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System requirements for Jitterbit private agents


This page shows the minimum requirements for a private agent host.


In this and other pages, JITTERBIT_HOME refers to the installation location on the private agent host. By default this is /opt/jitterbit/ on Linux, C:\Program Files\Jitterbit Agent\ on Windows.


CPU Intel x86_64 (amd64) quad-core, 8 GB memory.
Disk 50 GB, NTFS (Windows), ext2, ext4, xfs (Linux), 100 MB/s transfer speed.


  • Use server-class hardware for production system agents.
  • Don't share the host's resources with other systems or applications.

Operating systems

These are the supported operating systems for private agent hosts:

Operating system Version Supported private
agent versions
Microsoft Windows 10 and 11
Server 2019
Server 2022
Server 2025 11.40 and later
Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Up to and including 11.38
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 11.37 and later
Amazon Linux AMI 2 Up to and including 11.39
Amazon Linux 2023 11.39 and later
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) Up to and including 11.38
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)
Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat) 11.38 and later
Debian 11 (Bullseye) Up to and including 11.38


  • Keep operating systems up to date with the latest security and critical updates.
  • Configure antivirus software to ignore the JITTERBIT_HOME and PostgreSQL directories.
  • Hosts running agents in private agent group should be set to the same timezone.
  • Versions of agents in a private agent group should be the same.

Windows-only features and connectors

The following features work only on Windows private agents:

  • Windows authentication with Microsoft SQL Server.
  • SMB v2 with file shares.
  • Any Microsoft Dynamics connectors that require separate installation on Windows.

Network ports

The private agent host network must allow two-way traffic on the following port:

Port Description

The following ports do not need to be open but are reserved for use by the private agent:

Port Description
46905 Cleanup service
46906 Scheduler
46907 Process engine
46908 Apache HTTP
46909 Apache HTTPS
46910 JMS engine
46911 Transformation engine
46912 Tomcat server
46913 Tomcat SSL server
46914 PostgreSQL


To set up a private agent, your Harmony account must have a role with Admin or Agent Install permissions.