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This documentation is for version 4 of App Builder, the new name for Vinyl. Access the Vinyl documentation here.

SAP Business One connection guide for Jitterbit App Builder


This guide describes the system requirements and instructions for connecting App Builder to an SAP Business One database.

System requirements

Connection instructions

Add a data server

  1. Select IDE > Data Servers.

  2. Click the + Server button.

  3. Set values for the following fields:

    1. In the Server Settings section:

      1. Server Name: Enter a name for this server.

      2. Type: Click to open the menu, then find and select SAP Business One.

      3. Url: Enter the URL for the SAP Business One REST API.

      4. (Optional) Instance Name: Enter the instance name.

    2. In the Security Settings section:

      1. User Name: Enter the SAP Business One database username.

      2. Password: Enter the SAP Business One database password.

  4. Click the Save button.

Test the connection

To test the connection, expand the Testing section, then click the Test Connection button.