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Google Calendar connection guide for Jitterbit App Builder


This guide describes the system requirements and instructions for connecting App Builder to a Google Calendar database server.

System requirements

Database server

Google Calendar Server

Client web browser

  • Chrome: 84+

  • Firefox: 73+

  • Safari: 13.0.1+

  • Edge: 84+

Connection instructions

Configure Google Calendar from Google Console

  1. Navigate to Google Console:

  2. Enable Google Calendar API by clicking on "Enable APIs and Services" and searching for Google Calendar

  3. From the dashboard, setup OAuth under "Credentials"


  4. Click "Create Credentials" at the top of the screen and choose "OAuth client ID"

  5. Choose Application type "Web Application" and give your application a name

  6. Add an Authorized redirect URI back to the security provider created next

  7. Click "Create" and make note of the Client ID and Client Secret

    Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated


    The redirect URI in this example uses the Security Provider named GoogleOAuth.

Adding an OAuth security provider

  1. Navigate to the App Builder IDE

  2. From the Connect menu, click on the Security Providers button

  3. Click on + User Authentication under User Authentication

  4. Provide the following details:

    • Name: GoogleOAuth (must be named this to match redirect)

    • Type: Select Oauth from the dropdown menu

    • Authentication Type: OAuth

    • OAuth Grant: Authorization Code

    • OAuth Client Authentication: Basic

    • OAuth Resource Authentication: Bearer

    • Token Owner: Depends on intended usage. Use Client if it will be one calendar for the entire organization, otherwise use User if the calendar will be connected for individual users who need to modify events on their Google Calendars.

    • Redirect on Challenge: check to enable

    • Endpoints:

    • Credentials:

      • Type: Client

      • User Name: Client ID from Google Console

      • Password: Client Secret from Google Console

    • Properties:


  5. Click Save.

Create a Google Calendar data server

  1. Navigate to the App Builder IDE

  2. From the Connect menu, click on the Data Servers button

  3. Click the + Server button

  4. Provide the following information:

    • Name: Recognizable Name

    • Type: Select Google Calendar from the dropdown menu

    • Security Provider: Select the Security Provider created in previous step

  5. Click Save

  6. Click Test Connection from the Testing section, to test the OAuth connection and redirect URL

Import data source

  1. Navigate to App Builder IDE.

  2. Click on Data Servers from the Connect menu

  3. Under Cloud Database find the Google Calendar Database created in the previous step

  4. Select the Google Calendar and click the Details button from the right-hand panel

  5. Click the Import button


  6. Click to expand Import Capabilities

  7. Optionally, click the Edit button and define an Import Pattern to instruct App Builder what records to bring in from Google Calendar

  8. Click the Import button, then Proceed

  9. App Builder will run the import in the background

  10. After import completes, expand the Utilities and click on Tables to view imported data from Google Calendar Server

  11. The Tables imported from this server are now available for use in your App Builder application

Create a Google Calendar REST API connection

  1. Navigate to the App Builder IDE

  2. Click on Data Servers from the connect menu

  3. Under Web Services click REST API in the Type dropdown

  4. For URL, input

  5. Click to expand Security Settings and select the Google Calendar Security Provider created in the previous steps

  6. Click to expand Testing and make sure Allow Challenge is checked

  7. Click Save and close the page

  8. For the Data Server you just created, click Details. This will take you to the page seen below:


  9. Add the following Endpoints and Endpoint Parameters:

    Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated


    Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated

    Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated


    Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated

    Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated

  10. For each Endpoint click Test Connection. If this is the first time performing this, App Builder will redirect to the Google Challenge Provider. Login with your Google account and click Accept on the following page. You will be taken back to App Builder after performing these steps.

  11. For each Endpoint click Discover. This will import all tables for each Endpoint to App Builder for use in your application.