Import and export a security provider in Jitterbit App Builder
App Builder supports both importing and exporting security provider configurations.
To import a security provider, start by signing into App Builder as an Administrator:
- Switch to the IDE
- Click the Security Providers button
- In the Configuration panel, expand the More menu and click Import Provider
- Provide the serialized security provider. See Format below.
- Click the Import button
- Click the View button to view and modify the security provider
App Builder will assign a unique identifier to the security provider on import.
The the new security provider will be disabled by default and will not appear on the login form.
To export a security provider provider, start by signing into App Builder as an administrator:
- Switch to the IDE
- Click the Security Providers button
- Locate the security provider and click the Details icon (chevron)
- Expand the More menu and click Export Provider
This will display the serialized security provider configuration.
The security provider configuration format takes the form of a JSON document.
The root element is an object of type Provider.
"name": "MyIdP",
"type": "saml_sp",
"audience": "https://example/App Builder",
"recipient": "https://example/App Builder/signin-MyIdP",
"settings": {},
"groups": [],
"claimTypes": [],
"endpoints": [
"type": "metadata",
"url": "https://example/saml/metadata"
"credentials": [],
"certificates": []
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | Security provider name. |
type | ProviderType | Security provider type. |
authenticationType | AuthenticationType | Authentication type. |
oauthGrantType | OAuthGrantType | OAuth grant type. |
oauthClientAuthenticationType | OAuthClientAuthenticationType | OAuth client authentication type. |
oauthResourceAuthenticationType | OAuthResourceAuthenticationType | OAuth resource authentication types. |
tokenOwner | TokenOwner | Token owner. |
subject | String | Token subject. |
issuer | String | Token issuer. |
audience | String | Token audience. |
recipient | String | Token Recipient. |
entityId | String | Token entity identifier. |
identityProviderUrl | String | Identity Provider (IdP) URL. |
endpoints | Endpoint[] | Array of endpoints. |
credentials | Credential[] | Array of credentials. |
certificates | Certificate[] | Array of certificates and keys. |
settings | Object | Collection of key/value pairs where each key corresponds to a well-known parameter name. See the specific security provider's documentation for a list of supported parameters. |
claimTypes | ClaimType[] | Array of claim types. |
groups | Group[] | Array of security groups. |
registration | Registration | Security provider registration. |
Name | Type | Description |
type | EndpointType | Endpoint type. |
url | String | Endpoint URL. |
Name | Type | Description |
type | CredentialType | Credential type. |
userName | String | User name. |
password | String | Plain-text password. |
Name | Type | Description |
usage | CertificateUsage | Certificate usage. |
type | CertificateType | Certificate type. |
format | CertificateFormat | Certificate format. |
content | String | Encoded certificate or key. |
password | String | Plain-text password. |
thumbprint* | String | Certificate thumbprint. |
Name | Type | Description |
identitier | String | Claim type identifier, typically a URL or JSON key. |
usage | ClaimTypeUsage | Claim type usage. |
priority | Number | Claim type priority. |
ignore | Boolean | Indicates whether the claim type should be ignored. |
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | Group name. |
identifier | String | Group identifier. |
groupId | Unique ID | App Builder security group identifier. |
grantOnIdentityCreate | Boolean | Indicates whether identities should be added to the group when provisioned. |
Name | Type | Description |
enabled | Boolean | Enables the security provider. |
priority | Number | Security provider ordinal position. |
sealed | Boolean | Seals the security provider. INTERNAL USE ONLY. |
redirectOnChallenge | Boolean | Bypasses the login form and redirects the client to the user authentication provider when challenged. |
showOnLoginForm | Boolean | Displays the user authentication provider on the login form. |
userProvisioning | Boolean | Enables provisioning for the user authentication provider. |
matchExistingUser | Boolean | Allows the user provisioning process to map identities to existing users. |
suppliesGroupMembership | Boolean | Indicates that the user authentication provider maintains security group membership. |
storeClaims | Boolean | Indicates that App Builder should store any claims received from the user authentication provider. |
defaultAuthenticationProvider | Boolean | Indicates that App Builder should make the user authentication provider the system's default user authentication provider. |
Value | Description |
active_directory | Active Directory |
adobe_pdf_services | Adobe PDF Services |
api_key | API Key |
app_auth | Application Authentication |
google_openid_connect | Google Accounts / OpenID Connect |
http_basic_auth | HTTP Basic Authentication |
http_client | HTTP Client |
iwa_ | Integrated Windows Authentication |
jwt_sso | JWT SSO |
local | Local User |
microsoft_openid_connect | Microsoft / OpenID Connect |
oauth2 | OAuth 2.0 |
openid_connect | OpenID Connect 1.0 |
provisioning | User Provisioning |
rewrite_url | Rewrite URL |
salesforce | Salesforce |
salesforce_openid_connect | Salesforce / OpenID Connect |
saml_idp | SAML Identity Provider (IdP) |
saml_sp | SAML Service Provider (SP) |
sap_odata_services | SAP OData Services |
successfactors_odata | SuccessFactors OData |
successfactors_password | SuccessFactors Password |
wam | Web Access Management |
ws_federation | WS-Federation |
Value | Description |
anonymous | Anonymous |
basic | Basic |
delegated_oauth2 | Delegated OAuth [DEPRECATED] |
oauth2 | OAuth |
Support varies by security provider.
Value | Description |
authorization_code | Authorization Code |
client_credentials | Client Credentials |
password | Resource Owner Password Credentials |
refresh_token | Refresh Token |
urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer | JWT Bearer Token |
urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:saml2-bearer | SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion |
Support varies by security provider.
Value | Description |
none | None |
client_secret_basic | Basic |
client_secret_post | Parameter |
Support varies by security provider.
Value | Description |
bearer | Bearer |
form_post | Form |
query | Query |
Support varies by security provider.
Value | Description |
client | Client system, i.e. App Builder |
user | User |
Value | Description |
acs | Assertion Consumer Service |
api | API Endpoint |
authorization | Authorization Endpoint |
issuer | OpenID Connect Issuer |
metadata | Metadata Endpoint |
relay_state | RelayState URI |
request_redirect | Request Redirect Endpoint |
sso | Single Sign On Service |
token | Token Endpoint |
user_info | User Info Endpoint |
Support varies by security provider.
Value | Description |
client | OAuth client. |
directory_reader | Active Directory reader. |
resource_owner | OAuth resource owner. |
Support varies by security provider.
Value | Description |
client | Client Certificate |
signature_validation | Signature Validation |
signing | Signing |
Support varies by security provider.
Value | Description |
rsa_private_key | RSA Private Key |
rsa_public_key | Public Key |
x509 | X.509 Certificate |
x509_private_key | X.509 Certificate with Private Key |
Support varies by security provider.
Value | Description |
certificate_store | Certificate Store |
pem | PEM |
pkcs12 | PKCS#12 (PFX) |
Support varies by security provider.
Value | Description |
displayName | Display name |
emailAddress | Email address |
fullName | Full name |
group | Security group |
name | Name |
nameId | Name identifier |
none | None |
phoneNumber | Phone number |