'subscription' table.
currentterm String The 'currentterm' column for the 'subscription' table.
rampid String The 'rampid' column for the 'subscription' table.
cpqbundlejsonid_qt String The 'cpqbundlejsonid__qt' column for the 'subscription' table.
quotetype_qt String The 'quotetype__qt' column for the 'subscription' table.
initialterm String The 'initialterm' column for the 'subscription' table.
notes String The 'notes' column for the 'subscription' table.
cancelleddate Date The 'cancelleddate' column for the 'subscription' table.
status String The 'status' column for the 'subscription' table.
quotebusinesstype_qt String The 'quotebusinesstype__qt' column for the 'subscription' table.
previoussubscriptionid String The 'previoussubscriptionid' column for the 'subscription' table.
originalid String The 'originalid' column for the 'subscription' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'subscription' table.
renewalsetting String The 'renewalsetting' column for the 'subscription' table.
isinvoiceseparate Bool The 'isinvoiceseparate' column for the 'subscription' table.
opportunityclosedate_qt Date The 'opportunityclosedate__qt' column for the 'subscription' table.
subscriptionenddate Date The 'subscriptionenddate' column for the 'subscription' table.
revision String The 'revision' column for the 'subscription' table.
termstartdate Date The 'termstartdate' column for the 'subscription' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'subscription' table.
renewalterm String The 'renewalterm' column for the 'subscription' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'subscription' table.
originalcreateddate Datetime The 'originalcreateddate' column for the 'subscription' table.
initialtermperiodtype String The 'initialtermperiodtype' column for the 'subscription' table.
invoiceownerid String The 'invoiceownerid' column for the 'subscription' table.
termenddate Date The 'termenddate' column for the 'subscription' table.


Each row of this table represents a subscription for a product feature.

Name Type Description
featureid String The 'featureid' column for the 'subscriptionproductfeature' table.
rateplanid String The 'rateplanid' column for the 'subscriptionproductfeature' table.
description String The 'description' column for the 'subscriptionproductfeature' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'subscriptionproductfeature' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'subscriptionproductfeature' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'subscriptionproductfeature' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'subscriptionproductfeature' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'subscriptionproductfeature' table.
name String The 'name' column for the 'subscriptionproductfeature' table.


A taxation line item in an invoice.

Name Type Description
accountingcode String The 'accountingcode' column for the 'taxationitem' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'taxationitem' table.
creditamount Decimal The 'creditamount' column for the 'taxationitem' table.
paymentamount Decimal The 'paymentamount' column for the 'taxationitem' table.
name String The 'name' column for the 'taxationitem' table.
exemptamount Decimal The 'exemptamount' column for the 'taxationitem' table.
salestaxpayableaccountingcodeid String The 'salestaxpayableaccountingcodeid' column for the 'taxationitem' table.
taxamount Decimal The 'taxamount' column for the 'taxationitem' table.
taxcodedescription String The 'taxcodedescription' column for the 'taxationitem' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'taxationitem' table.
taxcode String The 'taxcode' column for the 'taxationitem' table.
taxdate Date The 'taxdate' column for the 'taxationitem' table.
taxrate Decimal The 'taxrate' column for the 'taxationitem' table.
journalentryid String The 'journalentryid' column for the 'taxationitem' table.
taxratetype String The 'taxratetype' column for the 'taxationitem' table.
taxmode String The 'taxmode' column for the 'taxationitem' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'taxationitem' table.
invoiceitemid String The 'invoiceitemid' column for the 'taxationitem' table.
locationcode String The 'locationcode' column for the 'taxationitem' table.
jurisdiction String The 'jurisdiction' column for the 'taxationitem' table.
taxratedescription String The 'taxratedescription' column for the 'taxationitem' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'taxationitem' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'taxationitem' table.
balance Decimal The 'balance' column for the 'taxationitem' table.
taxableitemsnapshotid String The 'taxableitemsnapshotid' column for the 'taxationitem' table.
accountreceivableaccountingcodeid String The 'accountreceivableaccountingcodeid' column for the 'taxationitem' table.


A batch of payment methods that was sent to a payment method updater service provider.

Name Type Description
status String The 'status' column for the 'updaterbatch' table.
batchtransactionid String The 'batchtransactionid' column for the 'updaterbatch' table.
requestid String The 'requestid' column for the 'updaterbatch' table.
submittedtime Datetime The 'submittedtime' column for the 'updaterbatch' table.
completedtime Datetime The 'completedtime' column for the 'updaterbatch' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'updaterbatch' table.
retrieveresponsecode String The 'retrieveresponsecode' column for the 'updaterbatch' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'updaterbatch' table.
batchid String The 'batchid' column for the 'updaterbatch' table.
internalstatus String The 'internalstatus' column for the 'updaterbatch' table.
updateraccountid String The 'updateraccountid' column for the 'updaterbatch' table.
updaterrequestid String The 'updaterrequestid' column for the 'updaterbatch' table.
submitresponsecode String The 'submitresponsecode' column for the 'updaterbatch' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'updaterbatch' table.
retrieveresponsemessage String The 'retrieveresponsemessage' column for the 'updaterbatch' table.
updatergatewaytype String The 'updatergatewaytype' column for the 'updaterbatch' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'updaterbatch' table.
submitresponsemessage String The 'submitresponsemessage' column for the 'updaterbatch' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'updaterbatch' table.
postdate Date The 'postdate' column for the 'updaterbatch' table.
submittingtime Datetime The 'submittingtime' column for the 'updaterbatch' table.


A payment method update.

Name Type Description
paymentmethodid String The 'paymentmethodid' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
retrieveresponsetransactionlog String The 'retrieveresponsetransactionlog' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
submitresponsetransactionlog String The 'submitresponsetransactionlog' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
cardexpirationmonth String The 'cardexpirationmonth' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
newcardexpirationyear String The 'newcardexpirationyear' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
newpaymentmethodid String The 'newpaymentmethodid' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
updaterbatchid String The 'updaterbatchid' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
cardtype String The 'cardtype' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
retrieveresponsemessage String The 'retrieveresponsemessage' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
submitresponsemessage String The 'submitresponsemessage' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
newcardnumbermasked String The 'newcardnumbermasked' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
recordid String The 'recordid' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
newcardexpirationmonth String The 'newcardexpirationmonth' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
newcardtype String The 'newcardtype' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
status String The 'status' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
billingaccountid String The 'billingaccountid' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
retrieveresponsecode String The 'retrieveresponsecode' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
retrieverequesttransactionlog String The 'retrieverequesttransactionlog' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
cardnumbermasked String The 'cardnumbermasked' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
updatetype String The 'updatetype' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
transactionid String The 'transactionid' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
submittedresponsetime Datetime The 'submittedresponsetime' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
ispaymentmethodupdated Bool The 'ispaymentmethodupdated' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
submitresponsecode String The 'submitresponsecode' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
cardexpirationyear String The 'cardexpirationyear' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
submitrequesttransactionlog String The 'submitrequesttransactionlog' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'updaterdetail' table.


A usage record.f the Active Rating feature is enabled, each row represents a usage record that was created via the Active Rating feature.

Name Type Description
rbestatus String The 'rbestatus' column for the 'usage' table.
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'usage' table.
description String The 'description' column for the 'usage' table.
rateplanchargeid String The 'rateplanchargeid' column for the 'usage' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'usage' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'usage' table.
sourcetype String The 'sourcetype' column for the 'usage' table.
quantity Decimal The 'quantity' column for the 'usage' table.
importid String The 'importid' column for the 'usage' table.
accountnumber String The 'accountnumber' column for the 'usage' table.
submissiondatetime Datetime The 'submissiondatetime' column for the 'usage' table.
uom String The 'uom' column for the 'usage' table.
startdatetime Datetime The 'startdatetime' column for the 'usage' table.
subscriptionid String The 'subscriptionid' column for the 'usage' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'usage' table.
enddatetime Datetime The 'enddatetime' column for the 'usage' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'usage' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'usage' table.


A user in your Zuora tenant. Only platform admin users can access this table.

Name Type Description
email String The 'email' column for the 'user' table.
username String The 'username' column for the 'user' table.
firstname String The 'firstname' column for the 'user' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'user' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'user' table.
lastname String The 'lastname' column for the 'user' table.

Stored Procedures

Stored procedures are function-like interfaces that extend the functionality of the connector beyond simple SELECT operations with Zuora.

Stored procedures accept a list of parameters, perform their intended function, and then return any relevant response data from Zuora, along with an indication of whether the procedure succeeded or failed.

Zuora Connector Stored Procedures

Name Description
CreateSchema Creates a schema definition of a table in Zuora.
GetOAuthAccessToken Gets an authentication token from Zuora.
RefreshOAuthAccessToken Refreshes the OAuth access token used for authentication with Zuora.


Creates a schema definition of a table in Zuora.


Creates a local schema file (.rsd) from an existing table or view in the data model.

The schema file is created in the directory set in the Location connection property when this procedure is executed. You can edit the file to include or exclude columns, rename columns, or adjust column datatypes.

The connector checks the Location to determine if the names of any .rsd files match a table or view in the data model. If there is a duplicate, the schema file will take precedence over the default instance of this table in the data model. If a schema file is present in Location that does not match an existing table or view, a new table or view entry is added to the data model of the connector.

Name Type Required Description
TableName String True The name of the table.
FileName String False The full file path and name of the schema to generate, required if the location connection property is not set. Ex : 'C:\scripts\account.rsd'
SimplifyNames String False Whether to output simple names for columns or not. Default is to simplify.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Result String Whether or not the schema was successfully downloaded.


Gets an authentication token from Zuora.

Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
OAuthAccessToken String The access token used for communication with Zuora.
OAuthRefreshToken String The OAuth refresh token. This is the same as the access token in the case of Zuora.
ExpiresIn String The remaining lifetime on the access token. A -1 denotes that it will not expire.


Refreshes the OAuth access token used for authentication with Zuora.

Name Type Required Description
OAuthRefreshToken String True Set this to the token value that expired.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
OAuthAccessToken String The authentication token returned from Zuora. This can be used in subsequent calls to other operations for this particular service.
OAuthRefreshToken String This is the same as the access token.
ExpiresIn String The remaining lifetime on the access token.

System Tables

You can query the system tables described in this section to access schema information, information on data source functionality, and batch operation statistics.

Schema Tables

The following tables return database metadata for Zuora:

Data Source Tables

The following tables return information about how to connect to and query the data source:

  • sys_connection_props: Returns information on the available connection properties.
  • sys_sqlinfo: Describes the SELECT queries that the connector can offload to the data source.

Query Information Tables

The following table returns query statistics for data modification queries:

  • sys_identity: Returns information about batch operations or single updates.


Lists the available databases.

The following query retrieves all databases determined by the connection string:

SELECT * FROM sys_catalogs
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The database name.


Lists the available schemas.

The following query retrieves all available schemas:

SELECT * FROM sys_schemas
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The database name.
SchemaName String The schema name.


Lists the available tables.

The following query retrieves the available tables and views:

SELECT * FROM sys_tables
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The database containing the table or view.
SchemaName String The schema containing the table or view.
TableName String The name of the table or view.
TableType String The table type (table or view).
Description String A description of the table or view.
IsUpdateable Boolean Whether the table can be updated.


Describes the columns of the available tables and views.

The following query returns the columns and data types for the SampleTable_1 table:

SELECT ColumnName, DataTypeName FROM sys_tablecolumns WHERE TableName='SampleTable_1'
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the table or view.
SchemaName String The schema containing the table or view.
TableName String The name of the table or view containing the column.
ColumnName String The column name.
DataTypeName String The data type name.
DataType Int32 An integer indicating the data type. This value is determined at run time based on the environment.
Length Int32 The storage size of the column.
DisplaySize Int32 The designated column's normal maximum width in characters.
NumericPrecision Int32 The maximum number of digits in numeric data. The column length in characters for character and date-time data.
NumericScale Int32 The column scale or number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
IsNullable Boolean Whether the column can contain null.
Description String A brief description of the column.
Ordinal Int32 The sequence number of the column.
IsAutoIncrement String Whether the column value is assigned in fixed increments.
IsGeneratedColumn String Whether the column is generated.
IsHidden Boolean Whether the column is hidden.
IsArray Boolean Whether the column is an array.
IsReadOnly Boolean Whether the column is read-only.
IsKey Boolean Indicates whether a field returned from sys_tablecolumns is the primary key of the table.


Lists the available stored procedures.

The following query retrieves the available stored procedures:

SELECT * FROM sys_procedures
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The database containing the stored procedure.
SchemaName String The schema containing the stored procedure.
ProcedureName String The name of the stored procedure.
Description String A description of the stored procedure.
ProcedureType String The type of the procedure, such as PROCEDURE or FUNCTION.


Describes stored procedure parameters.

The following query returns information about all of the input parameters for the SampleProcedure stored procedure:

SELECT * FROM sys_procedureparameters WHERE ProcedureName='SampleProcedure' AND Direction=1 OR Direction=2
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the stored procedure.
SchemaName String The name of the schema containing the stored procedure.
ProcedureName String The name of the stored procedure containing the parameter.
ColumnName String The name of the stored procedure parameter.
Direction Int32 An integer corresponding to the type of the parameter: input (1), input/output (2), or output(4). input/output type parameters can be both input and output parameters.
DataTypeName String The name of the data type.
DataType Int32 An integer indicating the data type. This value is determined at run time based on the environment.
Length Int32 The number of characters allowed for character data. The number of digits allowed for numeric data.
NumericPrecision Int32 The maximum precision for numeric data. The column length in characters for character and date-time data.
NumericScale Int32 The number of digits to the right of the decimal point in numeric data.
IsNullable Boolean Whether the parameter can contain null.
IsRequired Boolean Whether the parameter is required for execution of the procedure.
IsArray Boolean Whether the parameter is an array.
Description String The description of the parameter.
Ordinal Int32 The index of the parameter.


Describes the primary and foreign keys.

The following query retrieves the primary key for the SampleTable_1 table:

SELECT * FROM sys_keycolumns WHERE IsKey='True' AND TableName='SampleTable_1'
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the key.
SchemaName String The name of the schema containing the key.
TableName String The name of the table containing the key.
ColumnName String The name of the key column.
IsKey Boolean Whether the column is a primary key in the table referenced in the TableName field.
IsForeignKey Boolean Whether the column is a foreign key referenced in the TableName field.
PrimaryKeyName String The name of the primary key.
ForeignKeyName String The name of the foreign key.
ReferencedCatalogName String The database containing the primary key.
ReferencedSchemaName String The schema containing the primary key.
ReferencedTableName String The table containing the primary key.
ReferencedColumnName String The column name of the primary key.


Describes the foreign keys.

The following query retrieves all foreign keys which refer to other tables:

SELECT * FROM sys_foreignkeys WHERE ForeignKeyType = 'FOREIGNKEY_TYPE_IMPORT'
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the key.
SchemaName String The name of the schema containing the key.
TableName String The name of the table containing the key.
ColumnName String The name of the key column.
PrimaryKeyName String The name of the primary key.
ForeignKeyName String The name of the foreign key.
ReferencedCatalogName String The database containing the primary key.
ReferencedSchemaName String The schema containing the primary key.
ReferencedTableName String The table containing the primary key.
ReferencedColumnName String The column name of the primary key.
ForeignKeyType String Designates whether the foreign key is an import (points to other tables) or export (referenced from other tables) key.


Describes the primary keys.

The following query retrieves the primary keys from all tables and views:

SELECT * FROM sys_primarykeys
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the key.
SchemaName String The name of the schema containing the key.
TableName String The name of the table containing the key.
ColumnName String The name of the key column.
KeySeq String The sequence number of the primary key.
KeyName String The name of the primary key.


Describes the available indexes. By filtering on indexes, you can write more selective queries with faster query response times.

The following query retrieves all indexes that are not primary keys:

SELECT * FROM sys_indexes WHERE IsPrimary='false'
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the index.
SchemaName String The name of the schema containing the index.
TableName String The name of the table containing the index.
IndexName String The index name.
ColumnName String The name of the column associated with the index.
IsUnique Boolean True if the index is unique. False otherwise.
IsPrimary Boolean True if the index is a primary key. False otherwise.
Type Int16 An integer value corresponding to the index type: statistic (0), clustered (1), hashed (2), or other (3).
SortOrder String The sort order: A for ascending or D for descending.
OrdinalPosition Int16 The sequence number of the column in the index.


Returns information on the available connection properties and those set in the connection string.

When querying this table, the config connection string should be used:


This connection string enables you to query this table without a valid connection.

The following query retrieves all connection properties that have been set in the connection string or set through a default value:

SELECT * FROM sys_connection_props WHERE Value <> ''
Name Type Description
Name String The name of the connection property.
ShortDescription String A brief description.
Type String The data type of the connection property.
Default String The default value if one is not explicitly set.
Values String A comma-separated list of possible values. A validation error is thrown if another value is specified.
Value String The value you set or a preconfigured default.
Required Boolean Whether the property is required to connect.
Category String The category of the connection property.
IsSessionProperty String Whether the property is a session property, used to save information about the current connection.
Sensitivity String The sensitivity level of the property. This informs whether the property is obfuscated in logging and authentication forms.
PropertyName String A camel-cased truncated form of the connection property name.
Ordinal Int32 The index of the parameter.
CatOrdinal Int32 The index of the parameter category.
Hierarchy String Shows dependent properties associated that need to be set alongside this one.
Visible Boolean Informs whether the property is visible in the connection UI.
ETC String Various miscellaneous information about the property.


Describes the SELECT query processing that the connector can offload to the data source.

Discovering the Data Source's SELECT Capabilities

Below is an example data set of SQL capabilities. Some aspects of SELECT functionality are returned in a comma-separated list if supported; otherwise, the column contains NO.

Name Description Possible Values
AGGREGATE_FUNCTIONS Supported aggregation functions. AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, DISTINCT
COUNT Whether COUNT function is supported. YES, NO
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_OPEN_CHAR The opening character used to escape an identifier. [
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CLOSE_CHAR The closing character used to escape an identifier. ]
SUPPORTED_OPERATORS A list of supported SQL operators. =, >, <, >=, <=, <>, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, NOT IN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL, AND, OR
GROUP_BY Whether GROUP BY is supported, and, if so, the degree of support. NO, NO_RELATION, EQUALS_SELECT, SQL_GB_COLLATE
REPLICATION_SKIP_TABLES Indicates tables skipped during replication.
REPLICATION_TIMECHECK_COLUMNS A string array containing a list of columns which will be used to check for (in the given order) to use as a modified column during replication.
IDENTIFIER_PATTERN String value indicating what string is valid for an identifier.
SUPPORT_TRANSACTION Indicates if the provider supports transactions such as commit and rollback. YES, NO
DIALECT Indicates the SQL dialect to use.
KEY_PROPERTIES Indicates the properties which identify the uniform database.
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_SCHEMAS Indicates if multiple schemas may exist for the provider. YES, NO
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_CATALOGS Indicates if multiple catalogs may exist for the provider. YES, NO
DATASYNCVERSION The Data Sync version needed to access this driver. Standard, Starter, Professional, Enterprise
DATASYNCCATEGORY The Data Sync category of this driver. Source, Destination, Cloud Destination
SUPPORTSENHANCEDSQL Whether enhanced SQL functionality beyond what is offered by the API is supported. TRUE, FALSE
SUPPORTS_BATCH_OPERATIONS Whether batch operations are supported. YES, NO
PREFERRED_CACHE_OPTIONS A string value specifies the preferred cacheOptions.
ENABLE_EF_ADVANCED_QUERY Indicates if the driver directly supports advanced queries coming from Entity Framework. If not, queries will be handled client side. YES, NO
PSEUDO_COLUMNS A string array indicating the available pseudo columns.
MERGE_ALWAYS If the value is true, The Merge Mode is forcibly executed in Data Sync. TRUE, FALSE
REPLICATION_MIN_DATE_QUERY A select query to return the replicate start datetime.
REPLICATION_MIN_FUNCTION Allows a provider to specify the formula name to use for executing a server side min.
REPLICATION_START_DATE Allows a provider to specify a replicate startdate.
REPLICATION_MAX_DATE_QUERY A select query to return the replicate end datetime.
REPLICATION_MAX_FUNCTION Allows a provider to specify the formula name to use for executing a server side max.
IGNORE_INTERVALS_ON_INITIAL_REPLICATE A list of tables which will skip dividing the replicate into chunks on the initial replicate.
CHECKCACHE_USE_PARENTID Indicates whether the CheckCache statement should be done against the parent key column. TRUE, FALSE
CREATE_SCHEMA_PROCEDURES Indicates stored procedures that can be used for generating schema files.

The following query retrieves the operators that can be used in the WHERE clause:


Note that individual tables may have different limitations or requirements on the WHERE clause; refer to the Data Model section for more information.

Name Type Description
NAME String A component of SQL syntax, or a capability that can be processed on the server.
VALUE String Detail on the supported SQL or SQL syntax.


Returns information about attempted modifications.

The following query retrieves the Ids of the modified rows in a batch operation:

SELECT * FROM sys_identity
Name Type Description
Id String The database-generated ID returned from a data modification operation.
Batch String An identifier for the batch. 1 for a single operation.
Operation String The result of the operation in the batch: INSERTED, UPDATED, or DELETED.
Message String SUCCESS or an error message if the update in the batch failed.

Advanced Configurations Properties

The advanced configurations properties are the various options that can be used to establish a connection. This section provides a complete list of the options you can configure. Click the links for further details.


Property Description
Tenant The Tenant type of your hosted application.
URL The URL of the US Production Copy environment.


Property Description
ZuoraService Specifies which execution service or schema to use. You can find more details in the Establishing a Connection section.


Property Description
InitiateOAuth Set this property to initiate the process to obtain or refresh the OAuth access token when you connect.
OAuthClientId The client ID assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.
OAuthClientSecret The client secret assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.
OAuthAccessToken The access token for connecting using OAuth.
OAuthSettingsLocation The location of the settings file where OAuth values are saved when InitiateOAuth is set to GETANDREFRESH or REFRESH . Alternatively, you can hold this location in memory by specifying a value starting with 'memory://'.
OAuthRefreshToken The OAuth refresh token for the corresponding OAuth access token.
OAuthExpiresIn The lifetime in seconds of the OAuth AccessToken.
OAuthTokenTimestamp The Unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds when the current Access Token was created.


Property Description
SSLServerCert The certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL.


Property Description
Location A path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures.
BrowsableSchemas This property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA, SchemaB, SchemaC.
Tables This property restricts the tables reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Tables=TableA, TableB, TableC.
Views Restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA, ViewB, ViewC.


Property Description
AsyncQueryTimeout The timeout in minutes for which the provider will wait for an async query response. The default value is 20 minutes.
ConvertToCurrencies Specifiy a list of comma delimited currencies to convert your amounts. Example: 'EUR, USD'.
MaxRows Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses.
Other These hidden properties are used only in specific use cases.
PseudoColumns This property indicates whether or not to include pseudo columns as columns to the table.
Timeout The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation.
UserDefinedViews A filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views.


This section provides a complete list of authentication properties you can configure.

Property Description
Tenant The Tenant type of your hosted application.
URL The URL of the US Production Copy environment.


The Tenant type of your hosted application.

Possible Values

USProduction, USAPISandbox, USPerformanceTest, EUProduction, EUSandbox, EUCentralSandbox, USCloudProduction, USCloudAPISandbox, USCentralSandbox

Data Type


Default Value


  • USProduction: Requests sent to
  • USAPISandbox: Requests sent to
  • USPerformanceTest: Requests sent to
  • USCloudProduction: Requests sent to
  • USCloudAPISandbox: Requests sent to
  • USCentralSandbox: Requests sent to
  • EUProduction: Requests sent to
  • EUSandbox: Requests sent to
  • EUCentralSandbox: Requests sent to


The URL of the US Production Copy environment.

Data Type


Default Value



The URL of the US Production Copy environment.


This section provides a complete list of connection properties you can configure.

Property Description
ZuoraService Specifies which execution service or schema to use. You can find more details in the Establishing a Connection section.


Specifies which execution service or schema to use. You can find more details in the Establishing a Connection section.

Possible Values

DataQuery, AQuADataExport

Data Type


Default Value



The available options are:

  • DataQuery: Used for quick lightweight SQL queries to export data from your Zuora tenant.
  • AQuADataExport: Used for extracting all records from all tables. AQuADataExport objects and fields correspond to the latest version of the Zuora WSDL.


This section provides a complete list of OAuth properties you can configure.

Property Description
InitiateOAuth Set this property to initiate the process to obtain or refresh the OAuth access token when you connect.
OAuthClientId The client ID assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.
OAuthClientSecret The client secret assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.
OAuthAccessToken The access token for connecting using OAuth.
OAuthSettingsLocation The location of the settings file where OAuth values are saved when InitiateOAuth is set to GETANDREFRESH or REFRESH . Alternatively, you can hold this location in memory by specifying a value starting with 'memory://'.
OAuthRefreshToken The OAuth refresh token for the corresponding OAuth access token.
OAuthExpiresIn The lifetime in seconds of the OAuth AccessToken.
OAuthTokenTimestamp The Unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds when the current Access Token was created.


Set this property to initiate the process to obtain or refresh the OAuth access token when you connect.

Possible Values


Data Type


Default Value



The following options are available:

  1. OFF: Indicates that the OAuth flow will be handled entirely by the user. An OAuthAccessToken will be required to authenticate.
  2. GETANDREFRESH: Indicates that the entire OAuth Flow will be handled by the connector. If no token currently exists, it will be obtained by prompting the user via the browser. If a token exists, it will be refreshed when applicable.
  3. REFRESH: Indicates that the connector will only handle refreshing the OAuthAccessToken. The user will never be prompted by the connector to authenticate via the browser. The user must handle obtaining the OAuthAccessToken and OAuthRefreshToken initially.


The client ID assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.

Data Type


Default Value



As part of registering an OAuth application, you will receive the OAuthClientId value, sometimes also called a consumer key, and a client secret, the OAuthClientSecret.


The client secret assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.

Data Type


Default Value



As part of registering an OAuth application, you will receive the OAuthClientId, also called a consumer key. You will also receive a client secret, also called a consumer secret. Set the client secret in the OAuthClientSecret property.


The access token for connecting using OAuth.

Data Type


Default Value



The OAuthAccessToken property is used to connect using OAuth. The OAuthAccessToken is retrieved from the OAuth server as part of the authentication process. It has a server-dependent timeout and can be reused between requests.

The access token is used in place of your user name and password. The access token protects your credentials by keeping them on the server.


The location of the settings file where OAuth values are saved when InitiateOAuth is set to GETANDREFRESH or REFRESH. Alternatively, you can hold this location in memory by specifying a value starting with 'memory://'.

Data Type


Default Value

%APPDATA%\CData\Acumatica Data Provider\OAuthSettings.txt


When InitiateOAuth is set to GETANDREFRESH or REFRESH, the driver saves OAuth values to avoid requiring the user to manually enter OAuth connection properties and to allow the credentials to be shared across connections or processes.

Instead of specifying a file path, you can use memory storage. Memory locations are specified by using a value starting with 'memory://' followed by a unique identifier for that set of credentials (for example, memory://user1). The identifier can be anything you choose but should be unique to the user. Unlike file-based storage, where credentials persist across connections, memory storage loads the credentials into static memory, and the credentials are shared between connections using the same identifier for the life of the process. To persist credentials outside the current process, you must manually store the credentials prior to closing the connection. This enables you to set them in the connection when the process is started again. You can retrieve OAuth property values with a query to the sys_connection_props system table. If there are multiple connections using the same credentials, the properties are read from the previously closed connection.

The default location is "%APPDATA%\CData\Acumatica Data Provider\OAuthSettings.txt" with %APPDATA% set to the user's configuration directory. The default values are

  • Windows: "register://%DSN"
  • Unix: "%AppData%..."

where DSN is the name of the current DSN used in the open connection.

The following table lists the value of %APPDATA% by OS:

Platform %APPDATA%
Windows The value of the APPDATA environment variable
Linux ~/.config


The OAuth refresh token for the corresponding OAuth access token.

Data Type


Default Value



The OAuthRefreshToken property is used to refresh the OAuthAccessToken when using OAuth authentication.


The lifetime in seconds of the OAuth AccessToken.

Data Type


Default Value



Pair with OAuthTokenTimestamp to determine when the AccessToken will expire.


The Unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds when the current Access Token was created.

Data Type


Default Value



Pair with OAuthExpiresIn to determine when the AccessToken will expire.


This section provides a complete list of SSL properties you can configure.

Property Description
SSLServerCert The certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL.


The certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL.

Data Type


Default Value



If using a TLS/SSL connection, this property can be used to specify the TLS/SSL certificate to be accepted from the server. Any other certificate that is not trusted by the machine is rejected.

This property can take the following forms:

Description Example
A full PEM Certificate (example shortened for brevity) -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE-----
A path to a local file containing the certificate C:\\cert.cer
The public key (example shortened for brevity) -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
The MD5 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4
The SHA1 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d

If not specified, any certificate trusted by the machine is accepted.

Certificates are validated as trusted by the machine based on the System's trust store. The trust store used is the '' value specified for the system. If no value is specified for this property, Java's default trust store is used (for example, JAVA_HOME\lib\security\cacerts).

Use '*' to signify to accept all certificates. Note that this is not recommended due to security concerns.


This section provides a complete list of schema properties you can configure.

Property Description
Location A path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures.
BrowsableSchemas This property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA, SchemaB, SchemaC.
Tables This property restricts the tables reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Tables=TableA, TableB, TableC.
Views Restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA, ViewB, ViewC.


A path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures.

Data Type


Default Value

%APPDATA%\Zuora Data Provider\Schema


The path to a directory which contains the schema files for the connector (.rsd files for tables and views, .rsb files for stored procedures). The folder location can be a relative path from the location of the executable. The Location property is only needed if you want to customize definitions (for example, change a column name, ignore a column, and so on) or extend the data model with new tables, views, or stored procedures.

If left unspecified, the default location is "%APPDATA%\Zuora Data Provider\Schema" with %APPDATA% being set to the user's configuration directory:

Platform %APPDATA%
Windows The value of the APPDATA environment variable
Mac ~/Library/Application Support
Linux ~/.config


This property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC.

Data Type


Default Value



Listing the schemas from databases can be expensive. Providing a list of schemas in the connection string improves the performance.


This property restricts the tables reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC.

Data Type


Default Value



Listing the tables from some databases can be expensive. Providing a list of tables in the connection string improves the performance of the connector.

This property can also be used as an alternative to automatically listing views if you already know which ones you want to work with and there would otherwise be too many to work with.

Specify the tables you want in a comma-separated list. Each table should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Tables=TableA,[TableB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`TableC With Space`.

Note that when connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you will need to provide the fully qualified name of the table in this property, as in the last example here, to avoid ambiguity between tables that exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.


Restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC.

Data Type


Default Value



Listing the views from some databases can be expensive. Providing a list of views in the connection string improves the performance of the connector.

This property can also be used as an alternative to automatically listing views if you already know which ones you want to work with and there would otherwise be too many to work with.

Specify the views you want in a comma-separated list. Each view should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Views=ViewA,[ViewB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`ViewC With Space`.

Note that when connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you will need to provide the fully qualified name of the table in this property, as in the last example here, to avoid ambiguity between tables that exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.


This section provides a complete list of miscellaneous properties you can configure.

Property Description
AsyncQueryTimeout The timeout in minutes for which the provider will wait for an async query response. The default value is 20 minutes.
ConvertToCurrencies Specifiy a list of comma delimited currencies to convert your amounts. Example: 'EUR, USD'.
MaxRows Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses.
Other These hidden properties are used only in specific use cases.
PseudoColumns This property indicates whether or not to include pseudo columns as columns to the table.
Timeout The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation.
UserDefinedViews A filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views.


The timeout in minutes for which the provider will wait for an async query response. The default value is 20 minutes.

Data Type


Default Value



The timeout in minutes for which the connector will wait for an async query response. The default value is 20 minutes. When running a SELECT query, the connector starts an asynchronous job. It then waits for the response to be ready by periodically polling the server to check status. This property controls the total time the connector will wait for a response.

Note that this property is very different from Timeout. The Timeout is an inactivity timeout that controls the time to wait for any response. This property controls the total length of time to wait for an async query to execute.


Specifiy a list of comma delimited currencies to convert your amounts. Example: 'EUR,USD'.

Data Type


Default Value



You can specify any number of currencies. Specify the currencies using their ISO currency codes and separate each currency with a comma.


Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses.

Data Type


Default Value



Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses.


These hidden properties are used only in specific use cases.

Data Type


Default Value



The properties listed below are available for specific use cases. Normal driver use cases and functionality should not require these properties.

Specify multiple properties in a semicolon-separated list.

Integration and Formatting
Property Description
DefaultColumnSize Sets the default length of string fields when the data source does not provide column length in the metadata. The default value is 2000.
ConvertDateTimeToGMT Determines whether to convert date-time values to GMT, instead of the local time of the machine.
RecordToFile=filename Records the underlying socket data transfer to the specified file.


This property indicates whether or not to include pseudo columns as columns to the table.

Data Type


Default Value



This setting is particularly helpful in Entity Framework, which does not allow you to set a value for a pseudo column unless it is a table column. The value of this connection setting is of the format "Table1=Column1, Table1=Column2, Table2=Column3". You can use the "*" character to include all tables and all columns; for example, "*=*".


The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation.

Data Type


Default Value



If Timeout = 0, operations do not time out. The operations run until they complete successfully or until they encounter an error condition.

If Timeout expires and the operation is not yet complete, the connector throws an exception.


A filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views.

Data Type


Default Value



User Defined Views are defined in a JSON-formatted configuration file called UserDefinedViews.json. The connector automatically detects the views specified in this file.

You can also have multiple view definitions and control them using the UserDefinedViews connection property. When you use this property, only the specified views are seen by the connector.

This User Defined View configuration file is formatted as follows:

  • Each root element defines the name of a view.
  • Each root element contains a child element, called query, which contains the custom SQL query for the view.

For example:

    "MyView": {
        "query": "SELECT * FROM SampleTable_1 WHERE MyColumn = 'value'"
    "MyView2": {
        "query": "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id IN (1,2,3)"

Use the UserDefinedViews connection property to specify the location of your JSON configuration file. For example:

"UserDefinedViews", C:\Users\yourusername\Desktop\tmp\UserDefinedViews.json

Note that the specified path is not embedded in quotation marks.