Install Jitterbit App Builder on Linux
To install App Builder on Debian or Red Hat Linux, you must get software dependencies installed and configured, download and unpack a .tar.gz
file, create a configuration file, then start App Builder on the command line.
You must have the following:
A host that meets the [system requirements(/app-builder/documentation/hardware-requirements/).
A host account with root or
privileges. Use it for all actions on this page.
Get and unpack the software
To get the App Builder software, follow these steps:
Contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) to get a copy of the App Builder 4.0 software.
In a terminal, run the following commands to create an installation directory and unpack the downloaded file:
1 2
mkdir /app && cd $_ tar -C /app -xvfz PATH_TO/AppBuilder-*-lin.tar.gz
Line 1: The choice of
is arbitrary, as App Builder can run from any location where you have read/write access. -
Line 2: If there is more than one
file inPATH_TO
, specify the exact filename.
To configure App Builder on startup, create an /app/appsettings.json
file containing the following, with values substituted according to the table below:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 |
Line | Value | Replace with |
3 | DB_TYPE | The backend database type: SQLServer , MySQL , or PostgreSql |
4 | DB_HOSTNAME | The backend database server name or IP address. |
5 | DB_NAME | AppBuilder (Recommended) |
6 | DB_USERNAME | The backend database username. |
7 | DB_PASSWORD | The backend database password. |
10 | LICENSE_KEY | (Optional) Base64 encoded version of your App Builder license file. If omitted, you are prompted for it on first login. |
To start the App Builder server and log into it, follow these steps:
Run this command to set the default server port number:
export ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://+:80
Run this command to start App Builder:
dotnet vinyl.dll
In a browser, open
is the hostname or IP address of the host) and wait for the login page to appear.Tip
Add the port number to the address if you changed it from the default
in step 1.