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JavaScript Jitterbit and common functions

Jitterbit JavaScripts can access—in addition to the standard JavaScript functions that are part of ECMA-262 v5.1—these Jitterbit-specific functions. As ECMA-262 v5.1 is an older version of JavaScript than what is commonly available in browsers and other JavaScript engines, we've included tables of the common and standard JavaScript functions that are available in Jitterbit JavaScripts.


For enhanced performance, we recommend using JavaScript only when a Jitterbit Script equivalent is not available.


  • The maximum number of loop iterations allowed in Harmony is 50,000.
  • The maximum number of loop iterations in Jitterbit Script Language is per each individual loop. To increase the allowed number of iterations per loop in a Jitterbit Script Language script, see Jitterbit.scripting.while.max_iterations in Scripting Jitterbit variables.
  • The maximum number of loop iterations in JavaScript is per script (aggregate of all loops within one script). To increase the maximum number of loop iterations in JavaScript, see Java script loop in JavaScript.

Jitterbit functions



array Jitterbit.DbExecute(string databaseId, string sql)

int Jitterbit.DbExecute(string databaseId, string sql, string outputVariable,...)


Jitterbit.DbExecute(<databaseId>, <sql>)

Jitterbit.DbExecute(<databaseId>, <sql>, <outputVariable>,...])

Required parameters

  • databaseId: A string Database source in the current project
  • sql: The SQL command to be executed against the database
  • outputVariable: (Second form) An output parameter that is matched to fields returned in the SQL command. Additional arguments can be specified as required.


Executes a SQL statement on a database and returns the results. See the Jitterbit Script DBExecute function for details.



string Jitterbit.DbLookup(string databaseId, string sql)


Jitterbit.DbLookup(<databaseId>, <sql>)

Required parameters

  • databaseId: A string Database source in the current project
  • sql: The SQL command to be executed against the database


Executes a SQL statement on a database and returns the first field of the first result matching the specified criteria. See the Jitterbit Script DBLookup function for details.



string Jitterbit.GetVar(string jitterbitVariableName)



Required parameters

  • jitterbitVariableName: The name of a Jitterbit variable


Returns the value of a Jitterbit variable (a predefined global variable that is built into the agent and begins with jitterbit.). The available variables can be seen in Design Studio and are documented under Jitterbit variables.


It is also possible, but not recommended, to use the Jitterbit.GetVar function to retrieve the value of a user-defined global variable.

The Jitterbit.GetVar function is designed to allow the use of variables that contain periods within the variable name. However, using periods in a user-defined global variable name is not recommended. As the value will be converted to a string when the variable is set, these functions cannot be used with complex data types such as arrays, dictionaries, or JSON objects. Instead, it is recommended that you create global variables without periods and instead use underscores in place of periods and use the standard dollar sign $ syntax as described in Global variables.


// Retrieves the value of the Jitterbit variable "jitterbit.api.request"
var request = Jitterbit.GetVar("$jitterbit.api.request");



string Jitterbit.ReadFile(string sourceId[, string fileFilter])


Jitterbit.ReadFile(<sourceId>[, <fileFilter>])

Required parameters

  • sourceId: File-type source in the current project

Optional parameters

  • fileFilter: File filter or filename to override the source definition


Reads the contents of a file from a source.

The file-type source used in this function call must be defined as a source in the current project.

See the instructions on inserting project items.

The method returns the contents of the file pointed to by the source. If the source filter selects more than one file, the first one will be used. It is recommended to specify a source that uniquely identifies a single file.

The parameter fileFilter is optional and can be used to override the file filter used in the source definition. A filename can be used. Alternatively, a global variable can be used to override the file filter in the source definition. Global variables are referenced as [de_name] in the source definition.

As of Harmony version 8.20, if the ReadFile function fails, the operation does not fail. A script will abort, a warning added to the operation log, and the operation will continue.

This method can be used to read data from an HTTP source. In that case, all Jitterbit $jitterbit.source.http.* variables will be populated.


// Reads the first file retrieved from a source
var fileContents = Jitterbit.ReadFile("<TAG>Sources/Customer CSV FTP</TAG>");

// Use the filename "test.txt" instead of what is defined in the source
var fileContents = Jitterbit.ReadFile("<TAG>Sources/Customer CSV FTP</TAG>", "test.txt");



Jitterbit.SetVar(string jitterbitVariableName, string value)


Jitterbit.SetVar(<jitterbitVariableName>, <value>)

Required parameters

  • jitterbitVariableName: The name of a Jitterbit variable
  • value: A value to be assigned to the variable


Sets the value of a Jitterbit variable (a predefined global variable that is built into the agent and begins with jitterbit.). The available variables can be seen in Design Studio and are documented under Jitterbit variables.


It is also possible, but not recommended, to use the Jitterbit.SetVar function to set the value of a user-defined global variable.

The Jitterbit.SetVar function is designed to allow the use of variables that contain periods within the variable name. However, using periods in a user-defined global variable name is not recommended. As the value will be converted to a string when the variable is set, these functions cannot be used with complex data types such as arrays, dictionaries, or JSON objects. Instead, it is recommended that you create global variables without periods and instead use underscores in place of periods and use the standard dollar sign $ syntax as described in Global variables.


// Sets a Jitterbit variable
Jitterbit.SetVar("$jitterbit.scripting.db.max_rows", 1000);



void Jitterbit.WriteFile(string targetId, type fileContents[, string filename])


Jitterbit.WriteFile(<targetId>, <fileContents>[, <filename>])

Required parameters

  • targetId: File-type target in the current project

Optional parameters

  • fileContents: Data to be written to the file
  • filename: Filename to override the target definition


Writes the fileContents to the file-type target specified by targetId. If fileContents is of type binary, the binary data is written to the file. In all other cases, a string representation of the data is written. The file is automatically flushed and closed by the function.

The file-type target used in this function call must be defined as a target in the current project.

The available variables can be seen in the Jitterbit Studio and are documented under Jitterbit variables.

The third parameter, filename, is optional and can be used to override the filename used in the target. Alternatively, a global variable can be used to override the filename in the target definition. Global variables are referenced as [de_name] in the target definition.

This method can also be used to write/post data to an HTTP target. In that case, $* variables will be populated.

As of Harmony version 8.20, if the WriteFile function fails, the operation does not fail. A script will abort, a warning added to the operation log, and the operation will continue.


//  Writes the value of $contents to the file defined by a target
Jitterbit.WriteFile("<TAG>Targets/FTP Target</TAG>", $contents);

// Use the filename "test.txt" instead of what is defined in the target
Jitterbit.WriteFile("<TAG>Targets/FTP Target</TAG>", $contents, "test.txt");



void SetScriptOutput(string data)



Required parameters

  • data: Data to be returned by the script


Sets the value returned by a script.

The return value of a script can be accessed as the return value of the RunScript function.


// In the calling Jitterbit Script script:
$result = RunScript("<TAG>Scripts/CalculateSomething</TAG>", value_to_be_calculated);

// In the Jitterbit JavaScript script "CalculateSomething":
var calculated_value = ...;



void SetScriptResult(string data)



Required parameters

  • data: Data to be returned by the script


An alias for the SetScriptOutput function. See SetScriptOutput for details.



string WriteToOperationLog(string message)



Required parameters

  • message: A string message


Writes a message to the Operation Log.


// Writes a message to the Operation Log
WriteToOperationLog("The source field 'Price' has an invalid value.");

JavaScript common functions

These common JavaScript functions—part of ECMA-262 v5.1—are supported in Jitterbit JavaScripts.

Common Property Description
Array See the JavaScript array properties and functions
Date See the JavaScript date properties and functions
decodeURI() Decodes a URI
decodeURIComponent() Decodes a URI component
encodeURI() Encodes a URI
encodeURIComponent() Encodes a URI component
eval() Evaluates a string and executes it as if it were JavaScript code
isFinite() Tests if a value is a finite and legal number
isNaN() Tests if a value is an illegal number
JSON.parse() Parses a JSON string and returns a JavaScript object
JSON.stringify() Converts a JavaScript object into a JSON string
Math See the JavaScript math properties and functions
Number() Converts an object's value into a number
parseFloat() Parses a string and returns a floating point number
parseInt() Parses a string and returns an integer
String See the JavaScript string properties and functions