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PGP Encryption plugin (deprecated) for Jitterbit cloud and private agent groups


The PGP Encryption plugin encrypts clear text target files using PGP.

This plugin is available by default on Jitterbit cloud agent groups and can also be associated with private agent groups.


Plugins provided by Jitterbit are deprecated.

Download and add the plugin

The PGP Encryption plugin is a standard Jitterbit plugin that is already available in the Management Console Plugins page and does not need to be downloaded or added to the organization.

If directed by support, this plugin can be downloaded at the link provided below and added to the organization.

Associate the plugin with an agent group

The PGP Encryption plugin is associated with Jitterbit cloud agent groups by default.

If using a private agent group, before you can use the plugin you must associate it with the private agent group to make the plugin available on all agents in the group.

The plugin is listed in the Management Console Plugins page with a display name of Jitterbit PGP Encryption.

Set variables and use the plugin in a project

Refer to these topics for information about using plugins in a project:

The PGP Encryption plugin uses these variables:

Name Type Required Description
Jitterbit.PGP.PublicKeyData String Optional The ASCII representation of the public key. Alternatively, place the public key file directly on the private agent itself and set the variable Jitterbit.PGP.PublicKeyFile to the path of the file.
Jitterbit.PGP.PublicKeyFile String Optional The path to the public key file, in the case where the public key file is stored on the private agent. The file must be readable by the user that runs the agent (more specifically the Jitterbit Process Engine). Alternatively, you can set Jitterbit.PGP.PublicKeyID to the ASCII representation of the key itself by using scripting to define Jitterbit.PGP.PublicKeyID as a global variable before you call your operation. More information on how to do this can be found under Integration Studio Global variables or Design Studio Global variables.
Jitterbit.PGP.UserID String Optional The user ID of the public key to use for encryption. If this variable is not set, Jitterbit.PGP.PublicKeyID must be set instead. This value is ignored if Jitterbit.PGP.PublicKeyID has been set.
Jitterbit.PGP.PublicKeyID String Optional The ID of the public key to use for encryption. This should either be a string in hex-format, such as "0xAC859CC9E1257F19", or the corresponding value in base-10, such as "12431514737305812761". Note that the key ID must be 64 bits long in order to work with the crypto-library used by this plugin; some tools report only the 32 lowest bits when asked for the ID of a key. If this variable is not set, Jitterbit.PGP.UserID must be set instead.
Jitterbit.PGP.AsciiArmor Boolean Optional Setting this variable to true results in the encrypted files being ASCII-armored. The default setting (false) results in the encrypted files being created in binary form.
Jitterbit.PGP.PrivateKeyData String Optional If both signing and encrypting the file, this variable should contain the ASCII representation of the private key file that will be used for signing the file. Alternatively, place the key file directly on the private agent and set the path to the file in the variable Jitterbit.PGP.PrivateKeyFile.
Jitterbit.PGP.PrivateKeyFile String Optional If both signing and encrypting the file, this variable should contain the path to the private key file that will be used for signing the file, assuming that the private key file is stored on the private agent itself. Alternatively, pass in the ASCII representation of the key itself in the variable Jitterbit.PGP.PrivateKeyData.
Jitterbit.PGP.PrivateKeyID String Optional If both signing and encrypting the file, this variable can be used to specify the ID of the private key. The same format rules apply as for Jitterbit.PGP.PublicKeyID (see above). If this value is not set, the agent will use the first applicable key it finds in the private key file for signing.
Jitterbit.PGP.Passphrase String Optional If both signing and encrypting the file, this variable should contain the passphrase that protects the private key. This variable must be set if Jitterbit.PGP.PrivateKeyFile has been set, otherwise the plugin will fail.