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Google Pub Sub connector prerequisites


These are the prerequisites for using the Google Pub Sub connector with a Google Pub/Sub instance:

Create a service account and grant roles

Follow these steps to create a service account and grant roles to provide access to the Google Cloud project to be used with the Google Pub Sub connector:

  1. Select a project in the Google Cloud Console.


    Ensure the Google Pub/Sub API is enabled for the selected project.

  2. In the navigation menu, navigate to IAM & Admin > Service Accounts.

  3. Click Create Service Account, located along the top of the page.

  4. Enter the Service account details:

    Service account details

    • Service account name: Enter any string for the service account name.

    • Service account ID: This field is automatically populated to match the Service account name and can be edited, if desired.

    • Service account description: Enter a description for the service account.

  5. Click Create and Continue.

  6. Assign a role to allow access to the project (required for a successful connection in the Google Pub Sub connector):

    Assign roles

    • Role: Using the dropdown, select the appropriate Pub/Sub role or custom role for your use case, then click Continue.

      When using predefined Google Pub/Sub roles, these are the role combinations that can be granted to the service account to allow access to each Google Pub Sub activity:

      Activity Google Pub/Sub Roles
      Acknowledge message Pub/Sub Admin or
      Pub/Sub Subscriber
      Create topic Pub/Sub Admin or
      Pub/Sub Editor or
      Pub/Sub Lite Admin or
      Pub/Sub Lite Editor
      Get message Pub/Sub Admin or
      Pub/Sub Subscriber and Pub/Sub Viewer (both are required if the Pub/Sub Admin is not being used)
      Publish message Pub/Sub Admin or
      Pub/Sub Subscriber and Pub/Sub Viewer (both are required if the Pub/Sub Admin is not being used)
      Create subscription Pub/Sub Admin or
      Pub/Sub Editor or
      Pub/Sub Lite Admin or
      Pub/Sub Lite Editor
      Delete Pub/Sub Admin or
      Pub/Sub Editor or
      Pub/Sub Subscriber or
      Pub/Sub Lite Admin or
      Pub/Sub Lite Editor
  7. Optionally, grant access to the service account to specific users:

    Assign users

  8. Click Done.

Obtain credentials

Follow these steps to obtain the credentials required for connection configuration:

  1. On the Service accounts page, click the Actions menu for the service account created above, then click Manage keys.

  2. Click Add Key > Create new key, select JSON as the Key type, and then click Create to download the JSON file to your computer:

    Create key

  3. Open the downloaded JSON file in a text editor and retain the values of the project_id, private_key, and client_email to be used during connection configuration.