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Call a web service in Jitterbit Design Studio


Jitterbit lets you access SOAP web services as part of your transformation process. To call a SOAP web service using Jitterbit, you need to define web service method transformations to deal with the input and output of the web service and an operation to hold everything together.

Call a web service

An operation that calls a SOAP web service consists of two transformations:

  • The first transforms data into a web service request.

  • The second transforms data from a web service response to a target system.

Follow these steps to define a new operation:

  • Choose Web Service Call from the Activity dropdown list.

  • Select a pre-defined web service from the Web Service drop-down list, or click the control button to the right of the field to create a new web service.

  • Select an existing source from the Source drop-down list, or click the control button to the right of the field to create a new source.

  • Select a pre-defined request transformation (which transforms data from your source to the web service) from the Request Transformation drop-down menu, or click the control button to the right of the field to create a new request transformation.

  • Select a pre-defined response transformation (which is used to transform data from the web service's response to your target) from the Response Transformation drop-down list, or click the control button to the right of the field to create a new response transformation.

  • Select an existing target from the Target drop-down menu, or click the control button to the right of the field to create a new target.