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How to remove the title and toolbar from a panel

There may be instances where you don't want the Title and Toolbar region to display on a panel. To hide this region from displaying, you can create a Theme to provide instructions to hide the region and then associate the Theme to the panel(s) you wish to hide the region on. In this example we'll review how to hide the Title and Toolbar region from a Home page panel.

Create a theme to hide the title

  1. Navigate to the App Workbench
  2. Click Look & Feel
  3. Click + Theme from the Themes panel
  4. Provide a Theme Name. For example: Sans-panel title
  5. Select a Collection. Note that the Collection needs to be associated with the application to leverage it.
  6. Click the Save button
  7. In the Components panel, select the Panel component
  8. In the Styles panel, click the + Style button
  9. Provide the following:
    • Area: Title Bar
    • Style Type: Display
    • Display: none

To hide the tool bar, starting at step 8 above:

  1. In the Components panel, select the Panel - Toolbar component
  2. In the Styles panel, click the + Style button
  3. Provide the following information:
    • Area: Toolbar
    • Style Type: Display
    • Display: none

Configure a panel to use the theme

  1. Navigate to the page in your app that you would like to remove the Title Bar from
  2. Expand the Action Drawer > Live Designer
  3. Select the panel you wish to modify, click the Edge Case tab
  4. Set Theme to the newly created theme
  5. Click the Save button
  6. Refresh your app and you should see the panel without the Title Bar