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How to configure external links on a control

This article will step you through how to configure External Link information on a Control on a Panel in App Builder. External Links are URL links that can be attached to Controls in an application UI Layer, which can in turn navigate a User to a different page on the App Builder server or an external web resource. You might use an External Link on a Control if you had a FedEx tracking number and wanted to provide Users a quick link to an external web address where they can track a FedEx package.


An External Link URL must begin with the protocol https:// or http:// to be properly configured.

  1. Navigate to a page with a control you'd like to create a link from
  2. Go to Action Drawer > Live Designer
  3. Select the control from the page view
  4. Click the Edge Case tab
  5. Enter the full URL address in the Link to URL field. For example:{{FedExTrackingNo}}
  6. If you need the Link to be dynamic, use curly brackets {{}} inside of the Link URL address to substitute data from the Business Object on your panel. See the screenshot FedEx URL for an example using dynamic substitution.
  7. After Link to URL value is defined, set the Link Target value in Edge Case to define if the link should open in the same tab (_self), open a new tab or window (_blank), target different parts of an IFrame if one is being used (_parent or _top), or open in the current {{nm.ab}} instance ({{nm.ab}}).
  8. Click Save and test that the Control now allows a User to click on it and directs them to the External Link URL