Jitterbit private agent configuration file jitterbit.conf
This page describes the main configuration file for private agents, jitterbit.conf
. It is found in the installation directory (JITTERBIT_HOME
), by default C:\Program Files\Jitterbit Agent\
on Microsoft Windows, /opt/jitterbit/
on Linux and Docker.
The file uses the INI file format, in which section names are in square brackets, and each section is a list of key-value pairs. Sections can be in any order within the file. (This page orders sections alphabetically, but they are not so in the default file.) If there are sections or keys not found in your file, you must add them; some are not provided in the default file. For keys not present or commented out (with a leading #
), the default value applies. Boolean values can be provided as 0
or false
. Paths use forward slashes, even when specifying Windows locations.
Changes made to the file are not applied until the agent is restarted, and are not overwritten when upgrading.
These settings apply to the private agent observability feature.
Do not change any values in this section unless instructed by Jitterbit support.
Key | Default | Description |
ApacheThreadBuffer | 10 | Apache thread limit buffer. |
ApacheThreadCapabilityDebugOutput | false | If true , output additional Apache troubleshooting logs. |
ApacheThreadCapabilityEnabled | false | If true , enable Apache thread usage metric to determine agent capability status. |
ApacheThreadCapabilityReportInterval | 2 | How often to check Apache thread usage (seconds). |
CapabilityDebugOutput | false | If true , output additional capability troubleshooting logs. |
CapabilityRefreshCooldown | 2 | After an agent goes into incapable status, the cooldown period (seconds) before refreshing the capability status. |
CpuUsageCapabilityDebugOutput | false | If true , output additional CPU troubleshooting logs. |
CpuUsageCapabilityEnabled | false | If true , enable IncapableCpuUsage metric to determine agent capability status. |
CpuUsageCapabilityReportInterval | 1 | How often to check CPU percentage (seconds). |
EnhancedCapabilityMetricsEnabled | false | If true , enable agent capability metric logic. |
EnhancedCapabilityMetricsJMXEnabled | true | If true , enable JMX metric for capability. |
EnhancedCapabilityMetricsSubmissionEnabled | false | If true , set EnhancedCapabilityMetricsEnabled to true , and send capability metrics to Harmony. |
IncapableCpuUsage | 95 | CPU percentage at which the agent becomes incapable. Ignored unless CpuUsageCapabilityEnabled is true . |
IncapableMemoryUsage | 95 | Memory percentage at which the agent becomes incapable. Ignored unless MemoryUsageCapabilityEnabled is true . |
MemoryUsageCapabilityDebugOutput | false | If true , output additional memory troubleshooting logs. |
MemoryUsageCapabilityEnabled | false | If true , enable IncapableMemoryUsage metric to determine agent capability status. |
MemoryUsageCapabilityReportInterval | 1 | How often to check memory percentage (seconds). |
These settings apply to agent metrics logs.
Key | Default | Description |
Enabled | false | If true , allow the use of other keys in this section. If false , the values of other keys in this section are ignored. |
JitterbitMetricsServiceEnabled | false | If true , start the metrics collection service. |
UserIntentFileWatcherEnabled | true | If true , and both Enabled and JitterbitMetricsServiceEnabled are true , start a file watcher service that captures the latest user action. |
OperationStatusLogToFileEnabled | false | If true , log operations status to a file. (Moved and renamed from EnableAgentMetricLogging in [MetricLogging] .) |
OperationStatusLogToFileAsyncEnabled | true | If true , and OperationStatusLogToFileEnabled is true , log asynchronously using separate threads. (Moved and renamed from EnableAgentMetricLogging in [MetricLogging] ) Do not change unless instructed by Jitterbit support. |
AgentEnvSyncProgressToFileEnabled | false | If true , log the agent synchronization process to a file. (Moved and renamed from EnableAgentSyncMetricLogging in [MetricLogging] .) |
SchedulerMetricThreads | 100 | Size of the metrics scheduler thread pool. |
ProcessEngineMetricThreads | Value of MaxNumberOfWorkerThreads in [ProcessEngine] | Size of the metrics process engine thread pool. |
OperationEngineMetricThreads | (None) | If RunOperationsInSeparateProcess=true , use this many threads from the thread pool. |
This setting applies to operations triggered by an API Manager OData service.
Key | Default | Description |
DebugJDML | false | If true , allow additional logging of OData service calls in API Manager, including SQL sent to the database. |
These settings apply to operations triggered by an API Manager custom API or OData service.
Key | Default | Description |
EnableErrorLogging | true | Log only API operation errors in operation logs. Ignored if EnableLogging is true . |
EnableLogging | false | Log all API operations in operation logs. If true , takes precedence over EnableErrorLogging . |
EnableOperationIdLogging | false | Log the ID of an operation causing a crash. |
APIOperationLogging | false | Log the start and elapsed time of an API call. Caution Turning on this setting generates at least four additional lines for each API operation, which can result in very large log files. |
Key | Default | Description |
DeregisterAgentOnDrainstop | false | Deregister when agent stops. Equivalent of deregisterAgentOnDrainstop in register.json . |
DeregisterAgentOnJVMShutdown | true | Disable deregistration on JVM shutdown if deregistration is enabled via auto registration or DeregisterAgentOnDrainstop . |
Key | Default | Description |
MSAXUrl | | Used by the Microsoft Dynamics AX Connector connector. Do not change unless instructed by Jitterbit support. |
MSCrmUrl | | Used by the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Connector connector. Do not change unless instructed by Jitterbit support. |
jitterbit.connectorcall.timeout | 300 | Connector call timeout (seconds) for certain connectors. Do not change unless instructed by Jitterbit support. |
jitterbit.connector.disable.file.watcher | false | If true , disable the connector file watcher. Do not change unless instructed by Jitterbit support. |
jitterbit.connector.max.recent.connector.lookup | 15 | Maximum number of md5 connector checksums to keep. (If the checksum for a new connector matches an existing one, the download is skipped.) |
jitterbit.connector.max.temp.file.write.attempts | 30 | Maximum number of times to attempt to move a connector temporary file. |
This section specifies the default special characters used to delimit names in some drivers used by the Database connector. Supported delimiters include: /
Keys and values are single-quoted, and special characters are escaped with \
Key | Default |
DataDirect 32-BIT SequeLink 5.4 Quote Begin | \" |
DataDirect 32-BIT SequeLink 5.4 Quote End | \" |
Excel Quote Begin | [ |
Excel Quote End | ] |
IBM DB2 (AS400) Quote Begin | \" |
IBM DB2 (AS400) Quote End | \" |
Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) Quote End | ] |
Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls) Quote Begin | [ |
Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls) Quote End | ] |
Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb) Quote Begin | [ |
Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb) Quote End | ] |
Microsoft ODBC for Oracle Quote Begin | \" |
Microsoft ODBC for Oracle Quote End | \" |
Microsoft Quote Begin | [ |
MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver Quote Begin | ` |
MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver Quote End | ` |
MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver Quote Begin | ` |
MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver Quote End | ` |
MySQL Quote Begin | ` |
MySQL Quote End | ` |
Oracle ODBC Driver Quote Begin | \" |
Oracle ODBC Driver Quote End | \" |
Oracle Quote Begin | \" |
Oracle Quote End | \" |
Oracle in OraClient10g_home2 Quote Begin | \" |
Oracle in OraClient10g_home2 Quote End | \" |
Oracle in XE Quote Begin | \" |
Oracle in XE Quote End | \" |
PostgreSQL ANSI Quote Begin | \" |
PostgreSQL ANSI Quote End | \" |
PostgreSQL Quote Begin | \" |
PostgreSQL Quote End | \" |
PostgreSQL Unicode Quote Begin | \" |
PostgreSQL Unicode Quote End | \" |
PostgreSQL-psql Quote Begin | \" |
PostgreSQL-psql Quote End | \" |
SQL Server Quote Begin | [ |
SQL Server Quote End | ] |
Key | Default | Description |
User | jitterbit | Username for local PostgreSQL database. |
DisableOdataCount | false | Disables the $count and $inlinecount settings in incoming OData queries. Set to true if database count functionality causes performance issues. |
Password | None | Password for local PostgreSQL database. Every installation generates a new password, even on the same host. The password in the Docker hub image changes between versions, and is the same for all containers based on an image. |
Driver | 'PostgreSQL Unicode(x64)' | Windows default. |
'PostgreSQL-jitterbit' | Linux default. | |
SystemDbName | 'postgres' | PostgreSQL system database name. |
Server | | PostgreSQL server hostname or IP address. |
Port | 6432 | Default PostgreSQL server port. (6543 on private agents version 10.60 or earlier.) |
Key | Default | Description |
WebServiceDebugFile | '' | Absolute path to the backend web services debug file. If an empty string, logging is disabled. The path must use forward slashes, even on Windows. The directory must exist and have read-write permissions for the agent. |
This section configures how to handle potential error situations in the backend. Possible values are:
: The situation is normal; continue as usual.Warning
: Log a warning and continue.Error
: The situation is fatal.
Key | Default | Description |
NoRowsAffectedOnDbUpdates | Ok | An update statement in a database target that does not affect any rows is Ok per the definition above. |
NoTargetDataGenerated | Ok | No target data was generated is Ok per the definition above. |
NoWebServiceRequestData | Warning | No data available to generate a valid web service request generates a Warning per the definition above. |
EmptyDatabaseSource | Warning | A flat database source is empty generates a Warning per the definition above. |
Key | Default | Description |
AutoStart | true | Start the file cleanup routines. |
SleepTimeInSeconds | 5 | File cleanup sleep time (seconds). |
FrequencyInHours | 24.0 | File cleanup interval (hours). |
This section is used with proxy settings for calling external resources.
Key | Default | Description |
MaxConnections | 50 | Maximum number of total connections to keep in the pool. If 0 or less, use the Apache HttpClient library default value. |
MaxConnectionsPerRoute | 5 | Maximum number of connections per route. If 0 or less, use the Apache HttpClient library default value. |
TimeoutInSeconds | 60 | Pool connection timeout (seconds). If 0 or less, use the Apache HttpClient library default value. |
HttpSocketTimeoutInSeconds | 180 | Client socket timeout (seconds), the time the client socket waits for a response after establishing the connection and sending a request. If 0 or less, use the Apache HttpClient library default value. |
HttpConnectionTimeoutInSeconds | 180 | Timeout (seconds) to wait for the connection with the remote host. |
This section is used with local resources (SOAP services, API).
Key | Default | Description |
MaxConnections | 50 | Maximum number of total connections to keep in the pool. If 0 or less, use the Apache HttpClient library default value. |
MaxConnectionsPerRoute | 50 | Maximum number of connections per route. If 0 or less, use the Apache HttpClient library default value. |
TimeoutInSeconds | 60 | Pool connection timeout (seconds). If 0 or less, use the Apache HttpClient library default value. |
HttpSocketTimeoutInSeconds | 180 | Client socket timeout (seconds) (time the client socket waits for a response after establishing the connection and sending a request). If 0 or less, use the Apache HttpClient library default value. |
HttpConnectionTimeoutInSeconds | 180 | Timeout (seconds) to wait for the connection with the remote host. |
If you set MaxConnections
and MaxConnectionsPerRoute
to 100, make these additional changes:
Edit the
file and set:max.concurrent.requests=100
Do not set
above 100. This will revert the value to the default of 16. -
Edit the
file and set:ThreadsPerChild 101
Key | Default | Description |
EnableErrorLogging | true | Log hosted HTTP endpoint call errors in the operation log. Ignored when EnableLogging is true . |
EnableLogging | true | Log all HTTP hosted endpoint calls in the activity log. |
Key | Default | Description |
DebugLogLevel | (None) | Tomcat debug log level (SEVERE , WARNING , INFO , CONFIG , FINE , FINER , FINEST , OFF , ALL ). Tomcat server logs are written to JITTERBIT_HOME/tomcat/logs . See CleanupRules.xml for log file purge periods. |
Key | Default | Description |
LogLevel | OFF | Java (Tomcat) UI log level (SEVERE , WARNING , INFO , CONFIG , FINE , FINER , FINEST , OFF , ALL ). Tomcat server logs are written to JITTERBIT_HOME/tomcat/logs . See CleanupRules.xml for log file purge periods. |
Key | Default | Description |
SessionTimeout | 60 | Open JDBC session timeout (minutes). |
ClientSessionTimeout | 180 | Maximum JDBC operation time (minutes). |
LogLevel | INFO | JDBC engine log level (SEVERE , WARNING , INFO , CONFIG , FINE , FINER , FINEST , OFF , ALL ). Tomcat server logs are written to JITTERBIT_HOME/tomcat/logs . See CleanupRules.xml for log file purge periods. |
Use this section to add UTF-8 support for Microsoft Windows and Active Directory with Windows private agents.
Key | Default | Description |
CharacterEncoding | ISO-8859-1 | LDAP character encoding. |
If you use the LDAPReplace()
function to replace a value in an Active Directory as seen below, you may find that the text is converted to a different result than the entry, such as François
being replaced with FrançOis
LdapReplace("givenName", "François");
In cases such as this, add this section and restart the agent.
For more information, see Integration Studio LDAP functions or Design Studio LDAP functions.
This section is deprecated as of private agent version 11.41, and will be removed in a later version. The keys have moved to the [AgentMetrics]
section, with some keys being renamed. See that section for details.
Key | Default | Description |
EnableAgentMetricLogging | false | If true , agent metric logging is enabled. |
EnableAgentMetricAsyncLogging | true | If true , logging is performed asynchronously. Do not change unless instructed by Jitterbit support. |
EnableAgentSyncMetricLogging | If true , enable sync metrics logging. | |
SchedulerMetricThreads | 100 | Size of the metrics scheduler thread pool. |
ProcessEngineMetricThreads | Value of MaxNumberOfWorkerThreads in [ProcessEngine] | Size of the metrics process engine thread pool. |
OperationEngineMetricThreads | (None) | If RunOperationsInSeparateProcess=true , use this many threads from the thread pool. |
Key | Default | Description |
Debug | false | Enable debug mode. Both Debug and WriteLog value must be set to 1 for logs to be generated. |
AlwaysRunSuccessOperation | false | Always run operations successfully even if there is no data. |
TemporaryStorageRootDirectory | (None) | Absolute path to the temporary storage root directory. If not specified, use TemporaryStorage appended to the value for TempDir (C:\Windows\Temp\jitterbit\TemporaryStorage for Windows, /tmp/jitterbit/TemporaryStorage for Linux). The path must use forward slashes, even on Windows. The directory must exist and have read-write permissions for the agent. |
MaxNumberOfOperationThreads | (None) | Maximum number of operation threads. If not specified, the number of operation threads is unlimited. |
MaxOperationStackDepth | 50 | Maximum number of nested synchronous operation calls. If 0 or a negative number, the maximum is unlimited. |
MaxAsyncOperationChainLength | 50 | Maximum number of asynchronous operations allowed in a single chain (to avoid infinite operation loops). If 0 or a negative number, the maximum is unlimited. |
MaxAsyncOperationChainLengthOverrideAllowed | true | Override the maximum asynchronous operation chain length by setting the jitterbit.operation.max_async_chain_length Jitterbit variable. |
AlwaysDeleteTempDir | false | Delete temporary files, even on error. |
WriteLog | 0 | Enable (1 ) or disable (0 ) additional process messages for both API and scheduled operations to be written to the log file. |
Any Jitterbit variable can be set in this section. This table gives examples of variables relevant to private agents.
Key | Default | Description |
jitterbit.http.enable_cookies | false | Enable cookies for HTTP connections. |
jitterbit.scripting.db.auto_commit | true | Automatically commit database scripts. If false , use database transactions. |
jitterbit.scripting.db.max_rows | 10000 | Maximum number of affected database rows. Applies to DBExecute , DBLookup , and DBLookupAll Integration Studio database functions or Design Studio database Functions. |
jitterbit.scripting.ldap.include_dn_in_results | false | If true , include the distinguished name (DN) in Active Directory. |
jitterbit.scripting.ldap.max_search_results | 1 | Maximum number of returned LDAP search results. |
jitterbit.scripting.ldap.return_null_if_no_results | false | If true , LDAP queries with no records matching return a single NULL value. |
jitterbit.scripting.ldap.scope | 1 | Enable (1 ) or disable (0 ) LDAP. |
jitterbit.scripting.ldap.use_paged_search | false | Enable paged LDAP search in scripting. If true , Jitterbit retrieves data in pages and avoids exceeding Active Directory limits. |
jitterbit.scripting.nesting.max | 10 | Maximum number of nested scripts. |
jitterbit.scripting.while.max_iterations | 50000 | Jitterbit script iteration limit. |
jitterbit.source.db.preserve_char_whitespace | false | Preserve source database's leading and trailing character white space. |
jitterbit.source.ftp.transfer_timeout | 3600 | FTP source transfer timeout (seconds). |
jitterbit.source.text.csv_nullable | false | Allow nulls in CSV text files. |
jitterbit.target.db.include_null_in_sql_statement | false | Include null in target database's SQL statements. |
jitterbit.target.ftp.transfer_timeout | 3600 | FTP target transfer timeout (seconds). |
jitterbit.target.http.remove_trailing_linebreaks | true | Remove trailing line breaks before posting target data. |
jitterbit.target.xml.num_for_bool | false | If true , represent boolean XML values as 0 and 1 . If false , use false and true . |
Key | Default | Description |
(User defined) | (User defined) | Custom predefined global variables that are initialized for any operation that starts on the agent. |
Key | Default | Description |
MaxNumberOfWorkerThreads | auto | Number of worker threads (1 to 200 ). When auto , number is double the number of processor cores. |
RunOperationsInSeparateProcess | true | If true , operation run time is unlimited. Use MaxOperationRuntimeSeconds to set a run time limit. |
MaxOperationRuntimeSeconds | (None) | Maximum operation run time (seconds). Ignored if RunOperationsInSeparateProcess is false . |
MaxOperationRuntimeMessage | (None) | Message displayed when run time limit is reached. Ignored if RunOperationsInSeparateProcess is false . |
EnableDebugDump | false | If not specified, DebugDumpDir will default to the TempDir setting under [Settings] . |
DebugDumpDir | (None) | Absolute path to the debug dump directory. If not set, the value for TempDir is used. Ignored unless EnableDebugDump is true . The path must use forward slashes, even on Windows. The directory must exist and have read-write permissions for the agent. |
Key | Default | Description |
DisableSuccess | false | Create success files. |
DisableFailure | false | Create failure files. |
Key | Default | Description |
AutoStart | 1 | Enable (1 ) or disable (0 ) automatic starting of the scheduler. |
SleepTimeInSeconds | 5 | Sleep time (seconds). |
WriteLog | 0 | Enable (1 ) or disable (0 ) scheduler debug logging. Log file is in scheduler_debug.log in the directory specified by the value for TempDir . |
Key | Default | Description |
TempDir | (None) | Absolute path to a temporary directory. If blank, temporary files use the OS's temp dir (%temp%\jitterbit on Windows, /tmp/jitterbit on Linux). The path must use forward slashes, even on Windows. The directory must exist and have read-write permissions for the agent. |
CurlDebugDir | (None) | Absolute path to the curl log file for FTP, SFTP, HTTP, and HTTPS requests. One file created per request. Log filenames are GUID with a .txt extension. The path must use forward slashes, even on Windows. The directory must exist and have read-write permissions for the agent. |
CurlDefaultSSLVersionMax | true | If true , use the --tls-max option (applies to curl 7.54.0 and above). |
EnableLocalFileLocation | false | Allow local file creation. Needed for the Local Storage connector, trigger files, or success/error folders configured on other connectors. |
JavaScriptMaxIterations | 50000 | Maximum number of loop iterations allowed per script. |
RecoverableStatusCode | 500 , 502 , 503 , 504 | When set and the Retry option is selected in an HTTP connection, the activity recovers from the listed error codes and retries the activity. |
EnableAPITimeout | false | If true , operations triggered by API Manager APIs will use operation timeout settings. |
TargetHttpRemoveTrailingLinebreaks | false | If true , remove the CR/LF at the end of lines in HTTP connector post transformations. |
AllowUnsafeLegacyRenegotiation | false | If true , allow unsafe legacy TLS renegotiation during the connection handshake with the server. Required to prevent the error error:0A000152:SSL routines::unsafe legacy renegotiation disabled. Supported with agents version 11.39 and later. |
These settings define the locations of the available XML schemas.
Key | Default |
Schema_2001 | JITTERBIT_HOME/DataInterchange/xml_dtd/Schemas/XMLSchema_2001.xsd |
Schema_1999 | JITTERBIT_HOME/DataInterchange/xml_dtd/Schemas/XMLSchema_1999.xsd |
SoapEncoding | JITTERBIT_HOME/DataInterchange/xml_dtd/Schemas/SOAP_Encoding.xsd |
WSDL | JITTERBIT_HOME/DataInterchange/xml_dtd/Schemas/WSDL.xsd |
SoapEncoding_v11 | JITTERBIT_HOME/DataInterchange/xml_dtd/Schemas/SOAP_Encoding_v11.xsd |
SoapEncoding_v12 | JITTERBIT_HOME/DataInterchange/xml_dtd/Schemas/SOAP_Encoding_v12.xsd |
Key | Default | Description |
DefaultSMTPServers | (None) | Comma-separated list of SMTP servers to use when an email message is to be sent and no SMTP Servers are specified by the user. |
DefaultFromEmail | (None) | Email address to use for the From field if none is specified by the user. |
DefaultAccount | (None) | Login name for SMTP servers that need authentication. |
DefaultAccountPassword | (None) | Password for SMTP servers that need authentication. |
UseSSL | (None) | If true , SMTP server requires SSL/TLS. |
Key | Default | Description |
PublicKeyFile | (None) | Absolute path to your public key. The path must use forward slashes, even on Windows. The directory must exist and have read-write permissions for the agent. Set file permissions to read-only for the Jitterbit user. |
PrivateKeyFile | (None) | Absolute path to your private key. The path must use forward slashes, even on Windows. The directory must exist and have read-write permissions for the agent. Set file permissions to read-only for the Jitterbit user. |
PrivateKeyPassphrase | (None) | Private key pass phrase. Set file permissions to read-only for the Jitterbit user. |
Additional sets | (None) | User-configured. |
Additional sets
For additional sets, add a suffix (for example XXX
) to these keys (to make PublicKeyFileXXX
, PrivateKeyFileXXX
, PrivateKeyPassphraseXXX
), then reference them in Jitterbit script variables with $jitterbit.source.sftp.ssh_key_id="XXX"
or $jitterbit.target.sftp.ssh_key_id="XXX"
Key | Default | Description |
CertificateFile | (None) | Absolute path to your SSL client certificate file. The path must use forward slashes, even on Windows. The directory must exist and have read-write permissions for the agent. Only PEM-formatted certificates and keys are supported. Set file permissions to read-only for the Jitterbit user. |
PrivateKeyFile | (None) | Absolute path to your private key. The path must use forward slashes, even on Windows. The directory must exist and have read-write permissions for the agent. Only PEM-formatted certificates and keys are supported. Set file permissions to read-only for the Jitterbit user. |
PrivateKeyPassphrase | (None) | Private key passphrase. The path must use forward slashes, even on Windows. The directory must exist and have read-write permissions for the agent. Only PEM-formatted certificates and keys are supported. Set file permissions to read-only for the Jitterbit user. |
Additional sets | (None) | User-configured. |
Additional sets
For additional sets, add a suffix (for example YYY
) to these keys (to make CertificateFileYYY
, PrivateKeyFileYYY
, PrivateKeyPassphraseYYY
), then reference them in Jitterbit script variables with $jitterbit.target.http.ssl_cert_id = "YYY";
, $jitterbit.source.http.ssl_cert_id = "YYY";
, or $jitterbit.web_service_call.ssl_cert_id = "YYY";
Key | Default | Description |
tracelog.shipper.enabled | false | If true , enable operation engine trace logging on the agent. |
Key | Default | Description |
WriteLog | false | Detailed transformation debug logging. If true , Debug in [OperationEngine] is set to true . |
WriteLogDir | (None) | Absolute path to the log directory. If not specified, logs are written to JITTERBIT_HOME/DataInterchange/Temp/Debug . Ignored unless WriteLog is 1 . The path must use forward slashes, even on Windows. The directory must exist and have read-write permissions for the agent. |
ValidateXML | true | XML validation. |
LdapEnableAutoUpdateMode | false | Enable LDAP auto-update mode. |
TimingOn | false | Globally enable (1 ) or disable (0 ) file profiling. Files are written to JITTERBIT_HOME/DataInterchange/Temp/LOG . |
AutoStreaming | true | Transformation auto-streaming. |
UseOldRuleForLoopOneOfXmlNode | false | (Use for backward compatibility.) |
AutoXsiNil | false | Set xsi:nil="true" attribute for elements that are mandatory and unmapped in transformations. |
DefaultEntityResolution | true | Enable parsing of IDoc types. |
This section is used for the generation of component input and output data when operation debug logging is enabled on an individual Integration Studio operation.
Component input and output data is logged to the Harmony cloud, unless verbose.logging.enable
is set to false
. The setting for cloud logging has no effect on this type of logging.
This overrides the generation of component input and output data when Enable Debug Mode Until is configured on an individual Integration Studio operation, but does not prevent operation debug log files from being generated.
Key | Default | Description |
verbose.logging.enable | true | When operation debug logging is enabled on an individual Integration Studio operation, write component input and output data to the Integration Studio operation log. |
verbose.logging.commpress.folder.path | (None) | Commented out. Do not change unless instructed by Jitterbit support. commpress (two 'm') is a known misspelling of this property. |
verbose.logging.log.folder.path | (None) | Commented out. Do not change unless instructed by Jitterbit support. |
verbose.logging.log.file.extension | .verbose | Used for operation debug logging. Do not change unless instructed by Jitterbit support. |
verbose.logging.use.dynamic.host.for.collector.url | true | Used for operation debug logging. Do not change unless instructed by Jitterbit support. |
verbose.logging.collector.url | (None) | Log collector service URL. |