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Local variables in Jitterbit Design Studio

Local variables in Jitterbit are available only within the script or transformation mapping currently in use. Use a local variable only if the variable is just needed temporarily in the current script.


Do not use a local variable if you want the variable to persist for use in other parts of your project. For use outside the current script use a global variable or project variable.

Create a local variable

Since a local variable can't have a value before it is defined, you must define it before it is used.

In the system, a local variable is recognized by the absence of the dollar sign 'thatnormallyprecedesthenameofaglobalvariable.Becausethe' is absent, a local variable is not "seen" globally. While a global data element can be used to pass a value among different scripts, the local variable stops being visible to the system after execution of the script that uses it.

To set and use a local variable, simply leave off the '$'. A local variable cannot be set or retrieved with Set and Get functions.

Variable names

Variable names can be composed from these characters: letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), and underscore. Other characters are not permitted and may cause issues. (Note that in the case of local variables, the period character is not allowed.)


In this example, now is a local variable and is only available in this script (that is, before the terminating </trans> tag). In contrast, $tomorrow is a global variable that is available until the end of the current operation chain:

now = Now();
WriteToOperationLog("The time is " + now);
$tomorrow = now + 60*60*24;

This example retrieves the value of a node, and if that value is null, sets it to the string "Not Set", and then returns the value:

value = root$transaction.request$body$Calculate$input.Operand1$;
    value = "Not Set"

This example retrieves the value of three nodes, adds the higher of the first two values to the third value, and then returns the third value:

value1 = root$transaction.request$body$Calculate$input.Operand1$;
value2 = root$transaction.request$body$Calculate$input.Operand2$;
value3 = root$transaction.request$body$Calculate$input.Operand3$;

if(value1 > value2,
    value3 += value1
  , //else
    value3 += value2