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Security provider - Google Accounts / OpenID Connect

The Google Accounts / OpenID Connect (GA/OIDC) security provider is a vendor-specific implementation of the OpenID Connect security provider. The Google implementation allows App Builder to authenticate Google accounts and authorize requests to REST data servers.


The GA/OIDC security provider requires:

  • Client credentials (client_id and client secret)

The GA/OIDC does not define any endpoints, credentials, or parameters beyond those supported by the OpenID Connect security provider.


The GA/OIDC security provider supplies default endpoints. No additional configuration is needed.

Type Default
OpenID Connect Issuer


The GA/OIDC security provider requires client credentials.

Type Description
Client To acquire client credentials, sign into the Google Developer portal and configure OAuth authentication.


The GA/OIDC security does not support the ReplaceIssuerTenantId parameter.


The GA/OIDC security provides the following additional claim mappings.

Identifier Purpose Description
email Name User name.