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Microsoft Dynamics AX function and operation guide for Jitterbit Design Studio

Before you create Microsoft Dynamics AX functions/operations in Jitterbit, you must create at least one Microsoft AX endpoint. The Microsoft AX functions are required for each exposed AX function object you have extended in AX webservices. This utilizes your MSAX connection, and exposes those published functions to Jitterbit.

The following documentation uses the AX Customer Creation function to create a new customer record from the exposed function, and uses the newly created function to build a Jitterbit operation for the customer creation.

Create the AX function

  • Click in the left hand column under Connectors>Microsoft Dynamics AX and Choose New MS AX Function.

  • The wizard will open, Choose your Endpoint Connection you created in Microsoft Dynamics AX connector endpoint.

  • Test the Connection then Click Next at the bottom of the wizard.

  • Choose the WSDL you plan to use, then Click Next.

  • Choose the Function you want to use, in this case we're Choosing CustomerServiceClient:find then Click Next at the bottom of the Wizard.

  • Click Finish to complete the MS AX Wizard.

Create a new AX operation

This section will create an AX Customer with a SQL Server as the source of its data. This is just an example of writing from Microsoft AX using a Customer.

  • Click on the Create Operation button on the completed Function creation screen.

  • Name the Operation

  • Double-click the Request Object

  • Select "Create New Transform"

  • Scroll Down the drop down list and Choose (None)

  • Set the Parameters for your AX server Source

  • Double-click on each field in the Request and Set these Environment Field Parameters in the Jitterbit Function Builder:

    • Company = Your AX company server name such as "Jitterbit"
    • Language = "en-us" if you are in the US
    • DataSourceName = "CustTable"
    • FieldName = "AccountNum"
    • Operator = "NotEqual"
    • Value1 = "0"


These fields are function-dependent for web service inputs; if you choose a different function, the environment variables will be different.

  • Click Save.

  • Click the** Response Transform Object and in this example we'll choose Text.

  • Click Next.

  • Choose Create a New Target Definition, create the fields by Choosing New File Format with a manual or file process.

  • In this case, Choose Create Manually.

  • Create **the following fields in the New Target Definition.**

  • Click the Finish button.

  • Save the mapping.

  • Double Click on the Target.

  • Click Create New Target.

  • Give your target a Name.

  • Choose Temporary Storage from the drop down menu.

  • Give the Temp File a Name under the Name File(s): field.

  • Click Save

  • Run the Operation and it will write the Customer Data to the temporary flat file at C:\Windows\Temp\jitterbit.