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Optimize and improve the performance of Jitterbit private agents


As projects become larger and more complex, private agents can take longer to run operations, and to synchronize operation data. To improve private agent performance, follow the guides on this page. (For significant performance issues, contact Jitterbit support.)

Private agent performance tuning

This section gives a recommended configuration set to improve the performance of private agents experiencing higher than average workloads.


The set is based on the results of Jitterbit's internal testing and applies to private agent versions 11.22 or later running with a PostgreSQL 14 database server on an instance with at least 16 GB RAM.

To use this configuration set, configure your private agent components according to the following table:

Component Configuration file Location (Windows) Location (Docker/Linux)
Tomcat server JITTERBIT_HOME\Resources\ JITTERBIT_HOME/Resources/
Private agent jitterbit.conf JITTERBIT_HOME JITTERBIT_HOME
Apache multi-processing module httpd-mpm.conf JITTERBIT_HOME\Apache\conf\extra\ JITTERBIT_HOME/apache/conf/extra/
File cleanup service CleanupRules.xml JITTERBIT_HOME JITTERBIT_HOME
Java virtual machine Java Control panel /etc/sysconfig/jitterbit

JITTERBIT_HOME is the installation directory, by default C:\Program Files\Jitterbit Agent\ on Microsoft Windows, /opt/jitterbit/ on Docker and Linux.


Apply all the parts of this configuration set, not some of them. After making the complete set of changes, restart the private agent.

Tomcat server configuration

Edit and set the following values:

agent.heart.beat.interval = 3
max.concurrent.requests = 200
  • Line 1: Recommended for Microsoft Azure hosts to avoid premature WebSocket connection termination.
  • Line 2: Increase the maximum number of requests.

Java virtual machine memory allocation

Increase the values for the private agent Java VM initial and maximum memory allocation (Java parameters -Xms and -Xmx) to the same value according to the following formula:

(Total Available Host Memory4)×0.75

Private agent configuration

Edit jitterbit.conf and set the following values in each section:

  1. Enable internal pooling:

    UseInternalPooling = true
  2. Increase worker threads:

    MaxNumberOfWorkerThreads = X

    where X=4× (number of vCPUs or cores).


    A value of auto defaults to 2× the number of vCPUs/cores.

  3. Change values for the following:

    • MaxOperationStackDepth: Maximum number of synchronous operations that can be queued for execution (default value 50).
    • MaxAsyncOperationChainLength: Maximum number of child asynchronous operations that can be spawned (default value 50).
    MaxOperationStackDepth = 200
    MaxAsyncOperationChainLength = 200
  4. Enable logging:

    EnableLogging = true
  5. Change the file cleanup interval:

    FrequencyInHours = 6.0
  6. Increase maximum number of HTTP connections in the pool, and the maximum number of connections per route:

    MaxConnections = 200
    MaxConnectionsPerRoute = 200
  7. Add the following section and values. This prevents a large log sync record backlog, and improves the efficiency of the log shipper:

    MaxRecordsToSync = 2000
    MinRecordsToSync = 2000

Apache multi-processing module configuration

Set the following values in the <IfModule mpm_event_module> section of the httpd-mpm.conf file:

<IfModule mpm_event_module>
    ServerLimit                8
    StartServers               8
    MinSpareThreads            128
    MaxSpareThreads            128
    ThreadsPerChild            16
    ThreadLimit                64
    MaxRequestWorkers          128
    MaxConnectionsPerChild     1000

Cleanup rules

Review and edit the file cleanup service rules.

Environment sync performance tuning

When you deploy an Integration Studio or Design Studio project, the project's environment is locked while data is synchronized between the Harmony cloud servers and all private agents in the agent group. While an environment is locked, no operations are processed. To avoid this behavior affecting the running of your projects, apply the following tips:

  • Reduce the size of projects:

    Large projects take longer to deploy and synchronize. To reduce the size of projects, do the following:

    • Minimize the number of operations.

    • In transformations, use only the fields you need.

    • Delete unused components.

  • Reduce the number of projects per environment:

    During environment sync, the entire environment is locked. To reduce the effect of this, do the following:

    • Use more environments, and spread your project portfolio across them evenly.

    • Keep high-availability (HA) projects and non-HA projects in separate environments.

  • Deploy during low load times:

    To reduce the impact of synchronization times on production systems, schedule your project deployments to run during off-peak hours.

  • Monitor synchronization times:

    To monitor environment sync times, scan the JITTERBIT_HOME/log/jitterbit-agent.log for the text environment-deploy:

    Example log entry
    2024-07-30 15:54:24 environment-deploy-sync-thread-thread-1  INFO org.jitterbit.integration.server.messaging.agent.deploysync.SynchronizeAgent:620 - Agent synchronization for environment 227680 and agent group ID 171230 completed at 18:54:24,667 duration in MS: 4388 Rows updated: 1 by thread: 33 name environment-deploy-sync-thread-thread-1

    In the above example above, the log information is as follows:

    Description Example
    Environment ID 227680
    Agent group ID 171230
    Sync duration in milliseconds 4388
    Number of TranDb rows updated 1