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Install SAP connector libraries on a Jitterbit private agent


If your projects use the Integration Studio SAP connector or Design Studio SAP connector on a private agent group, you must download and install additional libraries. This page explains how.


Your SAP S-user ID must have download permissions. Contact your SAP user administrator to have these permissions added to your ID.

Download and install SAP connector libraries

To download and install the SAP connector libraries, follow these steps:

  1. Download the IDoc Jar file:

    1. Go to SAP Java IDoc Library.

    2. Click the Download SAP Java IDoc Library 3.1.3 SDK button.

    3. When the download completes, unpack the archive file, then note the location of the sapidoc3.jar file.

  2. Download the connector library files:

    1. Go to SAP Java Connector 3.1 SDK.

    2. In the table, find the entry where Operating system is Linux for Intel-compatible processors, and Processor is 64-bit x86, then click the link in the SDK version column.

    3. When the download completes, unpack the archive file, then note the location of the and sapjco3.jar files.

    1. Go to SAP Java Connector 3.1 SDK.

    2. In the table, find the entry where Operating system is Microsoft Windows and Windows Server, and Processor is 64-bit x86, then click the link in the SDK version column.

    3. When the download completes, unpack the archive file, then note the location of the sapjco3.dll and sapjco3.jar files.

  3. Copy the downloaded files to the locations shown:

    File Destination
    sapidoc3.jar /opt/jitterbit/tomcat/lib/sapidoc3.jar
    sapjco3.jar /opt/jitterbit/tomcat/lib/sapjco3.jar /opt/jitterbit/lib/
    File Destination
    sapidoc3.jar C:\Program Files\Jitterbit Agent\tomcat\lib\sapidoc3.jar
    sapjco3.jar C:\Program Files\Jitterbit Agent\tomcat\lib\sapjco3.jar
    sapjco3.dll C:\Program Files\Jitterbit Agent\bin\sapjco3.dll
  4. Restart the private agent.