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User interface transformation toolbars


On transformation screens, Jitterbit Design Studio provides two transformation toolbars, one in the transformation titlebar and another at the bottom of the transformation screen. The tools and their respective functions are described in the tables below.

Titlebar toolbar

Name Description
status Status Displays the status of the transformation.
additional commands Additional commands Displays a menu of commands to Save, Close Page, Close Other Pages, Locate in Tree, Additional Details, View XML, View Input JTR, and View Output JTR.
depend objects Dependent objects Lists the dependent objects in the transformation.
save active page Save active page Saves the active page of the transformation.
deploy Deploy Deploys the project to Harmony.
migrate Migrate Migrates the transformation to a new enviroment.
load sample data Load Sample Source Data Loads sample source data into the transformation.
test transformation Test the Transformation Tests and validates the transformation currently open.
test operation Test Operation Tests an operation that uses the transformation.
automap Automap Jitterbit tries to automatically map source data nodes to target data nodes.
refresh Refresh Refreshes the transformation source and target structures.
transformation toolkit Transformation Toolkit Displays a menu of additional transformation commands., described below.
find replace Find and Replace Finds nodes in the Source Tress and the Target Tree, and replaces mappings in scripts.
help Help Opens the online documentation site.
close Close Closes the transformation screen.

Transformation toolkit menus


Command Description
Load Source Data Load sample source data into the transformation.
Test Transformation Test the transformation with the source data.
Test Operation Test the operation using the transformation.
Show Only Data Test an operation using the current transformation.
View Source Data View the file loaded into the source tree.
View Target File View the file loaded into the target tree.
Remove Test Data Remove test data from the mapping tree.
Edit Display these commands:
  • Edit Source Structure: Edit the source structure used in the transformation.
  • Edit Target Structure: Edit the target structure used in the transformation.
  • Edit WHERE Clause: Edit the WHERE clause used in retrieving the source data from the dataset.
  • Edit Update Keys: Edit the update keys used in the database target.
Migrate Migrate the active transformation to another transformation.
Import Import Mappings or Import Renamed Mappings.
Export Display the Export Mappings or Export Renamed Mappings.
Hide Unmapped Nodes Hide unmapped nodes in the source tree or the target tree.
Simple Node Display Toggle display of nodes in the source tree or target tree without the type (String, Identifier, etc.).
Simple XML Element Display Toggle display of nodes in the source tree or target tree crated from xml data.
Map Area Settings Toggle display of attributes, generators, and errors in the mappings, and hide or show all of these.
Create Operation Create a new operation based on the current transformation.
Convert to Text Document Convert the source or target structures to a text document.
XML Node Expansion Mode(available on if source or target data is XML) Determine how the mapping structures for XML sources or targets are loaded into the trees. Because XML structures can be highly complex, loading a complete structure into the mapping tree can slow performance. When you choose Minimal, the default setting, the tree is created one level at a time when you expand a folder node for the first time, which results in better performance. If you choose Normal, all tree levels are created when you expand a folder node.
Display Mode Select preferred display mode: Multi-Tabs, Tabs, Single Card, or Floating.

Bottom toolbar

Button Name Description
expand collapse Expand-Collapse The expand and collapse buttons expand or collapse the trees to aid in finding data elements quickly. The icon on the left end of the transformation toolbar controls the source pane, and the control on the right end controls the target pane.
options hide nodes Options for Hiding Nodes Options for hiding nodes appears on the left (source) and right (target) trees. Options include:
  • Hide Unmapped Nodes
  • Show Data Nodes Only
  • Simple Node Display
    • Simple XML Element Display
load sample source data Load Sample Source Data Load sample source data into the transformation.
test X form Test the Transformation Test and validate the transformation currently open.
test operation Test Operation Test an operation that uses the transformation current;y open.
zoom in Zoom In Increase the size of the text displayed in the trees.
zoom out Zoom Out Decrease the size of the text displayed in the trees.
map elements Map Elements Map a source data element to a target data element. When both are selected, this icon activates and will perform the mapping when clicked. This icon becomes enabled if both a source and a target data element have been selected. Clicking it saves the mapped relationship associated with the selected elements, and adds this relationship to the frame beneath the Transformation toolbar.
create formula btn Create Formula This button is enabled if a mapped relationship has been selected. Clicking it launches the Formula Builder and loads the value of the source data element.
automap Automap Jitterbit tries to automatically map source data nodes to target data nodes.

Context menus

In addition to the icons on the Transformation screen, some items in the transformation have context menus displayed when you right-click on the item. Right-click on an item to see the context menu or action.

Item Context Menu or Action
Top-Level Source Folder Displays Copy node name to clipboard or Edit Source Structure so you can edit the source structure used in this transformation.
Source Sub-folder (other than root) Displays Copy node name to clipboard or define batch transformation commands. A batch transformation reads entire source into memory and performs the transformation in memory.
Top-Level Target Folder Displays Copy node name to clipboard, Edit Target Structure, Add script, and Clear the mappings under this folder commands.
Target Sub-folder Displays Copy node name to clipboard, Add condition, Create extra folder for mappings, and Clear the mappings under this folder commands.
Target Node Displays the Copy field name and Delete mapping of this node commands.