Configuring Twitter in Jitterbit App Builder
App Builder does not natively support Twitter, either as an authentication or data provider. However, since the Twitter API is fundamentally a REST API, secured using the OAuth Client Credential flow, it's possible use App Builder's generic HTTP security provider to retrieve data from Twitter.
Twitter's documentation for application-level authentication using the OAuth Client Credentials flow can be found here:
The main tasks involved include:
- Register App Builder as a Twitter application.
- Create a Twitter HTTP security provider
- Create a Twitter data source.
It's assumed that your organization already has an existing Twitter account.
Register App Builder as a Twitter application
Start by signing into the Twitter Application Management web site.
- Click the Create New App button (upper right)
Provide the following information:
Name: A logical name for the App Builder environment or application.
Example: ACMEApp BuilderDev
Description: A description of the App Builder environment or application.
Example: App Builder application development at ACME.
Website: App Builder web application URL.
Example: Builder/
Agree to the developer agreement
- Click the Create your Twitter application button
Under Application Settings, make a note the following properties:
App-only authentication: This will be the value of the TokenEndpoint when configuring the HTTP security provider within App Builder.
Under Application Settings, click the manage keys and access tokens link
Make a note the following properties:
- Consumer Key (API Key): This will be the value of the ClientId when configuring the HTTP security provider within App Builder.
- Consumer Secret (API Secret): This will be the value of the ClientSecret when configuring the HTTP security provider within App Builder.
Create a Twitter HTTP security provider
To create an HTTP security provider, start by signing into App Builder as an administrator.
- Navigate to the IDE
- Select the Security Providers button
- In the User Authentication panel, click the + User Authentication button
Provide the following:
- Name: Twitter
- Type: HTTP
Priority: A unique integer between 10 and 100. Note that this value must be unique.
Example: 50
Enabled: Check
Click the Save button
Set the following properties. In the Properties panel, click the + Property button → Select the Parameter → Provide the Value → Click the Save icon.
- AuthenticationType: ClientCredentials
TokenEndpoint: The {App-only Authentication} endpoint provider by Twitter.
ClientId: The {Consumer Key} provided by Twitter
- ClientSecret: The {Consumer Secret} provided by Twitter
Create a Twitter data source
To create a Twitter data source, start by signing into App Builder as an administrator.
- Navigate to the IDE
- Select the Data Servers button
- In the Data Servers panel, click the + Server button
Provide the following:
- Name: Twitter
- Type: REST API
- URL:
- Security Provider: Twitter
Click the Save button
- Click the Tables icon to add in the Endpoints information
- In the Endpoints panel, click the + Endpoint button
Provide the following:
- Name: user_timeline
- Endpoint: statuses/user_timeline.json
Click the Save button
- Click the Close icon (X) to dismiss the Endpoint popup
- In the Endpoint Parameters panel, click the + Parameter button
Provide the following:
- Name: screen_name
- Data type: String
- Test value: twitterapi
Click Save
- Click the Close icon (X) to dismiss the Input Parameter popup
- In the Web Service Parameters panel, click the + Parameter button
Provide the following:
- Name: count
- Data type: Integer
- Usage: Request Limit
Click the Close icon (X) to dismiss the Web Service Parameter popup
In the Endpoints panel, click the Discover button
This discover process will populate the Output Tables panel.
In the Output Tables panel, locate the user_timeline table and click the Content icon.
Assuming everything has been configured correctly, you should see a timeline for the twitterapi account.