Apply pipeline plugins in Jitterbit Design Studio
Plug-ins provide a way to extend the functionality of Jitterbit by adding functionality your projects require. This section describes how to use existing plug-ins in your integration project.
Plugins provided by Jitterbit are deprecated. See Deprecation and support in Plugins.
Plug-ins can be applied to the following components:
Web Service Calls
The following assumes you are applying a plug-in to a Source.
Right-click on the Source, and select Plug-in from the popup menu. This displays the plug-in dialog.
The dialog has two parts:
- The top part, Currently assigned, shows what plug-ins are currently applied to the selected Source.
- The bottom part, Available plug-ins, shows the plug-ins that are available for the selected Source on a given Jitterbit server. To view the plug-ins for a server, select the Server in the drop-down list.
NOTE: The plug-in information is cached locally on the client. To ensure that you are viewing the current list of plug-ins, press the Refresh button to download the available plug-ins from the server. You need to do this e.g. when you have installed a new plug-in on that server.
- Select the Plug-in from the server section that you want to apply to the Source. Click the View details... button to see detailed information about the selected plug-in. This information is extracted from the plug-in's XML manifest. If you are satisfied that the selected plug-in is the one you need, click the Assign button. The plug-in will appear in the Currently assigned section.
Press Apply to apply the assignment, or OK to apply the assignment and close the Dialog.
Deploy the Source to the Jitterbit server.
To un-assign a previously applied plug-in, select the Plug-in in the Currently assigned section, and press the Delete button, then Apply or OK. Re-deploy the entity to the server for the change to get in effect.
A plug-in can be defined to be Required for a certain entity type. This means that the plug-in will always be applied to every entity of that type. A required plug-in cannot be removed from the Currently assigned section.
Multiple plug-ins can be applied to a single entity. In this case, the order in which the plug-ins will be applied is defined by the Execution Order attribute in the plug-in XML. The plug-ins appear in the Currently assigned section in the same order as they will be executed.