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APIs page in Jitterbit API Manager


The APIs page is the landing page of API Manager and provides Harmony organization administrators with the ability to manage custom APIs, OData services, and proxy APIs created through API Manager.


Members of a role that has been granted Read environment access can also access the APIs page for APIs in that environment. Members of a role that has been granted Write environment access have write access in that environment.

To access the APIs page, log in to the Harmony portal, then use the Harmony portal menu in the top left to go to API Manager > APIs:

menu API Manager APIs

Make sure you are accessing the desired organization, which can be changed in the top navigation bar (see Changing the selected organization in Harmony portal).

APIs page header

The header along the top of the APIs page includes these controls:


  • Base URL: The base API URL of the Harmony organization.

  • Custom API URLs used: The number of currently used custom API URLs out of the total number of custom API URLs allowed by the organization's subscription. Currently-used API URLs consist of those used by published custom and OData APIs and their published clones. Draft APIs do not count as in-use API URLs.

  • Proxy API URLs used: The number of currently used proxy API URLs out of the total number of proxy API URLs allowed by the organization's subscription. Currently-used proxy API URLs consist of those used by published proxy APIs and their published clones. Draft APIs do not count as in-use API URLs.

  • Filter: Opens a pane with controls to filter the table by API Type, API Status, API Group, Environment, Security Profile, and Last Edited and Last Published dates:


    Filters are applied immediately. Use the Clear or Clear All buttons to reset filters, and the Close button to close the pane.

  • Search: Enter any part of the API name, version, environment, type, description, status, or the date or time the API was last published or edited into the search box to filter the list of APIs (alphanumeric characters only). The search is not case-sensitive.

  • View: Click the tile view or list view icon to toggle the format used to display APIs on this page. Tile view is the initial default view. The next time you load the APIs page, the last selected view is preselected.

  • Import API: Opens the API import screen, where you can import APIs in APK format (see Exporting and importing APIs).

  • Export API: Opens the API export screen, where you can export selected APIs in APK format (see Exporting and importing APIs).

  • New: Use the menu to select the type of API to create, either Custom API or Proxy API:

    • Custom API: (Available only if there is a custom API URL available.) Opens the API configuration screen to create a new custom or OData API.

    • Proxy API:(Available only if there is a proxy API URL available.) Opens the proxy API configuration screen to create a new proxy API.

Tile view

To access tile view, select the Tile view icon.

Tile view displays APIs as tiles. Each tile has a front and a back that can be "flipped" over to reveal additional API information and actions. The front is displayed by default. The back is displayed on hovering over the tile:

card view flipped

  • Front: The front of the tile shows the API name, version, environment, API type (Custom, OData, or Proxy), API status (Published, Published w/ Draft, or Draft), and last edited or last published date (in MM/DD/YY format) in local browser time. The color of the icon to the left of the API status indicates the category of the API status:

    Icon Color Category
    attachment Green The API is published.
    attachment Yellow The API is published with a draft.
    attachment Open Green The API is a draft.
  • Back: The back of the tile (visible when hovering on a tile) shows the API name, environment, API description, and name of the user who last edited the API. In addition, these actions are available:

    • View/Edit: Opens the API configuration screen (see Custom API configuration, OData service configuration, or Proxy API configuration).

    • Actions: Click the actions menu icon to open a menu with these actions:

      API menu item
      api logs API Logs opens the API Logs page, which displays processing and debug logs (if debug logging is enabled) for all APIs.
      analytics Analytics opens the Analytics page, which displays consumption and performance metrics for all APIs.
      clone Clone opens the API configuration screen (see Custom API configuration, OData service configuration, or Proxy API configuration), prepopulated with the configuration details of the cloned API and updated defaults for these fields:
      • API Name: The API name is prepended with Copy of.
      • Service Root: The service root is prepended with Copyof.
      • Version: The version is appended with -2. This number does not increment with additional clones.
      export Export initiates a download of the API to a file named apis-export.apk. This file can then be imported into a different environment or organization (see Exporting and importing APIs).
      delete Delete permanently deletes the API. On clicking Delete, a confirmation dialog is displayed to confirm that you want to permanently delete the API.


      OpenAPI documentation displayed on the Portal page is not automatically updated when you delete an API. To update OpenAPI documentation, do so through the Portal Manager page.

    • Copy URL: Copies the API URL to your clipboard.

List view

To access list view, select the List view icon.

List view displays APIs in a table, with each column described below. Clicking on an API row opens the API details drawer (described below).

list view actions

The available columns are as follows:

  • API Name: The name of the API.

  • Version The version of the API, as entered during API configuration.

  • Type: The type of API, one of Custom API, OData Service, or Proxy API.

  • Environment: The environment where the API is stored.

  • Status: The API's status, one of Published, Published with draft, or Draft.

  • Last Edited: The last saved date (in MM/DD/YYYY format), time (in HH:MM:SS format), and the time period (AM or PM) in local browser time.

  • Service root: The API's public name, as entered during API configuration.

  • Group: The name of any API groups the API belongs to.

  • Edited By: The name of the user who last saved the API.

  • Last Published: The publication date (in MM/DD/YYYY format), time (in HH:MM:SS format), and the time period (AM or PM) in local browser time.

  • Published By: The name of the user who last published the API.

  • Gateway: The API gateway used by the API.

  • Services: The number of services configured for the API.

  • Actions: Hover over the API row to reveal additional actions:

    • Details: Opens the API details drawer (described in the next section).

    • Copy API base URL: Click to copy the API's base URL to your clipboard.

    • Export: Opens the folder selector for your local machine. Select a folder to save the API export. For more information, see Export and importing APIs.

    • Edit: Opens the Summary & Confirmation page for the API, where you can edit the API's settings.

    • More actions: Opens a menu with these actions:

      API menu item
      Clone Opens the API configuration screen (see Custom API configuration, OData service configuration, or Proxy API configuration), prepopulated with the configuration details of the cloned API and updated defaults for these fields:
      • API Name: The API name is prepended with Copy of.
      • Service Root: The service root is prepended with Copyof.
      • Version: The version is appended with -2. This number does not increment with additional clones.
      Delete Permanently deletes the API. On clicking Delete, a confirmation dialog is displayed to confirm that you want to permanently delete the API.


      OpenAPI documentation displayed on the Portal page is not automatically updated when you delete an API. To update OpenAPI documentation, do so through the Portal Manager page.

      View on portal (Enabled only for custom or proxy APIs with a Published or Published with Draft status.) Opens the Portal page for the API.
      View logs Opens the API Logs page, which displays processing and debug logs (if debug logging is enabled) for all APIs.
      Analytics Opens the Analytics page, which displays consumption and performance metrics for all APIs.

API details drawer

To see an API's details, select an API in the table while in list view. A drawer opens at the bottom of the window with five tabs: Profile, Settings, Services, Security profiles, User roles (for custom APIs and OData services), and Request headers (for proxy APIs).

The drawer's header displays these details and controls:

api details drawer

  • API name and version: Displays the name of the API and its version (if applicable).
  • Previous / Next: Navigates through the organization's list of APIs.
  • Expand: Expands the drawer to full screen. Once expanded, click the Minimize icon to return to the previous view.
  • Close: Closes the drawer.

Profile tab

The Profile tab displays general information about the API:

profile tab

  • API type: The type of API, one of Custom API, OData Service, or Proxy API.

  • Base API URL: The API's base URL.

  • Description: (Visible only for custom APIs and OData services.) The description of the API, as entered during API configuration.

  • Existing API URL: (Visible only for proxy APIs.) The URL of the API to proxy.

Settings tab

The Settings tab provides an overview of the API's settings (specified during API configuration):

settings tab


To edit any of these settings, you must click Edit on the API's Action column in the table.

  • Timeout: The number of seconds before the API will time out. The default is 30 seconds. The maximum is 180 seconds.


    This setting is independent of the operation timeout setting in Integration Studio or Design Studio. Operation timeout settings are not used unless a private agent is used and the EnableAPITimeout setting in the private agent configuration file is enabled.

  • SSL Only: When enabled (default), data is encrypted through SSL and HTTPS is enforced for all API requests and responses (recommended).

    When disabled, data passed through API requests and responses is not encrypted and can be intercepted and viewed by others. This could potentially expose sensitive information.

  • CORS: When enabled, the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) mechanism is used (not recommended).


    CORS causes operations using the OPTIONS method to run without authentication.

  • Enable Verbose Logging: When enabled, verbose logging for APIs includes request and response data in each API log to help monitor incoming and outgoing data and facilitate debugging. This setting is disabled by default, as it can create large log files.

  • Enable Debug Mode Until: Displays the date and time on which debug mode will be disabled.

Services tab

The Services tab has a table with an overview of the API services:

services tab

The table can be sorted by Service Name, Method, Path, Project, Operation to Trigger, or Response Type by clicking the respective header row.

  • Service Name: The name of the API service.

  • Method: The request method for the API service, one of GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, ALL, or (if the Method is set to CUSTOM) the name of the custom method.

  • Path: The path for the request.

  • Project: (Visible only for custom APIs and OData services.) The name of the Integration Studio project.

  • Operation to Trigger: (Visible only for custom APIs and OData services.) The name of the operation being called.

  • Response Type: (Visible only for custom APIs and OData services.) The response type, one of Final Target, System Variable, or No Response.

  • Actions: Hover over the service row to reveal additional actions:

    • Copy API service URL: Copies the API service URL to your clipboard.

    • Go to API Service: Opens the Summary & Confirmation page for the API, where you can edit the API's settings.

Security profiles tab

The Security profiles tab provides a list of any security profiles used to restrict access for consumption of the API:

security profiles tab

The table can be sorted by Profile Name, Type, or User Name by clicking the respective header row.

  • Profile Name: The name of the security profile.

  • Type: The authentication type, one of Anonymous, API key, Basic, or OAuth 2.0.

  • User Name: Displays the username for any security profiles using Basic authentication. Otherwise, the authentication type is displayed.

  • Actions: Hover over the security profile row to reveal an additional action:

User roles tab

The User roles tab provides a list of the organization roles whose members have access to the API:

user roles tab


This tab is visible only for custom APIs and OData services.

The table can be sorted by User Role by clicking the respective header row.

  • User Role: The name of the Harmony user role.

  • Actions: Hover over the user role row to reveal an additional action:

Request headers tab

The Request headers tab provides a list of the proxy API's request headers:

request headers tab


This tab is visible only for proxy APIs.

The table can be sorted by Key or Value by clicking the respective header row.

  • Key: The request header's key.

  • Value: The request header's value.

  • Override Incoming: When enabled, the request header overrides other request headers that use the same Key.


    To edit this setting, you must click Edit on the API's Action column in the table.

List view page settings

You can sort the table, rearrange its columns, or refresh its contents:

  • Sort: To sort the table in ascending order, click any column heading. Click again to reverse the sort order.

  • Columns: To change the arrangement and visibility of columns, click Filter columns. The Columns drawer opens:


    The drawer has the following controls:

    • Search: Enter any part of the column name into the search box to filter the list of columns (alphanumeric characters only). The search is not case-sensitive.

    • Show All: Make all columns visible.

    • Move: Drag and drop to change the position of the column relative to others.

    • Hide: The column is visible. Click to hide it.

    • Show: The column is hidden. Click to show it.

    • Save: Save the columns.

    • Cancel: Close the columns drawer without saving changes.