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Oracle Service Cloud Connection Details


Connector Version

This documentation is based on version 23.0.8895 of the connector.

Get Started

Oracle Service Cloud Version Support

The connector leverages the Oracle Service Cloud API to enable bidirectional access to Oracle Service Cloud.

Establish a Connection

Connect to OracleServiceCloud

You must set the following to authenticate to Oracle Service Cloud:

  • URL: The Url of the account to connect to.
  • User: The username of the authenticating account.
  • Password: The password of the authenticating account.

Important Notes

Configuration Files and Their Paths

  • All references to adding configuration files and their paths refer to files and locations on the Jitterbit agent where the connector is installed. These paths are to be adjusted as appropriate depending on the agent and the operating system. If multiple agents are used in an agent group, identical files will be required on each agent.

Data Model


This section shows the available API objects and provides more information on executing SQL to Oracle Service Cloud APIs.

Key Features

  • The connector models Oracle Service Cloud entities like documents, folders, and groups as relational views, allowing you to write SQL to query Oracle Service Cloud data.
  • Stored procedures allow you to execute operations to Oracle Service Cloud
  • Live connectivity to these objects means any changes to your Oracle Service Cloud account are immediately reflected when using the connector.


Views describes the available views.


Tables describes the available tables.

Stored Procedures

Stored Procedures are function-like interfaces to Oracle Service Cloud. Stored procedures allow you to execute operations to Oracle Service Cloud, including downloading documents and moving envelopes.


The connector models the data in Oracle Service Cloud as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

Oracle Service Cloud Connector Tables

Name Description
AccountGroups The language-specific strings used for localization of fields.
Accounts The account represents a staff member in Oracle B2C Service.
Answers The knowledge base information that provides solutions to the common customer support questions.
AnswerVersions The versioned instance of an answer. Answers are solutions to common customer support questions.
Assets The product or service associated with an organization's customers.
ContactMarketingRosters The information about the contact lists used in audiences in Oracle Service Cloud Outreach Cloud Service.
Contacts The customers or end users of Oracle B2C Service site.
Countries The details about the countries and provinces which are used to maintain accurate address information for the organizations and contacts in Oracle B2C Service.
EventSubscriptions The event-based subscription management object that allows external applications to discover objects that can be subscribed.
Holidays The list of holidays in your organization.
Incidents The question or the request for help submitted by a customer through the Ask a Question page, email, a chat session, site or answer feedback, or from an external source using the API.
Opportunities The information about a specific sale or a pending deal with a contact or an organization that is tracked and maintained in the Oracle B2C Service knowledge base.
Organizations The company, business unit of a large company, or government agency that has an organization record in the Oracle B2C Service knowledge base.
PurchasedProducts The information about a purchased product.
SalesProducts The items or services sold by an organization.
SalesTerritories The specific geographical sales region. Sales representatives can be assigned specific territories for opportunity assignment.
ServiceCategories The hierarchical service category that provides an option to group answers and incidents for better organization and refined searching in the knowledge base.
ServiceDispositions The hierarchical service disposition that provides an option for classifying and recording how incidents are ultimately resolved.
ServiceProducts The hierarchical service product that provides an option to group answers and incidents for better organization and refined searching in the knowledge base.
StandardContents The preformed text or HTML content that can be sent to customers when responding to incidents, appended to responses by a business rule, or sent by an agent during a chat session.
Tasks The information about an action or an activity scheduled to be completed within a specified time.
Variables A shortcut defined for a larger string that can be inserted in the body of an answer or inserted inline during a chat session.


The language-specific strings used for localization of fields.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM AccountGroups id = 12
SELECT * FROM AccountGroups id > 15
SELECT * FROM AccountGroups lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM AccountGroups id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM AccountGroups lookUpName IS NOT NULL

Insert can be executed by specifying the acceptCount,respondCount and names column. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO AccountGroupsNames#TEMP (languageId, labeltext) VALUES ('1', 'Smartly Maestro')
INSERT INTO AccountGroups(LookupName, Name, names) VALUES ('test', 'test', AccountGroupsNames#TEMP)

Update can be executed. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE AccountGroups SET Name = 'SV100D' WHERE ID = 12

Following is an example of how to Delete a record in this table. For example:

DELETE FROM AccountGroups WHERE ID = 12
Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id Long False The unique identifier of the account group .
LookupName String False The name used to look up the account group.
Name Long False The name of the account group in the language of the current interface.
DisplayOrder Long False The order in which this account group is displayed relative to other members of the same group.
UpdatedTime String False The date and time when the account group was last updated.
CreatedTime String False The date and time when the account group was created
AttributesCustomerCareAccess Boolean False The customer care access group.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Descriptions String The list of descriptions, one for each supported language.
Names String The list of names, one for each supported language.


The account represents a staff member in Oracle B2C Service.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)

Insert can be executed by specifying the login, namefirst, namelast, profileId, staffGroupId and newpassword columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO Accounts (login, namefirst, namelast, profileId, staffGroupId, newpassword) VALUES ('testadministrator', 'abc', 'xyz', '14', '102243', 'testpw')

Update can be executed by specifying the ID in WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE Accounts SET namelast = 'abcd' WHERE ID = 1

Delete can be executed by specifying ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

Name Type ReadOnly Description
CountryId Long False Id of country. The default country identifier.
CountrylookUpName String False LookUpName of country. The default country identifier.
CreatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the account was created. This attribute is read-only.
DisplayName String False The display name of the account.
DisplayOrder Int False The order in which this staff account is displayed relative to other members of the same group.
EmailNotificationId Long False Id of emailNotification. The format the staff member prefers for email notifications.
EmailNotificationlookUpName String False LookUpName of emailNotification. The format the staff member prefers for email notifications.
Id [KEY] Long True The unique identifier of the account.
Login String False The user name used for authentication.
LookupName String True The name used to look up the account.
ManagerId Long False Id of manager. The manager of the staff member.
ManagerlookUpName String False LookUpName of manager. The manager of the staff member.
NewPassword String False The new password for authentication. It is stored with a one-way encryption in the system. This attribute is write-only.
NotificationPending Bool True Indicates whether any notifications are pending. This attribute does not have a default value and is read-only.
PasswordExpirationTime Datetime True The date and time when the password is set to expire. This attribute is read-only.
ProfileId Long False Id of profile. The profile to which the staff account is assigned.
ProfilelookUpName String False LookUpName of profile. The profile to which the staff account is assigned.
Signature String False The email signature of the account.
StaffGroupId Long False Id of staffGroup. The group to which the staff member is assigned.
StaffGrouplookUpName String False LookUpName of staffGroup. The group to which the staff member is assigned.
UpdatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the account was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
AttributesaccountLocked Bool False Indicates whether the account is temporarily locked. For example, you may lock a staff member's account who has taken a leave of absence. An account automatically gets locked if the staff member has exceeded the number of invalid login attempts or if the password has expired. The default value is false.
AttributescanModifyEmailSignature Bool False Indicates whether the staff member can modify the email signature. The default value is false.
AttributesforcePasswordChange Bool False Indicates whether the staff member must change the password at the next login. The value remains true until the staff member changes the password. The default value is false.
AttributesinfrequentUser Bool False Indicates whether the staff member is considered as an infrequent user seat, as opposed to a full seat. The default value is false.
AttributespasswordNeverExpires Bool False Indicates whether the staff member's account password never expires. This setting overrides system-wide password expiration configurations. The default value is false.
AttributespermanentlyDisabled Bool False Indicates whether the staff member's account is permanently disabled. For example, an account is permanently disabled when a staff member leaves your organization. A disabled account appears in the tree of the Staff Accounts management console if Show Disabled setting is enabled, but you cannot deselect the Permanently Disable check box if you edit the account. You can reuse the login name of a permanently disabled account for a different account. The default value is false.
AttributesstaffAssignmentDisabled Bool False Indicates whether the staff member's account cannot be assigned to incidents, answers, opportunities, and tasks. The default value is false.
AttributesviewsReportsDisabled Bool False Indicates whether the staff member's account cannot be included in the list for filters in reports. The default value is false.
AttributesvirtualAccount Bool True Indicates whether the staff member's account is virtual. The default value is false. This attribute is read-only.
Namefirst String False The first name of the person.
Namelast String False The surname or last name of the person.
NameFuriganafirst String False The first name of the person.
NameFuriganalast String False The surname or last name of the person.
SalesSettingsdefaultCurrencyId Long False Id of defaultCurrency. The default currency ID.
SalesSettingsdefaultCurrencylookUpName String False LookUpName of defaultCurrency. The default currency ID.
SalesSettingsterritoryId Long False Id of territory. The sales territory ID.
SalesSettingsterritorylookUpName String False LookUpName of territory. The sales territory ID.
ServiceSettingsscreenPopPort Int False The port number assigned for screen-pop alerts for the staff account. It is used in Citrix and Terminal Services environments where there are multiple agents logged in to different sessions on the same machine.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
emails String The list of email addresses.
phones String The list of phone numbers.


The knowledge base information that provides solutions to the common customer support questions.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM Answers WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM Answers WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM Answers WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM Answers WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)

Insert can be executed by specifying the answerTypeId, languageId, and summary newpassword columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO Answers (answerTypeId, languageId, assignedsiblingId, summary) VALUES ('1', '1', '12', 'How do I register my product?')

Update can be executed by specifying the ID in WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE Answers SET solution = 'editorContent' WHERE ID = '12'

Delete can be executed by specifying ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

Name Type ReadOnly Description
AdminLastAccessTime Datetime True The date and time when the answer was last accessed by an administrator. This attribute is read-only.
AnswerTypeId Long False Id of answerType. The type of storage for answer information.
AnswerTypelookUpName String False LookUpName of answerType. The type of storage for answer information.
AnswerVersionId Long True Id of answerVersion. The versioned instance of the answer. This attribute is read-only.
AnswerVersionlookUpName String True LookUpName of answerVersion. The versioned instance of the answer. This attribute is read-only.
AssignedSiblingId Long False Id of assignedSibling. Another answer with which this answer should be associated.
AssignedSiblinglookUpName String False LookUpName of assignedSibling. Another answer with which this answer should be associated.
CreatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the answer was created. This attribute is read-only.
ExpiresDate Date False The date when the answer expires and is set to review status.
GuidedAssistanceId Long True Id of guidedAssistance. The Guided Assistance guide.
GuidedAssistancelookUpName String True LookUpName of guidedAssistance. The Guided Assistance guide.
Id [KEY] Long True The unique identifier of the answer.
Keywords String False The list of space separated keywords associated with an answer.
LanguageId Long False Id of language. The language used for the answer text.
LanguagelookUpName String False LookUpName of language. The language used for the answer text.
LastAccessTime Datetime True The date and time when the answer was last accessed. This attribute is read-only.
LastNotificationTime Datetime True The date and time when the last notification was generated. This attribute is read-only.
LookupName String True The name used to look up the answer.
Name String True The string version of the answer ID, which is used as the reference number of the answer. This attribute is read-only.
NextNotificationTime Datetime False The date and time when the next earliest notification will be sent.
OriginalReferenceNumber String False The reference number of the incident that was proposed to create this answer. The reference number is common for all the sibling answers.
PositionInListId Long False Id of positionInList. This attribute is used to initialize and/or force this answer to a particular ranking in the search results.
PositionInListlookUpName String False LookUpName of positionInList. This attribute is used to initialize and/or force this answer to a particular ranking in the search results.
PublishOnDate Date False The date when the answer will be published and made available to users.
Question String False The question or the description of the answer.
Solution String False The solution or the answer portion of the answer.
SpecialResponse String False The special response of the answer.
Summary String False The title or short summary of the answer.
URL String False The URL which returns the answer, if the answer type is URL.
UpdatedByAccountId Long True Id of updatedByAccount. The staff account who last edited the answer. This attribute is read-only.
UpdatedByAccountlookUpName String True LookUpName of updatedByAccount. The staff account who last edited the answer. This attribute is read-only.
UpdatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the answer was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
AssignedToaccountId Long False Id of account. The staff account.
AssignedToaccountlookUpName String False LookUpName of account. The staff account.
AssignedTostaffGroupId Long False Id of staffGroup. The staff group. The caller should assign the staff group when assigning to an account.
AssignedTostaffGrouplookUpName String False LookUpName of staffGroup. The staff group. The caller should assign the staff group when assigning to an account.
BannerimportanceFlagId Long False Id of importanceFlag. The importance of the banner.
BannerimportanceFlaglookUpName String False LookUpName of importanceFlag. The importance of the banner.
Bannertext String False The description of a flag.
BannerupdatedByAccountId Long True Id of updatedByAccount. The staff account that most recently updated the banner flag and/or text. This attribute is read-only.
BannerupdatedByAccountlookUpName String True LookUpName of updatedByAccount. The staff account that most recently updated the banner flag and/or text. This attribute is read-only.
BannerupdatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the banner was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
StatusWithTypestatusId Long False Id of status. The current status.
StatusWithTypestatuslookUpName String False LookUpName of status. The current status.
StatusWithTypestatusTypeId Long True Id of statusType. The associated status type. This attribute is read-only.
StatusWithTypestatusTypelookUpName String True LookUpName of statusType. The associated status type. This attribute is read-only.
VersionDetaildraftNote String False The draft note for the answer version.
VersionDetaildraftTime Datetime False The date and time when the draft answer version was created.
VersionDetailpublishNote String False The published note for the answer version.
VersionDetailpublishedTime Datetime False The date and time when the draft answer version was published.
VersionDetailstateId Long False Id of state. The state of the version.
VersionDetailstatelookUpName String False LookUpName of state. The state of the version.
VersionDetailunpublishedTime Datetime False The date and time when the answer version was unpublished.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
categories String The hierarchical service category.
commonAttachments String The file attachments common to all sibling answers.
fileAttachments String The list of file attachments.
notes String The list of discussion threads.
products String The products common to all sibling answers.
relatedAnswers String The related answers linked to this answer.
siblingAnswers String The sibling answers with which this answer is associated. This attribute is read-only.


The versioned instance of an answer. Answers are solutions to common customer support questions.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM AnswerVersions WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersions WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersions WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersions WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersions WHERE lookUpName IS NOT NULL

Update can be executed by specifying the ID in WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE AnswerVersions SET keywords = 'test' WHERE ID = 133

Delete can be executed by specifying ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM AnswerVersions WHERE ID = 133
Name Type ReadOnly Description
AdminLastAccessTime Datetime True The date and time when the answer version was last accessed by an administrator. This attribute is read-only.
AnswerId Long True Id of answer. The live answer related to this answer version.
AnswerlookUpName String True LookUpName of answer. The live answer related to this answer version.
AnswerTypeId Long False Id of answerType. The type of storage for answer version information.
AnswerTypelookUpName String False LookUpName of answerType. The type of storage for answer version information.
CreatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the answer version was created. This attribute is read-only.
ExpiresDate Date False The date when the answer version expires and is set to review status.
GuidedAssistanceId Long True Id of guidedAssistance. The Guided Assistance guide.
GuidedAssistancelookUpName String True LookUpName of guidedAssistance. The Guided Assistance guide.
Id [KEY] Long True The unique identifier of the answer version.
Keywords String False The list of space separated keywords associated with an answer version.
LanguageId Long False Id of language. The language used for the answer text.
LanguagelookUpName String False LookUpName of language. The language used for the answer text.
LastAccessTime Datetime True The date and time when the answer version was last accessed. This attribute is read-only.
LastNotificationTime Datetime True The date and time when the last notification was generated. This attribute is read-only.
LookupName String True The name used to look up the answer version.
Name String True The string version of the answer ID, which is used as the reference number of the answer version. This attribute is read-only.
NextNotificationTime Datetime False The date and time when the next notification will be sent.
OriginalReferenceNumber String False The reference number of the incident that was proposed to create this answer. The reference number is common for all the sibling answers.
PositionInListId Long False Id of positionInList. This attribute is used to initialize and/or force this answer to a particular ranking in the search results.
PositionInListlookUpName String False LookUpName of positionInList. This attribute is used to initialize and/or force this answer to a particular ranking in the search results.
PublishOnDate Date False The date when the answer version will be published and made available to users.
Question String False The question or the description of the answer version.
Solution String False The solution or the answer portion of this version of the answer.
SpecialResponse String False The special response of this version of the answer.
Summary String False The title or short summary of the answer version.
URL String False The URL which returns this version of the answer, if the answer type is URL.
UpdatedByAccountId Long True Id of updatedByAccount. The staff account who last edited the answer version. This attribute is read-only.
UpdatedByAccountlookUpName String True LookUpName of updatedByAccount. The staff account who last edited the answer version. This attribute is read-only.
UpdatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the answer version was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
AssignedToaccountId Long False Id of account. The staff account.
AssignedToaccountlookUpName String False LookUpName of account. The staff account.
AssignedTostaffGroupId Long False Id of staffGroup. The staff group. The caller should assign the staff group when assigning to an account.
AssignedTostaffGrouplookUpName String False LookUpName of staffGroup. The staff group. The caller should assign the staff group when assigning to an account.
BannerimportanceFlagId Long False Id of importanceFlag. The importance of the banner.
BannerimportanceFlaglookUpName String False LookUpName of importanceFlag. The importance of the banner.
Bannertext String False The description of a flag.
BannerupdatedByAccountId Long True Id of updatedByAccount. The staff account that most recently updated the banner flag and/or text. This attribute is read-only.
BannerupdatedByAccountlookUpName String True LookUpName of updatedByAccount. The staff account that most recently updated the banner flag and/or text. This attribute is read-only.
BannerupdatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the banner was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
StatusWithTypestatusId Long False Id of status. The current status.
StatusWithTypestatuslookUpName String False LookUpName of status. The current status.
StatusWithTypestatusTypeId Long True Id of statusType. The associated status type. This attribute is read-only.
StatusWithTypestatusTypelookUpName String True LookUpName of statusType. The associated status type. This attribute is read-only.
VersionDetaildraftNote String False The draft note for the answer version.
VersionDetaildraftTime Datetime False The date and time when the draft answer version was created.
VersionDetailpublishNote String False The published note for the answer version.
VersionDetailpublishedTime Datetime False The date and time when the draft answer version was published.
VersionDetailstateId Long False Id of state. The state of the version.
VersionDetailstatelookUpName String False LookUpName of state. The state of the version.
VersionDetailunpublishedTime Datetime False The date and time when the answer version was unpublished.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
categories String The categories common to all sibling answers.
commonAttachments String The file attachments common to all sibling answers.
fileAttachments String The list of file attachments.
notes String The list of discussion threads.
products String The products common to all sibling answers.
relatedAnswers String The related answers linked to this answer.


The product or service associated with an organization's customers.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM Assets WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM Assets WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM Assets WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM Assets WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)

Insert can be executed by specifying the name, productid and serialNumber columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO Assets (name, productid, serialNumber) VALUES ('ABC', 12, 'SN00123')

Update can be executed by specifying the column in WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE Assets SET contacts = 'US of America' WHERE name = 'United States (US)'

Delete can be executed by specifying ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

Name Type ReadOnly Description
ContactId Long False Id of contact. The contact associated with the asset.
ContactlookUpName String False LookUpName of contact. The contact associated with the asset.
CreatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the asset was created. This attribute is read-only.
Description String False The description of the asset.
Id [KEY] Long True The unique identifier of the asset.
InstalledDate Date False The date when the asset was installed.
LookupName String True The name used to look up the asset.
Name String False The name of the asset used as the lookupName for the asset object.
OrganizationId Long False Id of organization. The organization associated with the asset.
OrganizationlookUpName String False LookUpName of organization. The organization associated with the asset.
ProductId Long False Id of product. The product associated with the asset.
ProductlookUpName String False LookUpName of product. The product associated with the asset.
PurchasedDate Date False The date when the asset was purchased.
RetiredDate Date False The date when the asset was retired.
SerialNumber String False The serial number of the asset.
UpdatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the asset was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
PricecurrencyId Long False Id of currency. The ID of the currency.
PricecurrencylookUpName String False LookUpName of currency. The ID of the currency.
PriceexchangeRateId Long False Id of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
PriceexchangeRatelookUpName String False LookUpName of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
Pricevalue String False The value of the currency.
StatusWithTypestatusId Long False Id of status. The current status.
StatusWithTypestatuslookUpName String False LookUpName of status. The current status.
StatusWithTypestatusTypeId Long True Id of statusType. The associated status type. This attribute is read-only.
StatusWithTypestatusTypelookUpName String True LookUpName of statusType. The associated status type. This attribute is read-only.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
sLAInstances String The SLA instances associated with the asset.


The information about the contact lists used in audiences in Oracle Service Cloud Outreach Cloud Service.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ContactMarketingRosters WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM ContactMarketingRosters WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM ContactMarketingRosters WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ContactMarketingRosters WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM ContactMarketingRosters WHERE lookUpName IS NOT NULL

Insert can be executed by specifying the isProofList and name columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO ContactMarketingRosters (isProofList, name) VALUES ('true', 'Incident extract limit')

Update can be executed. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE ContactMarketingRosters SET Comment = 'Incident extract limit' WHERE Name = 'Analytics Lab Attendees'

Following is an example of how to Delete a record in this table. For example:

DELETE FROM ContactMarketingRosters WHERE Name = 'Analytics Lab Attendees'
Name Type ReadOnly Description
Comment String False The description associated with the contact marketing roster.
CreatedByAccountId Long True Id of createdByAccount. The staff account who created the list.
CreatedByAccountlookUpName String True LookUpName of createdByAccount. The staff account who created the list.
CreatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the contact marketing roster was created. This attribute is read-only.
Id [KEY] Long True The unique identifier of the contact marketing roster.
InterfaceId Long True Id of interface. The interface the list is associated with.
InterfacelookUpName String True LookUpName of interface. The interface the list is associated with.
IsProofList Bool False Indicates whether the contact marketing roster is a proof list.
LookupName String True The name used to look up the contact marketing roster.
Name String False The name of the contact marketing roster.
PurgeData Bool False Indicates whether the contact marketing roster should be cleared periodically. The default value is false.
UpdatedByAccountId Long True Id of updatedByAccount. The staff account who last updated the list.
UpdatedByAccountlookUpName String True LookUpName of updatedByAccount. The staff account who last updated the list.
UpdatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the contact marketing roster was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
LastCountStatisticslastCount Int True The number of contacts in the contact marketing roster when the count was last calculated.
LastCountStatisticslastCountedTime Datetime True The date and time when the contact marketing roster was last counted.


The customers or end users of Oracle B2C Service site.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)

Insert can be executed. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO Contacts (bannertext) VALUES ('Agent: Knowledge')

Update can be executed. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE Contacts SET login = 'chris.fellows' WHERE namelast = 'Chase'

Delete can be executed by specifying ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM Contacts WHERE ID = '209'
Name Type ReadOnly Description
ContactTypeId Long False Id of contactType. The ID of the contact type.
ContactTypelookUpName String False LookUpName of contactType. The ID of the contact type.
CreatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the contact was created. This attribute is read-only.
Disabled Bool False Indicates whether the contact is disabled. The default value is false.
ExternalReference String True The external reference key of the contact.
Id [KEY] Long True The unique identifier of the contact.
Login String False The user name used for authentication.
LookupName String True The name used to look up the contact.
NewPassword String False The new password for authentication. It is stored with a one-way encryption in the system. This attribute is write-only.
OrganizationId Long False Id of organization. The organization to which the contact belongs.
OrganizationlookUpName String False LookUpName of organization. The organization to which the contact belongs.
PasswordEmailExpirationTime Datetime True The date and time by when the contact must change the password after a reset has occurred. This attribute is read-only.
PasswordExpirationTime Datetime True The date and time by when the password is set to expire. This attribute is read-only.
SourceId Long True Id of source. The creation source IDs. This attribute is read-only.
SourcelookUpName String True LookUpName of source. The creation source IDs. This attribute is read-only.
SupersededById Long True Id of supersededBy. The superseding contact for the contact. This attribute is read-only.
SupersededBylookUpName String True LookUpName of supersededBy. The superseding contact for the contact. This attribute is read-only.
Title String False The social or professional title of the contact. For example, Mrs., Dr., and so on.
UpdatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the contact was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
Addresscity String False The name of the city.
AddresscountryId Long False Id of country. The ID of the country.
AddresscountrylookUpName String False LookUpName of country. The ID of the country.
AddresspostalCode String False The postal code or the ZIP code.
AddressstateOrProvinceId Long False Id of stateOrProvince. The ID of the state or province.
AddressstateOrProvincelookUpName String False LookUpName of stateOrProvince. The ID of the state or province.
Addressstreet String False The street address.
BannerimportanceFlagId Long False Id of importanceFlag. The importance of the banner.
BannerimportanceFlaglookUpName String False LookUpName of importanceFlag. The importance of the banner.
Bannertext String False The description of a flag.
BannerupdatedByAccountId Long True Id of updatedByAccount. The staff account that most recently updated the banner flag and/or text. This attribute is read-only.
BannerupdatedByAccountlookUpName String True LookUpName of updatedByAccount. The staff account that most recently updated the banner flag and/or text. This attribute is read-only.
BannerupdatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the banner was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
CRMModulesmarketing Bool False Indicates whether the marketing module is applicable. The default value is true only if marketing module is enabled.
CRMModulessales Bool False Indicates whether the sales module is applicable. The default value is true only if sales module is enabled.
CRMModulesservice Bool False Indicates whether the service module is applicable. The default value is true only if service module is enabled.
MarketingSettingsemailFormatId Long False Id of emailFormat. The ID of preferred format for sending emails to the contact.
MarketingSettingsemailFormatlookUpName String False LookUpName of emailFormat. The ID of preferred format for sending emails to the contact.
MarketingSettingsmarketingOptIn Bool False Indicates whether the contact has opted in for marketing mailing list. This attribute does not have a default value.
MarketingSettingsmarketingOrganizationName String False The marketing organization name.
MarketingSettingsmarketingOrganizationNameAlt String False The alternate name of the marketing organization.
MarketingSettingssurveyOptIn Bool False Indicates whether the contact has opted in for providing feedback. This attribute does not have a default value.
Namefirst String False The first name of the person.
Namelast String False The surname or last name of the person.
NameFuriganafirst String False The first name of the person.
NameFuriganalast String False The surname or last name of the person.
SalesSettingsacquiredDate Date True The date when the first opportunity associated with the contact was closed. This attribute is read-only.
SalesSettingssalesAccountId Long False Id of salesAccount. The ID of the staff account for the sales representative assigned to the contact.
SalesSettingssalesAccountlookUpName String False LookUpName of salesAccount. The ID of the staff account for the sales representative assigned to the contact.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
channelUsernames String The list of usernames for the contact across different communication channels.
emails String The list of email addresses.
fileAttachments String The list of file attachments.
notes String The list of notes associated with the contact.
openIDAccounts String The list of OpenID URLs associated with the contact.
phones String The list of phone numbers.
contactLists String The contact lists in which the contact is included.
answerNotifications String The answer notifications to which the contact is subscribed.
categoryNotifications String The category notifications to which the contact is subscribed.
productNotifications String The product notifications to which the contact is subscribed.
sLAInstances String The SLA instances associated with the contact. This attribute is read-only for versions 1 and 1.1.


The details about the countries and provinces which are used to maintain accurate address information for the organizations and contacts in Oracle B2C Service.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM Countries WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM Countries WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM Countries WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM Countries WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)

Insert can be executed by specifying the abbreviation, iSOCode and names columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO CountriesNames#TEMP (languageId, labeltext) VALUES ('7', 'Vietnam')
INSERT INTO Countries (phonecode, abbreviation, iSOCode, names) VALUES ('44', 'UK', 'UK', 'countriesNames#TEMP')

Update can be executed by specifying the column in WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE Countries SET abbreviation = 'US of America' WHERE name = 'United States (US)'

Delete can be executed by specifying ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM Countries WHERE ID = '4'
Name Type ReadOnly Description
Abbreviation String False The two or three character abbreviation for the country. For example, USA.
CreatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the country was created. This attribute is read-only.
DisplayOrder Int False The position of the country in the Countries/Provinces tree and drop-down menu.
ISOCode String False The ISO 3166 country code.
Id [KEY] Long True The unique identifier of the country.
LookupName String True The name used to look up the country.
Name String True A list of labels or names used for this country on each unique interface.
PhoneCode String False The international telephone code for the country. This is used by the Click-to-Dial feature.
PhoneMask String False The string having twice the number of characters in the phone number. Two characters are needed to represent every digit or character in the phone number. The first character of the mask describes the target character and the second constrains its type.
PostalMask String False The string having twice the number of characters in the target postal code. Two characters are needed to represent every digit or character in the postal code. The first character of the mask describes the target character and the second constrains its type.
UpdatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the country was last updated. This attribute is read-only.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
names String The name of the country in the language of the current interface. This attribute is read-only.
provinces String A list of states or provinces associated with this country.


The event-based subscription management object that allows external applications to discover objects that can be subscribed.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM EventSubscriptions WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM EventSubscriptions WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM EventSubscriptions WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM EventSubscriptions WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM EventSubscriptions WHERE lookUpName IS NOT NULL

Insert can be executed by specifying the class, endPoint, eventType, integrationUser, name, objectShapeXml and objectVersion columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO EventSubscriptions (class, endPoint, eventTypeId, integrationUserId, objectShapeXml, name, objectVersionId) VALUES ('Contact', '', '2', '1', 'asdc', 'queryresults', '100200')

Update can be executed. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE EventSubscriptions SET summary = 'Test Replacement' WHERE lookupName = 'Battery Replacement'

Following is an example of how to Delete a record in this table.

DELETE FROM EventSubscriptions WHERE summary IS NULL
Name Type ReadOnly Description
Class String False The string which represents the type of object in the ObjectShapeXML.
CreatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the event subscription was created. This attribute is read-only.
EndPoint String False The URL to post the notification event. Note: If an endpoint is registered as a callback, it should contain the fully qualified domain name. For example:
EventTypeId Long False Id of eventType. The types of event such as Create, Update, or Destroy.
EventTypelookUpName String False LookUpName of eventType. The types of event such as Create, Update, or Destroy.
Id [KEY] Long True The unique identifier of the event subscription.
IntegrationUserId Long False Id of integrationUser. The credentials and connection method to use for the event subscription.
IntegrationUserlookUpName String False LookUpName of integrationUser. The credentials and connection method to use for the event subscription.
LookupName String True The name used to look up the event subscription.
Name String False The unique name of the event subscription.
ObjectShapeXml String False The shape of the template object used to send the notification.
ObjectVersionId Long False Id of objectVersion. The Connect version of the object to be sent in the notification.
ObjectVersionlookUpName String False LookUpName of objectVersion. The Connect version of the object to be sent in the notification.
StatusId Long False Id of status. The status of the event subscription.
StatuslookUpName String False LookUpName of status. The status of the event subscription.
UpdatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the event subscription was last updated. This attribute is read-only.


The list of holidays in your organization.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM Holidays WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM Holidays WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM Holidays WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM Holidays WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)

INSERT can be executed by specifying the holidayDate and name columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO Holidays (holidayDate, name) VALUES ('2011-01-17', 'testinsert')

Update can be executed by specifying the ID column in WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE Holidays SET holidayDate = '2012-01-17' WHERE ID = '1'

Following is an example of how to Delete a record in this table.

DELETE FROM Holidays WHERE holidayDate = '2012-01-17'
Name Type ReadOnly Description
CreatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the holiday was created. This attribute is read-only.
DisplayOrder Int False The display position relative to other holidays.
HolidayDate Date False The date the holiday falls on. The maximum allowed value of the date is 12/31/2032.
Id [KEY] Long True The unique identifier of the holiday.
LookupName String True The name used to look up the holiday.
Name String False The name of the holiday.
UpdatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the holiday was last updated. This attribute is read-only.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
adminVisibleInterfaces String The list of interfaces on which the holiday is available for administration use.


The question or the request for help submitted by a customer through the Ask a Question page, email, a chat session, site or answer feedback, or from an external source using the API.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM Incidents WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM Incidents WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM Incidents WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM Incidents WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)

Insert can be executed by specifying the primaryContact columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO Incidents (primaryContactId) VALUES ('12')

Update can be executed by specifying the ID in WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE Incidents SET languageId = '1' WHERE ID = 1

Delete can be executed by specifying ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM Incidents WHERE ID = '4'
Name Type ReadOnly Description
AssetId Long False Id of asset. The ID of the associated asset.
AssetlookUpName String False LookUpName of asset. The ID of the associated asset.
CategoryId Long False Id of category. The service category.
CategorylookUpName String False LookUpName of category. The service category.
ChannelId Long False Id of channel. The channel used in the creation of the most recent thread.
ChannellookUpName String False LookUpName of channel. The channel used in the creation of the most recent thread.
ChatQueueId Long False Id of chatQueue. The chat queue to which the incident is assigned. This attribute is read-only.
ChatQueuelookUpName String False LookUpName of chatQueue. The chat queue to which the incident is assigned. This attribute is read-only.
ClosedTime Datetime True The date and time when the incident was closed. This attribute is read-only.
CreatedByAccountId Long True Id of createdByAccount. The staff member who created the incident.
CreatedByAccountlookUpName String True LookUpName of createdByAccount. The staff member who created the incident.
CreatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the incident was created. This attribute is read-only.
DispositionId Long False Id of disposition. The service disposition.
DispositionlookUpName String False LookUpName of disposition. The service disposition.
Id [KEY] Long True The unique identifier of the incident.
InitialResponseDueTime Datetime True The due date that is required to conform to the SLA. If SLAs have not been implemented, this would apply to the default response requirements. This attribute is read-only.
InitialSolutionTime Datetime True The date and time when a response was sent to the customer for a status change other than 'unresolved'. This attribute is read-only.
InterfaceId Long False Id of interface. The ID of the associated interface.
InterfacelookUpName String False LookUpName of interface. The ID of the associated interface.
LanguageId Long False Id of language. The ID of the associated language.
LanguagelookUpName String False LookUpName of language. The ID of the associated language.
LastResponseTime Datetime True The date and time when the last response was sent to the contact. This attribute is read-only.
LastSurveyScore Int True The score of the last survey of the incident. This attribute is read-only.
LookupName String True The name used to look up the incident.
MailboxId Long False Id of mailbox. The ID of the mailbox from which incident was created.
MailboxlookUpName String False LookUpName of mailbox. The ID of the mailbox from which incident was created.
MailingId Long True Id of mailing. The ID of the associated marketing outbound email. This attribute is read-only.
MailinglookUpName String True LookUpName of mailing. The ID of the associated marketing outbound email. This attribute is read-only.
OrganizationId Long False Id of organization. The ID of the associated organization.
OrganizationlookUpName String False LookUpName of organization. The ID of the associated organization.
PrimaryContactId Long False Id of primaryContact. The primary contact.
PrimaryContactlookUpName String False LookUpName of primaryContact. The primary contact.
ProductId Long False Id of product. The service product.
ProductlookUpName String False LookUpName of product. The service product.
QueueId Long False Id of queue. The queue to which the incident is assigned.
QueuelookUpName String False LookUpName of queue. The queue to which the incident is assigned.
ReferenceNumber String True The reference number generated when the incident was created. It is also referred as the incident name.
ResolutionInterval Int True The number of minutes taken to resolve the incident past the SLA's resolution requirement. This attribute is read-only.
ResponseEmailAddressTypeId Long False Id of responseEmailAddressType. The type of address that is used for incident responses, such as Primary or Alt1 .
ResponseEmailAddressTypelookUpName String False LookUpName of responseEmailAddressType. The type of address that is used for incident responses, such as Primary or Alt1 .
ResponseInterval Int True The number of minutes taken to respond to the incident past the SLA's response requirement. This attribute is read-only.
SeverityId Long False Id of severity. The assigned severity level.
SeveritylookUpName String False LookUpName of severity. The assigned severity level.
SmartSenseCustomer Int True The emotive index calculated from the contact-generated threads. This attribute is read-only.
SmartSenseStaff Int True The emotive index calculated from the staff-generated threads. This attribute is read-only.
SourceId Long True Id of source. The creation source IDs. This attribute is read-only.
SourcelookUpName String True LookUpName of source. The creation source IDs. This attribute is read-only.
Subject String False The short description of the incident.
UpdatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the incident was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
AssignedToaccountId Long False Id of account. The staff account.
AssignedToaccountlookUpName String False LookUpName of account. The staff account.
AssignedTostaffGroupId Long False Id of staffGroup. The staff group. The caller should assign the staff group when assigning to an account.
AssignedTostaffGrouplookUpName String False LookUpName of staffGroup. The staff group. The caller should assign the staff group when assigning to an account.
BannerimportanceFlagId Long False Id of importanceFlag. The importance of the banner.
BannerimportanceFlaglookUpName String False LookUpName of importanceFlag. The importance of the banner.
Bannertext String False The description of a flag.
BannerupdatedByAccountId Long True Id of updatedByAccount. The staff account that most recently updated the banner flag and/or text. This attribute is read-only.
BannerupdatedByAccountlookUpName String True LookUpName of updatedByAccount. The staff account that most recently updated the banner flag and/or text. This attribute is read-only.
BannerupdatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the banner was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
SLAInstanceactiveDate Date True The date when the instance became active.
SLAInstanceexpireDate Date True The date when the instance is scheduled to expire. This attribute is read-only.
SLAInstanceid Long True The unique identifier of the SLAInstance.
SLAInstancenameOfSLAId Long False Id of nameOfSLA. The SLA from which the instance was created.
SLAInstancenameOfSLAlookUpName String False LookUpName of nameOfSLA. The SLA from which the instance was created.
SLAInstanceremainingFromCSR Int True The remaining number of CSR incidents. This attribute is read-only.
SLAInstanceremainingFromChat Int True The remaining number of chat incidents. This attribute is read-only.
SLAInstanceremainingFromEmail Int True The remaining number of email incidents. This attribute is read-only.
SLAInstanceremainingFromWeb Int True The remaining number of web self-service incidents. This attribute is read-only.
SLAInstanceremainingTotal Int True The total number of remaining incidents. This attribute is read-only.
SLAInstancesLASet Int True The SLA set from which the instance was created. This attribute is read-only.
SLAInstancestateOfSLAId Long True Id of stateOfSLA. The current state of the SLA. The supported values are Inactive, Active, Expired, or Disabled.
SLAInstancestateOfSLAlookUpName String True LookUpName of stateOfSLA. The current state of the SLA. The supported values are Inactive, Active, Expired, or Disabled.
StatusWithTypestatusId Long False Id of status. The current status.
StatusWithTypestatuslookUpName String False LookUpName of status. The current status.
StatusWithTypestatusTypeId Long True Id of statusType. The associated status type. This attribute is read-only.
StatusWithTypestatusTypelookUpName String True LookUpName of statusType. The associated status type. This attribute is read-only.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
billedMinutes String The list of time-billed entries that are used for tracking work on the incident.
fileAttachments String The list of file attachments.
milestoneInstances String The list of milestone instances associated with the incident. This attribute is read-only.
otherContacts String The list of secondary contacts.
threads String The list of customer and staff discussion threads or notes. New entries can be added to the list and existing threads updated. It is not possible to remove discussion threads retroactively.


The information about a specific sale or a pending deal with a contact or an organization that is tracked and maintained in the Oracle B2C Service knowledge base.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE lookUpName IS NOT NULL

Insert can be executed. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO Opportunities (recalltime) VALUES ('2012-01-17')

Update can be executed. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE Opportunities SET summary = 'Test Replacement' WHERE lookupName = 'Battery Replacement'

Following is an example of how to Delete a record in this table.

DELETE FROM Opportunities WHERE summary IS NULL
Name Type ReadOnly Description
AssignedToAccountId Long False Id of assignedToAccount. The sales representative assigned to the account.
AssignedToAccountlookUpName String False LookUpName of assignedToAccount. The sales representative assigned to the account.
CampaignId Long True Id of campaign. The campaign that created the opportunity, where applicable. This value and the survey are mutually exclusive; one or both must be null. This attribute is read-only.
CampaignlookUpName String True LookUpName of campaign. The campaign that created the opportunity, where applicable. This value and the survey are mutually exclusive; one or both must be null. This attribute is read-only.
ClosedTime Datetime False The date and time when the opportunity was closed.
CreatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the opportunity was created. This attribute is read-only.
ForecastCloseDate Date False The date when the opportunity is estimated to close.
Id [KEY] Long True The unique identifier of the opportunity.
InitialContactDate Date False The date when the sales representative made the initial contact with the organization.
InterfaceId Long False Id of interface. The interface with which the opportunity is associated.
InterfacelookUpName String False LookUpName of interface. The interface with which the opportunity is associated.
LeadRejectDateTime Datetime False The date and time when the lead was rejected.
LeadRejectDescription String False The summary or description provided when the lead was rejected.
LeadRejectReasonId Long False Id of leadRejectReason. The reason the lead was rejected.
LeadRejectReasonlookUpName String False LookUpName of leadRejectReason. The reason the lead was rejected.
LookupName String True The name used to look up the opportunity.
LostTime Datetime False The date and time when the opportunity was lost.
ManagerCommit Bool False The committed status of the manager-forecasted value. The default value is false.
Name String False The name of the opportunity.
OrganizationId Long False Id of organization. The associated organization.
OrganizationlookUpName String False LookUpName of organization. The associated organization.
RecallTime Datetime False The date and time when the opportunity was recalled.
SalesRepresentativeCommit Bool False Indicates whether the sales representative-forecasted value is committed. The default value is false.
SourceId Long True Id of source. The creation source IDs. This attribute is read-only.
SourcelookUpName String True LookUpName of source. The creation source IDs. This attribute is read-only.
Summary String False The brief summary of the opportunity.
SurveyId Long True Id of survey. The survey that created the opportunity, where applicable. This value and the campaign are mutually exclusive; one or both must be null. This attribute is read-only.
SurveylookUpName String True LookUpName of survey. The survey that created the opportunity, where applicable. This value and the campaign are mutually exclusive; one or both must be null. This attribute is read-only.
TerritoryId Long False Id of territory. The associated sales territory.
TerritorylookUpName String False LookUpName of territory. The associated sales territory.
UpdatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the opportunity was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
WinLossDescription String False The description of how the opportunity was won or lost.
WinLossReasonId Long False Id of winLossReason. The reason for winning or losing.
WinLossReasonlookUpName String False LookUpName of winLossReason. The reason for winning or losing.
BannerimportanceFlagId Long False Id of importanceFlag. The importance of the banner.
BannerimportanceFlaglookUpName String False LookUpName of importanceFlag. The importance of the banner.
Bannertext String False The description of a flag.
BannerupdatedByAccountId Long True Id of updatedByAccount. The staff account that most recently updated the banner flag and/or text. This attribute is read-only.
BannerupdatedByAccountlookUpName String True LookUpName of updatedByAccount. The staff account that most recently updated the banner flag and/or text. This attribute is read-only.
BannerupdatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the banner was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
ClosedValuecurrencyId Long False Id of currency. The ID of the currency.
ClosedValuecurrencylookUpName String False LookUpName of currency. The ID of the currency.
ClosedValueexchangeRateId Long False Id of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
ClosedValueexchangeRatelookUpName String False LookUpName of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
ClosedValuevalue String False The value of the currency.
CostOfSalecurrencyId Long False Id of currency. The ID of the currency.
CostOfSalecurrencylookUpName String False LookUpName of currency. The ID of the currency.
CostOfSaleexchangeRateId Long False Id of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
CostOfSaleexchangeRatelookUpName String False LookUpName of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
CostOfSalevalue String False The value of the currency.
ManagerValuecurrencyId Long False Id of currency. The ID of the currency.
ManagerValuecurrencylookUpName String False LookUpName of currency. The ID of the currency.
ManagerValueexchangeRateId Long False Id of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
ManagerValueexchangeRatelookUpName String False LookUpName of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
ManagerValuevalue String False The value of the currency.
PrimaryContactcontactId Long False Id of contact. The ID of the contact.
PrimaryContactcontactlookUpName String False LookUpName of contact. The ID of the contact.
PrimaryContactcontactRoleId Long False Id of contactRole. The role of the contact in the opportunity process.
PrimaryContactcontactRolelookUpName String False LookUpName of contactRole. The role of the contact in the opportunity process.
ReturnValuecurrencyId Long False Id of currency. The ID of the currency.
ReturnValuecurrencylookUpName String False LookUpName of currency. The ID of the currency.
ReturnValueexchangeRateId Long False Id of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
ReturnValueexchangeRatelookUpName String False LookUpName of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
ReturnValuevalue String False The value of the currency.
SalesRepresentativeValuecurrencyId Long False Id of currency. The ID of the currency.
SalesRepresentativeValuecurrencylookUpName String False LookUpName of currency. The ID of the currency.
SalesRepresentativeValueexchangeRateId Long False Id of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
SalesRepresentativeValueexchangeRatelookUpName String False LookUpName of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
SalesRepresentativeValuevalue String False The value of the currency.
StageWithStrategystageId Long False Id of stage. The current stage.
StageWithStrategystagelookUpName String False LookUpName of stage. The current stage.
StageWithStrategystrategyId Long True Id of strategy. The associated strategy. This attribute is read-only.
StageWithStrategystrategylookUpName String True LookUpName of strategy. The associated strategy. This attribute is read-only.
StatusWithTypestatusId Long False Id of status. The current status.
StatusWithTypestatuslookUpName String False LookUpName of status. The current status.
StatusWithTypestatusTypeId Long True Id of statusType. The associated status type. This attribute is read-only.
StatusWithTypestatusTypelookUpName String True LookUpName of statusType. The associated status type. This attribute is read-only.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
fileAttachments String The list of file attachments.
notes String The list of associated notes.
otherContacts String The other non-primary associated contacts.
quotes String The list of sales quotes.


The company, business unit of a large company, or government agency that has an organization record in the Oracle B2C Service knowledge base.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM Organizations WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM Organizations WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM Organizations WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM Organizations WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM Organizations WHERE lookUpName IS NOT NULL

Insert can be executed by specifying the name column. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO Organizations (name) VALUES ('Incident records')

Update can be executed. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE Organizations SET  login = '001o0000005xSbZAAU' WHERE parentlookUpName IS NULL

Delete can be executed by specifying ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM Organizations WHERE ID = '9'
Name Type ReadOnly Description
CreatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the organization was created. This attribute is read-only.
ExternalReference String True The external reference key of the organization.
Id [KEY] Long True The unique identifier of the organization.
IndustryId Long False Id of industry. The industry with which the organization is associated.
IndustrylookUpName String False LookUpName of industry. The industry with which the organization is associated.
Login String False The user name used for authentication.
LookupName String True The name used to look up the organization.
Name String False The business name of the organization.
NameFurigana String False The Furigana reading aid for the Name field. This field is used in the workspaces of the Agent Console and is only available if the site has at least one Japanese interface.
NewPassword String False The write-only field used to set the authentication password. It is stored in a non-plaintext form in the system.
NumberOfEmployees Int False The number of employees in the organization.
ParentId Long False Id of parent. The parent organization.
ParentlookUpName String False LookUpName of parent. The parent organization.
SourceId Long True Id of source. The creation source IDs. This attribute is read-only.
SourcelookUpName String True LookUpName of source. The creation source IDs. This attribute is read-only.
SupersededById Long True Id of supersededBy. The superseding organization for the organization. This attribute is read-only.
SupersededBylookUpName String True LookUpName of supersededBy. The superseding organization for the organization. This attribute is read-only.
UpdatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the organization was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
BannerimportanceFlagId Long False Id of importanceFlag. The importance of the banner.
BannerimportanceFlaglookUpName String False LookUpName of importanceFlag. The importance of the banner.
Bannertext String False The description of a flag.
BannerupdatedByAccountId Long True Id of updatedByAccount. The staff account that most recently updated the banner flag and/or text. This attribute is read-only.
BannerupdatedByAccountlookUpName String True LookUpName of updatedByAccount. The staff account that most recently updated the banner flag and/or text. This attribute is read-only.
BannerupdatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the banner was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
CRMModulesmarketing Bool False Indicates whether the marketing module is applicable. The default value is true only if marketing module is enabled.
CRMModulessales Bool False Indicates whether the sales module is applicable. The default value is true only if sales module is enabled.
CRMModulesservice Bool False Indicates whether the service module is applicable. The default value is true only if service module is enabled.
SalesSettingsacquiredDate Date True The date when the first opportunity associated with the organization was closed. This attribute is read-only.
SalesSettingssalesAccountId Long False Id of salesAccount. The sales representative assigned to the account.
SalesSettingssalesAccountlookUpName String False LookUpName of salesAccount. The sales representative assigned to the account.
SalesSettingstotalRevenuecurrencyId Long False Id of currency. The ID of the currency.
SalesSettingstotalRevenuecurrencylookUpName String False LookUpName of currency. The ID of the currency.
SalesSettingstotalRevenueexchangeRateId Long False Id of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
SalesSettingstotalRevenueexchangeRatelookUpName String False LookUpName of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
SalesSettingstotalRevenuevalue String False The value of the currency.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
addresses String The list of associated addresses.
fileAttachments String The list of file attachments.
notes String The list of associated notes.
sLAInstances String The Service Level Agreement (SLA) instances associated with the organization. This attribute is read-only for versions 1 and 1.1.


The information about a purchased product.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM PurchasedProducts WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM PurchasedProducts WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM PurchasedProducts WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM PurchasedProducts WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM PurchasedProducts WHERE lookUpName IS NOT NULL

Insert can be executed by specifying the comment column. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO PurchasedProducts (comment) VALUES ('Incident extract limit')

Update can be executed. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE PurchasedProducts SET comment = 'Test Replacement' WHERE contactId = '2'

Following is an example of how to Delete a record in this table.

DELETE FROM PurchasedProducts WHERE summary ID = '10'
Name Type ReadOnly Description
CampaignId Long False Id of campaign. The campaign associated with the purchased product.
CampaignlookUpName String False LookUpName of campaign. The campaign associated with the purchased product.
Comment String False The comments or notes associated with the line item.
ContactId Long False Id of contact. The contact associated with the purchased product.
ContactlookUpName String False LookUpName of contact. The contact associated with the purchased product.
CreatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the purchased product was created. This attribute is read-only.
FinalizedByAccountId Long False Id of finalizedByAccount. The account associated with the purchased product.
FinalizedByAccountlookUpName String False LookUpName of finalizedByAccount. The account associated with the purchased product.
Id [KEY] Long True The unique identifier of the purchased product.
LicenseEndTime Datetime False The end date of the license.
LicenseStartTime Datetime False The start date of the license.
LookupName String True The name used to look up the purchased product.
MailingId Long False Id of mailing. The associated mailing.
MailinglookUpName String False LookUpName of mailing. The associated mailing.
OpportunityId Long False Id of opportunity. The opportunity associated with the purchased product.
OpportunitylookUpName String False LookUpName of opportunity. The opportunity associated with the purchased product.
OrganizationId Long False Id of organization. The organization associated with the purchased product.
OrganizationlookUpName String False LookUpName of organization. The organization associated with the purchased product.
PurchaseTime Datetime False The date and time of the purchase.
SalesProductId Long False Id of salesProduct. The sales product associated with the purchased product.
SalesProductlookUpName String False LookUpName of salesProduct. The sales product associated with the purchased product.
SerialNumber String False The serial number of the purchased product.
UpdatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the purchased product was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
PricecurrencyId Long False Id of currency. The ID of the currency.
PricecurrencylookUpName String False LookUpName of currency. The ID of the currency.
PriceexchangeRateId Long False Id of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
PriceexchangeRatelookUpName String False LookUpName of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
Pricevalue String False The value of the currency.


The items or services sold by an organization.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM SalesProducts WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM SalesProducts WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM SalesProducts WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM SalesProducts WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM SalesProducts WHERE lookUpName IS NOT NULL

Insert can be executed by specifying the acceptCount,respondCount and names column. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO SalesProductsNames#TEMP (languageId, labeltext) VALUES ('1', 'Smartly Maestro')
INSERT INTO SalesProducts (acceptCount, respondCount, names) VALUES ('0', '0', salesProductsNames#TEMP)

Update can be executed. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE SalesProducts SET partNumber = 'SV100D' WHERE folderlookupName = 'Smartly Maestro'

Following is an example of how to Delete a record in this table. For example:

DELETE FROM SalesProducts WHERE folderLookupName = 'Spaces B2B'
Name Type ReadOnly Description
AcceptCount Int False The number of times an offer for the sales product was accepted through offer advisor.
CreatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the sales product was created. This attribute is read-only.
DisplayOrder Int False The display position of the sales product within the folder list in the product catalog.
ExcludeFromOfferAdvisor Bool False Indicates whether the product is excluded from the offer advisor. This attribute does not have a default value.
Id [KEY] Long True The unique identifier of the sales product.
LookupName String True The name used to look up the sales product.
Name String True The name of the product in the language of the current interface. This attribute is read-only.
PartNumber String False The text string which identifies the product. For example, stock keeping unit (SKU) or model number.
RespondCount Int False The number of times the product was offered through the offer advisor.
ServiceProductId Long False Id of serviceProduct. The service product.
ServiceProductlookUpName String False LookUpName of serviceProduct. The service product.
UpdatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the sales product was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
Attributesdisabled Bool False Indicates whether the product is temporarily disabled and will not be displayed. The default value is false.
AttributeshasSerialNumber Bool False Indicates whether the product has a serial number. The default value is false.
AttributesisSalesProduct Bool False Indicates whether the product is a sales product. The default value is true.
AttributesisServiceProduct Bool False Indicates whether the product is a service product. The default value is false.
Folderid Long False ID value
FolderlookupName String False Name used to lookup this object

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
adminVisibleInterfaces String The list of interfaces on which the sales product is visible.
descriptions String The list of descriptions, one for each supported language.
names String The list of names, one for each supported language.
schedules String The list of associated price schedules.


The specific geographical sales region. Sales representatives can be assigned specific territories for opportunity assignment.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM SalesTerritories WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM SalesTerritories WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM SalesTerritories WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM SalesTerritories WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM SalesTerritories WHERE lookUpName IS NOT NULL

Insert can be executed by specifying the names column. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO SalesTerritoriesNames#TEMP (languageId, labeltext) VALUES ('1', 'Community Ideas')
INSERT INTO SalesTerritories (names) VALUES ('salesTerritoriesNames#TEMP')

Update can be executed. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE SalesTerritories SET displayorder = '2' WHERE name = 'United States'

Delete can be executed by specifying ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM SalesTerritories WHERE ID = '4'
Name Type ReadOnly Description
Comment String False The comments or notes associated with the sales territory.
CreatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the sales territory was created. This attribute is read-only.
Disabled Bool False Indicates whether a sales territory is disabled. The default value is false.
DisplayOrder Int False The display position of the sales territory relative to other members of the same group.
Id [KEY] Long True The unique identifier of the sales territory.
LookupName String True The name used to look up the sales territory.
Name String True The name of the sales territory in the language of the current interface. This attribute is read-only.
ParentId Long False Id of parent. The parent sales territory in the hierarchy.
ParentlookUpName String False LookUpName of parent. The parent sales territory in the hierarchy.
UpdatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the sales territory was last updated. This attribute is read-only.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
adminVisibleInterfaces String The list of interfaces on which the category is available for administration use.
names String The list of names, one for each supported language.


The hierarchical service category that provides an option to group answers and incidents for better organization and refined searching in the knowledge base.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ServiceCategories WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM ServiceCategories WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM ServiceCategories WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ServiceCategories WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM ServiceCategories WHERE lookUpName IS NOT NULL

Insert can be executed by specifying the names column. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO ServiceCategoriesNames#TEMP (languageId, labeltext) VALUES ('1', 'Community Ideas')
INSERT INTO serviceCategories (names) VALUES ('ServiceCategoriesNames#TEMP')

Update can be executed. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE ServiceCategories SET displayOrder = '1' WHERE ParentlookUpName = 'Ordering'

Delete can be executed by specifying ID in the WHERE Clause.

DELETE FROM ServiceCategories WHERE ID = '83'
Name Type ReadOnly Description
CreatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the service category was created. This attribute is read-only.
DisplayOrder Int False The display position of the service category relative to other categories with the same parent.
Id [KEY] Long True The unique identifier of the service category.
LookupName String True The name used to look up the service category.
Name String True The name of the service category in the language of the current interface. This attribute is read-only.
ParentId Long False Id of parent. The parent category in the hierarchy.
ParentlookUpName String False LookUpName of parent. The parent category in the hierarchy.
UpdatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the service category was last updated. This attribute is read-only.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
adminVisibleInterfaces String The list of interfaces on which the category is available for administration use.
descriptions String The list of descriptions, one for each supported language.
endUserVisibleInterfaces String The list of interfaces on which the category is available for end user use.
names String The list of names, one for each supported language.
productLinks String The category to product linking.


The hierarchical service disposition that provides an option for classifying and recording how incidents are ultimately resolved.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ServiceDispositions WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM ServiceDispositions WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM ServiceDispositions WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ServiceDispositions WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM ServiceDispositions WHERE lookUpName IS NOT NULL

Insert can be executed by specifying the names column. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO ServiceDispositionsNames#TEMP (serviceDispositionsId, labeltext) VALUES ('16', 'Agent: Knowledge')
INSERT INTO ServiceDispositions (names) VALUES ('serviceDispositionsNames#TEMP')

Update can be executed. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE ServiceDispositions SET displayOrder = '1' WHERE lookupName = 'Product: Misuse'

Following is an example of how to Delete a record in this table. For example:

DELETE FROM ServiceDispositions WHERE lookupName = 'abc'
Name Type ReadOnly Description
CreatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the service disposition was created. This attribute is read-only.
DisplayOrder Int False The display position of the service disposition relative to other dispositions with the same parent.
Id [KEY] Long True The unique identifier of the service disposition.
LookupName String True The name used to look up the service disposition.
Name String True The name of the service disposition in the language of the current interface. This attribute is read-only.
ParentId Long False Id of parent. The parent disposition in the hierarchy.
ParentlookUpName String False LookUpName of parent. The parent disposition in the hierarchy.
UpdatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the service disposition was last updated. This attribute is read-only.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
adminVisibleInterfaces String The list of interfaces on which the disposition is available for administration use.
descriptions String The list of descriptions, one for each supported language.
names String The list of names, one for each supported language.
productLinks String The disposition to product linking.


The hierarchical service product that provides an option to group answers and incidents for better organization and refined searching in the knowledge base.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ServiceProducts WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM ServiceProducts WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM ServiceProducts WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ServiceProducts WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM ServiceProducts WHERE lookUpName IS NOT NULL

Insert can be executed by specifying the names column. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO ServiceProductsNames#TEMP (languageId, labeltext) VALUES ('1', 'Community Ideas')
INSERT INTO ServiceProducts (names) VALUES ('serviceProductsNames#TEMP')

Update can be executed. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE ServiceProducts SET displayOrder = '4' WHERE parentlookUpName IS NULL

Delete can be executed by specifying ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM ServiceProducts WHERE ID = '4'
Name Type ReadOnly Description
CreatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the service product was created. This attribute is read-only.
DisplayOrder Int False The display position of the service product relative to other products with the same parent.
Id [KEY] Long True The unique identifier of the service product.
LookupName String True The name used to look up the service product.
Name String True The name of the service product in the language of the current interface.
ParentId Long False Id of parent. The parent product in the hierarchy.
ParentlookUpName String False LookUpName of parent. The parent product in the hierarchy.
UpdatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the service product was last updated. This attribute is read-only.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
adminVisibleInterfaces String The list of interfaces on which the category is available for administration use.
categoryLinks String The product to category linking.
descriptions String The list of descriptions, one for each supported language.
dispositionLinks String The product to disposition linking.
endUserVisibleInterfaces String The list of interfaces on which the category is available for end user use.
names String The list of names, one for each supported language.


The preformed text or HTML content that can be sent to customers when responding to incidents, appended to responses by a business rule, or sent by an agent during a chat session.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM StandardContents WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM StandardContents WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM StandardContents WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM StandardContents WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM StandardContents WHERE lookUpName IS NOT NULL

Insert can be executed by specifying the contentValues,name and usage in WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO standardContents (name, usagechattext) VALUES ('Battery Replacement', 'false')

Update can be executed by specifying the ID column in WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE StandardContents SET folderid = '100146' WHERE ID = '4'

Delete can be executed by specifying ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM StandardContents WHERE ID = '3'
Name Type ReadOnly Description
Comment String False The comments associated with the standard content object.
CreatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the standard content was created. This attribute is read-only.
DisplayOrder Int False The display position of the standard content relative to other standard content objects with the same parent.
HotKey String False The assigned shortcut key for inserting the standard content.
Id [KEY] Long True The unique identifier of the standard content object.
LookupName String True The name used to look up the standard content object.
Name String False The name of the standard content object.
UpdatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the standard content was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
AttributesdisplayRightToLeft Bool False Indicates whether the content presentation is from right to left. The default value is false.
Folderid Long False ID value
FolderlookupName String False Name used to lookup this object
UsagechatText Bool False Indicates whether the content is used in a chat session. The default value is false.
UsagechatURL Bool False Indicates whether the content is used in the URL of a chat session. The default value is false.
UsageincidentText Bool False Indicates whether the content is used in an incident. The default value is false.
UsageruleText Bool False Indicates whether the content is used in a rule. The default value is false.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
adminVisibleInterfaces String The list of interfaces on which the category is available for administration use.
contentValues String The list of the preformed content with entries for each content type.


The information about an action or an activity scheduled to be completed within a specified time.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)

Insert can be executed by specifying the name column. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO Tasks (name) VALUES ('Organize PO for Initech')

Update can be executed. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated.

UPDATE Tasks SET percentComplete = '60' WHERE name = 'Organize PO for Initech'

Delete can be executed by specifying ID in the WHERE Clause. For example:

Name Type ReadOnly Description
AssignedToAccountId Long False Id of assignedToAccount. The assigned staff account.
AssignedToAccountlookUpName String False LookUpName of assignedToAccount. The assigned staff account.
CompletedTime Datetime False The date and time when the task was completed.
ContactId Long False Id of contact. The associated contact.
ContactlookUpName String False LookUpName of contact. The associated contact.
CreatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the task was created. This attribute is read-only.
DueTime Datetime False The date and time when the task is due.
Id [KEY] Long True The unique identifier of the task.
LookupName String True The name used to look up the task.
Name String False The name used to describe the task.
OrganizationId Long False Id of organization. The associated organization.
OrganizationlookUpName String False LookUpName of organization. The associated organization.
PercentComplete Int False The percentage of work completed.
PlannedCompletionTime Datetime False The date and time when the task is planned for completion.
PriorityId Long False Id of priority. The relative priority.
PrioritylookUpName String False LookUpName of priority. The relative priority.
StartTime Datetime False The date and time when the task started.
TaskTemplateId Long False Id of taskTemplate. The template for the business process.
TaskTemplatelookUpName String False LookUpName of taskTemplate. The template for the business process.
TaskTypeId Long False Id of taskType. The identifier of the task type, such as incident task. This works in conjunction with the inherit options to determine which associated object to inherit the data from.
TaskTypelookUpName String False LookUpName of taskType. The identifier of the task type, such as incident task. This works in conjunction with the inherit options to determine which associated object to inherit the data from.
UpdatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the task was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
InheritinheritContact Bool False Indicates whether the task inherits contact value from the associated object. The default value is false.
InheritinheritOrganization Bool False Indicates whether the task inherits organization value from the associated object. The default value is false.
InheritinheritStaffAssignment Bool False Indicates whether the task inherits account value from the associated object. The default value is false.
MarketingSettingscampaignId Long False Id of campaign. The associated campaign.
MarketingSettingscampaignlookUpName String False LookUpName of campaign. The associated campaign.
MarketingSettingsdocumentId Long False Id of document. The associated marketing document.
MarketingSettingsdocumentlookUpName String False LookUpName of document. The associated marketing document.
MarketingSettingsmailingId Long False Id of mailing. The associated mailing.
MarketingSettingsmailinglookUpName String False LookUpName of mailing. The associated mailing.
MarketingSettingssurveyId Long False Id of survey. The associated survey.
MarketingSettingssurveylookUpName String False LookUpName of survey. The associated survey.
SalesSettingsopportunityId Long False Id of opportunity. The associated opportunity.
SalesSettingsopportunitylookUpName String False LookUpName of opportunity. The associated opportunity.
ServiceSettingsanswerId Long False Id of answer. The associated answer.
ServiceSettingsanswerlookUpName String False LookUpName of answer. The associated answer.
ServiceSettingsincidentId Long False Id of incident. The associated incident.
ServiceSettingsincidentlookUpName String False LookUpName of incident. The associated incident.
StatusWithTypestatusId Long False Id of status. The current status.
StatusWithTypestatuslookUpName String False LookUpName of status. The current status.
StatusWithTypestatusTypeId Long True Id of statusType. The associated status type. This attribute is read-only.
StatusWithTypestatusTypelookUpName String True LookUpName of statusType. The associated status type. This attribute is read-only.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
fileAttachments String The list of file attachments.
notes String The list of discussion threads.


A shortcut defined for a larger string that can be inserted in the body of an answer or inserted inline during a chat session.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM Variables WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM Variables WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM Variables WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM Variables WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)

INSERT can be executed by specifying the name column. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO Variables (name) VALUES ('Exampleinsertname')

Update can be executed. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

UPDATE Variables SET folderlookupName = 'variables' WHERE name = 'Exampleinsertname'

Following is an example of how to Delete a record in this table. For example:

DELETE FROM variables WHERE ID = '3'
Name Type ReadOnly Description
CreatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the variable was created. This attribute is read-only.
DisplayOrder Int False The position of the variable in the variable list.
Id [KEY] Long True The unique identifier of the variable.
LookupName String True The name used to look up the variable.
Name String False The name of the variable.
SearchIndexable Bool False Indicates whether the text is indexed for searching the customer portal. The default value is false.
UpdatedTime Datetime True The date and time when the variable was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
Folderid Long False ID value
FolderlookupName String False Name used to lookup this object

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
interfaceValues String The list of values, one for each supported interface.


Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.

Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.

Oracle Service Cloud Connector Views

Name Description
AccountGroupsDescriptions The language-specific string used for localization.
AccountGroupsNames The language-specific strings used for localization of fields.
AccountsEmails The email address and its associated information.
AccountsPhones The details related to the phone number.
AnalyticsReports The analytics report definition that provides descriptions of a report's output columns, search criteria, and other components.
AnalyticsReportsFilters The filters used for running an analytics report.
AnalyticsReportsNames The language-specific strings used for localization of fields.
AnswersCategories The hierarchical service category that provides an option to group answers and incidents for better organization and refined searching in the knowledge base.
AnswersCommonAttachments The file attachment shared by sibling answers.
AnswersCommonAttachmentsNames The language-specific strings used for localization of fields. The label text cannot be empty or null. The labels are assembled in a list associated with a particular text field.
AnswersFileAttachments The file attachment shared by answers.
AnswersNotes The note text associated with the objects such as contacts and organizations.
AnswersProducts The hierarchical service product that provides an option to group answers and incidents for better organization and refined searching in the knowledge base.
AnswersRelatedAnswers The knowledge base information that provides solutions to the common customer support questions.
AnswersSiblingAnswers The knowledge base information that provides solutions to the common customer support questions.
AnswerVersionsCategories The hierarchical service category that provides an option to group answers and incidents for better organization and refined searching in the knowledge base.
AnswerVersionsCommonAttachments The file attachment shared by sibling answers.
AnswerVersionsCommonAttachmentsNames The language-specific strings used for localization of fields. The label text cannot be empty or null. The labels are assembled in a list associated with a particular text field.
AnswerVersionsFileAttachments The file attachment shared by answers.
AnswerVersionsNotes The note text associated with the objects such as contacts and organizations.
AnswerVersionsProducts The hierarchical service product that provides an option to group answers and incidents for better organization and refined searching in the knowledge base.
AnswerVersionsRelatedAnswers The link to related answers.
AssetsSLAInstances The instance of a Service Level Agreement (SLA).
AssetStatuses The status of the assets, namely product and services that are registered and tracked in Oracle B2C Service.
AssetStatusesNames The language-specific strings used for localization of fields.
Campaigns The information on email marketing campaigns created in Oracle B2C Service Outreach Cloud Service.
ChannelTypes The social channels tracked in contact records when storing social account user names and associating social monitor incidents to contacts.
ChannelTypesNames The language-specific strings used for localization of fields.
Chats The real-time, two-way dialog between a customer and one or more chat agents.
Configurations The information about the configuration settings within Oracle B2C Service.
ContactsChannelUsernames The user name of the channel.
ContactsEmails The email address and its associated information.
ContactsFileAttachments The file attachment that includes additional fields used for attachments to various classes.
ContactsNotes The note text associated with the objects such as contacts and organizations.
ContactsOpenIDAccounts The OpenID related information for the contact.
ContactsPhones The details related to the phone number.
CountriesNames The language-specific strings used for localization of fields.
CountriesProvinces The information about the provinces in the Countries/Provinces customizable menu.
CountriesProvincesNames The language-specific strings used for localization of fields. The label text cannot be empty or null. The labels are assembled in a list associated with a particular text field.
HolidaysAdminVisibleInterfaces The named ID that can be included in a list.
IncidentsBilledMinutes The work time applied to incidents through the Time Billed feature.
IncidentsFileAttachments The file attachment that includes fields specific to incidents.
IncidentsMilestoneInstances The milestone instances associated with incidents.
IncidentsThreads The incident discussion thread entry.
Mailboxes The mailbox used for collecting email inquiries sent by customers, responses to mailings, and bounced messages.
MarketingMailboxes The mailbox used to send and receive emails and process bounced messages.
MessageBases The editable text string that allows international language support and customization of headings, labels, buttons, and other text in the administration interface and customer portal. It also applies to email messages and notifications.
NamedIDs An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name.
OpportunitiesFileAttachments The file attachment that includes additional fields used for attachments to various classes.
OpportunitiesNotes The note text associated with the objects such as contacts and organizations.
OpportunitiesOtherContacts The secondary contact associated with the opportunity.
OpportunitiesQuotes The sales quote associated with an opportunity.
OpportunitiesQuotesFileAttachments The file that is attached or associated with another object.
OpportunitiesQuotesLineItems The product line item in a quote.
OpportunityStatuses The information about the default and custom opportunity statuses and their corresponding types.
OpportunityStatusesNames The language-specific strings used for localization of fields.
OrganizationsAddresses The physical address of the organization.
OrganizationsFileAttachments The file attachment that includes additional fields used for attachments to various classes.
OrganizationsNotes The note text associated with the objects such as contacts and organizations.
SalesProductsAdminVisibleInterfaces The named ID that can be included in a list.
SalesProductsDescriptions The language-specific string used for localization.
SalesProductsNames The language-specific strings used for localization of fields.
SalesProductsSchedules The price schedule for a sales product.
SalesTerritoriesAdminVisibleInterfaces The named ID that can be included in a list.
SalesTerritoriesNames The language-specific strings used for localization of fields.
ServiceCategoriesAdminVisibleInterfaces The named ID that can be included in a list.
ServiceCategoriesDescriptions The language-specific string used for localization. Labels are assembled in a list that is associated with a particular text field.
ServiceCategoriesEndUserVisibleInterfaces The named ID that can be included in a list.
ServiceCategoriesNames The language-specific strings used for localization of fields.
ServiceCategoriesProductLinks The product linking for a category or a disposition.
ServiceDispositionsAdminVisibleInterfaces The named ID that can be included in a list.
serviceDispositionsDescriptions The language-specific string used for localization. Labels are assembled in a list that is associated with a particular text field.
ServiceDispositionsNames The language-specific strings used for localization of fields.
ServiceDispositionsProductLinks The product linking for a category or a disposition.
ServiceMailboxes The email box dedicated to collect email inquiries sent by customers.
ServiceProductsAdminVisibleInterfaces The named ID that can be included in a list.
ServiceProductsCategoryLinks The category linking for a product.
ServiceProductsDescriptions The language-specific string used for localization. Labels are assembled in a list that is associated with a particular text field.
ServiceProductsDispositionLinks The disposition linking for a product.
ServiceProductsEndUserVisibleInterfaces The named ID that can be included in a list.
ServiceProductsNames The language-specific strings used for localization of fields.
SiteInterfaces The console, windows, and pages used by staff members and customers to access the application and interact with a single knowledge base.
StandardContentsAdminVisibleInterfaces The named ID that can be included in a list.
StandardContentsContentValues The standard content value with a data type and a formatted data value.
TasksFileAttachments The file attachment that includes additional fields used for attachments to various classes.
TasksNotes The note text associated with the objects such as contacts and organizations.
VariablesInterfaceValues The interface-specific value of a variable.


The language-specific string used for localization.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM AccountGroupsDescriptions WHERE AccountGroupId = 12
SELECT * FROM AccountGroupsDescriptions WHERE AccountGroupId > 15
SELECT * FROM AccountGroupsDescriptions WHERE labeltext LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM AccountGroupsDescriptions WHERE languageId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM AccountGroupsDescriptions WHERE labeltext IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
AccountGroupId Long The unique identifier of the Account Groups.
LabelText String The label text.
LanguageId Long Id of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.
LanguagelookUpName String LookUpName of language.


The language-specific strings used for localization of fields.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM AccountGroupsNames WHERE AccountGroupId = 12
SELECT * FROM AccountGroupsNames WHERE AccountGroupId > 15
SELECT * FROM AccountGroupsNames WHERE labeltext LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM AccountGroupsNames WHERE AccountGroupId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM AccountGroupsNames WHERE labeltext IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
AccountGroupId Long The unique identifier of the Account Groups.
LabelText String The language-specific label text. The value cannot be null or empty.
LanguageId Long Id of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.
LanguagelookUpName String LookUpName of language.


The email address and its associated information.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM AccountsEmails WHERE accountsId = 12
SELECT * FROM AccountsEmails WHERE accountsId > 15
SELECT * FROM AccountsEmails WHERE address LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM AccountsEmails WHERE accountsId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM AccountsEmails WHERE certificate IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
AccountsId Long Id of Accounts.
Address String The string value of the email address.
AddressTypeId Long Id of addressType. The type of address, such as Primary or Alt1. This is the key for the list entry.
AddressTypelookUpName String LookUpName of addressType. The type of address, such as Primary or Alt1. This is the key for the list entry.
Certificate String The associated public email certificate used to encrypt outgoing emails.
Invalid Bool Indicates whether the email address is disabled.


The details related to the phone number.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM AccountsPhones WHERE accountsId = 12
SELECT * FROM AccountsPhones WHERE accountsId > 15
SELECT * FROM AccountsPhones WHERE number LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM AccountsPhones WHERE accountsId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM AccountsPhones WHERE number IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
AccountsId Long Id of Accounts.
Number String The free-form phone number including non-numeric characters. For example, 1 (406) 522-4200.
PhoneTypeId Long Id of phoneType. The type of phone number such as Home, Mobile, Office, and so on. This is the key for the list entry.
PhoneTypelookUpName String LookUpName of phoneType. The type of phone number such as Home, Mobile, Office, and so on. This is the key for the list entry.
RawNumber String The automatically populated numeric string derived by excluding the non-numeric characters from the value of the Number attribute. For example, if the Number attribute has a value of 1 (406) 522-4200, this field is populated as 14065224200. This attribute is read-only.


The analytics report definition that provides descriptions of a report's output columns, search criteria, and other components.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
Name Type Description
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the analytics report was created. This attribute is read-only.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the analytics report definition.
LookupName String The name used to look up the analytics report definition.
Name String The name of the report in the language of the current interface. This attribute is read-only.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the analytics report was last updated. This attribute is read-only.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
columns String The columns defined in the report.
filters String The filters defined on the report.
names String The list of language-specific display names.


The filters used for running an analytics report.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following operators. AnalyticsReportsid is a required column.

analyticsReportsid supports "="

SELECT * FROM AnalyticsReportsFilters WHERE analyticsReportsid = 12
Name Type Description
AnalyticsReportsId Long Id of analytics report
Name String Name of filter
Values String Values of filter


The language-specific strings used for localization of fields.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM AnalyticsReportsNames WHERE languageId = 12
SELECT * FROM AnalyticsReportsNames WHERE languageId > 15
SELECT * FROM AnalyticsReportsNames WHERE labeltext LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM AnalyticsReportsNames WHERE languageId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM AnalyticsReportsNames WHERE labeltext IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
AnalyticsReportsId Long Id of AnalyticsReports.
LabelText String The language-specific label text. The value cannot be null or empty.
LanguageId Long Id of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.
LanguagelookUpName String LookUpName of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.


The hierarchical service category that provides an option to group answers and incidents for better organization and refined searching in the knowledge base.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM AnswersCategories WHERE CategoriesId = 12
SELECT * FROM AnswersCategories WHERE CategoriesId > 15
SELECT * FROM AnswersCategories WHERE CategoriesLookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM AnswersCategories WHERE CategoriesId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM AnswersCategories WHERE CategoriesLookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
CategoriesId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
CategoriesLookUpName String The name used to look up the object.
AnswersId Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
AnswersLookUpName String The name used to look up the object.


The file attachment shared by sibling answers.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM AnswersCommonAttachments WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM AnswersCommonAttachments WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM AnswersCommonAttachments WHERE filename LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM AnswersCommonAttachments WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM AnswersCommonAttachments WHERE filename IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
AnswersId Long Id of Answers.
ContentType String The MIME content type of the file. For example, text/plain, audio/mp3, image/jpg, and so on.
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the file was associated with the answer. This attribute is read-only.
Data String The Base64 encoded data contained in the file. The maximum supported length is defined by the maximum number of bytes allowed by this field.
Disabled Bool Indicates whether the file attachment is hidden when the associated answer is viewed. If the Private flag is not set, this flag hides the file attachment. This attribute does not have a default value.
FileName String The name of the file when saving it to the disk.
FormData String
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the file attachment.
Private Bool Indicates whether the file attachment is hidden from the end users. This attribute does not have a default value.
Size Int The size of the file in bytes. This attribute is read-only.
URL String The URL to access this file.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the file was last updated. This attribute is read-only.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
names String The list of language specific display names.


The language-specific strings used for localization of fields. The label text cannot be empty or null. The labels are assembled in a list associated with a particular text field.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM AnswersCommonAttachmentsNames WHERE answersId = 12
SELECT * FROM AnswersCommonAttachmentsNames WHERE answersId > 15
SELECT * FROM AnswersCommonAttachmentsNames WHERE labelText LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM AnswersCommonAttachmentsNames WHERE answersId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM AnswersCommonAttachmentsNames WHERE labelText IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
AnswersId Long Id of Answers.
CommonAttachmentsId Long Id of CommonAttachments.
LabelText String The language-specific label text. The value cannot be null or empty.
LanguageId Long Id of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.
LanguagelookUpName String LookUpName of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.


The file attachment shared by answers.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM AnswersFileAttachments WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM AnswersFileAttachments WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM AnswersFileAttachments WHERE filename LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM AnswersFileAttachments WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM AnswersFileAttachments WHERE filename IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
AnswersId Long Id of Answers.
ContentType String The MIME content type of the file. For example, text/plain, audio/mp3, image/jpg, and so on.
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the file was associated with the answer. This attribute is read-only.
Data String The Base64 encoded data contained in the file. The maximum supported length is defined by the maximum number of bytes allowed by this field.
Description String The description for the contents of the file attachment.
Disabled Bool Indicates whether the file attachment should be hidden when the associated answer is viewed. If the Private flag is not set, this flag hides the file attachment. This attribute does not have a default value.
FileName String The name of the file when saving it to the disk.
FormData String The HTML form which is used to upload file attachments.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the file attachment.
Indexed Bool Indicates whether the file attachment's contents are included in the keyword indexing of the answer. This attribute does not have a default value.
Name String The short display name of the file attachment.
Private Bool Indicates whether the file attachment is hidden from the end users. The default value is false.
Size Int The size of the file in bytes. This attribute is read-only.
URL String The URL to access the file.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the file was last updated. This attribute is read-only.


The note text associated with the objects such as contacts and organizations.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM AnswersNotes WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM AnswersNotes WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM AnswersNotes WHERE text LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM AnswersNotes WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
Name Type Description
AnswersId Long Id of Answers.
ChannelId Long Id of channel. The channel through which the note was created.
ChannellookUpName String LookUpName of channel. The channel through which the note was created.
CreatedByAccountId Long Id of createdByAccount. The staff member account that created the note.
CreatedByAccountlookUpName String LookUpName of createdByAccount. The staff member account that created the note.
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the note was created. This attribute is read-only.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the note.
Text String The text content in the note.
UpdatedByAccountId Long Id of updatedByAccount. The staff member account that updated the note.
UpdatedByAccountlookUpName String LookUpName of updatedByAccount. The staff member account that updated the note.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the note was last updated. This attribute is read-only.


The hierarchical service product that provides an option to group answers and incidents for better organization and refined searching in the knowledge base.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM AnswersProducts WHERE answersId = 12
SELECT * FROM AnswersProducts WHERE answersId > 15
SELECT * FROM AnswersProducts WHERE answerslookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM AnswersProducts WHERE answersId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM AnswersProducts WHERE answerslookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
ProductsId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
ProductsLookUpName String The name used to look up the object.
AnswersId Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
AnswersLookUpName String The name used to look up the object.


The knowledge base information that provides solutions to the common customer support questions.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM AnswersRelatedAnswers WHERE manualstrength = 12
SELECT * FROM AnswersRelatedAnswers WHERE manualstrength > 15
SELECT * FROM AnswersRelatedAnswers WHERE toanswerlookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM AnswersRelatedAnswers WHERE manualstrength IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM AnswersRelatedAnswers WHERE toanswerlookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
AnswersId Long Id of Answers.
LearnedStrength Int The relative relatedness of the linked answers.
ManualStrength Int The static strength of the link.
SimilarityStrength Int The strength of the link calculated by the link-clustering algorithms based on the content similarity of the answers.
ToAnswerId Long Id of toAnswer. The answer to which this answer is linked. It is usually an answer that was viewed after this answer. This is the key for the list entry.
ToAnswerlookUpName String LookUpName of toAnswer. The answer to which this answer is linked. It is usually an answer that was viewed after this answer. This is the key for the list entry.


The knowledge base information that provides solutions to the common customer support questions.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM AnswersSiblingAnswers WHERE SiblingAnswersId = 12
SELECT * FROM AnswersSiblingAnswers WHERE SiblingAnswersId > 15
SELECT * FROM AnswersSiblingAnswers WHERE SiblingAnswersLookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM AnswersSiblingAnswers WHERE SiblingAnswersId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM AnswersSiblingAnswers WHERE SiblingAnswersLookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
SiblingAnswersId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
SiblingAnswersLookUpName String The name used to look up the object.
AnswersId Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
AnswersLookUpName String The name used to look up the object.


The hierarchical service category that provides an option to group answers and incidents for better organization and refined searching in the knowledge base.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsCategories WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsCategories WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsCategories WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsCategories WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsCategories WHERE lookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
CategoriesId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
CategoriesLookUpName String The name used to look up the object.
AnswerVersionsId Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
AnswerVersionsLookUpName String The name used to look up the object.


The file attachment shared by sibling answers.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsCommonAttachments WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsCommonAttachments WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsCommonAttachments WHERE filename LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsCommonAttachments WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsCommonAttachments WHERE filename IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
AnswerVersionsId Long Id of AnswerVersions.
ContentType String The MIME content type of the file. For example, text/plain, audio/mp3, image/jpg, and so on.
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the file was associated with the answer. This attribute is read-only.
Data String The Base64 encoded data contained in the file. The maximum supported length is defined by the maximum number of bytes allowed by this field.
Disabled Bool Indicates whether the file attachment is hidden when the associated answer is viewed. If the Private flag is not set, this flag hides the file attachment. This attribute does not have a default value.
FileName String The name of the file when saving it to the disk.
FormData String The form data.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the file attachment.
Private Bool Indicates whether the file attachment is hidden from the end users. This attribute does not have a default value.
Size Int The size of the file in bytes. This attribute is read-only.
URL String The URL to access this file.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the file was last updated. This attribute is read-only.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
names String The list of language specific display names.


The language-specific strings used for localization of fields. The label text cannot be empty or null. The labels are assembled in a list associated with a particular text field.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsCommonAttachmentsNames WHERE answerVersionsId = 12
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsCommonAttachmentsNames WHERE answerVersionsId > 15
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsCommonAttachmentsNames WHERE labelText LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsCommonAttachmentsNames WHERE answerVersionsId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsCommonAttachmentsNames WHERE labelText IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
AnswerVersionsId Long The ID of AnswerVersions.
CommonAttachmentsId Long The ID of CommonAttachments.
LabelText String The language-specific label text. The value cannot be null or empty.
LanguageId Long Id of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.
LanguagelookUpName String LookUpName of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.


The file attachment shared by answers.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsFileAttachments WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsFileAttachments WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsFileAttachments WHERE filename LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsFileAttachments WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsFileAttachments WHERE filename IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
AnswerVersionsId Long The ID of Answer Version.
ContentType String The MIME content type of the file. For example, text/plain, audio/mp3, image/jpg, and so on.
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the file was associated with the answer. This attribute is read-only.
Data String The Base64 encoded data contained in the file. The maximum supported length is defined by the maximum number of bytes allowed by this field.
Description String The description for the contents of the file attachment.
Disabled Bool Indicates whether the file attachment should be hidden when the associated answer is viewed. If the Private flag is not set, this flag hides the file attachment. This attribute does not have a default value.
FileName String The name of the file when saving it to the disk.
FormData String The HTML form which is used to upload file attachments.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the file attachment.
Indexed Bool Indicates whether the file attachment's contents are included in the keyword indexing of the answer. This attribute does not have a default value.
Name String The short display name of the file attachment.
Private Bool Indicates whether the file attachment is hidden from the end users. The default value is false.
Size Int The size of the file in bytes. This attribute is read-only.
URL String The URL to access the file.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the file was last updated. This attribute is read-only.


The note text associated with the objects such as contacts and organizations.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsNotes WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsNotes WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsNotes WHERE text LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsNotes WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsNotes WHERE text IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
AnswerVersionsId Long Id of the answer version.
ChannelId Long Id of channel. The channel through which the note was created.
ChannellookUpName String LookUpName of channel. The channel through which the note was created.
CreatedByAccountId Long Id of createdByAccount. The staff member account that created the note.
CreatedByAccountlookUpName String LookUpName of createdByAccount. The staff member account that created the note.
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the note was created. This attribute is read-only.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the note.
Text String The text content in the note.
UpdatedByAccountId Long Id of updatedByAccount. The staff member account that updated the note.
UpdatedByAccountlookUpName String LookUpName of updatedByAccount. The staff member account that updated the note.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the note was last updated. This attribute is read-only.


The hierarchical service product that provides an option to group answers and incidents for better organization and refined searching in the knowledge base.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsProducts WHERE productsid = 12
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsProducts WHERE productsid > 15
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsProducts WHERE productslookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsProducts WHERE productsid IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsProducts WHERE productslookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
ProductsId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
ProductsLookUpName String The name used to look up the object.
AnswerVersionsId Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
AnswerVersionsLookUpName String The name used to look up the object.


The link to related answers.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsRelatedAnswers WHERE manualstrength = 12
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsRelatedAnswers WHERE manualstrength > 15
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsRelatedAnswers WHERE toanswerlookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsRelatedAnswers WHERE manualstrength IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM AnswerVersionsRelatedAnswers WHERE toanswerlookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
AnswerVersionsId Long The unique identifier of the answer version.
LearnedStrength Int The relative relatedness of the linked answers.
ManualStrength Int The static strength of the link.
SimilarityStrength Int The strength of the link calculated by the link-clustering algorithms based on the content similarity of the answers.
ToAnswerId Long Id of toAnswer. The answer to which this answer is linked. It is usually an answer that was viewed after this answer. This is the key for the list entry.
ToAnswerlookUpName String LookUpName of toAnswer. The answer to which this answer is linked. It is usually an answer that was viewed after this answer. This is the key for the list entry.


The instance of a Service Level Agreement (SLA).

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM assetsSLAInstances WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM assetsSLAInstances WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM assetsSLAInstances WHERE stateofslalookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM assetsSLAInstances WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM assetsSLAInstances WHERE stateofslalookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
AssetsId Long The unique identifier of the asset.
ActiveDate Date The date when the instance became active.
ExpireDate Date The date when the instance is scheduled to expire.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the SLAInstance.
NameOfSLAId Long Id of nameOfSLA. The SLA from which the instance was created.
NameOfSLAlookUpName String LookUpName of nameOfSLA. The SLA from which the instance was created.
RemainingFromCSR Int The number of remaining CSR incidents.
RemainingFromChat Int The number of remaining chat incidents.
RemainingFromEmail Int The number of remaining email incidents.
RemainingFromWeb Int The number of remaining web self-service incidents.
RemainingTotal Int The total number of remaining incidents.
SLASet Int The SLA set from which the instance was created.
StateOfSLAId Long Id of stateOfSLA. The current state of the SLA. The supported values are Inactive, Active, Expired, or Disabled.
StateOfSLAlookUpName String LookUpName of stateOfSLA. The current state of the SLA. The supported values are Inactive, Active, Expired, or Disabled.


The status of the assets, namely product and services that are registered and tracked in Oracle B2C Service.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM AssetStatuses WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM AssetStatuses WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM AssetStatuses WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM AssetStatuses WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM AssetStatuses WHERE lookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the asset status was created. This attribute is read-only.
DisplayOrder Int The display position relative to other asset statuses.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the asset status.
LookupName String The name used to look up the asset status.
Name String The name of the asset status in the language of the current interface.
StatusTypeId Long Id of statusType. The type associated with the status.
StatusTypelookUpName String LookUpName of statusType. The type associated with the status.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the asset status was last updated. This attribute is read-only.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
names String The list of names, one for each supported language.


The language-specific strings used for localization of fields.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM AssetStatusesNames WHERE assetStatusesId = 12
SELECT * FROM AssetStatusesNames WHERE assetStatusesId > 15
SELECT * FROM AssetStatusesNames WHERE labeltext LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM AssetStatusesNames WHERE assetStatusesId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM AssetStatusesNames WHERE labeltext IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
AssetStatusesId Long The unique identifier of the asset statuses version.
LabelText String The language-specific label text. The value cannot be null or empty.
LanguageId Long Id of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.
LanguagelookUpName String LookUpName of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.


The information on email marketing campaigns created in Oracle B2C Service Outreach Cloud Service.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM Campaigns WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM Campaigns WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM Campaigns WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM Campaigns WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
Name Type Description
ActualLeads Int The number of actual leads generated from the campaign.
ActualOpportunities Int The number of actual opportunities generated from the campaign.
AssignedToAccountId Long Id of assignedToAccount. The staff member assigned to the campaign.
AssignedToAccountlookUpName String LookUpName of assignedToAccount. The staff member assigned to the campaign.
CampaignEndTime Datetime The date and time when the campaign ends.
CampaignStartTime Datetime The date and time when the campaign begins.
CreatedByAccountId Long Id of createdByAccount. The ID number of the staff member who created the campaign.
CreatedByAccountlookUpName String LookUpName of createdByAccount. The ID number of the staff member who created the campaign.
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the campaign was created. This attribute is read-only.
ExpectedLeads Int The number of expected leads generated from the campaign.
ExpectedOpportunities Int The number of expected opportunities generated from the campaign.
FlowId Long Id of flow. The ID of the flow that the campaign is associated with.
FlowlookUpName String LookUpName of flow. The ID of the flow that the campaign is associated with.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the campaign.
InterfaceId Long Id of interface. The ID of the interface that the campaign is associated with.
InterfacelookUpName String LookUpName of interface. The ID of the interface that the campaign is associated with.
IsSingleExecute Bool Indicates whether the contacts are allowed to flow through the recurring campaign only one time. This attribute does not have a default value.
LookupName String The name used to look up the campaign.
Name String The name of the campaign.
ObjectivesSummary String The summary of the objectives specified for the campaign.
UpdatedByAccountId Long Id of updatedByAccount. The ID of the staff member who last updated the campaign.
UpdatedByAccountlookUpName String LookUpName of updatedByAccount. The ID of the staff member who last updated the campaign.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the campaign was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
ActualCostcurrencyId Long Id of currency. The ID of the currency.
ActualCostcurrencylookUpName String LookUpName of currency. The ID of the currency.
ActualCostexchangeRateId Long Id of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
ActualCostexchangeRatelookUpName String LookUpName of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
ActualCostvalue String The value of the currency.
ActualSalescurrencyId Long Id of currency. The ID of the currency.
ActualSalescurrencylookUpName String LookUpName of currency. The ID of the currency.
ActualSalesexchangeRateId Long Id of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
ActualSalesexchangeRatelookUpName String LookUpName of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
ActualSalesvalue String The value of the currency.
BudgetcurrencyId Long Id of currency. The ID of the currency.
BudgetcurrencylookUpName String LookUpName of currency. The ID of the currency.
BudgetexchangeRateId Long Id of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
BudgetexchangeRatelookUpName String LookUpName of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
Budgetvalue String The value of the currency.
ExpectedCostcurrencyId Long Id of currency. The ID of the currency.
ExpectedCostcurrencylookUpName String LookUpName of currency. The ID of the currency.
ExpectedCostexchangeRateId Long Id of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
ExpectedCostexchangeRatelookUpName String LookUpName of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
ExpectedCostvalue String The value of the currency.
ExpectedSalescurrencyId Long Id of currency. The ID of the currency.
ExpectedSalescurrencylookUpName String LookUpName of currency. The ID of the currency.
ExpectedSalesexchangeRateId Long Id of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
ExpectedSalesexchangeRatelookUpName String LookUpName of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
ExpectedSalesvalue String The value of the currency.
Folderid Long ID value
FolderlookupName String Name used to lookup this object


The social channels tracked in contact records when storing social account user names and associating social monitor incidents to contacts.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ChannelTypes WHERE Id = 12
SELECT * FROM ChannelTypes WHERE Id > 15
SELECT * FROM ChannelTypes WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ChannelTypes WHERE Id IN (12, 23, 123)
Name Type Description
ContactVisibility Bool Indicates whether the channel is available in the ChannelUsername collection. This attribute does not have a default value and is read-only.
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the channel type was created. This attribute is read-only.
DisplayOrder Int The position of the channel type in the list of channels.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the channel type.
LookupName String The name used to look up the channel type.
Name String The name of the channel type in the language of the current interface. This attribute is read-only.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the channel type was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
AttributescontactVisibility Bool Indicates whether the channel is visible to contacts. This attribute does not have a default value.
Attributesincoming Bool Indicates whether it is an incoming channel. This attribute does not have a default value.
Attributesmonitoring Bool Indicates whether it is a monitoring channel. This attribute does not have a default value.
Attributesoutgoing Bool Indicates whether it is an outgoing channel. This attribute does not have a default value.
Attributessubscription Bool Indicates whether it is a subscription channel. This attribute does not have a default value.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
names String The list of names, one for each supported language.


The language-specific strings used for localization of fields.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ChannelTypesNames WHERE channelTypesId = 12
SELECT * FROM ChannelTypesNames WHERE channelTypesId > 15
SELECT * FROM ChannelTypesNames WHERE labeltext LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ChannelTypesNames WHERE channelTypesId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM ChannelTypesNames WHERE labeltext IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
ChannelTypesId Long The unique identifier of the channel type.
LabelText String The language-specific label text. The value cannot be null or empty.
LanguageId Long Id of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.
LanguagelookUpName String LookUpName of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.


The real-time, two-way dialog between a customer and one or more chat agents.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM Chats WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM Chats WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM Chats WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM Chats WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
Name Type Description
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the chat was created. This attribute is read-only.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the chat.
LookupName String The name used to look up the chat.
Question String The question that is used as the lookupName for the chat object.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the chat was last updated. This attribute is read-only.


The information about the configuration settings within Oracle B2C Service.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM Configurations WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM Configurations WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM Configurations WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM Configurations WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM Configurations WHERE lookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the configuration was created. This attribute is read-only.
DataTypeId Long Id of dataType. The type of data that the configuration represents.
DataTypelookUpName String LookUpName of dataType. The type of data that the configuration represents.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the configuration.
LookupName String The name used to look up the configuration.
Name String The name of the configuration.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the configuration was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
Value String The string value of the configuration. The value is either a site value or the value associated with the interface. The configuration values are stored and fetched from a file cache.


The user name of the channel.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ContactsChannelUsernames WHERE contactsId = 12
SELECT * FROM ContactsChannelUsernames WHERE contactsId > 15
SELECT * FROM ContactsChannelUsernames WHERE usernumber LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ContactsChannelUsernames WHERE contactsId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM ContactsChannelUsernames WHERE usernumber IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
ContactsId Long The unique identifier of the contact.
ChannelTypeId Long Id of channelType. The associated communication channel. This is the key for the list entry.
ChannelTypelookUpName String LookUpName of channelType. The associated communication channel. This is the key for the list entry.
UserNumber String The user number ID for this communication channel. It is a string with a value between 0 and 9.
Username String The user name for this communication channel.


The email address and its associated information.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ContactsEmails WHERE contactsId = 12
SELECT * FROM ContactsEmails WHERE contactsId > 15
SELECT * FROM ContactsEmails WHERE certificate LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ContactsEmails WHERE contactsId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM ContactsEmails WHERE certificate IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
ContactsId Long The unique identifier of the contact.
Address String The string value of the email address.
AddressTypeId Long Id of addressType. The type of address, such as Primary or Alt1. This is the key for the list entry.
AddressTypelookUpName String LookUpName of addressType. The type of address, such as Primary or Alt1. This is the key for the list entry.
Certificate String The associated public email certificate used to encrypt outgoing emails.
Invalid Bool Indicates whether the email address is disabled.


The file attachment that includes additional fields used for attachments to various classes.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ContactsFileAttachments WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM ContactsFileAttachments WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM ContactsFileAttachments WHERE filename LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ContactsFileAttachments WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM ContactsFileAttachments WHERE filename IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
ContactsId Long The unique identifier of the contact.
ContentType String The MIME content type of the file. For example, text/plain, audio/mp3, image/jpg, and so on.
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the file was associated with the object. This attribute is read-only.
Data String The Base64 encoded data contained in the file. The maximum supported length is defined by the maximum number of bytes allowed by this field.
Description String The description for the contents of the file attachment.
FileName String The name of the file when saving it to the disk.
FormData String The HTML form which is used to upload file attachments.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the file attachment.
Name String The short display name of the file attachment.
Size Int The size of the file in bytes. This attribute is read-only.
URL String The URL to access this file.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the file attachment was last updated. This attribute is read-only.


The note text associated with the objects such as contacts and organizations.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ContactsNotes WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM ContactsNotes WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM ContactsNotes WHERE text LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ContactsNotes WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
Name Type Description
ContactsId Long The unique identifier of the contact.
ChannelId Long Id of channel. The channel through which the note was created.
ChannellookUpName String LookUpName of channel. The channel through which the note was created.
CreatedByAccountId Long Id of createdByAccount. The staff member account that created the note.
CreatedByAccountlookUpName String LookUpName of createdByAccount. The staff member account that created the note.
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the note was created. This attribute is read-only.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the note.
Text String The text content in the note.
UpdatedByAccountId Long Id of updatedByAccount. The staff member account that updated the note.
UpdatedByAccountlookUpName String LookUpName of updatedByAccount. The staff member account that updated the note.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the note was last updated. This attribute is read-only.


The OpenID related information for the contact.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ContactsOpenIDAccounts WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM ContactsOpenIDAccounts WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM ContactsOpenIDAccounts WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ContactsOpenIDAccounts WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM ContactsOpenIDAccounts WHERE lookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
ContactsId Long The unique identifier of the contact.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the list entry.
URL String The unique authentication URL for the OpenIDAccount item.


The details related to the phone number.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ContactsPhones WHERE phonetypeId = 12
SELECT * FROM ContactsPhones WHERE phonetypeId > 15
SELECT * FROM ContactsPhones WHERE rawnumber LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ContactsPhones WHERE phonetypeId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM ContactsPhones WHERE rawnumber IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
ContactsId Long The unique identifier of the contact.
Number String The free-form phone number including non-numeric characters. For example, 1 (406) 522-4200.
PhoneTypeId Long Id of phoneType. The type of phone number such as Home, Mobile, Office, and so on. This is the key for the list entry.
PhoneTypelookUpName String LookUpName of phoneType. The type of phone number such as Home, Mobile, Office, and so on. This is the key for the list entry.
RawNumber String The automatically populated numeric string derived by excluding the non-numeric characters from the value of the Number attribute. For example, if the Number attribute has a value of 1 (406) 522-4200, this field is populated as 14065224200. This attribute is read-only.


The language-specific strings used for localization of fields.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM CountriesNames WHERE languageId = 12
SELECT * FROM CountriesNames WHERE languageId > 15
SELECT * FROM CountriesNames WHERE labeltext LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM CountriesNames WHERE languageId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM CountriesNames WHERE labeltext IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
CountriesId Long The unique identifier of the country.
LabelText String The language-specific label text. The value cannot be null or empty.
LanguageId Long Id of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.
LanguagelookUpName String LookUpName of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.


The information about the provinces in the Countries/Provinces customizable menu.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM CountriesProvinces WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM CountriesProvinces WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM CountriesProvinces WHERE name LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM CountriesProvinces WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM CountriesProvinces WHERE name IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
CountriesId Long The unique identifier of the country.
DisplayOrder Int The display position relative to other provinces associated with the same country.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the province.
Name String The name of the province in the language of the current interface. This attribute is read-only.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
names String The list of names or labels for the province for each available language.


The language-specific strings used for localization of fields. The label text cannot be empty or null. The labels are assembled in a list associated with a particular text field.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM CountriesProvinces WHERE languageId = 12
SELECT * FROM CountriesProvinces WHERE languageId > 15
SELECT * FROM CountriesProvinces WHERE labelText LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM CountriesProvinces WHERE languageId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM CountriesProvinces WHERE labelText IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
CountriesId Long The unique identifier of the country.
ProvincesId Long The unique identifier of the province.
LabelText String The language-specific label text. The value cannot be null or empty.
LanguageId Long Id of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.
LanguagelookUpName String LookUpName of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.


The named ID that can be included in a list.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM HolidaysAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfacesId = 12;
SELECT * FROM HolidaysAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfacesId > 15;
SELECT * FROM HolidaysAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfacesLookUpName LIKE '%test';
SELECT * FROM HolidaysAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfacesId IN (12, 23, 123);
SELECT * FROM HolidaysAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfacesLookUpName IS NOT NULL;
Name Type Description
AdminVisibleInterfacesId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
AdminVisibleInterfacesLookUpName String The name used to look up the object.
HolidaysId Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
HolidaysLookUpName String The name used to look up the object.


The work time applied to incidents through the Time Billed feature.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM IncidentsBilledMinutes WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM IncidentsBilledMinutes WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM IncidentsBilledMinutes WHERE comment LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM IncidentsBilledMinutes WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM IncidentsBilledMinutes WHERE comment IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
IncidentsId Long The unique identifier of the incident.
AccountId Long Id of account. The staff member who billed the time. This is part of the key for the list entry.
AccountlookUpName String LookUpName of account. The staff member who billed the time. This is part of the key for the list entry.
BillTime Datetime The date and time when the work was performed. This is part of the key for the list entry.
BillableTaskId Long Id of billableTask. The associated billable task.
BillableTasklookUpName String LookUpName of billableTask. The associated billable task.
Comment String The comments associated with the timeBilled record.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the timeBilled record.
Minutes Int The number of minutes billed.


The file attachment that includes fields specific to incidents.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM IncidentsFileAttachments WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM IncidentsFileAttachments WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM IncidentsFileAttachments WHERE filename LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM IncidentsFileAttachments WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM IncidentsFileAttachments WHERE filename IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
IncidentsId Long The unique identifier of the incident.
ContentType String The MIME content type of the file. For example, text/plain, audio/mp3, image/jpg, and so on.
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the file was associated with the incident. This attribute is read-only.
Data String The Base64 encoded data contained in the file. The maximum supported length is defined by the maximum number of bytes allowed by this field.
Description String The description for the contents of the file attachment.
FileName String The name of the file when saving it to the disk.
FormData String The HTML form which is used to upload file attachments.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the file attachment.
Name String The short display name of the file attachment.
Private Bool Indicates whether the file attachment is hidden from the end users. This attribute does not have a default value.
Size Int The size of the file in bytes. This attribute is read-only.
URL String The URL to access this file.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the file was last updated. This attribute is read-only.


The milestone instances associated with incidents.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM IncidentsMilestoneInstances WHERE milestoneId = 12
SELECT * FROM IncidentsMilestoneInstances WHERE milestoneId > 15
SELECT * FROM IncidentsMilestoneInstances WHERE milestonelookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM IncidentsMilestoneInstances WHERE milestoneId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM IncidentsMilestoneInstances WHERE milestonelookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
IncidentsId Long The unique identifier of the incident.
MilestoneId Long Id of milestone. The ID of the associated milestone.
MilestonelookUpName String LookUpName of milestone. The ID of the associated milestone.
ResolutionDueTime Datetime The date and time when the associated resolution milestone is due.


The incident discussion thread entry.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM IncidentsThreads WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM IncidentsThreads WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM IncidentsThreads WHERE text LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM IncidentsThreads WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM IncidentsThreads WHERE text IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
IncidentsId Long The unique identifier of the incident.
AccountId Long Id of account. The associated staff account. This attribute is read-only.
AccountlookUpName String LookUpName of account. The associated staff account. This attribute is read-only.
ChannelId Long Id of channel. The associated communication channel.
ChannellookUpName String LookUpName of channel. The associated communication channel.
ContactId Long Id of contact. The associated contact.
ContactlookUpName String LookUpName of contact. The associated contact.
ContentTypeId Long Id of contentType. The MIME content type of the file. For example, text/plain, audio/mp3, image/jpg, and so on.
ContentTypelookUpName String LookUpName of contentType. The MIME content type of the file. For example, text/plain, audio/mp3, image/jpg, and so on.
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the thread was created. This attribute is read-only.
DisplayOrder Int The relative display order for the threads with the same created time. This attribute is read-only.
EntryTypeId Long Id of entryType. The entry type.
EntryTypelookUpName String LookUpName of entryType. The entry type.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the thread. It cannot be used for delete operations.
MailHeader String The mail header information for a contact submitting the thread by email.
Text String The entry text in the thread.


The mailbox used for collecting email inquiries sent by customers, responses to mailings, and bounced messages.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM Mailboxes WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM Mailboxes WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM Mailboxes WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM Mailboxes WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
Name Type Description
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the mailbox was created. This attribute is read-only.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the mailbox.
InterfaceId Long Id of interface. The interface that the mailbox is associated with.
InterfacelookUpName String LookUpName of interface. The interface that the mailbox is associated with.
IsDefault Bool Indicates whether the mailbox is the default mailbox for the interface. This attribute does not have a default value.
LookupName String The name used to look up the mailbox.
Name String The name of the mailbox.
TypeId Long Id of type. The module the mailbox is associated with.
TypelookUpName String LookUpName of type. The module the mailbox is associated with.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the mailbox was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
IncomingEmailSettingsforceReplyBetweenLines Bool Indicates whether the Force Reply Between the Lines feature is enabled for outgoing emails from the mailbox. This attribute does not have a default value.
IncomingEmailSettingsforwardRejectMessageAddress String The address to which rejected messages are sent.
IncomingEmailSettingsisEnabled Bool Indicates whether incoming email option is enabled. This attribute does not have a default value.
OutgoingEmailSettingsdisplayName String The display name used in the outgoing emails from the mailbox.
OutgoingEmailSettingsfriendlyFromAddress String The from address used to brand outgoing emails as friendly.
OutgoingEmailSettingsfromAddress String The from address on the outgoing email.
OutgoingEmailSettingsisEnabled Bool Indicates whether outgoing email is enabled. This attribute does not have a default value.
OutgoingEmailSettingsreplyToAddress String The reply-to-address on the outgoing email.


The mailbox used to send and receive emails and process bounced messages.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM MarketingMailboxes WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM MarketingMailboxes WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM MarketingMailboxes WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM MarketingMailboxes WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM MarketingMailboxes WHERE lookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the marketing mailbox was created. This attribute is read-only.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the marketing mailbox.
InterfaceId Long Id of interface. The interface that the mailbox is associated with.
InterfacelookUpName String LookUpName of interface. The interface that the mailbox is associated with.
IsDefault Bool Indicates whether the mailbox is the default mailbox for the interface. This attribute does not have a default value.
LookupName String The name used to look up the marketing mailbox.
Name String The name of the marketing mailbox.
TypeId Long Id of type. The module the mailbox is associated with.
TypelookUpName String LookUpName of type. The module the mailbox is associated with.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the marketing mailbox was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
IncomingEmailSettingsforceReplyBetweenLines Bool Indicates whether the Force Reply Between the Lines feature is enabled for outgoing emails from the mailbox. This attribute does not have a default value.
IncomingEmailSettingsforwardRejectMessageAddress String The address to which rejected messages are sent.
IncomingEmailSettingsisEnabled Bool Indicates whether incoming email option is enabled. This attribute does not have a default value.
OutgoingEmailSettingsdisplayName String The display name used in the outgoing emails from the mailbox.
OutgoingEmailSettingsfriendlyFromAddress String The from address used to brand outgoing emails as friendly.
OutgoingEmailSettingsfromAddress String The from address on the outgoing email.
OutgoingEmailSettingsisEnabled Bool Indicates whether outgoing email is enabled. This attribute does not have a default value.
OutgoingEmailSettingsreplyToAddress String The reply-to-address on the outgoing email.


The editable text string that allows international language support and customization of headings, labels, buttons, and other text in the administration interface and customer portal. It also applies to email messages and notifications.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM MessageBases WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM MessageBases WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM MessageBases WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM MessageBases WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
Name Type Description
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the message base was created. This attribute is read-only.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the message base.
LookupName String The name used to look up the message base.
Name String The name of the message base.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the message base was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
UsageId Long Id of usage. The type of data the message base represents.
UsagelookUpName String LookUpName of usage. The type of data the message base represents.
Value String The string value of the message base.


An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with = operator. Tablename and Columnname are required columns.

If you want to access the namedIds of columns inside a child table, then give the column value in the form of the tree substructure, after the parent table name, separated by "/". Use the same case for the columnname as mentioned in the Tables or Views.

For example: If you want to retrieve the addressType namedId for accountsEmails table. The tablename will be 'accounts' and the columnname will be 'emails/addressType'.

SELECT * FROM NamedIDs tablename = 'accounts' AND columnname = 'profiles'
SELECT * FROM NamedIDs tablename = 'accounts' AND columnname = 'emails/addressType'
Name Type Description
TableName String Table Name
ColumnName String Column Name
Id Long Id of namedId
LookUpName String LookUpName of NamedId


The file attachment that includes additional fields used for attachments to various classes.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesFileAttachments WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesFileAttachments WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesFileAttachments WHERE filename LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesFileAttachments WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesFileAttachments WHERE filename IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
OpportunitiesId Long The unique identifier of the opportunity.
ContentType String The MIME content type of the file. For example, text/plain, audio/mp3, image/jpg, and so on.
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the file was associated with the object. This attribute is read-only.
Data String The Base64 encoded data contained in the file. The maximum supported length is defined by the maximum number of bytes allowed by this field.
Description String The description for the contents of the file attachment.
FileName String The name of the file when saving it to the disk.
FormData String The HTML form which is used to upload file attachments.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the file attachment.
Name String The short display name of the file attachment.
Size Int The size of the file in bytes. This attribute is read-only.
URL String The URL to access this file.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the file attachment was last updated. This attribute is read-only.


The note text associated with the objects such as contacts and organizations.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesNotes WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesNotes WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesNotes WHERE text LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesNotes WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesNotes WHERE text IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
OpportunitiesId Long The unique identifier of the opportunity.
ChannelId Long Id of channel. The channel through which the note was created.
ChannellookUpName String LookUpName of channel. The channel through which the note was created.
CreatedByAccountId Long Id of createdByAccount. The staff member account that created the note.
CreatedByAccountlookUpName String LookUpName of createdByAccount. The staff member account that created the note.
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the note was created. This attribute is read-only.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the note.
Text String The text content in the note.
UpdatedByAccountId Long Id of updatedByAccount. The staff member account that updated the note.
UpdatedByAccountlookUpName String LookUpName of updatedByAccount. The staff member account that updated the note.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the note was last updated. This attribute is read-only.


The secondary contact associated with the opportunity.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesOtherContacts WHERE contactId = 12
SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesOtherContacts WHERE contactId > 15
SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesOtherContacts WHERE contactlookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesOtherContacts WHERE contactId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesOtherContacts WHERE contactlookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
OpportunitiesId Long The unique identifier of the opportunity.
ContactId Long Id of contact. The ID of the contact. This is the key for the list entry.
ContactlookUpName String LookUpName of contact. The ID of the contact. This is the key for the list entry.
ContactRoleId Long Id of contactRole. The role of the contact in the opportunity process.
ContactRolelookUpName String LookUpName of contactRole. The role of the contact in the opportunity process.


The sales quote associated with an opportunity.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesQuotes WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesQuotes WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesQuotes WHERE comment LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesQuotes WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesQuotes WHERE comment IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
OpportunitiesId Long The unique identifier of the opportunity.
Comment String The comment text for the quote.
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the quote was created.
DiscountPercent Int The discount percentage for the quote.
Forecasted Bool Indicates whether the quote has been forecasted. The default value is false.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the quote. This is the key for the list entry.
Name String The descriptive name of the quote.
OfferEndTime Datetime The date and time when the quoted offer ends.
OfferStartTime Datetime The date and time when the quoted offer starts.
PriceScheduleId Long Id of priceSchedule. The effective price schedule.
PriceSchedulelookUpName String LookUpName of priceSchedule. The effective price schedule.
SentTime Datetime The date and time when the quote was sent.
SentTo String The email addresses of the contact to whom the quote was sent. This attribute is read-only.
StatusId Long Id of status. The current status.
StatuslookUpName String LookUpName of status. The current status.
TemplateId Long Id of template. The template used to generate the quote.
TemplatelookUpName String LookUpName of template. The template used to generate the quote.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the quote was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
AdjustedTotalcurrencyId Long Id of currency. The ID of the currency.
AdjustedTotalcurrencylookUpName String LookUpName of currency. The ID of the currency.
AdjustedTotalexchangeRateId Long Id of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
AdjustedTotalexchangeRatelookUpName String LookUpName of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
AdjustedTotalvalue String The value of the currency.
TotalcurrencyId Long Id of currency. The ID of the currency.
TotalcurrencylookUpName String LookUpName of currency. The ID of the currency.
TotalexchangeRateId Long Id of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
TotalexchangeRatelookUpName String LookUpName of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
Totalvalue String The value of the currency.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
fileAttachments String The list of file attachments for the quote.
lineItems String The list of individual product line items that make up the quote.


The file that is attached or associated with another object.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesQuotesFileAttachments WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesQuotesFileAttachments WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesQuotesFileAttachments WHERE fileName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesQuotesFileAttachments WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesQuotesFileAttachments WHERE updatedTime IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
OpportunitiesId Long The unique identifier of the opportunity.
QuotesId Long
ContentType String The MIME content type of the file. For example, text/plain, audio/mp3, image/jpg, and so on.
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the file was associated with the object. This attribute is read-only.
Data String The Base64 encoded data contained in the file. The maximum supported length is defined by the maximum number of bytes allowed by this field.
FileName String The name of the file when saving it to the disk.
FormData String The HTML form which is used to upload file attachments.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the file attachment.
Size Int The size of the file in bytes. This attribute is read-only.
URL String The URL to access the file.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the file was last updated. This attribute is read-only.


The product line item in a quote.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesQuotesLineItems WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesQuotesLineItems WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesQuotesLineItems WHERE originalDescription LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesQuotesLineItems WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM OpportunitiesQuotesLineItems WHERE originalDescription IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
OpportunitiesId Long The unique identifier of the opportunity.
QuotesId Long The unique identifier of the quote.
AdjustedDescription String The edited product description in the product line item.
AdjustedName String The edited product name in the product line item.
AdjustedPartNumber String The edited product part number in the product line item.
Comment String The comments associated with a product line item in the quote.
DiscountPercent Int The discount applied to the adjusted price of the product line item.
DisplayOrder Int The position of the line item in the quote.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the product line item in the quote. This is the key for the list entry.
OriginalDescription String The original product description. This attribute is read-only.
OriginalName String The original product name. This attribute is read-only.
OriginalPartNumber String The original product part number. This attribute is read-only.
ProductId Long Id of product. The ID of the sales product.
ProductlookUpName String LookUpName of product. The ID of the sales product.
Quantity Int The product quantity in the line item.
AdjustedPricecurrencyId Long Id of currency. The ID of the currency.
AdjustedPricecurrencylookUpName String LookUpName of currency. The ID of the currency.
AdjustedPriceexchangeRateId Long Id of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
AdjustedPriceexchangeRatelookUpName String LookUpName of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
AdjustedPricevalue String The value of the currency.
AdjustedTotalcurrencyId Long Id of currency. The ID of the currency.
AdjustedTotalcurrencylookUpName String LookUpName of currency. The ID of the currency.
AdjustedTotalexchangeRateId Long Id of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
AdjustedTotalexchangeRatelookUpName String LookUpName of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
AdjustedTotalvalue String The value of the currency.
OriginalPricecurrencyId Long Id of currency. The ID of the currency.
OriginalPricecurrencylookUpName String LookUpName of currency. The ID of the currency.
OriginalPriceexchangeRateId Long Id of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
OriginalPriceexchangeRatelookUpName String LookUpName of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
OriginalPricevalue String The value of the currency.


The information about the default and custom opportunity statuses and their corresponding types.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM OpportunityStatuses WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM OpportunityStatuses WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM OpportunityStatuses WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM OpportunityStatuses WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM OpportunityStatuses WHERE lookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the opportunity status was created. This attribute is read-only.
DisplayOrder Int The position of the opportunity status in the folder list.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the opportunity status.
LookupName String The name used to look up the opportunity status.
Name String The name of the opportunity status in the language of the current interface.
StatusTypeId Long Id of statusType. The current status and associated status type.
StatusTypelookUpName String LookUpName of statusType. The current status and associated status type.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the opportunity status was last updated. This attribute is read-only.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
names String The list of names, one for each supported language.


The language-specific strings used for localization of fields.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM OpportunityStatusesNames WHERE languageId = 12
SELECT * FROM OpportunityStatusesNames WHERE languageId > 15
SELECT * FROM OpportunityStatusesNames WHERE labeltext LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM OpportunityStatusesNames WHERE languageId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM OpportunityStatusesNames WHERE labeltext IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
OpportunityStatusesId Long The unique identifier of the opportunity.
LabelText String The language-specific label text. The value cannot be null or empty.
LanguageId Long Id of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.
LanguagelookUpName String LookUpName of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.


The physical address of the organization.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsAddresses WHERE addresstypeId = 12
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsAddresses WHERE addresstypeId > 15
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsAddresses WHERE city LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsAddresses WHERE addresstypeId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsAddresses WHERE city IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
OrganizationsId Long The unique identifier of the organization.
AddressTypeId Long Id of addressType. The type of address, such as mailing, street, and so on. This is the key for the list entry.
AddressTypelookUpName String LookUpName of addressType. The type of address, such as mailing, street, and so on. This is the key for the list entry.
City String The name of the city.
CountryId Long Id of country. The ID of the country.
CountrylookUpName String LookUpName of country. The ID of the country.
PostalCode String The postal code or ZIP code.
StateOrProvinceId Long Id of stateOrProvince. The ID of the state or province.
StateOrProvincelookUpName String LookUpName of stateOrProvince. The ID of the state or province.
Street String The street address.


The file attachment that includes additional fields used for attachments to various classes.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsFileAttachments WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsFileAttachments WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsFileAttachments WHERE filename LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsFileAttachments WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsFileAttachments WHERE filename IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
OrganizationsId Long The unique identifier of the organization.
ContentType String The MIME content type of the file. For example, text/plain, audio/mp3, image/jpg, and so on.
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the file was associated with the object. This attribute is read-only.
Data String The Base64 encoded data contained in the file. The maximum supported length is defined by the maximum number of bytes allowed by this field.
Description String The description for the contents of the file attachment.
FileName String The name of the file when saving it to the disk.
FormData String The HTML form which is used to upload file attachments.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the file attachment.
Name String The short display name of the file attachment.
Size Int The size of the file in bytes. This attribute is read-only.
URL String The URL to access this file.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the file attachment was last updated. This attribute is read-only.


The note text associated with the objects such as contacts and organizations.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM OrganizationsNotes WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsNotes WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsNotes WHERE text LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsNotes WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsNotes WHERE text IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
OrganizationsId Long The unique identifier of the organization.
ChannelId Long Id of channel. The channel through which the note was created.
ChannellookUpName String LookUpName of channel. The channel through which the note was created.
CreatedByAccountId Long Id of createdByAccount. The staff member account that created the note.
CreatedByAccountlookUpName String LookUpName of createdByAccount. The staff member account that created the note.
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the note was created. This attribute is read-only.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the note.
Text String The text content in the note.
UpdatedByAccountId Long Id of updatedByAccount. The staff member account that updated the note.
UpdatedByAccountlookUpName String LookUpName of updatedByAccount. The staff member account that updated the note.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the note was last updated. This attribute is read-only.


The named ID that can be included in a list.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM SalesProductsAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfacesId = 12
SELECT * FROM SalesProductsAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfacesId > 15
SELECT * FROM SalesProductsAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfaceslookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM SalesProductsAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfacesId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM SalesProductsAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfaceslookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
AdminVisibleInterfacesId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
AdminVisibleInterfacesLookUpName String The name used to look up the object.
SalesProductsId Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
SalesProductsLookUpName String The name used to look up the object.


The language-specific string used for localization.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM SalesProductsDescriptions WHERE languageId = 12
SELECT * FROM SalesProductsDescriptions WHERE languageId > 15
SELECT * FROM SalesProductsDescriptions WHERE labeltext LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM SalesProductsDescriptions WHERE languageId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM SalesProductsDescriptions WHERE labeltext IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
SalesProductsId Long The unique identifier of the sales product.
LabelText String The label text.
LanguageId Long Id of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.
LanguagelookUpName String LookUpName of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.


The language-specific strings used for localization of fields.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM SalesProductsNames WHERE languageId = 12
SELECT * FROM SalesProductsNames WHERE languageId > 15
SELECT * FROM SalesProductsNames WHERE labeltext LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM SalesProductsNames WHERE languageId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM SalesProductsNames WHERE labeltext IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
SalesProductsId Long The unique identifier of the sales product.
LabelText String The language-specific label text. The value cannot be null or empty.
LanguageId Long Id of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.
LanguagelookUpName String LookUpName of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.


The price schedule for a sales product.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM SalesProductsSchedules WHERE scheduleId = 12
SELECT * FROM SalesProductsSchedules WHERE scheduleId > 15
SELECT * FROM SalesProductsSchedules WHERE comment LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM SalesProductsSchedules WHERE scheduleId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM SalesProductsSchedules WHERE comment IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
SalesProductsId Long The unique identifier of the sales product.
Comment String The comments or notes associated with the sales product schedule.
ScheduleId Long Id of schedule. The ID of the schedule. This is part of the key for the list entry.
SchedulelookUpName String LookUpName of schedule. The ID of the schedule. This is part of the key for the list entry.
ScheduleEndDate Date The date when the schedule ends.
ScheduleStartDate Date The date when the schedule starts. This is part of the key for the list entry.
PricecurrencyId Long Id of currency. The ID of the currency.
PricecurrencylookUpName String LookUpName of currency. The ID of the currency.
PriceexchangeRateId Long Id of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
PriceexchangeRatelookUpName String LookUpName of exchangeRate. The exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
Pricevalue String The value of the currency.


The named ID that can be included in a list.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM SalesTerritoriesAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfacesId = 12
SELECT * FROM SalesTerritoriesAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfacesId > 15
SELECT * FROM SalesTerritoriesAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfaceslookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM SalesTerritoriesAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfacesId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM SalesTerritoriesAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfaceslookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
AdminVisibleInterfacesId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
AdminVisibleInterfacesLookUpName String The name used to look up the object.
SalesTerritoriesId Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
SalesTerritoriesLookUpName String The name used to look up the object.


The language-specific strings used for localization of fields.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM SalesTerritoriesNames WHERE languageId = 12;
SELECT * FROM SalesTerritoriesNames WHERE languageId > 15;
SELECT * FROM SalesTerritoriesNames WHERE labeltext LIKE '%test';
SELECT * FROM SalesTerritoriesNames WHERE languageId IN (12, 23, 123);
SELECT * FROM SalesTerritoriesNames WHERE labeltext IS NOT NULL;
Name Type Description
SalesTerritoriesId Long The unique identifier of the sales territory.
LabelText String The language-specific label text. The value cannot be null or empty.
LanguageId Long Id of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.
LanguagelookUpName String LookUpName of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.


The named ID that can be included in a list.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ServiceCategoriesAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfacesId = 12
SELECT * FROM ServiceCategoriesAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfacesId > 15
SELECT * FROM ServiceCategoriesAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfaceslookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ServiceCategoriesAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfacesId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM ServiceCategoriesAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfaceslookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
AdminVisibleInterfacesId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
AdminVisibleInterfacesLookUpName String The name used to look up the object.
ServiceCategoriesId Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
ServiceCategoriesLookUpName String The name used to look up the object.


The language-specific string used for localization. Labels are assembled in a list that is associated with a particular text field.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ServiceCategoriesDescriptions WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM ServiceCategoriesDescriptions WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM ServiceCategoriesDescriptions WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ServiceCategoriesDescriptions WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM ServiceCategoriesDescriptions WHERE lookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
ServiceCategoriesId Long Id of ServiceCategories.
LabelText String The label text.
LanguageId Long Id of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.
LanguagelookUpName String LookUpName of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.


The named ID that can be included in a list.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ServiceCategoriesEndUserVisibleInterfaces WHERE EndUserVisibleInterfacesId = 12
SELECT * FROM ServiceCategoriesEndUserVisibleInterfaces WHERE EndUserVisibleInterfacesId > 15
SELECT * FROM ServiceCategoriesEndUserVisibleInterfaces WHERE EndUserVisibleInterfaceslookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ServiceCategoriesEndUserVisibleInterfaces WHERE EndUserVisibleInterfacesId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM ServiceCategoriesEndUserVisibleInterfaces WHERE EndUserVisibleInterfaceslookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
EndUserVisibleInterfacesId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
EndUserVisibleInterfacesLookUpName String The name used to look up the object.
ServiceCategoriesId Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
ServiceCategoriesLookUpName String The name used to look up the object.


The language-specific strings used for localization of fields.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ServiceCategoriesNames WHERE languageId = 12
SELECT * FROM ServiceCategoriesNames WHERE languageId > 15
SELECT * FROM ServiceCategoriesNames WHERE labeltext LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ServiceCategoriesNames WHERE languageId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM ServiceCategoriesNames WHERE labeltext IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
ServiceCategoriesId Long The unique identifier of the service category.
LabelText String The language-specific label text. The value cannot be null or empty.
LanguageId Long Id of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.
LanguagelookUpName String LookUpName of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.

The product linking for a category or a disposition.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ServiceCategoriesProductLinks WHERE serviceproductId = 12
SELECT * FROM ServiceCategoriesProductLinks WHERE serviceproductId > 15
SELECT * FROM ServiceCategoriesProductLinks WHERE serviceproductlookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ServiceCategoriesProductLinks WHERE serviceproductId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM ServiceCategoriesProductLinks WHERE serviceproductlookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
ServiceCategoriesId Long Id of ServiceCategories.
ServiceProductId Long Id of serviceProduct. The ID of the service product. This is the key for the list entry.
ServiceProductlookUpName String LookUpName of serviceProduct. The ID of the service product. This is the key for the list entry.


The named ID that can be included in a list.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ServiceDispositionsAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfacesId = 12
SELECT * FROM ServiceDispositionsAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfacesId > 15
SELECT * FROM ServiceDispositionsAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfaceslookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ServiceDispositionsAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfacesId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM ServiceDispositionsAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfaceslookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
AdminVisibleInterfacesId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
AdminVisibleInterfacesLookUpName String The name used to look up the object.
ServiceDispositionsId Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
ServiceDispositionsLookUpName String The name used to look up the object.


The language-specific string used for localization. Labels are assembled in a list that is associated with a particular text field.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ServiceDispositionsDescriptions WHERE languageId = 12
SELECT * FROM ServiceDispositionsDescriptions WHERE languageId > 15
SELECT * FROM ServiceDispositionsDescriptions WHERE labeltext LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ServiceDispositionsDescriptions WHERE languageId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM ServiceDispositionsDescriptions WHERE labeltext IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
ServiceDispositionsId Long Id of ServiceDispositions.
LabelText String The label text.
LanguageId Long Id of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.
LanguagelookUpName String LookUpName of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.


The language-specific strings used for localization of fields.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ServiceDispositionsNames WHERE languageId = 12
SELECT * FROM ServiceDispositionsNames WHERE languageId > 15
SELECT * FROM ServiceDispositionsNames WHERE labeltext LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ServiceDispositionsNames WHERE languageId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM ServiceDispositionsNames WHERE labeltext IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
ServiceDispositionsId Long Id of ServiceDispositions.
LabelText String The language-specific label text. The value cannot be null or empty.
LanguageId Long Id of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.
LanguagelookUpName String LookUpName of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.

The product linking for a category or a disposition.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ServiceDispositionsProductLinks WHERE serviceproductId = 12
SELECT * FROM ServiceDispositionsProductLinks WHERE serviceproductId > 15
SELECT * FROM ServiceDispositionsProductLinks WHERE serviceproductlookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ServiceDispositionsProductLinks WHERE serviceproductId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM ServiceDispositionsProductLinks WHERE serviceproductlookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
ServiceDispositionsId Long Id of ServiceDispositions.
ServiceProductId Long Id of serviceProduct. The ID of the service product. This is the key for the list entry.
ServiceProductlookUpName String LookUpName of serviceProduct. The ID of the service product. This is the key for the list entry.


The email box dedicated to collect email inquiries sent by customers.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ServiceMailboxes WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM ServiceMailboxes WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM ServiceMailboxes WHERE lookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ServiceMailboxes WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM ServiceMailboxes WHERE lookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the service mailbox was created. This attribute is read-only.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the service mailbox.
InterfaceId Long Id of interface. The interface that the mailbox is associated with.
InterfacelookUpName String LookUpName of interface. The interface that the mailbox is associated with.
IsDefault Bool Indicates whether the mailbox is the default mailbox for the interface. This attribute does not have a default value.
LookupName String The name used to look up the service mailbox.
Name String The name of the service mailbox in the language of the current interface.
TypeId Long Id of type. The module the mailbox is associated with.
TypelookUpName String LookUpName of type. The module the mailbox is associated with.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the service mailbox was last updated. This attribute is read-only.
IncomingEmailSettingsforceReplyBetweenLines Bool Indicates whether the Force Reply Between the Lines feature is enabled for outgoing emails from the mailbox. This attribute does not have a default value.
IncomingEmailSettingsforwardRejectMessageAddress String The address to which rejected messages are sent.
IncomingEmailSettingsisEnabled Bool Indicates whether incoming email option is enabled. This attribute does not have a default value.
OutgoingEmailSettingsdisplayName String The display name used in the outgoing emails from the mailbox.
OutgoingEmailSettingsfriendlyFromAddress String The from address used to brand outgoing emails as friendly.
OutgoingEmailSettingsfromAddress String The from address on the outgoing email.
OutgoingEmailSettingsisEnabled Bool Indicates whether outgoing email is enabled. This attribute does not have a default value.
OutgoingEmailSettingsreplyToAddress String The reply-to-address on the outgoing email.


The named ID that can be included in a list.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfacesId = 12
SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfacesId > 15
SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfaceslookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfacesId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfaceslookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
AdminVisibleInterfacesId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
AdminVisibleInterfacesLookUpName Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
ServiceProductsLookUpName String The name used to look up the object.

The category linking for a product.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsCategoryLinks WHERE servicecategoryId = 12
SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsCategoryLinks WHERE servicecategoryId > 15
SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsCategoryLinks WHERE servicecategorylookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsCategoryLinks WHERE servicecategoryId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsCategoryLinks WHERE servicecategorylookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
ServiceProductsId Long Id of serviceProducts.
ServiceCategoryId Long Id of serviceCategory. The ID of the service category. This is the key for the list entry.
ServiceCategorylookUpName String LookUpName of serviceCategory. The ID of the service category. This is the key for the list entry.


The language-specific string used for localization. Labels are assembled in a list that is associated with a particular text field.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsDescriptions WHERE languageId = 12
SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsDescriptions WHERE languageId > 15
SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsDescriptions WHERE labeltext LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsDescriptions WHERE languageId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsDescriptions WHERE labeltext IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
ServiceProductsId Long Id of ServiceProducts.
LabelText String The label text.
LanguageId Long Id of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.
LanguagelookUpName String LookUpName of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.

The disposition linking for a product.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsDispositionLinks WHERE servicedispositionId = 12
SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsDispositionLinks WHERE servicedispositionId > 15
SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsDispositionLinks WHERE servicedispositionlookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsDispositionLinks WHERE servicedispositionId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsDispositionLinks WHERE servicedispositionlookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
ServiceProductsId Long Id of ServiceProducts.
ServiceDispositionId Long Id of serviceDisposition. The ID of the service disposition. This is the key for the list entry.
ServiceDispositionlookUpName String LookUpName of serviceDisposition. The ID of the service disposition. This is the key for the list entry.


The named ID that can be included in a list.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsEndUserVisibleInterfaces WHERE EndUserVisibleInterfacesId = 12
SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsEndUserVisibleInterfaces WHERE EndUserVisibleInterfacesId > 15
SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsEndUserVisibleInterfaces WHERE EndUserVisibleInterfaceslookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsEndUserVisibleInterfaces WHERE EndUserVisibleInterfacesId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsEndUserVisibleInterfaces WHERE EndUserVisibleInterfaceslookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
EndUserVisibleInterfacesId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
EndUserVisibleInterfacesLookUpName String The name used to look up the object.
ServiceProductsId Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
ServiceProductsLookUpName String The name used to look up the object.


The language-specific strings used for localization of fields.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsNames WHERE languageId = 12
SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsNames WHERE languageId > 15
SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsNames WHERE labeltext LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsNames WHERE languageId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM ServiceProductsNames WHERE labeltext IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
ServiceProductsId Long Name of ServiceProducts.
LabelText String The language-specific label text. The value cannot be null or empty.
LanguageId Long Id of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.
LanguagelookUpName String LookUpName of language. The ID of the language. This is the key for the list entry.


The console, windows, and pages used by staff members and customers to access the application and interact with a single knowledge base.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM SiteInterfaces WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM SiteInterfaces WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM SiteInterfaces WHERE name LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM SiteInterfaces WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
Name Type Description
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the site interface was created. This attribute is read-only.
DisplayName String The display name of the site interface.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the site interface.
LanguageId Long Id of language. The language associated with the interface.
LanguagelookUpName String LookUpName of language. The language associated with the interface.
LookupName String The name used to look up the site interface.
Name String The name of the site interface.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the site interface was last updated. This attribute is read-only.


The named ID that can be included in a list.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM StandardContentsAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfacesId = 12
SELECT * FROM StandardContentsAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfacesId > 15
SELECT * FROM StandardContentsAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfaceslookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM StandardContentsAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfacesId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM StandardContentsAdminVisibleInterfaces WHERE AdminVisibleInterfaceslookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
AdminVisibleInterfacesId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
AdminVisibleInterfacesLookUpName String The name used to look up the object.
StandardContentsId Long The unique identifier of the object. This is the key for the list entry.
StandardContentsLookUpName String The name used to look up the object.


The standard content value with a data type and a formatted data value.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM StandardContentsContentValues WHERE contenttypeId = 12
SELECT * FROM StandardContentsContentValues WHERE contenttypeId > 15
SELECT * FROM StandardContentsContentValues WHERE contenttypelookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM StandardContentsContentValues WHERE contenttypeId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM StandardContentsContentValues WHERE contenttypelookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
StandardContentsId Long Id of StandardContents.
ContentTypeId Long Id of contentType. The content type of the data.
ContentTypelookUpName String LookUpName of contentType. The content type of the data.
Value String The formatted data for the associated content type.


The file attachment that includes additional fields used for attachments to various classes.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM TasksFileAttachments WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM TasksFileAttachments WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM TasksFileAttachments WHERE name LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM TasksFileAttachments WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM TasksFileAttachments WHERE name IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
TasksId Long Id of Tasks.
ContentType String The MIME content type of the file. For example, text/plain, audio/mp3, image/jpg, and so on.
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the file was associated with the object. This attribute is read-only.
Data String The Base64 encoded data contained in the file. The maximum supported length is defined by the maximum number of bytes allowed by this field.
Description String The description for the contents of the file attachment.
FileName String The name of the file when saving it to the disk.
FormData String The HTML form which is used to upload file attachments.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the file attachment.
Name String The short display name of the file attachment.
Size Int The size of the file in bytes. This attribute is read-only.
URL String The URL to access this file.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the file attachment was last updated. This attribute is read-only.


The note text associated with the objects such as contacts and organizations.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM TasksNotes WHERE id = 12
SELECT * FROM TasksNotes WHERE id > 15
SELECT * FROM TasksNotes WHERE text LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM TasksNotes WHERE id IN (12, 23, 123)

Delete can be executed by specifying the tasksId in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM TasksNotes WHERE tasksId = '1'
Name Type Description
TasksId Long Id of Tasks.
ChannelId Long Id of channel. The channel through which the note was created.
ChannellookUpName String LookUpName of channel. The channel through which the note was created.
CreatedByAccountId Long Id of createdByAccount. The staff member account that created the note.
CreatedByAccountlookUpName String LookUpName of createdByAccount. The staff member account that created the note.
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when the note was created. This attribute is read-only.
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the note.
Text String The text content in the note.
UpdatedByAccountId Long Id of updatedByAccount. The staff member account that updated the note.
UpdatedByAccountlookUpName String LookUpName of updatedByAccount. The staff member account that updated the note.
UpdatedTime Datetime The date and time when the note was last updated. This attribute is read-only.


The interface-specific value of a variable.

Table-Specific Information

The connector will use the Oracle Service Cloud API to process WHERE clause conditions built with =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,NOT_IN,IS,IS_NOT,LIKE operators. The rest of the filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM VariablesInterfaceValues WHERE interfaceId = 12
SELECT * FROM VariablesInterfaceValues WHERE interfaceId > 15
SELECT * FROM VariablesInterfaceValues WHERE interfacelookUpName LIKE '%test'
SELECT * FROM VariablesInterfaceValues WHERE interfaceId IN (12, 23, 123)
SELECT * FROM VariablesInterfaceValues WHERE interfacelookUpName IS NOT NULL
Name Type Description
VariablesId Long Id of Variables.
InterfaceId Long Id of interface. The interface of the site.
InterfacelookUpName String LookUpName of interface. The interface of the site.
Value String The description of the interface.

Stored Procedures

Stored procedures are function-like interfaces that extend the functionality of the connector beyond simple SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE operations with Oracle Service Cloud.

Stored procedures accept a list of parameters, perform their intended function, and then return any relevant response data from Oracle Service Cloud, along with an indication of whether the procedure succeeded or failed.

Oracle Service Cloud Connector Stored Procedures

Name Description
CreateIncidentResponse Creates an incident along with a thread entry and sends a response.
CreateSchema Creates a schema definition of a table in Oracle Service Cloud.
DeleteFileAttachment Delete a file attachment of a specific instance of a resource.
DownloadAllFileAttachmentsOfAResource Download all file attachments of a specific instance of a resource.
DownloadBase64FileAttachment Download Base-64 encoded file attachment of a specific instance of a resource.
DownloadIndividualFileAttachment Download a file attachment of a specific instance of a resource.
ResetPasswordForContact Reset a password for contact.
RunMarketingCampaigns Start a marketing campaign or flow by providing an entry point.
SendMailingToContact Sends a transactional mailing or survey to a contact at a scheduled time.
UpdateIncidentResponse Updates an incident along with a thread entry and sends a response.
UpdateIncidentThread Updates a thread of an incident object
UploadAttachment Upload a file attachment of a specific instance of a resource.


Creates an incident along with a thread entry and sends a response.

Name Type Required Description
IncidentprimaryContactId Long True ID of primaryContact. The primary contact.
IncidentchatqueueId Long False ID of chatqueue. The chat queue to which the incident is assigned. This attribute is read-only.
IncidentassetId Long False ID of asset. The ID of the associated asset.
IncidentorganizationId Long False ID of organization. The ID of the associated organization.
IncidentproductId Long False ID of product. The service product.
IncidentmailboxId Long False ID of mailbox. The ID of the mailbox from which incident was created.
IncidentdispositionId Long False ID of disposition. The service disposition.
IncidentinterfaceId Long False ID of interface. The ID of the associated interface.
IncidentlanguageId Long False ID of language. The ID of the associated language.
Incidentsubject String False The short description of the incident.
IncidentcategoryId Long False ID of category. The service category.
IncidentqueueId Long False ID of queue. The queue to which the incident is assigned.
IncidentchannelId Long False ID of channel. The channel used in the creation of the most recent thread.
IncidentseverityId Long False ID of severity. The assigned severity level.
IncidentresponseemailaddresstypeId Long False ID of responseemailaddresstype. The type of address that is used for incident responses, such as Primary or Alt1 .
IncidentbannerimportanceflagId Long False ID of importanceflag. The importance of the banner.
Incidentbannertext String False The description of a flag.
IncidentstatuswithtypestatusId Long False ID of status. The current status.
IncidentslainstancenameofslaId Long False ID of nameofsla. The SLA from which the instance was created.
IncidentassignedtoaccountId Long False ID of account. The staff account.
IncidentassignedtostaffgroupId Long False ID of staffgroup. The staff group. The caller should assign the staff group when assigning to an account.
IncidentBilledMinutesaccountId Long False ID of account. The staff member who billed the time. This is part of the key for the list entry.
IncidentBilledMinutescomment String False The comments associated with the timeBilled record.
IncidentBilledMinutesbillableTaskId Long False ID of billableTask. The associated billable task.
IncidentBilledMinutesminutes Int False The number of minutes billed.
IncidentBilledMinutesid Long False The unique identifier of the timeBilled record.
IncidentBilledMinutesbillTime Datetime False The date and time when the work was performed. This is part of the key for the list entry.
IncidentFileAttachmentsfileName String False The name of the file when saving it to the disk.
IncidentFileAttachmentsprivate Bool False Indicates whether the file attachment is hidden from the end users. This attribute does not have a default value.
IncidentFileAttachmentsdescription String False The description for the contents of the file attachment.
IncidentFileAttachmentsname String False The short display name of the file attachment.
IncidentFileAttachmentsdata String False The Base64 encoded data contained in the file. The maximum supported length is defined by the maximum number of bytes allowed by this field.
IncidentFileAttachmentscontentType String False The MIME content type of the file. For example, text/plain, audio/mp3, image/jpg, and so on.
IncidentFileAttachmentsid Long False The unique identifier of the file attachment.
IncidentMilestoneInstancesresolutionDueTime Datetime False The date and time when the associated resolution milestone is due.
IncidentMilestoneInstancesmilestoneId Long False ID of milestone. The ID of the associated milestone.
IncidentOtherContactsId Long False The unique identifier of the contact.
IncidentThreadscontactId Long False ID of contact. The associated contact.
IncidentThreadschannelId Long False ID of channel. The associated communication channel.
IncidentThreadsentryTypeId Long False ID of entryType. The entry type.
IncidentThreadsmailHeader String False The mail header information for a contact submitting the thread by email.
IncidentThreadscontentTypeId Long False ID of contentType. The MIME content type of the file. For example, text/plain, audio/mp3, image/jpg, and so on.
IncidentThreadstext String False The entry text in the thread.
FileAttachmentsfileName String False The name of the file when saving it to the disk.
FileAttachmentsprivate Bool False Indicates whether the file attachment is hidden from the end users. This attribute does not have a default value.
FileAttachmentsdescription String False The description for the contents of the file attachment.
FileAttachmentsname String False The short display name of the file attachment.
FileAttachmentsdata String False The Base64 encoded data contained in the file. The maximum supported length is defined by the maximum number of bytes allowed by this field.
FileAttachmentscontentType String False The MIME content type of the file. For example, text/plain, audio/mp3, image/jpg, and so on.
FileAttachmentsid Long False The unique identifier of the file attachment.
Ccemailaddresses String False The email addresses of the secondary recipients for Send-On-Save.
Bccemailaddresses String False The email addresses of the tertiary recipients for Send-On-Save.
UseEmailSignature Bool False Indicates whether the email signature is included. The default value is false.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Id String ID of created incident
LookupName String LookupName of created incident


Creates a schema definition of a table in Oracle Service Cloud.


Creates a local schema file (.rsd) from an existing table or view in the data model.

The schema file is created in the directory set in the Location connection property when this procedure is executed. You can edit the file to include or exclude columns, rename columns, or adjust column datatypes.

The connector checks the Location to determine if the names of any .rsd files match a table or view in the data model. If there is a duplicate, the schema file will take precedence over the default instance of this table in the data model. If a schema file is present in Location that does not match an existing table or view, a new table or view entry is added to the data model of the connector.

Name Type Required Description
TableName String True The name of the table.
FileName String False The full file path and name of the schema to generate, required if the location connection property is not set. Ex:'C:\scripts\Accounts.rsd'
SimplifyNames String False Whether to output simple names for columns or not. Default is to simplify.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Result String Whether or not the schema was successfully downloaded.


Delete a file attachment of a specific instance of a resource.

Name Type Required Description
ObjectName String True Object name for which you have to upload the file attachment.
ObjectId Long True ID of object instance.
AttachmentId Long True ID of the attachment.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure


Download all file attachments of a specific instance of a resource.

Name Type Required Description
ObjectName String True Object name for which you have to upload the file attachment. The allowed values are incidents, answers, answerVersions, contacts, opportunities, organizations, tasks.
ObjectId Long True ID of object instance.
DownloadLocation String True Download location. For example: C:\Report.tgz
Encoding String False The FileData input encoding type. The allowed values are NONE, BASE64. The default value is BASE64.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure
FileData String The FileData output


Download Base-64 encoded file attachment of a specific instance of a resource.

Name Type Required Description
ObjectName String True Object name for which you have to upload the file attachment. The allowed values are incidents, answers, answerVersions, contacts, opportunities, organizations, tasks.
ObjectId Long True ID of object instance.
AttachmentId Long True ID of the attachment.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Data String Base64-encoded Text of the attachment.
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure


Download a file attachment of a specific instance of a resource.

Name Type Required Description
ObjectName String True Object name for which you have to upload the file attachment. The allowed values are incidents, answers, answerVersions, contacts, opportunities, organizations, tasks.
ObjectId Long True ID of object instance.
AttachmentId Long True ID of the attachment.
DownloadLocation String True Download location. For example: C:\Report.csv
Encoding String False The FileData input encoding type. The allowed values are NONE, BASE64. The default value is BASE64.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure
FileData String The FileData output


Reset a password for contact.

Name Type Required Description
Id Long True The ID of the Contact
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure


Start a marketing campaign or flow by providing an entry point.

Name Type Required Description
ContactId Long True ID of the Contact.
EntryPoint String True Entry point to the flow.
CampaignId Integer False ID of Campaign.
FlowId Integer False ID of Flow.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure


Sends a transactional mailing or survey to a contact at a scheduled time.

Name Type Required Description
ContactId Long True ID of the contact.
MailingId Long True ID of mailing.
IncidentId Long False ID of incident.
OpportunityId Long False ID of Opportunity.
ScheduledTime String False Time when the mailing will be sent, in ISO-8601 format. If scheduledTime isn't specified, the mailing will be sent immediately.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure


Updates an incident along with a thread entry and sends a response.

Name Type Required Description
IncidentId Long True ID of Incident.
IncidentprimaryContactId Long False ID of primaryContact. The primary contact.
IncidentchatqueueId Long False ID of chatqueue. The chat queue to which the incident is assigned. This attribute is read-only.
IncidentassetId Long False ID of asset. The ID of the associated asset.
IncidentorganizationId Long False ID of organization. The ID of the associated organization.
IncidentproductId Long False ID of product. The service product.
IncidentmailboxId Long False ID of mailbox. The ID of the mailbox from which incident was created.
IncidentdispositionId Long False ID of disposition. The service disposition.
IncidentinterfaceId Long False ID of interface. The ID of the associated interface.
IncidentlanguageId Long False ID of language. The ID of the associated language.
Incidentsubject String False The short description of the incident.
IncidentcategoryId Long False ID of category. The service category.
IncidentqueueId Long False ID of queue. The queue to which the incident is assigned.
IncidentchannelId Long False ID of channel. The channel used in the creation of the most recent thread.
IncidentseverityId Long False ID of severity. The assigned severity level.
IncidentresponseemailaddresstypeId Long False ID of responseemailaddresstype. The type of address that is used for incident responses, such as Primary or Alt1 .
IncidentbannerimportanceflagId Long False ID of importanceflag. The importance of the banner.
Incidentbannertext String False The description of a flag.
IncidentstatuswithtypestatusId Long False ID of status. The current status.
IncidentslainstancenameofslaId Long False ID of nameofsla. The SLA from which the instance was created.
IncidentassignedtoaccountId Long False ID of account. The staff account.
IncidentassignedtostaffgroupId Long False ID of staffgroup. The staff group. The caller should assign the staff group when assigning to an account.
IncidentBilledMinutesaccountId Long False ID of account. The staff member who billed the time. This is part of the key for the list entry.
IncidentBilledMinutescomment String False The comments associated with the timeBilled record.
IncidentBilledMinutesbillableTaskId Long False ID of billableTask. The associated billable task.
IncidentBilledMinutesminutes Int False The number of minutes billed.
IncidentBilledMinutesid Long False The unique identifier of the timeBilled record.
IncidentBilledMinutesbillTime Datetime False The date and time when the work was performed. This is part of the key for the list entry.
IncidentFileAttachmentsfileName String False The name of the file when saving it to the disk.
IncidentFileAttachmentsprivate Bool False Indicates whether the file attachment is hidden from the end users. This attribute does not have a default value.
IncidentFileAttachmentsdescription String False The description for the contents of the file attachment.
IncidentFileAttachmentsname String False The short display name of the file attachment.
IncidentFileAttachmentsdata String False The Base64 encoded data contained in the file. The maximum supported length is defined by the maximum number of bytes allowed by this field.
IncidentFileAttachmentscontentType String False The MIME content type of the file. For example, text/plain, audio/mp3, image/jpg, and so on.
IncidentFileAttachmentsid Long False The unique identifier of the file attachment.
IncidentMilestoneInstancesresolutionDueTime Datetime False The date and time when the associated resolution milestone is due.
IncidentMilestoneInstancesmilestoneId Long False ID of milestone. The ID of the associated milestone.
IncidentOtherContactsId Long False The unique identifier of the contact.
IncidentThreadscontactId Long False ID of contact. The associated contact.
IncidentThreadschannelId Long False ID of channel. The associated communication channel.
IncidentThreadsentryTypeId Long False ID of entryType. The entry type.
IncidentThreadsmailHeader String False The mail header information for a contact submitting the thread by email.
IncidentThreadscontentTypeId Long False ID of contentType. The MIME content type of the file. For example, text/plain, audio/mp3, image/jpg, and so on.
IncidentThreadstext String False The entry text in the thread.
FileAttachmentsfileName String False The name of the file when saving it to the disk.
FileAttachmentsprivate Bool False Indicates whether the file attachment is hidden from the end users. This attribute does not have a default value.
FileAttachmentsdescription String False The description for the contents of the file attachment.
FileAttachmentsname String False The short display name of the file attachment.
FileAttachmentsdata String False The Base64 encoded data contained in the file. The maximum supported length is defined by the maximum number of bytes allowed by this field.
FileAttachmentscontentType String False The MIME content type of the file. For example, text/plain, audio/mp3, image/jpg, and so on.
FileAttachmentsid Long False The unique identifier of the file attachment.
Ccemailaddresses String False The email addresses of the secondary recipients for Send-On-Save.
Bccemailaddresses String False The email addresses of the tertiary recipients for Send-On-Save.
UseEmailSignature Bool False Indicates whether the email signature is included. The default value is false.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Id String ID of created incident
LookupName String LookupName of created incident


Updates a thread of an incident object

Name Type Required Description
IncidentId Long True Object name for which you have to upload the file attachment.
ThreadId Long True ID of object instance.
ContactId Long False ID of contact. The associated contact.
ChannelId Long False ID of channel. The associated communication channel.
EntryTypeId Long False ID of entryType. The entry type.
MailHeader String False The mail header information for a contact submitting the thread by email.
ContentTypeId Long False ID of contentType. The MIME content type of the file. For example, text/plain, audio/mp3, image/jpg, and so on.
Text String False The entry text in the thread.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure


Upload a file attachment of a specific instance of a resource.

Name Type Required Description
ObjectName String True Object name for which you have to upload the file attachment.
ObjectId Long True ID of object instance.
FileName String True FileName of the attachment.
Data String True Base64-encoded Text of the attachment.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure

System Tables

You can query the system tables described in this section to access schema information, information on data source functionality, and batch operation statistics.

Schema Tables

The following tables return database metadata for Oracle Service Cloud:

Data Source Tables

The following tables return information about how to connect to and query the data source:

  • sys_connection_props: Returns information on the available connection properties.
  • sys_sqlinfo: Describes the SELECT queries that the connector can offload to the data source.

Query Information Tables

The following table returns query statistics for data modification queries, including batch operations:

  • sys_identity: Returns information about batch operations or single updates.


Lists the available databases.

The following query retrieves all databases determined by the connection string:

SELECT * FROM sys_catalogs
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The database name.


Lists the available schemas.

The following query retrieves all available schemas:

SELECT * FROM sys_schemas
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The database name.
SchemaName String The schema name.


Lists the available tables.

The following query retrieves the available tables and views:

SELECT * FROM sys_tables
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The database containing the table or view.
SchemaName String The schema containing the table or view.
TableName String The name of the table or view.
TableType String The table type (table or view).
Description String A description of the table or view.
IsUpdateable Boolean Whether the table can be updated.


Describes the columns of the available tables and views.

The following query returns the columns and data types for the Accounts table:

SELECT ColumnName, DataTypeName FROM sys_tablecolumns WHERE TableName='Accounts'
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the table or view.
SchemaName String The schema containing the table or view.
TableName String The name of the table or view containing the column.
ColumnName String The column name.
DataTypeName String The data type name.
DataType Int32 An integer indicating the data type. This value is determined at run time based on the environment.
Length Int32 The storage size of the column.
DisplaySize Int32 The designated column's normal maximum width in characters.
NumericPrecision Int32 The maximum number of digits in numeric data. The column length in characters for character and date-time data.
NumericScale Int32 The column scale or number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
IsNullable Boolean Whether the column can contain null.
Description String A brief description of the column.
Ordinal Int32 The sequence number of the column.
IsAutoIncrement String Whether the column value is assigned in fixed increments.
IsGeneratedColumn String Whether the column is generated.
IsHidden Boolean Whether the column is hidden.
IsArray Boolean Whether the column is an array.
IsReadOnly Boolean Whether the column is read-only.
IsKey Boolean Indicates whether a field returned from sys_tablecolumns is the primary key of the table.


Lists the available stored procedures.

The following query retrieves the available stored procedures:

SELECT * FROM sys_procedures
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The database containing the stored procedure.
SchemaName String The schema containing the stored procedure.
ProcedureName String The name of the stored procedure.
Description String A description of the stored procedure.
ProcedureType String The type of the procedure, such as PROCEDURE or FUNCTION.


Describes stored procedure parameters.

The following query returns information about all of the input parameters for the ResetPasswordForContact stored procedure:

SELECT * FROM sys_procedureparameters WHERE ProcedureName='ResetPasswordForContact' AND Direction=1 OR Direction=2
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the stored procedure.
SchemaName String The name of the schema containing the stored procedure.
ProcedureName String The name of the stored procedure containing the parameter.
ColumnName String The name of the stored procedure parameter.
Direction Int32 An integer corresponding to the type of the parameter: input (1), input/output (2), or output(4). input/output type parameters can be both input and output parameters.
DataTypeName String The name of the data type.
DataType Int32 An integer indicating the data type. This value is determined at run time based on the environment.
Length Int32 The number of characters allowed for character data. The number of digits allowed for numeric data.
NumericPrecision Int32 The maximum precision for numeric data. The column length in characters for character and date-time data.
NumericScale Int32 The number of digits to the right of the decimal point in numeric data.
IsNullable Boolean Whether the parameter can contain null.
IsRequired Boolean Whether the parameter is required for execution of the procedure.
IsArray Boolean Whether the parameter is an array.
Description String The description of the parameter.
Ordinal Int32 The index of the parameter.


Describes the primary and foreign keys.

The following query retrieves the primary key for the Accounts table:

SELECT * FROM sys_keycolumns WHERE IsKey='True' AND TableName='Accounts'
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the key.
SchemaName String The name of the schema containing the key.
TableName String The name of the table containing the key.
ColumnName String The name of the key column.
IsKey Boolean Whether the column is a primary key in the table referenced in the TableName field.
IsForeignKey Boolean Whether the column is a foreign key referenced in the TableName field.
PrimaryKeyName String The name of the primary key.
ForeignKeyName String The name of the foreign key.
ReferencedCatalogName String The database containing the primary key.
ReferencedSchemaName String The schema containing the primary key.
ReferencedTableName String The table containing the primary key.
ReferencedColumnName String The column name of the primary key.


Describes the foreign keys.

The following query retrieves all foreign keys which refer to other tables:

SELECT * FROM sys_foreignkeys WHERE ForeignKeyType = 'FOREIGNKEY_TYPE_IMPORT'
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the key.
SchemaName String The name of the schema containing the key.
TableName String The name of the table containing the key.
ColumnName String The name of the key column.
PrimaryKeyName String The name of the primary key.
ForeignKeyName String The name of the foreign key.
ReferencedCatalogName String The database containing the primary key.
ReferencedSchemaName String The schema containing the primary key.
ReferencedTableName String The table containing the primary key.
ReferencedColumnName String The column name of the primary key.
ForeignKeyType String Designates whether the foreign key is an import (points to other tables) or export (referenced from other tables) key.


Describes the primary keys.

The following query retrieves the primary keys from all tables and views:

SELECT * FROM sys_primarykeys
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the key.
SchemaName String The name of the schema containing the key.
TableName String The name of the table containing the key.
ColumnName String The name of the key column.
KeySeq String The sequence number of the primary key.
KeyName String The name of the primary key.


Describes the available indexes. By filtering on indexes, you can write more selective queries with faster query response times.

The following query retrieves all indexes that are not primary keys:

SELECT * FROM sys_indexes WHERE IsPrimary='false'
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the index.
SchemaName String The name of the schema containing the index.
TableName String The name of the table containing the index.
IndexName String The index name.
ColumnName String The name of the column associated with the index.
IsUnique Boolean True if the index is unique. False otherwise.
IsPrimary Boolean True if the index is a primary key. False otherwise.
Type Int16 An integer value corresponding to the index type: statistic (0), clustered (1), hashed (2), or other (3).
SortOrder String The sort order: A for ascending or D for descending.
OrdinalPosition Int16 The sequence number of the column in the index.


Returns information on the available connection properties and those set in the connection string.

When querying this table, the config connection string should be used:


This connection string enables you to query this table without a valid connection.

The following query retrieves all connection properties that have been set in the connection string or set through a default value:

SELECT * FROM sys_connection_props WHERE Value <> ''
Name Type Description
Name String The name of the connection property.
ShortDescription String A brief description.
Type String The data type of the connection property.
Default String The default value if one is not explicitly set.
Values String A comma-separated list of possible values. A validation error is thrown if another value is specified.
Value String The value you set or a preconfigured default.
Required Boolean Whether the property is required to connect.
Category String The category of the connection property.
IsSessionProperty String Whether the property is a session property, used to save information about the current connection.
Sensitivity String The sensitivity level of the property. This informs whether the property is obfuscated in logging and authentication forms.
PropertyName String A camel-cased truncated form of the connection property name.
Ordinal Int32 The index of the parameter.
CatOrdinal Int32 The index of the parameter category.
Hierarchy String Shows dependent properties associated that need to be set alongside this one.
Visible Boolean Informs whether the property is visible in the connection UI.
ETC String Various miscellaneous information about the property.


Describes the SELECT query processing that the connector can offload to the data source.

Discovering the Data Source's SELECT Capabilities

Below is an example data set of SQL capabilities. Some aspects of SELECT functionality are returned in a comma-separated list if supported; otherwise, the column contains NO.

Name Description Possible Values
AGGREGATE_FUNCTIONS Supported aggregation functions. AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, DISTINCT
COUNT Whether COUNT function is supported. YES, NO
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_OPEN_CHAR The opening character used to escape an identifier. [
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CLOSE_CHAR The closing character used to escape an identifier. ]
SUPPORTED_OPERATORS A list of supported SQL operators. =, >, <, >=, <=, <>, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, NOT IN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL, AND, OR
GROUP_BY Whether GROUP BY is supported, and, if so, the degree of support. NO, NO_RELATION, EQUALS_SELECT, SQL_GB_COLLATE
REPLICATION_SKIP_TABLES Indicates tables skipped during replication.
REPLICATION_TIMECHECK_COLUMNS A string array containing a list of columns which will be used to check for (in the given order) to use as a modified column during replication.
IDENTIFIER_PATTERN String value indicating what string is valid for an identifier.
SUPPORT_TRANSACTION Indicates if the provider supports transactions such as commit and rollback. YES, NO
DIALECT Indicates the SQL dialect to use.
KEY_PROPERTIES Indicates the properties which identify the uniform database.
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_SCHEMAS Indicates if multiple schemas may exist for the provider. YES, NO
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_CATALOGS Indicates if multiple catalogs may exist for the provider. YES, NO
DATASYNCVERSION The Data Sync version needed to access this driver. Standard, Starter, Professional, Enterprise
DATASYNCCATEGORY The Data Sync category of this driver. Source, Destination, Cloud Destination
SUPPORTSENHANCEDSQL Whether enhanced SQL functionality beyond what is offered by the API is supported. TRUE, FALSE
SUPPORTS_BATCH_OPERATIONS Whether batch operations are supported. YES, NO
PREFERRED_CACHE_OPTIONS A string value specifies the preferred cacheOptions.
ENABLE_EF_ADVANCED_QUERY Indicates if the driver directly supports advanced queries coming from Entity Framework. If not, queries will be handled client side. YES, NO
PSEUDO_COLUMNS A string array indicating the available pseudo columns.
MERGE_ALWAYS If the value is true, The Merge Mode is forcibly executed in Data Sync. TRUE, FALSE
REPLICATION_MIN_DATE_QUERY A select query to return the replicate start datetime.
REPLICATION_MIN_FUNCTION Allows a provider to specify the formula name to use for executing a server side min.
REPLICATION_START_DATE Allows a provider to specify a replicate startdate.
REPLICATION_MAX_DATE_QUERY A select query to return the replicate end datetime.
REPLICATION_MAX_FUNCTION Allows a provider to specify the formula name to use for executing a server side max.
IGNORE_INTERVALS_ON_INITIAL_REPLICATE A list of tables which will skip dividing the replicate into chunks on the initial replicate.
CHECKCACHE_USE_PARENTID Indicates whether the CheckCache statement should be done against the parent key column. TRUE, FALSE
CREATE_SCHEMA_PROCEDURES Indicates stored procedures that can be used for generating schema files.

The following query retrieves the operators that can be used in the WHERE clause:


Note that individual tables may have different limitations or requirements on the WHERE clause; refer to the Data Model section for more information.

Name Type Description
NAME String A component of SQL syntax, or a capability that can be processed on the server.
VALUE String Detail on the supported SQL or SQL syntax.


Returns information about attempted modifications.

The following query retrieves the Ids of the modified rows in a batch operation:

SELECT * FROM sys_identity
Name Type Description
Id String The database-generated ID returned from a data modification operation.
Batch String An identifier for the batch. 1 for a single operation.
Operation String The result of the operation in the batch: INSERTED, UPDATED, or DELETED.
Message String SUCCESS or an error message if the update in the batch failed.


Describes the available system information.

The following query retrieves all columns:

SELECT * FROM sys_information
Name Type Description
Product String The name of the product.
Version String The version number of the product.
Datasource String The name of the datasource the product connects to.
NodeId String The unique identifier of the machine where the product is installed.
HelpURL String The URL to the product's help documentation.
License String The license information for the product. (If this information is not available, the field may be left blank or marked as 'N/A'.)
Location String The file path location where the product's library is stored.
Environment String The version of the environment or rumtine the product is currently running under.
DataSyncVersion String The tier of Sync required to use this connector.
DataSyncCategory String The category of Sync functionality (e.g., Source, Destination).

Advanced Configurations Properties

The advanced configurations properties are the various options that can be used to establish a connection. This section provides a complete list of the options you can configure. Click the links for further details.


Property Description
URL The Url of the account to connect to.
User The Oracle Service Cloud user account used to authenticate.
Password The password used to authenticate the user.


Property Description
SSLServerCert The certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL.


Property Description
Location A path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures.
BrowsableSchemas This property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA, SchemaB, SchemaC.
Tables This property restricts the tables reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Tables=TableA, TableB, TableC.
Views Restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA, ViewB, ViewC.


Property Description
AnalyticsReportResultsIds A comma-separated list of IDs to include in the AnalyticsReportResults views.
IncludeAnalyticsReportResults Whether or not the AnalyticsReportResults views are included.
IncludeCustomFields A boolean indicating if you would like to include custom fields in the column listing.
IncludeCustomObjects Whether or not to include the Custom Objects.
MaxRows Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses.
Other These hidden properties are used only in specific use cases.
PseudoColumns This property indicates whether or not to include pseudo columns as columns to the table.
Timeout The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation.
UserDefinedViews A filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views.


This section provides a complete list of authentication properties you can configure.

Property Description
URL The Url of the account to connect to.
User The Oracle Service Cloud user account used to authenticate.
Password The password used to authenticate the user.


The Url of the account to connect to.

Data Type


Default Value



The Oracle Service Cloud URL.


The Oracle Service Cloud user account used to authenticate.

Data Type


Default Value



Together with Password, this field is used to authenticate against the Oracle Service Cloud server.


The password used to authenticate the user.

Data Type


Default Value



The User and Password are together used to authenticate with the server.


This section provides a complete list of SSL properties you can configure.

Property Description
SSLServerCert The certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL.


The certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL.

Data Type


Default Value



If using a TLS/SSL connection, this property can be used to specify the TLS/SSL certificate to be accepted from the server. Any other certificate that is not trusted by the machine is rejected.

This property can take the following forms:

Description Example
A full PEM Certificate (example shortened for brevity) -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE-----
A path to a local file containing the certificate C:\\cert.cer
The public key (example shortened for brevity) -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
The MD5 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4
The SHA1 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d

If not specified, any certificate trusted by the machine is accepted.

Certificates are validated as trusted by the machine based on the System's trust store. The trust store used is the '' value specified for the system. If no value is specified for this property, Java's default trust store is used (for example, JAVA_HOME\lib\security\cacerts).

Use '*' to signify to accept all certificates. Note that this is not recommended due to security concerns.


This section provides a complete list of schema properties you can configure.

Property Description
Location A path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures.
BrowsableSchemas This property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA, SchemaB, SchemaC.
Tables This property restricts the tables reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Tables=TableA, TableB, TableC.
Views Restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA, ViewB, ViewC.


A path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures.

Data Type


Default Value

%APPDATA%\OracleServiceCloud Data Provider\Schema


The path to a directory which contains the schema files for the connector (.rsd files for tables and views, .rsb files for stored procedures). The folder location can be a relative path from the location of the executable. The Location property is only needed if you want to customize definitions (for example, change a column name, ignore a column, and so on) or extend the data model with new tables, views, or stored procedures.

If left unspecified, the default location is "%APPDATA%\OracleServiceCloud Data Provider\Schema" with %APPDATA% being set to the user's configuration directory:

Platform %APPDATA%
Windows The value of the APPDATA environment variable
Mac ~/Library/Application Support
Linux ~/.config


This property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC.

Data Type


Default Value



Listing the schemas from databases can be expensive. Providing a list of schemas in the connection string improves the performance.


This property restricts the tables reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC.

Data Type


Default Value



Listing the tables from some databases can be expensive. Providing a list of tables in the connection string improves the performance of the connector.

This property can also be used as an alternative to automatically listing views if you already know which ones you want to work with and there would otherwise be too many to work with.

Specify the tables you want in a comma-separated list. Each table should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Tables=TableA,[TableB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`TableC With Space`.

Note that when connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you will need to provide the fully qualified name of the table in this property, as in the last example here, to avoid ambiguity between tables that exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.


Restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC.

Data Type


Default Value



Listing the views from some databases can be expensive. Providing a list of views in the connection string improves the performance of the connector.

This property can also be used as an alternative to automatically listing views if you already know which ones you want to work with and there would otherwise be too many to work with.

Specify the views you want in a comma-separated list. Each view should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Views=ViewA,[ViewB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`ViewC With Space`.

Note that when connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you will need to provide the fully qualified name of the table in this property, as in the last example here, to avoid ambiguity between tables that exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.


This section provides a complete list of miscellaneous properties you can configure.

Property Description
AnalyticsReportResultsIds A comma-separated list of IDs to include in the AnalyticsReportResults views.
IncludeAnalyticsReportResults Whether or not the AnalyticsReportResults views are included.
IncludeCustomFields A boolean indicating if you would like to include custom fields in the column listing.
IncludeCustomObjects Whether or not to include the Custom Objects.
MaxRows Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses.
Other These hidden properties are used only in specific use cases.
PseudoColumns This property indicates whether or not to include pseudo columns as columns to the table.
Timeout The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation.
UserDefinedViews A filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views.


A comma-separated list of IDs to include in the AnalyticsReportResults views.

Data Type


Default Value



A comma-separated list of IDs to include in the AnalyticsReportResults views.


Whether or not the AnalyticsReportResults views are included.

Data Type


Default Value



Whether or not the AnalyticsReportResults views are included.


A boolean indicating if you would like to include custom fields in the column listing.

Data Type


Default Value



Setting this to true will cause custom fields to be included in the column listing, but may cause poor performance when listing metadata.


Whether or not to include the Custom Objects.

Data Type


Default Value



Whether or not to include the Custom Objects.


Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses.

Data Type


Default Value



Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses.


These hidden properties are used only in specific use cases.

Data Type


Default Value



The properties listed below are available for specific use cases. Normal driver use cases and functionality should not require these properties.

Specify multiple properties in a semicolon-separated list.

Integration and Formatting
Property Description
DefaultColumnSize Sets the default length of string fields when the data source does not provide column length in the metadata. The default value is 2000.
ConvertDateTimeToGMT Determines whether to convert date-time values to GMT, instead of the local time of the machine.
RecordToFile=filename Records the underlying socket data transfer to the specified file.


This property indicates whether or not to include pseudo columns as columns to the table.

Data Type


Default Value



This setting is particularly helpful in Entity Framework, which does not allow you to set a value for a pseudo column unless it is a table column. The value of this connection setting is of the format "Table1=Column1, Table1=Column2, Table2=Column3". You can use the "*" character to include all tables and all columns; for example, "*=*".


The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation.

Data Type


Default Value



If Timeout = 0, operations do not time out. The operations run until they complete successfully or until they encounter an error condition.

If Timeout expires and the operation is not yet complete, the connector throws an exception.


A filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views.

Data Type


Default Value



User Defined Views are defined in a JSON-formatted configuration file called UserDefinedViews.json. The connector automatically detects the views specified in this file.

You can also have multiple view definitions and control them using the UserDefinedViews connection property. When you use this property, only the specified views are seen by the connector.

This User Defined View configuration file is formatted as follows:

  • Each root element defines the name of a view.
  • Each root element contains a child element, called query, which contains the custom SQL query for the view.

For example:

    "MyView": {
        "query": "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE MyColumn = 'value'"
    "MyView2": {
        "query": "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id IN (1,2,3)"

Use the UserDefinedViews connection property to specify the location of your JSON configuration file. For example:

"UserDefinedViews", C:\Users\yourusername\Desktop\tmp\UserDefinedViews.json

Note that the specified path is not embedded in quotation marks.