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This documentation is for version 4 of App Builder, the new name for Vinyl. Access the Vinyl documentation here.

Gantt charts in Jitterbit App Builder

App Builder has a Gantt panel option that supports displaying a Gantt chart. Gantt charts are useful for planning and scheduling projects. They help you assess how long a project should take, determine the resources needed, and plan the order in which you'll complete tasks. They're also helpful for managing the dependencies between tasks.

Gantt Charts allow a User to zoom in on the chart itself, to view a certain region of information zoomed in on from the chart. To zoom, left click and drag the mouse control over the region you want to enlarge. After zooming, you can reset the chart by clicking on the Reset Zoom button in the top right region of the chart.

To create a Gantt chart on a Gantt panel, you'll need a Business Object that contains information for the controls the chart requires. Task and Start Date are required controls, End Date and Color are optional values that can also be stored. Gantt charts can also be used to represent and display task dependencies and task groups (assuming information about these values is configured in the Business Object). See the Gantt chart Controls section of this article for an overview of Controls the Gantt chart works with.


See the Underlying Data Example section of this article to review a CSV file illustrating how the supporting data looks for a Gantt chart.


Gantt chart controls

Name Required Description
Task Yes Represents each row of data from the Business Object as an individual block of time with duration defined by Start and End values
Start Yes Start Date/Time of each individual Task
End No End Date/Time of each individual Task. If End is not populated or equal to Start, the Task will be visually represented on the Gantt Chart by a single point, known as a Milestone
Color No The color of the Task or Milestone block. Example: #008000
Dependency No Determines relationship from the Task to the other Tasks it is dependent on. This defines for each Task "Which tasks am I dependent on?" and not "Which tasks are dependent on me?".
ParentTask No For hierarchical arrangement of Tasks, is a reference to another Task from the Business Object. Tasks with same ParentTask are placed as siblings on the hierarchy. Supports multi-level hierarchies and expanding/collapsing for navigation.
TaskGroup No Used for grouping or placing mutliple Tasks on the same row. Tasks with same TaskGroup display on the same row of the Gantt Chart.

Managing task dependencies

Gantt Charts can also display Task Dependency information, where you first define Task Dependency information in the Business Object used for the Chart, and then add Dependency as a Control type to the chart.

Task Dependency
Start Prototype
Develop Start Prototype
Run Acceptance Test Develop
Test Prototype Run Acceptance Test


Multiple dependencies

Gantt Charts can display multiple Dependencies for Tasks. To do so, the underlying Business Object must be configured to have information to represent the multiple dependencies.

Multiple dependency example data

Task Dependency
Start Prototype
Develop Start Prototype
Run Acceptance Test Develop
Test Prototype Run Acceptance Test
Deploy & Celebrate Start Prototype
Deploy & Celebrate Run Acceptance Test
Deploy & Celebrate Test Prototype


Gantt panel sub types – stacked vs. side by side

To support advanced grouping and hierarchies in Gantt Charts, the following two Sub Types are available:

Stacked (default):

  • Common use case: Project Management
  • Each Task from the Business Object will be on its own row on the resultant Gantt Chart (1-1)
  • Visualizes work breakdown structure for projects
  • Has Tasks on the vertical axis with duration of the tasks on the horizontal axis
  • Displays time intervals of the Tasks and their Dependencies

Side by side:

  • Common use case: Resource Management and Scheduling
  • Multiple Tasks from the Business Object can get grouped into one row on the resultant Gantt Chart (N-1)
  • Places Tasks on horizontal tracks, using the vertical axis as the group
  • Displays time intervals of the Tasks and their dependencies


The Controls described in Gantt Chart Controls are the same for both Sub Types. If only using these Controls, both Sub Types will output the same chart. Differences between the two Sub Types are documented below.

Stacked sub type

ParentTask (Control)

  • For hierarchical arrangement of Tasks
  • ParentTask requires an individual row or record representing it in the Business Object
  • Tasks with the same ParentTask will be placed as siblings in the hierarchy
  • Supports multi-level hierarchies and expanding/collapsing for navigation


When defining a ParentTask in its own row of data from the Business Object, Start and End are both optional. If left blank, the Task will inherit the earliest start and latest end of its children Tasks.

Parenttask example data

Task Parent Task
Requirements Planning
Design Planning
Layout Design
Graphics Design
Create Unit Tests Develop
Implement Develop


Combining parenttasks and dependencies

Task Parent Task Dependency
Project 1
Task A Project 1
Task B Project 1 Task A
Project 2
Task C Project 2
Task D Project 2 Task B
Task D Project 2 Task C

Side by side sub type

Taskgroup (control)

  • Used for grouping or placing multiple Tasks onto the same row
  • Tasks with the same TaskGroup will show up on the same row of the Gantt Chart

Taskgroup example data

Task Task Group
Task 1 TaskGroup 1
Task 2 TaskGroup 1
Task 3 TaskGroup 1
Task 4 TaskGroup 2
Task 5 TaskGroup 2
Task 6 TaskGroup 2
Task 7 TaskGroup 3
Task 8 TaskGroup 3
Task 9 TaskGroup 3


Combining taskgroups and dependencies

Combining example data

Task Task Group Dependency
Task 1 TaskGroup 1
Task 2 Task 1
Task 3 TaskGroup 1 Task 2
Task 4 TaskGroup 2
Task 5 TaskGroup 2 Task 1
Task 6 TaskGroup 2 Task 2
Task 7 TaskGroup 2 Task 6

How to configure a gantt chart in App Builder

This assumes you already have a Business Object which contains all the Controls you'll need to work with for the Gantt Chart. See the article information for a full description on the types of Controls and Sub Types the Gantt Chart supports.

  1. Create a Dynamic Page to contain the Gantt chart
  2. Add a Panel to the page, select Gantt as the Type
  3. For the Source select the Business Object created for the Gantt Chart
  4. Add in the Controls required for the type of Gantt Chart being created:

    • Task is required
    • Start is required
    • End is optional
    • Color is optional
    • Dependency is optional
    • ParentTask is optional
    • TaskGroup is optional
  5. Set the Sub Type value if required for the type of Gantt Chart being created:

    • Stacked
    • Side by Side
  6. Run the Page and test the Gantt Chart

Underlying data example

To use Gantt Charts, you have to get the underlying data defined properly. To help illustrate this concept, please review the linked Task table data example which is used to generate the Multiple Dependencies Gantt Chart shown in this article.