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Column usage types in Jitterbit App Builder


App Builder provides the option to set a Usage Type for Columns defined in the Data Layer. Usage Type conveys additional properties about the Column to App Builder, based on the intended usage, as well as supports auto build functionality.

General values

  • Subtitle: Provides sub context for a Title field. When defined, Subtitle can be displayed along with Title in list objects. Example: Local dairy products
  • Title: Translates a record's Primary Key UUID to a user-friendly named value. When defined, Title supports the ability to auto build list objects. Example: Dairy
  • AddedBy: Indicates App Builder User who added the record. When defined, App Builder will update through the Business Logic Layer after the record is committed. Example: khilley
  • AddedOn: Indicates timestamp the record was added on. When defined, App Builder will update through the Business Logic Layer after the record is committed. Example: 1/28/2022 11:59:21 AM
  • Audit: Typically an additional column that is added if the user is using Full Audit and they don't have a single part Primary Key that is a UUID. When defined, App Builder uses this unique value as a record identifier in the Audit table.
  • Block: 1 to block edit, 2 to block delete, 3 to block both. Any other value indicates do not block anything. Block is used in App Builder from the Business Logic Layer on a data object. A data object can only use one (1) Block. Typically the Block should be Aliased as 'Block' so it's easily understood what it's being used for. The output of the Expression is what determines the type of Block.
  • ChangedBy: Indicates the App Builder User who last modified the record. When defined, App Builder will update through the Business Logic Layer after the record is committed. Example: khilley
  • ChangedOn: Indicates timestamp the record was last modified. When defined, App Builder will update through the Business Logic Layer after the record is committed. Example: 1/28/2022 11:59:21 AM
  • Enum: An ENUM is a string object with a value chosen from a list of permitted values that are enumerated explicitly in the column specification at table creation time. The Enum Function in App Builder replaces the Primary Key with the Enum expression. The Enum function can only be used to lookup values on tables that have a single Primary Key defined (not more than one PK), and that have one of their columns marked as the Enum usage type.
  • Group: Used to default the Group By setting for a List Control Type. When defined, App Builder will pass this value as the Group By value on the Control definition screen.
  • Image: Stores image or larger block of binary data to be displayed on app pages.
  • Index: Used to define column order or sorting in table.
  • Reach Token: Defines column as a Reach Token and binds to the target table.
  • Schedule Impersonation UserId: UserId is used to impersonate the specified User for a scheduled Event.
  • Temporary: Value not stored in database, exists in memory for the duration of an event.
  • User Selectable: False, Null, or 0 to remove row from selection list. When defined, User Selectable, is used to default the List control setting when adding a List control.
  • Visibility Option: 1 for visible, 0 for hidden and collapse space where panel would have appeared, 3 for hide the panel but reserve the space where panel would have appeared

REST values

  • Request Limit: Request certain amount of rows.
  • Request page number: Request a certain page number.
  • Response Entity Id: Dynamic Entity Id used for joins.
  • Response Parent Id: Dynamic parent Id used for joins.
  • Response Total Rows: Stores number of total rows matching query.
  • Request OffSet: Request skip first number of rows.
  • Request Count: Use to mark that a value returned by a REST request is the count, so if the API returned that in a field, you could mark it by setting that Usage Type and App Builder would use it.
  • Request Fields: List of fields that should be included in the response.
  • Request Filter (OData): Used to filter and return results matching expressions specified.
  • Request Raw JSON: Request body uses column as raw JSON.
  • Request Search: Used to query the data set and return matches.
  • Request Sort: List of fields that should be included in the response.

Pivot values

  • Row: Marks a column to be used as row title in pivot.
  • Column: Marks a column to be used as a column title in a pivot.
  • Value: Marks a column to be used as the value in a pivot.

Chart values

  • Key: Unique value used to identify a record. This value is often a UUID.
  • Category: Control Type used to represent the Y (secondary or vertical) axis on the chart.
  • Chart Flag: Title of flag displayed on the chart.
  • Description: Text displayed when flag is highlighted.
  • Value: Control Type to represent the x (principal or horizontal) axis on the graph.
  • Flag: Value that appears near a data point.
  • Color: Control available with charts to define color(s).
  • Sort: Option available to sort data either ascending or descending.

Gantt values

  • Dependency: Determines relationship from the Task to the other Tasks it is dependent on. This defines for each Task "Which tasks am I dependent on?" and not "Which tasks are dependent on me?".
  • End: End Date/Time of each individual Task. If End is not populated or equal to Start, the Task will be visually represented on the Gantt Chart by a single point, known as a Milestone.
  • Start: Start Date/Time of each individual Task.
  • Task: Represents each row of data from the Business Object as an individual block of time with duration defined by Start and End values.
  • Parent Task: For hierarchical arrangement of Tasks, is a reference to another Task from the Business Object. Tasks with same ParentTask are placed as siblings on the hierarchy. Supports multi-level hierarchies and expanding/collapsing for navigation.
  • Task Group: Used for grouping or placing multiple Tasks on the same row. Tasks with same TaskGroup display on the same row of the Gantt Chart.
  • Sort: Option available to sort data either ascending or descending.
  • Color: The color of the Task or Milestone block. Example: #008000

Network object values

  • Color: Defines color of the node itself.
  • JSON Options Object: JSON object used to override chart options. Useful for customizing and formatting a chart look and feel.
  • From: Represents the node it's connected to.
  • Node: Represents the node itself.
  • Node Label: In case you want to provide a different label for the node itself. The Node values need to be unique for the chart to work whereas the label can be whatever you want.
  • Sort: Option available to sort data either ascending or descending.
  • Link Color: Defines the color of the link.