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Configuring API key authentication

App Builder REST APIs can be secured using API keys. Setting up API key authentication involves the following procedures:

  1. Creating an App Builder Security Provider.
  2. Generating an API key.


To proceed, you will need:

  • Administrator access to App Builder.
  • REST API for testing.

Creating an App Builder security provider

  1. API key authentication is enabled within App Builder via a security provider. Start by signing into App Builder as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to the IDE
  3. Click the Security Providers button
  4. In the User Authentication panel, click the + User Authentication button
  5. Provide the following:

    • Name: API Key
    • Type: API Key
    • Active: Checked
    • Priority: A integer between 10 and 100 (e.g. 50). Note that this value must be unique.
  6. Click the Save button

Generating an API key

API keys are associated with App Builder users. To generate a new API key, start by signing into App Builder as an administrator.

  1. Navigate to the IDE
  2. Click the User Management button
  3. In the Users panel, locate the user for which you would like generate an API key
  4. Click the Open Record icon (Popup)
  5. Click the Keys icon (Key)
  6. Click the Create button
  7. Provide the following:

    • Provider: API Key
    • Description: Description of key purpose. For example: Provides access to the REST API
    • Expires In: Lifetime of the API key in minutes. Once generated, the lifetime cannot be changed.


  8. Click the Save button

Note the generated API key. It will take the form of a base64url-encoded, 128 bit integer. Example: DLOo9sPS5slJEMHpXBFt3g

Testing the API key

The following demonstrates how to authenticate a REST API request using an API key.

GET /rest/v1/sales/customers HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json