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Pipedrive Connection Details


Connector Version

This documentation is based on version 23.0.8936 of the connector.

Get Started

Pipedrive Version Support

The connector leverages the Pipedrive API to enable bidirectional access to Pipedrive.

Establish a Connection

Connect to Pipedrive

Pipedrive offers two ways to connect and authenticate: Basic and OAuth.

Basic Authentication

To authenticate via Basic authentication:

  1. Obtain an API Token:
    1. Open the Pipedrive portal.
    2. At the top right corner of the page, click the account name. Pipedrive displays a drop-down list.
    3. Navigate to Company Settings > Personal Preferences > API > Generate Token.
    4. Record the value of the generated API token. Also, note the CompanyDomain,which is visible in the PipeDrive HomePage URL. (This is the company's developer sandbox URL.)
  2. Set these connection properties:
    • APIToken: The value for the API token you just obtained.
    • CompanyDomain: The CompanyDomain from the developer sandbox URL.
    • AuthScheme: Basic.
  3. Log in with the approved user name and password.

The API Token is stored in the Pipedrive portal. To retrieve it, click the company name, then use the drop-down list to navigate to Company Settings > Personal Preferences > API.

OAuth Authentication

If you do not have access to the user name and password or do not want to require them, use the OAuth user consent flow. To enable this authentication from all OAuth flows, you must set AuthScheme to OAuth and create a custom OAuth application.

The following subsections describe how to authenticate to Pipedrive from three common authentication flows. For information about how to create a custom OAuth application, see Creating a Custom OAuth Application. For a complete list of connection string properties available in Pipedrive, see Connection.

Desktop Applications

To authenticate with the credentials for a custom OAuth application, you must get and refresh the OAuth access token. After you do that, you are ready to connect.

Get and refresh the OAuth access token:

  • InitiateOAuth: GETANDREFRESH. Used to automatically get and refresh the OAuthAccessToken.
  • OAuthClientId: The client ID assigned when you registered your custom OAuth application.
  • OAuthClientSecret: The client secret that was assigned when you registered your custom OAuth application.
  • CallbackURL: The redirect URI that was defined when you registered your custom OAuth application.

When you connect, the connector opens Pipedrive's OAuth endpoint in your default browser. Log in and grant permissions to the application.

After you grant permissions to the application, the connector completes the OAuth process:

  1. The connector obtains an access token from Pipedrive and uses it to request data.
  2. The OAuth values are saved in the path specified in OAuthSettingsLocation. These values persist across connections.

When the access token expires, the connector refreshes it automatically.

Automatic refresh of the OAuth access token:

To have the connector automatically refresh the OAuth access token:

  1. Before connecting to data for the first time, set these connection parameters:
    • InitiateOAuth: REFRESH.
    • OAuthClientId: The client ID in your custom OAuth application settings.
    • OAuthClientSecret: The client secret in your custom OAuth application settings.
    • OAuthAccessToken: The access token returned by GetOAuthAccessToken.
    • OAuthSettingsLocation: The path where you want the connector to save the OAuth values, which persist across connections.
  2. On subsequent data connections, set:
    • InitiateOAuth
    • OAuthSettingsLocation

Manual refresh of the OAuth access token:

The only value needed to manually refresh the OAuth access token is the OAuth refresh token.

  1. To manually refresh the OAuthAccessToken after the ExpiresIn period (returned by GetOAuthAccessToken) has elapsed, call the RefreshOAuthAccessToken stored procedure.
  2. Set these connection properties:
    • OAuthClientId: The Client ID in your custom OAuth application settings.
    • OAuthClientSecret: The Client Secret in your custom OAuth application settings.
  3. Call RefreshOAuthAccessToken with OAuthRefreshToken set to the OAuth refresh token returned by GetOAuthAccessToken.
  4. After the new tokens have been retrieved, set the OAuthAccessToken property to the value returned by RefreshOAuthAccessToken. This opens a new connection.

Store the OAuth refresh token so that you can use it to manually refresh the OAuth access token after it has expired.

Create a Custom OAuth Application

Create a Custom OAuth Application

If you do not have access to the user name and password or do not wish to require them, you can use OAuth authentication. Pipedrive uses the OAuth authentication standard, which requires the authenticating user to interact with Pipedrive via the browser. Authenticating via OAuth requires the use of the OAuth client credentials, client Id, and client secret.

To register a custom OAuth application and obtain the OAuth client credentials, client id, and client secret:

  1. Log into your Pipedrive account Login Page.
  2. At the drop-down menu, click Tools and integrations. Pipedrive displays the Settings page.
  3. In the menu at left, click Marketplace Manager.
  4. Click Create new app.
  5. Click the yes or no button.
  6. Fill in all requested items.
  7. Enter a value for the application's Redirect URI:
    • If you are making a desktop application, set the Callback URL to http://localhost:33333 or a different port number of your choice.
    • If you are making a web application, set the Callback URL to a page on your Web app that you want the user to be returned to after they have authorized your application.
  8. When you have filled in all required fields, click Save. Pipedrive displays a confirmation screen that shows the data you have just filled in.
  9. Check your entries on the confirmation screen. If everything looks correct, click Add a new.

Enabled applications are displayed in the list and the process completes.

The OAuthClientId and ClientSecret are displayed along with the information you specified when setting up the application. Record the OAuthClientID and ClientSecret for future use.

Important Notes

Configuration Files and Their Paths

  • All references to adding configuration files and their paths refer to files and locations on the Jitterbit agent where the connector is installed. These paths are to be adjusted as appropriate depending on the agent and the operating system. If multiple agents are used in an agent group, identical files will be required on each agent.

Data Model


This section shows the available API objects and provides more information on executing SQL to Pipedrive APIs.

Key Features

  • The connector models Pipedrive entities like documents, folders, and groups as relational views, allowing you to write SQL to query Pipedrive data.
  • Stored procedures allow you to execute operations to Pipedrive
  • Live connectivity to these objects means any changes to your Pipedrive account are immediately reflected when using the connector.


Views describes the available views. Views are statically defined to model Pipedrive entities such as Currencies, DealsPersons, and ProductsFiles.


Tables describes the available tables. Tables are statically defined to model Pipedrive entities such as Activities, Users, and Leads.

Stored Procedures

Stored Procedures are function-like interfaces to Pipedrive. Stored procedures allow you to execute operations to Pipedrive, including downloading documents and moving envelopes.


The connector models the data in Pipedrive as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

Pipedrive Connector Tables

Name Description
Activities Get all Activities assigned to a particular User.
ActivityTypes Get all ActivityTypes.
CallLogs Returns all call logs assigned to a particular user.
DealFields Returns data about all deal fields.
Deals Get all deals.
DealsFollowers Get details of deals followers.
DealsParticipants Get details of deals participants.
DealsProducts Get details of deals products.
Files Returns data about all files.
Filters Returns data about all filters.
Goals Goals help your team meet your sales targets.
LeadLabels Returns details of all Lead Labels.
Leads Returns lead data.
MailThreads Get, Update and Delete mail threads in a specified folder ordered by the most recent message within.
NoteComments Create, Update, Delete and Get the comments associated with a note.
Notes Returns all notes.
OrganizationFields Returns data about all organization fields.
OrganizationRelationships Gets all of the relationships.
Organizations Get details of organizations
OrganizationsFollowers Get details of organizations followers.
OrganizationsInternal Get details of organizations.
PersonFields Returns data about all person fields.
PersonFollowers Get details of persons followers.
Persons Get all details of persons.
Pipelines Get all Pipelines.
ProductFields Returns data about all product fields.
Products Get details of Products
ProductsFollowers Get details of products followers.
Roles Returns all the role.
RolesAssignments List assignments for a role.
RolesSetting Returns all the roles settings.
Stages Returns data about all stages.
Subscriptions Returns details of an installment or a recurring Subscription
Users Returns data about all users within the company


Get all Activities assigned to a particular User.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.
  • Done supports the = operator.
  • Type supports the '=, IN' operators.
  • UserId supports the = operator.
  • FilterId supports the = operator.
  • StartDate supports the = operator.
  • EndDate supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM Activities WHERE Id = 246

SELECT * FROM Activities WHERE Done = 0

SELECT * FROM  Activities WHERE Type IN ('deadline', 'call')

SELECT * FROM  Activities WHERE EndDate = '2021-12-24'

SELECT * FROM  Activities WHERE UserId = 8230170

The columns that are not read-only can be inserted. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO ActivitiesAttendees#TEMP (EmailAddress) VALUES ('')
INSERT INTO Activities (DueDate, DueTime, Duration, Dealid, Attendees) VALUES ('1994-10-12', '10:20', '02:00', 1, 'ActivitiesAttendees#TEMP')

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE Activities SET DealId = 2 WHERE ID = 245

DELETE can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM Activities WHERE ID = 246
Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True Activity Id.
ActiveFlag Boolean True ActiveFlag.
AddTime Datetime True AddTime.
AssignedToUserId Integer True AssignedToUserId.
Attendees String False Attendees of the Activity This can be either your existing Pipedrive contacts or an external email address.
BusyFlag Boolean True Set the Activity as Busy or Free. The allowed values are true, false. The default value is true.
CalendarSync String True CalendarSync.
CompanyId Integer True CompanyId.
MeetingClient String True MeetingClient.
MeetingId String True MeetingId.
MeetingUrl String True MeetingUrl.
CreatedByUserId Integer True CreatedByUserId.
DealDropboxBcc String True DealDropboxBcc.
DealId Integer False The ID of the Deal this Activity is associated with.
DealTitle String True DealTitle.
Done Boolean True Whether the Activity is done or not 0 = Not done 1 = Done If omitted returns both Done and Not done activities. The allowed values are 0, 1.
DueDate Date False Due date of the Activity Format YYYY-MM-DD
DueTime Time False Due time of the Activity in UTC Format HH:MM
Duration Time True Duration of the Activity Format HH:MM
FileCleanName String True FileCleanName.
FileId String True FileId.
FileUrl String True FileUrl.
GcalEventId String True GcalEventId.
GoogleCalendarEtag String True GoogleCalendarEtag.
GoogleCalendarId String True GoogleCalendarId.
LastNotificationTime Datetime True LastNotificationTime.
LastNotificationUserId Integer True LastNotificationUserId.
LeadId String True LeadId.
Location String False The address of the Activity.
AdminAreaLevel1 String True AdminAreaLevel1.
AdminAreaLevel2 String True AdminAreaLevel2.
LocationCountry String True LocationCountry.
FormattedAddress String True FormattedAddress.
LocationLat Double True LocationLat.
LocationLocality String True LocationLocality.
LocationLong Double True LocationLong.
PostalCode String True PostalCode.
LocationRoute String True LocationRoute.
StreetNumber String True StreetNumber.
Sublocality String True Sublocality.
Subpremise String True Subpremise.
MarkedAsDoneTime Datetime True MarkedAsDoneTime.
Note String False Note of the Activity HTML format.
NotificationLanguageId Integer True NotificationLanguageId.
OrgId Integer False The ID of the Organization this Activity is associated with.
OrgName String True OrgName.
OwnerName String True OwnerName.
Participants String False List of multiple Persons participants this Activity is associated with If omitted single participant from person_id field is used.
PersonDropboxBcc String True PersonDropboxBcc.
PersonId Integer False The ID of the Person this Activity is associated with.
PersonName String True PersonName.
PublicDescription String False Additional details about the Activity that is synced to your external calendar Unlike the note added to the Activity the description is publicly visible to any guests added to the Activity.
RecMasterActivityId String True RecMasterActivityId.
RecRule String True RecRule.
RecRuleExtension String True RecRuleExtension.
ReferenceId Integer True ReferenceId.
ReferenceType String True ReferenceType.
Series String True Series.
SourceTimezone String True SourceTimezone.
Subject String False Subject of the Activity. The default value is Call.
Type String True Type of the Activity This is in correlation with the key_string parameter of ActivityTypes When value for type is not set, it will be given a default value Call. The default value is Call.
UpdateTime Datetime True UpdateTime.
UpdateUserId Integer True The ID of the User whose Activities will be fetched If omitted the User associated with the API token will be used If 0 Activities for all company Users will be fetched based on the permission sets.
UserId Integer False UserId.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
FilterId Integer The ID of the Filter to use.
StartDate String Use the Activity due date where you wish to begin fetching Activities from Insert due date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
EndDate String Use the Activity due date where you wish to stop fetching Activities from Insert due date in YYYY-MM-DD format.


Get all ActivityTypes.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM Activities WHERE ID = 9

Insert can be executed by specifying the Name and IconKey columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally. For example:

INSERT INTO ActivityTypes (Name, IconKey, color, IsCustomFlag, KeyString) VALUES ('test42', 'task', 'FFFFFF', 'true', 'call')

Update can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE ActivityTypes SET IconKey = 'email' WHERE ID = 7

Delete can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM ActivityTypes WHERE ID = 2
Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True The ID of the ActivityType.
ActiveFlag Boolean True ActiveFlag.
AddTime Datetime True AddTime.
Color String False A designated color for the ActivityType in 6-character HEX format.
IconKey String False Icon graphic to use for representing this activity type. The allowed values are task, email, meeting, deadline, call, lunch, calendar, downarrow, document, smartphone, camera, scissors, cogs, bubble, uparrow, checkbox, signpost, shuffle, addressbook, linegraph, picture, car, world, search, clip, sound, brush, key, padlock, pricetag, suitcase, finish, plane, loop, wifi, truck, cart, bulb, bell, presentation.
IsCustomFlag Boolean True IsCustomFlag.
KeyString String True KeyString.
Name String False The name of the ActivityType.
OrderNr Integer False An order number for this ActivityType. Order numbers should be used to order the types in the ActivityType selections.
UpdateTime Datetime True UpdateTime.


Returns all call logs assigned to a particular user.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM CallLogs WHERE ID = 'cf75de9e4cbcb4a33658ad40561e3230'

Insert can be executed by specifying the Outcome, ToPhoneNumber, StartTime and EndTime columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally.

INSERT INTO CallLogs (Outcome, StartTime, EndTime, Duration, FromPhoneNumber, ToPhoneNumber, UserId, OrgId) VALUES ('connected', '2021-12-15', '2021-12-16', '140', '984656646', '9846566456', '8230170', '6')

Delete can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM CallLogs WHERE ID = '8381cea5da671fa16a1eb63af15e5ec4'
Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True ID.
ActivityId Integer False ActivityId.
CompanyId Integer True CompanyId.
DealId Integer False The ID of the Deal this call is associated with.
Duration String False Call duration in seconds.
EndTime Datetime False The date and time of the end of the call in UTC. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
FromPhoneNumber String False The number that made the call.
HasRecording Boolean True HasRecording.
Note String False Note for the call log in HTML format.
OrgId Integer False The ID of the Organization this call is associated with.
Outcome String False Describes the outcome of the call. The allowed values are connected, no_answer, left_message, left_voicemail, wrong_number, busy.
PersonId Integer False The ID of the Person this call is associated with.
StartTime Datetime False The date and time of the start of the call in UTC. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
Subject String False Name of the activity this call is attached to.
ToPhoneNumber String False The number called.
UserId Integer False The ID of the owner of the call log.


Returns data about all deal fields.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealFields WHERE ID = 12478

Insert can be executed by specifying the Name and IconKey columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally. For example:

INSERT INTO DealFields (Name, AddVisibleFlag, FieldType) VALUES ('test43', 'false', 'address')

Update can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE DealFields SET Name = 'test44' WHERE ID = '12500'

Delete can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM DealFields WHERE ID = 12500
Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True ID of the field.
ActiveFlag Boolean True Whether the field is available in 'add new' modal or not (both in web and mobile app). The default value is true.
AddTime Datetime True AddTime.
AddVisibleFlag Boolean False AddVisibleFlag.
BulkEditAllowed Boolean True BulkEditAllowed.
DetailsVisibleFlag Boolean True DetailsVisibleFlag.
EditFlag Boolean True EditFlag.
FieldType String False Type of the field. The allowed values are address, date, daterange, double, enum, monetary, org, people, phone, set, text, time, timerange, user, varchar, varchar_auto, visible_to.
FilteringAllowed Boolean True FilteringAllowed.
ImportantFlag Boolean True ImportantFlag.
IndexVisibleFlag Boolean True IndexVisibleFlag.
Key String True Key.
LastUpdatedByUserId String True LastUpdatedByUserId.
MandatoryFlag Boolean True MandatoryFlag.
Name String False Name of the field.
Options String False Options.
OrderNr Integer True OrderNr.
SearchableFlag Boolean True SearchableFlag.
SortableFlag Boolean True SortableFlag.
UpdateTime Datetime True UpdateTime.


Get all deals.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.
  • StageId supports the = operator.
  • Status supports the = operator.
  • FilterId supports the = operator.
  • UserId supports the = operator.
  • PersonId supports the = operator.
  • OrgId supports the = operator.
  • OwnedByYou supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:


SELECT * FROM Deals WHERE StageId = 1

SELECT * FROM Deals WHERE  Status = 'Open'

SELECT * FROM Deals WHERE FilterId = 1

SELECT * FROM Deals WHERE FilterId = 1


SELECT * FROM Deals WHERE OwnedByYou = 1

Insert can be executed by specifying the Title columns.The columns that are not read-only can be inserted. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO Deals (title, PersonId) VALUES ('tetsptest', 6203)

Update can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE Deals SET Title = 'test' WHERE ID = 15

Delete can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True Deals id.
Active Boolean True Active.
ActivitiesCount Integer True Activities Count.
AddTime Datetime False AddTime.
CcEmail String True Cc Email.
CloseTime String True Close Time.
CreatorActiveFlag Boolean True Creator ActiveFlag.
CreatorEmail String True Creator Email.
CreatorHasPic Boolean True Creator HasPic.
CreatorId Integer True Creator Id.
CreatorName String True Creator Name.
CreatorPicHash String True CreatorPicHash.
Creatorvalue Integer True Creatorvalue.
Currency String False Currency.
CustomeField String True CustomeField you will get the result of this column only when criteria filter title is used.
Deleted Boolean True Deleted.
DoneActivitiesCount Integer True Done Activities Count.
EmailMessagesCount Integer True Email Messages Count.
ExpectedCloseDate Date False Expected Close Date.
FilesCount Integer True Files Count.
FirstWonTime Datetime True First Won Time.
FollowersCount Integer True Followers Count.
FormattedValue String True Formatted Value.
FormattedWeightedValue String True Formatted Weighted Value.
Label String True Label.
LastActivityDate String True Last Activity Date.
LastActivityId String True Last Activity Id.
LastIncomingMailTime Datetime True Last Incoming MailTime.
LastOutgoingMailTime Datetime True Last OutgoingMail Time.
LostReason String False Lost Reason.
LostTime String True Lost Time.
NextActivityDate Date True Next Activity Date.
NextActivityDuration Time True Next Activity Duration.
NextActivityId Integer True Next Activity Id.
NextActivityNote String True Next Activity Note.
NextActivitySubject String True Next Activity Subject.
NextActivityTime Time True Next Activity Time.
NextActivityType String True Next Activity Type.
NotesCount Integer True NotesCount.
Notes String True Notes.
OrgHidden Boolean True Org Hidden.
OrgActiveFlag Boolean True Org ActiveFlag.
OrgAddress String True Org Address.
OrgCcEmail String True Org CcEmail.
OrgName String True Org Name.
OrgOwnerId Integer True Org OwnerId.
OrgPeopleCount Integer True Org PeopleCount.
OrgValue Integer True Org Value.
OwnerName String True Owner Name.
OwnerId String True Owner ID you will get the result of this column only when criteria filter title is used.
ParticipantsCount Integer True Participants Count.
PersonHidden Boolean True Person Hidden.
PersonActiveFlag Boolean True Person Active Flag.
PersonEmail String True Person Email.
PersonName String True Person Name.
PersonPhone String True Person Phone.
Personvalue Integer True Personvalue.
PipelineId Integer True PipelineId.
Probability String True Probability.
ProductsCount Integer True Products Count.
RottenTime String True RottenTime.
ResultScore String True Result score you will get the result of this column only when criteria filter title is used.
StageChangeTime Datetime True Stage Change Time.
StageId Integer True StageId.
StageName String True StageName.
StageOrderNr Integer True Stage OrderNr.
Status String False Status. The allowed values are open, won, lost, deleted, all_not_deleted. The default value is all_not_deleted.
Title String False Title.
Type String True Type you will get the result of this column only when criteria filter title is used.
UndoneActivitiesCount Integer True Undone Activities Count.
UpdateTime Datetime True Update Time.
UserActiveFlag Boolean True User ActiveFlag.
UserEmail String True User Email.
UserHasPic Boolean True User HasPic.
UserId Integer False User Id.
UserName String True User Name.
UserPicHash String True User PicHash.
Uservalue Integer True User value.
Value Integer False Value of the deal. The default value is 0.
VisibleTo String False Visibility of the deal. The allowed values are 1, 3, 5, 7.
WeightedValue Integer True Visible To.
WeightedValueCurrency String True Weighted Value Currency.
OrderOfStages Integer True You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter ID is used.
AverageTimeToWonY Integer True You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter ID is used.
AverageTimeToWonM Integer True You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter ID is used.
AverageTimeToWond Integer True You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter ID is used.
AverageTimeToWonh Integer True You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter ID is used.
AverageTimeToWons Integer True You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter ID is used.
AverageTimeToWoni Integer True You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter ID is used.
AverageTotalSeconds Integer True You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter ID is used.
AverageStageProgress Integer True You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter ID is used.
AgeY Integer True You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter ID is used.
AgeM Integer True You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter ID is used.
Aged Integer True You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter ID is used.
Ageh Integer True You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter ID is used.
Ages Integer True You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter ID is used.
Agei Integer True You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter ID is used.
AgeTotalSeconds Integer True You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter ID is used.
WonTime Datetime True Won time.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
FilterId Integer Filter Id
OwnedByYou Integer Owned By You The allowed values are 0, 1.
PersonId Integer Person Id
OrgId Integer Org Id


Get details of deals followers.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsFollowers WHERE ID = 2

Insert can be executed by specifying the Name and IconKey columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally. For example:

INSERT INTO DealsFollowers (userid, id) VALUES (8230170, 8)

Delete can be executed by specifying the Id, DealId in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM DealsFollowers WHERE ID = 1 AND Dealid = 1
Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True Id.
AddTime Datetime True AddTime.
UserId Integer False User Id.
DealId Integer True Deal Id.


Get details of deals participants.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsParticipants WHERE ID = 9

Insert can be executed by specifying the Content and PersonId columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally. For example:

INSERT INTO DealsParticipants (Id, Personid) VALUES (4, 6)

Delete can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM DealsParticipants WHERE ID = 14 AND ItemDealId = 17
Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True Id.
ActiveFlag Boolean True ActiveFlag.
AddTime Datetime True AddTime.
AddedByactiveFlag Boolean True AddedByactiveFlag.
AddedByemail String True AddedByemail.
AddedByhasPic Integer True AddedByhasPic.
AddedByid Integer True AddedByid.
AddedByname String True AddedByname.
AddedBypicHash String True AddedBypicHash.
AddedByvalue Integer True Added_byvalue.
PersonActiveFlag Boolean True PersonActiveFlag.
ActivitiesCount Integer True ActivitiesCount.
PersonAddTime Datetime True AddTime.
CcEmail String True CcEmail.
ClosedDealsCount Integer True ClosedDealsCount.
CompanyId Integer True CompanyId.
DoneActivitiesCount Integer True DoneActivitiesCount.
Email String True Email.
EmailMessagesCount Integer True EmailMessagesCount.
FilesCount Integer True FilesCount.
FirstChar String True FirstChar.
FirstName String True FirstName.
FollowersCount Integer True FollowersCount.
Personlabel String True Personlabel.
LastActivityDate Date True LastActivityDate.
LastActivityId Integer True LastActivityId.
LastincomingMailTime String True LastincomingMailTime.
Lastname String True Lastname.
LastoutgoingMailTime String True LastoutgoingMailTime.
LostdealsCount Integer True LostdealsCount.
Name String True Name.
NextActivityDate Date True nextActivityDate.
NextActivityId Integer True nextActivityId.
NextActivityTime String True nextActivityTime.
NotesCount Integer True NotesCount.
OpenDealsCount Integer True OpenDealsCount.
OrgActiveFlag Boolean True OrgActiveFlag.
OrgAddress String True OrgAddress.
OrgCcEmail String True OrgCcEmail.
OrgName String True OrgName.
OrgownerId Integer True OrgownerId.
OrgpeopleCount Integer True OrgpeopleCount.
OrgId Integer True OrgId.
OwnerActiveFlag Boolean True OwnerActiveFlag.
OwnerEmail String True OwnerEmail.
OwnerHasPic Integer True OwnerHasPic.
OwnerId Integer True OwnerId.
OwnerName String True OwnerName.
OwnerPicHash String True OwnerPicHash.
OwnerValue Integer True OwnerValue.
ParticipantClosedDealsCount Integer True ClosedDealsCount.
ParticipantOpenDealsCount Integer True OpenDealsCount.
Phone String True Phone.
PictureId String True PictureId.
RelatedclosedDealsCount Integer True RelatedclosedDealsCount.
RelatedlostDealsCount Integer True RelatedlostDealsCount.
RelatedopenDealsCount Integer True RelatedopenDealsCount.
RelatedwonDealsCount Integer True RelatedwonDealsCount.
SyncNeeded Boolean True SyncNeeded.
UndoneActivitiesCount Integer True UndoneActivitiesCount.
UpdateTime Datetime True UpdateTime.
VisibleTo String True visibleTo.
WonDealsCount Integer True WonDealsCount.
PersonIdActiveFlag Boolean True PersonactiveFlag.
Personemail String True Personemail.
Personname String True Personname.
Personphone String True Personphone.
PersonValues Integer False PersonValues.
ItemDealId Integer True ItemDealId.
ItemTitle String True ItemTitle.
ItemId Integer True ItemId.
ItemType String True ItemType.
PersonId Integer False Person Id.
PersonOrgName String True Person OrgName.
PersonOwnerName String True Person OwnerName.


Get details of deals products.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsProducts WHERE ID = 9

Insert can be executed by specifying the Content and PersonId columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally. For example:

INSERT INTO DealsProducts (DealId, ProductId, ItemPrice, quantity) VALUES (2, 2, 20000, 1)

Update can be executed by specifying the ID and Dealid in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE DealsProducts SET quantity = 20 WHERE ID = 15 AND Dealid = 2

Delete can be executed by specifying the Id, DealId in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM DealsProducts WHERE ID = 15 AND Dealid = 2
Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True Id.
ActiveFlag Boolean True ActiveFlag.
AddTime Datetime True AddTime.
Comments String False Any textual comment associated with this product-deal attachment.
Currency String True Currency.
DealId Integer False Deal id.
DiscountPercentage Double True Discount %. The default value is 0.
Duration Integer True Duration of the product. The default value is 1.
DurationUnit String True DurationUnit.
EnabledFlag Boolean False Whether the product is enabled on the deal or not. The allowed values are 0, 1.
ItemPrice Integer False Price at which this product will be added to the deal.
LastEdit String True LastEdit.
Name String True Name.
OrderNr Integer True OrderNr.
ProductActiveFlag Boolean True Product ActiveFlag.
ProductAddTime Datetime True Product AddTime.
Category String True Category.
code String True Code.
description String True Description.
FilesCount String True FilesCount.
FirstChar String True FirstChar.
ProductsId Integer True ProductsId.
ProductName String True ProductName.
OwnerActiveFlag Boolean True OwnerActiveFlag.
OwnerEmail String True OwnerEmail.
OwnerHasPic Boolean True OwnerHasPic.
OwnerId Integer True OwnerId.
OwnerName String True OwnerName.
OwnerPicHash String True OwnerPicHash.
OwnerValue Integer True OwnerValue.
EURCost Integer True EURCost.
EURCurrency String True EURCurrency.
EURId Integer True EURId.
EUROverheadCost Integer True EUROverheadCost.
EURPrice Integer True EURPrice.
EURProductId Integer True EURProductId.
Selectable Boolean True selectable.
ProductTax Integer True ProductTax.
unit String True unit.
UpdateTime Datetime True UpdateTime.
VisibleTo String True VisibleTo.
ProductId Integer False ID of the product that will be attached.
VariationId String False ID of the product variation.
Quantity Integer False How many items of this product will be added to the deal.
QuantityFormatted String True QuantityFormatted.
Sum Double True Sum.
SumFormatted String True SumFormatted.
SumNoDiscount Integer True SumNoDiscount.
Tax Integer False Tax percentage. The default value is 0.


Returns data about all files.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:


Update can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE Files SET Name = 'Updating PipeDrive Pipelines1' WHERE ID = 405

Delete can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True ID of the file.
ActiveFlag Boolean True ActiveFlag.
ActivityId String True ID of the activity to associate file.
AddTime Datetime True AddTime.
Cid String True Cid.
DealId String True ID of the deal to associate file.
DealName String True DealName.
Description String False Description of the file.
FileName String True FileName.
FileSize Integer True FileSize.
FileType String True FileType.
InlineFlag Boolean True InlineFlag.
LogId String True LogId.
MailMessageId String True MailMessageId.
MailTemplateId String True MailTemplateId.
Name String False Visible name of the file.
OrgId String True ID of the organization to associate file.
OrgName String True OrgName.
PersonId Integer True ID of the person to associate file.
PersonName String True PersonName.
ProductId String True ID of the product to associate file.
ProductName String True ProductName.
RemoteId String True RemoteId.
RemoteLocation String True RemoteLocation.
S3Bucket String True S3Bucket.
UpdateTime Datetime True UpdateTime.
Url String True Url.
UserId Integer True UserId.
LeadId String True LeadId.
LeadName String True LeadName.


Returns data about all filters.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.
  • Type supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:


Insert can be executed by specifying the Name, Conditions and Type columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally. For example:

INSERT INTO Filters (Name, Conditions, Type) VALUES ('Indias Filter', '{"glue": "and","conditions": [{"glue": "and","conditions": [{"object": "organization","field_id": "4020"}]}]}', 'deals')

Update can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE Filters SET Name = 'Updating Pipedrive filters', Conditions = '{"glue": "and","conditions": [{"glue": "or","conditions": [{"object": "organization123","field_id": "4021"}]}]}' WHERE ID = 39

Delete can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True The ID of the filter.
ActiveFlag Boolean True ActiveFlag.
AddTime Datetime True AddTime.
CustomViewId String True CustomViewId.
Name String False The name of the filter.
TemporaryFlag String True TemporaryFlag.
Type String False The types of filters to fetch. The allowed values are deals, org, people, products, activity.
UpdateTime String True UpdateTime.
UserId Integer True UserId.
VisibleTo Integer True VisibleTo.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Conditions String The conditions of the filter as a JSON object.


Goals help your team meet your sales targets.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.
  • Title supports the = operator.
  • Name supports the = operator.
  • Type supports the = operator.
  • Title supports the = operator.
  • PipelineId supports the = operator.
  • ActivityTypeId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM Goals WHERE id = 'c924154b747f214228a906d3de079801' AND DurationEnd = '2022-02-03' AND DurationStart = '2022-01-01'

SELECT * FROM Goals WHERE Title = 'test'

SELECT * FROM Goals WHERE Type = 'test'

SELECT * FROM Goals WHERE TypeName = 'test'

Insert can be executed by specifying the Content and PersonId columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally. For example:

INSERT INTO Goals (Title, AssigneeId, AssigneeType, DurationStart, DurationEnd, Target, CurrencyId, TrackingMetric, Iterval, TypeName, PipelineId) VALUES ('test', 13815887, 'person', '2022-01-21', '2022-02-03', 50, 1, 'sum', 'monthly', 'deals_started', 'null')

Update can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE Goals SET title = 'test' WHERE ID = 'c924154b747f214228a906d3de079801'

Delete can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM Goals WHERE ID = 'c924154b747f214228a906d3de079801'
Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True Id.
AssigneeId Integer False ID of the user who's goal to fetch.
AssigneeType String False Type of the goal's assignee. If provided, everyone's goals will be returned. The allowed values are person, team, company.
DurationEnd Date False End date of the period for which to find goals.
DurationStart Date False Start date of the period for which to find goals.
Target Integer False Numeric value of the outcome. If provided, everyone's goals will be returned.
CurrencyId String False Numeric value of the outcome. If provided, everyone's goals will be returned.
TrackingMetric String False Tracking metric of the expected outcome of the goal. If provided, everyone's goals will be returned.
Interval String False Interval of the goal. The allowed values are weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly.
IsActive Boolean False Whether goal is active or not. The default value is true.
OwnerId Integer True OwnerId.
ReportIds String True ReportIds.
Title String False Title of the goal.
TypeName String False Type of the goal. If provided, everyone's goals will be returned. The allowed values are deals_won, deals_progressed, activities_completed, activities_added, deals_started.
PipelineId String False ID of the pipeline.
ActivityTypeId String False ID of the activity_type.


Returns details of all Lead Labels.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM LeadLabels

Insert can be executed by specifying the Name and Color columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally. For example:

INSERT INTO LeadLabels (Name, Color) VALUES ('BangaloreCdataIndia123', 'blue')

Update can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE LeadLabels SET Name = 'I am updating content' WHERE ID = '28093520-743a-11ec-96e6-031cfba07e9a'

Delete can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM LeadLabels WHERE ID = '28093520-743a-11ec-96e6-031cfba07e9a'
Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True The ID of the Lead Label.
AddTime Datetime True AddTime.
Color String False The color of the label. The allowed values are green, blue, red, yellow, purple, gray.
Name String False The name of the Lead Label.
UpdateTime Datetime True UpdateTime.


Returns lead data.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.
  • SearchByEmail supports the = operator.
  • OwnerId supports the = operator.
  • PersonId supports the = operator.
  • OrganizationId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:


SELECT * FROM Leads WHERE Id = 'a300ea00-5d6c-11ec-9270-93cbb0be1eed'

SELECT * FROM Leads WHERE SearchByEmail = 'all'

Insert can be executed by specifying the Title column. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally. For example:

INSERT INTO Leads (Title, Personid, Visibleto, ExpectedCloseDate) VALUES ('123', 1, 1, '2022-01-01')

Update can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE Leads SET Title = 'CdataIndia' WHERE ID = 'bf1bb1e0-6e13-11ec-b981-a127469657bd'

Delete can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM Leads WHERE ID = 'bf1bb1e0-6e13-11ec-b981-a127469657bd'
Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True The ID of the Lead.
Addtime Datetime True Addtime.
CcEmail String True Ccemail.
CreatorId Integer True Creatorid.
ExpectedCloseDate String False The date of when the Deal which will be created from the Lead is expected to be closed.
Isarchived Boolean True A flag indicating whether the Lead is archived or not.
Labelids String False The IDs of the Lead Labels which will be associated with the Lead.
NextactivityId Integer True Nextactivityid.
OrganizationId String False The ID of an Organization which this Lead will be linked to.
OwnerId Integer False The ID of the User which will be the owner of the created Lead.
PersonId Integer False The ID of a Person which this Lead will be linked to.
Sourcename String False Sourcename.
Title String False The name of the Lead.
Updatetime Datetime True UpdateTime.
Amount Integer False The potential value of the Lead.
Currency String True The currency value of the Lead.
Visibleto String False Visibility of the Lead. The allowed values are 1, 3, 5, 7.
Wasseen Boolean False A flag indicating whether the Lead was seen by someone in the Pipedrive UI.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
SearchByEmail Integer Filtering based on archived status of a Lead. If not provided, All is used. The allowed values are archived, not_archived, all. The default value is all.


Get, Update and Delete mail threads in a specified folder ordered by the most recent message within.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.
  • Folder supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM MailThreads WHERE Folder = 'inbox'

Update can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE MailThreads SET Subject = 'test' WHERE ID = 145

Delete can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM MailThreads WHERE ID = 145
Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True ID of the Mail Threads.
PartiesTo String True To.
PartiesFrom String True From.
DraftParties String True Draft Parties.
Folders String True Folders.
AccountId String True Account Id.
UserId Integer True User Id.
Version Integer True Version.
Subject String True Subject.
Snippet String True Snippet.
SnippetDraft String True SnippetDraft.
SnippetSent String True SnippetSent.
HasAttachmentsFlag Integer True HasAttachmentsFlag.
HasInlineAttachmentsFlag Integer True HasInlineAttachmentsFlag.
HasRealAttachmentsFlag Integer True HasRealAttachmentsFlag.
HasDraftFlag Integer True HasDraftFlag.
HasSentFlag Integer True HasSentFlag.
ArchivedFlag Integer True ArchivedFlag.
DeletedFlag Integer True DeletedFlag.
SyncedFlag Integer True SyncedFlag.
ExternalDeletedFlag Integer True ExternalDeletedFlag.
SmartBccFlag Integer True SmartBccFlag.
FirstMessageToMeFlag Integer True FirstMessageToMeFlag.
MailLinkTrackingEnabledFlag Integer True MailLinkTrackingEnabledFlag.
LastMessageTimestamp String True LastMessageTimestamp.
FirstMessageTimestamp String True FirstMessageTimestamp.
LastMessageSentTimestamp String True LastMessageSentTimestamp.
LastMessageReceivedTimestamp String True LastMessageReceivedTimestamp.
AddTime String True AddTime.
UpdateTime String True UpdateTime.
DealId Integer True DealId.
DealStatus Integer True DealStatus.
AllMessagesSentFlag Integer True AllMessagesSentFlag.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Folder String The type of folder to fetch.


Create, Update, Delete and Get the comments associated with a note.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • NoteId supports the = operator.
  • UUID supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM NoteComments WHERE NoteId = 14

Insert can be executed by specifying the NoteId and Content columns.The columns that are not read-only can be inserted. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO NoteComments (NoteId,Content) VALUES (2, 'Test comment')

Update can be executed by specifying the NoteId and UUID in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE NoteComments SET Content='Test' where NoteId=1 and UUID = '53e0c79fdacf083d9fe1f799fdc0a206'

Delete can be executed by specifying the NoteId and UUID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM NoteComments WHERE NoteId=1 and UUID = '53e0c79fdacf083d9fe1f799fdc0a206'
Name Type ReadOnly Description
NoteId [KEY] Integer True ID of the note.
UUID String False Comment Id.
ActiveFlag Boolean False Active flag.
AddTime String False Add time of the note comment.
CompanyId Integer True Company Id.
Content String False Content of the comment.
ObjectId String True Object Id.
ObjectType String False Object type.
UpdateTime String False Update time of the comment.
UpdaterId Integer True Updater Id.
UserId Integer True User Id.


Returns all notes.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.
  • UserId supports the = operator.
  • LeadId supports the = operator.
  • DealId supports the = operator.
  • PersonId supports the = operator.
  • OrgId supports the = operator.
  • PinnedToLeadFlag supports the = operator.
  • PinnedToDealFlag supports the = operator.
  • PinnedToOrganizationFlag supports the = operator.
  • PinnedToPersonFlag supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:


Insert can be executed by specifying the Content and PersonId columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally. For example:

INSERT INTO Notes (ActiveFlag, Content, PersonId, AddTime) VALUES ('true', 'this is frist notes', '8', '2021-12-31')

Update can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE Notes SET Content = 'I am updating content' WHERE ID = 7

Delete can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True ID of the note.
ActiveFlag Boolean False ActiveFlag.
AddTime Datetime False AddTime.
Content String False Content.
DealTitle String True DealTitle.
DealId Integer False The ID of the deal which notes to fetch.
LastUpdateUserId Integer True LastUpdateUserId.
LeadId String False The ID of the lead which notes to fetch.
OrgId Integer False The ID of the organization which notes to fetch.
OrganizationName String True OrganizationName.
PersonName String True PersonName.
PersonId Integer False The ID of the person whose notes to fetch.
PinnedToDealFlag Boolean False If set, then results are filtered by note to deal pinning state. The allowed values are 0, 1.
PinnedToLeadFlag Boolean False If set, then results are filtered by note to lead pinning state. The allowed values are 0, 1.
PinnedToOrganizationFlag Boolean False If set, then results are filtered by note to organization pinning state. The allowed values are 0, 1.
PinnedToPersonFlag Boolean False If set, then results are filtered by note to person pinning state. The allowed values are 0, 1.
UpdateTime Datetime True UpdateTime.
UserEmail String True UserEmail.
UserIconUrl String True UserIconUUserNamerl.
UserIsYou Boolean True UserIsYouUserName.
UserName String True UserName.
UserId Integer True The ID of the user whose notes to fetch.


Returns data about all organization fields.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.
  • OrgId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM OrganizationRelationships WHERE id = 2

Insert can be executed by specifying the Type, RelOwnerOrgId and RelLinkedOrgId columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally. For example:

INSERT INTO OrganizationRelationships (Type, RelOwnerOrgId, RelLinkedOrgId) VALUES ('parent', '8230170', '8230170')

Update can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE OrganizationRelationships SET Type = 'related' WHERE ID = 2

Delete can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM OrganizationRelationships WHERE ID = 2
Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True ID of the field.
ActiveFlag Boolean True ActiveFlag.
AddTime Datetime True AddTime.
AddVisibleFlag Boolean False Whether the field is available in 'add new' modal or not. The default value is true.
BulkEditAllowed Boolean True BulkEditAllowed.
DetailsVisibleFlag Boolean True DetailsVisibleFlag.
EditFlag Boolean True EditFlag.
FieldType String False Type of the field. The allowed values are address, date, daterange, double, enum, monetary, org, people, phone, set, text, time, timerange, user, varchar, varchar_auto, visible_to.
FilteringAllowed Boolean True FilteringAllowed.
ImportantFlag Boolean True ImportantFlag.
IndexVisibleFlag Boolean True IndexVisibleFlag.
Key String True Key.
LastUpdatedByUserId String True LastUpdatedByUserId.
MandatoryFlag Boolean True MandatoryFlag.
Name String False Name of the field.
Options String False Options.
OrderNr Integer True OrderNr.
SearchableFlag Boolean True SearchableFlag.
SortableFlag Boolean True SortableFlag.
UpdateTime Datetime True UpdateTime.


Gets all of the relationships.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM OrganizationRelationships WHERE ID = 9

Insert can be executed by specifying the Content and PersonId columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally. For example:

INSERT INTO OrganizationRelationships (type, RelOwnerOrgId, RelLinkedOrgId) VALUES ('parent', 2, 3)

Update can be executed by specifying the ID and Dealid in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE OrganizationRelationships SET type = 'parent' WHERE ID = 10

Delete can be executed by specifying the Id, DealId in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM OrganizationRelationships  WHERE ID = 10
Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True ID of the organization relationship.
ActiveFlag Boolean True ActiveFlag.
AddTime Datetime True AddTime.
CalculatedRelatedOrgId Integer False CalculatedRelatedOrgId.
CalculatedType String False CalculatedType.
RelLinkedOrgIdActiveFlag Boolean False RelLinkedOrgIdActiveFlag.
RelLinkedOrgIdAddress String False RelLinkedOrgIdAddress.
RelLinkedOrgIdCcEmail String False RelLinkedOrgIdCcEmail.
RelLinkedOrgIdname String False RelLinkedOrgIdname.
RelLinkedOrgIdownerId Integer False RelLinkedOrgIdownerId.
RelLinkedOrgIdPeopleCount Integer False RelLinkedOrgIdPeopleCount.
RelLinkedOrgIdvalue Integer False RelLinkedOrgIdvalue.
RelOwnerOrgIdActiveFlag Boolean False RelOwnerOrgIdActiveFlag.
RelOwnerOrgIdAddress String False RelOwnerOrgIdAddress.
RelOwnerOrgIdCcEmail String False RelOwnerOrgIdCcEmail.
RelOwnerOrgIdName String False RelOwnerOrgIdName.
RelOwnerOrgIdOwnerId Integer False RelOwnerOrgIdOwnerId.
RelOwnerOrgIdPeopleCount Integer False RelOwnerOrgIdPeopleCount.
OrgId Integer False RelOwnerOrgIdValue.
RelatedOrganizationName String False RelatedOrganizationName.
Type String False The type of organization relationship. The allowed values are parent, related.
UpdateTime Datetime False UpdateTime.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
RelOwnerOrgId Integer Real Organization Id.
RelLinkedOrgId Integer Real Organization Id.


Get details of organizations


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.
  • FirstChar supports the = operator.
  • FilterId supports the = operator.
  • UserId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM Organizations WHERE Id = 14

SELECT * FROM Organizations WHERE FirstChar = 'c'

SELECT * FROM Organizations WHERE FilterId = 1

SELECT * FROM Organizations WHERE UserId = 1

Insert can be executed by specifying the Name columns.The columns that are not read-only can be inserted. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO Organizations (name) VALUES ('testpankaj')

Update can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE Organizations SET Name = 'test123' WHERE ID = 2495

Delete can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM Organizations WHERE ID = 15
Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True Id
ActiveFlag Boolean True ActiveFlag
ActivitiesCount Integer True ActivitiesCount
AddTime Datetime False Optional creation date time of the organization in UTC. Requires admin user API token. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
Address String True Address
AdminArealevel1 String True AdminArealevel1
AdminArealevel2 String True AdminArealevel2
Country String True Country
FormattedAddress String True FormattedAddress
Locality String True Locality
PostalCode String True PostalCode
Route String True Route
StreetNumber String True StreetNumber
Sublocality String True Sublocality
Subpremise String True Subpremise
CcEmail String True CcEmail
CustomeField String True CustomeField you will get the result of this column only when criteria filter title is used
ClosedDealsCount Integer True ClosedDealsCount
CompanyId Integer True CompanyId
CountryCode String True CountryCode
DoneActivitiesCount Integer True DoneActivitiesCount
EmailMessagesCount Integer True EmailMessagesCount
FilesCount Integer True FilesCount
FirstChar String True FirstChar
FollowersCount Integer True FollowersCount
Label Integer True Label
LastActivityDate Date True LastActivityDate
LastActivityId Integer True LastActivityId
LostDealsCount Integer True LostDealsCount
Name String False Name
NextActivityDate Date True NextActivityDate
NextActivityId Integer True NextActivityId
NextActivityTime Time True NextActivityTime
NotesCount Integer True NotesCount
OpenDealsCount Integer True OpenDealsCount
Owneractive_flag Boolean True Owneractive_flag
OwnerEmail String True OwnerEmail
OwnerHasPic Integer True OwnerHasPic
OwnerId Integer False OwnerId
OwnerName String True OwnerName
OwnerPicHash String True OwnerPicHash
OwnerIdValue Integer True OwnerIdValue
OwnerName String True OwnerName
PeopleCount Integer True PeopleCount
PictureActiveFlag Boolean True PictureActiveFlag
PictureAddTime Datetime True PictureAddTime
PictureAddedByUserId Integer True PictureAddedByUserId
PictureItemId Integer True PictureItemId
PictureItemType String True PictureItemType
Picture128 String True Picture128
Picture512 String True Picture512
PictureUpdateTime String True PictureUpdateTime
PictureIid Integer True PictureIid
RelatedClosedDealsCount Integer True RelatedClosedDealsCount
RelatedLostDealsCount Integer True RelatedLostDealsCount
RelatedOpenDealsCount Integer True RelatedOpenDealsCount
RelatedWonDealsCount Integer True RelatedWonDealsCount
Type String True Type you will get the result of this column only when criteria filter title is used
UndoneActivitiesCount Integer True UndoneActivitiesCount
UpdateTime Datetime True UpdateTime
VisibleTo Integer False Visibility of the organization The allowed values are 1, 3, 5, 7.
WonDealsCount Integer True WonDealsCount

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
UserId Integer User Id
FilterId Integer Filter Id


Get details of organizations followers.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • OrgId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsFollowers WHERE OrgId = 6

Insert can be executed by specifying the UserId, OrgId columns.The columns that are not read-only can be inserted. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO OrganizationsFollowers (UserId, OrgId) VALUES (8230170, 1)

Delete can be executed by specifying the Id, OrgId in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM OrganizationsFollowers WHERE OrgId = 1 AND ID = 1
Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True Id.
AddTime Datetime True AddTime.
OrgId Integer True OrgId.
UserId Integer False UserId.


Get details of organizations.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True Id.
ActiveFlag Boolean True ActiveFlag.
ActivitiesCount Integer True ActivitiesCount.
AddTime Datetime False Optional creation date time of the organization in UTC. Requires admin user API token. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
Address String True Address.
AdminArealevel1 String True AdminArealevel1.
AdminArealevel2 String True AdminArealevel2.
Country String True Country.
FormattedAddress String True FormattedAddress.
Locality String True Locality.
PostalCode String True PostalCode.
Route String True Route.
StreetNumber String True StreetNumber.
Sublocality String True Sublocality.
Subpremise String True Subpremise.
CcEmail String True CcEmail.
CustomeField String True CustomeField you will get the result of this column only when criteria filter title is used.
ClosedDealsCount Integer True ClosedDealsCount.
CompanyId Integer True CompanyId.
CountryCode String True CountryCode.
DoneActivitiesCount Integer True DoneActivitiesCount.
EmailMessagesCount Integer True EmailMessagesCount.
FilesCount Integer True FilesCount.
FirstChar String True FirstChar.
FollowersCount Integer True FollowersCount.
Label Integer True Label.
LastActivityDate Date True LastActivityDate.
LastActivityId Integer True LastActivityId.
LostDealsCount Integer True LostDealsCount.
Name String False Name.
NextActivityDate Date True NextActivityDate.
NextActivityId Integer True NextActivityId.
NextActivityTime Time True NextActivityTime.
NotesCount Integer True NotesCount.
OpenDealsCount Integer True OpenDealsCount.
OwneractiveFlag Boolean True Owneractive_flag.
OwnerEmail String True OwnerEmail.
OwnerHasPic Boolean True OwnerHasPic.
OwnerId Integer False OwnerId.
OwnerName String True OwnerName.
OwnerPicHash String True OwnerPicHash.
OwnerIdValue Integer True OwnerIdValue.
PeopleCount Integer True PeopleCount.
PictureActiveFlag Boolean True PictureActiveFlag.
PictureAddTime Datetime True PictureAddTime.
PictureAddedByUserId Integer True PictureAddedByUserId.
PictureItemId Integer True PictureItemId.
PictureItemType String True PictureItemType.
Picture128 String True Picture128.
Picture512 String True Picture512.
PictureUpdateTime String True PictureUpdateTime.
PictureId Integer True PictureIid.
RelatedClosedDealsCount Integer True RelatedClosedDealsCount.
RelatedLostDealsCount Integer True RelatedLostDealsCount.
RelatedOpenDealsCount Integer True RelatedOpenDealsCount.
RelatedWonDealsCount Integer True RelatedWonDealsCount.
Type String True Type you will get the result of this column only when criteria filter title is used.
UndoneActivitiesCount Integer True UndoneActivitiesCount.
UpdateTime Datetime True UpdateTime.
VisibleTo Integer False Visibility of the organization. The allowed values are 1, 3, 5, 7.
WonDealsCount Integer True WonDealsCount.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
UserId Integer User Id.
FilterId Integer Filter Id.


Returns data about all person fields.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PersonFields WHERE ID = 9039

Insert can be executed by specifying the Name and FieldType columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally. For example:

INSERT INTO PersonFields (Name, AddVisibleFlag, FieldType) VALUES ('NameCdataIndia', 'true', 'address')

Update can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE PersonFields SET Name = 'My name just started here' WHERE ID = '9062'

Delete can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM PersonFields WHERE ID = 9040
Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True ID of the field.
ActiveFlag Boolean True ActiveFlag.
AddTime Datetime True AddTime.
AddVisibleFlag Boolean False Whether the field is available in 'add new' modal or not (both in web and mobile app). The default value is true.
BulkEditAllowed Boolean True BulkEditAllowed.
DetailsVisibleFlag Boolean True DetailsVisibleFlag.
EditFlag Boolean True EditFlag.
FieldType String False Type of the field. The allowed values are address, date, daterange, double, enum, monetary, org, people, phone, set, text, time, timerange, user, varchar, varchar_auto, visible_to.
FilteringAllowed Boolean True FilteringAllowed.
ImportantFlag Boolean True ImportantFlag.
IndexVisibleFlag Boolean True IndexVisibleFlag.
Key String True Key.
LastUpdatedByUserId String True LastUpdatedByUserId.
MandatoryFlag Boolean True MandatoryFlag.
Name String False Name of the field.
Options String False Options.
OrderNr Integer True OrderNr.
SearchableFlag Boolean True SearchableFlag.
SortableFlag Boolean True SortableFlag.
UpdateTime Datetime True UpdateTime.


Get details of persons followers.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True Followers id.
AddTime Datetime True Add time.
PersonId Integer True Person id.
UserId Integer False User id.
DealId Integer True Deal id.


Get all details of persons.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.
  • FirstChar supports the LIKE operator.
  • FilterId supports the = operator.
  • UserId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Id = 14

SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstChar = 'c'

SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FilterId = 1

SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE UserId = 1

Insert can be executed by specifying the Name columns.The columns that are not read-only can be inserted. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO Persons (name) VALUES ('testpankaj')

Update can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE Persons SET Name = 'test123' WHERE ID = 2495

Delete can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True Id.
ActiveFlag Boolean False ActiveFlag.
ActivitiesCount Integer True ActivitiesCount.
AddTime Datetime False Optional creation date time of the person Requires admin user API token. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
CcEmail String True CcEmail.
ClosedDealsCount Integer True ClosedDealsCount.
CompanyId Integer True CompanyId.
CustomeField String True CustomeField you will get the result of this column only when criteria filter title is used.
DoneActivitiesCount Integer True DoneActivitiesCount.
Email String False Email.
EmailMessagesCount Integer True EmailMessagesCount.
FilesCount Integer True FilesCount.
FirstChar String True If supplied, only persons whose name starts with the specified letter will be returned.
FirstName String True FirstName.
FollowersCount Integer True FollowersCount.
Label Integer True Label.
LastActivityDate Date True LastActivityDate.
LastActivityId Integer True LastActivityId.
LastIncomingMailTime Datetime True LastIncomingMailTime.
LastName String True LastName.
LastOutgoingMailTime Datetime True LastOutgoingMailTime.
LostDealsCount Integer True LostDealsCount.
Name String False Name.
NextActivityDate Date True NextActivityDate.
NextActivityId Integer True NextActivityId.
NextActivityTime Time True NextActivityTime.
Notes String True Notes.
NotesCount Integer True NotesCount.
OpenDealsCount Integer True OpenDealsCount.
OrgActiveFlag Boolean True OrgActiveFlag.
OrgAddress String True OrgAddress.
OrgccEmail String True OrgccEmail.
OrgName String True OrgName.
OrgownerId Integer True OrgownerId.
OrgpeopleCount Integer True OrgpeopleCount.
Orgvalue Integer False Orgvalue.
OwnerActiveFlag Boolean True OwnerActiveFlag.
OwnerEmail String True OwnerEmail.
OwnerHasPic Integer True OwnerHasPic.
OwnerId Integer False OwnerId.
OwnerIdName String True OwnerName.
OwnerPicHash String True OwnerPicHash.
OwnerValue Integer True OwnerValue.
ParticipantClosedDealscount Integer True ParticipantClosedDealscount.
ParticipantOpenDealsCount Integer True ParticipantOpenDealsCount.
Phone String False Phone.
PictureActiveFlag Boolean True PictureActiveFlag.
PictureAddTime Datetime True PictureAddTime.
PictureAddedByUserId Integer True PictureAddedByUserId.
PictureItemId Integer True PictureItemId.
PictureItemType String True PictureItemType.
Picture128 String True Picture128.
Picture512 String True Picture512.
PictureUpdateTime String True PictureUpdateTime.
Picturevalue Integer True Picturevalue.
RelatedClosedDealsCount Integer True RelatedClosedDealsCount.
RelatedLostDealsCount Integer True RelatedLostDealsCount.
RelatedOpenDealsCount Integer True RelatedOpenDealsCount.
RelatedWonDealsCount Integer True RelatedWonDealsCount.
UndoneActivitiesCount Integer True UndoneActivitiesCount.
UpdateTime Datetime True UpdateTime.
VisibleTo String False Visibility of the person. The allowed values are 1, 3.
WonDealsCount Integer True WonDealsCount.
PrimaryEmail String True Primary Email.
MarketingStatus String True Marketing Status.
OwnerName String True Owner Name.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
FilterId Integer Filter Id.
UserId Integer User Id.


Get all Pipelines.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM Pipelines WHERE ID = 4

Insert can be executed by specifying the Name, Active, DealProbability, OrderNr and UrlTitle columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally. For example:

INSERT INTO PipeLines (Name, Active, DealProbability, OrderNr, UrlTitle) VALUES ('Indias PipeLines for Pipedrive', 'true', '0', 1, 'indiapipedrivepipeline@com')

Update can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE PipeLines SET Name = 'Updating Pipedrive Pipelines1' WHERE ID = 4

Delete can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True ID of the pipeline.
Name String False The name of the Pipeline.
Active Boolean False Whether this Pipeline will be made inactive (hidden) or active.
DealProbability Integer False Whether Deal probability is disabled or enabled for this Pipeline. The allowed values are 0, 1.
OrderNr Integer False Defines the order of Pipelines. The default value is 0.
Selected Boolean True Selected.
UpdateTime Datetime True UpdateTime.
AddTime Datetime True AddTime.
UrlTitle String False UrlTitle.


Returns data about all product fields.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM ProductFields WHERE ID = 28

Insert can be executed by specifying the Name and FieldType columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally. For example:

INSERT INTO ProductFields (Name, FieldType) VALUES ('BangaloreCdataIndia123', 'address')

Update can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE ProductFields SET Name = 'My name just started here' WHERE ID = 28

Delete can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM ProductFields WHERE ID = 9040
Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True ID of the Product Field.
ActiveFlag Boolean True ActiveFlag.
AddTime Datetime True AddTime.
AddVisibleFlag Boolean True AddVisibleFlag.
BulkEditAllowed Boolean True BulkEditAllowed.
DetailsVisibleFlag Boolean True DetailsVisibleFlag.
EditFlag Boolean True EditFlag.
FieldType String False Type of the field. The allowed values are address, date, daterange, double, enum, monetary, org, people, phone, set, text, time, timerange, user, varchar, varchar_auto, visible_to.
FilteringAllowed Boolean True FilteringAllowed.
ImportantFlag Boolean True ImportantFlag.
IndexVisibleFlag Boolean True IndexVisibleFlag.
Key String True Key.
LastUpdatedByUserId String True LastUpdatedByUserId.
MandatoryFlag Boolean True MandatoryFlag.
Name String False Name of the field.
Options String False Options.
OrderNr Integer True OrderNr.
PicklistData String True PicklistData.
SearchableFlag Boolean True SearchableFlag.
SortableFlag Boolean True SortableFlag.
UpdateTime Datetime True UpdateTime.


Get details of Products


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.
  • FirstChar supports the = operator.
  • FilterId supports the = operator.
  • UserId supports the = operator.
  • GetSummary supports the = operator.
  • Ids supports the '=,IN' operators.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Id = 14

SELECT * FROM Products WHERE FirstChar = 'c'

SELECT * FROM Products WHERE FilterId = 1

SELECT * FROM Products WHERE UserId = 1

SELECT * FROM Products WHERE GetSummary = 1

SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Ids IN (1, 2)

Insert can be executed by specifying the Name columns.The columns that are not read-only can be inserted. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO Products (name) VALUES ('tests')

Update can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE Products SET Name = 'test123' WHERE ID = 2495

Delete can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id Integer True product Id
ActiveFlag Boolean True Whether this product will be made active or not The allowed values are 0, 1. The default value is 1.
AddTime Datetime True Add Time
Category String True category
Code String False Product code.
CustomeField String True CustomeField you will get the result of this column only when criteria filter title is used
Description String True description
FilesCount String True FilesCount
FirstChar String True If supplied only Products whose name starts with the specified letter will be returned
Name String False Name of the product
OwnerActiveFlag Boolean True OwnerActiveFlag
OwnerEmail String True OwnerEmail
OwnerHasPic Boolean True OwnerHasPic
OwnerId Integer False ID of the user who will be marked as the owner of this product
OwnerName String True OwnerName
OwnerPicHash String True OwnerPicHas
Ownervalue Integer True Owner Id
Prices String False Object containing price objects
Selectable Boolean False Whether this product can be selected in Deals or not The allowed values are 0, 1. The default value is 1.
Tax Integer False Tax percentage The default value is 0.
Type String True Type you will get the result of this column only when criteria filter title is used
Unit String False Unit in which this product is sold
UpdateTime Datetime True Update Time
VisibleTo String False Visibility of the product The allowed values are 1, 3, 5, 7.
SummaryTotalCount String True You will get data of this column when Criterial filter is GetSummary is used

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
UserId Integer User Id
FilterId Integer Filter Id
GetSummary Boolean Get SUmmary
Ids Integer The Ids of the Products that should be returned in the response


Get details of products followers.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • ProductId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM ProductsFollowers WHERE ProductId = 6

Insert can be executed by specifying the UserId, ProductId columns.The columns that are not read-only can be inserted. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO ProductsFollowers (UserId, ProductId) VALUES (8230170, 1)

Delete can be executed by specifying the Id, ProductId in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM ProductsFollowers WHERE ProductId = 1 AND ID = 1
Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id Integer True Id.
AddTime Datetime True AddTime.
ProductId Integer True ProductId.
UserId Integer False UserId.


Returns all the role.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:



Insert can be executed by specifying the Name and ParentRoleId columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally. For example:

INSERT INTO Roles (Name, ParentRoleId) VALUES ('BangaloreCdataIndia123', '2')

Update can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE Roles SET Name = 'My name just started here' WHERE ID = 1

Delete can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True ID of the role.
ActiveFlag Boolean True ActiveFlag.
AssignmentCount String True AssignmentCount.
Level Integer True Level.
Name String False The name of the Role.
ParentRoleId Integer False The ID of the parent Role.
SubRoleCount String True SubRoleCount.


List assignments for a role.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM RolesAssignments

SELECT * FROM RolesAssignments WHERE ID = 1

Insert can be executed by specifying the ID and UserId columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally. For example:

INSERT INTO RoleAssignments (Id, UserId, RoleId) VALUES (1, 'NameCdataIndia', '1')

Delete can be executed by specifying the ID and UserId WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM RolesAssignments WHERE ID = 1 AND UserId = 1
Name Type ReadOnly Description
RoleId Integer False RoleId.
ActiveFlag Boolean True ActiveFlag.
Name String True Name.
ParentRoleId String True ParentRoleId.
Type String True Type.
UserId Integer False ID of the user.


Returns all the roles settings.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • RoleId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM RolesSetting

SELECT * FROM RolesSetting WHERE RoleId = 1

Insert can be executed by specifying the Name and FieldType columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally. For example:

INSERT INTO RolesSetting (RoleId, SettingKey, Value) VALUES (1, 'deal_default_visibility', '1')

Update can be executed by specifying the RoleId in the WHERE Clause and SettingKey and Value in Body Parameter. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE RolesSetting SET Value = '3', SettingKey = 'deal_default_visibility' WHERE RoleId = 1
Name Type ReadOnly Description
RoleId [KEY] Integer True Role Id.
DealDefaultVisibility Integer True DealDefaultVisibility.
LeadDefaultVisibility Integer True LeadDefaultVisibility.
OrgDefaultVisibility Integer True OrgDefaultVisibility.
PersonDefaultVisibility Integer True PersonDefaultVisibility.
ProductDefaultVisibility Integer True ProductDefaultVisibility.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Value String Possible values for the default_visibility setting depending on the subscription plan. The allowed values are 1, 3, 5, 7.
SettingKey String SettingKey. The allowed values are deal_default_visibility, lead_default_visibility, org_default_visibility, person_default_visibility, product_default_visibility.


Returns data about all stages.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.
  • PipelineId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:


Insert can be executed by specifying the Name, PipelineId, DealProbability and RottenFlag columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally. For example:

INSERT INTO Stages (Name, PipelineId, DealProbability, RottenFlag) VALUES ('BangaloreCdataIndia123', '1', '1', '0')

Update can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE Stages SET Name = 'My name just started here' WHERE ID = 7

Delete can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True ID of the stage.
ActiveFlag Boolean True ActiveFlag.
AddTime Datetime True AddTime.
DealProbability Integer False Deal success probability percentage.
Name String False Name of the Stage.
OrderNr Integer False An order number for this stage.
PipelineDealProbability Integer True PipelineDealProbability.
PipelineId Integer False The ID of the Pipeline to add Stage to.
PipelineName String True PipelineName.
RottenDays String False The number of days the Deals not updated in this Stage would become rotten. Applies only if the rotten_flag is set.
RottenFlag Boolean False Whether Deals in this stage can become rotten. The allowed values are 0, 1.
UpdateTime Datetime True UpdateTime.


Returns details of an installment or a recurring Subscription

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True ID of the Subscription.
AddTime Datetime True AddTime.
CadenceType String False Interval between payments. The allowed values are weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly.
Currency String False The currency of the Installment Subscription. Accepts a 3-character currency code.
CycleAmount Double False Amount of each payment.
CyclesCount Integer False Shows how many payments the Subscription has.
DealId Integer False ID of the Deal this Installment Subscription is associated with.
Description String False Description of the Recurring Subscription.
EndDate String False EndDate.
FinalStatus String True FinalStatus.
Infinite Boolean False This indicates that the Recurring Subscription will last until it's manually canceled or deleted.
IsActive Boolean True IsActive.
LifetimeValue Double True LifetimeValue.
StartDate String False Start date of the Recurring Subscription. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
UpdateTime Datetime False UpdateTime.
UserId Integer True UserId.
SubscriptionType String True SubscriptionType. The allowed values are recurring, installment. The default value is recurring.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Payments String Array of payments.
EffectiveDate Date Array of payments.
UpdateDealValue Boolean Indicates that the Deal value must be set to Recurring Subscription's MRR value.


Returns data about all users within the company


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.
  • SearchByEmail supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM Users WHERE ID = 13816635

Insert can be executed by specifying the Name, Email and ActiveFlag columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally. For example:

INSERT INTO Users (Name, Email, ActiveFlag) VALUES ('CdataIndiaEngineering', '', 'true')

Update can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE Users SET ActiveFlag = 'false' WHERE ID = 13944807
Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True ID of the user.
Activated Boolean False Activated.
ActiveFlag Boolean False Whether the user is active or not. The default value is true.
Created Datetime False Created.
DefaultCurrency String False DefaultCurrency.
Email String False Email of the user.
Hascreatedcompany Boolean False Hascreatedcompany.
IconUrl String False IconUrl.
IsAdmin Integer False IsAdmin.
IsYou Boolean False IsYou.
Lang Integer False Lang.
LastLogin Datetime False LastLogin.
Locale String False Locale.
Modified Datetime False Modified.
Name String False Name of the user.
Phone String False Phone.
RoleId Integer False ID of the role.
TimezoneName String False TimezoneName.
TimezoneOffset String False TimezoneOffset.
Access String False The access given to the user.


Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.

Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.

Pipedrive Connector Views

Name Description
ActivitiesAttendees Get all Activities attendees assigned to a particular User
ActivitiesParticipants Getdetails of activities participants
ActivityFields Returns all activity fields.
ActivityFieldsOptions Returns all activity fields.
Currencies Returns all supported currencies in given account which should be used when saving monetary values with other objects.
CurrentUsers Returns data about an authorized user within the company with bound company data: company ID, company name, and domain.
DealFieldsOptions Returns data about all deal fields.
DealsActivities Get all Deals Activities assigned to a particular User.
DealsActivitiesAttendees Get Details of Deals Activities Attendees.
DealsActivitiesParticipants Getdetails of activities participants.
DealsFiles Get details of deals file.
DealsMailMessages Get details of Deal mail Messages.
DealsMailMessagesBcc Get details of Deal mail Messages.
DealsMailMessagesCc Get details of Deal mail Messages.
DealsMailMessagesFrom Get details of Deal mail Messages.
DealsMailMessagesTo Get details of Deal mail Messages.
DealsParticipantsEmail Get details of deals participants Person Email.
DealsParticipantsPersonEmail Get details of deals participants Person Email.
DealsParticipantsPersonPhone Get details of deals participants Person Phone.
DealsParticipantsPhone Get details of deals participants Person Email.
DealsPermittedUsers Get details of deals Permitted users
DealsPersonEmails Get all emails asscociated with persons in deal
DealsPersonPhone Get all phone asscociated with persons in deal.
DealsPersons Get details of deals persons.
DealsPersonsEmail Get details of deals participants Person Email.
DealsPersonsPhone Get details of deals participants Person Email.
DealsSummary Return detils of deals summary.
DealsTimeline Usage information for the operation DealsTimeline.rsd.
DealsTimelineDeals Return details of DealsTimeline deals.
DealsUpdates Get details of deals updates.
DealsUpdatesAttachments Get details of deals Updates Attachments.
DealsUpdatesAttendees Get Details of Deals Activities Attendees.
DealsUpdatesBcc Get details of Deal updates Bcc.
DealsUpdatesCc Get details of Deals Updates cc.
DealsUpdatesFrom Get details of Deals Updates From.
DealsUpdatesParticipants Get details of deals updates participants.
DealsUpdatesTo Get details of Deals Updates to.
FilterHelpers Returns all supported filter helpers.
FindUsersByName Finds users by their name.
LeadSources Returns all Lead Sources.
MailMessages Returns data about a specific mail message.
MailThreadMessages Returns all the mail messages inside a specified mail thread..
MailThreadMessagesFrom Returns all the mail messages inside a specified mail thread.
MailThreadMessagesTo Returns all the mail messages inside a specified mail thread.
MailThreadsFrom Get details of the user who sent the mail.
MailThreadsTo Get details of the user to whom sent the mail.
NoteFields Returns data about all note fields.
NoteFieldsOptions Returns data about all note fields options.
OrganizationFieldsOptions Returns data about all organization fields options.
OrganizationsActivities Get details of organizations activities.
OrganizationsActivitiesAttendees Get details of organizations activities attendees.
OrganizationsActivitiesParticipants Get details of organizations activities participants.
OrganizationsDeals Get details of organization deals.
OrganizationsDealsPersonEmail get details of deals person email.
OrganizationsDealsPersonphone get details of deals person phone.
OrganizationsFiles Get details of deals file.
OrganizationsMailMessages Get details of organizations mail Messages.
OrganizationsMailMessagesBcc Get details of organizations mail Messages.
OrganizationsMailMessagesCc Get details of organizations mail Messages.
OrganizationsMailMessagesFrom Get details of organizations mail Messages.
OrganizationsMailMessagesTo Get details of organizations mail Messages.
OrganizationsPermittedUsers Get details of permitted users of organizations.
OrganizationsPersons Get details of organizations persons
OrganizationsPersonsEmail Get details of organizations persons email
OrganizationsPersonsPhone Get details of organizations persons phone
OrganizationsUpdates Get details of organizations updates..
OrganizationsUpdatesAttendees Get details of all attendees of organizations.
OrganizationsUpdatesParticipants Getdetails of activities participants.
PermissionSets Get all permissions.
PermissionSetsAssignments .
PersonFieldsOptions Returns data about all person fields options.
PersonsActivities Get all Persons Activities assigned to a particular Persons.
PersonsActivitiesAttendees Get Details of Persons Activities Attendees.
PersonsActivitiesParticipants Get details of Persons activities participants.
PersonsDeals Get details of Persons deals.
PersonsDealsEmail Get details of Persons deals email.
PersonsDealsPhone Get details of Persons deals phone.
PersonsEmails Get all emails asscociated with persons.
PersonsFiles Get details of Persons file.
PersonsMailMessages Get details of organizations mail Messages.
PersonsMailMessagesBcc Get details of Persons mail Messages.
PersonsMailMessagesCc Get details of persons mail Messages.
PersonsMailMessagesFrom Get details of persons mail Messages.
PersonsMailMessagesTo Get details of Persons mail Messages.
PersonsPermittedUsers Get details of permitted users of persons.
PersonsPhone Get all phone asscociated with persons.
PersonsProducts Get details of Persons Products.
PersonsUpdates Get details of persons updates.
PersonsUpdatesAttendees Get details of Deals Activities Attendees.
PersonsUpdatesParticipants Get details of activities participants
PipelineDeals Lists deals in a specific pipeline across all its stages.
PipelineDealsConversionRates Returns statistics for deals movements for given time period.
PipelineDealsMovements Returns statistics for deals movements for given time period.
PipelineDealsMovementsAverageAgeInDaysByStages Returns statistics for deals movements for given time period average age in days.
PipelineDealsStageConversions Returns statistics for deals movements for given time period
ProductFieldsOptions Returns data about all product fields options.
ProductsDeals Get details of Products Deals.
ProductsDealsPersonEmail Get details of Products Deals person email.
ProductsDealsPersonphone Get details of deals person phone.
ProductsFiles Get details of Persons file.
ProductsPermittedUsers Get details of users permitted to access a Product.
ProductsPrices Get details of Products Prices.
Recents Returns data about all recent changes occurred after given timestamp.
RecentsAttendees Returns data about all recent changes occurred after given timestamp attendees.
RecentsParticipants Returns data about all recent changes occurred after given timestamp participants.
RolesPipelinesVisibility Get the list of either visible or hidden pipeline IDs for a specific role.
StagesDeals Get deals in a specific stage.
SubscriptionPayments Returns all payments of an installment or recurring subscription.
UserConnection The data of user connections.
UsersAccess Returns data about all users within the company access.
UserSettings List settings of an authorized user.
UsersFollowers Lists the followers of a specific user.
UsersPermissions Lists the followers of a specific user.
UsersRoleAssignments Lists role assignments for a user.
UsersRoleSettings Lists the settings of user assigned role.


Get all Activities attendees assigned to a particular User


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • ActivitiesId supports the = operator.
  • Done supports the = operator.
  • Type supports the '=, IN' operators.
  • UserId supports the = operator.
  • FilterId supports the = operator.
  • StartDate supports the = operator.
  • EndDate supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM ActivitiesAttendees WHERE ActivitiesId = 246

SELECT * FROM ActivitiesAttendees WHERE Done = 0

SELECT * FROM ActivitiesAttendees WHERE Type IN ('deadline', 'call')

SELECT * FROM ActivitiesAttendees WHERE EndDate = '2021-12-24'

SELECT * FROM ActivitiesAttendees WHERE UserId = 8230170
Name Type Description
ActivitiesId [KEY] Integer Activities ID.
EmailAddress String EmailAddress.
IsOrganizer Integer IsOrganizer.
Name String Name.
PersonId Integer PersonId.
Status String Status.
UserId String UserId.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Type String Type of the Activity This is in correlation with the key_string parameter of ActivityTypes When value for type is not set, it will be given a default value Call. The default value is Call.
Done Boolean Whether the Activity is done or not. 0 = Not done 1 = Done. If omitted, returns both Done and Not done activities. The allowed values are 0, 1.
FilterId Integer The ID of the Filter to use.
StartDate String Use the Activity due date where you wish to begin fetching Activities from Insert due date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
EndDate String Use the Activity due date where you wish to stop fetching Activities from Insert due date in YYYY-MM-DD format.


Getdetails of activities participants


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • ActivitiesId supports the = operator.
  • Done supports the = operator.
  • Type supports the '=, IN' operators.
  • UserId supports the = operator.
  • FilterId supports the = operator.
  • StartDate supports the = operator.
  • EndDate supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM ActivitiesParticipants WHERE ActivitiesId = 246

SELECT * FROM ActivitiesParticipants WHERE Done = 0

SELECT * FROM  ActivitiesParticipants WHERE Type IN ('deadline', 'call')

SELECT * FROM  ActivitiesParticipants WHERE EndDate = '2021-12-24'

SELECT * FROM  ActivitiesParticipants WHERE UserId = 8230170
Name Type Description
PersonId [KEY] Integer PersonId
ActivitiesId Integer Activities ID.
PrimaryFlag Boolean PrimaryFlag

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Type String Type of the Activity This is in correlation with the key_string parameter of ActivityTypes When value for type is not set, it will be given a default value Call The default value is Call.
Done Boolean Whether the Activity is done or not 0 = Not done 1 = Done If omitted returns both Done and Not done activities The allowed values are 0, 1.
FilterId Integer The ID of the Filter to use
StartDate String Use the Activity due date where you wish to begin fetching Activities from Insert due date in YYYY-MM-DD format
EndDate String Use the Activity due date where you wish to stop fetching Activities from Insert due date in YYYY-MM-DD format
UserId String UserId


Returns all activity fields.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM ActivityFields
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
ActiveFlag Boolean ActiveFlag.
AddTime Datetime AddTime.
AddVisibleFlag Boolean AddVisibleFlag.
BulkEditAllowed Boolean BulkEditAllowed.
DetailsVisibleFlag Boolean DetailsVisibleFlag.
EditFlag Boolean EditFlag.
FieldType String FieldType.
FilteringAllowed Boolean FilteringAllowed.
ImportantFlag Boolean ImportantFlag.
IndexVisibleFlag Boolean IndexVisibleFlag.
Key String Key.
LastUpdatedByUserId String LastUpdatedByUserId.
MandatoryFlag Boolean MandatoryFlag.
Name String Name.
Options String Options.
OrderNr Integer OrderNr.
SearchableFlag Boolean SearchableFlag.
SortableFlag Boolean SortableFlag.
UpdateTime Datetime UpdateTime.


Returns all activity fields.

Name Type Description
Id [KEY] String Id.
Label String Label.


Returns all supported currencies in given account which should be used when saving monetary values with other objects.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Term supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side. Term can be Currencies.Name or/and Currencies.Code:

SELECT * FROM Currencies WHERE Term = 'Armenian Dram'
SELECT * FROM Currencies WHERE Term = 'AFN'
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
ActiveFlag Boolean ActiveFlag.
Code String Code.
DecimalPoints Integer DecimalPoints.
IsCustomFlag Boolean IsCustomFlag.
Name String Name.
Symbol String Symbol.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Term String Optional search term that is searched for from currency's name and/or code.


Returns data about an authorized user within the company with bound company data: company ID, company name, and domain.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM CurrentUsers
SELECT * FROM CurrentUsers WHERE ID = 2
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer ID of the user.
Activated Boolean Activated.
ActiveFlag Boolean Whether the user is active or not. The default value is true.
Created Datetime Created.
DefaultCurrency String DefaultCurrency.
Email String Email of the user.
Hascreatedcompany Boolean Hascreatedcompany.
IconUrl String IconUrl.
IsAdmin Integer IsAdmin.
IsYou Boolean IsYou.
Lang Integer Lang.
LastLogin Datetime LastLogin.
Locale String Locale.
Modified Datetime Modified.
Name String Name of the user.
Phone String Phone.
RoleId Integer ID of the role.
TimezoneName String TimezoneName.
TimezoneOffset String TimezoneOffset.
Access String The access given to the user.
CompanyId Integer Company Id.
CompanyName String Company Name.
CompanyDomain String Company Domain.
CompanyCountry String Company Country.
CompanyIndustry String Company Industry.
LanguageCode String Language Code.
CountryCode String Country Code.


Returns data about all deal fields.

Name Type Description
Id [KEY] String Id.
Label String Label.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Name String Name of the field.
FieldType String Type of the field. The allowed values are address, date, daterange, double, enum, monetary, org, people, phone, set, text, time, timerange, user, varchar, varchar_auto, visible_to.
AddVisibleFlag Boolean AddVisibleFlag.


Get all Deals Activities assigned to a particular User.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • DealId supports the = operator.
  • Done supports the = operator.
  • Exclude supports the '=,IN' operators.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsActivities WHERE DealId = 246
SELECT * FROM DealsActivities WHERE DealId = 246 AND done = 0
SELECT * FROM DealsActivities WHERE DealId = 246 AND Exclude IN ('240', '241')
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
ActiveFlag Boolean Active Flag.
AddTtime Datetime Add Ttime.
AssignedToUserId Integer Assigned To UserId.
Attendees String Attendees.
BusyFlag Boolean BusyFlag.
IncludeContext String Include Context.
CompanyId Integer Company Id.
MeetingClient String Meeting Client.
MeetingId String Meeting Id.
MeetingUrl String Meeting Url.
CreatedByUserId Integer CreatedBy UserId.
DealDropboxBcc String Deal Dropbox Bcc.
DealId Integer Deal Id.
DealTitle String Deal Title.
Done Boolean Whether the activity is done or not 0 = Not done, 1 = Done If omitted returns both Done and Not done activities. The allowed values are 0, 1.
DueDate Date Due Date.
DueTime Time Due Time.
Duration Time Duration.
FileCleanName String FileCleanName.
FileId String FileId.
FileUrl String FileUrl.
EventId String eventId.
CalendarEtag String CalendarEtag.
CalendarId String Calendar Id.
NotificationTime Datetime Notification Time.
NotificationUserId Integer Notification UserId.
LeadId String Lead Id.
Location String Location.
AreaLevel1 String AreaLevel1.
AreaLevel2 String AreaLevel2.
Country String Country.
FormattedAddress String FormattedAddress.
Lat Double Lat.
Locality String Locality.
Long Double Long.
PostalCode String PostalCode.
Route String Route.
StreetNumber String StreetNumber.
Sublocality String Sublocality.
Subpremise String Subpremise.
MarkedAsDoneTime Datetime MarkedAsDoneTime.
Note String Note.
NotificationLanguageId Integer NotificationLanguageId.
OrgId Integer OrgId.
OrgName String OrgName.
OwnerName String OwnerName.
Participants String Participants.
PersonDropboxBcc String Person Dropbox Bcc.
PersonId Integer PersonId.
PersonName String PersonName.
PublicDescription String PublicDescription.
MasterActivityId String MasterActivityId.
Rule String Rule.
RuleExtension String RuleExtension.
ReferenceId Integer ReferenceId.
ReferenceType String ReferenceType.
Series String Series.
SourceTimezone String SourceTimezone.
Subject String Subject.
Type String Type.
UpdateTime Datetime UpdateTime.
UpdateUserId Integer UpdateUserId.
UserId Integer UserId.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Exclude String A comma-separated string of activity IDs to exclude from result.


Get Details of Deals Activities Attendees.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • DealId supports the = operator.
  • Done supports the = operator.
  • Exclude supports the '=,IN' operators.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsActivitiesAttendees WHERE DealId = 246
SELECT * FROM DealsActivitiesAttendees WHERE DealId = 246 AND done = 0
SELECT * FROM DealsActivitiesAttendees WHERE DealId = 246 Exclude IN ('240', '241')
Name Type Description
DealId Integer Deal Id.
EmailAddress String EmailAddress.
IsOrganizer Integer IsOrganizer.
Name String Name.
PersonId Integer PersonId.
Status String Status.
UserId String UserId.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Done Boolean Whether the activity is done or not 0 = Not done, 1 = Done If omitted returns both Done and Not done activities. The allowed values are 0, 1.
Exclude String A comma-separated string of activity IDs to exclude from result.


Getdetails of activities participants.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • DealId supports the = operator.
  • Done supports the = operator.
  • Exclude supports the '=,IN' operators.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsActivitiesParticipants WHERE DealId = 246
SELECT * FROM DealsActivitiesParticipants WHERE DealId = 246 AND done = 0
SELECT * FROM DealsActivitiesParticipants WHERE DealId = 246 Exclude IN ('240', '241')
Name Type Description
DealId Integer Deal Id.
PersonId [KEY] Integer PersonId.
PrimaryFlag Boolean PrimaryFlag.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Done Boolean Whether the activity is done or not 0 = Not done, 1 = Done If omitted returns both Done and Not done activities. The allowed values are 0, 1.
Exclude String A comma-separated string of activity IDs to exclude from result.


Get details of deals file.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • DealId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsFiles WHERE DealId = 246
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer ID of the deal.
ActiveFlag Boolean Active Flag.
ActivityId String Activity Id.
AddTime Datetime AddTime.
Cid String Cid.
DealId String Deal Id.
DealName String DealName.
Description String Description.
FileName String File Name.
FileSize Integer File Size.
FileType String File Type.
InlineFlag Boolean Inline Flag.
LogId String Log Id.
MailMessageId String MailMessage Id.
MailTemplateId String MailTemplate Id.
Name String Name.
OrgId Integer Org Id.
OrgName String Org Name.
PeopleName String People Name.
PersonId String PersonId.
PersonName String Person Name.
ProductId String Product Id.
ProductName String Product Name.
RemoteId String Remote Id.
RemoteLocation String Remote Location.
S3Bucket String S3Bucket.
UpdateTime Datetime Update Time.
Url String Url.
UserId Integer UserId.
LeadId String Lead Id.
LeadName String Lead Name.


Get details of Deal mail Messages.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsMailMessages WHERE ID = 246
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer id.
AccountId String AccountId.
AddTime Datetime addTime.
Bcc String Bcc.
BodyUrl String bodyUrl.
Cc String cc.
CompanyId Integer companyId.
DeletedFlag Integer DeletedFlag.
Draft String Draft.
DraftFlag Integer DraftFlag.
ExternalDeletedFlag Integer ExternalDeletedFlag.
From String From.
AttachmentsFlag Integer AttachmentsFlag.
BodyFlag Integer BodyFlag.
InlineAttachmentsFlag Integer InlineAttachmentsFlag.
RealAttachmentsFlag Integer RealAttachmentsFlag.
ItemType String ItemType.
TrackingEnabledFlag Integer TrackingEnabledFlag.
ThreadId Integer ThreadId.
TrackingStatus String TrackingStatus.
MessageTime String MessageTime.
MessageId String MessageId.
NylasId String NylasId.
ReadFlag Integer ReadFlag.
S3Bucket String S3Bucket.
S3BucketPath String S3BucketPath.
SentFlag Integer SentFlag.
SentFromPipedriveFlag Integer SentFromPipedriveFlag.
SmartBccFlag Integer SmartBccFlag.
Snippet String Snippet.
Subject String Subject.
SyncedFlag Integer SyncedFlag.
TemplateId String TemplateId.
Timestamp Datetime Timestamp.
To String To.
UpdateTime Datetime UpdateTime.
UserId Integer UserId.
WriteFlag Boolean writeFlag.
Object String Object.


Get details of Deal mail Messages.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsMailMessagesBcc WHERE ID = 246
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer id.
EmailAddress String EmailAddress.
PersonId String PersonId.
PersonName String PersonName.
MessagePartyId Integer MessagePartyId.
Name String Name.


Get details of Deal mail Messages.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsMailMessagesCc WHERE ID = 246
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
EmailAddress String EmailAddress.
PersonId String PersonId.
PersonName String PersonName.
MessagePartyId Integer MessagePartyId.
Name String Name.


Get details of Deal mail Messages.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsMailMessagesFrom WHERE ID = 246
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
EmailAddress String EmailAddress.
PersonId String PersonId.
PersonName String PersonName.
MessagePartyId Integer MessagePartyId.
Name String Name.


Get details of Deal mail Messages.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsMailMessagesTo WHERE ID = 246
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
EmailAddress String EmailAddress.
PersonId String PersonId.
PersonName String PersonName.
MessagePartyId Integer MessagePartyId.
Name String Name.


Get details of deals participants Person Email.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • DealsParticipantsId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsParticipantsEmail
SELECT * FROM DealsParticipantsEmail WHERE DealsParticipantsId = 2
Name Type Description
DealsParticipantsId [KEY] Integer Id.
Label String Label.
Value String Email.
Primary Boolean Boolean value Primary.


Get details of deals participants Person Email.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • DealsParticipantsId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsParticipantsPersonEmail
SELECT * FROM DealsParticipantsPersonEmail WHERE DealsParticipantsId = 2
Name Type Description
DealsParticipantsId [KEY] Integer Id.
Label String Label.
Value String Email.
Primary Boolean Boolean value Primary.


Get details of deals participants Person Phone.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • DealsParticipantsId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsParticipantsPersonPhone
SELECT * FROM DealsParticipantsPersonPhone WHERE DealsParticipantsId = 2
Name Type Description
DealsParticipantsId [KEY] Integer Id.
Label String Label.
Value String Value.
Primary Boolean Boolean value Primary.


Get details of deals participants Person Email.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • DealsParticipantsId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsParticipantsPhone
SELECT * FROM DealsParticipantsPhone WHERE DealsParticipantsId = 2
Name Type Description
DealsParticipantsId [KEY] Integer Id.
Label String Label.
Value String Value.
Primary Boolean Boolean value Primary.


Get details of deals Permitted users

Name Type Description
Data String Data.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Id String Id.


Get all emails asscociated with persons in deal


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • DealsId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsPersonEmails
SELECT * FROM DealsPersonEmails WHERE DealsId = 2
Name Type Description
DealsId [KEY] Integer Deals ID.
Label String Label.
Value String Value.
Primary Boolean Primary.


Get all phone asscociated with persons in deal.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • DealsId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsPersonPhone
SELECT * FROM DealsPersonPhone WHERE DealsId = 2
Name Type Description
DealsId [KEY] Integer Deals ID.
label String Label.
Value String Value.
Primary Boolean Primary.


Get details of deals persons.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.
  • DealId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsPersons
SELECT * FROM DealsPersons WHERE DealId = 8
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
DealId Integer Deal Id.
ActivitiesCount Integer ActivitiesCount.
ActiveFlag Boolean ActiveFlag.
AddTime Datetime AddTime.
CcEmail String CcEmail.
ClosedDealsCount Integer ClosedDealsCount.
CompanyId Integer CompanyId.
DoneActivitiesCount Integer DoneActivitiesCount.
Email String Email.
EmailMessagesCount Integer EmailMessagesCount.
FilesCount Integer FilesCount.
Label Integer label.
LastActivityDate Date LastActivityDate.
LastActivityId Integer LastActivityId.
LastincomingMailTime String LastincomingMailTime.
Lastname String Lastname.
LastoutgoingMailTime String LastoutgoingMailTime.
LostdealsCount Integer LostdealsCount.
Name String Name.
NextActivityDate Date nextActivityDate.
NextActivityId Integer nextActivityId.
NextActivityTime String nextActivityTime.
NotesCount Integer NotesCount.
OpenDealsCount Integer OpenDealsCount.
OrgActiveFlag Boolean OrgActiveFlag.
OrgAddress String OrgAddress.
OrgCcEmail String OrgCcEmail.
OrgName String OrgName.
OrgownerId Integer OrgownerId.
OrgpeopleCount Integer OrgpeopleCount.
OrgId Integer OrgId.
OwnerActiveFlag Boolean OwnerActiveFlag.
OwnerEmail String OwnerEmail.
OwnerHasPic Integer OwnerHasPic.
OwnerId Integer OwnerId.
OwnerName String OwnerName.
OwnerPicHash String OwnerPicHash.
OwnerValue Integer OwnerValue.
ParticipantClosedDealsCount Integer ClosedDealsCount.
ParticipantOpenDealsCount Integer OpenDealsCount.
Phone String Phone.
PictureActiveFlag Boolean PictureActiveFlag.
PictureaddTime Datetime PictureaddTime.
PictureaddedByUserId Integer PictureaddedByUserId.
PictureItemId Integer PictureItemId.
PictureitemType String PictureitemType.
Picture128 String Picture128.
Picture512 String Picture512.
PictureupdateTime String PictureupdateTime.
Picturevalue Integer Picturevalue.
PictureId String PictureId.
RelatedclosedDealsCount Integer RelatedclosedDealsCount.
RelatedlostDealsCount Integer RelatedlostDealsCount.
RelatedopenDealsCount Integer RelatedopenDealsCount.
RelatedwonDealsCount Integer RelatedwonDealsCount.
UndoneActivitiesCount Integer UndoneActivitiesCount.
UpdateTime Datetime UpdateTime.
VisibleTo String visibleTo.
WonDealsCount Integer WonDealsCount.
FirstName String First Name.
FollowersCount Integer Followers Count.
PrimaryEmail String Primary Email.
FirstChar String First Char.
MarketingStatus String Marketing Status.


Get details of deals participants Person Email.

Name Type Description
DealsPersonsId [KEY] Integer Id.
Label String Label.
Value String Email.
Primary Boolean Boolean value Primary.


Get details of deals participants Person Email.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • DealsPersonsId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsPersonsPhone WHERE DealsPersonsId = 2
Name Type Description
DealsPersonsId [KEY] Integer Id.
Label String Label.
Value String Value.
Primary Boolean Boolean value Primary.


Return detils of deals summary.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Status supports the = operator.
  • UserId supports the = operator.
  • FilterId supports the = operator.
  • StageId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsSummary WHERE UserId = 8230170

SELECT * FROM DealsSummary WHERE Status = 'open'

SELECT * FROM DealsSummary WHERE StageId = 1

SELECT * FROM DealsSummary WHERE FilterId = 1
Name Type Description
TotalCount Integer Total Count.
Totalvalue Double Total value.
TotalValueFormatted String Total Value Formatted.
TotalWeightedValue Double Total Weighted Value.
TotalWeightedValueFormatted String Total Weighted Value Formatted.
EURCount Integer EUR Count.
EURValue Integer EUR Value.
EURConverted Double EUR Converted.
EURConvertedFormatted String EUR Converted Formatted.
EURFormatted String EUR Formatted.
USDCount Integer USD Count.
USDValue Integer USD Value.
USDConverted Integer USD Converted.
USDConvertedFormatted String USD Converted Formatted.
USDFormatted String USD Formatted.
WeightedEURCount Integer Weighted EUR Count.
WeightedEURValue Integer Weighted EUR Value.
WeightedEURValueFormatted String Weighted EUR Value Formatted.
WeightedUSDCount Integer Weighted USD Count.
WeightedUSD Integer Weighted USD.
WeightedUSDFormatted String Weighted USD Formatted.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
FilterId Integer Filter Id.
UserId Integer User Id.
StageId Integer Stage Id.
Status String Status.


Usage information for the operation DealsTimeline.rsd.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • UserId supports the = operator.
  • ConvertCurrency supports the = operator.
  • ExcludeDeals supports the = operator.
  • FilterId supports the = operator.
  • PipelineId supports the = operator.
  • IntervalType supports the = operator.
  • Amount supports the = operator.
  • StartDate supports the = operator.
  • FieldKey supports the = operator.
  • IntervalType supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

Required fields: Amount, StartDate, FieldKey and IntervalType is required

SELECT * FROM DealsTimeline WHERE Amount = '3' AND StartDate = '2021-12-12' AND FieldKey = 'add_time' AND IntervalType = 'month'
Name Type Description
Deals String Deals
PeriodEnd Datetime Period End
PeriodStart Date Period Start
Count Integer Count
OpenCount Integer open Count
OpenValuesEUR Integer open Values EUR
ValuesEUR Integer Values EUR
ValuesUSD Integer Values USD
WeightedOpenValuesEUR Integer Weighted Open Values EUR
WeightedValuesEUR Integer Weighted Values EUR
WeightedValuesUSD Integer Weighted Values USD
WonCount Integer Won Count
WonValuesUSD Integer Won Values USD

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
StartDate Date Date where the first interval starts. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.
IntervalType String Type Of Interval. The allowed values are day, week, month, quarter.
Amount Integer The number of given intervals, starting from start_date, to fetch E.g 3 months.
FieldKey String The date field key which deals will be retrieved from.
UserId Integer User id.
FilterId Integer Type Of Interval. The allowed values are day, week, month, quarter.
ExcludeDeals Integer Whether to exclude deals list 1 or not 0. The allowed values are 0, 1.
ConvertCurrency String 3-letter currency code of any of the supported currencies.
PipelineId Integer Pipeline Id.


Return details of DealsTimeline deals.

Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
Active Boolean Active.
ActivitiesCount Integer ActivitiesCount.
AddTime Datetime AddTime.
CcEmail String CcEmail.
CloseTime String CloseTime.
CreatorUserId Integer CreatorUserId.
Currency String Currency.
Deleted Boolean Deleted.
DoneActivitiesCount Integer DoneActivitiesCount.
EmailMessagesCount Integer EmailMessagesCount.
ExpectedCloseDate Date ExpectedCloseDate.
FilesCount Integer FilesCount.
FirstWonTime Datetime FirstWonTime.
FollowersCount Integer FollowersCount.
FormattedValue String FormattedValue.
FormattedWeightedValue String FormattedWeightedValue.
Label String Label.
LastActivityDate String LastActivityDate.
LastActivityId String LastActivityId.
LastncomingMailTime Datetime LastncomingMailTime.
LastoutgoingMailTime Datetime LastoutgoingMailTime.
Lostreason String Lostreason.
LostTime String LostTime.
NextActivityDate Date NextActivityDate.
NextActivityDuration Time NextActivityDuration.
NextActivityId Integer NextActivityId.
NextActivityNote String NextActivityNote.
NextActivitySubject String NextActivitySubject.
NextActivityTime Time NextActivityTime.
NextActivityType String NextActivityType.
NotesCount Integer NotesCount.
OrgHidden Boolean OrgHidden.
OrgId Integer OrgId.
OrgName String OrgName.
OwnerName String OwnerName.
ParticipantsCount Integer ParticipantsCount.
PersonHidden Boolean PersonHidden.
PersonId Integer PersonId.
PersonName String PersonName.
PipelineId Integer PipelineId.
Probability String Probability.
ProductsCount Integer ProductsCount.
RottenTime String RottenTime.
StageChangeTime Datetime StageChangeTime.
StageId Integer StageId.
StageOrderNr Integer StageOrderNr.
Status String Status.
Title String Title.
UndoneActivitiesCount Integer UndoneActivitiesCount.
UpdateTime Datetime UpdateTime.
UserId Integer UserId.
Value Integer Value.
VisibleTo String VisibleTo.
WeightedValue Integer WeightedValue.
WeightedValueCurrency String WeightedValueCurrency.
WonTime Datetime WonTime.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
StartDate Date Date where the first interval starts. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
IntervalType String Type Of Interval. The allowed values are day, week, month, quarter.
Amount Integer The number of given intervals, starting from start_date, to fetch E.g 3 months.
FieldKey String The date field key which deals will be retrieved from.
FilterId Integer Type Of Interval. The allowed values are day, week, month, quarter.
ExcludeDeals Integer Whether to exclude deals list 1 or not 0. The allowed values are 0, 1.
ConvertCurrency String 3-letter currency code of any of the supported currencies.


Get details of deals updates.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • DealId supports the = operator.
  • AllChanges supports the = operator.
  • Items supports the '=,IN' operators.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsUpdates WHERE DealId = 3
SELECT * FROM DealsUpdates WHERE DealId = 246 AND AllChanges = 1
SELECT * FROM DealsUpdates WHERE DealId = 246 AND Items IN ('activity', 'call')
Name Type Description
Id Integer Id.
AccountId String AccountId.
ActiveFlag Boolean ActiveFlag.
AddTime Datetime AddTime.
AdditionalData String AdditionalData.
AssignedToUserId Integer AssignedToUserId.
Attachments String Attachments.
Attendees String Attendees.
Bcc String Bcc.
BodyUrl String BodyUrl.
BusyFlag Boolean BusyFlag.
IncludeContext String IncludeContext.
Cc String Cc.
ChangeSource String ChangeSource.
UserAgent String UserAgent.
CompanyId Integer CompanyId.
MeetingClient String MeetingClient.
MeetingId String MeetingId.
MeetingUrl String MeetingUrl.
CreatedByUserId Integer CreatedByUserId.
DealDropboxBcc String DealDropboxBcc.
DealId Integer DealId.
DealTitle String DealTitle.
DeletedFlag Integer DeletedFlag.
Done Boolean Done.
Draft String Draft.
DraftFlag Integer DraftFlag.
DueDate Date DueDate.
DueTime Time DueTime.
Duration Time Duration.
ExternalDeletedFlag Integer ExternalDeletedFlag.
FieldKey String FieldKey.
CleanName String CleanName.
FileId String FileId.
Url String Url.
From String From.
GcalEventId String GcalEventId.
GoogleCalendarEtag String GoogleCalendarEtag.
GoogleCalendarId String GoogleCalendarId.
AttachmentsFlag Integer AttachmentsFlag.
BodyFlag Integer BodyFlag.
InlineAttachmentsFlag Integer InlineAttachmentsFlag.
RealAttachmentsFlag Integer RealAttachmentsFlag.
IsBulkUpdateFlag String IsBulkUpdateFlag.
ItemId Integer ItemId.
ItemType String ItemType.
NotificationTime Datetime NotificationTime.
NotificationUserId Integer NotificationUserId.
LeadId String LeadId.
Location String Location.
AdminAreaLevel1 String AdminAreaLevel1.
AdminAreaLevel2 String AdminAreaLevel2.
Country String Country.
FormattedAddress String FormattedAddress.
Lat Double Lat.
Locality String Locality.
Long Double Long.
PostalCode String PostalCode.
Route String Route.
StreetNumber String StreetNumber.
Sublocality String Sublocality.
Subpremise String Subpremise.
LogTime Datetime LogTime.
TrackingEnabledFlag Integer TrackingEnabledFlag.
MailThreadId Integer MailThreadId.
MailTrackingStatus String MailTrackingStatus.
MarkedAsDoneTime Datetime MarkedAsDoneTime.
MessageTime String MessageTime.
MuaMessageId String MuaMessageId.
NewValue String NewValue.
Note String Note.
LanguageId Integer LanguageId.
NylasId String NylasId.
OldValue Integer OldValue.
OrgId Integer OrgId.
OrgName String OrgName.
OwnerName String OwnerName.
Participants String Participants.
PersonDropboxBcc String PersonDropboxBcc.
PersonId Integer PersonId.
PersonName String PersonName.
PublicDescription String PublicDescription.
ReadFlag Integer ReadFlag.
RecActivityId String RecActivityId.
RecRule String RecRule.
RecRuleExtension String RecRuleExtension.
ReferenceId Integer ReferenceId.
ReferenceType String ReferenceType.
S3Bucket String S3Bucket.
S3BucketPath String S3BucketPath.
SentFlag Integer SentFlag.
SentFromPipedriveFlag Integer SentFromPipedriveFlag.
Series String Series.
SmartBccFlag Integer SmartBccFlag.
Snippet String Snippet.
SourceTimezone String SourceTimezone.
Subject String Subject.
SyncedFlag Integer SyncedFlag.
TemplateId String TemplateId.
Timestamp Datetime Timestamp.
To String To.
Type String Type.
UpdateTime Datetime UpdateTime.
UpdateUserId Integer UpdateUserId.
UserId Integer UserId.
WriteFlag Boolean WriteFlag.
Object String Object.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AllChanges String Whether to show custom field updates or not. The allowed values are 1.
Items String Item specific updates. The allowed values are activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document.


Get details of deals Updates Attachments.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • DealId supports the = operator.
  • AllChanges supports the = operator.
  • Items supports the '=,IN' operators.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesAttachments WHERE DealId = 3
SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesAttachments WHERE DealId = 246 AND AllChanges = 1
SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesAttachments WHERE DealId = 246 AND Items IN ('activity', 'call')
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
ActiveFlag Boolean ActiveFlag.
ActivityId String ActivityId.
AddTime Datetime AddTime.
Cid String Cid.
DealName String DealName.
DealId Integer dealid.
Description String Description.
FileName String FileName.
FileSize Integer FileSize.
FileType String FileType.
InlineFlag Boolean InlineFlag.
LogId String LogId.
MailMessageId String MailMessageId.
MailTemplateId String MailTemplateId.
Name String Name.
OrgId Integer OrgId.
OrgName String OrgName.
PeopleName String PeopleName.
PersonId String PersonId.
PersonName String PersonName.
ProductId String ProductId.
ProductName String ProductName.
RemoteId String RemoteId.
RemoteLocation String RemoteLocation.
S3Bucket String S3Bucket.
UpdateTime Datetime UpdateTime.
Url String Url.
UserId Integer UserId.
LeadId Integer Lead Id.
LeadName Integer Lead Name.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AllChanges String Whether to show custom field updates or not. The allowed values are 1.
Items String Item specific updates. The allowed values are Activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document.


Get Details of Deals Activities Attendees.

Name Type Description
DealId Integer Deal Id.
EmailAddress String EmailAddress.
IsOrganizer Integer IsOrganizer.
Name String Name.
Status String Status.
UserId String UserId.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AllChanges String Whether to show custom field updates or not. The allowed values are 1.
Items String Item specific updates. The allowed values are Activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document.


Get details of Deal updates Bcc.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • DealId supports the = operator.
  • AllChanges supports the = operator.
  • Items supports the '=,IN' operators.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesBcc WHERE DealId = 3
SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesBcc WHERE DealId = 246 AND AllChanges = 1
SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesBcc WHERE DealId = 246 AND Items IN ('activity', 'call')
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
DealId Integer Deal Id.
EmailAddress String EmailAddress.
PersonId String PersonId.
PersonName String PersonName.
MessagePartyId Integer MessagePartyId.
Name String Name.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AllChanges String Whether to show custom field updates or not. The allowed values are 1.
Items String item specific updates. The allowed values are Activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document.


Get details of Deals Updates cc.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • DealId supports the = operator.
  • AllChanges supports the = operator.
  • Items supports the '=,IN' operators.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesCc WHERE DealId = 3
SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesCc WHERE DealId = 246 AND AllChanges = 1
SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesCc WHERE DealId = 246 AND Items IN ('activity', 'call')
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
PersonId String PersonId.
DealId Integer Deal Id.
EmailAddress String EmailAddress.
PersonName String PersonName.
MessagePartyId Integer MessagePartyId.
Name String Name.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AllChanges String Whether to show custom field updates or not. The allowed values are 1.
Items String item specific updates. The allowed values are Activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document.


Get details of Deals Updates From.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • DealId supports the = operator.
  • AllChanges supports the = operator.
  • Items supports the '=,IN' operators.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesFrom WHERE DealId = 3
SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesFrom WHERE DealId = 246 AND AllChanges = 1
SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesFrom WHERE DealId = 246 AND Items IN ('activity', 'call')
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
DealId Integer Deal Id.
EmailAddress String EmailAddress.
PersonId String PersonId.
PersonName String PersonName.
MessagePartyId Integer MessagePartyId.
Name String Name.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AllChanges String Whether to show custom field updates or not The allowed values are 1.
Items String item specific updates The allowed values are Activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document.


Get details of deals updates participants.

Name Type Description
PersonId [KEY] Integer PersonId.
DealId Integer Deal Id.
PrimaryFlag Boolean PrimaryFlag.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AllChanges String Whether to show custom field updates or not. The allowed values are 1.
Items String Item specific updates. The allowed values are Activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document.


Get details of Deals Updates to.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • DealId supports the = operator.
  • AllChanges supports the = operator.
  • Items supports the '=,IN' operators.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesTo WHERE DealId = 3
SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesTo WHERE DealId = 246 AND AllChanges = 1
SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesTo WHERE DealId = 246 AND Items IN ('activity', 'call')
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
DealId Integer Deal Id.
EmailAddress String EmailAddress.
PersonId String PersonId.
PersonName String PersonName.
MessagePartyId Integer MessagePartyId.
Name String Name.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AllChanges String Whether to show custom field updates or not. The allowed values are 1.
Items String item specific updates. The allowed values are Activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document.


Returns all supported filter helpers.

Name Type Description
AdminAreaLevel1 String AdminAreaLevel1.
AdminAreaLevel2 String AdminAreaLevel2.
Country String Country.
FormattedAddress String FormattedAddress.
Locality String Locality.
PostalCode String PostalCode.
Route String Route.
StreetNumber String StreetNumber.
Sublocality String Sublocality.
Subpremise String Subpremise.
CurrencyNotEqual String CurrencyNotEqual.
CurrencyEqual String CurrencyEqual.
DateNotEqual String DateNotEqual.
DateLessThan String DateLessThan.
DateLessThanOrEqual String DateLessThanOrEqual.
DateEqual String DateEqual.
DateGreaterThan String DateGreaterThan.
DateGreaterThanOrEqual String DateGreaterThanOrEqual.
DateRangeNotEqual String DateRangeNotEqual.
DateRangeLessThan String DateRangeLessThan.
DateRangeLessThanOrEqual String DateRangeLessThanOrEqual.
DateRangeEqual String DateRangeEqual.
DateRangeGreaterThan String DateRangeGreaterThan.
DateRangeGreaterThanOrEqual String DateRangeGreaterThanOrEqual.
DateRangeDoesNotEndAt String DateRangeDoesNotEndAt.
DateRangeEndsAfter String DateRangeEndsAfter.
DateRangeEndsAt String DateRangeEndsAt.
DateRangeEndsBefore String DateRangeEndsBefore.
DateRangeEndsEAfter String DateRangeEndsEAfter.
DateRangeEndsEBefore String DateRangeEndsEBefore.
DateRangeincludes String DateRangeincludes.
DateRangeISNULL String DateRangeISNULL.
DealNotEqual String DealNotEqual.
DealEqual String DealEqual.
DoubleNotEqual String DoubleNotEqual.
DoubleLessThan String DoubleLessThan.
DoubleLessThanOrEqual String DoubleLessThanOrEqual.
DoubleEqual String DoubleEqual.
DoubleGreaterThan String DoubleGreaterThan.
DoubleGreaterThanOrEqual String DoubleGreaterThanOrEqual.
DoubleISNULL String DoubleISNULL.
EnteredStageNotEqual String EnteredStageNotEqual.
EnteredStageLessThan String EnteredStageLessThan.
EnteredStageLessThanOrEqual String EnteredStageLessThanOrEqual.
EnteredStageEqual String EnteredStageEqual.
EnteredStageGreaterThan String EnteredStageGreaterThan.
EnteredStageGreaterThanOrEqual String EnteredStageGreaterThanOrEqual.
EnumNotEqual String EnumNotEqual.
EnumEqual String EnumEqual.
IntNotEqual String IntNotEqual.
IntLessThan String IntLessThan.
IntLessThanOrEqual String IntLessThanOrEqual.
IntEqual String IntEqual.
IntGreaterThan String IntGreaterThan.
IntGreaterThanOrEqual String IntGreaterThanOrEqual.
MonetaryNotEqual String MonetaryNotEqual.
MonetaryLessThan String MonetaryLessThan.
MonetaryLessThanOrEqual String MonetaryLessThanOrEqual.
MonetaryEqual String MonetaryEqual.
MonetaryGreaterThan String MonetaryGreaterThan.
MonetaryGreaterThanOrEqual String MonetaryGreaterThanOrEqual.
MonetaryISNOTNULL String MonetaryISNOTNULL.
MonetaryISNULL String MonetaryISNULL.
OrganizationNotEqual String OrganizationNotEqual.
OrganizationEqual String OrganizationEqual.
OrganizationISNOTNULL String OrganizationISNOTNULL.
OrganizationISNULL String OrganizationISNULL.
PersonNotEqual String PersonNotEqual.
PersonEqual String PersonEqual.
PersonISNULL String PersonISNULL.
PipelineNotEqual String PipelineNotEqual.
PipelineEqual String PipelineEqual.
ProductNotEqual String ProductNotEqual.
ProductEqual String ProductEqual.
ProductISNULL String ProductISNULL.
SetNotEqual String SetNotEqual.
SetEqual String SetEqual.
SetContains String SetContains.
SetNotContains String SetNotContains.
StageNotEqual String StageNotEqual.
StageEqual String StageEqual.
StageHasBeen String StageHasBeen.
StatusNotEqual String StatusNotEqual.
StatusEqual String StatusEqual.
TimeNotEqual String TimeNotEqual.
TimeLessThan String TimeLessThan.
TimeLessThanOrEqual String TimeLessThanOrEqual.
TimeEqual String TimeEqual.
TimeGreaterThan String TimeGreaterThan.
TimeGreaterThanOrEqual String TimeGreaterThanOrEqual.
TimerangeNotEqual String TimerangeNotEqual.
TimerangeLessThan String TimerangeLessThan.
TimerangeLessThanOrEqual String TimerangeLessThanOrEqual.
TimerangeEqual String TimerangeEqual.
TimerangeGreaterThan String TimerangeGreaterThan.
TimerangeGreaterThanOrEqual String TimerangeGreaterThanOrEqual.
TimerangedoesNotEndAt String TimerangeDoes_not_end_at.
TimerangeEndsAfter String TimerangeEndsAfter.
TimerangeEndsAt String TimerangeEndsAt.
TimerangeEndsBefore String TimerangeEndsBefore.
TimerangeEndsEAfter String TimerangeEndsEAfter.
TimerangeEndsEBefore String TimerangeEndsEBefore.
TimerangeIncludes String TimerangeIncludes.
TimerangeISNOTNULL String TimerangeISNOTNULL.
TimerangeISNULL String TimerangeISNULL.
TitleEqual String TitleEqual.
TitleLIKE'$%' String TitleLIKE'$%'.
TitleLIKE'%$' String TitleLIKE'%$'.
TitleLIKE'%$%' String TitleLIKE'%$%'.
TitleNOTLIKE'$%' String TitleNOTLIKE'$%'.
TitleNOTLIKE'%$' String TitleNOTLIKE'%$'.
TitleNOTLIKE'%$%' String TitleNOTLIKE'%$%'.
UserNotEqual String UserNotEqual.
UserEqual String UserEqual.
UserBelongsToTeam String User.belongs_to_team.
UserISNULL String User.IS_NULL.
VarcharNotEqual String VarcharNotEqual.
VarcharEqual String VarcharEqual.
VarcharISNULL String VarcharISNULL.
VarcharLIKE'$%' String VarcharLIKE'$%'
VarcharLIKE'%$' String VarcharLIKE'%$'
VarcharLIKE'%$%' String VarcharLIKE'%$%'
VarcharNOTLIKE'$%' String VarcharNOTLIKE'$%'
VarcharNOTLIKE'%$' String VarcharNOTLIKE'%$'
VarcharNOTLIKE'%$%' String VarcharNOTLIKE'%$%'
VisibletoNotEqual String VisibletoNotEqual.
VisibletoEqual String VisibletoEqual.
RottenTime String RottenTime.
LastMonth String LastMonth.
LastQuarter String LastQuarter.
LastWeek String LastWeek.
NextMonth String NextMonth.
NextWeek String NextWeek.
ThisMonth String ThisMonth.
ThisQuarter String ThisQuarter.
ThisWeek String ThisWeek.
OnemonthsAgo String OnemonthsAgo.
OneweekAgo String OneweekAgo.
TwoMonthsAgo String TwoMonthsAgo.
TwoWeeksAgo String TwoWeeksAgo.
ThreeMonthsAgo String ThreeMonthsAgo.
ThreeWeeksAgo String ThreeWeeksAgo.
FourMonthsAgo String FourMonthsAgo.
FiveMonthsAgo String FiveMonthsAgo.
SixMonthsAgo String SixMonthsAgo.
BeforeToday String BeforeToday.
BeforeTomorrow String BeforeTomorrow.
InOneMonth String InOneMonth.
InOneWeek String InOneWeek.
InTwoMonths String InTwoMonths.
InTwoWeeks String InTwoWeeks.
InThreeMonths String InThreeMonths.
InThreeWeeks String InThreeWeeks.
InFourMonths String InFourMonths.
InFiveMonths String InFiveMonths.
InSixMonths String InSixMonths.
LaterOrToday String LaterOrToday.
LaterOrTomorrow String LaterOrTomorrow.
Now String Now.
Today String Today.
Tomorrow String Tomorrow.
Yesterday String Yesterday.


Finds users by their name.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.
  • Term supports the = operator.
  • SearchByEmail supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM FindUsersByName WHERE Term = 'name'
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer ID of the user.
Activated Boolean Activated.
ActiveFlag Boolean Whether the user is active or not. The default value is true.
Created Datetime Created.
DefaultCurrency String DefaultCurrency.
Email String Email of the user.
Hascreatedcompany Boolean Hascreatedcompany.
IconUrl String IconUrl.
IsAdmin Integer IsAdmin.
IsYou Boolean IsYou.
Lang Integer Lang.
LastLogin Datetime LastLogin.
Locale String Locale.
Modified Datetime Modified.
Name String Name of the user.
Phone String Phone.
RoleId Integer ID of the role.
TimezoneName String TimezoneName.
TimezoneOffset String TimezoneOffset.
Access String The access given to the user.
Term String The search term to look for.
SearchByEmail Integer When enabled, the term will only be matched against email addresses of users. The default value is false.


Returns all Lead Sources.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM LeadSources
Name Type Description
Name String Name.


Returns data about a specific mail message.

Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer ID of the Mail Threads.
PartiesTo String To.
PartiesFrom String From.
DraftParties String Draft Parties.
Folders String Folders.
AccountId String Account Id.
UserId Integer User Id.
Version Integer Version.
Subject String Subject.
Snippet String Snippet.
SnippetDraft String SnippetDraft.
SnippetSent String SnippetSent.
HasAttachmentsFlag Integer HasAttachmentsFlag.
HasInlineAttachmentsFlag Integer HasInlineAttachmentsFlag.
HasRealAttachmentsFlag Integer HasRealAttachmentsFlag.
HasDraftFlag Integer HasDraftFlag.
HasSentFlag Integer HasSentFlag.
ArchivedFlag Integer ArchivedFlag.
DeletedFlag Integer DeletedFlag.
SyncedFlag Integer SyncedFlag.
ExternalDeletedFlag Integer ExternalDeletedFlag.
SmartBccFlag Integer SmartBccFlag.
FirstMessageToMeFlag Integer FirstMessageToMeFlag.
MailLinkTrackingEnabledFlag Integer MailLinkTrackingEnabledFlag.
LastMessageTimestamp String LastMessageTimestamp.
FirstMessageTimestamp String FirstMessageTimestamp.
LastMessageSentTimestamp String LastMessageSentTimestamp.
LastMessageReceivedTimestamp String LastMessageReceivedTimestamp.
AddTime String AddTime.
UpdateTime String UpdateTime.
DealId Integer DealId.
DealStatus Integer DealStatus.
AllMessagesSentFlag Integer AllMessagesSentFlag.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Folder String The type of folder to fetch.


Returns all the mail messages inside a specified mail thread..


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.
  • MailThreadId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM MailThreadMessages WHERE MailThreadId = 145
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer ID of the Mail Thread Messages.
MailThreadId Integer ID of the Mail Thread.
To String To.
From String From.
Cc String Cc.
Bcc String Bcc.
BodyUrl String Body URL.
AccountId String Account Id.
UserId Integer User Id.
Subject String Subject.
Snippet String Snippet.
MailTrackingStatus String Mail Tracking status.
MailLinkTrackingEnabledFlag Integer MailLinkTrackingEnabledFlag.
ReadFlag Integer Readflag.
Draft String Draft.
DraftFlag Integer Draft flag.
SyncedFlag Integer Synced flag.
DeletedFlag Integer Deleted flag.
HasBodyFlag Integer Has body flag.
SentFlag Integer Sent flag.
SentFromPipeDriveFlag Integer SentFromPipeDriveFlag.
SmartBccFlag Integer SmartBccFlag.
MessageTime String MessageTime.
AddTime String AddTime.
UpdateTime String UpdateTime.
HasAttachmentsFlag Integer HasAttachmentsFlag.
HasInlineAttachmentsFlag Integer HasInlineAttachmentsFlag.
HasRealAttachmentsFlag Integer HasRealAttachmentsFlag.


Returns all the mail messages inside a specified mail thread.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • MailThreadId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM MailThreadMessagesFrom WHERE MailThreadId = 2
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer ID of the Mail Thread Messages.
MailThreadId Integer ID of the Mail Thread.
EmailAddress String Email address.
Name String Name.
LinkedPersonId Integer Linked Person Id.
LinkedPersonName String Linked Person Name.
MailMessagePartyId Integer Mail message Party Id.


Returns all the mail messages inside a specified mail thread.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • MailThreadId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM MailThreadMessagesTo WHERE MailThreadId = 2
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer ID of the Mail Thread Messages.
MailThreadId Integer ID of the Mail Thread.
EmailAddress String Email address.
Name String Name.
LinkedPersonId Integer Linked Person Id.
LinkedPersonName String Linked Person Name.
MailMessagePartyId Integer Mail message Party Id.


Get details of the user who sent the mail.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.
  • Folder supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM MailThreadsFrom WHERE Folder = 'inbox'
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer ID.
Name String Name.
LatestSent Boolean LatestSent.
EmailAddress String EmailAddress.
MessageTime String MessageTime.
LinkedPersonId Integer LinkedPersonId.
LinkedPersonName String LinkedPersonName.
LinkedOrganizationId String LinkedOrganizationId.
MailMessagePartyId Integer MailMessagePartyId.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Folder String The type of folder to fetch.


Get details of the user to whom sent the mail.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.
  • Folder supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM MailThreadsTo WHERE Folder = 'inbox'
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer ID.
Name String Name.
LatestSent Boolean LatestSent.
EmailAddress String EmailAddress.
MessageTime String MessageTime.
LinkedPersonId Integer LinkedPersonId.
LinkedPersonName String LinkedPersonName.
LinkedOrganizationId String LinkedOrganizationId.
MailMessagePartyId Integer MailMessagePartyId.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Folder String The type of folder to fetch.


Returns data about all note fields.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM NoteFields
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
ActiveFlag Boolean ActiveFlag.
BulkEditAllowed Boolean BulkEditAllowed.
EditFlag Boolean EditFlag.
FieldType String FieldType.
Key String Key.
MandatoryFlag Boolean MandatoryFlag.
Name String Name.
Options String Options.


Returns data about all note fields options.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM NoteFieldsOptions
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
Label String Label.


Returns data about all organization fields options.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM OrganizationFieldsOptions
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer ID of the field.
Label String Label.


Get details of organizations activities.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.
  • Done supports the = operator.
  • Exclude supports the '=,IN' operators.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsActivities WHERE Id = 246
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsActivities WHERE Id = 246 AND done = 0
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsActivities WHERE ID = 246 AND Exclude IN ('240', '241')
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
ActiveFlag Boolean ActiveFlag.
AddTime Datetime AddTime.
AssignedTouserId Integer AssignedTouserId.
Attendees String Attendees.
BusyFlag Boolean BusyFlag.
IncludeContext String IncludeContext.
CompanyId Integer CompanyId.
MeetingClient String MeetingClient.
MeetingId String MeetingId.
MeetingUrl String MeetingUrl.
CreatedByUserId Integer CreatedByUserId.
DealDropboxBcc String DealDropboxBcc.
DealId Integer DealId.
DealTitle String DealTitle.
Done Boolean Done.
DueDate Date DueDate.
DueTime Time DueTime.
Duration Time Duration.
FileCleanName String FileCleanName.
FileId String FileId.
FileUrl String FileUrl.
GcaleventId String GcaleventId.
GoogleCalendarEtag String GoogleCalendarEtag.
GoogleCalendarId String GoogleCalendarId.
LastNotificationTime Datetime LastNotificationTime.
LastNotificationUserId Integer LastNotificationUserId.
LeadId String LeadId.
Location String Location.
AdminAreaLevel1 String AdminAreaLevel1.
AdminAreaLevel2 String AdminAreaLevel2.
Country String Country.
FormattedAddress String FormattedAddress.
Lat Double Lat.
Locality String Locality.
Long Double Long.
PostalCode String PostalCode.
Route String Route.
StreetNumber String StreetNumber.
Sublocality String Sublocality.
Subpremise String Subpremise.
MarkedAsDoneTime Datetime MarkedAsDoneTime.
Note String Note.
NotificationLanguageId Integer NotificationLanguageId.
OrgId Integer OrgId.
OrgName String OrgName.
OwnerName String OwnerName.
Participants String Participants.
PersonDropboxBcc String PersonDropboxBcc.
PersonId Integer PersonId.
PersonName String PersonName.
PublicDescription String PublicDescription.
MasterActivityId String MasterActivityId.
Rule String Rule.
RuleExtension String RuleExtension.
ReferenceId Integer ReferenceId.
ReferenceType String ReferenceType.
Series String Series.
SourceTimezone String SourceTimezone.
Subject String Subject.
Type String Type.
UpdateTime Datetime UpdateTime.
UpdateUserId Integer UpdateUserId.
UserId Integer UserId.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Exclude String A comma-separated string of activity IDs to exclude from result.


Get details of organizations activities attendees.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • OrgId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsActivitiesAttendees
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsActivitiesAttendees WHERE OrgId = 2
Name Type Description
OrgId Integer OrgId.
EmailAddress String Email Address.
IsOrganizer Integer IsOrganizer.
Name String Name.
PersonId Integer PersonId.
Status String Status.
UserId String UserId.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Exclude String A comma-separated string of activity IDs to exclude from result.


Get details of organizations activities participants.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • OrgId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsActivitiesParticipants
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsActivitiesParticipants WHERE OrgId = 2
Name Type Description
OrgId Integer OrgId.
PersonId Integer PersonId.
PrimaryFlag Boolean Primary Flag.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Exclude String A comma-separated string of activity IDs to exclude from result.


Get details of organization deals.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.
  • Status supports the = operator.
  • OnlyPrimaryAssociation supports the '=,IN' operators.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsDeals WHERE Id = 246
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsDeals WHERE Id = 246 AND Status = 'open'
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsDeals WHERE ID = 246 AND OnlyPrimaryAssociation = 1
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
Active Boolean Active.
ActivitiesCount Integer ActivitiesCount.
AddTime Datetime AddTime.
CcEmail String CcEmail.
CloseTime String CloseTime.
CreatoractiveFlag Boolean CreatoractiveFlag.
Creatoremail String Creatoremail.
CreatorhasPic Boolean CreatorhasPic.
Creatorid Integer Creatorid.
Creatorname String Creatorname.
CreatorPicHash String CreatorPicHash.
Creatorvalue Integer Creatorvalue.
Currency String Currency.
Deleted Boolean Deleted.
DoneActivitiesCount Integer DoneActivitiesCount.
EmailMessagesCount Integer EmailMessagesCount.
ExpectedCloseDate Date ExpectedCloseDate.
FilesCount Integer FilesCount.
FirstWonTime Datetime FirstWonTime.
FollowersCount Integer FollowersCount.
FormattedValue String FormattedValue.
FormattedWeightedValue String FormattedWeightedValue.
Label String Label.
LastActivityDate String LastActivityDate.
LastActivityId String LastActivityId.
LastIncomingMailTime Datetime LastIncomingMailTime.
LastOutgoingMailTime Datetime LastOutgoingMailTime.
LostReason String LostReason.
LostTime String LostTime.
NextActivityDate Date NextActivityDate.
NextActivityDuration Time NextActivityDuration.
NextActivityId Integer NextActivityId.
NextActivitynote String NextActivitynote.
NextActivitysubject String NextActivitysubject.
NextActivitytime Time NextActivitytime.
NextActivitytype String NextActivitytype.
NotesCount Integer NotesCount.
OrgHidden Boolean OrgHidden.
OrgActive_flag Boolean OrgActive_flag.
OrgAddress String OrgAddress.
OrgCcEmail String OrgCcEmail.
OrgIdName String OrgName.
OrgOwnerId Integer OrgOwnerId.
OrgPeopleCount Integer OrgPeopleCount.
OrgId Integer OrgValue.
OwnerName String OwnerName.
ParticipantsCount Integer ParticipantsCount.
PersonHidden Boolean PersonHidden.
PersonActiveFlag Boolean PersonActiveFlag.
PersonEmail String PersonEmail.
PersonName String PersonName.
PersonPhone String PersonPhone.
PersonValue Integer PersonValue.
PipelineId Integer PipelineId.
Probability String Probability.
ProductsCount Integer ProductsCount.
RottenTime String RottenTime.
StageChangeTime Datetime StageChangeTime.
StageId Integer StageId.
StageOrderNr Integer StageOrderNr.
Status String Only fetch deals with specific status.. The allowed values are open, won, lost, deleted, all_not_deleted.
Title String Title.
UndoneActivitiesCount Integer UndoneActivitiesCount.
UpdateTime Datetime UpdateTime.
UserActiveFlag Boolean UserActiveFlag.
UserEmail String UserEmail.
UserHasPic Boolean UserHasPic.
UserId Integer UserId.
UserName String UserName.
UserPicHash String UserPicHash.
UserValue Integer UserValue.
Value Integer Value.
VisibleTo String VisibleTo.
WeightedValue Integer WeightedValue.
WeightedValueCurrency String WeightedValueCurrency.
WonTime Datetime WonTime.
OrgName String Org Name.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
OnlyPrimaryAssociation Integer If set, only deals that are directly associated to the organization are fetched. The allowed values are 0, 1.


get details of deals person email.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • OrgId supports the = operator.
  • Status supports the = operator.
  • OnlyPrimaryAssociation supports the '=,IN' operators.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsDealsPersonEmail WHERE OrgId = 246
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsDealsPersonEmail WHERE OrgId = 246 AND Status = 'open'
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsDealsPersonEmail WHERE OrgId = 246 AND OnlyPrimaryAssociation = 1
Name Type Description
OrgId [KEY] Integer Org Id.
Label String Label.
Primary Boolean Primary.
Value String Value.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Status String Only fetch deals with specific status. The allowed values are open, won, lost, deleted, all_not_deleted. The default value is all_not_deleted.
OnlyPrimaryAssociation Integer If set, only deals that are directly associated to the organization are fetched. The allowed values are 0, 1.


get details of deals person phone.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • OrgId supports the = operator.
  • Status supports the = operator.
  • OnlyPrimaryAssociation supports the '=,IN' operators.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsDealsPersonphone WHERE OrgId = 246
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsDealsPersonphone WHERE OrgId = 246 AND Status = open
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsDealsPersonphone WHERE OrgId = 246 AND OnlyPrimaryAssociation = 1
Name Type Description
OrgId [KEY] Integer Org Id.
Label String Label.
Primary Boolean Primary.
Value String Value.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Status String Only fetch deals with specific status. The allowed values are open, won, lost, deleted, all_not_deleted. The default value is all_not_deleted.
OnlyPrimaryAssociation Integer If set, only deals that are directly associated to the organization are fetched The allowed values are 0, 1.


Get details of deals file.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • OrgId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsFiles WHERE OrgId = 6
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer ID of the organizations.
ActiveFlag Boolean Active Flag.
ActivityId String Activity Id.
AddTime Datetime AddTime.
Cid String Cid.
DealId String Deal Id.
DealName String DealName.
Description String Description.
FileName String File Name.
FileSize Integer File Size.
FileType String File Type.
InlineFlag Boolean Inline Flag.
LogId String Log Id.
MailMessageId String MailMessage Id.
MailTemplateId String MailTemplate Id.
Name String Name.
OrgId Integer Org Id.
OrgName String Org Name.
PeopleName String People Name.
PersonId String PersonId.
PersonName String Person Name.
ProductId String Produc tId.
ProductName String Product Name.
RemoteId String Remote Id.
RemoteLocation String Remote Location.
S3Bucket String S3Bucket.
UpdateTime Datetime Update Time.
Url String Url.
UserId Integer UserId.
LeadId String LeadId.
LeadName String LeadName.


Get details of organizations mail Messages.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • OrgId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsMailMessages WHERE OrgId = 246
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Org id.
OrgId Integer Activities ID.
AccountId String AccountId.
AddTime Datetime addTime.
Bcc String Bcc.
BodyUrl String bodyUrl.
Cc String cc.
CompanyId Integer companyId.
DeletedFlag Boolean DeletedFlag.
Draft String Draft.
DraftFlag Boolean DraftFlag.
ExternalDeletedFlag Boolean External DeletedFlag.
From String From.
AttachmentsFlag Boolean AttachmentsFlag.
BodyFlag Boolean BodyFlag.
InlineAttachmentsFlag Boolean InlineAttachmentsFlag.
RealAttachmentsFlag Boolean RealAttachmentsFlag.
ItemType String ItemType.
TrackingEnabledFlag Boolean TrackingEnabledFlag.
ThreadId Integer ThreadId.
TrackingStatus String TrackingStatus.
MessageTime String MessageTime.
MessageId String MessageId.
NylasId String NylasId.
ReadFlag Boolean ReadFlag.
S3Bucket String S3Bucket.
S3BucketPath String S3BucketPath.
SentFlag Boolean SentFlag.
SentFromPipedriveFlag Boolean SentFromPipedriveFlag.
SmartBccFlag Boolean SmartBccFlag.
Snippet String Snippet.
Subject String Subject.
SyncedFlag Boolean SyncedFlag.
TemplateId String TemplateId.
Timestamp Datetime Timestamp.
To String To.
UpdateTime Datetime UpdateTime.
UserId Integer UserId.
WriteFlag Boolean writeFlag.
Object String Object.


Get details of organizations mail Messages.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • OrgId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsMailMessagesBcc WHERE OrgId = 246
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer id.
OrgId Integer Org Id.
EmailAddress String EmailAddress.
PersonId Integer PersonId.
PersonName String PersonName.
MessagePartyId Integer MessagePartyId.
Name String Name.


Get details of organizations mail Messages.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • OrgId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsMailMessagesCc WHERE OrgId = 246
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
OrgId Integer Org Id.
EmailAddress String EmailAddress.
PersonId String PersonId.
PersonName String PersonName.
MessagePartyId Integer MessagePartyId.
Name String Name.


Get details of organizations mail Messages.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • OrgId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsMailMessagesFrom WHERE OrgId = 246
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
OrgId Integer Org Id.
EmailAddress String EmailAddress.
PersonId String PersonId.
PersonName String PersonName.
MessagePartyId Integer MessagePartyId.
Name String Name.


Get details of organizations mail Messages.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • OrgId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsMailMessagesTo WHERE OrgId = 246
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
OrgId Integer Org Id.
EmailAddress String EmailAddress.
PersonId String PersonId.
PersonName String PersonName.
MessagePartyId Integer MessagePartyId.
Name String Name.


Get details of permitted users of organizations.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • OrgId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsPermittedUsers WHERE OrgId = 10
Name Type Description
OrgId Integer Organization Id.
UserId Integer User Id.


Get details of organizations persons


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • OrgId supports the = operator.
  • Id supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsPersons WHERE OrgId = 10
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id
ActivitiesCount Integer ActivitiesCount
ActiveFlag Boolean ActiveFlag
AddTime Datetime AddTime
CcEmail String CcEmail
ClosedDealsCount Integer ClosedDealsCount
CompanyId Integer CompanyId
DoneActivitiesCount Integer DoneActivitiesCount
Email String Email
EmailMessagesCount Integer EmailMessagesCount
FilesCount Integer FilesCount
Label Integer label
LastActivityDate Date LastActivityDate
LastActivityId Integer LastActivityId
LastincomingMailTime String LastincomingMailTime
Lastname String Lastname
LastoutgoingMailTime String LastoutgoingMailTime
LostdealsCount Integer LostdealsCount
Name String Name
NextActivityDate Date nextActivityDate
NextActivityId Integer nextActivityId
NextActivityTime String nextActivityTime
NotesCount Integer NotesCount
OpenDealsCount Integer OpenDealsCount
OrgActiveFlag Boolean OrgActiveFlag
OrgAddress String OrgAddress
OrgCcEmail String OrgCcEmail
OrgIdName String OrgName
OrgownerId Integer OrgownerId
OrgpeopleCount Integer OrgpeopleCount
OrgId Integer OrgId
OwnerActiveFlag Boolean OwnerActiveFlag
OwnerEmail String OwnerEmail
OwnerHasPic Boolean OwnerHasPic
OwnerId Integer OwnerId
OwnerName String OwnerName
OwnerPicHash String OwnerPicHash
OwnerValue Integer OwnerValue
ParticipantClosedDealsCount Integer ParticipantClosedDealsCount
ParticipantOpenDealsCount Integer ParticipantOpenDealsCount
Phone String Phone
PictureActiveFlag Boolean PictureActiveFlag
PictureaddTime Datetime PictureaddTime
PictureaddedByUserId Integer PictureaddedByUserId
PictureItemId Integer PictureItemId
PictureitemType String PictureitemType
Picture128 String Picture128
Picture512 String Picture512
PictureupdateTime String PictureupdateTime
Picturevalue Integer Picturevalue
PictureId String PictureId
RelatedclosedDealsCount Integer RelatedclosedDealsCount
RelatedlostDealsCount Integer RelatedlostDealsCount
RelatedopenDealsCount Integer RelatedopenDealsCount
RelatedwonDealsCount Integer RelatedwonDealsCount
UndoneActivitiesCount Integer UndoneActivitiesCount
UpdateTime Datetime UpdateTime
VisibleTo String visibleTo
WonDealsCount Integer WonDealsCount
FirstName String First name.
FollowersCount Integer Followes Count.
PrimaryEmail String Primary Email.
FirstChar String First Char.
MarketingStatus String Marketing Status.
OrgName String Org name.


Get details of organizations persons email


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • OrgId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsPersonsEmail WHERE OrgId = 10
Name Type Description
OrgId [KEY] Integer OrgId
Value String Value.
Primary Boolean Primary.
Label String Label.


Get details of organizations persons phone


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • OrgId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsPersonsPhone WHERE OrgId = 10
Name Type Description
OrgId [KEY] Integer OrgId
Value String Value.
Primary Boolean Primary.
Label String Label.


Get details of organizations updates..


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • OrgId supports the = operator.
  • AllChanges supports the = operator.
  • Items supports the '=,IN' operators.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsUpdates WHERE OrgId = 246

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsUpdates WHERE OrgId = 10 AND AllChanges = 1

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsUpdates WHERE OrgId = 10 AND Items IN ('activity', 'plannedActivity')
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
ActiveFlag Boolean ActiveFlag.
ActivityId String ActivityId.
AddTime Datetime AddTime.
NewValueFormatted String NewValueFormatted.
OldValueFormatted String OldValueFormatted.
AssignedToUserId Integer AssignedToUserId.
Attendees String Attendees.
BusyFlag Boolean BusyFlag.
IncludeContext String IncludeContext.
ChangeSource String ChangeSource.
User_agent String User_agent.
Cid String Cid.
CompanyId Integer CompanyId.
ConferenceMeetingClient String ConferenceMeetingClient.
ConferenceMeetingId String ConferenceMeetingId.
ConferenceMeetingUrl String ConferenceMeetingUrl.
CreatedByUserId Integer CreatedByUserId.
DealDropboxBcc String DealDropboxBcc.
DealId Integer DealId.
DealName String DealName.
DealTitle String DealTitle.
Description String Description.
Done Boolean Done.
DueDate Date DueDate.
DueTime Time DueTime.
Duration Time Duration.
FieldKey String FieldKey.
FileCleanName String FileCleanName.
FileId String FileId.
FileUrl String FileUrl.
FileName String FileName.
FileSize Integer FileSize.
FileType String FileType.
GcalEventId String GcalEventId.
GoogleCalendarEtag String GoogleCalendarEtag.
GoogleCalendarId String GoogleCalendarId.
InlineFlag Boolean InlineFlag.
IsBulkUpdateFlag String IsBulkUpdateFlag.
ItemId Integer ItemId.
LastNotificationTime Datetime LastNotificationTime.
LastNotificationUserId Integer LastNotificationUserId.
LeadId String LeadId.
Location String Location.
AdminAreaLevel1 String AdminAreaLevel1.
AdminAreaLevel2 String AdminAreaLevel2.
Country String Country.
FormattedAddress String FormattedAddress.
Lat Double Lat.
Locality String Locality.
Long Double Long.
PostalCode String PostalCode.
Route String Route.
StreetNumber String StreetNumber.
Sublocality String Sublocality.
Subpremise String Subpremise.
LogId String LogId.
LogTime Datetime LogTime.
MessageId String MessageId.
TemplateId String TemplateId.
MarkedAsDoneTime Datetime MarkedAsDoneTime.
Name String Name.
NewValue String NewValue.
Note String Note.
NotificationLanguageId Integer NotificationLanguageId.
OldValue Integer OldValue.
OrgId Integer OrgId.
OrgName String OrgName.
OwnerName String OwnerName.
Participants String Participants.
PeopleName String PeopleName.
PersonDropboxBcc String PersonDropboxBcc.
PersonId Integer PersonId.
PersonName String PersonName.
ProductId String ProductId.
ProductName String ProductName.
PublicDescription String PublicDescription.
RecActivityId String RecActivityId.
RecRule String RecRule.
RecRuleExtension String RecRuleExtension.
ReferenceId Integer ReferenceId.
ReferenceType String ReferenceType.
RemoteId String RemoteId.
RemoteLocation String RemoteLocation.
S3Bucket String S3Bucket.
Series String Series.
Sourcetimezone String Sourcetimezone.
Subject String Subject.
Type String Type.
UpdateTime Datetime UpdateTime.
UpdateUserId Integer UpdateUserId.
Url String Url.
UserId Integer UserId.
Object String Object.
Timestamp Datetime Timestamp.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AllChanges String Whether to show custom field updates or not. The allowed values are 1.
Items String item specific updates. The allowed values are activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document.


Get details of all attendees of organizations.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • OrgId supports the = operator.
  • AllChanges supports the = operator.
  • Items supports the '=,IN' operators.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsUpdatesAttendees WHERE OrgId = 246

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsUpdatesAttendees WHERE OrgId = 10 AND AllChanges = 1

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsUpdatesAttendees WHERE OrgId = 10 AND Items IN ('activity', 'plannedActivity')
Name Type Description
OrgId [KEY] Integer Activities ID.
EmailAddress String EmailAddress.
IsOrganizer Boolean IsOrganizer.
Name String Name.
PersonId Integer PersonId.
Status String Status.
UserId String UserId.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AllChanges String Whether to show custom field updates or not. The allowed values are 1.
Items String item specific updates. The allowed values are activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document.


Getdetails of activities participants.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • OrgId supports the = operator.
  • AllChanges supports the = operator.
  • Items supports the '=,IN' operators.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsUpdatesParticipants WHERE OrgId = 246

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsUpdatesParticipants WHERE OrgId = 10 AND AllChanges = 1

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsUpdatesParticipants WHERE OrgId = 10 AND Items IN ('activity', 'plannedActivity')
Name Type Description
OrgId [KEY] Integer Activities ID.
PersonId Integer PersonId.
PrimaryFlag Boolean PrimaryFlag.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AllChanges String Whether to show custom field updates or not. The allowed values are 1.
Items String item specific updates. The allowed values are activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document.


Get all permissions.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PermissionSets WHERE ID = 'a3d3f720-154f-11ec-905b-d96b2abf3c60'
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] String ID of the permission set.
AssignmentCount Integer AssignmentCount.
Name String Name.
Type String Type.
Description String Description.
App String App.



Name Type Description
Id [KEY] String ID of the permission set Assignments.
Name String Name.
PermissionSetId String PermissionSetId.
UserId Integer UserId.


Returns data about all person fields options.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PersonFieldsOptions
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer ID of the field.
Label String Label.


Get all Persons Activities assigned to a particular Persons.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • PersonId supports the = operator.
  • Done supports the = operator.
  • Exclude supports the '=,IN' operators.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PersonsActivities WHERE PersonId = 113

SELECT * FROM PersonsActivities WHERE PersonId = 113 AND Done = 0

SELECT * FROM PersonsActivities WHERE PersonId = 113 AND Exclude IN ('240', '241')
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
ActiveFlag Boolean Active Flag.
AddTtime Datetime Add Ttime.
AssignedToUserId Integer Assigned To UserId.
Attendees String Attendees.
BusyFlag Boolean BusyFlag.
IncludeContext String Include Context.
CompanyId Integer Company Id.
MeetingClient String Meeting Client.
MeetingId String Meeting Id.
MeetingUrl String Meeting Url.
CreatedByUserId Integer CreatedBy UserId.
DealDropboxBcc String Deal Dropbox Bcc.
DealId Integer Deal Id.
DealTitle String Deal Title.
Done Boolean Whether the activity is done or not 0 = Not done, 1 = Done If omitted returns both Done and Not done activities. The allowed values are 0, 1.
DueDate Date Due Date.
DueTime Time Due Time.
Duration Time Duration.
FileCleanName String FileCleanName.
FileId String FileId.
FileUrl String FileUrl.
EventId String eventId.
CalendarEtag String CalendarEtag.
CalendarId String Calendar Id.
NotificationTime Datetime Notification Time.
NotificationUserId Integer Notification UserId.
LeadId String Lead Id.
Location String Location.
AreaLevel1 String AreaLevel1.
AreaLevel2 String AreaLevel2.
Country String Country.
FormattedAddress String FormattedAddress.
Lat Double Lat.
Locality String Locality.
Long Double Long.
PostalCode String PostalCode.
Route String Route.
StreetNumber String StreetNumber.
Sublocality String Sublocality.
Subpremise String Subpremise.
MarkedAsDoneTime Datetime MarkedAsDoneTime.
Note String Note.
NotificationLanguageId Integer NotificationLanguageId.
OrgId Integer OrgId.
OrgName String OrgName.
OwnerName String OwnerName.
Participants String Participants.
PersonDropboxBcc String Person Dropbox Bcc.
PersonId Integer PersonId.
PersonName String PersonName.
PublicDescription String PublicDescription.
MasterActivityId String MasterActivityId.
Rule String Rule.
RuleExtension String RuleExtension.
ReferenceId Integer ReferenceId.
ReferenceType String ReferenceType.
Series String Series.
SourceTimezone String SourceTimezone.
Subject String Subject.
Type String Type.
UpdateTime Datetime UpdateTime..
UpdateUserId Integer UpdateUserId..
UserId Integer UserId..

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Exclude String A comma-separated string of activity IDs to exclude from result..


Get Details of Persons Activities Attendees.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • PersonId supports the = operator.
  • Done supports the = operator.
  • Exclude supports the '=,IN' operators.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PersonsActivitiesAttendees WHERE PersonId = 113

SELECT * FROM PersonsActivitiesAttendees WHERE PersonId = 113 AND Done = 0

SELECT * FROM PersonsActivitiesAttendees WHERE PersonId = 113 AND Exclude IN ('240', '241')
Name Type Description
PersonId [KEY] Integer PersonId.
EmailAddress String EmailAddress.
IsOrganizer Integer IsOrganizer.
Name String Name.
Status String Status.
UserId String UserId.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Done Boolean Whether the activity is done or not 0 = Not done, 1 = Done If omitted returns both Done and Not done activities. The allowed values are 0, 1.
Exclude String A comma-separated string of activity IDs to exclude from result.


Get details of Persons activities participants.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • PersonId supports the = operator.
  • Done supports the = operator.
  • Exclude supports the '=,IN' operators.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PersonsActivitiesParticipants WHERE PersonId = 113

SELECT * FROM PersonsActivitiesParticipants WHERE PersonId = 113 AND Done = 0

SELECT * FROM PersonsActivitiesParticipants WHERE PersonId = 113 AND Exclude IN ('240', '241')
Name Type Description
PersonId [KEY] Integer PersonId.
PrimaryFlag Boolean PrimaryFlag.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Done Boolean Whether the activity is done or not 0 = Not done, 1 = Done If omitted returns both Done and Not done activities. The allowed values are 0, 1.
Exclude String A comma-separated string of activity IDs to exclude from result.


Get details of Persons deals.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.
  • Status supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PersonsDeals WHERE Id = 246

SELECT * FROM PersonsDeals WHERE Id = 246 AND Status = 'open'
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
Active Boolean Active.
ActivitiesCount Integer ActivitiesCount.
AddTime Datetime AddTime.
CcEmail String CcEmail.
CloseTime String CloseTime.
CreatoractiveFlag Boolean CreatoractiveFlag.
Creatoremail String Creatoremail.
CreatorhasPic Boolean CreatorhasPic.
Creatorid Integer Creatorid.
Creatorname String Creatorname.
CreatorPicHash String CreatorPicHash.
Creatorvalue Integer Creatorvalue.
Currency String Currency.
Deleted Boolean Deleted.
DoneActivitiesCount Integer DoneActivitiesCount.
EmailMessagesCount Integer EmailMessagesCount.
ExpectedCloseDate Date ExpectedCloseDate.
FilesCount Integer FilesCount.
FirstWonTime Datetime FirstWonTime.
FollowersCount Integer FollowersCount.
FormattedValue String FormattedValue.
FormattedWeightedValue String FormattedWeightedValue.
Label String Label.
LastActivityDate String LastActivityDate.
LastActivityId String LastActivityId.
LastIncomingMailTime Datetime LastIncomingMailTime.
LastOutgoingMailTime Datetime LastOutgoingMailTime.
LostReason String LostReason.
LostTime String LostTime.
NextActivityDate Date NextActivityDate.
NextActivityDuration Time NextActivityDuration.
NextActivityId Integer NextActivityId.
NextActivitynote String NextActivitynote.
NextActivitysubject String NextActivitysubject.
NextActivitytime Time NextActivitytime.
NextActivitytype String NextActivitytype.
NotesCount Integer NotesCount.
OrgHidden Boolean OrgHidden.
OrgActive_flag Boolean OrgActive_flag.
OrgAddress String OrgAddress.
OrgCcEmail String OrgCcEmail.
OrgIdName String OrgName.
OrgOwnerId Integer OrgOwnerId.
OrgPeopleCount Integer OrgPeopleCount.
OrgValue Integer OrgValue.
OwnerName String OwnerName.
ParticipantsCount Integer ParticipantsCount.
PersonHidden Boolean PersonHidden.
PersonActiveFlag Boolean PersonActiveFlag.
PersonEmail String PersonEmail.
PersonIdName String PersonName.
PersonPhone String PersonPhone.
PersonValue Integer PersonValue.
PipelineId Integer PipelineId.
Probability String Probability.
ProductsCount Integer ProductsCount.
RottenTime String RottenTime.
StageChangeTime Datetime StageChangeTime.
StageId Integer StageId.
StageOrderNr Integer StageOrderNr.
Status String Only fetch deals with specific status. The allowed values are open, won, lost, deleted, all_not_deleted. The default value is all_not_deleted.
Title String Title.
UndoneActivitiesCount Integer UndoneActivitiesCount.
UpdateTime Datetime UpdateTime.
UserActiveFlag Boolean UserActiveFlag.
UserEmail String UserEmail.
UserHasPic Boolean UserHasPic.
UserId Integer UserId.
UserName String UserName.
UserPicHash String UserPicHash.
UserValue Integer UserValue.
Value Integer Value.
VisibleTo String VisibleTo.
WeightedValue Integer WeightedValue.
WeightedValueCurrency String WeightedValueCurrency.
WonTime Datetime WonTime.
PersonName String Person Name.
OrgName String Org Name.


Get details of Persons deals email.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • PersonsDealsId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PersonsDealsEmail
SELECT * FROM PersonsDealsEmail WHERE PersonsDealsId = 2
Name Type Description
PersonsDealsId [KEY] Integer Id.
Label String Label.
Value String Value.
Primary Boolean Primary.


Get details of Persons deals phone.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • PersonsDealsId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PersonsDealsPhone
SELECT * FROM PersonsDealsPhone WHERE PersonsDealsId = 2
Name Type Description
PersonsDealsId [KEY] Integer Id.
Label String Label.
Value String Value.
Primary Boolean Primary.


Get all emails asscociated with persons.

Name Type Description
PersonId Integer Persons Id.
label String Label.
Value String Value.
Primary Boolean Primary.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
FirstChar String If supplied, only persons whose name starts with the specified letter will be returned.
FilterId Integer Filter Id.
UserId Integer User Id.


Get details of Persons file.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • PersonId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PersonsFiles WHERE PersonId = 6
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id of the files.
ActiveFlag Boolean Active Flag.
ActivityId String Activity Id.
AddTime Datetime AddTime.
Cid String Cid.
DealId String Deal Id.
DealName String DealName.
Description String Description.
FileName String File Name.
FileSize Integer File Size.
FileType String File Type.
InlineFlag Boolean Inline Flag.
LogId String Log Id.
MailMessageId String MailMessage Id.
MailTemplateId String MailTemplate Id.
Name String Name.
OrgId Integer Org Id.
OrgName String Org Name.
PeopleName String People Name.
PersonId String PersonId.
PersonName String Person Name.
ProductId String Produc tId.
ProductName String Product Name.
RemoteId String Remote Id.
RemoteLocation String Remote Location.
S3Bucket String S3Bucket.
UpdateTime Datetime Update Time.
Url String Url.
UserId Integer UserId.
LeadId String LeadId.
LeadName String LeadName.


Get details of organizations mail Messages.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • PersonId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PersonsMailMessages WHERE PersonId = 246
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
PersonId Integer Persons Id.
AccountId String AccountId.
AddTime Datetime addTime.
Bcc String Bcc.
BodyUrl String bodyUrl.
Cc String cc.
CompanyId Integer companyId.
DeletedFlag Boolean DeletedFlag.
Draft String Draft.
DraftFlag Boolean DraftFlag.
ExternalDeletedFlag Boolean ExternalDeletedFlag.
From String From.
AttachmentsFlag Boolean AttachmentsFlag.
BodyFlag Boolean BodyFlag.
InlineAttachmentsFlag Boolean InlineAttachmentsFlag.
RealAttachmentsFlag Boolean RealAttachmentsFlag.
ItemType String ItemType.
TrackingEnabledFlag Boolean TrackingEnabledFlag.
ThreadId Integer ThreadId.
TrackingStatus String TrackingStatus.
MessageTime String MessageTime.
MessageId String MessageId.
NylasId String NylasId.
ReadFlag Boolean ReadFlag.
S3Bucket String S3Bucket.
S3BucketPath String S3BucketPath.
SentFlag Boolean SentFlag.
SentFromPipedriveFlag Boolean SentFromPipedriveFlag.
SmartBccFlag Boolean SmartBccFlag.
Snippet String Snippet.
Subject String Subject.
SyncedFlag Boolean SyncedFlag.
TemplateId String TemplateId.
Timestamp Datetime Timestamp.
To String To.
UpdateTime Datetime UpdateTime.
UserId Integer UserId.
WriteFlag Boolean writeFlag.
Object String Object.


Get details of Persons mail Messages.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • PersonId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PersonsMailMessagesBcc WHERE PersonId = 246
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
EmailAddress String EmailAddress.
PersonId String PersonId.
PersonName String PersonName.
MessagePartyId Integer MessagePartyId.
Name String Name.


Get details of persons mail Messages.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • PersonId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PersonsMailMessagesCc WHERE PersonId = 246
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
EmailAddress String EmailAddress.
PersonId String PersonId.
PersonName String PersonName.
MessagePartyId Integer MessagePartyId.
Name String Name.


Get details of persons mail Messages.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • PersonId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PersonsMailMessagesFrom WHERE PersonId = 246
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
EmailAddress String EmailAddress.
PersonId String PersonId.
PersonName String PersonName.
MessagePartyId Integer MessagePartyId.
Name String Name.


Get details of Persons mail Messages.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • PersonId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PersonsMailMessagesTo WHERE PersonId = 246
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
EmailAddress String EmailAddress.
PersonId String PersonId.
PersonName String PersonName.
MessagePartyId Integer MessagePartyId.
Name String Name.


Get details of permitted users of persons.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • PersonId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PersonsPermittedUsers WHERE PersonId = 6
Name Type Description
PersonId Integer Persons Id.
Data String Users permitted to access an organization.


Get all phone asscociated with persons.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • PersonId supports the = operator.
  • FirstChar supports the LIKE operator.
  • Phone supports the LIKE operator.
  • FilterId supports the = operator.
  • UserId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PersonsPhone WHERE PersonId = 14

SELECT * FROM PersonsPhone WHERE FirstChar = 'c'

SELECT * FROM PersonsPhone WHERE FilterId = 1

SELECT * FROM PersonsPhone WHERE UserId = 1
Name Type Description
PersonId Integer Persons ID.
label String Label.
Value String Value.
Primary Boolean Primary.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
FirstChar String If supplied, only persons whose name starts with the specified letter will be returned.
FilterId Integer Filter Id.
UserId Integer User Id.


Get details of Persons Products.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • DealPersonId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PersonsProducts WHERE DealPersonId = 113
Name Type Description
ProductId [KEY] Integer ProductId.
DealActive Boolean DealActive.
DealActivitiesCount Integer DealActivitiesCount.
DealAddTime Datetime DealAddTime.
DealCloseTime String DealCloseTime.
DealCompanyId Integer DealCompanyId.
DealCreatorUserId Integer DealCreatorUserId.
DealCurrency String DealCurrency.
DealDeleted Boolean DealDeleted.
DealDoneActivitiesCount Integer DealDoneActivitiesCount.
DealEmailMessagesCount Integer DealEmailMessagesCount.
DealExpectedCloseDate String DealExpectedCloseDate.
DealFilesCount Integer DealFilesCount.
DealFirstAddtime Datetime DealFirstAddtime.
DealFirstWonTime String DealFirstWonTime.
DealFollowersCount Integer DealFollowersCount.
DealId Integer DealId.
DealLabel String DealLabel.
DealLastActivityDate String DealLastActivityDate.
DealLastActivityId String DealLastActivityId.
DealLastIncomingMailTime Datetime DealLastIncomingMailTime.
DealLastOutgoingMailTime Datetime DealLastOutgoingMailTime.
DealLostReason String DealLostReason.
DealLostTime String DealLostTime.
DealNextActivityDate Date DealNextActivityDate.
DealNextActivityId Integer DealNextActivityId.
DealNextActivityTime String DealNextActivityTime.
DealNotesCount Integer DealNotesCount.
DealOrgId Integer DealOrgId.
DealParticipantsCount Integer DealParticipantsCount.
DealPersonId Integer persons Id.
DealPipelineId Integer DealPipelineId.
DealProbability String DealProbability.
DealProductsCount Integer DealProductsCount.
DealStageChangetime Datetime DealStageChangetime.
DealStageId Integer DealStageId.
DealStatus String DealStatus.
DealTitle String DealTitle.
UndoneActivitiescount Integer UndoneActivitiescount.
DealUpdateTime Datetime DealUpdateTime.
DealUserId Integer DealUserId.
DealValue Double DealValue.
DealVisibleTo String DealVisibleTo.
DealWonTime String DealWonTime.
ProductActiveFlag Boolean ProductActiveFlag.
ProductAddTime Datetime ProductAddTime.
ProductCategory String ProductCategory.
ProductCode String ProductCode.
ProductCompanyId Integer ProductCompanyId.
ProductDealId Integer ProductDealId.
ProductDescription String ProductDescription.
ProductFilesCount String ProductFilesCount.
ProductFirstChar String ProductFirstChar.
ProductFollowersCount Integer ProductFollowersCount.
ProductName String ProductName.
ProductOwnerId Integer ProductOwnerId.
ProductSelectable Boolean ProductSelectable.
ProductTax Integer ProductTax.
ProductUnit String ProductUnit.
ProductUpdateTime Datetime ProductUpdateTime.
ProductVisibleTo String ProductVisibleTo.


Get details of persons updates.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • PersonId supports the = operator.
  • AllChanges supports the = operator.
  • Items supports the '=,IN' operators.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PersonsUpdates WHERE PersonId = 246

SELECT * FROM PersonsUpdates WHERE PersonId = 10 AND AllChanges = 1

SELECT * FROM PersonsUpdates WHERE PersonId = 10 AND Items IN ('activity', 'plannedActivity')
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
ActiveFlag Boolean ActiveFlag.
AddTime Datetime AddTime.
NewValueFormatted String NewValueFormatted.
AssignedToUserId Integer AssignedToUserId.
Attendees String Attendees.
BusyFlag Boolean BusyFlag.
SyncIncludecontext String SyncIncludecontext.
changeSource String changeSource.
UserAgent String UserAgent.
CompanyId Integer CompanyId.
MeetingClient String MeetingClient.
MeetingId String MeetingId.
MeetingUrl String MeetingUrl.
CreatedByUserId Integer CreatedByUserId.
DealDropboxBcc String DealDropboxBcc.
DealId Integer DealId.
DealTitle String DealTitle.
Done Boolean Done.
DueDate Date DueDate.
DueTime Time DueTime.
Duration Time Duration.
FieldKey String FieldKey.
Fileclean_name String Fileclean_name.
FileId String FileId.
FileUrl String FileUrl.
GcaleventId String GcaleventId.
GoogleCalendarEtag String GoogleCalendarEtag.
GoogleCalendarId String GoogleCalendarId.
IsBulkUpdateFlag String IsBulkUpdateFlag.
ItemId Integer ItemId.
NotificationTime Datetime NotificationTime.
NotificationUserId Integer NotificationUserId.
LeadId String LeadId.
Location String Location.
AdminAreaLevel1 String AdminAreaLevel1.
AdminAreaLevel2 String AdminAreaLevel2.
Country String Country.
FormattedAddress String FormattedAddress.
Lat Double Lat.
Locality String Locality.
Long Double Long.
PostalCode String PostalCode.
Route String Route.
StreetNumber String StreetNumber.
Sublocality String Sublocality.
Subpremise String Subpremise.
LogTime Datetime LogTime.
MarkedAsDoneTime Datetime MarkedAsDoneTime.
NewValue String NewValue.
Note String Note.
LanguageId Integer LanguageId.
OldValue String OldValue.
OrgId Integer Organizations Id.
OrgName String Organizations Name.
OwnerName String Owner Name.
Participants String Participants.
PersonDropboxBcc String Person Dropbox Bcc.
PersonId Integer Persons Id.
PersonName String PersonName.
Publicdescription String Publicdescription.
RecMasterActivityId String RecMasterActivityId.
RecRule String RecRule.
RecRuleExtension String RecRuleExtension.
ReferenceId Integer ReferenceId.
ReferenceType String ReferenceType.
Series String Series.
SourceTimezone String SourceTimezone.
Subject String Subject.
Type String Type.
UpdateTime Datetime UpdateTime.
UpdateUserId Integer UpdateUserId.
UserId Integer UserId.
Object String Object.
Timestamp Datetime Timestamp.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AllChanges String Whether to show custom field updates or not. The allowed values are 1.
Items String item specific updates. The allowed values are activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document.


Get details of Deals Activities Attendees.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • PersonId supports the = operator.
  • AllChanges supports the = operator.
  • Items supports the '=,IN' operators.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PersonsUpdatesAttendees WHERE PersonId = 246

SELECT * FROM PersonsUpdatesAttendees WHERE PersonId = 10 AND AllChanges = 1

SELECT * FROM PersonsUpdatesAttendees WHERE PersonId = 10 AND Items IN ('activity', 'plannedActivity')
Name Type Description
PersonId [KEY] Integer PersonId.
EmailAddress String EmailAddress.
IsOrganizer Integer IsOrganizer.
Name String Name.
Status String Status.
UserId String UserId.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AllChanges String Whether to show custom field updates or not. The allowed values are 1.
Items String Item specific updates. The allowed values are activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document.


Get details of activities participants


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • PersonId supports the = operator.
  • AllChanges supports the = operator.
  • Items supports the '=,IN' operators.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PersonsUpdatesParticipants WHERE PersonId = 10

SELECT * FROM PersonsUpdatesParticipants WHERE PersonId = 10 AND AllChanges = 1

SELECT * FROM PersonsUpdatesParticipants WHERE PersonId = 10 AND Items IN ('activity', 'plannedActivity')
Name Type Description
PersonId [KEY] Integer PersonId.
PrimaryFlag Boolean PrimaryFlag.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AllChanges String Whether to show custom field updates or not The allowed values are 1.
Items String item specific updates The allowed values are activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document.


Lists deals in a specific pipeline across all its stages.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.
  • PipelineId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PipelineDeals WHERE PipelineId = 4
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer ID of the pipeline.
Active Boolean Active.
ActivitiesCount Integer ActivitiesCount.
AddTime Datetime AddTime.
CcEmail String CcEmail.
CloseTime String CloseTime.
CreatorUserId Integer CreatorUserId.
Currency String Currency.
Deleted Boolean Deleted.
DoneActivitiesCount Integer DoneActivitiesCount.
EmailMessagesCount Integer EmailMessagesCount.
ExpectedCloseDate Date ExpectedCloseDate.
FilesCount Integer FilesCount.
FirstWonTime Datetime FirstWonTime.
FollowersCount Integer FollowersCount.
FormattedValue String FormattedValue.
FormattedWeightedValue String FormattedWeightedValue.
Label String Label.
LastActivityDate String LastActivityDate.
LastActivityId String LastActivityId.
LastIncomingMailTime Datetime LastIncomingMailTime.
LastOutgoingMailTime Datetime LastOutgoingMailTime.
LostReason String LostReason.
LostTime String LostTime.
NextActivityDate Date NextActivityDate.
NextActivityDuration Time NextActivityDuration.
NextActivityId Integer NextActivityId.
NextActivityNote String NextActivityNote.
NextActivitySubject String NextActivitySubject.
NextActivityTime Time NextActivityTime.
NextActivityType String NextActivityType.
NotesCount Integer NotesCount.
OrgHidden Boolean OrgHidden.
OrgId Integer OrgId.
OrgName String OrgName.
OwnerName String OwnerName.
ParticipantsCount Integer ParticipantsCount.
PersonHidden Boolean PersonHidden.
PersonId Integer PersonId.
PersonName String PersonName.
PipelineId Integer PipelineId.
Probability String Probability.
ProductsCount Integer ProductsCount.
RottenTime String RottenTime.
StageChangeTime Datetime StageChangeTime.
StageId Integer If supplied, only deals within the given stage will be returned.
StageOrderNr Integer StageOrderNr.
Status String Status.
Title String Title.
UndoneActivitiesCount Integer UndoneActivitiesCount.
UpdateTime Datetime UpdateTime.
UserId Integer UserId.
Value Integer Value.
VisibleTo String VisibleTo.
WeightedValue Integer WeightedValue.
WeightedValueCurrency String WeightedValueCurrency.
WonTime Datetime WonTime.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
FilterId Integer If supplied, only deals matching the given filter will be returned.


Returns statistics for deals movements for given time period.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • PipelineId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PipelineDealsConversionRates WHERE PipelineId = 4
Name Type Description
PipelineId Integer ID of the pipeline.
LostConversion Integer LostConversion.
StageConversions String StageConversions.
WonConversion Integer WonConversion.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
UserId Integer ID of the user who's pipeline statistics to fetch.
StartDate Datetime Start of the period.
EndDate Datetime End of the period.


Returns statistics for deals movements for given time period.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • PipelineId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PipeLineDealsMovements WHERE PipelineId = 4
Name Type Description
PipelineId Integer ID of the pipeline.
AverageAgeInDaysAcrossAllStages Integer AverageAgeInDaysAcrossAllStages.
AverageAgeInDaysByStages String AverageAgeInDaysByStages.
DealsLeftOpenCount Integer DealsLeftOpenCount.
DealsLeftOpenDealsIds String DealsLeftOpenDealsIds.
DealsLeftOpenFormattedValuesUSD String DealsLeftOpenFormattedValuesUSD.
DealsLeftOpenValuesUSD Integer DealsLeftOpenValuesUSD.
LostDealsCount Integer LostDealsCount.
LostDealsDealsIds String LostDealsDealsIds.
LostDealsFormattedValuesUSD String LostDealsFormattedValuesUSD.
LostDealsValuesUSD Integer LostDealsValuesUSD.
MovementsBetweenStagesCount Integer MovementsBetweenStagesCount.
NewDealsCount Integer NewDealsCount.
NewDealsDealsIds String NewDealsDealsIds.
NewDealsFormattedValuesUSD String NewDealsFormattedValuesUSD.
NewDealsValuesUSD Integer NewDealsValuesUSD.
WonDealsCount Integer WonDealsCount.
WonDealsDealsIds String WonDealsDealsIds.
WonDealsFormattedValuesUSD String WonDealsFormattedValuesUSD.
WonDealsValuesUSD Integer WonDealsValuesUSD.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
UserId Integer ID of the user who's pipeline statistics to fetch.
StartDate Datetime Start of the period. Date in format of YYYY-MM-DD
EndDate Datetime End of the period. Date in format of YYYY-MM-DD


Returns statistics for deals movements for given time period average age in days.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • PipelineId supports the = operator.
  • UserId supports the = operator.
  • StartDate supports the = operator.
  • EndDate supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PipelineDealsMovementsAverageAgeInDaysByStages WHERE StartDate='2022-05-18' and EndDate='2023-05-18'
Name Type Description
PipelineId Integer ID of the pipeline.
StageId Integer AverageAgeInDaysAcrossAllStages.
Value Integer AverageAgeInDaysAcrossAllStages.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
UserId Integer ID of the user who's pipeline statistics to fetch.
StartDate Datetime Start of the period. Date in format of YYYY-MM-DD
EndDate Datetime End of the period. Date in format of YYYY-MM-DD


Returns statistics for deals movements for given time period


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • PipelineId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PipelineDealsStageConversions

SELECT * FROM PipelineDealsStageConversions WHERE PipelineId = 4
Name Type Description
PipelineId Integer ID of the pipeline
ConversionRate Integer ConversionRate
FromStageId String FromStageId
ToStageId Integer ToStageId

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
UserId Integer ID of the user who's pipeline statistics to fetch
StartDate Date Start of the period
EndDate Date End of the period


Returns data about all product fields options.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM ProductFieldsOptions
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer ID of the Product Field Options.
Label String Label.


Get details of Products Deals.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.
  • Status supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM ProductsDeals WHERE Id = 10

SELECT * FROM ProductsDeals WHERE ID = 10 AND status = 'open'
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
ProductId Integer Products Id.
Active Boolean Active.
ActivitiesCount Integer ActivitiesCount.
AddTime Datetime AddTime.
CcEmail String CcEmail.
CloseTime String CloseTime.
CreatorActiveFlag Boolean CreatorActiveFlag.
CreatorEmail String CreatorEmail.
CreatorHasPic Boolean CreatorHasPic.
CreatorId Integer CreatorId.
CreatorName String CreatorName.
CreatorPicHash String CreatorPicHash.
CreatorValue Integer CreatorValue.
Currency String Currency.
Deleted Boolean Deleted.
DoneActivitiesCount Integer DoneActivitiesCount.
EmailMessagesCount Integer EmailMessagesCount.
ExpectedCloseDate String ExpectedCloseDate.
FilesCount Integer FilesCount.
FirstWonTime String FirstWonTime.
FollowersCount Integer FollowersCount.
FormattedValue String FormattedValue.
FormattedWeightedValue String FormattedWeightedValue.
Label String Label.
LastActivityDate String LastActivityDate.
LastActivityId String LastActivityId.
LastIncomingMailTime String LastIncomingMailTime.
LastOutgoingMailTime String LastOutgoingMailTime.
LostReason String LostReason.
LostTime String LostTime.
NextActivityDate Date NextActivityDate.
NextActivityDuration Time NextActivityDuration.
NextActivityId Integer NextActivityId.
NextActivityNote String NextActivityNote.
NextActivitySubject String NextActivitySubject.
NextActivityTime Time NextActivityTime.
NextActivityType String NextActivityType.
NotesCount Integer NotesCount.
OrgHidden Boolean OrgHidden.
OrgIdName String OrgId Name.
OrgIdPeopleCount Integer OrgId People count.
OrgIdOwnerId Integer OrgId Owner Id.
OrgIdAddress String OrgId Address.
OrgIdActiveFlag Boolean OrgId Active flag.
OrgIdCcEmail String OrgId CcEmail.
OrgIdValue Integer OrgId Value.
OrgName String OrgName.
OwnerName String OwnerName.
ParticipantsCount Integer ParticipantsCount.
PersonHidden Boolean PersonHidden.
PersonActiveFlag Boolean PersonActiveFlag.
PersonEmail String PersonEmail.
PersonIdName String PersonName.
PersonPhone String PersonPhone.
PersonValue Integer PersonValue.
PipelineId Integer PipelineId.
Probability String Probability.
ProductsCount Integer ProductsCount.
RottenTime String RottenTime.
StageChangeTime String StageChangeTime.
StageId Integer StageId.
StageOrderNr Integer StageOrderNr.
Status String Only fetch deals with specific status. The allowed values are open, won, lost, deleted, all_not_deleted. The default value is all_not_deleted.
Title String Title.
UndoneActivitiesCount Integer UndoneActivitiesCount.
UpdateTime Datetime UpdateTime.
UserActiveFlag Boolean UserActiveFlag.
UserEmail String UserEmail.
UserHasPic Boolean UserHasPic.
UserId Integer UserId.
UserName String UserName.
UserPicHash String UserPicHash.
Uservalue Integer Uservalue.
Value Double Value.
VisibleTo String VisibleTo.
WeightedValue Double WeightedValue.
WeightedValueCurrency String WeightedValueCurrency.
WonTime String WonTime.
PersonName String Person name.


Get details of Products Deals person email.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • ProductId supports the = operator.
  • Status supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM ProductsDealsPersonEmail WHERE ProductId = 10

SELECT * FROM ProductsDealsPersonEmail WHERE ProductId = 10 AND status = 'open'
Name Type Description
ProductId Integer Products Id.
Label String Label.
Primary Boolean Primary.
Value String Value.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Status String Only fetch deals with specific status. The allowed values are open, won, lost, deleted, all_not_deleted. The default value is all_not_deleted.


Get details of deals person phone.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • ProductId supports the = operator.
  • Status supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM ProductsDealsPersonphone WHERE ProductId = 10

SELECT * FROM ProductsDealsPersonphone WHERE ProductId = 10 AND status = 'open'
Name Type Description
ProductId Integer Products Id.
Label String Label.
Primary Boolean Primary.
Value String Value.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Status String Only fetch deals with specific status. The allowed values are open, won, lost, deleted, all_not_deleted. The default value is all_not_deleted.


Get details of Persons file.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • ProductId supports the = operator.
  • IncludeDeletedFiles supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM ProductsFiles WHERE ProductId = 6

SELECT * FROM ProductsFiles WHERE ProductId = 6 AND IncludeDeletedFiles = 0
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id of the products.
ActiveFlag Boolean Active Flag.
ActivityId String Activity Id.
AddTime Datetime AddTime.
Cid String Cid.
DealId String Deal Id.
DealName String DealName.
Description String Description.
FileName String File Name.
FileSize Integer File Size.
FileType String File Type.
InlineFlag Boolean Inline Flag.
LogId String Log Id.
MailMessageId String MailMessage Id.
MailTemplateId String MailTemplate Id.
Name String Name.
OrgId Integer Org Id.
OrgName String Org Name.
PeopleName String People Name.
PersonId String PersonId.
PersonName String Person Name.
ProductId String Product Id.
ProductName String Product Name.
RemoteId String Remote Id.
RemoteLocation String Remote Location.
S3Bucket String S3Bucket.
UpdateTime Datetime Update Time.
Url String Url.
UserId Integer UserId.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
IncludeDeletedFiles Integer When enabled, the list of files will also include deleted files. The allowed values are 0, 1.


Get details of users permitted to access a Product.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • ProductId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM ProductsPermittedUsers WHERE ProductId = 6
Name Type Description
ProductId Integer Products Id.
Data String Data.


Get details of Products Prices.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.
  • Code supports the LIKE operator.
  • Name supports the LIKE operator.
  • FirstChar supports the = operator.
  • FilterId supports the = operator.
  • UserId supports the = operator.
  • GetSummary supports the = operator.
  • Ids supports the '=,IN' operators.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM ProductsPrices WHERE Id = 14

SELECT * FROM ProductsPrices WHERE Name LIKE '%Cdata%'

SELECT * FROM ProductsPrices WHERE code LIKE '%123%'

SELECT * FROM ProductsPrices WHERE FirstChar = 'c'

SELECT * FROM ProductsPrices WHERE FilterId = 1

SELECT * FROM ProductsPrices WHERE UserId = 1

SELECT * FROM ProductsPrices WHERE GetSummary = 1

SELECT * FROM ProductsPrices WHERE Ids IN (1, 2)
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
Cost Integer Cost.
Currency String Currency.
OverheadCost String OverheadCost.
Price Integer Price.
ProductId Integer ProductId.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
FirstChar String If supplied only Products whose name starts with the specified letter will be returned.
UserId Integer User Id.
FilterId Integer Filter Id.
GetSummary Boolean Get Summary.
Ids Integer The Ids of the Products that should be returned in the response.


Returns data about all recent changes occurred after given timestamp.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.
  • Item supports the = operator.
  • SinceTimestamp supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM Recents WHERE Id = 2
SELECT * FROM Recents WHERE ID = 2 and SinceTimestamp = '022-01-01 01:29:32'
Name Type Description
Id Integer Id.
DataActive Boolean DataActive.
DataActiveFlag Boolean DataActiveFlag.
DataActivitiesCount Integer DataActivitiesCount.
DataAddTime Datetime DataAddTime.
DataAssignedToUserId Integer DataAssignedToUserId.
DataAttendees String DataAttendees.
DataBusyFlag String Data BusyFlag.
DataCalendarSyncContext String DataCalendarSyncContext.
DataCcEmail String DataCcEmail.
DataCloseTime String DataCloseTime.
DataCompanyId Integer DataCompanyId.
DataConferenceMeetingClient String DataConferenceMeetingClient.
DataConferenceMeetingId String DataConferenceMeetingId.
DataConferenceMeetingUrl String DataConferenceMeetingUrl.
DataCreatedByUserId Integer DataCreatedByUserId.
DataCreatorUserId Integer DataCreatorUserId.
DataCurrency String DataCurrency.
DataDealDropboxBcc String DataDealDropboxBcc.
DataDealId String DataDealId.
DataDealTitle String DataDealTitle.
DataDeleted Boolean DataDeleted.
DataDone Boolean DataDone.
DataDoneActivitiesCount Integer DataDoneActivitiesCount.
DataDueDate Date DataDueDate.
DataDueTime Datetime DataDueTime.
DataDuration Datetime DataDuration.
DataEmailMessagesCount Integer DataEmailMessagesCount.
DataExpectedCloseDate Date DataExpectedCloseDate.
DataFileId String DataFile Id.
DataFileCleanName String DataFile clean name.
DataFileUrl String DataFile URL.
DataFilesCount Integer DataFilesCount.
DataFirstWonTime String DataFirstWonTime.
DataFollowersCount Integer DataFollowersCount.
DataFormattedValue String DataFormattedValue.
DataFormattedWeightedValue String DataFormattedWeightedValue.
DataGcalEventId String DataGcalEventId.
DataGoogleCalendarEtag String DataGoogleCalendarEtag.
DataGoogleCalendarId String DataGoogleCalendarId.
DataId Integer DataId.
DataLabel String DataLabel.
ActivityDate String ActivityDate.
ActivityId String ActivityId.
IncomingMailTime String IncomingMailTime.
LastNotificationTime String Last_notification_time.
LastNotificationUserId String Last_notification_user_id.
LastOutgoingMailTime String Last_outgoing_mail_time.
LeadId String LeadId.
LeadTitle String LeadTitle.
Location String Location.
AreaLevel1 String AreaLevel1.
AreaLevel2 String AreaLevel2.
LocationCountry String LocationCountry.
LocationFormattedAddress String LocationFormattedAddress.
Locationlocality String Locationlocality.
LocationPostalCode String LocationPostalCode.
LocationRoute String LocationRoute.
LocationStreetNumber String LocationStreetNumber.
LocationSublocality String LocationSublocality.
LocationSubpremise String LocationSubpremise.
LostReason String LostReason.
LostTime String LostTime.
MarkedAsDoneTime String MarkedAsDoneTime.
NextActivityDate String NextActivityDate.
NextActivityDuration String NextActivityDuration.
NextActivityId String NextActivityId.
NextActivityNote String NextActivityNote.
NextActivitySubject String NextActivitySubject.
NextActivityTime String NextActivityTime.
NextActivityType String NextActivityType.
Note String Note.
NotesCount Integer NotesCount.
NotificationLanguageId Integer NotificationLanguageId.
OrgHidden Boolean OrgHidden.
OrgId Integer OrgId.
OrgName String OrgName.
OwnerName String OwnerName.
Participants String Participants.
ParticipantsCount Integer ParticipantsCount.
PersonDropboxBcc String PersonDropboxBcc.
PersonHidden Boolean PersonHidden.
PersonId Integer PersonId.
PersonName String PersonName.
PipelineId Integer PipelineId.
Probability String Probability.
ProductsCount Integer ProductsCount.
PublicDescription String PublicDescription.
RecMasterActivityId String RecMasterActivityId.
RecRule String RecRule.
RecRuleExtension String RecRuleExtension.
ReferenceId String ReferenceId.
ReferenceType String ReferenceType.
RottenTime String RottenTime.
Series String Series.
SourceTimezone String SourceTimezone.
StageChangeTime String StageChangeTime.
StageId Integer StageId.
StageOrderNr Integer StageOrderNr.
Status String Status.
Subject String Subject.
DataTitle String DataTitle.
DataType String DataType.
UndoneActivitiesCount Integer UndoneActivitiesCount.
UpdateTime Datetime UpdateTime.
UpdateUserId String UpdateUserId.
UserId Integer UserId.
Value Integer Value.
VisibleTo String VisibleTo.
WeightedValue Integer WeightedValue.
WeightedValueCurrency String WeightedValueCurrency.
WonTime String WonTime.
Item String Item.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
SinceTimestamp Datetime Timestamp in UTC. The default value is 2000-01-01 01:29:32.


Returns data about all recent changes occurred after given timestamp attendees.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • SinceTimestamp supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM RecentsAttendees WHERE SinceTimestamp = '022-01-01 01:29:32'
Name Type Description
EmailAddress String Email Address.
IsOrganizer Integer Is Organizer.
Name String Name.
PersonId Integer Person Id.
Status String Status.
UserId Integer UserId.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
SinceTimestamp Datetime Timestamp in UTC. The default value is 2000-01-01 01:29:32.


Returns data about all recent changes occurred after given timestamp participants.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • SinceTimestamp supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM RecentsParticipants WHERE SinceTimestamp = '022-01-01 01:29:32'
Name Type Description
PersonId Integer Person Id.
PrimaryFlag Boolean Primary Flag.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
SinceTimestamp Datetime Timestamp in UTC. The default value is 2000-01-01 01:29:32.


Get the list of either visible or hidden pipeline IDs for a specific role.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • RoleId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM RolesPipelinesVisibility WHERE RoleId = 2
Name Type Description
RoleId [KEY] Integer ID of the Role.
PipelineIds String Ids of the Pipeline.
Visible Boolean Visible.


Get deals in a specific stage.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • StageId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM StagesDeals WHERE StageId = 2
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Stages Deals Id.
StageId Integer Stage Id.
Active Boolean Active.
ActivitiesCount Integer Activities count.
AddTime String Added time of Stage deals.
CcEmail String Cc Email.
CloseTime String Close time of Stages deals.
CreatorUserId Integer Creator user id.
Currency String Currency.
Deleted Boolean Boolean value that represents stage deals is deleted or not.
DoneActivitiesCount Integer Count of done activities.
EmailMessagesCount Integer Count of email messages.
ExpectedCloseDate Date Expected close date.
FilesCount Integer Count of files.
FirstWonTime String First won time.
FollowersCount Integer Count of followers.
FormattedValue String Formatted value.
FormattedWeightedValue String Formatted weighted value.
Label String Label.
LastActivityDate String Last activity date.
LastActivityId String Last activity id.
LastIncomingMailTime String Last incoming mail time.
LastOutgoingMailTime String Last outgoing mail time.
LostReason String Lost reason.
LostTime String Lost time.
NextAactivityDate Date Next activity date.
NextActivityDuration String Next activity duration.
NextActivityId Integer Next activity id.
NextActivityNote String Next activity note.
NextActivitySubject String Next activity subject.
NextActivityTime String Next activity time.
NextActivityType String Next activity type.
NotesCount Integer Notes count.
OrgHidden Boolean Org hidden.
OrgId Integer Org Id.
OrgName String Org Name.
OwnerName String Owner name.
ParticipantsCount Integer Participants count.
PersonHidden Boolean Person hidden.
PersonId Integer Person id.
PersonName String Person name.
PipelineId Integer Pipeline id.
Probability Unknown Probability.
ProductsCount Integer Products count.
RottenTime String Rotten time.
StageChangeTime String Stage change time.
StageOrderNr Integer Stage order nr.
Status String Status.
Title String Title.
UndoneActivitiesCount Integer Count of undone activities.
UpdateTime Datetime Updated time.
UserId Integer User id.
Value Integer Value.
VisibleTo String Visible to.
WeightedValue Integer Weighted value.
WeightedValueCurrency String Weighted value currency.
WonTime String Won time.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
FilterId Integer Filter id.
Everyone String Everyone.


Returns all payments of an installment or recurring subscription.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • SubscriptionId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM SubscriptionPayments WHERE SubscriptionId = 2
Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer ID of the Subscription Payments.
SubscriptionId Integer ID of the Subscription.
DealId Integer Deal Id.
IsActive Boolean Is Active.
Amount Integer Amount.
Currency String Currency.
ChangeAmount Integer Change amount.
DueAt Date Due at.
RevenueMovementType String Revenue movement type.
PaymentType String Payment type.
Description String Description.
AddTime String Add time.
UpdateTime String Update time.


The data of user connections.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM UserConnection
Name Type Description
Google String Google.


Returns data about all users within the company access.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM UsersAccess
Name Type Description
App String ID of the user.
Admin Boolean Admin.
PermissionSetId String Permission Set Id.


List settings of an authorized user.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM UserSettings
Name Type Description
ExpectedCloseDate String ExpectedCloseDate.
BetaApp String BetaApp.
CalltoLink String CalltoLink.
FileUploadDestination String FileUploadDestination.
ListLimit Integer ListLimit.
MarketplaceCustomUrl String MarketplaceCustomUrl.
MarketplaceExtensionsVendor String MarketplaceExtensionsVendor.
MarketplaceTeam String MarketplaceTeam.
PersonDuplicateCondition String PersonDuplicateCondition.
SalesphoneCalltoOverride String SalesphoneCalltoOverride.


Lists the followers of a specific user.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • UserId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM UsersFollowers WHERE UserId = 2
Name Type Description
UserId Integer ID of the user.
Data Integer Data.


Lists the followers of a specific user.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • UserId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM UsersPermissions WHERE UserId = 13822542
Name Type Description
UserId Integer ID of the user.
CanAddCustomFields Boolean CanAddCustomFields.
CanBulkEditItems Boolean CanBulkEditItems.
CanChangeVisibilityOfItems Boolean CanChangeVisibilityOfItems.
CanCreateOwnWorkflow Boolean CanCreateOwnWorkflow.


Lists role assignments for a user.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • UserId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM UsersRoleAssignments WHERE UserId = 2
Name Type Description
UserId Integer ID of the user.
RoleId Integer Role Id.
ParentRoleId Integer Parent Role Id.
Name String Name.
ActiveFlag Boolean Active flag.
Type String Type.


Lists the settings of user assigned role.


The connector will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • UserId supports the = operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM UsersRoleSettings WHERE UserId = 2
Name Type Description
UserId Integer ID of the user.
DealDefaultVisibility Integer Deal Default Visibility.
LeadDefaultVisibility Integer Lead Default Visibility.
OrgDefaultVisibility Integer Org Default Visibility.
PersonDefaultVisibility Integer Person Default Visibility.
ProductDefaultVisibility Integer Product Default Visibility.

Stored Procedures

Stored procedures are function-like interfaces that extend the functionality of the connector beyond simple SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE operations with Pipedrive.

Stored procedures accept a list of parameters, perform their intended function, and then return any relevant response data from Pipedrive, along with an indication of whether the procedure succeeded or failed.

Pipedrive Connector Stored Procedures

Name Description
AddAudioFile Adds an audio recording to the call log.
AddChannel Adds a new messaging channel, only admins are able to register new channels.
AddFile Upload a file and associate it with Deal, Person, Organization, Activity or Product.
AddPersonPicture Add Person Picture.
CancelRecurringSubscription Cancels a recurring subscription.
CreateRemoteFile Creates a new empty file in the remote location (googledrive).
DealsDuplicate Duplicate deals.It will create new record for the particular deal.
DeleteChannel Deletes an existing messenger’s channel and all related entities (conversations and messages).
DeletePersonPictures Delete person picture.
DownloadFile Adds an audio recording to the call log.
GetOAuthAccessToken Gets an authentication token from PipeDrive.
GetOAuthAuthorizationURL Gets the authorization URL that must be opened separately by the user to grant access to your application. Only needed when developing Web apps. You will request the OAuthAccessToken from this URL.
LinkRemoteFile Links an existing remote file (googledrive).
MergeDeals Merge two deals in one deal.
MergeOrganizations Merges an organization with another organization.
MergePersons Adds an audio recording to the call log.
RefreshOAuthAccessToken Refreshes the OAuth access token used for authentication with Pipedrive.


Adds an audio recording to the call log.

Stored Procedure Specific Information

Pipedrive allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the EXEC query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparison. The required columns in AddAudioFile are ID and Filelocation. For example:

EXECUTE AddAudioFile ID = '123436', FileLocation = 'C:\Users\Downloads\file_example_MP3_1MG.mp3'
Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of call logs.
FileLocation String False File to upload.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure.


Adds a new messaging channel, only admins are able to register new channels.

Stored Procedure Specific Information

Pipedrive allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the Exec query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparison. The required columns in AddFile are FileLocation . For example:

EXECUTE AddChannel Name = 'Test', ProviderChannelId = '123'
Name Type Required Description
Name String True The name of the channel.
ProviderChannelId String True The channel ID.
AvatarUrl String False The URL for an icon that represents your channel.
TemplateSupport Boolean False If true, enables templates logic on UI.
ProviderType String False It controls the icons (like the icon next to the conversation).
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure.


Upload a file and associate it with Deal, Person, Organization, Activity or Product.

Stored Procedure Specific Information

Pipedrive allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the EXEC query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparison. The required columns in AddFile are FileLocation . For example:

EXECUTE AddFile DealId = '12', FileLocation = 'C:\Users\Downloads\file_example_MP3_1MG.mp3'
Name Type Required Description
DealId Integer False ID of the deal to associate file(s) with.
PersonId Integer False ID of the person to associate file(s) with.
OrgId Integer False ID of the organization to associate file(s) with.
ProductId Integer False ID of the product to associate file(s) with.
ActivityId Integer False ID of the activity to associate file(s) with.
FileLocation String False File to upload.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure.


Add Person Picture.

Stored Procedure Specific Information

Pipedrive allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the EXEC query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparison. The required columns in AddPersonPicture are ID and FileLocation. For example:

EXECUTE AddPersonPicture ID = '1', FileLocation = 'C:\Users\Downloads\download.jpg'
Name Type Required Description
Id Integer True ID of a person.
CropX Integer False X coordinate to where start cropping form in pixels.
CropY Integer False Y coordinate to where start cropping form in pixels.
CropWidth Integer False Width of cropping area in pixels.
CropHeight Integer False Height of cropping area in pixels.
FileLocation String False File to upload.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure.


Cancels a recurring subscription.

Stored Procedure Specific Information

Pipedrive allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the Exec query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparison. The required columns in AddFile are FileLocation . For example:

EXECUTE CancelRecurringSubscription ID = '2'
Name Type Required Description
Id Integer True The ID of the Subscription.
EndDate String False The subscription termination date. All payments after specified date will be deleted. Default value is the current date.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure.


Creates a new empty file in the remote location (googledrive).

Stored Procedure Specific Information

Pipedrive allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the EXEC query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparison. The required columns in CreateRemoteFile are Filetype, Title,Itemid , Remotelocation and Itemtype. For example:

EXECUTE CreateRemoteFile Filetype = 'gdoc',  Title = 'tests', Itemid = '8230170', Remotelocation = 'googledrive', Itemtype = 'deal'
Name Type Required Description
ItemId Integer True ID of the item to associate the file with.
FileType String True File type. The allowed values are gdoc, gslides, gsheet, gform, gdraw.
Title String True ID of call logs.
ItemType String True Item type. The allowed values are deal, organization, person.
RemoteLocation String True The location type to send the file to. Only googledrive is currently supported. The allowed values are googledrive.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure


Duplicate deals.It will create new record for the particular deal.

Stored Procedure Specific Information

Pipedrive allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the EXEC query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparison. The required columns in DealsDuplicate are Id. For example:

EXECUTE DealsDuplicate ID = '2'
Name Type Required Description
Id Integer True The ID of the deals.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure.


Deletes an existing messenger’s channel and all related entities (conversations and messages).

Stored Procedure Specific Information

Pipedrive allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the Exec query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparison. The required columns in AddFile are FileLocation . For example:

EXECUTE DeleteChannel ID = '123'
Name Type Required Description
Id String True The ID of the channel provided by the integration.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Success String Execution status of the stored procedure.


Delete person picture.

Stored Procedure Specific Information

Pipedrive allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the EXEC query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparison. The required columns in DeletePersonPictures are Id. For example:

EXECUTE DeletePersonPictures ID = 6
Name Type Required Description
Id Integer True ID of a person.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure.


Adds an audio recording to the call log.

Stored Procedure Specific Information

Pipedrive allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the EXEC query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparison. The required columns in DownloadFile are ID and DownloadLocation. For example:

EXECUTE DownloadFile ID = 6, DownloadLocation = 'D:\test\download.txt'
Name Type Required Description
Id Integer True ID of the file.
DownloadLocation String False Download location. For example: C:\File.mp4
Encoding String False The FileData input encoding type. The allowed values are NONE, BASE64. The default value is BASE64.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure.
FileData String If the DownloadLocation and FileStream are not provided, this contains the content of the file.


Gets an authentication token from PipeDrive.

Name Type Required Description
AuthMode String False The type of authentication mode to use. Select App for getting authentication tokens via a desktop app. Select Web for getting authentication tokens via a Web app. The allowed values are APP, WEB. The default value is APP.
Scope String False A comma-separated list of permissions to request from the user. Please check the PipeDrive API for a list of available permissions.
CallbackUrl String False The URL the user will be redirected to after authorizing your application. This value must match the Redirect URL you have specified in the PipeDrive app settings. Only needed when the Authmode parameter is Web.
Verifier String False The verifier returned from PipeDrive after the user has authorized your app to have access to their data. This value will be returned as a parameter to the callback URL.
State String False Indicates any state which may be useful to your application upon receipt of the response. Your application receives the same value it sent, as this parameter makes a round-trip to the PipeDrive authorization server and back. Uses include redirecting the user to the correct resource in your site, nonces, and cross-site-request-forgery mitigations.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
OAuthAccessToken String The access token used for communication with PipeDrive.
OAuthRefreshToken String The OAuth refresh token. This is the same as the access token in the case of PipeDrive.
ExpiresIn String The remaining lifetime on the access token. A -1 denotes that it will not expire.


Gets the authorization URL that must be opened separately by the user to grant access to your application. Only needed when developing Web apps. You will request the OAuthAccessToken from this URL.

Name Type Required Description
CallbackUrl String False The URL the user will be redirected to after authorizing your application. This value must match the Redirect URL in the Pipedrive app settings.
Scope String False A comma-separated list of scopes to request from the user. Please check the Pipedrive API documentation for a list of available permissions.
State String False Indicates any state which may be useful to your application upon receipt of the response. Your application receives the same value it sent, as this parameter makes a round-trip to the Pipedrive authorization server and back. Uses include redirecting the user to the correct resource in your site, nonces, and cross-site-request-forgery mitigations.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
URL String The authorization URL, entered into a Web browser to obtain the verifier token and authorize your app.


Links an existing remote file (googledrive).

Stored Procedure Specific Information

Pipedrive allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the EXEC query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparison. The required columns in DownloadFile are RemoteId ,ItemType ,Itemid ,Remotelocation. For example:

EXECUTE LinkRemoteFile RemoteId = 1Kh8s-KfS02dYfw2dnEXCal8q0AZ7Wt7T0qn5pJ2PqGM, ItemType = deal, itemid = 8230170, remotelocation = googledrive
Name Type Required Description
ItemId Integer True ID of the item to associate the file with.
RemoteId String True The remote item id.
ItemType String True Item type. The allowed values are deal, organization, person.
RemoteLocation String True The location type to send the file to. Only googledrive is currently supported. The allowed values are googledrive.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure


Merge two deals in one deal.

Stored Procedure Specific Information

Pipedrive allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the EXEC query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparison. The required columns in MergeDeals are ID and MergeWithId. For example:

EXECUTE MergeDeals ID = 1, MergeWithId = 2
Name Type Required Description
Id Integer True ID of a Deal.
MergeWithId Integer True ID of the deal that the deal will be merged with.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure.


Merges an organization with another organization.

Name Type Required Description
Id Integer True The ID of the Organization.
MergeWithId Integer True The ID of the Organization that the Organization will be merged with.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure.


Adds an audio recording to the call log.

Stored Procedure Specific Information

Pipedrive allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the EXEC query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparison. The required columns in MergePersons are ID and MergeWithId. For example:

EXECUTE MergePersons ID = 1, MergeWithId = 2
Name Type Required Description
Id Integer True ID of a person.
MergeWithId Integer True The ID of the Person that will not be overwritten This Person data will be prioritized in case of conflict with the other Person.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure.


Refreshes the OAuth access token used for authentication with Pipedrive.

Name Type Required Description
OAuthRefreshToken String True Set this to the token value that expired.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
OAuthAccessToken String The authentication token returned from Pipedrive. This can be used in subsequent calls to other operations for this particular service.
OAuthRefreshToken String This is the same as the access token.
ExpiresIn String The remaining lifetime on the access token.

System Tables

You can query the system tables described in this section to access schema information, information on data source functionality, and batch operation statistics.

Schema Tables

The following tables return database metadata for Pipedrive:

Data Source Tables

The following tables return information about how to connect to and query the data source:

  • sys_connection_props: Returns information on the available connection properties.
  • sys_sqlinfo: Describes the SELECT queries that the connector can offload to the data source.

Query Information Tables

The following table returns query statistics for data modification queries, including batch operations:

  • sys_identity: Returns information about batch operations or single updates.


Lists the available databases.

The following query retrieves all databases determined by the connection string:

SELECT * FROM sys_catalogs
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The database name.


Lists the available schemas.

The following query retrieves all available schemas:

SELECT * FROM sys_schemas
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The database name.
SchemaName String The schema name.


Lists the available tables.

The following query retrieves the available tables and views:

SELECT * FROM sys_tables
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The database containing the table or view.
SchemaName String The schema containing the table or view.
TableName String The name of the table or view.
TableType String The table type (table or view).
Description String A description of the table or view.
IsUpdateable Boolean Whether the table can be updated.


Describes the columns of the available tables and views.

The following query returns the columns and data types for the Deals table:

SELECT ColumnName, DataTypeName FROM sys_tablecolumns WHERE TableName='Deals'
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the table or view.
SchemaName String The schema containing the table or view.
TableName String The name of the table or view containing the column.
ColumnName String The column name.
DataTypeName String The data type name.
DataType Int32 An integer indicating the data type. This value is determined at run time based on the environment.
Length Int32 The storage size of the column.
DisplaySize Int32 The designated column's normal maximum width in characters.
NumericPrecision Int32 The maximum number of digits in numeric data. The column length in characters for character and date-time data.
NumericScale Int32 The column scale or number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
IsNullable Boolean Whether the column can contain null.
Description String A brief description of the column.
Ordinal Int32 The sequence number of the column.
IsAutoIncrement String Whether the column value is assigned in fixed increments.
IsGeneratedColumn String Whether the column is generated.
IsHidden Boolean Whether the column is hidden.
IsArray Boolean Whether the column is an array.
IsReadOnly Boolean Whether the column is read-only.
IsKey Boolean Indicates whether a field returned from sys_tablecolumns is the primary key of the table.


Lists the available stored procedures.

The following query retrieves the available stored procedures:

SELECT * FROM sys_procedures
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The database containing the stored procedure.
SchemaName String The schema containing the stored procedure.
ProcedureName String The name of the stored procedure.
Description String A description of the stored procedure.
ProcedureType String The type of the procedure, such as PROCEDURE or FUNCTION.


Describes stored procedure parameters.

The following query returns information about all of the input parameters for the AddFile stored procedure:

SELECT * FROM sys_procedureparameters WHERE ProcedureName='AddFile' AND Direction=1 OR Direction=2
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the stored procedure.
SchemaName String The name of the schema containing the stored procedure.
ProcedureName String The name of the stored procedure containing the parameter.
ColumnName String The name of the stored procedure parameter.
Direction Int32 An integer corresponding to the type of the parameter: input (1), input/output (2), or output(4). input/output type parameters can be both input and output parameters.
DataTypeName String The name of the data type.
DataType Int32 An integer indicating the data type. This value is determined at run time based on the environment.
Length Int32 The number of characters allowed for character data. The number of digits allowed for numeric data.
NumericPrecision Int32 The maximum precision for numeric data. The column length in characters for character and date-time data.
NumericScale Int32 The number of digits to the right of the decimal point in numeric data.
IsNullable Boolean Whether the parameter can contain null.
IsRequired Boolean Whether the parameter is required for execution of the procedure.
IsArray Boolean Whether the parameter is an array.
Description String The description of the parameter.
Ordinal Int32 The index of the parameter.


Describes the primary and foreign keys.

The following query retrieves the primary key for the Deals table:

SELECT * FROM sys_keycolumns WHERE IsKey='True' AND TableName='Deals'
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the key.
SchemaName String The name of the schema containing the key.
TableName String The name of the table containing the key.
ColumnName String The name of the key column.
IsKey Boolean Whether the column is a primary key in the table referenced in the TableName field.
IsForeignKey Boolean Whether the column is a foreign key referenced in the TableName field.
PrimaryKeyName String The name of the primary key.
ForeignKeyName String The name of the foreign key.
ReferencedCatalogName String The database containing the primary key.
ReferencedSchemaName String The schema containing the primary key.
ReferencedTableName String The table containing the primary key.
ReferencedColumnName String The column name of the primary key.


Describes the foreign keys.

The following query retrieves all foreign keys which refer to other tables:

SELECT * FROM sys_foreignkeys WHERE ForeignKeyType = 'FOREIGNKEY_TYPE_IMPORT'
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the key.
SchemaName String The name of the schema containing the key.
TableName String The name of the table containing the key.
ColumnName String The name of the key column.
PrimaryKeyName String The name of the primary key.
ForeignKeyName String The name of the foreign key.
ReferencedCatalogName String The database containing the primary key.
ReferencedSchemaName String The schema containing the primary key.
ReferencedTableName String The table containing the primary key.
ReferencedColumnName String The column name of the primary key.
ForeignKeyType String Designates whether the foreign key is an import (points to other tables) or export (referenced from other tables) key.


Describes the primary keys.

The following query retrieves the primary keys from all tables and views:

SELECT * FROM sys_primarykeys
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the key.
SchemaName String The name of the schema containing the key.
TableName String The name of the table containing the key.
ColumnName String The name of the key column.
KeySeq String The sequence number of the primary key.
KeyName String The name of the primary key.


Describes the available indexes. By filtering on indexes, you can write more selective queries with faster query response times.

The following query retrieves all indexes that are not primary keys:

SELECT * FROM sys_indexes WHERE IsPrimary='false'
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the index.
SchemaName String The name of the schema containing the index.
TableName String The name of the table containing the index.
IndexName String The index name.
ColumnName String The name of the column associated with the index.
IsUnique Boolean True if the index is unique. False otherwise.
IsPrimary Boolean True if the index is a primary key. False otherwise.
Type Int16 An integer value corresponding to the index type: statistic (0), clustered (1), hashed (2), or other (3).
SortOrder String The sort order: A for ascending or D for descending.
OrdinalPosition Int16 The sequence number of the column in the index.


Returns information on the available connection properties and those set in the connection string.

When querying this table, the config connection string should be used:


This connection string enables you to query this table without a valid connection.

The following query retrieves all connection properties that have been set in the connection string or set through a default value:

SELECT * FROM sys_connection_props WHERE Value <> ''
Name Type Description
Name String The name of the connection property.
ShortDescription String A brief description.
Type String The data type of the connection property.
Default String The default value if one is not explicitly set.
Values String A comma-separated list of possible values. A validation error is thrown if another value is specified.
Value String The value you set or a preconfigured default.
Required Boolean Whether the property is required to connect.
Category String The category of the connection property.
IsSessionProperty String Whether the property is a session property, used to save information about the current connection.
Sensitivity String The sensitivity level of the property. This informs whether the property is obfuscated in logging and authentication forms.
PropertyName String A camel-cased truncated form of the connection property name.
Ordinal Int32 The index of the parameter.
CatOrdinal Int32 The index of the parameter category.
Hierarchy String Shows dependent properties associated that need to be set alongside this one.
Visible Boolean Informs whether the property is visible in the connection UI.
ETC String Various miscellaneous information about the property.


Describes the SELECT query processing that the connector can offload to the data source.

Discovering the Data Source's SELECT Capabilities

Below is an example data set of SQL capabilities. Some aspects of SELECT functionality are returned in a comma-separated list if supported; otherwise, the column contains NO.

Name Description Possible Values
AGGREGATE_FUNCTIONS Supported aggregation functions. AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, DISTINCT
COUNT Whether COUNT function is supported. YES, NO
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_OPEN_CHAR The opening character used to escape an identifier. [
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CLOSE_CHAR The closing character used to escape an identifier. ]
SUPPORTED_OPERATORS A list of supported SQL operators. =, >, <, >=, <=, <>, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, NOT IN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL, AND, OR
GROUP_BY Whether GROUP BY is supported, and, if so, the degree of support. NO, NO_RELATION, EQUALS_SELECT, SQL_GB_COLLATE
REPLICATION_SKIP_TABLES Indicates tables skipped during replication.
REPLICATION_TIMECHECK_COLUMNS A string array containing a list of columns which will be used to check for (in the given order) to use as a modified column during replication.
IDENTIFIER_PATTERN String value indicating what string is valid for an identifier.
SUPPORT_TRANSACTION Indicates if the provider supports transactions such as commit and rollback. YES, NO
DIALECT Indicates the SQL dialect to use.
KEY_PROPERTIES Indicates the properties which identify the uniform database.
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_SCHEMAS Indicates if multiple schemas may exist for the provider. YES, NO
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_CATALOGS Indicates if multiple catalogs may exist for the provider. YES, NO
DATASYNCVERSION The Data Sync version needed to access this driver. Standard, Starter, Professional, Enterprise
DATASYNCCATEGORY The Data Sync category of this driver. Source, Destination, Cloud Destination
SUPPORTSENHANCEDSQL Whether enhanced SQL functionality beyond what is offered by the API is supported. TRUE, FALSE
SUPPORTS_BATCH_OPERATIONS Whether batch operations are supported. YES, NO
PREFERRED_CACHE_OPTIONS A string value specifies the preferred cacheOptions.
ENABLE_EF_ADVANCED_QUERY Indicates if the driver directly supports advanced queries coming from Entity Framework. If not, queries will be handled client side. YES, NO
PSEUDO_COLUMNS A string array indicating the available pseudo columns.
MERGE_ALWAYS If the value is true, The Merge Mode is forcibly executed in Data Sync. TRUE, FALSE
REPLICATION_MIN_DATE_QUERY A select query to return the replicate start datetime.
REPLICATION_MIN_FUNCTION Allows a provider to specify the formula name to use for executing a server side min.
REPLICATION_START_DATE Allows a provider to specify a replicate startdate.
REPLICATION_MAX_DATE_QUERY A select query to return the replicate end datetime.
REPLICATION_MAX_FUNCTION Allows a provider to specify the formula name to use for executing a server side max.
IGNORE_INTERVALS_ON_INITIAL_REPLICATE A list of tables which will skip dividing the replicate into chunks on the initial replicate.
CHECKCACHE_USE_PARENTID Indicates whether the CheckCache statement should be done against the parent key column. TRUE, FALSE
CREATE_SCHEMA_PROCEDURES Indicates stored procedures that can be used for generating schema files.

The following query retrieves the operators that can be used in the WHERE clause:


Note that individual tables may have different limitations or requirements on the WHERE clause; refer to the Data Model section for more information.

Name Type Description
NAME String A component of SQL syntax, or a capability that can be processed on the server.
VALUE String Detail on the supported SQL or SQL syntax.


Returns information about attempted modifications.

The following query retrieves the Ids of the modified rows in a batch operation:

SELECT * FROM sys_identity
Name Type Description
Id String The database-generated ID returned from a data modification operation.
Batch String An identifier for the batch. 1 for a single operation.
Operation String The result of the operation in the batch: INSERTED, UPDATED, or DELETED.
Message String SUCCESS or an error message if the update in the batch failed.


Describes the available system information.

The following query retrieves all columns:

SELECT * FROM sys_information
Name Type Description
Product String The name of the product.
Version String The version number of the product.
Datasource String The name of the datasource the product connects to.
NodeId String The unique identifier of the machine where the product is installed.
HelpURL String The URL to the product's help documentation.
License String The license information for the product. (If this information is not available, the field may be left blank or marked as 'N/A'.)
Location String The file path location where the product's library is stored.
Environment String The version of the environment or rumtine the product is currently running under.
DataSyncVersion String The tier of Sync required to use this connector.
DataSyncCategory String The category of Sync functionality (e.g., Source, Destination).

Advanced Configurations Properties

The advanced configurations properties are the various options that can be used to establish a connection. This section provides a complete list of the options you can configure. Click the links for further details.


Property Description
AuthScheme Whether to use Basic Authentication or OAuth Authentication when connecting to PipeDrive.
CompanyDomain The company domain used for accessing your Pipedrive account.
APIToken The API Token used for accessing your PipeDrive account.


Property Description
InitiateOAuth Set this property to initiate the process to obtain or refresh the OAuth access token when you connect.
OAuthClientId The client ID assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.
OAuthClientSecret The client secret assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.
OAuthAccessToken The access token for connecting using OAuth.
OAuthSettingsLocation The location of the settings file where OAuth values are saved when InitiateOAuth is set to GETANDREFRESH or REFRESH . Alternatively, you can hold this location in memory by specifying a value starting with 'memory://'.
CallbackURL The OAuth callback URL to return to when authenticating. This value must match the callback URL you specify in your app settings.
OAuthVerifier The verifier code returned from the OAuth authorization URL.
OAuthRefreshToken The OAuth refresh token for the corresponding OAuth access token.
OAuthExpiresIn The lifetime in seconds of the OAuth AccessToken.
OAuthTokenTimestamp The Unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds when the current Access Token was created.


Property Description
SSLServerCert The certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL.


Property Description
Location A path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures.
BrowsableSchemas This property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA, SchemaB, SchemaC.
Tables This property restricts the tables reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Tables=TableA, TableB, TableC.
Views Restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA, ViewB, ViewC.


Property Description
IncludeCustomFields Set to true to retrieve custom fields values for deals, organizations, persons and products.
MaxRows Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses.
Other These hidden properties are used only in specific use cases.
PseudoColumns This property indicates whether or not to include pseudo columns as columns to the table.
Timeout The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation.
UserDefinedViews A filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views.


This section provides a complete list of authentication properties you can configure.

Property Description
AuthScheme Whether to use Basic Authentication or OAuth Authentication when connecting to PipeDrive.
CompanyDomain The company domain used for accessing your Pipedrive account.
APIToken The API Token used for accessing your PipeDrive account.


Whether to use Basic Authentication or OAuth Authentication when connecting to PipeDrive.

Possible Values

Auto, Basic, OAuth

Data Type


Default Value



Whether to use Basic Authentication or OAuth Authentication when connecting to PipeDrive.


The company domain used for accessing your Pipedrive account.

Data Type


Default Value



The company Domain used for accessing your Pipedrive account. You can get it manually from the Pipedrive app by logging into your Developer Sandbox account and seeing the URL.


The API Token used for accessing your PipeDrive account.

Data Type


Default Value



The API Token can be found in PipeDrive by going to account name (on the top right) -> Company settings -> Personal preferences -> API.


This section provides a complete list of OAuth properties you can configure.

Property Description
InitiateOAuth Set this property to initiate the process to obtain or refresh the OAuth access token when you connect.
OAuthClientId The client ID assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.
OAuthClientSecret The client secret assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.
OAuthAccessToken The access token for connecting using OAuth.
OAuthSettingsLocation The location of the settings file where OAuth values are saved when InitiateOAuth is set to GETANDREFRESH or REFRESH . Alternatively, you can hold this location in memory by specifying a value starting with 'memory://'.
CallbackURL The OAuth callback URL to return to when authenticating. This value must match the callback URL you specify in your app settings.
OAuthVerifier The verifier code returned from the OAuth authorization URL.
OAuthRefreshToken The OAuth refresh token for the corresponding OAuth access token.
OAuthExpiresIn The lifetime in seconds of the OAuth AccessToken.
OAuthTokenTimestamp The Unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds when the current Access Token was created.


Set this property to initiate the process to obtain or refresh the OAuth access token when you connect.

Possible Values


Data Type


Default Value



The following options are available:

  1. OFF: Indicates that the OAuth flow will be handled entirely by the user. An OAuthAccessToken will be required to authenticate.
  2. GETANDREFRESH: Indicates that the entire OAuth Flow will be handled by the connector. If no token currently exists, it will be obtained by prompting the user via the browser. If a token exists, it will be refreshed when applicable.
  3. REFRESH: Indicates that the connector will only handle refreshing the OAuthAccessToken. The user will never be prompted by the connector to authenticate via the browser. The user must handle obtaining the OAuthAccessToken and OAuthRefreshToken initially.


The client ID assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.

Data Type


Default Value



As part of registering an OAuth application, you will receive the OAuthClientId value, sometimes also called a consumer key, and a client secret, the OAuthClientSecret.


The client secret assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.

Data Type


Default Value



As part of registering an OAuth application, you will receive the OAuthClientId, also called a consumer key. You will also receive a client secret, also called a consumer secret. Set the client secret in the OAuthClientSecret property.


The access token for connecting using OAuth.

Data Type


Default Value



The OAuthAccessToken property is used to connect using OAuth. The OAuthAccessToken is retrieved from the OAuth server as part of the authentication process. It has a server-dependent timeout and can be reused between requests.

The access token is used in place of your user name and password. The access token protects your credentials by keeping them on the server.


The location of the settings file where OAuth values are saved when InitiateOAuth is set to GETANDREFRESH or REFRESH . Alternatively, you can hold this location in memory by specifying a value starting with 'memory://'.

Data Type


Default Value

%APPDATA%\Pipedrive Data Provider\OAuthSettings.txt


When InitiateOAuth is set to GETANDREFRESH or REFRESH, the connector saves OAuth values to avoid requiring the user to manually enter OAuth connection properties and to allow the credentials to be shared across connections or processes.

Instead of specifying a file path, you can use memory storage. Memory locations are specified by using a value starting with 'memory://' followed by a unique identifier for that set of credentials (for example, memory://user1). The identifier can be anything you choose but should be unique to the user. Unlike file-based storage, where credentials persist across connections, memory storage loads the credentials into static memory, and the credentials are shared between connections using the same identifier for the life of the process. To persist credentials outside the current process, you must manually store the credentials prior to closing the connection. This enables you to set them in the connection when the process is started again. You can retrieve OAuth property values with a query to the sys_connection_props system table. If there are multiple connections using the same credentials, the properties are read from the previously closed connection.

The default location is "%APPDATA%\Pipedrive Data Provider\OAuthSettings.txt" with %APPDATA% set to the user's configuration directory. The default values are

  • Windows: "register://%DSN"
  • Unix: "%AppData%..."
  • Mac: "%AppData%..."

where DSN is the name of the current DSN used in the open connection.

The following table lists the value of %APPDATA% by OS:

Platform %APPDATA%
Windows The value of the APPDATA environment variable
Mac ~/Library/Application Support
Linux ~/.config


The OAuth callback URL to return to when authenticating. This value must match the callback URL you specify in your app settings.

Data Type


Default Value



During the authentication process, the OAuth authorization server redirects the user to this URL. This value must match the callback URL you specify in your app settings.


The verifier code returned from the OAuth authorization URL.

Data Type


Default Value



The verifier code returned from the OAuth authorization URL. This can be used on systems where a browser cannot be launched such as headless systems.

Authentication on Headless Machines

See to obtain the OAuthVerifier value.

Set OAuthSettingsLocation along with OAuthVerifier. When you connect, the connector exchanges the OAuthVerifier for the OAuth authentication tokens and saves them, encrypted, to the specified location. Set InitiateOAuth to GETANDREFRESH to automate the exchange.

Once the OAuth settings file has been generated, you can remove OAuthVerifier from the connection properties and connect with OAuthSettingsLocation set.

To automatically refresh the OAuth token values, set OAuthSettingsLocation and additionally set InitiateOAuth to REFRESH.


The OAuth refresh token for the corresponding OAuth access token.

Data Type


Default Value



The OAuthRefreshToken property is used to refresh the OAuthAccessToken when using OAuth authentication.


The lifetime in seconds of the OAuth AccessToken.

Data Type


Default Value



Pair with OAuthTokenTimestamp to determine when the AccessToken will expire.


The Unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds when the current Access Token was created.

Data Type


Default Value



Pair with OAuthExpiresIn to determine when the AccessToken will expire.


This section provides a complete list of SSL properties you can configure.

Property Description
SSLServerCert The certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL.


The certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL.

Data Type


Default Value



If using a TLS/SSL connection, this property can be used to specify the TLS/SSL certificate to be accepted from the server. Any other certificate that is not trusted by the machine is rejected.

This property can take the following forms:

Description Example
A full PEM Certificate (example shortened for brevity) -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE-----
A path to a local file containing the certificate C:\\cert.cer
The public key (example shortened for brevity) -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
The MD5 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4
The SHA1 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d

If not specified, any certificate trusted by the machine is accepted.

Certificates are validated as trusted by the machine based on the System's trust store. The trust store used is the '' value specified for the system. If no value is specified for this property, Java's default trust store is used (for example, JAVA_HOME\lib\security\cacerts).

Use '*' to signify to accept all certificates. Note that this is not recommended due to security concerns.


This section provides a complete list of schema properties you can configure.

Property Description
Location A path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures.
BrowsableSchemas This property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA, SchemaB, SchemaC.
Tables This property restricts the tables reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Tables=TableA, TableB, TableC.
Views Restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA, ViewB, ViewC.


A path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures.

Data Type


Default Value

%APPDATA%\Pipedrive Data Provider\Schema


The path to a directory which contains the schema files for the connector (.rsd files for tables and views, .rsb files for stored procedures). The folder location can be a relative path from the location of the executable. The Location property is only needed if you want to customize definitions (for example, change a column name, ignore a column, and so on) or extend the data model with new tables, views, or stored procedures.

If left unspecified, the default location is "%APPDATA%\Pipedrive Data Provider\Schema" with %APPDATA% being set to the user's configuration directory:

Platform %APPDATA%
Windows The value of the APPDATA environment variable
Mac ~/Library/Application Support
Linux ~/.config


This property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC.

Data Type


Default Value



Listing the schemas from databases can be expensive. Providing a list of schemas in the connection string improves the performance.


This property restricts the tables reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC.

Data Type


Default Value



Listing the tables from some databases can be expensive. Providing a list of tables in the connection string improves the performance of the connector.

This property can also be used as an alternative to automatically listing views if you already know which ones you want to work with and there would otherwise be too many to work with.

Specify the tables you want in a comma-separated list. Each table should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Tables=TableA,[TableB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`TableC With Space`.

Note that when connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you will need to provide the fully qualified name of the table in this property, as in the last example here, to avoid ambiguity between tables that exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.


Restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC.

Data Type


Default Value



Listing the views from some databases can be expensive. Providing a list of views in the connection string improves the performance of the connector.

This property can also be used as an alternative to automatically listing views if you already know which ones you want to work with and there would otherwise be too many to work with.

Specify the views you want in a comma-separated list. Each view should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Views=ViewA,[ViewB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`ViewC With Space`.

Note that when connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you will need to provide the fully qualified name of the table in this property, as in the last example here, to avoid ambiguity between tables that exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.


This section provides a complete list of miscellaneous properties you can configure.

Property Description
IncludeCustomFields Set to true to retrieve custom fields values for deals, organizations, persons and products.
MaxRows Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses.
Other These hidden properties are used only in specific use cases.
PseudoColumns This property indicates whether or not to include pseudo columns as columns to the table.
Timeout The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation.
UserDefinedViews A filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views.


Set to true to retrieve custom fields values for deals, organizations, persons and products.

Data Type


Default Value



Set to true to retrieve custom fields values for deals, organizations, persons and products.


Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses.

Data Type


Default Value



Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses.


These hidden properties are used only in specific use cases.

Data Type


Default Value



The properties listed below are available for specific use cases. Normal driver use cases and functionality should not require these properties.

Specify multiple properties in a semicolon-separated list.

Integration and Formatting
Property Description
DefaultColumnSize Sets the default length of string fields when the data source does not provide column length in the metadata. The default value is 2000.
ConvertDateTimeToGMT Determines whether to convert date-time values to GMT, instead of the local time of the machine.
RecordToFile=filename Records the underlying socket data transfer to the specified file.


This property indicates whether or not to include pseudo columns as columns to the table.

Data Type


Default Value



This setting is particularly helpful in Entity Framework, which does not allow you to set a value for a pseudo column unless it is a table column. The value of this connection setting is of the format "Table1=Column1, Table1=Column2, Table2=Column3". You can use the "*" character to include all tables and all columns; for example, "*=*".


The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation.

Data Type


Default Value



If Timeout = 0, operations do not time out. The operations run until they complete successfully or until they encounter an error condition.

If Timeout expires and the operation is not yet complete, the connector throws an exception.


A filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views.

Data Type


Default Value



User Defined Views are defined in a JSON-formatted configuration file called UserDefinedViews.json. The connector automatically detects the views specified in this file.

You can also have multiple view definitions and control them using the UserDefinedViews connection property. When you use this property, only the specified views are seen by the connector.

This User Defined View configuration file is formatted as follows:

  • Each root element defines the name of a view.
  • Each root element contains a child element, called query, which contains the custom SQL query for the view.

For example:

    "MyView": {
        "query": "SELECT * FROM Deals WHERE MyColumn = 'value'"
    "MyView2": {
        "query": "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id IN (1,2,3)"

Use the UserDefinedViews connection property to specify the location of your JSON configuration file. For example:

"UserDefinedViews", C:\Users\yourusername\Desktop\tmp\UserDefinedViews.json

Note that the specified path is not embedded in quotation marks.