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PostgreSQL for Jitterbit private agents


Private agents rely on a PostgreSQL database server for persistent storage. A PostgreSQL instance is installed during the agent installation process, but you may opt to use your own PostgreSQL instance. This page shows how to do that, and how to inspect the contents of the database.


If you want to use your own PostgreSQL database instance, it must satisfy the following requirements:

  • The version should match the one included with the private agent, currently 14.5. Other 14.x versions may work but have not been tested.

  • The password for the server administrator account (usually postgres) must not contain accented characters (such as é), or any of the characters shown below:

    + @ $ % & [] { } ( ) , ; ? ^ = £
  • The server must use MD5 password encryption. To set this, run the following in a psql session:

    set password_encryption TO 'md5';
  • For private agents running on Linux, port 46914 must be open and available.

The following are not required but are recommended:

  • On high-load environments, install PgBouncer.

  • Do not use the database or its host in any project operations.

Use your own PostgreSQL instance

The way to configure an agent to use your own PostgreSQL instance depends on the agent host type:

With the standard installer, at the Select Install Mode prompt, select Advanced. (This is automatically selected if an existing PostgreSQL installation is found on the host.) Follow the prompts to configure the agent to use your own PostgreSQL server.

With the quiet installer, the PostgreSQL instance must be running on the same host as the agent. Set the Postgres_* parameters for your instance, then run the installer.

  1. After installing the agent package and before the Configure step, run the following command:

    jitterbit-config -c
  2. Follow the prompts to configure the agent to use your own PostgreSQL server.

  3. Complete the Configure steps.

Browse the database


You should access the private agent's PostgreSQL instance ony when instructed by Jitterbit support.

During the install process, in addition to the default postgres administrator account, a second one is created, with the name jitterbit on Linux, or jitterbitpostgres on Windows. This happens whether you use the default or your own PostgreSQL instance.

The password for this account is randomly generated and written to the jitterbit.conf file, under the [DbInfo] section, along with the database server's connection details:

Example [DbInfo] section of jitterbit.conf


As this is an additional administrator account, you can use it to reset a forgotten password for the default postgres administrator account.

Private agents store data in numerous tables in the TranDb database. The following is a selection of tables and columns of particular interest:

  • key_values: Agent details:

    Column name Description
    VersionNumber Agent version
    Agent_Name Agent name
    Agent_Group_Name Group name
    Agent_Group_Id Group ID
    Agent_Id Agent ID
    Agent_Group_Size Number of agents in group
  • environmentstab: Environment details:

    Column name Description
    id Environment ID
    organization_id Organization ID this environment belongs to
    environmentname Environment name
  • deploylogtab: All project elements deployed to this agent.

  • operationstab: Operations deployed to this agent.

  • organizationinfotab: Organizations the agent is registered with.

  • projectstab: Projects deployed to this agent.

  • verboseloguploadtab: Record of verbose log messages uploaded to cloud.