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Jitterbit private agents on Linux


This page shows you how to install and run a private agent on Linux. The Troubleshoot section gives a list of common issues and their solutions.


To install a private agent, check the Prerequisites, then follow the steps in the Download, Run installer, and Configure sections.


You must have the following:

  • A host that meets the system requirements.

  • Your Harmony account username and password.

  • Your Harmony organization name.

  • The name and ID of a private agent group.

  • An account with root privileges. Use it for all actions on this page.

The following are optional:

  • Add an agent in the Management Console. If you don't have any unregistered private agents in the agent group, one is automatically created with a name that includes the host's name and IP address.

  • A PostgreSQL database server is installed automatically. To use your own, you must set it up before installing the private agent, and have ready its name or IP address, its port number, and the details of the database administrator account.

The following are recommended:


To download the private agent software, go to the Harmony Portal Downloads page. (If you have already added an agent on the Management Console Agents page, click the agent's Download Jitterbit Agent icon.)

Download one of the following private agent Linux packages:

  • Linux Debian (x64): The .deb package file, for installing on Debian or Ubuntu Linux as root.

  • Linux RPM: The .rpm package file, for installing on Red Hat Linux as root.

  • Linux Redhat Non-Root (x64): The .tar file, that can be unpacked on Red Hat Linux by a non-root user.


A root or sudo account is still necessary for installing prerequisite software and adding a user account.

Run installer

In a terminal, run the following commands for the downloaded installer type:

apt-get install <PATH>/jitterbit-agent_<VERSION>_amd64.deb
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python2 1
yum install <PATH>/jitterbit-agent-<VERSION>.x86_64.rpm
alternatives --set python /usr/bin/python2
as root
yum install python2 tar unixODBC unzip
alternatives --set python /usr/bin/python2
useradd -U jitterbit -b /opt -G wheel
passwd jitterbit
# Set a password
as jitterbit
tar -C /opt -xf <PATH>/jitterbit-agent-<VERSION>.x86_64.tar
. scripts/


To configure, register, and restart a private agent on Linux, follow these steps:

  1. Run this command:


    To let the agent communicate via a proxy server, add the required options.

  2. When prompted, enter your Harmony account username and password, and select the options corresponding to your organization, agent group, and agent.

    If you installed the tar package as the jitterbit user, enter y at the following prompt:

    Warning: this tool requires root privileges.
    Hint: Use sudo or log on as the root user.
    Do you want to continue as the current user? [y/n]:
  3. Run this command:

    jitterbit restart


You must stop and restart an agent for minor (11.x to 11.y, or 10.x to 10.y) and major (10 to 11) version upgrades. Major version upgrades also require a complete uninstall and reinstall, and a full synchronization of environments.


To minimize the impact of agent downtime on your integration projects, you should have more than one agent in the agent group.

To upgrade a private agent on Linux, follow these steps:

  1. Download an installer package.

  2. If the agent is still processing operations, drain pause it.

    Or, if you are sure nothing is running on the agent, drain stop it.

  3. Monitor the agent log file. Continue when all operations have completed processing.

  4. Make backup copies of the following files:

    Location File
    /opt/jitterbit/ jitterbit.conf
    /opt/jitterbit/ JdbcDrivers.conf
    /opt/jitterbit/apache/conf/ httpd.conf
    /opt/jitterbit/apache/conf/ *.crt
    /opt/jitterbit/apache/conf/ *.key
    /opt/jitterbit/apache/conf/extra/ *.conf
    /opt/jitterbit/jre/lib/security/ cacerts
  5. In a terminal, run the following command for the downloaded installer type:

    apt-get upgrade <PATH>/jitterbit-agent_<VERSION>_amd64.deb
    yum upgrade <PATH>/jitterbit-agent-<VERSION>.x86_64.rpm
    as jitterbit
    tar -C /opt -xf <PATH>/jitterbit-agent-<VERSION>.x86_64.tar
  6. Compare the following files with your backup copies and restore any changed settings:

    Location File
    /opt/jitterbit/ jitterbit.conf
    /opt/jitterbit/ JdbcDrivers.conf
    /opt/jitterbit/apache/conf/ httpd.conf
    /opt/jitterbit/apache/conf/extra/ *.conf
    /opt/jitterbit/jre/lib/security/ cacerts
  7. If you have backup .crt or .key files that are not already in /opt/jitterbit/apache/conf/, copy them to that location.

  8. (Optional) During the environment synchronization period, agents won't accept integration project operations for processing. You can minimize the impact of this downtime with a rolling upgrade approach.

    To do this, open file for editing, and add or set the property agent.starting.standby=true. (This keeps the agent in Starting status and prevents it from processing operations until the property value is set to false.)

  9. Restart the agent:

    jitterbit restart
  10. (Optional) If you are doing a rolling upgrade with the property value agent.starting.standby=true, and before upgrading another agent in the same group, monitor the agent log file for the following message:

    Agent synchronization for environment <123456> and agent group ID <987654> completed at ...

    This message indicates that the agent has completed environment synchronization. When it appears, edit again, delete the property agent.starting.standby (or set it to false), then restart the agent.


To uninstall a private agent on Linux, follow these steps:

  1. Stop the agent.

  2. (Optional) Make backup copies of the following files:

    Location File
    /opt/jitterbit/ jitterbit.conf
    /opt/jitterbit/ JdbcDrivers.conf
    /opt/jitterbit/apache/conf/ httpd.conf
    /opt/jitterbit/apache/conf/ *.crt
    /opt/jitterbit/apache/conf/ *.key
    /opt/jitterbit/apache/conf/extra/ *.conf
    /opt/jitterbit/jre/lib/security/ cacerts
  3. To remove the installation files (including PostgreSQL and its data directory), the service startup file, and the jitterbit user account, run these commands:

    apt-get remove --autoremove jitterbit-agent
    userdel --remove --force jitterbit
    yum remove jitterbit-agent
    userdel --remove --force jitterbit
    as root or with sudo
    yum remove python2 tar unixODBC unzip
    userdel --remove --force jitterbit


You can start, stop, and show the status of a private agent with the jitterbit command. You can also use the Management Console to stop an agent remotely, but can only restart it again in a terminal on the host. Except for non-root installations, you can also restart the agent by restarting the host.

Agents started with automatic registration automatically de-register when stopped.


Private agents installed from a .deb or .rpm package file start automatically with the host. For non-root .tar file installations, you must add a system script to start the agent, or start it manually.


It can take several minutes for a private agent to complete synchronization and be in running status.

To start a private agent on Linux, run this command:

jitterbit start


There are three ways to stop a private agent, each differing in how running operations are treated:

  • Drain pause: the agent rejects new operations, and allows running operations to continue to completion.

  • Drain stop: the agent rejects new operations, and allows running operations to continue to completion up to a period set by the parameter agent.drainstop.api.wait (by default, 180 seconds).

  • Hard stop: the agent rejects new operations and terminates running operations.


    Hard stopping a private agent can result in data loss.

Drain pause

To drain pause a private agent on Linux, run the following command in a terminal:

jitterbit-utils --drain-pause

In the Management Console, the status is shown as Stopping.

To resume a paused agent on Linux, use the Start command.

Drain stop

To drain stop a private agent on Linux, use either of these options:

  • From the Harmony Portal menu, select Management Console > Agents. From the Action column of the agent to be stopped, select Action > Drain Stop, then click OK in the confirmation dialog.

  • In a terminal, run the following command:

    jitterbit-utils --drain-stop

Hard stop

To hard stop a private agent on Linux, run this command:

jitterbit stop


Hard stopping a private agent can result in data loss.


To see the agent's status, use either of these options:

  • From the Harmony Portal menu, select Management Console > Agents.

  • In a terminal session, run this command:

    jitterbit status


These sections in the Troubleshoot page may help when troubleshooting private agent installations on Linux:

  1. Minor upgrades are Private Agent 10, version 10.x to 10.y, or Private Agent 11, version 11.x to 11.y. Major upgrades are Private Agent 10 to Private Agent 11.