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Zoho Books Connection Details


Connector Version

This documentation is based on version 23.0.8804 of the connector.

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Zoho Books Version Support

The connector leverages the Zoho Books API V3 to enable bidirectional access to Zoho Books data.

Establish a Connection

Connect to Zoho Books

You can refine the exact Zoho Books data retrieved using the following connection properties:

  • OrganizationId (optional): The ID associated with the specific Zoho Books organization that you wish to connect to.
    • If the value of Organization ID is not specified in the connection string, then the connector automatically retrieves all available organizations and selects the first organization ID as the default.
  • AccountsServer (optional): The full Account Server URL. Most of the time, the value of this property will be, but if your account resides in a different location, then the domain should change accordingly (.eu, .in,, ...).

Authenticate to Zoho Books

Zoho Books uses the OAuth authentication standard. The connector supports OAuth authentication for instances of the connector running on your local machine, a web service, or on a headless machine.

Desktop Applications

An embedded OAuth application is provided that simplifies OAuth desktop Authentication. Alternatively, you can create a custom OAuth application. See Creating a Custom OAuth App for information about creating custom applications and reasons for doing so.

Get and Refresh the OAuth Access Token

After setting the following, you are ready to connect:

  • InitiateOAuth: Set this to GETANDREFRESH. You can use InitiateOAuth to avoid repeating the OAuth exchange and manually setting the OAuthAccessToken.
  • OAuthClientId (custom applications only): Set this to the client ID assigned when you registered your application.
  • OAuthClientSecret (custom applications only): Set this to the client secret assigned when you registered your application.
  • CallbackURL (custom application only): Set this to the redirect URI defined when you registered your application.

When you connect, the connector opens Zoho Books's OAuth endpoint in your default browser. Log in and grant permissions to the application. The connector then completes the OAuth process:

  1. The connector obtains an access token from Zoho Books and uses it to request data.
  2. The OAuth values are saved in the path specified in OAuthSettingsLocation. These values persist across connections.

The connector refreshes the access token automatically when it expires.

Create a Custom OAuth App

When To Create a Custom OAuth Application

embeds OAuth Application Credentials with branding that can be used when connecting via a desktop application .

You may choose to use your own OAuth Application Credentials when you want to

  • control branding of the Authentication Dialog
  • control the redirect URI that the application redirects the user to after the user authenticates
  • customize the permissions that you are requesting from the user

Create and Configure a Custom OAuth App

To obtain an OAuthClientId, OAuthClientSecret, CallbackURL, and OrganizationId you first need to create an application linked to your Zoho Books account. You must then register your application with Zoho's Developer console to get your Client ID and Client Secret.

Follow these steps to create an application linked to your Zoho Books:

  1. To register your application, go to

  2. Click Add Client ID and specify a client Name.


  3. Fill the required details in the form.

    • Set the Auth Callback URL to https://localhost:33333 or a port of your choice.
    • Choose Client Type as WEB Based/Javascript/Mobile, then click on Create.
  4. In Zoho Books, your business is termed as an organization. If you have multiple businesses, set each of those up as individual organizations. Each organization is an independent Zoho Books Organization with its own organization Id, base currency, time zone, language, contacts, reports, etc.

    1. The parameter organization_id along with the organization ID should be sent in with every API request to identify the organization.
    2. Click Organization Name, on the top right section. Choose the Organization ID from the list of organizations.
    3. If the value of Organization ID is not specified in the connection string, the connector makes a call to get all the available organizations and selects the first organization ID as the default.
  5. After completing the changes the browser prompts you to save your configuration.

After you are done creating a new client, it is displayed on your screen. From there, click More Options > Edit to reveal your newly created application's Client ID and Client Secret. Use these credentials to connect to Zoho Books by setting the following connection properties:

  • OAuthClientId: Set to the Client Id.
  • OAuthClientSecret: Set to the Client Secret.
  • CallbackURL: Set to the Auth Callback URL.

Important Notes

Configuration Files and Their Paths

  • All references to adding configuration files and their paths refer to files and locations on the Jitterbit agent where the connector is installed. These paths are to be adjusted as appropriate depending on the agent and the operating system. If multiple agents are used in an agent group, identical files will be required on each agent.

Advanced Features

This section details a selection of advanced features of the Zoho Books connector.

User Defined Views

The connector allows you to define virtual tables, called user defined views, whose contents are decided by a pre-configured query. These views are useful when you cannot directly control queries being issued to the drivers. See User Defined Views for an overview of creating and configuring custom views.

SSL Configuration

Use SSL Configuration to adjust how connector handles TLS/SSL certificate negotiations. You can choose from various certificate formats; see the SSLServerCert property under "Connection String Options" for more information.


To configure the connector using private agent proxy settings, select the Use Proxy Settings checkbox on the connection configuration screen.

Query Processing

The connector offloads as much of the SELECT statement processing as possible to Zoho Books and then processes the rest of the query in memory (client-side).

User Defined Views

The Zoho Books connector allows you to define a virtual table whose contents are decided by a pre-configured query. These are called User Defined Views, which are useful in situations where you cannot directly control the query being issued to the driver, e.g. when using the driver from Jitterbit. The User Defined Views can be used to define predicates that are always applied. If you specify additional predicates in the query to the view, they are combined with the query already defined as part of the view.

There are two ways to create user defined views:

  • Create a JSON-formatted configuration file defining the views you want.
  • DDL statements.

Define Views Using a Configuration File

User Defined Views are defined in a JSON-formatted configuration file called UserDefinedViews.json. The connector automatically detects the views specified in this file.

You can also have multiple view definitions and control them using the UserDefinedViews connection property. When you use this property, only the specified views are seen by the connector.

This User Defined View configuration file is formatted as follows:

  • Each root element defines the name of a view.
  • Each root element contains a child element, called query, which contains the custom SQL query for the view.

For example:

    "MyView": {
        "query": "SELECT * FROM INVOICES WHERE MyColumn = 'value'"
    "MyView2": {
        "query": "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id IN (1,2,3)"

Use the UserDefinedViews connection property to specify the location of your JSON configuration file. For example:

"UserDefinedViews", "C:\Users\yourusername\Desktop\tmp\UserDefinedViews.json"

Define Views Using DDL Statements

The connector is also capable of creating and altering the schema via DDL Statements such as CREATE LOCAL VIEW, ALTER LOCAL VIEW, and DROP LOCAL VIEW.

Create a View

To create a new view using DDL statements, provide the view name and query as follows:


If no JSON file exists, the above code creates one. The view is then created in the JSON configuration file and is now discoverable. The JSON file location is specified by the UserDefinedViews connection property.

Alter a View

To alter an existing view, provide the name of an existing view alongside the new query you would like to use instead:

ALTER LOCAL VIEW [MyViewName] AS SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE TimeModified > '3/1/2020';

The view is then updated in the JSON configuration file.

Drop a View

To drop an existing view, provide the name of an existing schema alongside the new query you would like to use instead.


This removes the view from the JSON configuration file. It can no longer be queried.

Schema for User Defined Views

User Defined Views are exposed in the UserViews schema by default. This is done to avoid the view's name clashing with an actual entity in the data model. You can change the name of the schema used for UserViews by setting the UserViewsSchemaName property.

Work with User Defined Views

For example, a SQL statement with a User Defined View called UserViews.RCustomers only lists customers in Raleigh:

SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE City = 'Raleigh';

An example of a query to the driver:

SELECT * FROM UserViews.RCustomers WHERE Status = 'Active';

Resulting in the effective query to the source:

SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE City = 'Raleigh' AND Status = 'Active';

That is a very simple example of a query to a User Defined View that is effectively a combination of the view query and the view definition. It is possible to compose these queries in much more complex patterns. All SQL operations are allowed in both queries and are combined when appropriate.

SSL Configuration

Customize the SSL Configuration

By default, the connector attempts to negotiate SSL/TLS by checking the server's certificate against the system's trusted certificate store.

To specify another certificate, see the SSLServerCert property for the available formats to do so.

Data Model


This section shows the available API objects and provides more information on executing SQL to Zoho Books APIs.

Key Features

  • The connector models Zoho Books entities like invoices, bills, and expenses as relational views, allowing you to write SQL to query Zoho Books data.
  • Stored procedures allow you to execute operations to Zoho Books, including expense receipt, retainer invoice attachment and attachments.
  • Live connectivity to these objects means any changes to your Zoho Books account are immediately reflected when using the connector.
  • IncludeCustomFields connection property allows you to retrieve custom fields for supported views. Set this property to True, to enable this feature.


Tables describes the available tables. Tables are statically defined to model Zoho Books entities, such as Currencies, Journals, Users, and more.


Views describes the available views. Views are statically defined to model Zoho Books entities, such as Invoices, Bills, Expenses, and more. Views are read-only.

Stored Procedures

Stored Procedures are function-like interfaces to Zoho Books. Stored procedures allow you to execute operations to Zoho Books, including expense receipt, retainer invoice attachment and attachments.


The connector models the data in Zoho Books as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

Zoho Books Connector Tables

Name Description
BankAccounts To list, add, update and delete bank and credit card accounts for your organization.
BankRules To list, add, update and delete specified bank or credit card account Id.
BankTransactions To list, add, update and delete details involved in an account.
BaseCurrencyAdjustments To list, add, update and delete base currency adjustment.
BillDetails To list, add, update and delete details of a bill.
ChartOfAccounts To list, add, update and delete chart of accounts.
ContactDetails To list, add, update and delete a contact.
CreditNoteDetails To list, add, update and delete a Credit Note.
Currencies To list, add, update and delete currencies configured. Also, get the details of a currency.
CustomerContacts Create, Read, Update, Delete contact persons. Also, get the contact person details.
CustomerPaymentDetails To list, add, update and delete details of a payment.
CustomerPaymentsRefund Read, Insert and Update Vendor Credit Refunds.
CustomModuleFields In Zoho Books, you can create a custom module to record other data when the predefined modules are not sufficient to manage all your business requirements.
CustomModules In Zoho Books, you can create a custom module to record other data when the predefined modules are not sufficient to manage all your business requirements.
EstimateDetails To list, add, update and delete details of an estimate.
ExpenseDetails To list, add, update and delete details of an Expense.
InvoiceDetails To list, add, update and delete details of an invoice.
ItemDetails To list, add, update and delete details of an existing item.
Journals To list, add, update and delete journals.
OpeningBalances To list and delete opening balance.
Projects To list, add, update and delete projects.
PurchaseOrderDetails To list, add, update and delete details of a purchase order.
RecurringBillDetails To list, add, update and delete details of a bill.
RecurringExpenseDetails To list, add, update and delete details of a recurring expense.
RecurringInvoiceDetails To list, add, update and delete details of a recurring invoice.
RetainerInvoiceDetails To list, add, update and delete of a retainer invoice.
SalesOrderDetails To list, add, update and delete a sales order.
Tasks To list, add, update and delete tasks added to a project. Also, get the details of a task.
Taxes To list, add, update and delete simple and compound taxes. Also, get the details of a simple or compound tax.
TaxGroups Read, Insert, Update and Delete Tax Groups.
TimeEntries To list, add, update and delete time entries.
Users To list, add, update and delete users in the organization. Also, get the details of a user.
VendorCreditDetails To list, add, update and delete details of a vendor credit.
VendorCreditRefund Read, Insert and Update Vendor Credit Refunds.
VendorPaymentDetails To list, add, update and delete details of a Vendor Payment.
VendorPaymentsRefund Read, Insert and Update Vendor Credit Refunds.


To list, add, update and delete bank and credit card accounts for your organization.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • AccountId supports the '=' comparison.
  • AccountCodeAccountName supports the '=' comparison.
  • AccountType supports the '=' comparison.
  • Status supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM BankAccounts WHERE Status = 'All'

SELECT * FROM BankAccounts WHERE AccountId = '1894343000000085314'

INSERT can be executed by specifying the AccountName, and AccountType columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO BankAccounts (AccountName, AccountType) VALUES ('testaccount1', 'bank')

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the AccountId in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

UPDATE BankAccounts SET AccountName = 'Test Account', AccountType = 'bank' WHERE AccountId = '3285934000000264001'

DELETE can be executed by specifying the AccountId in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM BankAccounts WHERE AccountId = '3285934000000264001'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
AccountId [KEY] String True Id of the Bank Account.
AccountCode String False Code of the Account.
AccountName String False Name of the account.
AccountType String False Type of the account.
AccountNumber String False Number associated with the Bank Account.
Balance Decimal True The unpaid amount.
BankBalance Decimal True Total balance in Bank.
BankName String False Name of the Bank.
BcyBalance Decimal True Balance of Base Currency.
CanShowInZe Boolean True Check if it can show in Zero Emission.
CanShowPaypalDirectIntegBanner Boolean True Check if it can show direct integ banner.
CurrencyCode String False Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencyId String False Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CurrencySymbol String True Currency symbol of the customer's currency.
Description String False Description of the Account.
IsActive Boolean True Check if bank account is active.
IsDirectPaypal Boolean True Check if bank account is direct by paypal.
IsPrimaryAccount Boolean False Check if the Account is Primary Account in Zoho Books.
IsPaypalAccount Boolean False Check if the Account is Paypal Account.
PricePrecision Integer True The precision for the price.
PaypalType String False The type of Payment for the Paypal Account. Allowed Values : standard and adaptive.
PaypalEmailAddress String False Email Address of the Paypal account.
RoutingNumber String False Routing Number of the Account.
TotalUnprintedChecks Integer True Total number of unprinted checks.
UncategorizedTransactions Integer True Number of uncategorized transactions.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Status String Filter bills by any status. The allowed values are All, PartiallyPaid, Paid, Overdue, Void, Open.


To list, add, update and delete specified bank or credit card account Id.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • RuleAccountId supports the '=' comparison.
  • RuleId supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM BankRules WHERE RuleAccountId = '1894553000000085382' AND RuleId = '1894553000000085386'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
RuleId [KEY] String True Id of the rule.
RuleName String False Name of the rule.
RuleOrder Integer False Order of rule.
ApplyTo String False To whom can rule be applied.
CriteriaType String False Type of criteria.
Criterion String False Criterion.
RecordAs String False Entity as which it should be recorded.
RuleAccountId String False BankAccounts.AccountId Id of the Bank Account.
AccountName String False Name of the account.
TaxId String False Taxes.TaxId Id of a tax.
TargetAccountId String False The account on which the rule has to be applied.
AccountId String False BankAccounts.AccountId Account which is involved in the rule with the target account.
CustomerId String False Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor.
CustomerName String True Name of the customer or vendor.
ReferenceNumber String False Reference number of a bank rule.
PaymentMode String True Mode through which payment is made.
ProductType String False Product Type associated with the Rule.
TaxAuthorityId String False Taxes.TaxAuthorityId Id of a tax authority.
TaxAuthorityName String True Name of a tax authority.
TaxExemptionId String False Id of a tax exemption.
TaxExemptionCode String True Code of a tax exemption.
IsReverseCharge Boolean True Check if it is charged reverse.
VatTreatment String False VAT treatment for the bank rules.
GstTreatment String True Choose whether the bank rule is GST registered/unregistered/consumer/overseas.
TaxTreatment String True VAT treatment for the Bank Rule.
GstNo String True GST Number.
HsnOrSac String True HSN Code.
DestinationOfSupply String True Place where the goods/services are supplied to.


To list, add, update and delete details involved in an account.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • AccountId supports the '=' comparison.
  • TransactionType supports the '=' comparison.
  • Amount supports the '=' comparison.
  • Date supports the '=' comparison.
  • ReferenceNumber supports the '=' comparison.
  • Status supports the '=' comparison.
  • BankTransactionFilter supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM BankTransactions WHERE Status = 'All'

SELECT * FROM BankTransactions LIMIT 5

INSERT can be executed by specifying the TransactionType, FromAccountId, ToAccountId, Amount, and CurrencyId columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO BankTransactions (TransactionType, FromAccountId, ToAccountId, Amount, CurrencyId) VALUES ('transfer_fund', '3285934000000000361', '3285934000000256009', '500', '3285934000000000099')

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the TransactionId in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

UPDATE BankTransactions SET Amount = '300', TransactionType = 'transfer_fund' WHERE TransactionId = '3285934000000269001'

DELETE can be executed by specifying the TransactionId in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM BankTransactions WHERE TransactionId = '3285934000000269001'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
TransactionId [KEY] String True Id of the Transaction.
TransactionType String False Transaction Type of the transaction. The allowed values are deposit, refund, transfer_fund, card_payment, sales_without_invoices, expense_refund, owner_contribution, interest_income, other_income, owner_drawings, sales_return.
AccountId String False BankAccounts.AccountId Account ID for which transactions are to be listed.
AccountName String False Name of the account.
AccountType String False Type of the account.
Amount Decimal False Start and end amount, to provide a range within which the transaction amount exist.
CurrencyCode String False Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencyId String False Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CurrencySymbol String True Currency symbol of the customer's currency.
CustomerId String False Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor.
CustomFields String False Custom fields of the contact.
Date Date True Start and end date, to provide a range within which the transaction date exist.
DebitOrCredit String False Indicates if transaction is Credit or Debit.
Description String False Description of the bank transactions.
Documents String False List of files to be attached to a particular transaction.
ExcludeDescription String True Is the description is to be excluded.
ImportedTransactionId Long True Id of the Imported Transaction.
IsOffsetaccountMatched Boolean True Check if Offset Account is matched.
IsPaidViaPrintCheck Boolean True Check if paid via print check.
IsRuleExist Boolean True Check if rule exists.
OffsetAccountName String True Name of the offset account.
Payee String True Information about the payee.
PricePrecision Integer True The precision for the price.
ReferenceNumber String False Reference Number of the transaction.
RunningBalance String True Running balance in bank.
Source String True Source of the bank transaction.
Status String True Transaction status wise list view. The allowed values are All, uncategorized, manually_added, matched, excluded, categorized.
UserId Long False Users.UserId Id of the User involved in the Transaction.
VendorId String True Id of the vendor the bank transaction has been made. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction ID is specified.
VendorName String True Name of the vendor the bank transaction has been made. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction ID is specified.
BankCharges Decimal False Bank charges of bank transactions. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction ID is specified.
BcyTotal Decimal True Total Base Currency This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction ID is specified.
CustomerName String True Name of the customer or vendor. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction ID is specified.
ExchangeRate Decimal False Exchange rate of a bank transaction. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction ID is specified.
FromAccountId String False BankAccounts.AccountId Account ID from which bank transaction was made. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction ID is specified.
FromAccountTags String False From Account Tags
ImportedTransactions String True Imported bank transations. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction ID is specified.
IsInclusiveTax Boolean False Check if bank transaction is invlusive tax. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction ID is specified.
IsPreGst Boolean True Check if bank transaction is pre GST. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction ID is specified.
PaymentMode String False Mode through which payment is made. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction ID is specified.
SubTotal Decimal True Sub total of bank transactions This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction ID is specified.
Tags String False Details of tags related to bank transactions. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction ID is specified.
TaxAmount Decimal True Amount of tax. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction ID is specified.
TaxId String False Taxes.TaxId Id of tax. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction ID is specified.
TaxName String True Name of tax. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction ID is specified.
TaxPercentage Integer True Percentage of tax. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction ID is specified.
ToAccountId String False BankAccounts.AccountId Account ID the transaction was made to. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction ID is specified.
ToAccountName String True Account name the transaction was made to. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction ID is specified.
Total Decimal True Total of bank transactions. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction ID is specified.
ToAccountTags String False To Account Tags

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
BankTransactionFilter String Filters the transactions based on the allowed types. The allowed values are Status.All, Status.Uncategorized, Status.Categorized, Status.ManuallyAdded, Status.Excluded, Status.Matched.


To list, add, update and delete base currency adjustment.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • BaseCurrencyAdjustmentId supports the '=' comparison.
  • BaseCurrencyAdjustmentsFilter supports the '=' comparison.

By default, response shows the base currency adjustments of the current month only.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM BaseCurrencyAdjustments WHERE BaseCurrencyAdjustmentsFilter = 'Date.All'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
BaseCurrencyAdjustmentId [KEY] String True Id of a base currency adjustment.
CurrencyCode String True Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencyId String False Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
AdjustmentDate Date False Date of currency adjustment.
ExchangeRate Decimal False Exchange rate of currency adjustment.
GainOrLoss Decimal True Check the amount if gain or loss.
Notes String False Notes of Base cuurrency adjustments.
AccountIds String False BankAccounts.AccountId Id of the accounts for which base currency adjustments need to be posted.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
BaseCurrencyAdjustmentsFilter String Filter base currency adjustment list. The allowed values are Date.All, Date.Today, Date.ThisWeek, Date.ThisMonth, Date.ThisQuarter, Date.ThisYear.


To list, add, update and delete details of a bill.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • BillId supports the the '=' and IN operators.


BillId is required to query BillDetails.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM BillDetails WHERE BillId = '1894553000000085259'
SELECT * FROM BillDetails WHERE BillId IN (SELECT BillId FROM Bills)
SELECT * FROM BillDetails WHERE BillId IN ('1894553000000085259','1894553000000085260')

INSERT can be executed by specifying BillNumber, VendorId, LineItems columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO BillLineItems#TEMP (Name, accountid, itemid) VALUES ('Cloth-Jeans', '3285934000000034001', '3285934000000104097')
INSERT INTO BillDetails (BillNumber, VendorId, lineitems) VALUES ('00011', '3285934000000104023', BillLineItems#TEMP )

INSERT can also be executed by specifying the LineItems column as a JSON array. The following is an example of how to insert using JSON array into this table.

INSERT INTO BillDetails (BillNumber, VendorId, lineitems) VALUES ('00011', '3255827000000081003', '[{"Name":"Cloth-Jeans3", "AccountId":"3285934000000034001", "ItemId":"3285934000000104097"}]')

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the BillId in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

INSERT INTO BillLineItems#TEMP (Name,accountid,itemid) VALUES ('Cloth-Jeans','3285934000000034001','3285934000000104097')
UPDATE BillDetails SET BillNumber = '00011', VendorId = '3285934000000104023', lineitems = 'BillLineItems#TEMP' WHERE BillId = '3350895000000089001'

UPDATE can also be executed by specifying the LineItems column as a JSON array. The following is an example of how to update using JSON array into this table.

UPDATE BillDetails SET BillNumber = '00011', VendorId = '3285934000000104023', LineItems = '[{"Name":"Cloth-Jeans", "AccountId":"3285934000000034001", "ItemId":"3285934000000104097"}]' WHERE BillId = '3350895000000089001'

DELETE can be executed by specifying the BillId in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM BillDetails WHERE BillId = '3350895000000089001'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
BillId [KEY] String True Bills.BillId Id of a Bill.
BillNumber String False Number of a Bill.
Adjustment Decimal False Adjustments made to the bill.
Approvers String False Approvers.
AdjustmentDescription String False Description of adjustments made to the bill.
AllocatedLandedCosts String True Allocated landed costs of bill.
ApproverId String True Users.UserId Id of an approver.
AttachmentName String True Name of an attachment.
Balance Decimal True Balance of bill.
BillingAddress String True Billing address of a bill.
BillingAddressAttention String True Name of a person in billing address.
BillingAddressCity String True City of a billing address.
BillingAddressCountry String True Country of a billing address.
BillingAddressFax String True Fax of a billing address.
BillingAddressPhone String True Phone of a billing address.
BillingAddressState String True State of a billing address.
BillingAddressStreet2 String True Street two of a billing address.
BillingAddressZip String True Zip of a billing address.
ClientViewedTime String True Time when client viewed.
ColorCode String True Color code.
ContactCategory String True Category if contact.
CreatedById String True Users.UserId Id of a user who has created bill.
CreatedTime Datetime True Time at which the bill was created.
CurrencyCode String True Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencyId String True Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CurrencySymbol String True Symbol of the currency.
CurrentSubStatus String True Current sub status of a bill.
CurrentSubStatusId String True Current sub status ID of a bill.
CustomFields String False Custom fields of the contact.
Documents String False List of files to be attached to a particular transaction.
Date Date False Bill date.
DestinationOfSupply String False Place where the goods/services are supplied to.
Discount String True Discount of bills.
DiscountAccountId String True BankAccounts.AccountId Account ID of discount.
DiscountAmount Decimal True Amount of discount.
DiscountAppliedOnAmount Decimal True Discount applied on amount.
DiscountSetting String True Setting of discount.
DueByDays Integer True Number of days the bill is due by.
DueDate Date False Delivery date of the bill.
DueInDays String True Number of days the bill is due in.
EntityType String True Entity type of the bill.
ExchangeRate Decimal False Exchange rate of the currency.
FiledInVatReturnId String True VAT return ID of bill which was filed.
FiledInVatReturnName String True VAT return name of bill which was filed.
FiledInVatReturnType String True VAT return type of bill which was filed.
GstNo String False GST number.
GstReturnDetailsReturnPeriod String True Return period of GST.
GstReturnDetailsStatus String True Status of GST return details.
GstTreatment String False Choose whether the bill is GST registered/unregistered/consumer/overseas.
HasNextBill Boolean True Check if it has next bill.
InvoiceConversionType String True Type of invoice conversion.
IsApprovalRequired Boolean True Check of the approval required.
IsDiscountBeforeTax Boolean True Check if discount should be applied before tax.
IsInclusiveTax Boolean False Check if the tax is inclusive in the bill.
IsItemLevelTaxCalc Boolean False Check if the item leven tax is calculated.
IsLineItemInvoiced Boolean True Check if the line item is invoiced in the bill.
IsPreGst Boolean True Check if pre GST is applied.
IsReverseChargeApplied Boolean True Check if reverse charge is applied.
IsTdsAmountInPercent Boolean True Check if the TDS amount in percent.
IsTdsApplied Boolean True Check if TDS is applied.
IsUpdateCustomer Boolean False Check if cutomer should be updated.
IsViewedByClient Boolean True Check if bill is viewed by client.
LastModifiedId String True Id when bill was last modified.
LastModifiedTime Datetime True The time of last modification of the bill.
LineItems String False Line items of an estimate.
Notes String False Notes of the bill.
OpenPurchaseordersCount Integer True Count of open purchase order.
Orientation String True Orientation of the bill.
PurchaseOrderIds String False Purchase Order Ids.
PageHeight String True Height of the page.
PageWidth String True Width o the page.
PaymentExpectedDate Date True Date when the payment is expected.
PaymentMade Decimal True Amount paid of this bill.
PaymentTerms Integer False Net payment term for the customer.
PaymentTermsLabel String False Label for the paymet due details.
PricePrecision Integer True The precision for the price.
PricebookId String False Enter ID of the price book.
PlaceOfSupply String False The place of supply is where a transaction is considered to have occurred for VAT purposes.
PermitNumber String False The permit number for the bill.
RecurringBillId String False Id of a recurring bill.
ReferenceBillId String True Id of a reference bill.
ReferenceId String True Id of a reference.
ReferenceNumber String False Number of a reference.
SourceOfSupply String False Source of supply of bill.
Status String True Status of the bill.
SubTotal Decimal True Sub total of bills.
SubTotalInclusiveOfTax Decimal True Subtotal amount which are inclusive of tax.
SubmittedBy String True Detail of the user who has submitted the bill.
SubmittedDate Date True Bill submitted date.
SubmitterId String True Users.UserId Id of a submitter.
Taxes String False Taxes.
TaxAccountId String True BankAccounts.AccountId Account ID of tax.
TaxTotal Decimal True Total amount of tax.
TaxTreatment String False VAT treatment for the Bill.
TdsAmount Decimal True Amount of TDS.
TdsPercent String True Percent of TDS.
TdsSection String True Section of TDS.
TdsTaxId String True Tax ID of TDS.
TdsTaxName String True Tax name of TDS.
TemplateId String True Id of a template.
TemplateName String True Name of a template.
TemplateType String True Type of a template.
Terms String False Terms and Conditions apply of a bill.
Total Decimal True Total of bills.
UnallocatedLandedCosts String True Costs of unlocated land.
UnusedCreditsPayableAmount Decimal True Payable amount of unused credits.
VatTreatment String False VAT treatment for the bills.
VendorCreditsApplied Decimal True Amount of applied vendor credits.
VendorId String False Id of the vendor the bill has been made.
VendorName String True Name of the vendor the bill has been made.


To list, add, update and delete chart of accounts.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • LastModifiedTime supports the '=' comparison.
  • ShowBalance supports the '=' comparison.
  • AccountType supports the '=' comparison.

You can also provide criteria to search for matching uncategorized transactions.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM ChartOfAccounts WHERE AccountType = 'All' AND ShowBalance = true

INSERT can be executed by specifying the AccountName, AccountType, and CurrencyId columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO ChartOfAccounts (AccountName, AccountType, CurrencyId) VALUES ('Cash3', 'Assets', '3285934000000000099')

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the ChartAccountId in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

UPDATE ChartOfAccounts SET AccountName = 'Cash4', AccountType = 'Cash', CurrencyId = '3285934000000000099' WHERE ChartAccountId = '3285934000000281053'

DELETE can be executed by specifying the ChartAccountId in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM ChartOfAccounts WHERE ChartAccountId = '32859340000002810531'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
ChartAccountId [KEY] String True BankAccounts.AccountId Id of the Bank Account.
AccountName String False Name of the account.
AccountType String False Type of the account. Allowed values for filter: All,Active,Inactive,Asset,Liability,Equity,Income,Expense. Allowed values for insert/update: other_asset, other_current_asset, cash, bank, fixed_asset, other_current_liability, credit_card, long_term_liability, other_liability, equity, income, other_income, expense, cost_of_goods_sold, other_expense, accounts_receivable, accounts_payable The allowed values are All, Active, Inactive, Asset, Liability, Equity, Income, Expense.
CanShowInZe Boolean False Check if it can show in Zero Emission.
ChildCount String True Child count in chart of accounts.
CreatedTime Datetime True Time at which the Chart of Accounts was created.
CustomFields String True Custom Fields defined for the chart of account
CurrencyId String False Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
Depth Integer True Depth of account.
Description String False Description of the Chart of Account.
HasAttachment Boolean True Check if the chart of account has attachment.
IsActive Boolean False Check if chart of account is active.
IsChildPresent Boolean True Check if the child is present in chart of account.
IsStandaloneAccount Boolean True Check if the account is standalone account.
IsUserCreated Boolean True Check if the account is created by the user.
LastModifiedTime Datetime True Last Modified time associated with the entity.
ParentAccountName String True Account name of parent.
AccountCode String False Code of the Account.
ClosingBalance Decimal True Closing balance of account. This field will be populated with a value only when the Chart Account ID is specified.
IsInvolvedInTransaction Boolean True Check if this account is involved in the transaction.
IsSystemAccount Boolean True Check if it is a system account.
IsDebit Boolean True Check if this account is debit. This field will be populated with a value only when the Chart Account ID is specified.
IncludeInVatReturn Boolean False Boolean to include an account in VAT returns.
ParentAccountId String True BankAccounts.AccountId Id of a Parent account.
ShowOnDashboard Boolean False Show on dashboard.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
ShowBalance Boolean Boolean to get current balance of accounts.


To list, add, update and delete a contact.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • ContactId supports the '=' and IN operators.


ContactId is required to query ContactDetails.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM ContactDetails WHERE ContactId = '1894952000000071009'
SELECT * FROM ContactDetails WHERE ContactId IN (SELECT ContactId FROM Contacts)
SELECT * FROM ContactDetails WHERE ContactId IN ('1894952000000071009','1894952000000071010')

INSERT can be executed by specifying the ContactName column. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO ContactDetails (ContactName) VALUES ('test4')

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the ContactId in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

UPDATE ContactDetails SET ContactName = 'Name Change' WHERE ContactId = '3350895000000089005'

DELETE can be executed by specifying the ContactId in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM ContactDetails WHERE ContactId = '3350895000000089001'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
ContactId [KEY] String True Contacts.ContactId Id of a contact.
AchSupported Boolean False Check if ACH is supported.
AssociatedWithSquare Boolean False Check if the contact is associated with square.
BillingAddress String False Billing address of a contact.
BillingAddressId String False ContactAddresses.AddressId Id of a billing address.
BillingAddressAttention String False Name of a person in billing address.
BillingAddressCity String False City of a billing address.
BillingAddressCountry String False Country of a billing address.
BillingAddressFax String False Fax of a billing address.
BillingAddressPhone String False Phone number of a billing address.
BillingAddressState String False State of a billing address.
BillingAddressStateCode String False State code of a billing address.
BillingAddressStreet2 String False Street two of a billing address.
BillingAddressZip String False ZIP code of a billing address.
CanShowCustomerOb Boolean False Check if contact can show customer ob.
CanShowVendorOb Boolean False Check if contact can show vendor ob.
CompanyName String False Name of the company.
ContactType String False Contact type of the contact.
ContactCategory String True Category of this contact.
ContactName String False Display Name of the contact. Max-length [200].
ContactPersons String False Contact persons of a contact.
CustomFields String False Custom fields of the contact.
ContactSalutation String False Salutation of a contact.
CreatedTime Datetime True Time at which the contact was created.
CreditLimit Decimal False Credit limit for a customer.
CreditLimitExceededAmount Decimal True Amount if the credit limit exceeded.
CurrencyId String False Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CurrencyCode String True Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencySymbol String True Currency symbol of the customer's currency.
CustomerSubType String False Sub type of a customer.
DefaultTemplatesBillTemplateId String False Id of a bill template in default template.
DefaultTemplatesBillTemplateName String True Name of a bill template in default template.
DefaultTemplatesCreditnoteEmailTemplateId String False Id of a credit note email template in default template.
DefaultTemplatesCreditnoteEmailTemplateName String True Name of a credit note email template in default template.
DefaultTemplatesCreditnoteTemplateId String False Id of a credit note template in default template.
DefaultTemplatesCreditnoteTemplateName String True Name of a credit note template in default template.
DefaultTemplatesEstimateEmailTemplateId String False Id of a estimate email template in default template.
DefaultTemplatesEstimateEmailTemplateName String True Name of a estimate email template in default template.
DefaultTemplatesEstimateTemplateId String False Id of a estimate template in default template.
DefaultTemplatesEstimateTemplateName String True Name of a estimate template in default template.
DefaultTemplatesInvoiceEmailTemplateId String False Id of a invoice email template in default template.
DefaultTemplatesInvoiceEmailTemplateName String True Name of a invoice email template in default template.
DefaultTemplatesInvoiceTemplateId String False Id of a invoice template in default template.
DefaultTemplatesInvoiceTemplateName String True Name of a invoice template in default template.
DefaultTemplatesPaymentRemittanceEmailTemplateId String False Id of a payment remittance template in default template.
DefaultTemplatesPaymentRemittanceEmailTemplateName String True Name of a payment remittance template in default template.
DefaultTemplatesPaymentthankyouEmailTemplateId String False Id of a payment thank you email template in default template.
DefaultTemplatesPaymentthankyouEmailTemplateName String True Name of a payment thank you email template in default template.
DefaultTemplatesPaymentthankyouTemplateId String False Id of a payment thank you template in default template.
DefaultTemplatesPaymentthankyouTemplateName String True Name of a payment thank you template in default template.
DefaultTemplatesPurchaseorderEmailTemplateId String False Id of a purchase order email template in default template.
DefaultTemplatesPurchaseorderEmailTemplateName String True Name of a purchase order email template in default template.
DefaultTemplatesPurchaseorderTemplateId String False Id of a purchase order template in default template.
DefaultTemplatesPurchaseorderTemplateName String True Name of a purchase order template in default template.
DefaultTemplatesSalesorderEmailTemplateId String False Id of a sales order email template in default template.
DefaultTemplatesSalesorderEmailTemplateName String True Name of a sales order email template in default template.
DefaultTemplatesSalesorderTemplateId String False Id of a sales order template in default template.
DefaultTemplatesSalesorderTemplateName String True Name of a sales order template in default template.
Email String True Email ID of a contact.
ExchangeRate Decimal False Exchange rate of the currency.
Facebook String False Facebook profile account. max-length [100].
HasTransaction Boolean True Check if this contact has transaction.
IsClientReviewAsked Boolean True Check if the client review is asked.
IsClientReviewSettingsEnabled Boolean True Check if the client review settings is enabled for this contact.
IsSmsEnabled Boolean True Check if SMS is enabled.
IsAddedInPortal Boolean False To enable client portal for the contact. Allowed value is true and false.
LanguageCode String False Language code used for a contact.
LastModifiedTime Datetime True The time of last modification of the contact.
Mobile String True Mobile number of a contact.
Notes String False Notes of a contact.
OpeningBalanceAmount Decimal True Opening balance amount of a contact.
OpeningBalanceAmountBcy Decimal True Base Currency of Opening balance amount of a contact.
OutstandingPayableAmount Decimal True Outstanding OB payable amount of a contact.
OutstandingReceivableAmount Decimal True Outstanding OB receivable amount of a contact.
OwnerId String False Id of the owner.
OwnerName String True Name of the owner.
PaymentReminderEnabled Boolean True Check if payment reminder is enabled.
PaymentTerms Integer False Net payment term for the customer.
PaymentTermsLabel String False Label for the paymet due details.
PortalStatus String True Status of a portal.
PricePrecision Integer True The precision for the price.
PricebookId String True Id of a price book.
PricebookName String True Name of a price book.
PrimaryContactId String True Primary ID of a contact.
SalesChannel String True Channel of sales.
ShippingAddress String False Shipment Address.
ShippingAddressId String True ContactAddresses.AddressId Id of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressAttention String False Name of a person of shipping address.
ShippingAddressCity String False City of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressCountry String False Country of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressFax String False Fax of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressPhone String False Phone number of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressState String False State of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressStateCode String False State code of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressStreet2 String False Street two details of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressZip String False Zip code of a shipping address.
Source String True Source of the contact.
Status String True Status of the contact.
Twitter String False Twitter account.
TaxAuthorityName String False Enter tax authority name.
Tags String False Tags.
UnusedCreditsPayableAmount Decimal True Payable amount of Unused credits of a contact.
UnusedCreditsPayableAmountBcy Decimal True Base Currency Payable amount of Unused credits of a contact.
UnusedCreditsReceivableAmount Decimal True Receivable amount of Unused credits of a contact.
UnusedCreditsReceivableAmountBcy Decimal True Base Currency Receivable amount of Unused credits of a contact.
UnusedRetainerPayments Decimal True Payment of the contact which is unused.
Website String False Link of a website.


To list, add, update and delete a Credit Note.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • CreditnoteId supports the '=' and IN operators.


CreditnoteId is required to query CreditNoteDetails.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM CreditNoteDetails WHERE CreditnoteId = '1895452000000083136'
SELECT * FROM CreditNoteDetails WHERE CreditNoteId IN (SELECT CreditNoteId FROM CreditNotes)
SELECT * FROM CreditNoteDetails WHERE CreditnoteId IN ('1895452000000083136','1895452000000083137')

INSERT can be executed by specifying the CustomerId, Date, LineItems, and CreditnoteNumber columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO CreditNoteLineItems#TEMP (Name, accountid, itemid) VALUES ('Cloth-Jeans', '3285934000000034001', '3285934000000104097')
INSERT INTO CreditNoteDetails (customerid, date, lineitems, creditnotenumber) VALUES ('3285934000000085043', '2023-01-18', CreditNoteLineItems#Temp, 'CN-100')

INSERT can also be executed by specifying the LineItems column as a JSON array. The following is an example of how to insert using JSON array into this table.

INSERT INTO CreditNoteDetails (CustomerId, Date, LineItems, CreditNoteNumber) VALUES ('3255827000000081003', '2023-01-18', '[{"Name":"Cloth-Jeans3", "AccountId":"3285934000000034001", "ItemId":"3285934000000104097"}]', 'CN-100')

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the CreditNoteId in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

INSERT INTO CreditNoteLineItems#TEMP (Name,accountid,itemid) VALUES ('Cloth-Jeans1','3285934000000034001','3285934000000104097')
UPDATE CreditNoteDetails SET customerid = '3285934000000085043', date = '2023-01-17', lineitems = 'CreditNoteLineItems#Temp' WHERE creditnoteid = '3285934000000265005'

UPDATE can also be executed by specifying the LineItems column as a JSON array. The following is an example of how to update using JSON array into this table.

UPDATE CreditNoteDetails SET CustomerId = '3285934000000085043', Date = '2023-01-17', LineItems = '[{"Name":"Cloth-Jeans", "AccountId":"3285934000000034001", "ItemId":"3285934000000104097"}]' WHERE CreditNoteId = '3285934000000265005'

DELETE can be executed by specifying the CreditNoteId in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM CreditNoteDetails WHERE CreditnoteId = '3285934000000265005'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
CreditnoteId [KEY] String True CreditNotes.CreditnoteId Id of a credit note.
CreditnoteNumber String False Number of a credit note.
Adjustment Decimal True Adjustments made to the credit note.
AdjustmentDescription String True Description of adjustments made to the credit note.
ApproverId String True Users.UserId Id of an approver.
AvataxUseCode String False Used to group like customers for exemption purposes. It is a custom value that links customers to a tax rule.
AvataxTaxCode String False A tax code is a unique label used to group items together.
AvataxExemptNo String False Exemption certificate number of the customer.
Balance Decimal True The unpaid amount.
BillingAddress String True Billing address of a credit note.
BillingAddressAttention String True Name of a person in billing address.
BillingAddressCity String True City of a billing address.
BillingAddressCountry String True Country of a billing address.
BillingAddressFax String True Fax of a billing address.
BillingAddressPhone String True Phone number of a billing address.
BillingAddressState String True State of a billing address.
BillingAddressStreet2 String True Street two of a billing address.
BillingAddressZip String True ZIP code of a billing address.
ColorCode String True Color code of a credit note.
ContactCategory String True Category of a contact.
ContactPersons String False Contact persons of a contact.
CreatedById String True Users.UserId Id of a user who has created credit note.
CreatedTime Datetime True Time at which the credit note was created.
CurrencyCode String True Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencyId String True Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CurrencySymbol String True Currency symbol of the customer's currency.
CurrentSubStatus String True Current sub status of a credit note.
CurrentSubStatusId String True Current sub status ID of a credit note.
CustomerId String False Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor.
CustomerName String True Name of the customer or vendor.
CustomFields String False Custom fields of the contact.
Date Date False Date of a credit note.
Discount String True Discount given to specific item in credit note.
DiscountAppliedOnAmount Decimal True Discount applied on amount.
DiscountType String True Type of discount.
ExchangeRate Decimal False Exchange rate of the currency.
FiledInVatReturnId String True VAT return ID of credit note which was filed.
FiledInVatReturnName String True VAT return name of credit note which was filed.
FiledInVatReturnType String True VAT return type of credit note which was filed.
GstNo String False GST number used for credit note.
GstReason String True Reason for GST given for credit note.
GstReturnDetailsReturnPeriod String True Period for GST return.
GstReturnDetailsStatus String True Status of GST return details.
GstTreatment String False Choose whether the credit note is GST registered/unregistered/consumer/overseas. .
HasNextCreditnote Boolean True Check if it has credit note.
InvoiceId String True Invoices.InvoiceId Invoice ID for credit note.
InvoiceNumber String True Invoice number for credit note.
IsDiscountBeforeTax Boolean True Check if the discount is applied before tax in credit note.
IsDraft Boolean False Set to true if credit note has to be created in draft status.
IsEmailed Boolean False Check if the credit note is emailed.
IsEwayBillRequired Boolean True Check if eway bill is required for credit note.
IsInclusiveTax Boolean False Check if the credit note is inclusive tax.
IsPreGst Boolean True Check if pre GST is applied.
IsTaxable Boolean True Check if this credit note is taxable.
LastModifiedById String True Users.UserId Id of the user last modified.
LastModifiedTime Datetime True The time of last modification of the credit note.
LineItems String False Line items of an estimate.
Notes String False Notes for this credit note.
Orientation String True Orientation of a page.
PageHeight String True Height of a page.
PageWidth String True Width of a page.
PlaceOfSupply String False The place of supply is where a transaction is considered to have occurred for VAT purposes.
PricePrecision Integer True The precision for the price.
ReasonForCreditnote String True Any specific reason for taking credit note.
ReferenceNumber String False Reference number of credit note.
ReverseChargeTaxTotal Decimal True Total amount to pay the liability of tax.
RoundoffValue Decimal True Rounding off the values to precise number.
SalespersonId String False Id of a sales person.
SalespersonName String True Name of a sales person.
ShippingAddress String True Shipment Address.
ShippingAddressAttention String True Name of a person of shipping address.
ShippingAddressCity String True City of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressCountry String True Country of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressFax String True Fax of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressPhone String True Phone number of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressState String True State of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressStreet2 String True Street two details of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressZip String True Zip code of a shipping address.
ShippingCharge Decimal True Shipping charge of credit note.
Status String True Status of the credit note.
SubTotal Decimal True Sub total of credit notes.
SubTotalInclusiveOfTax Decimal True Subtotal amount which are inclusive of tax.
SubmittedBy String True Detail of the user who has submitted the credit note.
SubmittedDate Date True Date when credit note was submitted.
SubmitterId String True Users.UserId Id of a submitter of credit note.
TaxSpecification String True Working of tax when specifying special tax options and tax methods for earnings codes.
TaxTotal Decimal True Total amount of Tax.
TaxTreatment String False VAT treatment for the Credit Note.
TemplateId String False Id of a template.
TemplateName String True Name of a tempalte.
TemplateType String True Type of a template.
Terms String False Terms and Conditions apply of a credit note.
Total Decimal True Total of credit notes.
TotalCreditsUsed Decimal True Total credits used for credit note.
TotalRefundedAmount Decimal True Total amount refunded for a credit note.
TransactionRoundingType String True Type of round off used for transaction.
VatTreatment String False VAT treatment for the credit note.
IgnoreAutoNumberGeneration Boolean False Set to true if you need to provide your own credit note number.


To list, add, update and delete currencies configured. Also, get the details of a currency.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • CurrencyFilter supports the '=' comparison.
  • CurrencyId supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM Currencies WHERE CurrencyId = '1894553000000000099'

SELECT * FROM Currencies WHERE CurrencyFilter = 'Currencies.ExcludeBaseCurrency'

INSERT can be executed by specifying the CurrencyCode, and CurrencyFormat columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO Currencies (currencycode, currencyformat) VALUES ('AUD', '1,234,567.89')

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the CurrencyId in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

UPDATE Currencies SET CurrencyFormat = '1,234,567.89', PricePrecision = '2' WHERE CurrencyId = '3285934000000000105'

DELETE can be executed by specifying the CurrencyId in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM Currencies WHERE CurrencyId = '3285934000000000105'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
CurrencyId [KEY] String True Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CurrencyName String True Name of a currency.
CurrencyCode String False Code of a currency.
CurrencyFormat String False Format of a currency.
CurrencySymbol String False Symbol of a currency.
EffectiveDate Date True Date which the exchange rate is applicable for the currency.
ExchangeRate Decimal True Exchange rate of the currency.
IsBaseCurrency Boolean True Check of it is a base currency.
PricePrecision Integer False The precision for the price.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CurrencyFilter String Filter currencies excluding base currency. The allowed values are Currencies.ExcludeBaseCurrency.


Create, Read, Update, Delete contact persons. Also, get the contact person details.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • ContactId supports the '=' comparison.
  • CustomerContactId supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM CustomerContacts WHERE ContactId = '1864553000000072009' AND CustomerContactId = '1896253000000071011'

INSERT can be executed by specifying FirstName and CONTACTID columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO CustomerContacts (FirstName, CONTACTID) VALUES ('customercontactspersons', '3285934000000085043')

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the CustomerContactId in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

UPDATE CUSTOMERCONTACTS SET CONTACTID = '3285934000000085043', LASTNAME = 'TEST' WHERE customercontactid = '3285934000000266024'

DELETE can be executed by specifying the CustomerContactId in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM CUSTOMERCONTACTS WHERE CustomerContactId = '3285934000000266024'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
CustomerContactId [KEY] String True Id of a contact person.
ContactId String False Contacts.ContactId Id of a contact.
ContactName String False Display Name of the contact. Max-length [200].
CreatedTime Datetime True Time at which the contact person was created.
CurrencyCode String True Currency code used for this contact person.
Department String False Department on which a person belongs. .
Designation String False Designation of a person.
Email String False Email ID of contact person.
EnablePortal Boolean False Option to enable the portal access. allowed values true,false
Fax String False Fax ID of contact person.
FirstName String False First name of the contact person.
IsPrimaryContact Boolean True Check if it is a primary contact.
LastName String False Last name of contact person.
Mobile String False Mobile number of a contact person.
Phone String False Phone number of a contact person.
Salutation String False Salutation of a contact person.
Skype String False Skype ID of contact person.


To list, add, update and delete details of a payment.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • PaymentId supports the '=' and IN operators.


PaymentId is required to query CustomerPaymentDetails.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM CustomerPaymentDetails WHERE PaymentId = '1894553000000083001'
SELECT * FROM CustomerPaymentDetails WHERE PaymentId IN (SELECT PaymentId FROM CustomerPayments)
SELECT * FROM CustomerPaymentDetails WHERE PaymentId IN ('1894553000000083001','1894553000000083002')

INSERT can be executed by specifying the CustomerId, PaymentMode, Amount, Date, InvoiceId, and AmountApplied columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO CustomerPaymentDetails (customerid, paymentmode, amount, date, invoiceid, amountapplied) VALUES ('3285934000000104002', 'cash', '1999', '2023-01-18', '3285934000000220356', '1999')

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the PaymentId in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

UPDATE CustomerPaymentDetails SET CustomerId = '3285934000000104002', PaymentMode = 'bank', Amount = '1999', Date = '2023-01-18', InvoiceId = '3285934000000220356', AmountApplied = '1999' WHERE PaymentId = '3285934000000269021'

DELETE can be executed by specifying the PaymentId in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM CustomerPaymentDetails WHERE PaymentId = '3285934000000269021'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
PaymentId [KEY] String True CustomerPayments.PaymentId Id of a payment.
AccountId String False BankAccounts.AccountId Id of the Bank Account.
AccountName String True Name of the account.
AccountType String True Type of the account.
Amount Decimal False Amount of the customer payments.
AmountApplied Decimal False Amount paid for the invoice.
AttachmentName String True Name of the attachment.
BankCharges Decimal False Charges of bank.
CanSendInMail Boolean True Check if the customer payment can be send in mail.
CanSendPaymentSms Boolean True Check if the customer payment can send payment SMS.
CardType String True Type of card.
CurrencyCode String True Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencyId String False Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CustomerId String False Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor.
CustomerName String True Name of the customer or vendor.
CustomFields String False Custom fields of the contact.
ContactPersons String False Contact persons of a contact.
Date Date False Date of a customer payment.
Description String False Description of the customer payment.
DiscountAmount Decimal True Total discount amount applied in customer payment.
ExchangeRate Decimal False Exchange rate of the currency.
IsClientReviewSettingsEnabled Boolean True Check if the client review settings is enabled or not.
IsPaymentDetailsRequired Boolean True Check if the payment details is required.
IsPreGst Boolean True Check if pre GST is applied.
InvoiceId String False Invoices.InvoiceId Invoice ID for credit note.
LastFourDigits String True It store the last four digits of customer's card details.
OnlineTransactionId String True Id of online transaction.
Orientation String True Orientation of the page.
PageHeight String True Height of the page.
PageWidth String True Width of the page.
PaymentMode String False Mode through which payment is made.
PaymentNumber String True Number through which payment is made.
PaymentNumberPrefix String True Prefix of the payment number.
PaymentNumberSuffix String True Suffix of the payment number.
ProductDescription String True Description of the product.
ReferenceNumber String False Reference number of a customer payment.
SettlementStatus String True Status of the settlement.
TaxAccountId String False BankAccounts.AccountId Account ID of tax.
TaxAccountName String True Account name of tax.
TaxAmountWithheld Decimal False Amount withheld for tax.
TemplateId String True Id of a template.
TemplateName String True Name of a template.
TemplateType String True Type of a template.
UnusedAmount Decimal True Unused amount of the customer payment.
Invoices String False List of invoices associated with the payment.


Read, Insert and Update Vendor Credit Refunds.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • PaymentId supports the '=' comparison.
  • PaymentRefundId supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the connector.

For example, the following queries are processed server-side:

SELECT * FROM CustomerPaymentsRefund WHERE PaymentId = '3350895000000089001'

SELECT * FROM CustomerPaymentsRefund WHERE PaymentRefundId = '3285934000000441001'

INSERT can be executed by specifying the Amount, Date, FromAccountId, and VendorCreditId columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO CustomerPaymentsRefund (Date, Amount, FromAccountId, PaymentId) VALUES ('2023-02-27', '1200', 3285934000000259036, 3285934000000312117)

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the Amount, Date and AccountId in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

UPDATE CustomerPaymentsRefund SET Description = 'test2' WHERE PaymentRefundId = 3285934000000439001 AND PaymentId = 3285934000000234015

DELETE can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM CustomerPaymentsRefund WHERE PaymentRefundId = 3285934000000439001 AND PaymentId = 3285934000000234015
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
PaymentRefundId [KEY] String True = Payment Refund Id.
PaymentId [KEY] String False CustomerPayments.PaymentId = Payment Id.
Amount Integer False Amount.
FromAccountId String False From Account Id.
AmountBcy Integer True Amount BCY.
AmountFcy Integer True Amount FCY.
CustomerName String True Customer Name.
Date Date False Date.
Description String False Description.
ExchangeRate Decimal False Exchange Rate.
ReferenceNumber String False Reference Number.
RefundMode String False Refund Mode.
PaymentForm String False Payment Form.
PaymentNumber String True Payment Number.


In Zoho Books, you can create a custom module to record other data when the predefined modules are not sufficient to manage all your business requirements.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with EntityName, which supports the '=' comparison. The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.


EntityName is required to query CustomModuleFields.

For example:

SELECT * FROM CustomModuleFields WHERE EntityName = 'cm_tests_module'

SELECT * FROM CustomModules WHERE EntityName IN ('cm_tests_module', 'cm_testingmodule')

You can execute INSERT by specifying EntityName, FieldName, IsMandatory, DataType, and ShowOnPdf columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table:

INSERT INTO CustomModuleFields (EntityName, FieldName, IsMandatory, DataType, ShowOnPdf) VALUES ('cm_test1', 'fieldname23', 'fcan also be executed', 'string', 'fcan also be executed')

Insert a field of type dropdown or multiselect by specifying the Options column in addition to the above columns. The following is an example of how to insert a field of type dropdown or multiselect:

INSERT INTO CustomModuleFieldDropDownOptions#TEMP (OptionName, OptionOrder) VALUES ('option2', '2')
INSERT INTO CustomModuleFieldDropDownOptions#TEMP (OptionName, OptionOrder) VALUES ('option1', '1')
INSERT INTO CustomModuleFields (entityname, fieldname, datatype, ismandatory, showonpdf, options) VALUES ('cm_testupdate', 'field4', 'multiselect', 'fcan also be executed', 'fcan also be executed', CustomModuleFieldDropDownOptions#TEMP )

Insert a field of type autonumber by specifying AutoNumberStartingValue. The following is an example of how to insert a field of type autonumber:

INSERT INTO CustomModuleFields (entityname, fieldname, datatype, ismandatory, showonpdf, AutoNumberStartingValue) VALUES ('cm_testupdate', 'field6', 'autonumber', 'fcan also be executed', 'fcan also be executed', 3)

You can execute UPDATE by specifying the FieldId in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated.

UPDATE CustomModuleFields SET FieldName = 'testingss' WHERE FieldId = 4044157000000087002
DELETE FROM CustomModuleFields WHERE FieldName = 'cf_label_1' AND entityname = 'cm_tets_module'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
FieldId [KEY] String True Id of the column created.
EntityName String False Name of the custom module for which a column has to be added.
FieldName String False Name of the column.
DataType String False Data type of the column. The allowed values are string, email, URL, phone, number, decimal, amount, percent, date, date_time, check_box, autonumber, dropdown, multiselect, lookup, multiline, formula.
AutoNumberStartingValue Integer False The beginning value for auto-generation. This is mandatory when data_type is set to autonumber.
Options String False Required if the datatype is multiselect or dropdown.
Description String False Description of the custom field to help users understand the usecase.
IsMandatory Boolean False Boolean value that evaluates whether the column is mandatory.
ShowOnPdf Boolean False Boolean value that evalueate whether the value should be shown in pdf.


In Zoho Books, you can create a custom module to record other data when the predefined modules are not sufficient to manage all your business requirements.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • APIName supports the '=' comparison

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM CustomModules WHERE APIName = 'cm_testing_module'

INSERT can be executed by specifying the ModuleName, ModulePluralName, and ModuleDescription columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO CustomModules (ModuleName, ModulePluralName, ModuleDescription) VALUES ('moduletesting', 'codetestings', 'testing insert through code')

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the APIName in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated.

UPDATE CustomModules SET ModuleName = 'moduletestings', ModulePluralName = 'codetestingsedit', ModuleDescription = 'testing insert through code' WHERE apiname = 'cm_moduletesting'
DELETE FROM CustomModules WHERE apiname = 'cm_moduletesting'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
ModuleId [KEY] String True Id of a module.
ModuleName String False Name of the module.
ModulePluralName String False Plural name for the module.
ModuleDescription String False Description of the custom module to help users understand the purpose of this custom module.
APIName String True API name of the module.


To list, add, update and delete details of an estimate.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • EstimateId supports the '=' and IN operators.


EstimateId is required to query EstimateDetails.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM EstimateDetails WHERE EstimateId = '1894553000000077244'
SELECT * FROM EstimateDetails WHERE EstimateId IN (SELECT EstimateId FROM Estimates)
SELECT * FROM EstimateDetails WHERE EstimateId IN ('1894553000000077244','1894553000000077245')

INSERT can be executed by specifying the Customerid and lineitems columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO EstimateLineItems#TEMP (Name, itemid) VALUES ('Cloth-Jeans1', '3285934000000104097')
INSERT INTO EstimateDetails (Customerid, lineitems) VALUES ('3285934000000104002', EstimateLineItems#Temp)

INSERT can also be executed by specifying the LineItems column as a JSON array. The following is an example of how to insert using JSON array into this table.

INSERT INTO EstimateDetails (CustomerId, LineItems) VALUES ('3255827000000081003', '[{"Name":"Cloth-Jeans3", "ItemId":"3285934000000104097"}]')

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the EstimateId in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

INSERT INTO EstimateLineItems#TEMP (Name, itemid) VALUES ('Cloth-Jeans12', '3285934000000104097')
UPDATE EstimateDetails SET Customerid = '3285934000000104002', lineitems = 'EstimateLineItems#Temp'  WHERE EstimateId = '3285934000000263048'

UPDATE can also be executed by specifying the LineItems column as a JSON array. The following is an example of how to update using JSON array into this table.

UPDATE EstimateDetails SET CustomerId = '3285934000000085043', LineItems = '[{"Name":"Cloth-Jeans", "ItemId":"3285934000000104097"}]' WHERE EstimateId = '3285934000000263048'

DELETE can be executed by specifying the EstimateId in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM EstimateDetails WHERE EstimateId = '3285934000000263048'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
EstimateId [KEY] String True Estimates.EstimateId Id of an estimate.
Adjustment Decimal False Adjustments made to the estimate.
AdjustmentDescription String False Description of adjustments made to the estimate.
AllowPartialPayments Boolean True Check if estimate allows partial payments.
ApproverId String True Users.UserId Id of an approver.
AttachmentName String True Name of the attachment.
AvataxUseCode String False Used to group like customers for exemption purposes. It is a custom value that links customers to a tax rule.
AvataxExemptNo String False Exemption certificate number of the customer.
BcyAdjustment Decimal True Adjustment made for base currency.
BcyDiscountTotal Decimal True Total amount get on discount for base currency.
BcyShippingCharge Decimal True Shipping charge applied for base currency.
BcySubTotal Decimal True Sub total of base currency.
BcyTaxTotal Decimal True Total tax applied for the base currency.
BcyTotal Decimal True Total Base Currency.
BillingAddress String True Billing address of a estimate.
BillingAddressAttention String True Name of a person in billing address.
BillingAddressCity String True City of a billing address.
BillingAddressCountry String True Country of a billing address.
BillingAddressFax String True Fax of a billing address.
BillingAddressPhone String True Phone number of a billing address.
BillingAddressState String True State of a billing address.
BillingAddressStreet2 String True Street two of a billing address.
BillingAddressZip String True ZIP code of a billing address.
CanSendInMail Boolean True Check if the estimate can be send in mail.
ClientViewedTime Datetime True Time when client viewed the estimate.
ColorCode String True Color code for estimate.
ContactPersons String False Contact persons of a contact.
ContactCategory String True Category for contact.
CreatedById String True Users.UserId Id of a user who has created estimate.
CreatedTime Datetime True Time at which the estimate was created.
CustomFields String False Custom fields of the contact.
CurrencyCode String True Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencyId String True Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CurrencySymbol String True Currency symbol of the customer's currency.
CurrentSubStatus String True Current sub status of an estimate .
CurrentSubStatusId String True Current sub status ID of an estimate .
CustomerDefaultBillingAddress String True Customer default billing address of an estimate.
CustomerDefaultBillingAddressCity String True City of a customer default billing address.
CustomerDefaultBillingAddressCountry String True Country of a customer default billing address.
CustomerDefaultBillingAddressFax String True Fax of a customer default billing address.
CustomerDefaultBillingAddressPhone String True Phone number of a customer default billing address.
CustomerDefaultBillingAddressState String True State of a customer default billing address.
CustomerDefaultBillingAddressStateCode String True State code of a customer default billing address.
CustomerDefaultBillingAddressStreet2 String True Street two of a customer default billing address.
CustomerDefaultBillingAddressZip String True ZIP code of a customer default billing address.
CustomerId String False Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor.
CustomerName String True Name of the customer or vendor.
Date Date False Date of an estimate.
Discount String False Discount applied for estimate.
DiscountAppliedOnAmount Decimal True Discount applied on amount for estimate.
DiscountPercent Decimal True Percent of discount applied for estimate.
DiscountTotal Decimal True Total discount applied for estimate.
DiscountType String False Type of discount applied for estimate.
EstimateNumber String False Number of estimate.
EstimateUrl String True URL of estimate.
ExchangeRate Decimal False Exchange rate of the currency.
ExpiryDate Date False Expiration date of estimate.
InvoiceConversionType String True Conversion type of an invoice in estimate.
IsConvertedToOpen Boolean True Check if the estimate is converted to open.
IsDiscountBeforeTax Boolean False Check if the discount is applied before tax. .
IsInclusiveTax Boolean False Check if the expense is inclusive tax.
IsPreGst Boolean True Check if estimate includes pre GST.
IsTransactionCreated Boolean True Check if the transaction os created for estimate.
IsViewedByClient Boolean True Check if the estimate is viewed by client.
LastModifiedById String True Users.UserId Id of the user last modified.
LastModifiedTime Datetime True The time of last modification of the estimate.
LineItems String False Line items of an estimate.
Notes String False Notes of Estimate.
Orientation String True Orientation of page.
PageHeight String True Height of page.
PageWidth String True Width of page.
PricePrecision Integer True The precision for the price.
ProjectId String False Id of a project.
ProjectName String True Name of a project.
ProjectCustomerId String True Id of a customer.
ProjectCustomerName String True Name of a customer.
ProjectDescription String True Details about the project.
ProjectStatus String True Status of the project.
ProjectBillingType String True Type of billing.
ProjectRate Decimal True Overall rate of the project.
ReferenceNumber String False Reference number of estimates.
PlaceOfSupply String False The place of supply is where a transaction is considered to have occurred for VAT purposes.
TaxSpecification String True Working of tax when specifying special tax options and tax methods for earnings codes.
VatTreatment String False VAT treatment for the estimates.
IsTaxable Boolean True Check if estimate is taxble.
GstNo String False GST number.
GstTreatment String False Choose whether the estimate is GST registered/unregistered/consumer/overseas. .
TaxTreatment String False VAT treatment for the Estimate.
ReverseChargeTaxTotal String True Total amount of tax reverse charge.
CanSendEstimateSms String True Check if the estimate can send the estimate SMS.
RetainerPercentage String True Percentage of the retainer in estimate.
AcceptRetainer Boolean True Check if estimate can accept the retainer.
RoundoffValue Decimal True Rounding off the values to precise number.
SalespersonId String False Id of a sales person.
SalespersonName String False Name of a sales person.
ShippingAddress String True Shipment Address.
ShippingAddressAttention String True Name of a person of shipping address.
ShippingAddressCity String True City of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressCountry String True Country of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressFax String True Fax of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressPhone String True Phone number of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressState String True State of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressStreet2 String True Street two of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressZip String True Zip of a shipping address.
ShippingCharge Decimal False Shipping charge of estimates.
Status String True Status of the estimate.
SubTotal Decimal True Sub total of estimates.
SubTotalExclusiveOfDiscount Decimal True Subtotal amount which are exclusive of discount.
SubTotalInclusiveOfTax Decimal True Subtotal amount which are inclusive of tax.
SubmittedBy String True Detail of the user who has submitted the estimate.
SubmittedDate Date True Date when estimate was submitted.
SubmitterId String True Users.UserId Id of the submitter.
TaxId String False Taxes.TaxId Id of the tax.
TaxTotal Decimal True Total amount of tax.
TemplateId String False Id of a template.
TemplateName String True Name of a template.
TemplateType String True Type of a template.
Terms String False Terms and Conditions apply of a estimate.
Total Decimal True Total of estimates.
TransactionRoundingType String True Type of round off used for transaction.
Unit String False Unit of the line item e.g. kgs, Nos.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Send Boolean Send the invoice to the contact person(s) associated with the invoice. Allowed values true and false.


To list, add, update and delete details of an Expense.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • ExpenseId supports the '=' and IN operators.


ExpenseId is required to query ExpenseDetails.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM ExpenseDetails WHERE ExpenseId = '1894553000000077244'
SELECT * From ExpenseDetails WHERE ExpenseId IN (SELECT ExpenseId FROM Expenses)
SELECT * FROM EstimateLineItems WHERE EstimateId IN ('1894553000000077244','1894553000000077245')

INSERT can be executed by specifying the AccountId, Date, Amount, and PaidThroughAccountId columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO ExpenseDetails (AccountId, Date, Amount, PaidThroughAccountId) VALUES ('3285934000000000409', '2023-01-19', '500', '3285934000000259036')

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the ExpenseId in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

UPDATE ExpenseDetails SET AccountId = '3285934000000000409', Date = '2023-01-19', Amount = '300', PaidThroughAccountId = '3285934000000259036' WHERE ExpenseId = '3285934000000262014'

DELETE can be executed by specifying the ExpenseId in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM ExpenseDetails WHERE ExpenseId = '3285934000000262014'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
ExpenseId [KEY] String True Expenses.ExpenseId Id of an expense.
AccountId String False BankAccounts.AccountId Id of the Bank Account.
AccountName String True Name of the account.
Amount Decimal False Amount of the expenses.
ApproverEmail String True Email of an approver.
ApproverId String True Users.UserId Id of an approver.
ApproverName String True Name of an approver.
AcquisitionVatId String False This is the ID of the tax applied in case this is an EU - goods expense and acquisition VAT needs to be reported.
BcySurchargeAmount Decimal True Surcharge amount of Base Currency.
BcyTotal Decimal True Total Base Currency.
CanReclaimVatOnMileage String False To specify if tax can be reclaimed for this mileage expense.
CreatedById String True Users.UserId Id of a user who has created expense.
CreatedTime Datetime True Time at which the Expense was created.
CurrencyCode String True Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencyId String False Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CustomerId String False Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor.
CustomerName String True Name of the customer or vendor.
CustomFields String False Custom fields of the contact.
Date Date False Expense date.
Description String False Description of the expense.
DestinationOfSupply String False Place where the goods/services are supplied to. (If not given, organisation's home state will be taken).
Distance String False Distance travelled for a particular mileage expense where mileage_type is manual.
EmployeeEmail String True Email ID of an employee.
EmployeeId String False Employees.EmployeeId Id of an employee.
EmployeeName String True Name of an employee.
EndReading String False End Reading of the Odometer.
ExchangeRate Decimal False Exchange rate of the currency.
ExpenseItemId String True Item ID of an expense.
ExpenseReceiptName String True Receipt name of an expense.
ExpenseReceiptType String True Receipt type of an expense.
ExpenseType String True Type of expense.
EngineCapacityRange String False Engine capacity range for a particular mileage expense. Allowed Values: less_than_1400cc, between_1400cc_and_1600cc, between_1600cc_and_2000cc and more_than_2000cc.
HSNORSAC String False Add HSN/SAC code for your goods/services.
FcySurchargeAmount Decimal True Surcharge amount of Foreign Currency.
FuelType String False Fuel type for a particular mileage expense. Allowed Values: petrol, lpg and diesel.
GstNo String False GST number used for credit note.
InvoiceConversionType String True Type of invoice conversion.
InvoiceId String True Invoices.InvoiceId Id of an invoice.
InvoiceNumber String True Number of an invoice.
IsBillable Boolean False Check if the expense is billable.
IsInclusiveTax Boolean False Check if the expense is inclusive tax.
IsPersonal Boolean True Check if the expense is personal.
IsPreGst Boolean True Check if the pre GST is applied in the expense.
IsRecurringApplicable Boolean True Check if the recurring is applicable.
IsReimbursable Boolean True Check if the expense is reimbursable.
IsSurchargeApplicable Boolean True Check if the surcharge is applicable in this expense.
LastModifiedById String True Users.UserId Id of the user last modified.
LastModifiedTime Datetime True The time of last modification of the expense.
LineItems String False Line items of an estimate.
Location String True Location of the expense.
MerchantId String True Id of the merchant.
MerchantName String True Name of the merchant.
MileageRate Double False Mileage rate for a particular mileage expense.
MileageType String False Type of Mileage.
MileageUnit String False Unit of the distance travelled.
PaidThroughAccountId String False BankAccounts.AccountId Account ID from which expense amount was paid.
PaidThroughAccountName String True Account name from which expense amount was paid.
PaymentMode String True Mode through which payment is made.
ProjectId String False Projects.ProjectId Id of the project.
ProjectName String True Name of the project.
ProductType String False Type of the expense. This denotes whether the expense is to be treated as a goods or service purchase.
PlaceOfSupply String False The place of supply is where a transaction is considered to have occurred for VAT purposes.
ReferenceNumber String False Reference number of expense.
ReportId String True Id of the report.
ReportName String True Name of the report.
ReportNumber String True Number of the report.
ReportStatus String True Status of the report.
ReverseChargeVatId String False This is the ID of the tax applied in case this is a non UK - service expense and reverse charge VAT needs to be reported.
ReverseChargeTaxId String False Id of the reverse charge tax.
StartReading String False Start Reading of the Odometer.
Status String True Status of the expense.
SubTotal Decimal True Sub total of expenses.
SourceOfSupply String False Place from where the goods/services are supplied. (If not given, place of contact given for the contact will be taken).
Tags String True Details of tags related to expenses.
TaxAmount Decimal True Amount of tax.
TaxId String False Taxes.TaxId Id of tax.
TaxName String True Name of tax.
TaxPercentage Integer True Percentage of tax.
Total Decimal True Total of expenses.
TransactionType String True Type of the Transaction.
TripId String True Id of a trip.
TripNumber String True Number of a trip.
UserEmail String True Email ID of a User.
UserId String False Users.UserId Id of a user.
UserName String True Name of a user.
VehicleId String True Id of a vehicle.
VehicleType String False Vehicle type for a particular mileage expense. Allowed Values: car, van, motorcycle and bike.
VehicleName String True Name of a vehicle.
VendorId String False Id of the vendor the expenses has been made.
VendorName String True Name of the vendor the expenses has been made.
VatTreatment String False VAT treatment for the estimates.
TaxTreatment String False VAT treatment for the Estimate.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Receipt String Expense receipt file to attach. Allowed Extensions: gif, png, jpeg, jpg, bmp, pdf, xls, xlsx, doc and docx.


To list, add, update and delete details of an invoice.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • InvoiceId supports the '=' and IN operators.


InvoiceId is required to query InvoiceDetails.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector. For example:

SELECT * FROM InvoiceDetails WHERE InvoiceId = '1864543000000078539'
SELECT * FROM InvoiceDetails WHERE InvoiceId IN (SELECT InvoiceId FROM Invoices)
SELECT * FROM InvoiceDetails WHERE InvoiceId IN ('1864543000000078539','1864543000000078540')

INSERT can be executed by specifying the CustomerId and LineItems columns, inserting columns that are not read-only if desired. For example:

INSERT INTO InvoiceLineItems#TEMP (Name, itemid) VALUES ('Cloth-Jeans12', '3285934000000104097')
INSERT INTO InvoiceDetails (Customerid, lineitems) VALUES ('3285934000000104002', InvoiceLineItems#Temp)

INSERT can also be executed by specifying the LineItems column as either a JSON array or a temporary table:

INSERT INTO InvoiceDetails (CustomerId, LineItems) VALUES ('3255827000000081003', '[{"Name":"Cloth-Jeans3", "ItemId":"3285934000000104097"}]')

INSERT INTO InvoiceDetails (Customerid, lineitems) VALUES ('3285934000000104002', InvoiceLineItems#Temp)

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the InvoiceId in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

INSERT INTO InvoiceLineItems#TEMP (Name, itemid) VALUES ('Cloth-Jeans2', '3285934000000104097')
UPDATE InvoiceDetails SET Customerid = '3285934000000104002', lineitems = 'InvoiceLineItems#Temp'  WHERE InvoiceId = '3285934000000264005'

UPDATE can also be executed by specifying the LineItems column as a JSON array. For example:

UPDATE InvoiceDetails SET CustomerId = '3285934000000085043', LineItems = '[{"Name":"Cloth-Jeans", "ItemId":"3285934000000104097"}]' WHERE InvoiceId = '3285934000000264005'

DELETE can be executed by specifying the InvoiceId in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM InvoicesDetails WHERE InvoiceId = '3285934000000264005'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
InvoiceId [KEY] String True Invoices.InvoiceId Id of an invoice.
InvoiceNumber String False Number of an invoice.
InvoiceUrl String True URL of an invoice.
AchPaymentInitiated Boolean True Check if the Automated Clearing House payment is initiated.
AchSupported Boolean True Check if Automated Clearing House is supported.
Adjustment Decimal False Adjustments made to the invoice.
AdjustmentDescription String False Description of adjustments made to the invoice.
AllowPartialPayments Boolean False Check if invoice can allow partial payments.
ApproverId String True Users.UserId Id of an approver.
AttachmentName String True Name of the attachment.
Balance Decimal True The unpaid amount.
BcyAdjustment Decimal True Adjustment of base currency.
BcyDiscountTotal Decimal True Total discount applied in base currency.
BcyShippingCharge Decimal True Shipping charge applied in base currency.
BcySubTotal Decimal True Sub total of base currency.
BcyTaxTotal Decimal True Tax total of base currency.
BcyTotal Decimal True Total Base Currency.
BillingAddress String True Billing address of an invoice.
BillingAddressAttention String True Name of a person in billing address.
BillingAddressCity String True City of a billing address.
BillingAddressCountry String True Country of a billing address.
BillingAddressFax String True Fax of a billing address.
BillingAddressPhone String True Phone number of a billing address.
BillingAddressState String True State of a billing address.
BillingAddressStreet2 String True Street two of a billing address.
BillingAddressZip String True ZIP code of a billing address.
ContactPersons String False Contact persons of a contact.
CanSendInMail Boolean True Check if invoice can be send in mail.
CanSendInvoiceSms Boolean True Check if invoice can be send in SMS.
ClientViewedTime String True Last time when client viewed the invoice.
ColorCode String True Color code of invoice.
ContactCategory String True Category of a contact.
ContactPersonsDetails String True Details of a contact person.
CreatedById String True Users.UserId Id of a user who has created invoice.
CreatedTime Datetime True Time at which the invoice was created.
CreditsApplied Decimal True Applied credits for invoice.
CustomFields String False Custom fields of the contact.
CurrencyCode String True Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencyId String False Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CurrencySymbol String True Symbol of currency.
CurrentSubStatus String True Current sub status of an invoice .
CurrentSubStatusId String True Current sub status ID of an invoice .
CustomerDefaultBillingAddress String True Customer default billing address of an invoice.
CustomerDefaultBillingAddressCity String True City of a billing address.
CustomerDefaultBillingAddressCountry String True Country of a billing address.
CustomerDefaultBillingAddressFax String True Fax of a billing address.
CustomerDefaultBillingAddressPhone String True Phone number of a billing address.
CustomerDefaultBillingAddressState String True State of a billing address.
CustomerDefaultBillingAddressStateCode String True State code of a customer default billing address.
CustomerDefaultBillingAddressStreet2 String True Street two of a customer default billing address.
CustomerDefaultBillingAddressZip String True ZIP code of a customer default billing address.
CustomerId String False Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor.
CustomerName String False Name of the customer or vendor.
Date Date False Date of an invoice.
Discount String False Discount given to specific item in invoice.
DiscountAppliedOnAmount Decimal True Discount applied on amount.
DiscountPercent Decimal True Percent of discount applied.
DiscountTotal Decimal True Total amount get on discount.
DiscountType String False Type of discount.
DueDate Date False Delivery date of the invoice.
EcommOperatorGstNo String True GST number of the ecommerce operator.
EcommOperatorId String True Id of the ecommerce operator.
EcommOperatorName String True Name of the ecommerce operator.
EstimateId String True Estimates.EstimateId Id of an estimate.
Ewaybills String True Electronic way bills of the invoice.
ExchangeRate Decimal False Exchange rate of the currency.
FiledInVatReturnId String True VAT return ID of bill which was filed.
FiledInVatReturnName String True VAT return name of bill which was filed.
FiledInVatReturnType String True VAT return type of bill which was filed.
GstNo String False GST number.
GstReturnDetailsReturnPeriod String True Return period of GST.
GstReturnDetailsStatus String True Status of GST return.
GstTreatment String False Choose whether the invoice is GST registered/unregistered/consumer/overseas. .
HasNextInvoice Boolean True Check if it has next invoice.
IsAutobillEnabled Boolean True Check if the autobill is enabled for this invoice.
IsClientReviewSettingsEnabled Boolean True Check if the client review settings is enabled or not.
IsDiscountBeforeTax Boolean False Check if the invoice is discounted before tax.
IsEmailed Boolean True Check if the invoice can be emailed.
IsEwayBillRequired Boolean True Check if the eway bill is required.
IsInclusiveTax Boolean False Check if the invoice is inclusive tax.
IsPreGst Boolean True Check if pre GST is applied.
IsTaxable Boolean True Check if invoice is taxable.
IsViewedByClient Boolean True Check if the invoice is viewed by client.
InvoicedEstimateId Boolean False Id of the invoice from which the invoice is created.
LastModifiedById String True Users.UserId Id of the user last modified.
LastModifiedTime Datetime True The time of last modification of the invoice.
LastPaymentDate Date True Date when last payment was made.
LastReminderSentDate Date True Date when last reminder was sent for an invoice.
LineItems String False Line Items.
MerchantGstNo String True GST number of a merchant.
MerchantId String True Id of a merchant.
MerchantName String True Name of a merchant.
NoOfCopies Integer True Total number of copies for invoice.
Notes String False Notes for this invoice.
Orientation String True Orientation of the page.
PageHeight String True Height of the page.
PageWidth String True Width of the page.
PaymentDiscount Decimal True Discount applied on payment.
PaymentExpectedDate Date True Expected date of payment.
PaymentMade Decimal True Total amount of payment made.
PaymentReminderEnabled Boolean True Check if the payment reminder is enabled for the invoice.
PaymentTerms Integer False Net payment term for the customer.
PaymentTermsLabel String False Label for the paymet due details.
PlaceOfSupply String False The place of supply is where a transaction is considered to have occurred for VAT purposes.
PricePrecision Integer True The precision for the price.
ReaderOfflinePaymentInitiated Boolean True Check if the payment for offline reader is initiated.
ReasonForDebitNote String True Description of having the debit note.
RecurringInvoiceId String False RecurringInvoices.RecurringInvoiceId Id of a recurring invoice.
ReferenceNumber String False Reference number of invoice.
RemindersSent Integer True Total number of reminders sent for this invoice.
ReverseChargeTaxTotal Decimal True Total amount of reverse charge tax.
RoundoffValue Decimal True Rounding off the values to precise number.
SalesorderId String True SalesOrders.SalesorderId Id of a sales order.
SalesorderItemId String False SalesOrderLineItems.LineItemId Id of the tax.
SalespersonId String False Id of a sales person.
SalespersonName String False Name of a sales person.
ScheduleTime String True Time scheduled for the invoice.
ShipmentCharges String True Charges deducted for shipment.
ShippingAddress String True Shipment Address.
ShippingAddressAttention String True Name of a person of shipping address.
ShippingAddressCity String True City of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressCountry String True Country of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressFax String True Fax of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressPhone String True Phone number of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressState String True State of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressStreet2 String True Street two details of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressZip String True Zip code of a shipping address.
ShippingCharge Decimal False Shipping charge of invoice.
ShippingBills String True Shipping bills of invoice.
ShowNoOfCopies Boolean True Check if the invoice can show number of copies.
Status String True Status of the invoice.
StopReminderUntilPaymentExpectedDate Boolean True Check if reminder can be stopped untill the payment expected date.
SubTotal Decimal True Sub total of the invoice.
SubTotalInclusiveOfTax Decimal True Subtotal amount which are inclusive of tax.
SubmittedBy String True Detail of the user who has submitted the invoice.
SubmittedDate Date True Date when invoice was submitted.
SubmitterId String True Users.UserId Id of the invoice submitter.
TaxAmountWithheld Decimal True Amount withheld for tax.
TaxRegNo String True Registration number of tax.
TaxSpecification String True Working of tax when specifying special tax options and tax methods for earnings codes.
TaxTotal Decimal True Total number ot tax applied in the invoice.
TaxTreatment String False VAT treatment for the Invoice.
TemplateId String False Id of a template.
TemplateName String True Name of a template.
TemplateType String True Type of a template.
Terms String False Terms and Conditions apply of a invoice.
Total Decimal True Total of invoices.
TransactionRoundingType String True Type of round off used for transaction.
Type String True Types of invoice.
UnusedRetainerPayments Decimal True Payment of the invoice which is unused.
VatTreatment String False VAT treatment for the bills.
WriteOffAmount Decimal True Amount to be write off.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Send Boolean Send the invoice to the contact person(s) associated with the invoice. Allowed values true and false.


To list, add, update and delete details of an existing item.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • ItemId supports the '=' and IN operators.


ItemId is required to query ItemDetails.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM ItemDetails WHERE ItemId = '1894553000000079049'
SELECT * FROM ItemDetails WHERE ItemId IN (SELECT ItemId FROM Items)
SELECT * FROM ItemDetails WHERE ItemId IN ('1894553000000079049','1894553000000079050')

INSERT can be executed by specifying the Name and Rate columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO ItemDetails (Name, Rate) VALUES ('Bottle', '500')

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the ItemId in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

UPDATE ItemDetails SET Name = 'Bottle', Rate = '550' WHERE ItemId = '3285934000000269037'

DELETE can be executed by specifying the ItemId in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM ItemDetails WHERE ItemId = '3285934000000269037'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
ItemId [KEY] String True Items.ItemId Id of an item.
ItemType String False Type of an item.
AccountId String False BankAccounts.AccountId Id of the Bank Account.
AccountName String True Name of the account.
AvataxUseCode String False Used to group like customers for exemption purposes. It is a custom value that links customers to a tax rule.
AvataxTaxCode String False A tax code is a unique label used to group items together.
Brand String False Brand of the item.
CreatedTime Datetime True Time at which the item was created.
Description String False Description of an item.
HSNORSAC String False Add HSN/SAC code for your goods/services.
ImageName String True Name of the image.
InventoryAccountId String False Id of the stock account to which the item has to be associated with. Mandatory, if item_type is inventory.
LastModifiedTime Datetime True The time of last modification of the item.
Manufacturer String True Company that makes goods for sale.
Name String False Name of an item.
PricebookRate Decimal True Rate of pricebook.
ProductType String False Type of the product.
PurchaseAccountId String False BankAccounts.AccountId Account ID of purchase items.
PurchaseAccountName String True Account name of purchase items.
PurchaseDescription String False Description of purchase items.
PurchaseRate Decimal False Rate of purchase items.
Rate Decimal False Rate of the item.
SalesChannels String True Total channels exists for sales.
SalesRate Decimal True The rate of sale in the item.
Sku String False Stock Keeping Unit value of item, should be unique throughout the product.
Source String True Source of the item.
Status String True Status of the item.
Tags String True Details of tags related to items.
TaxId String False Taxes.TaxId Id of tax.
TaxName String True Name of the tax.
TaxPercentage Integer False Percentage applied for tax.
TaxType String True Type of tax.
VendorId String False Id of the vendor the expenses has been made.
Unit String True Number of quantity of item.
ReorderLevel String False Reorder level of the item.
InitialStock String False Opening stock of the item.
InitialStockRate String False Unit price of the opening stock.
ItemTaxPreferences String False Item Tax Preferences.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
IsTaxable String Boolean to track the taxability of the item.


To list, add, update and delete journals.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • EntryNumber supports the '=' comparison.
  • Notes supports the '=' comparison.
  • ReferenceNumber supports the '=' comparison.
  • Total supports the '=,<,<=,>,>=' comparisons.
  • Date supports the '=,<,>' comparisons.
  • VendorId supports the '=' comparison.
  • JournalFilter supports the '=' comparison.
  • CustomerId supports the '=' comparison.
  • LastModifiedTime supports the '=' comparison.

By default, the response shows the journals of the current month only.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM Journals WHERE Total < 1000 AND Total >= 119

SELECT * FROM Journals WHERE JournalFilter = 'JournalDate.All'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
JournalId [KEY] String True Id of a journal.
JournalType String False Type of a journal.
JournalDate Date False Date of a journal.
BcyTotal Decimal True Total Base Currency
CurrencyId String False Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CustomFields String False Custom Fields defined for Journal
EntityType String True Entity type of a journal.
EntryNumber String True Entry number of the journal.
IncludeInVatReturn String False VAT treatment for the estimates.
IsBasAdjustment Boolean False Check if Journal is created for BAS Adjustment.
Notes String False Notes of the journal.
ReferenceNumber String False Reference number of the journal.
Status String False Status of the journal
Total Decimal True =, <, <=, >, >= Total of journals. Search by journal total. This field will be populated with a value only when the Journal ID is specified.
JournalNumberPrefix String True Prefix for journal number. This field will be populated with a value only when the Journal ID is specified.
JournalNumberSuffix String True Suffix for journal number. This field will be populated with a value only when the Journal ID is specified.
CreatedTime Datetime True Time at which the journal was created. This field will be populated with a value only when the Journal ID is specified.
CurrencyCode String True Currency code of the customer's currency. This field will be populated with a value only when the Journal ID is specified.
CurrencySymbol String True Currency symbol of the customer's currency. This field will be populated with a value only when the Journal ID is specified.
ExchangeRate Decimal True Exchange rate of the currency. This field will be populated with a value only when the Journal ID is specified.
LastModifiedTime Datetime True Last Modified Time of a journal. This field will be populated with a value only when the Journal ID is specified.
LineItemTotal Decimal True Total number of line items included in a journal. This field will be populated with a value only when the Journal ID is specified.
PricePrecision Integer True The precision for the price This field will be populated with a value only when the Journal ID is specified.
ProjectId String True Projects.ProjectId Id of a project. This field will be populated with a value only when the Journal ID is specified.
ProjectName String True Name of a project. This field will be populated with a value only when the Journal ID is specified.
ProductType String False Type of the journal. This denotes whether the journal is to be treated as goods or service.
VatTreatment String False VAT treatment for the estimates.
LineItems String False Line items of an estimate.
TaxExemptionCode String False Code of a tax exemption.
TaxExemptionType String False Type of the Tax Exemption.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Date Date Date of a journal.
VendorId String Vendor ID of a journal.
JournalFilter String Filter journals by journal date. The allowed values are JournalDate.All, JournalDate.Today, JournalDate.ThisWeek, JournalDate.ThisMonth, JournalDate.ThisQuarter, JournalDate.ThisYear.
CustomerId String Id of a customer


To list and delete opening balance.

Table Specific Information

No filters are supported server-side for this table. All criteria will be handled client-side within the connector. For example:

SELECT * FROM OpeningBalances

DELETE can be executed without specifying OpeningBalanceId in the WHERE Clause. It will delete all the opening balances associated with any of the accounts. For example:

DELETE FROM OpeningBalances
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
OpeningBalanceId [KEY] String True Id of an opening balance.
CanShowCustomerOb Boolean True Check if opening balance can show customer ob.
CanShowVendorOb Boolean True Check if opening balance can show vendor ob.
Date Date False Date of an opening balance.
PricePrecision Integer True The precision for the price.
Total Decimal True Total of opening balances.
Accounts String False Accounts.


To list, add, update and delete projects.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • ProjectId supports the '=' comparison.
  • CustomerId supports the '=' comparison.
  • Status supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM Projects WHERE CustomerId = '1894553000000078233' AND ProjectId = '1894553000000078363'

SELECT * FROM Projects WHERE Status = 'Active'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
ProjectId [KEY] String True Id of the project.
ProjectName String False Name of the project.
ProjectCode String False Code of the project.
Rate Decimal False Hourly rate for a task.
Status String True Status of the project. The allowed values are All, Active, Inactive.
BillableHours String True Total number of billable hours.
BillingType String False Type of billing.
CanBeInvoiced Boolean True Check if the projecy can be invoiced.
CreatedTime Datetime True Time at which the project was created.
LastModifiedTime Datetime True Time at which the project was last modified.
CustomerId String False Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor. Search projects by customer id.
CustomerName String True Name of the customer or vendor.
CustomerEmail String True Email of the customer.
CostBudgetAmount Decimal False Budgeted Cost to complete this project.
BudgetAmount String False Give value, if you are estimating total project revenue budget.
Description String False Description of the projects
HasAttachment Boolean True Check if the projects has attachment.
OtherServiceAppSource String True Source of other service app.
TotalHours String True Total hours spent in the project.
ShowInDashboard Boolean True Check if the project can be shown in dashboard. This field will be populated with a value only when the ID is specified.
ProjectHeadId String True Id of the project head. This field will be populated with a value only when the ID is specified.
ProjectHeadName String True Name of the project head. This field will be populated with a value only when the ID is specified.
BillingRateFrequency String True Frequency at which bill is generated for this project. This field will be populated with a value only when the ID is specified.
BillableAmount Decimal True Amount which is billable for this project. This field will be populated with a value only when the ID is specified.
BilledAmount Decimal True Total amount which was billed for the project. This field will be populated with a value only when the ID is specified.
BilledHours String True Total number of billed hours. This field will be populated with a value only when the ID is specified.
BudgetThreshold Decimal True To determine how much money to allocate to the reserve fund each fiscal year. This field will be populated with a value only when the ID is specified.
BudgetType String False Type of budget. This field will be populated with a value only when the ID is specified.
BudgetHours String False Task budget hours.
CurrencyId String True Currencies.CurrencyId Id of the currency.
CurrencyCode String True Code of currency used in the project. This field will be populated with a value only when the ID is specified.
IsBudgetThresholdNotificationEnabled Boolean True Check if the budget threshold notification is enabled or not. This field will be populated with a value only when the ID is specified.
IsClientApprovalNeeded Boolean True Check if the client approval is needed. This field will be populated with a value only when the ID is specified.
IsExpenseInclusive Integer True Check if the expense is inclusive in the project. This field will be populated with a value only when the ID is specified.
IsUserApprovalNeeded Boolean True Check if the user approval is needed. This field will be populated with a value only when the ID is specified.
IsValidProjectHead Boolean True Check if the project has valid project head. This field will be populated with a value only when the ID is specified.
NonBillableAmount Decimal True Amount which are non billable for the project.. This field will be populated with a value only when the ID is specified.
NonBillableHours String True Hours which are non billable for the project. This field will be populated with a value only when the ID is specified.
TotalAmount Decimal True Total amount for the project. This field will be populated with a value only when the ID is specified.
TotalAmountExpenseInclusive Decimal True Total amount for the project including the project. This field will be populated with a value only when the ID is specified.
UnBilledAmount Decimal True Total amount unbilled for the project. This field will be populated with a value only when the ID is specified.
UnBilledHours String True Total number of unbilled hours. This field will be populated with a value only when the ID is specified.
UserId String False Users.UserId Id of the user to be added to the project.
UsersWorking Integer True Total count of the users working on the project.
Tasks String False Tasks.
Users String False Users.
UnusedRetainerPayments Decimal True Payment of the project which is unused. This field will be populated with a value only when the ID is specified.


To list, add, update and delete details of a purchase order.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • PurchaseorderId supports the '=' and IN operators.


PurchaseorderId is required to query PurchaseOrderDetails.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrderDetails WHERE PurchaseorderId = '1894553000000087078'
SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrderDetails WHERE PurchaseorderId IN (SELECT PurchaseorderId FROM PurchaseOrders)
SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrderDetails WHERE PurchaseorderId IN ('1894553000000087078','1894553000000087079')

INSERT can be executed by specifying the Vendorid or lineitems columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO PurchaseorderLineItems#TEMP (Name, itemid, rate, quantity, accountid) VALUES ('Cloth-Jeans', '3285934000000104097', '1700', '1', '3285934000000034001')
INSERT INTO PurchaseorderDetails (Vendorid, lineitems) VALUES ('3285934000000104023', PurchaseorderLineItems#Temp)

INSERT can also be executed by specifying the LineItems column as a JSON array. The following is an example of how to insert using JSON array into this table.

INSERT INTO PurchaseorderDetails (VendorId, LineItems) VALUES ('3255827000000081003', '[{"Name":"Cloth-Jeans3", "ItemId":"3285934000000104097", "Rate":"1700", "Quantity":"1", "AccountId":"3285934000000034001"}]')

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the PurchaseorderId in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

INSERT INTO PurchaseorderLineItems#TEMP (Name, itemid, rate, quantity, accountid) VALUES ('Cloth-Jeans', '3285934000000104097', '1700', '1', '3285934000000034001')
UPDATE PurchaseOrderDetails SET Vendorid = '3285934000000104002', lineitems = 'PurchaseorderLineItems#Temp' WHERE PurchaseorderId = '3285934000000264005'

UPDATE can also be executed by specifying the LineItems column as a JSON array. The following is an example of how to update using JSON array into this table.

UPDATE PurchaseOrderDetails SET Vendorid = '3285934000000104002', LineItems = '[{"Name":"Cloth-Jeans", "ItemId":"3285934000000104097", "Rate":"1700", "Quantity":"1", "AccountId":"3285934000000034001"}]' WHERE PurchaseorderId = '3285934000000264005'

DELETE can be executed by specifying the PurchaseorderId in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM PurchaseOrderDetails WHERE PurchaseOrderId = '3350895000000089001'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
PurchaseorderId [KEY] String True PurchaseOrders.PurchaseorderId Id of a purchase order.
PurchaseorderNumber String False Number of purchase order.
ReferenceNumber String False Reference number of purchase order.
Adjustment Decimal True Adjustments made to the purchase order.
AdjustmentDescription String True Description of adjustments made to the purchase order.
ApproverId String True Users.UserId Id of an approver.
AttachmentName String True Name of the attachment.
Attention String False Name of a person in purchase order.
BilledStatus String True Status of bill.
BillingAddressId Long False Id of the Billing Address.
BillingAddress String True Billing address of a purchase order.
BillingAddressAttention String True Name of the person of bill order.
BillingAddressCity String True City of billing address.
BillingAddressCountry String True Country of billing address.
BillingAddressFax String True Fax number of billing address.
BillingAddressPhone String True Phone number of billing address.
BillingAddressState String True State of billing address.
BillingAddressStreet2 String True Street two of billing address.
BillingAddressZip String True Zip code of billing address.
CanMarkAsBill Boolean True Check if purchase order can be mark as bill.
CanMarkAsUnbill Boolean True Check if purhcase order can be mark as unbill.
CanSendInMail Boolean True Check if purchase order can be sent in mail.
ClientViewedTime Datetime True Last time when client viewed the purchase order.
ColorCode String True Color code.
ContactCategory String True Category of contacts.
CreatedById String True Users.UserId Contact ID who have created this purchase order.
CreatedTime Datetime True Time at which the purchase order was created.
CurrencyCode String True Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencyId String False Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CurrencySymbol String True Currency symbol of the customer's currency.
CurrentSubStatus String True Current sub status of a purchase order.
CurrentSubStatusId String True Current sub status ID of a purchase order.
ContactPersons String False Contact persons of a contact.
CustomFields String False Custom Fields defined for Journal.
Date Date False Purchase order date.
Documents String False List of files to be attached to a particular transaction.
DeliveryAddress String True Delivery address.
DeliveryAddress1 String True Delivery address one.
DeliveryAddress2 String True Delivery address two.
DeliveryAddressCity String True City of delivery address.
DeliveryAddressCountry String True Country of delivery address.
DeliveryAddressOrganizationAddressId String True Id or organization address of delivery address.
DeliveryAddressPhone String True Phone number of delivery address.
DeliveryAddressState String True State of delivery address.
DeliveryAddressZip String True Zip code of delivery address.
DeliveryCustomerId String False Contacts.ContactId Id of a customer of delivery address.
DueDate Date False Delivery date of purchase order.
DeliveryDate Date False Date of delivery.
DeliveryOrgAddressId String False Delivery address ID of an organization.
Discount String False Discount given to specific item in purchase order.
DiscountAccountId String False BankAccounts.AccountId Account ID of discount.
DiscountAmount Decimal True Amount of discount.
DiscountAppliedOnAmount Double True Discount applied on amount.
ExchangeRate Decimal False Exchange rate of the currency.
ExpectedDeliveryDate Date True Expected delivery date of purchased product.
HasQtyCancelled Boolean True Check if the quantity of a purchase order has been cancelled.
IsDiscountBeforeTax Boolean False Check if purchase order applied discount before tax.
IsDropShipment Boolean True Check if purchase order have drop shipment.
IsEmailed Boolean True Check if purchase order is emailed or not.
IsInclusiveTax Boolean False Check if the purchase order is inclusive tax.
IsPreGst Boolean True Check if purchase order includes pre GST.
IsViewedByClient Boolean True Check if purchase order is viewed by client.
IsUpdateCustomer Boolean False Check if customer should be updated.
LastModifiedTime Datetime True The time of last modification of the purchase order.
Notes String False Notes for this purchase order.
OrderStatus String True Status of order.
Orientation String True Orientation of the page.
PageHeight String True Height of the page.
PageWidth String True Width of the page.
PricePrecision Integer True The precision for the price.
PricebookId String False Id of the pricebook.
SalesorderId String False SalesOrders.SalesorderId Id of the Sales Order.
ShipVia String False Mode of shipping the item.
ShipViaId String True Id of mode through which shipping was done of items.
Status String True Status of the purchase order.
SubTotal Decimal True Sub total of Purhcase order.
SubTotalInclusiveOfTax Decimal True Subtotal amount which are inclusive of tax.
SubmittedBy String True Detail of the user who has submitted the purchase order.
SubmittedDate Date True Date of the submission.
SubmitterId String True Users.UserId Id of the submitter.
TaxTotal Decimal True Total amount of tax.
TemplateId String False Id of the template.
TemplateName String True Name of the template.
TemplateType String True Type of template.
Terms String False Terms and Conditions apply of a purchase order.
Total Decimal True Total of purchase orders.
VendorId String False Id of the vendor the purchase order has been made.
VendorName String True Name of the vendor the purchase order has been made.
GstTreatment String False Choose whether the vendor credit is GST registered/unregistered/consumer/overseas.
VatTreatment String False VAT treatment for the vendor credit.
TaxTreatment String False VAT treatment for the Vendor Credit.
GstNo String False GST number.
SourceOfSupply String False Source of supply.
PlaceOfSupply String False The place of supply is where a transaction is considered to have occurred for VAT purposes.
DestinationOfSupply String False Place where the goods/services are supplied to.
LineItems String False Line items of an estimate.


To list, add, update and delete details of a bill.

git ad

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • RecurringBillId supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM RecurringBillDetails WHERE RecurringBillId = '3255827000000084031'

INSERT can be executed by specifying the StartDate, RecurrenceName, RecurrenceFrequency, VendorID, and LineItems columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO RecurringBillLineItems#TEMP (Name, itemid) VALUES ('rubberband', '3255827000000081058')
INSERT INTO RecurringBillDetails (vendorid, startdate, recurrencename, lineitems, recurrencefrequency) VALUES ('3255827000000081003', '2023-03-01', 'recurring7', RecurringBillLineItems#TEMP, 'days')

INSERT can also be executed by specifying the LineItems column as a JSON array. The following is an example of how to insert using JSON array into this table.

INSERT INTO RecurringBillDetails (VendorId, StartDate, RecurrenceName, RecurrenceFrequency, LineItems) VALUES ('3255827000000081003', '2023-03-01', 'recurring7', 'days', '[{"Name":"Cloth-Jeans3", "ItemId":"3285934000000104097"}]')

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the RecurringBillId in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

UPDATE RecurringBillDetails SET RecurrenceName = 'recurrence3' WHERE RecurringBillId = '3255827000000084031'

DELETE can be executed by specifying the BillId in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM RecurringBillDetails WHERE BillId = '3255827000000084031'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
RecurringBillId [KEY] String True Id of a Recurring Bill.
Adjustment Integer False Adjustment.
AdjustmentDescription String True Status of the bill.
CreatedById String True Created By Id.
CreatedTime Datetime True Created Time.
CurrencyId String False Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CurrencyCode String True Currency code of the customer's currency.
CustomFields String False Custom fields of the items.
Discount String False Discount of recurring bills.
DiscountAccountId String True Account ID of discount.
DiscountAmount Integer True Discount amount.
DiscountAppliedOnAmount String True Discount applied on amount.
DiscountSetting String True Discount setting.
DiscountType String True Discount type.
EndDate Date False Date when the payment is expected.
ExchangeRate Integer False Exchange Rate.
IsDiscountBeforeTax Boolean False Check if discount should be applied before tax.
IsInclusiveTax Boolean False Check if the tax is inclusive in the bill.
IsItemLevelTax Boolean True Item Level Tax.
IsPreGST Boolean True Is Pre GST.
IsTDSAmountInPercent Boolean True Is TDS Amount In Percent.
LastModifiedById String True Last Modified By Id.
LastModifiedTime Datetime True The time of last modification of the bill.
LastSentDate Date True Date when recurring bill was last sent.
LineItems String False Line items of an recurring bill.
NextBillDate Date True Date when bill will be sent next.
Notes String False Notes of the bill.
PaymentTerms Integer False Net payment term for the customer.
PaymentTermsLabel String False Label for the paymet due details.
RecurrenceFrequency String False Frequency at which recurring bill will be sent. The allowed values are days, weeks, months, years.
RecurrenceName String False Search recurring bills by recurrence number.
VendorId String False Id of the vendor the bill has been made.
VendorName String True Name of the vendor the bill has been made.
Total Integer True Total of the bill.
ReferenceId String False Reference Id.
RepeatEvery Integer False Integer value denoting the frequency of bill.
StartDate Date False Date when bill was created.
Status String True Status of the bill. The allowed values are active, stopped, expired.
SubTotal Integer True Sub total of the bill.
TaxAccountId String True Tax Account Id.
TaxRounding String False Tax Rounding.
TaxTotal String True Tax Total.
TdsTaxId String False Tax ID of TDS.
TdsTaxName String True Tds tax name.
TdsAmount Integer True TDS Amount.
TdsPercent Decimal True TDS Percent.
TrackDiscountInAccount Boolean True Track Discount In Account.


To list, add, update and delete details of a recurring expense.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • RecurringExpenseId supports the '=' and IN operators.


RecurringExpenseId is required to query RecurringExpenseDetails.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM RecurringExpenseDetails WHERE RecurringExpenseId = '1801553000000089750'
SELECT * FROM RecurringExpenseDetails WHERE RecurringExpenseId IN (SELECT RecurringExpenseId FROM RecurringExpenses)
SELECT * FROM RecurringExpenseDetails WHERE RecurringExpenseId IN ('1801553000000089750','1801553000000089751')
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
RecurringExpenseId [KEY] String True RecurringExpenses.RecurringExpenseId Id of a recurring expense.
AccountId String False BankAccounts.AccountId Id of the Bank Account.
AccountName String True Name of the account.
Amount Decimal False Amount of the recurring expenses.
BcyTotal Decimal True Total Base Currency.
CreatedTime Datetime True Time at which the recurring expense was created.
CurrencyCode String True Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencyId String False Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CustomerId String False Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor.
CustomerName String True Name of the customer or vendor.
Description String True Description of the recurring expense.
EmployeeEmail String True Email of an employee.
EmployeeId String True Employees.EmployeeId Id of an employee.
EmployeeName String True Name of an employee.
EndDate Date False End date of a recurring expense.
ExchangeRate Decimal False Exchange rate of a recurring expense.
IsBillable Boolean False Check if recurring expense is billable.
IsInclusiveTax Boolean False Check if recurring expense is inclusive tax.
IsPreGst Boolean True Check if recurring expense is pre GST.
LastCreatedDate Date True Last created date of a recurring expense.
LastModifiedTime Datetime True The time of last modification of the recurring expense.
MileageRate Double True Mileage rate for a particular mileage expense.
MileageUnit String True Unit of the distance travelled.
NextExpenseDate Date True Next date of expense to be paid.
PaidThroughAccountId String True BankAccounts.AccountId Account ID from which expense is paid through.
PaidThroughAccountName String True Account name from which expense is paid through.
ProjectId String False Projects.ProjectId Id of a project.
ProjectName String True Name of the project.
RecurrenceFrequency String False Frequency of a recurrence.
RecurrenceName String False Name of a recurrence.
RepeatEvery Integer False Recurrence time of an expense.
StartDate Date False Start date of recurring expense.
Status String False Status of the recurring expense.
SubTotal Decimal True Sub total of recurring expenses.
Tags String True Details of tags related to recurring expenses.
TaxAmount Decimal True Amount of a tax.
TaxId String False Taxes.TaxId Id of a tax.
TaxName String True Name of a tax.
TaxPercentage Integer True Percentage of a tax.
Total Decimal True Total of recurring expenses.
VendorId String True Id of the vendor the recurring expense has been made.
VendorName String True Name of the vendor the recurring expense has been made.
GstNo String False GST number.
SourceOfSupply String False Place from where the goods/services are supplied. (If not given, place of contact given for the contact will be taken).
DestinationOfSupply String False Place where the goods/services are supplied to.
PlaceOfSupply String False The place of supply is where a transaction is considered to have occurred for VAT purposes.
LineItems String False Line items of an estimate.
VatTreatment String False VAT treatment for the bills.
TaxTreatment String False VAT treatment for the Bill.
ProductType String False Type of the journal. This denotes whether the journal is to be treated as goods or service.
AcquisitionVatId String False This is the ID of the tax applied in case this is an EU - goods expense and acquisition VAT needs to be reported.
ReverseChargeVatId String False This is the ID of the tax applied in case this is a non UK - service expense and reverse charge VAT needs to be reported.


To list, add, update and delete details of a recurring invoice.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • RecurringInvoiceId supports the '=' and IN operators.


RecurringInvoiceId is required to query RecurringInvoiceDetails.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM RecurringInvoiceDetails WHERE RecurringInvoiceId = '1895453000000042244'
SELECT * FROM RecurringInvoiceDetails WHERE RecurringInvoiceId IN (SELECT RecurringInvoiceId FROM RecurringInvoices)
SELECT * FROM RecurringInvoiceDetails WHERE RecurringInvoiceId IN ('1895453000000042244','1895453000000042245')

INSERT can be executed by specifying the RecurrenceName, CustomerId, RecurrenceFrequency, and LineItems columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO RecurringInvoiceLineItems#TEMP (Name, itemid, rate, quantity) VALUES ('Cloth-Jeans', '3285934000000104097', '1700', '1')
INSERT INTO RecurringInvoiceDetails (RecurrenceName, CustomerId, RecurrenceFrequency, LineItems) VALUES ('MonthlyInvoice', '3285934000000104002', 'weeks', RecurringInvoiceLineItems#TEMP )

INSERT can also be executed by specifying the LineItems column as a JSON array. The following is an example of how to insert using JSON array into this table.

INSERT INTO RecurringInvoiceDetails (RecurrenceName, CustomerId, RecurrenceFrequency, LineItems) VALUES ('MonthlyInvoice', '3285934000000104023', 'weeks', '[{"Name":"Cloth-Jeans3", "ItemId":"3285934000000104097", "Rate":"1700", "Quantity":"1"}]')

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the RECURRINGINVOICEID in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

INSERT INTO RecurringInvoiceLineItems#TEMP (Name,itemid,rate,quantity) VALUES ('Cloth-Jeans','3285934000000104097','1700','1')
UPDATE RecurringInvoiceDetails SET RecurrenceName = 'MonthlyInvoice', CustomerId = '3285934000000104002', RecurrenceFrequency = 'weeks', LineItems = 'RecurringInvoiceLineItems#TEMP' WHERE RECURRINGINVOICEID = '3285934000000268005'

UPDATE can also be executed by specifying the LineItems column as a JSON array. The following is an example of how to update using JSON array into this table.

UPDATE RecurringInvoiceDetails SET RecurrenceName = 'MonthlyInvoice', CustomerId = '3285934000000104002', RecurrenceFrequency = 'weeks', LineItems = '[{"Name":"Cloth-Jeans", "ItemId":"3285934000000104097", "Rate":"1700", "Quantity":"1"}]' WHERE RecurringInvoiceId = '3285934000000268005'

DELETE can be executed by specifying the RECURRINGINVOICEID in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM RecurringInvoiceDetails WHERE RECURRINGINVOICEID = '3285934000000268005'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
RecurringInvoiceId [KEY] String True RecurringInvoices.RecurringInvoiceId Id of a recurring invoice.
ActualChildInvoicesCount Integer True Count total number of actual child invoices.
Adjustment Decimal False Adjustments made to the recurring invoices.
AdjustmentDescription String False Description of adjustments made to the recurring invoices.
AllowPartialPayments Boolean True Check if the recuuring invoice can allow partial payments.
AvataxUseCode String False Used to group like customers for exemption purposes. It is a custom value that links customers to a tax rule.
AvataxTaxCode String False A tax code is a unique label used to group items together.
AvataxExemptNo String False Exemption certificate number of the customer.
BcyAdjustment Decimal True Adjustment of base currency.
BcyDiscountTotal Decimal True Total discount applied in base currency.
BcyShippingCharge Decimal True Shipping charge applied in base currency.
BcySubTotal Decimal True Sub total of base currency.
BcyTaxTotal Decimal True Tax total of base currency.
BcyTotal Decimal True Total Base Currency.
BillingAddress String False Billing address of a recurring invoice.
BillingAddressAttention String False Name of a person in billing address.
BillingAddressCity String False City of a billing address.
BillingAddressCountry String False Country of a billing address.
BillingAddressFax String False Fax of a billing address.
BillingAddressPhone String False Phone number of a billing address.
BillingAddressState String False State of a billing address.
BillingAddressStreet2 String False Street two of a billing address.
BillingAddressZip String False ZIP code of a billing address.
ChildEntityType String True Entity type of a child in recurring invoice.
CompanyName String True Name of the company.
ContactCategory String True Category of the contact.
ContactPersons String False Contact persons of a contact.
CreatedById String True Users.UserId Id of a user who has created recurring invoice.
CreatedTime Datetime True Time at which the recurring invoice was created.
CurrencyCode String True Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencyId String False Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CurrencySymbol String True Symbol of the currency.
CustomerEmail String True Email address of the customer.
CustomerMobilePhone String True Mobile phone number of customer.
CustomerId String False Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor.
CustomerName String True Name of the customer or vendor.
CustomerPhone String True Phone number of a customer.
Discount String False Discount given to specific item in recurring invoice.
DiscountAppliedOnAmount Decimal True Amount from which discount was applied.
DiscountPercent Double True Percentage of discount applied.
DiscountTotal Decimal True Total amount get on discount.
DiscountType String False Type to get discount in recurring invoice.
Email String False Email address of the customer.
EndDate Date False End date for the statement.
ExchangeRate Decimal False Exchange rate of the currency.
IsDiscountBeforeTax Boolean False Check if the recurring invoice is discounted before tax.
IsInclusiveTax Boolean False Check if the expense is inclusive tax.
IsPreGst Boolean True Check if pre GST is applied.
LastModifiedById String True Users.UserId Id of the user last modified.
LastModifiedTime Datetime True The time of last modification of the recurring invoice.
LastSentDate Date True The date at which the last recurring invoice was sent.
LineItems String False Line items of an estimate.
ManualChildInvoicesCount Integer True Count of manual child invoices.
NextInvoiceDate Date True Date of a next invoice.
Notes String False Notes for this recurring invoice.
Orientation String True Orientation of a page.
PlaceOfSupply String False The place of supply is where a transaction is considered to have occurred for VAT purposes.
PageHeight String True Height of the page.
PageWidth String True Width of the page.
PaidInvoicesTotal Decimal True Total number of paid invoices.
PaymentTerms Integer False Net payment term for the customer.
PaymentTermsLabel String False Label for the paymet due details.
PaymentOptionsPaymentGateways String False Payment Gateway used for payment.
PhotoUrl String True Photo URL for recurring invoices.
PricePrecision Integer True The precision for the price.
ProjectDetails String True Details of project.
RecurrenceFrequency String False Type of recurrence frequency the invoice is recurring.
RecurrenceName String False Name of the recurrence.
ReferenceNumber String False Reference number of a recurring invoice.
RepeatEvery Integer False Recurrence time of the invoice.
RoundoffValue Decimal True Rounding off the values to precise number.
SalespersonId String False Id of a sales person.
SalespersonName String False Name of a sales person.
ShipmentCharges String True Shipment charges of recurring invoice.
ShippingAddress String False Shipment Address.
ShippingAddressAttention String False Name of a person of shipping address.
ShippingAddressCity String False City of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressCountry String False Country of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressFax String False Fax of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressPhone String False Phone number of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressState String False State of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressStreet2 String False Street two details of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressZip String False Zip code of a shipping address.
ShippingCharge Decimal False Shipping charge.
StartDate Date False Starting date of recurring invoice.
Status String False Status of the recurring invoice.
SubTotal Decimal True Sub total of recurring invoices.
SubTotalInclusiveOfTax Decimal True Subtotal amount which are inclusive of tax.
TaxTotal Decimal True Total amount for tax.
TemplateId String False Id of a template.
TemplateName String True Name of a template.
Terms String True Terms and Conditions apply of a recurring invoice.
Total Decimal True Total of recurring invoices.
TransactionRoundingType String True Type of round off used for transaction.
UnpaidChildInvoicesCount String True Count of total number of unpaid child invoices.
UnpaidInvoicesBalance Decimal True Total amount of unpaid invoices.
VatTreatment String False VAT treatment for the estimates.
GstNo String False GST number.
GstTreatment String False Choose whether the estimate is GST registered/unregistered/consumer/overseas.
TaxTreatment String False VAT treatment for the Estimate.


To list, add, update and delete of a retainer invoice.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • RetainerInvoiceId supports the '=' and IN operators.


RetainerInvoiceId is required to query RetainerInvoiceDetails.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM RetainerInvoiceDetails WHERE RetainerInvoiceId = '1894663000000085023'
SELECT * FROM RetainerInvoiceDetails WHERE RetainerInvoiceId IN (SELECT RetainerInvoiceId FROM RetainerInvoices)
SELECT * FROM RetainerInvoiceDetails WHERE RetainerInvoiceId IN ('1894663000000085023','1894663000000085024')

INSERT can be executed by specifying the CustomerId and LineItems columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO RetainerInvoiceLineItems#TEMP (description,rate) VALUES ('Cloth description','1700')
INSERT INTO RetainerInvoiceDetails (CustomerId, LineItems) VALUES ('3285934000000104002',RetainerInvoiceLineItems#TEMP )

INSERT can also be executed by specifying the LineItems column as a JSON array. The following is an example of how to insert using JSON array into this table.

INSERT INTO RetainerInvoiceDetails (CustomerId, LineItems) VALUES ('3285934000000104023', '[{"Description":"Cloth description", "Rate":"1700"}]')

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the RetainerINVOICEID in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

INSERT INTO RetainerInvoiceLineItems#TEMP (description,rate) VALUES ('Cloth description updated','1700')
UPDATE RetainerInvoiceDetails SET CustomerId = '3285934000000104002', LineItems = 'RetainerInvoiceLineItems#TEMP' WHERE RetainerINVOICEID = '3285934000000268036'

UPDATE can also be executed by specifying the LineItems column as a JSON array. The following is an example of how to update using JSON array into this table.

UPDATE RetainerInvoiceDetails SET CustomerId = '3285934000000085043', LineItems = '[{"Description":"Cloth description updated", "Rate":"1700"}]' WHERE RetainerInvoiceId = '3285934000000268036'

DELETE can be executed by specifying the RetainerINVOICEID in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM RetainerInvoiceDetails WHERE RetainerINVOICEID = '3285934000000268036'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
RetainerInvoiceId [KEY] String True RetainerInvoices.RetainerInvoiceId Id of retainer invoice.
RetainerinvoiceNumber String True Number of a retainer invoice.
AllowPartialPayments Boolean True Check if the retainer invoice allows partial payments.
AttachmentName String True Name of the attachment.
Balance Decimal True Total amount left.
BillingAddress String True Billing address of a retainer invoice.
BillingAddressAttention String True Name of a person in billing address.
BillingAddressCity String True City of a billing address.
BillingAddressCountry String True Country of a billing address.
BillingAddressFax String True Fax of a billing address.
BillingAddressPhone String True Phone number of a billing address.
BillingAddressState String True State of a billing address.
BillingAddressStreet2 String True Street two of a billing address.
BillingAddressZip String True ZIP code of a billing address.
CanSendInMail Boolean True Check if retainer invoice can be send in mail.
ClientViewedTime Datetime True Last time when client viewed retainer invoice.
ColorCode String True Color code of retainer invoice.
ContactPersons String False Contact Persons.
CreatedById String True Users.UserId Id of a user who has created retainer invoice.
CreatedTime Datetime True Time at which the retainer invoice was created.
CurrencyCode String True Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencyId String False Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CurrencySymbol String True Symbol of currency used for retainer invoice.
CurrentSubStatus String True Current sub status of a retainer invoice.
CurrentSubStatusId String True Current sub status ID of a retainer invoice.
CustomerId String False Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor.
CustomerName String True Name of the customer or vendor.
Date Date False Date of a retainer invoice.
ExchangeRate Decimal False Exchange rate of the currency.
InvoiceUrl String True URL of invoice.
IsEmailed Boolean True Check if the retainer invoice is emailed.
IsInclusiveTax Boolean True Check if the retainer invoice is inclusive of tax.
IsPreGst Boolean True Check if the retainer invoice is applied by pre GST.
IsViewedByClient Boolean True Check if retainer invoice is viewed by client.
LastModifiedById String True Users.UserId Id of a user who has last modified the retainer invoice.
LastModifiedTime Datetime True The time of last modification of the retainer invoice.
LastPaymentDate Date True Date of payment which was last paid.
Notes String False Notes of retainer invoice.
Orientation String True Orientation of a page.
PageHeight String True Height of a page.
PageWidth String True Width of a page.
PaymentDrawn Decimal True The payment which was drawn for retainer invoice.
PaymentOptionPaymentGateways String False Payment options for the retainer invoice, online payment gateways and bank accounts.
PaymentMade Decimal True Payment which was made for the invoice.
PricePrecision Integer True The precision for the price.
ReferenceNumber String False Reference number of a retainer invoice.
RoundoffValue Decimal True Round Off value.
ShippingAddress String True Shipment Address.
ShippingAddressAttention String True Name of a person of shipping address.
ShippingAddressCity String True City of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressCountry String True Country of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressFax String True Fax of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressPhone String True Phone number of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressState String True State of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressStreet2 String True Street two details of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressZip String True Zip code of a shipping address.
Status String False Status of the retainer invoice.
SubTotal Decimal True Sub total of retainer invoices.
SubmittedBy String True Detail of the user who has submitted the retainer invoice.
SubmittedDate Date True Date of submission of retainer invoice.
TemplateId String False Id of a template.
TemplateName String True Name of a template.
TemplateType String True Type of a template.
Terms String False Terms and Conditions apply of a retainer invoice.
Total Decimal True Total of retainer invoices.
TransactionRoundingType String True Type of round off used for transaction.
VatTreatment String True VAT treatment for the retainer invoice.
PlaceOfSupply String False The place of supply is where a transaction is considered to have occurred for VAT purposes.
TaxSpecification String True Working of tax when specifying special tax options and tax methods for earnings codes.
UnusedRetainerPayments Decimal True Payment of the retainer invoice which is unused.
LineItems String False Line items of an estimate.


To list, add, update and delete a sales order.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • SalesorderId supports the '=' and IN operators.


SalesorderId is required to query SalesOrderDetails.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM SalesOrderDetails WHERE SalesorderId = '1894553000000077349'
SELECT * FROM SalesOrderDetails WHERE SalesorderId IN (SELECT SalesorderId FROM SalesOrders)
SELECT * FROM SalesOrderDetails WHERE SalesorderId IN ('1894553000000077349','1894553000000077350')

INSERT can be executed by specifying the CustomerId and LineItems columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO SalesOrderLineItems#TEMP (Name, itemid, rate, quantity) VALUES ('Cloth-Jeans' , '3285934000000104097' , '1700' , '1')
INSERT INTO SalesorderDetails (CustomerId, LineItems) VALUES ('3285934000000104002', SalesorderLineItems#TEMP )

INSERT can also be executed by specifying the LineItems column as a JSON array. The following is an example of how to insert using JSON array into this table.

INSERT INTO SalesorderDetails (CustomerId, LineItems) VALUES ('3285934000000104023', '[{"Name":"Cloth-Jeans3", "ItemId":"3285934000000104097", "Rate":"1700", "Quantity":"1"}]')

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the SalesorderID in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

INSERT INTO SalesOrderLineItems#TEMP (Name, itemid, rate, quantity) VALUES ('Cloth-Jeans', '3285934000000104097', '1700', '1')
Update SalesorderDetails SET CustomerId = '3285934000000104002', LineItems = 'SalesorderLineItems#TEMP' WHERE SalesorderID = '3285934000000259151'

UPDATE can also be executed by specifying the LineItems column as a JSON array. The following is an example of how to update using JSON array into this table.

UPDATE SalesorderDetails SET CustomerId = '3285934000000085043', LineItems = '[{"Name":"Cloth-Jeans", "ItemId":"3285934000000104097", "Rate":"1700", "Quantity":"1"}]' WHERE SalesorderID = '3285934000000259151'

DELETE can be executed by specifying the SalesorderID in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM SalesorderDetails WHERE SalesorderID = '3285934000000259151'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
SalesorderId [KEY] String True SalesOrders.SalesorderId Id of sales order.
AccountIdentifier String True Account identifier for sales order.
Adjustment Decimal False Adjustments made to the sales order.
AdjustmentDescription String False Description of adjustments made to the sales order.
ApproverId String True Users.UserId Id of an approver.
AttachmentName String True Name of the attachment.
AvataxUseCode String False Used to group like customers for exemption purposes. It is a custom value that links customers to a tax rule.
AvataxExemptNo String False Exemption certificate number of the customer.
BcyAdjustment Decimal True Adjustment made in Base Currency.
BcyDiscountTotal Decimal True Total amount of discount in Base Currency.
BcyShippingCharge Decimal True Shipping charge applied in Base Currency.
BcySubTotal Decimal True Sub total of Base Currency.
BcyTaxTotal Decimal True Total tax of Base Currency.
BcyTotal Decimal True Total Base Currency.
BillingAddressId String False Id of the Billing Address.
ShippingAddressId String False Id of the Shipping Address.
BillingAddress String True Billing address of a sales order.
BillingAddressAttention String True Name of a person in billing address.
BillingAddressCity String True City of a billing address.
BillingAddressCountry String True Country of a billing address.
BillingAddressFax String True Fax of a billing address.
BillingAddressPhone String True Phone number of a billing address.
BillingAddressState String True State of a billing address.
BillingAddressStreet2 String True Street two of a billing address.
BillingAddressZip String True ZIP code of a billing address.
CanSendInMail Boolean True Check if the sales order can be send in mail.
ColorCode String True Color code for sales order.
ContactCategory String True Category of a contact.
ContactPersons String False Contact persons of a contact.
CreatedById String True Users.UserId Id of a user who has created sales order.
CreatedTime Datetime True Time at which the sales order was created.
CurrencyCode String True Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencyId String False Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CurrencySymbol String True Currency symbol of the customer's currency.
CurrentSubStatus String True Current sub status of a sales order.
CurrentSubStatusId String True Current sub status ID of a sales order.
CustomerId String False Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor.
CustomerName String True Name of the customer or vendor.
CustomFields String False Custom fields of the contact.
Date Date False Date of a sales order.
DeliveryMethod String False Method of a delivery.
DeliveryMethodId String True Method ID of a delivery.
Discount String False Discount given to specific item in sales order.
DiscountAppliedOnAmount Decimal True Amount in which discount was applied.
DiscountPercent Double True Percentage applied for discount.
DiscountTotal Decimal True Total amount get on discount.
DiscountType String False Type of discount applied in sales order.
EstimateId String False Estimates.EstimateId Id of an estimate.
ExchangeRate Decimal False Exchange rate of the currency.
GstNo String False GST number.
GstTreatment String False Choose whether the estimate is GST registered/unregistered/consumer/overseas. .
HasQtyCancelled Boolean True Check if the sales order quantity has been cancelled.
IntegrationId String True Id of sales order integration.
InvoiceConversionType String True Type of invoice conversion applied for sales order.
InvoicedStatus String True Status of invoiced sales order.
IsDiscountBeforeTax Boolean False Check if the sales order can be applied discount before tax.
IsUpdateCustomer Boolean False Boolean to update billing address of customer.
IsEmailed Boolean True Check if the sales order is emailed.
IsInclusiveTax Boolean False Check if the sales order is inclusive tax.
IsPreGst Boolean True Check if pre GST is applied.
LastModifiedById String True Users.UserId Id of the user last modified.
LastModifiedTime Datetime True The time of last modification of the sales order.
LineItems String False Line items of an estimate.
MerchantId String False Id of the merchant.
MerchantName String True Name of the merchant.
Notes String False Notes of sales order.
NotesDefault String False Default Notes for the Sales Order.
OrderStatus String True Status of order.
Orientation String True Orientation of page.
PageHeight String True Height of page.
PageWidth String True Width of page.
PricePrecision Integer True The precision for the price.
PlaceOfSupply String False The place of supply is where a transaction is considered to have occurred for VAT purposes.
ReferenceNumber String False Reference number of a sales order.
RoundoffValue Decimal True Round Off value of sales order.
SalesorderNumber String False Number of sales order.
SalespersonId String False Id of a sales person.
SalespersonName String False Name of the sales person.
ShipmentDate Date False Date when shipment was done for sale order.
ShippingAddress String True Shipment Address.
ShippingAddressAttention String True Name of a person of shipping address.
ShippingAddressCity String True City of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressCountry String True Country of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressFax String True Fax of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressPhone String True Phone number of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressState String True State of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressStreet2 String True Street two details of a shipping address.
ShippingAddressZip String True Zip code of a shipping address.
ShippingCharge Decimal False Shipping charge.
Status String False Status of the sales order.
SubTotal Decimal True Sub total of sales orders.
SubTotalInclusiveOfTax Decimal True Subtotal amount which are inclusive of tax.
SubmittedBy String True Detail of the user who has submitted the sales order.
SubmittedDate Date True Date when submission was made of sales order.
SubmitterId String True Users.UserId Id of a submitter.
TaxTotal Decimal True Total amount of tax.
TemplateId String False Id of a template.
TemplateName String True Name of a template.
TemplateType String True Type of template.
Terms String False Terms and Conditions apply of a sales order.
TermsDefault String False Default Terms of the Sales Order.
Total Decimal True Total of sales order.
TransactionRoundingType String True Type of round off used for transaction.
VatTreatment String False VAT treatment for the estimates.
TaxTreatment String False VAT treatment for the Estimate.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
TotalFiles Integer Total number of files.
Doc String Document that is to be attached.


To list, add, update and delete tasks added to a project. Also, get the details of a task.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • ProjectId supports the '=' comparison.
  • TaskId supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE ProjectId = '1894553000000078367' AND TaskId = '1894553000000085708'

INSERT can be executed by specifying TaskName and ProjectId. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO Tasks(ProjectId, TaskName) values ('1484772000000068020','Test1')

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the TaskId and ProjectId in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

UPDATE Tasks set Description = 'test' where TaskId = '1484772000000147005' and ProjectId = '1484772000000068020'

DELETE can be executed by specifying the TaskId and ProjectId in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM Tasks where TaskId = '1484772000000147005' and ProjectId = '1484772000000068020'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
TaskId [KEY] String True Id of a task.
ProjectId String True Projects.ProjectId Id of the project.
CurrencyId String True Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
TaskName String False Name of the task.
Description String False Description of the task.
ProjectName String True Name of the project.
CustomerId String True Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor.
CustomerName String True Name of the customer or vendor.
BilledHours String True Total number of billed hours for a task.
BudgetHours Integer False A project comprises of a single or multiple tasks that need to be completed.
LogTime String True Time logs for the task.
UnBilledHours String True Total number of hours which was un-billed.
Rate Decimal False Rate for task.
Status String True Status of the task.
IsBillable Boolean True Check if tasks is billable or not.


To list, add, update and delete simple and compound taxes. Also, get the details of a simple or compound tax.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • TaxId supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM Taxes WHERE TaxId = '1894553000000077244'

INSERT can be executed by specifying the TaxName and TaxPercentage columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.


UPDATE can be executed by specifying the TaxId in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

UPDATE Taxes SET TaxName = 'TaxUpdated', TaxPercentage = '5' WHERE TaxId = '3350895000000089005'

DELETE can be executed by specifying the TaxId in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM Taxes WHERE TaxId = '3350895000000089001'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
TaxId [KEY] String True Id of tax.
TaxName String False Name of the tax.
TaxPercentage Integer False Percentage applied for tax.
TaxType String False Type of tax.
TaxSpecificType String False Type of tax.
TaxAuthorityId String False Id of a tax authority.
TaxAuthorityName String False Name of the tax authority.
TaxSpecification String True Working of tax when specifying special tax options and tax methods for earnings codes.
TdsPayableAccountId String True BankAccounts.AccountId Account ID of TDS payable.
Country String True Name of the country for taxes.
CountryCode String False Country code for taxes.
IsDefaultTax Boolean False Check if the tax is default.
IsValueAdded Boolean False Check if Tax is Value Added.
IsEditable Boolean False Check if the tax is editable.
PurchaseTaxExpenseAccountId String False Account ID in which Purchase Tax will be Computed.
UpdateRecurringInvoice Boolean False Check if recurring invoice should be updated.
UpdateRecurringExpense Boolean False Check if Draft Invoices should be updated.
UpdateDraftInvoice Boolean False Check if Draft Invoices should be updated.
UpdateRecurringBills Boolean False Check if Subscriptions should be updated.
UpdateDraftSo Boolean False Check if Subscriptions should be updated.
UpdateSubscription Boolean False Check if Subscriptions should be updated.
UpdateProject Boolean False Check if Projects should be updated.


Read, Insert, Update and Delete Tax Groups.


Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • TaxGroupId supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM TaxGroups WHERE TaxGroupId = '3255827000000076031'

INSERT can be executed by specifying the TaxGroupName, Taxes column. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO TaxGroups (TaxGroupName, TAXES) VALUES ('groupinsert', '3255827000000076025, 3255827000000076013, 3255827000000076007')

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the taxgroupid in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

UPDATE Taxgroups SET TaxGroupName = 'TaxUpdated' WHERE taxgroupid = 3255827000000077002

DELETE can be executed by specifying the TaxGroupId in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM TaxGroups WHERE TaxGroupId = '3255827000000077002'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
TaxGroupId [KEY] String True = Id of the Tax Group.
TaxGroupName String False Name of the tax group to be created.
TaxGroupPercentage Double False Tax group percentage.
Taxes String False Comma Seperated list of tax Ids that are to be associated to the tax group.


To list, add, update and delete time entries.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • TimeEntryId supports the '=' comparison.
  • ProjectId supports the '=' comparison.
  • UserId supports the '=' comparison.
  • FromDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ToDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • TimeEntryFilter supports the '=' comparison.

By default, the response shows the time entries of the current month only.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM TimeEntries WHERE TimeEntryId = '1894553000000085710' AND UserId = '1894553000000068001'

SELECT * FROM TimeEntries WHERE TimeEntryFilter = 'Date.All'

INSERT can be executed by specifying TaskId, UserId, ProjectId and LogDate columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO TimeEntries(TaskId, UserId, ProjectId, LogDate) VALUES ('1484772000000033128', '1484772000000017001', '1484772000000033118', '2023-10-25')

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the TimeEntryId in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

UPDATE TimeEntries set LogDate = '2023-10-25', TaskId = '1484772000000033128', UserId = '1484772000000017001', ProjectId = '1484772000000033118' where TimeEntryId = '1484772000000033130'

DELETE can be executed by specifying the TimeEntryId in the WHERE Clause For example:

Delete FROM TimeEntries where TimeEntryId = '1484772000000033130'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
TimeEntryId [KEY] String True Id of time entry.
TimerDurationInMinutes Integer True Timer duration in minutes.
TimerDurationInSeconds Integer True Timer duration in seconds.
TimerStartedAt String True Time when the timer started.
BeginTime String False Time the user started working on this task.
BilledStatus String True Status which are billed.
CostRate Decimal False Hourly cost rate.
CanBeInvoiced Boolean True Check if the entry can be invoiced.
CanContinueTimer Boolean True Check if the entry can continue the timer.
CanCreateClientApproval Boolean True Check if the entry can create client approval.
CanCreateUserApproval Boolean True Check if the entry can create user approval.
CreatedTime Datetime True Time at which the time entry was created.
CustomerId String True Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor.
CustomerName String True Name of the customer or vendor.
EndTime String False Time the user stopped working on this task.
InvoiceId String True Invoices.InvoiceId Id of an invoice.
InvoiceNumber String True Number of an invoice.
IsBillable Boolean False Check if time entries is billable.
IsClientApprovalNeeded Boolean True Check if the client approval is needed in time entries.
IsCurrentUser Boolean True Check if it is a current user of time entries.
IsPaused Boolean True Check if time entries is paused.
LogDate Date False Log of date.
LogTime String False Log of time.
Notes String False Notes for this time entry.
ProjectHeadId String True Id of project head.
ProjectHeadName String True Name of project head.
ProjectId String False Projects.ProjectId Id of a project.
ProjectName String True Name of the project.
TaskId String False Tasks.TaskId Id of task.
TaskName String True Name of the task.
UserId String False Users.UserId Id of a user.
UserName String True Name of user for time entries.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
FromDate Date Date from which the time entries logged to be fetched.
ToDate Date Date up to which the time entries logged to be fetched.
TimeEntryFilter String Filter time entries by date and status. The allowed values are Date.All, Date.Today, Date.ThisWeek, Date.ThisMonth, Date.ThisQuarter, Date.ThisYear, Date.PreviousDay, Date.PreviousWeek, Date.PreviousMonth, Date.PreviousQuarter, Date.PreviousYear, Date.CustomDate, Status.Unbilled, Status.Invoiced.


To list, add, update and delete users in the organization. Also, get the details of a user.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • UserId supports the '=' comparison.
  • Status supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Status = 'All'


INSERT can be executed by specifying the Name and Email columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO Users (Name, Email, UserRole) VALUES ('user1', '', 'staff')

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the UserId in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

UPDATE Users SET Name = 'User Name Change', Email = '', UserRole = 'staff' WHERE UserId = '3350895000000089005'

DELETE can be executed by specifying the UserId in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM Users WHERE UserId = '3350895000000089001'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
UserId [KEY] String True Id of a user.
UserRole String False Role of a user.
UserType String True Type of a user.
CreatedTime Datetime True Time at which the user was created.
Email String False Email ID of a user.
IsAssociatedForApproval Boolean True Check if the user is associated for the approval.
IsClaimant Boolean True Check if the user is claimant.
IsCustomerSegmented Boolean True Check if the user is customer segmented.
IsEmployee Boolean True Check if the user is an employee.
Name String False Name of the user.
PhotoUrl String True Photo URL of the user.
RoleId String False Role ID of a user.
CostRate Double False Hourly cost rate.
Status String False Status of the user. The allowed values are All, Active, Inactive, Invited, Deleted.


To list, add, update and delete details of a vendor credit.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • VendorCreditId supports the '=' and IN operators.


VendorCreditId is required to query VendorCreditDetails.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM VendorCreditDetails WHERE VendorCreditId = '1894545000000083308'
SELECT * FROM VendorCreditDetails WHERE VendorCreditId IN (SELECT VendorCreditId FROM VendorCredits)
SELECT * FROM VendorCreditDetails WHERE VendorCreditId IN ('1894545000000083308','1894545000000083309')

INSERT can be executed by specifying the VendorId, LineItems, and VendorCreditNumber columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO VendorCreditLineItems#TEMP (Name, itemid, rate, quantity) VALUES ('Cloth-Jeans3', '3285934000000104097', '1700', '1')
INSERT INTO VendorCreditDetails (VendorId, lineitems, VendorCreditNumber) VALUES ('3285934000000104023', VendorCreditLineItems#Temp, '9')

INSERT can also be executed by specifying the LineItems column as a JSON array. The following is an example of how to insert using JSON array into this table.

INSERT INTO VendorCreditDetails (VendorId, LineItems, VendorCreditNumber) VALUES ('3285934000000104023', '[{"Name":"Cloth-Jeans3", "ItemId":"3285934000000104097", "Rate":"1700", "Quantity":"1"}]','9')

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the VendorCreditId in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

INSERT INTO VendorCreditLineItems#TEMP (Name,itemid,rate,quantity) VALUES ('Cloth-Jeans3','3285934000000104097','1700','1')
UPDATE VendorCreditDetails SET CustomerId = '3285934000000104002', LineItems = 'VendorCreditLineItems#TEMP' WHERE VendorCreditID = '3285934000000259151'

UPDATE can also be executed by specifying the LineItems column as a JSON array. The following is an example of how to update using JSON array into this table.

UPDATE VendorCreditDetails SET CustomerId = '3285934000000085043', LineItems = '[{"Name":"Cloth-Jeans", "ItemId":"3285934000000104097", "Rate":"1700", "Quantity":"1"}]' WHERE VendorCreditID = '3285934000000259151'

DELETE can be executed by specifying the VendorCreditId in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM VendorCreditDetails WHERE VendorCreditId = '3350895000000089001'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
VendorCreditId [KEY] String True VendorCredits.VendorCreditId Id of a vendor credit.
VendorCreditNumber String False Number of vendor credit.
VendorId String False Id of the vendor the vendor credit has been made.
VendorName String True Name of the vendor the vendor credit has been made.
Adjustment Decimal True Adjustments made to the vendor credit.
AdjustmentDescription String True Description of adjustments made to the vendor credit.
ApproverId String True Users.UserId Id of a approver.
Balance Decimal True Total balance of vendor credit.
BillId String False Bills.BillId Id of a Bill.
BillNumber String True Number of a Bill.
ColorCode String True Color code of vendor credit.
ContactCategory String True Category of a contact.
CreatedTime Datetime True Time at which the vendor credit was created.
CurrencyCode String True Currency code of the customer's currency.
CustomFields String True Custom Fields defined for Journal.
CurrencyId String True Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CurrentSubStatus String True Current sub status of a vendor credit.
CurrentSubStatusId String True Current sub status ID of a vendor credit.
Documents String False List of files to be attached to a particular transaction.
Date Date False Vendor Credit date.
DestinationOfSupply String False Place where the goods/services are supplied to.
Discount String True Discount amount applied to vendor credit.
DiscountAccountId String True BankAccounts.AccountId Account ID of the discount.
DiscountAmount Decimal True Amount of the discount.
DiscountAppliedOnAmount Decimal True Amount applied on discount.
DiscountSetting String True Settings of discount.
ExchangeRate Decimal False Exchange rate applied for vendor credits.
FiledInVatReturnId String True VAT return ID of bill which was filed.
FiledInVatReturnName String True VAT return name of bill which was filed.
FiledInVatReturnType String True VAT return type of bill which was filed.
GstNo String False GST number.
GstReturnDetailsReturnPeriod String True Return period of GST return details.
GstReturnDetailsStatus String True Status of GST return details.
GstTreatment String False Choose whether the vendor credit is GST registered/unregistered/consumer/overseas.
HasNextVendorcredit Boolean True Check if there is nect vendor credit.
IsDiscountBeforeTax Boolean True Check if discount is applicable before tax.
IsInclusiveTax Boolean False Check if tax is inclusive.
IsUpdateCustomer Boolean False Check if customer should be updated.
IsPreGst Boolean True Check if pre GST is applied.
IsReverseChargeApplied Boolean True Check if the reverse charge is applied.
LastModifiedTime Datetime True The time of last modification of the vendor credits.
Notes String False Notes of vendor credit.
Orientation String True Orientation of vendor credit.
PageHeight String True Height of a page.
PageWidth String True Width of a page.
PricebookId String False Id of the pricebook.
PricePrecision Integer True The precision for the price.
ReasonForDebitNote String True Specified reason for debit note.
ReferenceNumber String False Reference number of vendor credit.
SourceOfSupply String False Source of supply.
Status String True Status of the vendor credit.
SubTotal Decimal True Sub total of vendor credits.
SubTotalInclusiveOfTax Decimal True Amount if the subtotal is inclusive of tax.
SubmittedBy String True Detail of the user who has submitted the vendor credit.
SubmittedDate Date True Date when vendor credit was submitted.
SubmitterId String True Users.UserId Id of vendor credit submitter.
TaxTreatment String False VAT treatment for the Vendor Credit.
TemplateId String True Id of a template.
TemplateName String True Name of a template.
TemplateType String True Type of a template.
Total Decimal True Total of vendor credits.
TotalCreditsUsed Decimal True Total credits used for this vendor credit.
TotalRefundedAmount Decimal True Total amount refunded for a vendor credit.
PlaceOfSupply String False The place of supply is where a transaction is considered to have occurred for VAT purposes.
VatTreatment String False VAT treatment for the vendor credit.
LineItems String False Line items of an estimate.


Read, Insert and Update Vendor Credit Refunds.


Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • VendorCreditId supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the connector.

For example, the following queries are processed server-side:

SELECT * FROM VendorCreditRefund WHERE VendorCreditId = '3350895000000089001'

SELECT * FROM VendorCreditRefund WHERE VendorCreditId = '3285934000000134009' AND VendorCreditRefundId = '3285934000000435001'

INSERT can be executed by specifying the Amount, Date, AccountId, and VendorCreditId columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO VendorCreditRefund (Date, Amount, AccountId, VendorCreditId) VALUES ('2023-02-27', '1200', 3285934000000259036, 3285934000000134009)

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the Amount, Date and AccountId in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

UPDATE VendorCreditRefund SET Description = 'test2' WHERE vendorcreditrefundid = 3285934000000435001 AND VendorCreditId = 3285934000000134009

DELETE can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM VendorCreditRefund WHERE VendorCreditId = 3285934000000134009 AND vendorcreditrefundid = 3285934000000432043
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
VendorCreditId [KEY] String False VendorCredits.VendorCreditId = Vendor Credit Id.
VendorCreditRefundId [KEY] String True = Vendor Credit Refund Id.
Amount Integer False Amount.
AmountBcy Integer True Amount BCY.
AmountFcy Integer True Amount FCY.
CustomerName String True Customer Name.
Date Date False Date.
Description String False Description.
ExchangeRate Decimal False Exchange Rate.
ReferenceNumber String False Reference Number.
RefundMode String False Refund Mode.
VendorName String True Vendor Name.
VendorCreditNumber String True Vendor Credit Number.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AccountId String Id of the Bank Account.


To list, add, update and delete details of a Vendor Payment.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • PaymentId supports the '=' and IN operators.


PaymentId is required to query VendorPaymentDetails.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM VendorPaymentDetails WHERE PaymentId = '1894553000000085277'
SELECT * FROM VendorPaymentDetails WHERE PaymentId IN (SELECT PaymentId FROM VendorPayments)
SELECT * FROM VendorPaymentDetails WHERE PaymentId IN ('1894553000000085277','1894553000000085278')

INSERT can be executed by specifying the VendorId and Amount columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO VendorPaymentDetails (VendorId, Amount) VALUES ('3285934000000104023', '500')

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the PaymentId in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

UPDATE VendorPaymentDetails SET VendorId = '3285934000000104023', Amount = '1000' WHERE PaymentId = '3350895000000089005'

DELETE can be executed by specifying the PaymentId in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM VendorPaymentDetails WHERE PaymentId = '3350895000000089001'
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
PaymentId [KEY] String True VendorPayments.PaymentId Id of a payment.
VendorId String False VendorPayments.VendorId Id of the vendor the vendor payment has been made.
VendorName String True Name of the vendor the vendor payment has been made.
VendorpaymentRefunds String True Refunds of a vendor payment.
AchPaymentStatus String True Status of ACH Payment.
Amount Decimal False Amount of the vendor payments.
Balance Decimal True Total amount of a vendor payment.
Bills String False Individual bill payment details as array.
BillingAddress String True Billing address of a vendor payment.
BillingAddressAttention String True Name of a person in billing address.
BillingAddressCity String True City of a billing address.
BillingAddressCountry String True Country of a billing address.
BillingAddressFax String True Fax of a billing address.
BillingAddressPhone String True Phone number of a billing address.
BillingAddressState String True State of a billing address.
BillingAddressStreet2 String True Street two of a billing address.
BillingAddressZip String True ZIP code of a billing address.
CheckDetailsAmountInWords String False Checking details with amount in words.
CheckDetailsCheckId String False Id of check.
CheckDetailsCheckNumber String False Number if check.
CheckDetailsCheckStatus String False Status of check.
CheckDetailsMemo String False Memo of check details.
CheckDetailsTemplateId String False Template ID of a vendor payment in check.
CreatedTime Datetime True Time at which the vendor payment was created.
CurrencyId String True Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CurrencySymbol String True Currency symbol of the customer's currency.
CustomFields String False Custom Fields.
Date Date False Date of a vendor payment.
Description String False Description of the vendor payment.
ExchangeRate Decimal False Exchange rate of a vendor payment.
IsAchPayment Boolean True Check if the payment if done with ACH payment.
IsPaidViaPrintCheck Boolean False Check if vendor payment paid via print check.
IsPreGst Boolean True Check if vendor payment includes pre GST.
IsTdsAmountInPercent Boolean True Check if the TDS amount is in percent.
LastModifiedTime Datetime True The time of last modification of the vendor payment.
OffsetAccountId String True BankAccounts.AccountId Id of an offset account.
OffsetAccountName String True Name of an offset account.
PaidThroughAccountId String False BankAccounts.AccountId Account ID from which vendor payment has been made.
PaidThroughAccountName String True Account name from which vendor payment has been made.
PaidThroughAccountType String True Account type from which vendor payment has been made.
PaymentMode String False Mode through which payment is made.
PaymentNumber String True Number through which payment is made.
ProductDescription String True Description of the product.
PurposeCode String True Purpose code of vendor payment.
ReferenceNumber String False Reference number of a vendor payment.
TaxAccountId String True BankAccounts.AccountId Id of a tax account.
TaxAccountName String True Name of a tax account.
TaxAmountWithheld Decimal True Amount withheld for tax.
TdsTaxId String True Id of a TDS tax.


Read, Insert and Update Vendor Credit Refunds.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • VendorPaymentId supports the '=' comparison.
  • VendorPaymentRefundId supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the connector.

For example, the following queries are processed server-side:

SELECT * FROM VendorPaymentsRefund WHERE VendorPaymentId = '3285934000000429001'

SELECT * FROM VendorPaymentsRefund WHERE VendorPaymentRefundId = '3285934000000429017'

INSERT can be executed by specifying the Amount, Date, ToAccountId, and VendorCreditId columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO VendorPaymentsRefund (Date, Amount, ToAccountId, VendorPaymentId) VALUES ('2023-02-27', '1200', 3285934000000259036, 3285934000000429001)

UPDATE can be executed by specifying the Amount, Date and AccountId columns in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

UPDATE VendorPaymentsRefund SET Description = 'test2' WHERE vendorpaymentrefundid = 3285934000000437017 AND VendorPaymentId = 3285934000000429001

DELETE can be executed by specifying the ID in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM VendorPaymentsRefund WHERE VendorPaymentId = 3285934000000429001 AND vendorpaymentrefundid = 3285934000000437017
Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
VendorPaymentId [KEY] String True Vendor Payment Id.
VendorPaymentRefundId [KEY] String True Vendor Payment Refund Id.
ToAccountId String False To Account Id.
ToAccountName String False To Account Name.
Amount Integer False Amount.
AmountBcy Integer False Amount BCY.
AmountFcy Integer False Amount FCY.
CustomFields String True Custom Fields.
CustomerName String False Customer Name.
Date Date False Date.
Description String False Description.
ReferenceNumber String False Reference Number.
RefundMode String False Refund Mode.


Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.

Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.

Zoho Books Connector Views

Name Description
AccountDetailsBaseCurrencyAdjustment Retrieves details of Base Currency Adjustment.
AccountDetailsBaseCurrencyAdjustmentAccounts Lists Account Details of Base Currency Adjustment.
AccountTransactionsReport Generated schema file.
BalanceSheetsReport This report summarizes your company's assets, liabilities and equity at a specific point in time
BankAccountLastImportedStatement Get the details of previously imported statement for the account.
BankAccountLastImportedStatementTransactions Retrieves the details of transactions related to previously imported statements for the account.
BankMatchingTransactions Retrieves the list of transactions which includes invoices/bills/credit-notes.
BankRuleCriterions Get criterions of a specific bank rule.
BankTransactionImportedTransaction Retrieves Imported Transactions.
BankTransactionLineItems Get details of bank transaction line items.
BaseCurrencyAdjustmentAccounts Retrieves lists of base currency adjustment accounts.
BillDocuments Get the attachments associated with bills.
BillLineItems Get the details of a line items of bills.
BillPayments Get the list of payments made for a bill.
BillPurchaseOrders Retrieves bills related to purchase orders.
Bills Retrieves list of bills.
BillVendorCredits Retrieves bills related to vendor credits.
Budgets To get the list of budgets.
BusinessPerformanceRatiosReport Generated schema file.
CashFlowReport Generated schema file.
ChartOfAccountInlineTransactions Retrieves the list of inline transactions.
ChartOfAccountTransactions Retrieves list of all involved transactions for the given account.
committedstockdetailsreport Generated schema file.
ContactAddresses Get addresses of a contact including its Shipping Address, Billing Address.
ContactDocuments Get the attachments associated with contacts.
ContactRefunds Retrieves refund details related to a contact.
Contacts Retrieves list of all contacts.
CreditNoteDocuments Get the attachments associated with credit notes.
CreditNoteInvoices Retrieves details of invoices from an existing Credit Note.
CreditNoteLineItems Retrieves details of line items from existing Credit Notes.
CreditNotes Retrieves list of all the Credit Notes.
CurrencyExchangeRates Retrieves list of exchange rates configured for the currency.
CustomerBalancesReport Generated schema file.
CustomerPaymentInvoices Retrieves invoices related to customer payments.
CustomerPayments Retrieves list of all the payments made by your customer.
CustomModuleFieldDropDownOptions In Zoho Books, you can create a custom module to record other data when the predefined modules are not sufficient to manage all your business requirements.
Documents Get the list of all the documents associated with any entity.
Employees Retrieves list of employees. Also, get the details of an employee.
EstimateApprovers Get the details of approvers for estimates.
EstimateLineItems Get the details of line items for estimates.
Estimates Retrieves list of all estimates.
Expenses Retrieves list of all the Expenses.
GeneralLedgerReport Generated schema file.
GetContactStatementEmailContent Retrieves the content of the mail sent to a contact.
InventorySummaryReport Generated schema file.
InventoryValuationReport Generated schema file.
InvoiceAppliedCredits Retrieves list of credits applied for an invoice.
InvoiceDocuments Get the attachments associated with invoices.
InvoiceLineItems Get the details of line items from invoices.
InvoicePayments Get the list of payments made for an invoice.
Invoices Retrieves list of all invoices.
Items Retrieves list of all active items.
ItemWarehouses Retrieves warehouse details related to items.
JournalLineItems Retrieves list of line items of a journal.
JournalReport Generated schema file.
MovementOfEquityReport Generated schema file.
OpeningBalanceAccounts Retrieves list of accounts of opening balance.
OpeningBalanceTransactionSummaries Get transaction summaries of opening balance.
Organizations Retrieves list of organizations.
PaymentsReceivedReport Generated schema file.
ProductSalesReport Generated schema file.
ProfitsAndLossesReport This report summarizes your company's assets, liabilities and equity at a specific point in time
ProjectInvoices Retrieves list of invoices created for a project.
ProjectPerformanceSummaryReport Generated schema file.
ProjectUsers Retrieves list of users associated with a project. Also, get details of a user in project.
PurchaseOrderDocuments Get the attachments associated with Purchase Orders.
PurchaseOrderLineItems Get the details of line items of purchase orders.
PurchaseOrders Retrieves list of all purchase orders.
PurchaseOrdersByVendorReport Generated schema file.
RecurringBillLineItems Get the details of a line items of bills.
RecurringBills To list, add, update and delete details of a bill.
RecurringExpenses Retrieves list of all the Expenses.
RecurringInvoiceLineItems Get the details of line items of a recurring invoice.
RecurringInvoices Retrieves list of all recurring invoices.
RecurringSubExpense Retrieves list of child expenses created from recurring expense.
ReportsAccountTransactionsDetails Retrieves the list of inline transactions.
RetainerInvoiceDocuments Get the attachments associated with retainer invoices.
RetainerInvoiceLineItems Retrieves detail of line items of retainer invoices.
RetainerInvoicePayments Get the list of payments made for a retainer invoices.
RetainerInvoices Retrieves list of all retainer invoices.
SalesByCustomerReport Generated schema file.
SalesByItemReport Generated schema file.
SalesBySalespersonReport Generated schema file.
SalesOrderDocuments Get the attachments associated with salesorders.
SalesOrderLineItems Retrieves list of line items of a sales order.
SalesOrders Retrieves list of all sales orders.
StockSummaryReport Generated schema file.
TaxSummaryReport This report summarizes your company's assets, liabilities and equity at a specific point in time
TrialBalanceReport This report summarizes your company's assets, liabilities and equity at a specific point in time
VendorBalancesReport Generated schema file.
VendorCreditBills Retrieves list of bills to which the vendor credit is applied.
VendorCreditLineItems Retrieves list of line items from vendor credits.
VendorCredits Retrieves list of vendor credits.
VendorPaymentBills Retrieves bills related to vendor payments.
VendorPayments Retrieves list of all the payments made to your vendor.


Retrieves details of Base Currency Adjustment.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • CurrencyId supports the '=' comparison.
  • AdjustmentDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ExchangeRate supports the '=' comparison.
  • Notes supports the '=' comparison.


CurrencyId, AdjustmentDate, ExchangeRate, Notes are required to query AccountDetailsBaseCurrencyAdjustment.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM AccountDetailsBaseCurrencyAdjustment WHERE AdjustmentDate = '2023-03-16' AND CurrencyId = 3255827000000000097 AND ExchangeRate = '80.6719' AND Notes = 'adjustment'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
Accounts String Accounts.
CurrencyCode String The Currency Code.
AdjustmentDate Date = The Adjustment Date.
CurrencyId String Currencies.CurrencyId = The Currency ID of the customer's currency.
ExchangeRate Decimal = The Exchange rate of the currency.
Notes String = Notes for base currency adjustment.


Lists Account Details of Base Currency Adjustment.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • CurrencyId supports the '=' comparison.
  • AdjustmentDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ExchangeRate supports the '=' comparison.
  • Notes supports the '=' comparison.


CurrencyId, AdjustmentDate, ExchangeRate, Notes are required to query AccountDetailsBaseCurrencyAdjustmentAccounts.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM AccountDetailsBaseCurrencyAdjustmentAccounts WHERE AdjustmentDate = '2023-03-16' AND CurrencyId = 3255827000000000097 AND ExchangeRate = '80.6719' AND Notes = 'adjustment'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
AccountId String BankAccounts.AccountId The ID of the Bank/Credit Card account.
AccountName String The Account Name.
AdjustedBalance Decimal The Adjusted Balance.
BCYBalance Decimal The Balance in Base Currency.
FCYBalance Integer The Balance in Foreign Currency.
GAINORLOSS Integer Gain Or Loss.
GLSpecificType Integer The GL Specific Type.
AdjustmentDate Date = The Adjustment Date.
CurrencyId String Currencies.CurrencyId = THe Currency Id.
ExchangeRate Decimal = The Exchange Rate.
Notes String = Notes.


Generated schema file.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • TransactionDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ToDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • FromDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • CashBased supports the '=' comparison.
  • AccountTransactionsTransactionType supports the 'IN', 'NOT IN' comparisons.
  • AccountTransactionsAccountId supports the 'IN' comparison.
  • AccountTransactionsContactId supports the 'IN', 'NOT IN' comparisons.
  • AccountTransactionsProjectIds supports the 'IN', 'IS NULL', 'IS NOT NULL' comparisons.
  • AccountTransactionsAccountAccountType supports the '=', '!=' comparisons.
  • AccountTransactionsAccountAccountGroup supports the '=', '!=' comparisons.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM accounttransactionsreport WHERE TransactionDate = 'Today'

SELECT * FROM accounttransactionsreport WHERE ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM accounttransactionsreport WHERE FromDate = '2022-10-10' AND ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM accounttransactionsreport WHERE CashBased = True

SELECT * FROM accounttransactionsreport WHERE AccountTransactionsTransactionType NOT IN ('Invoices', 'Bills')

SELECT * FROM accounttransactionsreport WHERE AccountTransactionsAccountId IN ('3285934000000000373')

SELECT * FROM accounttransactionsreport WHERE AccountTransactionsProjectIds IS NULL

SELECT * FROM accounttransactionsreport WHERE AccountTransactionsAccountAccountType = 'Asset'

SELECT * FROM accounttransactionsreport WHERE AccountTransactionsAccountAccountGroup != 'Liability'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
AccountTransactionsAccountAccountCode String Account Transactions Account Account Code
AccountTransactionsAccountName String Account Transactions Account Name
AccountTransactionsContactName String Account Transactions Contact Name
AccountTransactionsDescription String Account Transactions Description
AccountTransactionsCredit Double Account Transactions Credit
AccountTransactionsCurrencyCode String Account Transactions Currency Code
AccountTransactionsDate Date Account Transaction sDate
AccountTransactionsDebit Decimal Account Transactions Debit
AccountTransactionsEntityNumber String Account Transactions Entity Number
AccountTransactionsNetAmount String Account Transactions Net Amount
AccountTransactionsOffsetAccountId String Account Transactions Offset Account Id
AccountTransactionsOffsetAccountType String Account Transactions Offset Account Type
AccountTransactionsReferenceNumber String Account Transactions Reference Number
AccountTransactionsReferenceTransactionId String Account Transactions Reference transaction Id
AccountTransactionsReportingTag String Account Transactions Reporting Tag
AccountTransactionsTransactionDetails String Account Transactions Transaction Details
AccountTransactionsTransactionId String Account Transactions Transaction Id
AccountTransactionsFCYCredit String Account Transactions FCY Credit
AccountTransactionsFcyDebit String Account Transactions Fcy Debit
AccountTransactionsFcyNetAmount String Account Transactions Fcy Net Amount
OpeningBalanceAccountCreditBalance Integer Opening Balance Account Credit Balance
OpeningBalanceCredit String Opening Balance Credit
OpeningBalanceDate String Opening Balance Date
OpeningBalanceDebit String Opening Balance Debit
OpeningBalanceFCYCredit String Opening Balance FCY Credit
OpeningBalanceFcyDebit String Opening Balance Fcy Debit
OpeningBalanceName String Opening Balance Name
ClosingBalanceCredit String Closing Balance Credit
ClosingBalanceDate String Closing Balance Date
ClosingBalanceDebit String Closing Balance Debit
ClosingBalanceFcyCredit String Closing Balance Fcy Credit
ClosingBalanceFcyDebit String Closing Balance Fcy Debit
ClosingBalanceName String Closing Balance Name
AccountTransactionsAccountAccountGroup String =, != Account Transactions Account Account Group The allowed values are Asset, OtherAsset, OtherCurrentAsset, Bank, Cash, FixedAsset, Liability, OtherCurrentLiability, CreditCard, LongTermLiablity, OtherLiability, Equity, Income, OtherIncome, Expense, CostOfGoodsSold, OtherExpense, AccountsReceivable, AccountsPayable, Stock, PaymentClearingAccount, PrepaidCard, OverseasTaxPayable, OutputTax, InputTax.
AccountTransactionsAccountAccountType String =, != Account Transactions AccountAccount Type The allowed values are Asset, OtherAsset, OtherCurrentAsset, Bank, Cash, FixedAsset, Liability, OtherCurrentLiability, CreditCard, LongTermLiablity, OtherLiability, Equity, Income, OtherIncome, Expense, CostOfGoodsSold, OtherExpense, AccountsReceivable, AccountsPayable, Stock, PaymentClearingAccount, PrepaidCard, OverseasTaxPayable, OutputTax, InputTax.
AccountTransactionsTransactionType String IN, NOT IN AccountTransactions transaction Type The allowed values are Invoices, Bills, PaymentsMade, CreditNote, CreditNotesRefund, VendorCredits, VendorCreditsRefund, Expense, Journal, BaseCurrencyAdjustment, DebitNote, CustomerPayment, VendorPayment, PaymentRefund, RetainerPayment, InventoryAdjustmentByQuantity, InventoryAdjustmentByValue, TransferOrderTo, TransferOrderFrom, SalesWithoutInvoices, ExpenseRefund, EmployeeReimbursement.
AccountTransactionsProjectIds String IN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL Account Transactions Project Ids
AccountTransactionsContactId String IN, NOT IN Account Transactions Contact Id
AccountTransactionsAccountId String IN Account Transactions Account Id

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CashBased Boolean
TransactionDate String
ToDate Date
FromDate Date


This report summarizes your company's assets, liabilities and equity at a specific point in time

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • TransactionDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ToDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • FromDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • CashBased supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM BalanceSheetsReport WHERE TransactionDate = 'Today'

SELECT * FROM BalanceSheetsReport WHERE ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM BalanceSheetsReport WHERE FromDate = '2022-10-10' AND ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM BalanceSheetsReport WHERE CashBased = True
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
BalanceTypeName String Balance Type Name
SubBalanceTypeName String SubBalance Type Name
AccountTransactionTypeName String Account Transaction Type Name
SubAccountTransactionTypeName String Sub Account Transaction Type Name
AccountTransactionTotal Decimal Account Transaction Total
SubAccountTransactionTotal Decimal Sub Account Transaction Total
SubBalanceTypeTotal Decimal SubBalance Type Total
BalanceTypeTotal Decimal Balance Type Total

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CashBased Boolean
TransactionDate String
ToDate Date
FromDate Date


Get the details of previously imported statement for the account.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the AccountId column, which supports '=,IN' comparisons.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM BankAccountLastImportedStatement WHERE accountid = '3255827000000101306'

SELECT * FROM BankAccountLastImportedStatement WHERE accountid IN ('3255827000000101306', '3255827000000101223')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
StatementId [KEY] Long The Statement Id.
AccountId String BankAccounts.AccountId = The ID of the Bank/Credit Card account.
FromDate Date From Date.
Source String Source.
ToDate Date To Date.
Transactions String Transactions.


Retrieves the details of transactions related to previously imported statements for the account.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with AccountId column, which supports '=,IN' comparisons.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM BankAccountLastImportedStatementTransactions WHERE accountid = '3255827000000101306'

SELECT * FROM BankAccountLastImportedStatementTransactions WHERE accountid IN ('3255827000000101306', '3255827000000101223')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
TransactionId [KEY] Long The Transaction Id.
AccountId String BankAccounts.AccountId = The ID of the Bank/Credit Card account.
TransactionType String The Transaction Type.
Status String Status.
ReferenceNumber String A Reference Number.
Payee String The Payee involved in the transaction.
DebitOrCredit String Indicates if transaction is Debit or Credit.
Date Date The Date of the transaction.
CustomerId Long The Customer Id.
Amount Integer The Amount involved in the transaction.


Retrieves the list of transactions which includes invoices/bills/credit-notes.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • TransactionId supports the '=' comparison.
  • TransactionType supports the '=' comparison.
  • ReferenceNumber supports the '=' comparison.
  • Date supports the '=,<,>' comparisons.
  • Contact supports the '=' comparison.
  • ShowAllTransactions. supports the '=' comparison.

You can also provide criteria to search for matching uncategorized transactions.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector. For example:

SELECT * FROM BankMatchingTransactions WHERE TransactionId = '1894578000000087001
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
TransactionId [KEY] String BankTransactions.TransactionId Id of the Transaction.
TransactionNumber String Numnber of transaction.
TransactionType String Transaction Type of the transaction.
Amount Integer Amount of the bank matching transactions.
ContactName String Display Name of the contact. Max-length [200]
Date Date =, <, > Date when transaction was made.
DebitOrCredit String Indicates if transaction is Credit or Debit.
IsBestMatch Boolean Check if the transaction is a best match.
IsPaidViaPrintCheck Boolean Check if it is paid via print check.
ReferenceNumber String Reference Number of the transaction.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Contact String
ShowAllTransactions Boolean


Get criterions of a specific bank rule.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • RuleAccountId supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM BankRuleCriterions WHERE RuleAccountId = '1894553000000085382
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
CriteriaId [KEY] String Id of a criteria.
RuleAccountId String BankAccounts.AccountId Id of the Bank Account.
Comparator String Operator for comparing criteria.
Field String Field of a criteria.
Value String Value of a criteria.


Retrieves Imported Transactions.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the TransactionId column, which supports '=,IN' comparisons.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM BankTransactionImportedTransaction WHERE transactionid = '3255827000000101458'

SELECT * FROM BankTransactionImportedTransaction WHERE transactionid IN ('3255827000000101458', '3255827000000102354')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
ImportedTransactionId [KEY] Long Imported Transaction Id.
TransactionId String BankTransactions.TransactionId = The Transaction Id.
AccountId String BankAccounts.AccountId The ID of the Bank/Credit Card account.
Amount Integer The Amount.
Date Date The Date of the transaction.
Description String A Description.
Payee String The Payee involved in the transaction.
ReferenceNumber String A Reference Number.
Status String Status.


Get details of bank transaction line items.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • TransactionId supports the '=' and IN operators.


TransactionId is required to query BankTransactionLineItems.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM BankTransactionLineItems WHERE TransactionId = '1894553000000098001'
SELECT * FROM BankTransactionLineItems WHERE TransactionId IN (SELECT TransactionId FROM BankTransactions)
SELECT * FROM BankTransactionLineItems WHERE TransactionId IN ('1894553000000098001','1894553000000098002')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
TransactionId [KEY] String BankTransactions.TransactionId Id of the Transaction.
BcyTotal Decimal Total Base Currency.
CustomerId String Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor.
CustomerName String Name of the customer or vendor.
FromAccountId String BankAccounts.AccountId Transaction from account Id.
FromAccountName String Transaction from account name.
PaymentMode String Mode through which payment is made.
SubTotal Decimal Sub total of bank transaction line items.
Tags String Details of tags related to bank transactions.
Total Decimal Total of bank transaction line items.
VendorId String Id of the vendor the bank transaction line items has been made.
VendorName String Name of the vendor the bank transaction line items has been made.


Retrieves lists of base currency adjustment accounts.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • BaseCurrencyAdjustmentId supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM BaseCurrencyAdjustmentAccounts WHERE BaseCurrencyAdjustmentId = '1894553000000000065'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
BaseCurrencyAdjustmentId [KEY] String Id of base currency adjustment account.
AccountId String BankAccounts.AccountId Id of the Bank Account.
AccountName String Name of the account.
BcyBalance Decimal Balance of Base Currency.
FcyBalance Decimal Balance of Foreign Currency.
AdjustedBalance Decimal Balance adjusted for base currency.
GainOrLoss Decimal Check the amount if gain or loss.
GlSpecificType String Specific type of gain or loss.


Get the attachments associated with bills.

Table Specific Information

The connector will use the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • BillId supports the '=,IN' comparisons.

For example:

SELECT * FROM BillDocuments WHERE billid = '3255827000000101306'

SELECT * FROM BillDocuments WHERE billid IN ('3255827000000101306', '3255827000000101223')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
DocumentId [KEY] String Id of Document.
BillId String Bills.BillId = Id of a bill.
FileName String Name of the document attached.
AttachmentOrder Integer Integer denoting the order of attachment.
CanSendInMail Boolean Boolean denoting if the document can be send in mail or not.
FileSize String Size of the file.
FileType String Type of the file.
Source String Source from where file was uploaded.
UploadedBy String The name of the contact who uploaded the file.
UploadedTime Datetime The date and time when file was uploaded.


Get the details of a line items of bills.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • BillId supports the the '=' and IN operators.


BillId is required to query BillLineItems.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM BillLineItems WHERE BillId = '1894253000000085259'
SELECT * FROM BillLineItems WHERE BillId IN (SELECT BillId FROM Bills)
SELECT * FROM BillLineItems WHERE BillId IN ('1894553000000085259','1894553000000085260')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
LineItemId [KEY] String Id of line item.
BillId String Bills.BillId Id of a Bill.
AccountId String BankAccounts.AccountId Id of the Bank Account.
AccountName String Name of the account.
BcyRate Decimal Rate of Base Currency.
CustomFields String Custom fields.
CustomerId String Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor.
CustomerName String Name of the customer or vendor.
Description String Description of the bill line item.
Discount Double Discount to be applied on the bill line item.
GstTreatmentCode String Treatment code of GST.
HasProductTypeMismatch Boolean Check if the product type is mismatch.
HsnOrSac String HSN Code.
ImageDocumentId String Id of the image document.
InvoiceId String Invoices.InvoiceId Id of an invoice.
InvoiceNumber String Number of an invoice.
IsBillable Boolean Check if the bill line items is billable.
ItcEligibility String Eligibility if bill for Input Tax Credit.
ItemId String Items.ItemId Id of an item.
ItemOrder Integer Order of an item.
ItemTotal Decimal Total items.
ItemType String Type of item.
Name String Name of the bill line item.
PricebookId String Id of pricebook.
ProductType String Type of product.
ProjectId String Projects.ProjectId Id of project.
ProjectName String Name of the project.
PurchaseorderItemId String Item ID for purchase order.
Quantity Decimal Quantity of line item.
Rate Decimal Rate of the line item.
ReverseChargeTaxId String Id of the reverse charge tax.
TaxExemptionCode String Code for tax exemption.
TaxExemptionId String BankRules.TaxExemptionId Id of tax exemption.
TaxId String Taxes.TaxId Id of tax.
TaxName String Name of tax.
TaxPercentage Integer Percentage applied for tax.
TaxType String Type of tax.
Unit String Number of quantity.


Get the list of payments made for a bill.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • BillId supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM BillPayments WHERE BillId = '1894253000000085259'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
BillPaymentId [KEY] String Id of bill payment.
BillId String Bills.BillId Id of a Bill.
VendorId String Id of the vendor the bill payments has been made.
VendorName String Name of the vendor the bill payments has been made.
PaymentId String Id of a payment.
Amount Decimal Amount of the bill payments.
Date Date Date of a bill payment.
Description String Description of the bill payment.
ExchangeRate Decimal Exchange rate of bill payments.
IsSingleBillPayment Boolean Check if it is single bill payment.
PaidThrough String Amount paid via check/cash/credit.
PaymentMode String Mode through which payment is made.
ReferenceNumber String Reference number of bill payment.


Retrieves bills related to purchase orders.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the BillId column, which supports '=,IN' comparisons.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM BillPurchaseOrders WHERE billid = '3255827000000101212'

SELECT * FROM BillPurchaseOrders WHERE billid IN ('3255827000000101212', '3255827000000102354')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
PurchaseOrderId String PurchaseOrders.PurchaseorderId The Purchase Order Id.
BillId String Bills.BillId = The Bill Id.
PurchaseOrderDate Date The Purchase Order Date.
PurchaseOrderNumber String The Purchase Order Number.
PurchaseOrderStatus String The Purchase Order Status.
OrderStatus String The Order Status.
ExpectedDeliveryDate Date The Expected Delivery Date.


Retrieves list of bills.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • BillNumber supports the '=' comparison.
  • Date supports the '=,<,>' comparisons.
  • LastModifiedTime supports the '=' comparison.
  • ReferenceNumber supports the '=' comparison.
  • Status supports the '=' comparison.
  • Total supports the '=,<,<=,>,>=' comparisons.
  • VendorId supports the '=' comparison.
  • VendorName supports the '=' comparison.
  • PurchaseOrderId supports the '=' comparison.
  • RecurringBillId supports the '=' comparison.
  • BillFilter supports the '=' comparison.
  • ItemId supports the '=' comparison.
  • ItemDescription. supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM Bills WHERE Total < 100 AND Total <= 98

SELECT * FROM Bills WHERE Date < '2018-07-03'

Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
BillId [KEY] String Id of a bill.
BillNumber String Number of bill.
Balance Decimal Amount of bill.
CreatedTime Datetime Time at which the bill was created.
Date Date =, <, > Date of a bill.
DueDate Date Delivery date to pay the bill.
DueDays String Due days to pay the bill.
HasAttachment Boolean Check if the bill has attachment.
LastModifiedTime Datetime Last Modified Time of bill.
ReferenceNumber String Reference number of a bill.
Status String Status of a bill. The allowed values are paid, open, overdue, void, partially_paid.
TdsTotal Decimal Total amount of TDS applied.
Total Decimal =, <, <=, >, >= Total of bills. Search by bill total.
VendorId String Id of the vendor the bill has been made. Search bills by Vendor Id.
VendorName String Name of the vendor the bill has been made. Search bills by vendor name.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
PurchaseOrderId String
RecurringBillId String
BillFilter String
ItemId String
ItemDescription String


Retrieves bills related to vendor credits.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the BillId column, which supports '=,IN' comparisons.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM BillVendorCredits WHERE billid = '3255827000000099202'

SELECT * FROM BillVendorCredits WHERE billid IN ('3255827000000099202', '3255827000000102354')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
VendorCreditBillId [KEY] Long The Vendor Credit Bill Id
VendorCreditId String VendorCredits.VendorCreditId The ID of a vendor credit.
BillId String Bills.BillId = The Bill Id.
Amount Integer The Amount that is credited in the bill.
Date Date The Date of the vendor credit.
VendorCreditNumber String The Number of a vendor credit.


To get the list of budgets.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • BudgetId supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM Budgets WHERE budgetid = 3255827000000081030
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
BudgetId [KEY] String = Budget Id.
BudgetStartDate Integer Budget Start Date.
Year Integer Year.
Frequency String Frequency.
CustomFields String Custom Fields.
TagOptionName Date Tag Option Name.
ProjectName String Project Name.
BudgetEndDate String Budget End Date.
EntityType String Entity Type.
BranchId String Branch Id.
ProjectId String Project Id.
BranchName String Branch Name.
Name String Name.


Generated schema file.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • TransactionDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ToMonth supports the '=' comparison.
  • FromMonth supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM businessperformanceratiosreport WHERE TransactionDate = 'PreviousQuarter'

SELECT * FROM businessperformanceratiosreport WHERE TransactionDate = 'CustomDate' AND FromMonth = '2022-10' AND ToMonth = '2022-11'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
DashboardMonth String DashboardMonth
Denominator Integer Denominator
DiffLastQuarter Double DiffLastQuarter
DiffLastSixMonths Double DiffLastSixMonths
DiffLastTwelveMonths Double DiffLastTwelveMonths
DiffLastYear Double DiffLastYear
LastQuarter Integer LastQuarter
LastSixMonths Double LastSixMonths
LastTwelveMonths Double LastTwelveMonths
LastYear Double LastYear
Numerator Integer Numerator
PreLastQuarter Double PreLastQuarter
PreLastSixMonths Double PreLastSixMonths
PreLastTwelveMonths Double PreLastTwelveMonths
PreLastYear Double PreLastYear
PreviousValues String PreviousValues
Ratio Integer Ratio
RatioPrev Integer RatioPrev

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
TransactionDate String
ToMonth String
FromMonth String
UseState Boolean


Generated schema file.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • TransactionDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ToDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • FromDate supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM cashflowreport WHERE TransactionDate = 'Today'

SELECT * FROM cashflowreport WHERE ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM cashflowreport WHERE FromDate = '2022-10-10' AND ToDate = '2022-10-31'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
Label String Label
Name String Name
AccountName String Account Name
AccountCode String Account Code
AccountId String Account Id
LabelTotal String Label Total
Total String Total
AccountTotal String Account Total
NetTotalForName Double Net Total For Name

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
TransactionDate String
ToDate Date
FromDate Date


Retrieves the list of inline transactions.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • ChartAccountId supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM ChartOfAccountInlineTransactions WHERE ChartAccountId = '1894553000000003003'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
ChartAccountId String BankAccounts.AccountId Id of the Bank Account.
TransactionId [KEY] String BankTransactions.TransactionId Id of the Transaction.
Credit Decimal Credit of inline transaction.
CustomerId String Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor.
CustomerName String Name of the customer or vendor.
Date Date Date of an inline account transaction.
Debit String Debit of inline transaction.
EntityType String Entity type of inline transactions.
FcyCredit Decimal Foreign Currency credits.
FcyDebit String Foreign Currency debits.
ReferenceNumber String Reference number of inline transactions.


Retrieves list of all involved transactions for the given account.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • ChartAccountId supports the '=' comparison.
  • TransactionType supports the '=' comparison.
  • Date supports the '=,<,>' comparisons.
  • Amount supports the '=,<,<=,>,>=' comparisons.

You can also provide criteria to search for matching uncategorised transactions.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM ChartOfAccountTransactions WHERE ChartAccountId = '1894553000000003001' AND TransactionType = 'opening_balance'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
ChartAccountId String ChartOfAccounts.ChartAccountId Chart of Account Id.
CategorizedTransactionId [KEY] String Id of a categorized transaction in chart of account.
CreditAmount Decimal Total amount credited.
DebitAmount Decimal Total amount debited.
CurrencyCode String Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencyId String Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CustomerId String Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor.
DebitOrCredit String Indicates if transaction is Credit or Debit.
Description String Description of the chart of account transactions.
EntryNumber String Entry number of account transaction.
Payee String Information about the payee.
TransactionDate Date Date of the transaction.
TransactionId String BankTransactions.TransactionId Id of the Transaction.
TransactionType String Type of transactions. The allowed values are invoice, customer_payment, bills, vendor_payment, credit_notes, creditnote_refund, expense, card_payment, purchase_or_charges, journal, deposit, refund, transfer_fund, base_currency_adjustment, opening_balance, sales_without_invoices, expense_refund, tax_refund, receipt_from_initial_debtors, owner_contribution, interest_income, other_income, owner_drawings, payment_to_initial_creditors.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Date Date
Amount Decimal


Generated schema file.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • TransactionDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ToDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • FromDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • CustomerID supports the 'IN' comparison.
  • ItemName supports the '=, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, CONTAINS, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL' comparisons.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM committedstockdetailsreport WHERE TransactionDate = 'Today'

SELECT * FROM committedstockdetailsreport WHERE ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM committedstockdetailsreport WHERE FromDate = '2022-10-10' AND ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM committedstockdetailsreport WHERE CustomerID IN ('3456743221369')

SELECT * FROM committedstockdetailsreport WHERE ItemName IS NULL
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
SalesOrderId String Sales OrderId
SalesOrderNumber String Sales OrderNumber
OrderType String Order Type
CustomerName String Customer Name
CommittedStock Double Committed Stock
IsSalesOrder Double Is SalesOrder
CreatedTime Datetime Created Time
Date Date Date
ItemUnit String Item Unit
ItemProductType String Item ProductType
ItemCreatedBy String Item CreatedBy
ItemStatus String Item Status
ItemDescription String Item Description
ItemPurchaseDescription String Item Purchase Description
ItemPurchaseRate String Item Purchase Rate
ItemItemType String Item ItemType
ItemRate String Item Rate
ItemLastModitfiedTime Datetime Item Last Moditfied Time
ItemCreatedTime Datetime Item Created Time
ContactCompanyName String Contact Company Name
ContactNotes String Contact Notes
ContactPaymentTerms String Contact Payment Terms
ContactOutstandingReceivableAmountBcy Integer Contact Outstanding Receivable Amount Bcy
ContactSkype String Contact Skype
ContactTwitter String Contact Twitter
ContactUnusedCreditsReceivableAmountBcy Integer Contact Unused Credits Receivable Amount Bcy
ContactMobilePhone String Contact Mobile Phone
ContactCreditLimit Integer Contact Credit Limit
ContactDepartment String Contact Department
ContactFirstName String Contact First Name
ContactEmail String Contact Email
ContactCreatedTime Datetime Contact Created Time
ContactOutstandingReceivableAmount Integer Contact Outstanding Receivable Amount
ContactWebsite String Contact Website
ContactLastModifiedTime Datetime Contact Last ModifiedTime
ContactCustomerSubType String Contact Customer SubType
ContactFacebook String Contact Facebook
ContactLastName String Contact LastName
ContactCreatedBy String Contact Created By
ContactPhone String Contact Phone
ContactDesignation String Contact Designation
ContactStatus String Contact Status
ItemName String =, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, CONTAINS, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL ItemName

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
TransactionDate String
ToDate Date
FromDate Date
CustomerId String


Get addresses of a contact including its Shipping Address, Billing Address.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • ContactId supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM ContactAddresses WHERE ContactId = '1894952000000071009'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
AddressId [KEY] String Id of an address.
ContactId String Contacts.ContactId Id of a contact.
Attention String Name of a person in billing address.
Address String Address of a contact.
Street2 String Street two of a billing address.
City String City of a billing address.
State String State of a billing address.
Zip String ZIP code of a billing address.
Country String Country of a billing address.
Phone String Phone number of a billing address.
Fax String Fax of a billing address.


Get the attachments associated with contacts.

Table Specific Information

The connector will use the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • ContactId supports the '=,IN' comparisons.

For example:

SELECT * FROM ContactDocuments WHERE contactid = '3255827000000101306'

SELECT * FROM ContactDocuments WHERE contactid IN ('3255827000000101306', '3255827000000101223')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
DocumentId [KEY] String Id of Document.
ContactId String Contacts.ContactId = Id of a Contact.
FileName String Name of the document attached.
AttachmentOrder Integer Integer denoting the order of attachment.
CanShowInPortal Boolean Boolean denoting if the document should be shown in portal or not.
FileSize String Size of the file.
FileType String Type of the file.
Source String Source from where file was uploaded.
UploadedBy String The name of the contact who uploaded the file.
UploadedTime Datetime The date and time when file was uploaded.


Retrieves refund details related to a contact.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the ContactId column, which supports '=,IN' comparisons.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM ContactRefunds WHERE contactid = '3255827000000093001'

SELECT * FROM BankTransactionImportedTransaction WHERE transactionid IN ('3255827000000101458', '3255827000000102354')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
CreditNoteRefundId [KEY] Long The Credit Note Refund Id.
CreditNoteId String CreditNotes.CreditNoteId The Credit Note Id.
ContactId String Contacts.ContactId = The Contact Id.
AmountBcy Double The Refund Amount in Base Currency.
AmountFcy Double The Refund Amount in Foreign Currency.
CreditNoteNumber String The Credit Note Number.
CustomerName String The Customer Name.
Date Date The Date of Refund.
Description String A Description.
ReferenceNumber Integer Reference Number.
RefundMode String The Refund Mode.


Retrieves list of all contacts.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • ContactName supports the '=' comparison.
  • CompanyName supports the '=' comparison.
  • Status supports the '=' comparison.
  • FirstName supports the '=' comparison.
  • LastName supports the '=' comparison.
  • Email supports the '=' comparison.
  • Phone supports the '=' comparison.
  • Address supports the '=' comparison.
  • PlaceOfContact supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:


SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE FirstName = 'John' AND Status = 'Active'

Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
ContactId [KEY] String Id of a Contact.
ContactName String Name of a Contact.
CustomerName String Name of the customer.
VendorName String Name of the Vendor.
CompanyName String Name of a Company.
Website String Website of this contact.
LanguageCode String Language of a contact.
ContactType String Contact type of the contact.
Status String Status of the contact. The allowed values are All, Active, Inactive, Duplicate.
CustomerSubType String Sub type of a customer.
Source String Source of the contact.
CurrencyId String Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
Facebook String Facebook profile account.
CurrencyCode String Currency code of the customer's currency.
OutstandingReceivableAmount Decimal Outstanding receivable amount of a contact.
OutstandingReceivableAmountBcy Decimal Base Currency of Outstanding receivable amount of a contact.
OutstandingPayableAmount Decimal Outstanding payable amount of a contact.
OutstandingPayableAmountBcy Decimal Base Currency of Outstanding payable amount of a contact.
UnusedCreditsPayableAmount Decimal Unused credits payable amount of a contact.
FirstName String First name of the contact person.
LastName String Last name of the contact person.
Email String Email address of the contact person.
Phone String Phone number of the contact person.
Mobile String Mobile number of the contact person.
PlaceOfContact String Code for the place of contact.
AchSupported Boolean Check if ACH is supported.
CreatedTime Datetime Time at which the contact was created.
GSTTreatment String Choose whether the contact is GST registered/unregistered/consumer/overseas.
HasAttachment Boolean Check if contacts has attachment.
LastModifiedTime Datetime The time of last modification of the contact.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Address String


Get the attachments associated with credit notes.

Table Specific Information

The connector will use the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • CreditnoteId supports the '=,IN' comparisons.

For example:

SELECT * FROM CreditNoteDocuments WHERE CreditnoteId = '3255827000000101306'

SELECT * FROM CreditNoteDocuments WHERE CreditnoteId IN ('3255827000000101306', '3255827000000101223')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
DocumentId [KEY] String Id of Document.
CreditNoteId String CreditNotes.CreditnoteId = Id of CreditNote.
FileName String Name of the document attached.
AttachmentOrder Integer Integer denoting the order of attachment.
CanShowInPortal Boolean Boolean denoting if the document should be shown in portal or not.
FileSize String Size of the file.
FileType String Type of the file.
Source String Source from where file was uploaded.
UploadedBy String The name of the contact who uploaded the file.
UploadedTime Datetime The date and time when file was uploaded.


Retrieves details of invoices from an existing Credit Note.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • CreditnoteId supports the '=' and IN operators.


CreditnoteId is required to query CreditNoteInvoices.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM CreditNoteInvoices WHERE CreditnoteId = '1895452000000083136'
SELECT * FROM CreditNoteInvoices WHERE CreditNoteId IN (SELECT CreditNoteID FROM CreditNotes)
SELECT * FROM CreditNoteInvoices WHERE CreditNoteId IN ('1895452000000083136','1895452000000083137')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
CreditnoteInvoiceId [KEY] String Id of credit note invoice.
CreditnoteId String CreditNotes.CreditnoteId Id of a credit note.
Credited_amount Decimal Amount which is credit in credit note invoice.
CreditnoteNumber String Number of a credit note.
Date Date Date of an credit note invoice.
InvoiceId String Invoices.InvoiceId Id of an invoice.
InvoiceNumber String Number of an invoice.


Retrieves details of line items from existing Credit Notes.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • CreditnoteId supports the '=' and IN operators.


CreditnoteId is required to query CreditNoteLineItems.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM CreditNoteLineItems WHERE CreditnoteId = '1895452000000083136'
SELECT * FROM CreditNoteLineItems WHERE CreditnoteId IN (SELECT CreditNoteID FROM CreditNotes)
SELECT * FROM CreditNoteLineItems WHERE CreditnoteId IN ('1895452000000083136','1895452000000083137')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
CreditnoteId String CreditNotes.CreditnoteId Id of credit note.
LineItemId [KEY] String Id of line item.
AccountId String BankAccounts.AccountId Id of the Bank Account.
AccountName String Name of the account.
BcyRate Decimal Rate of Base Currency.
CustomFields String Custom Fields
Description String Description of the credit note line item.
Discount String Discount given to specific item in credit note.
DiscountAmount Decimal Amount of discount.
GstTreatmentCode String Treatement codes for GST.
HasProductTypeMismatch Boolean Check if the credit note item contains product type mismatch.
HsnOrSac String HSN Code.
ImageDocumentId String Id of image document.
InvoiceId String Invoices.InvoiceId Id of an invoice.
InvoiceItemId String Id of an invoice item.
ItemId String Items.ItemId Id of an item.
ItemOrder Integer Order of an item.
ItemTotal Decimal Total number of an item.
ItemType String Type of an item.
Name String Name of the credit note.
PricebookId String Id of price book.
ProductType String Type of product.
ProjectId String Projects.ProjectId Id of project.
Quantity Double Quantity of items in credit note.
Rate Decimal Rate of the line item.
ReverseChargeTaxId String Id of the reverse charge tax.
Tags String Details of tags related to credit note line items.
TaxId String Taxes.TaxId Id of tax.
TaxName String Name of the tax.
TaxPercentage Integer Percentage applied for tax.
TaxType String Type of tax.
Unit String Number of quantity.


Retrieves list of all the Credit Notes.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • CreditnoteNumber supports the '=' comparison.
  • CustomerId supports the '=' comparison.
  • CustomerName supports the '=' comparison.
  • Date supports the '=' comparison.
  • ReferenceNumber supports the '=' comparison.
  • Status supports the '=' comparison.
  • Total supports the '=' comparison.
  • CreditNoteFilter supports the '=' comparison.
  • LineItemId supports the '=' comparison.
  • TaxId supports the '=' comparison.
  • ItemId supports the '=' comparison.
  • ItemName supports the '=' comparison.
  • ItemDescription supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM CreditNotes WHERE CreditnoteNumber = 'CN-00006' AND ReferenceNumber = 'Ref-0075' AND CustomerName = 'AWS Stores'

SELECT * FROM CreditNotes WHERE CreditNoteFilter = 'Status.All'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
CreditnoteId [KEY] String Id of credit note.
Balance Decimal Total amount of credit note left.
ColorCode String Color code of a credit note.
CreatedTime Datetime Time at which the credit note was created.
CreditnoteNumber String Number of a credit note.
CurrencyCode String Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencyId String Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CurrentSubStatus String Current sub status of a credit note.
CustomerId String Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor.
CustomerName String Name of the customer or vendor.
Date Date Date of a credit note.
HasAttachment Boolean Check if the credit note has attachment.
ReferenceNumber String Reference number of credit note.
Status String Status of the credit note. The allowed values are open, closed, void.
Total Decimal Total of credit notes.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CreditNoteFilter String
LineItemId String
TaxId String
ItemId String
ItemName String
ItemDescription String


Retrieves list of exchange rates configured for the currency.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • FromDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • IsCurrentDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • CurrencyId supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM CurrencyExchangeRates WHERE CurrencyId = '1894553000000000089'

SELECT * FROM CurrencyExchangeRates WHERE CurrencyId = '1894553000000000087' AND IsCurrentDate = true
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
CurrencyId [KEY] String Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CurrencyCode String Currency code of the customer's currency.
EffectiveDate Date Effective date for currency exchange.
IsMarketClosedRates Boolean Check if the rates are closed to markets.
Rate Decimal Rate of exchange for the currency with respect to base currency.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
FromDate Date
IsCurrentDate Boolean


Generated schema file.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • ReportDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • CustomerID supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM customerbalancesreport WHERE ReportDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM customerbalancesreport WHERE CustomerID = '3456743221369'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
AvailableCredits Integer Available Credits.
BcyAdvancePayment String BcyAdvance Payment.
BcyAvailableCredits Integer Bcy Available Credits.
BcyBalance Integer Bcy Balance.
BcyCreditBalance String Bcy CreditBalance.
BcyInvoiceBalance Integer Bcy Invoice Balance.
BcyJournalCredits String Bcy Journal Credits.
ContactCompanyName String Contact Company Name.
ContactCreatedBy String Contact Created By.
ContactCreatedTime Datetime Contact Created Time.
ContactCreditLimit Integer Contact Credit Limit.
ContactCustomerSubType String Contact Customer SubType.
ContactDepartment String Contact Department.
ContactDesignation String Contact Designation.
ContactEmail String Contact Email.
ContactFacebook String Contact Facebook.
ContactFirstName String Contact First Name.
ContactLastModifiedTime Datetime Contact Last Modified Time.
ContactLastName String Contact Last Name.
ContactMobilePhone String Contact Mobile Phone.
ContactNotes String Contact Notes.
ContactOutstandingReceivableAmount Integer Contact Outstanding Receivable Amount.
ContactOutstandingReceivableAmountBcy Integer Contact Outstanding Receivable Amount Bcy.
ContactPaymentTerms String Contact Payment Terms.
ContactPhone String Contact Phone.
ContactSkype String Contact Skype.
ContactStatus String Contact Status.
ContactTwitter String Contact Twitter.
ContactUnusedCreditsReceivableAmount Integer Contact Unused Credits Receivable Amount.
ContactUnusedCreditsReceivableAmountBcy Integer Contact Unused Credits Receivable Amount Bcy.
ContactWebsite String Contact Website.
CreditLimit Integer Credit Limit.
CurrencyId String Currency Id.
CustomerName String Customer Name.
FcyAdvancePayment String Fcy AdvancePayment.
FcyBalance Integer Fcy Balance.
FcyCreditBalance String Fcy Credit Balance.
FcyJournalCredits String Fcy Journal Credits.
InvoiceBalance Integer Invoice Balance.
TotalBcyAdvancePayment String Total Bcy Advance Payment.
TotalBcyAvailableCredits Integer Total Bcy Available Credits.
TotalBcyBalance Integer Total Bcy Balance.
TotalBcyCreditBalance String Total Bcy Credit Balance.
TotalBcyInvoiceBalance Integer Total Bcy Invoice Balance.
TotalBcyJournalCredits String Total Bcy Journal Credits.
CustomerId String = Customer Id.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
ReportDate Date


Retrieves invoices related to customer payments.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the PaymentId column, which supports '=,IN' comparisons.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM CustomerpaymentInvoices WHERE PaymentId = '3255827000000101040'

SELECT * FROM CustomerpaymentInvoices WHERE PaymentId IN ('3255827000000101040', '3255827000000102354')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
InvoicePaymentId [KEY] Long The Invoice PaymentId.
InvoiceId String Invoices.InvoiceId The Invoice Id.
PaymentId String CustomerPayments.PaymentId The Customer Payment Id.
InvoiceCustomerId Long The Invoice Customer Id.
InvoiceCustomerName String The Invoice Customer Name.
AmountApplied Integer The Amount applied to the Entity.
Balance Integer The unpaid amount.
DiscountAmount Integer The Discount Amount.
Date Date The Date when invoice was created.
Total Integer The Total amount.
InvoiceNumber String The Invoice Number.


Retrieves list of all the payments made by your customer.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • PaymentMode supports the '=' comparison.
  • Amount supports the '=,<,<=,>,>=' comparisons.
  • CustomerName supports the '=' comparison.
  • Date supports the '=' comparison.
  • ReferenceNumber supports the '=' comparison.
  • PaymentModeFilter supports the '=' comparison.
  • Notes supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM CustomerPayments WHERE Amount < 900 AND Amount > 50 AND ReferenceNumber = '1894553000000079879'

SELECT * FROM CustomerPayments WHERE CustomerName = 'Harry'

SELECT * FROM CustomerPayments WHERE CONTAINS (ReferenceNumber, '455')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
PaymentId [KEY] String Id of a payment.
AccountId String BankAccounts.AccountId Id of the Bank Account.
PaymentMode String Mode through which payment is made.
PaymentNumber String Number through which payment is made.
PaymentType String Type of the payment.
AccountName String Name of the account.
Amount Decimal =, <, <=, >, >= Amount of the customer payments.
BcyAmount Decimal Amount applied for Base Currency.
BcyRefundedAmount Decimal Refunded amount from Base Currency.
BcyUnusedAmount Decimal Unused amount from Base Currency.
CreatedTime Datetime Time at which the customer payment was created.
CustomerId String Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor.
CustomerName String Name of the customer or vendor.
Date Date Date of a customer payment.
GatewayTransactionId String Id of gateway transaction.
HasAttachment Boolean Check if the customer payment has an attachment.
LastModifiedTime Datetime The time of last modification of the customer payment.
ReferenceNumber String Reference number of a customer payment.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
PaymentModeFilter String
Notes String


In Zoho Books, you can create a custom module to record other data when the predefined modules are not sufficient to manage all your business requirements.

Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
EntityName String Name of Entity.
OptionName String Option Name.
OptionOrder Integer Option Order.


Get the list of all the documents associated with any entity.

Table Specific Information

All filters are executed client side within the connector.

SELECT * FROM Documents
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
DocumentId [KEY] String Id of Document.
DocumentEntityIds String Id of the entity to which the document is associated.
FileName String Name of the document attached.
HasMoreEntity Boolean Boolean denoting if the document has more entity or not associated with it.
IsStatement Boolean Boolean denoting if the document is a statement.
FileSize String Size of the file.
FileType String Type of the file.
Source String Source from where file was uploaded.
DocumentTransactions String Transactions.
UploadedById String Id of the person who uploaded the doc.
UploadedByName String The name of the contact who uploaded the file.
CreatedTime Datetime The date and time when file was uploaded.


Retrieves list of employees. Also, get the details of an employee.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • EmployeeId supports the '=' comparison.
  • Status supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE EmployeeId = '1894553000000068001' AND Status = 'All'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
EmployeeId [KEY] String Id of an employee.
Name String Name of an employee.
Email String Email address of an employee.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Status String


Get the details of approvers for estimates.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • EstimateId supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM EstimateApprovers WHERE EstimateId = '1894553000000077244'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
EstimateId String Estimates.EstimateId Id of an estimate.
ApproverUserId [KEY] String Users.UserId User ID of an approver.
Order String Order number.
ApproverName String Name of the approver.
Email String Email ID of the approver.
Has_approved Boolean Check if the User has approved the estimate.
ApprovalStatus String Status of an approval.
IsNextApprover String Check if it is a next approver.
SubmittedDate Date Date of submission.
ApprovedDate Date Date of approval.
PhotoUrl String Photo Url.
UserStatus String Status of a user.
IsFinalApprover Boolean Check if this is a final approver.


Get the details of line items for estimates.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • EstimateId supports the '=' and IN operators.


EstimateId is required to query EstimateLineItems.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM EstimateLineItems WHERE EstimateId = '1894553000000077244'
SELECT * FROM EstimateLineItems WHERE EstimateId IN (SELECT EstimateId FROM Estimates)
SELECT * FROM EstimateLineItems WHERE EstimateId IN ('1894553000000077244','1894553000000077245')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
LineItemId [KEY] String Id of the line item.
EstimateId String Estimates.EstimateId Id of an estimate.
BcyRate Decimal Rate of base currency.
CustomFields String Custom Fields defined for the line item
Description String Description of the estimate line items.
Discount String Discount given to specific item in estimate.
DiscountAmount Decimal Amount of discount given to estimate.
HeaderId String Id of the header.
HeaderName String Name of the header.
ItemId String Items.ItemId Id of the item.
ItemOrder Integer Order of the item.
ItemTotal Decimal Total number of items.
Name String Name of the line item.
PricebookId String Id of a pricebook.
Quantity Decimal Quantity of the line item.
Rate Decimal Rate of the line item.
Tags String Details of tags related to estimates.
TaxId String Taxes.TaxId Id of tax.
TaxName String Name of the tax.
TaxPercentage Integer Percentage applied for tax.
TaxType String Type of tax.
Unit String Number of quantity.


Retrieves list of all estimates.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • CustomerId supports the '=' comparison.
  • CustomerName supports the '=' comparison.
  • Date supports the '=,<,>' comparisons.
  • EstimateNumber supports the '=' comparison.
  • ExpiryDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ReferenceNumber supports the '=' comparison.
  • Status supports the '=' comparison.
  • Total supports the '=,<,<=,>,>=' comparisons.
  • ItemId supports the '=' comparison.
  • ItemName supports the '=' comparison.
  • ItemDescription supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM Estimates WHERE Total >= 500 AND Total <= 600

SELECT * FROM Estimates WHERE Date <= '2019-02-26'

SELECT * FROM Estimates ORDER BY CustomerName

SELECT * FROM Estimates WHERE CONTAINS (EstimateNumber, '006')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
EstimateId [KEY] String Id of an estimate.
AcceptedDate Date Accepted date of an estimate.
ClientViewedTime Datetime Time when client viewed the estimate.
ColorCode String Color code of estimates.
CompanyName String Name of the company.
CreatedTime Datetime Time at which the estimate was created.
CurrencyCode String Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencyId String Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CustomerId String Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor. Search estimates by customer id..
CustomerName String Name of the customer or vendor. Search estimates by customer name.
Date Date =, <, > Date of an estimate.
DeclinedDate Date Declined date of the estimate.
EstimateNumber String Number of the estimate.
ExpiryDate Date The date of expiration of the estimates.
HasAttachment Boolean Check if the estimate has attachment.
IsEmailed Boolean Check if the estimate is emailed.
ReferenceNumber String Reference number of the estimate.
Status String Status of the estimate. The allowed values are draft, sent, invoiced, accepted, declined, expired.
Total Decimal =, <, <=, >, >= Total of estimates. Search estimates by estimate total.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
ItemId String
ItemName String
ItemDescription String
EstimateFilter String


Retrieves list of all the Expenses.

Table Specific Information
  • AccountName supports the '=' comparison.
  • CustomerId supports the '=' comparison.
  • CustomerName supports the '=' comparison.
  • Description supports the '=' comparison.
  • PaidThroughAccountName supports the '=' comparison.
  • ReferenceNumber supports the '=' comparison.
  • Status supports the '=' comparison.
  • VendorId supports the '=' comparison.
  • VendorName supports the '=' comparison.
  • RecurringExpenseId supports the '=' comparison.
  • ExpenseFilter supports the '=' comparison.
  • Date supports the '=,<,>' comparisons.
  • Amount supports the '=,<,<=,>,>=' comparisons.

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators: The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM Expenses WHERE Amount < 10000.0 AND Amount > 300.0

SELECT * FROM Expenses WHERE ExpenseFilter = 'Status.Billable'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
ExpenseId [KEY] String Id of an expense.
AccountName String Name of the account.
BcyTotal Decimal Total Base Currency.
BcyTotalWithoutTax Decimal Base Currency total amount without tax.
CreatedTime Datetime Time at which the expense was created.
CurrencyCode String Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencyId String Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CustomerId String Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor.
CustomerName String Name of the customer or vendor.
Date Date =, <, > Date of an expense.
Description String Description of the expense.
Distance Double Distance Covered.
EndReading String End reading of odometer when creating a mileage expense where mileage_type is odometer.
ExchangeRate Decimal Exchange rate of the currency.
ExpenseReceiptName String Name of the expense receipt.
ExpenseType String Type of an expense.
HasAttachment Boolean Check if the expense has attachment.
IsBillable Boolean Check if the expense is billable.
IsPersonal Boolean Check if the expense is personal.
LastModifiedTime Datetime The time of last modification of the expense.
MileageRate Double Mileage rate for a particular mileage expense.
MileageType String Type of Mileage.
MileageUnit String Unit of the distance travelled.
PaidThroughAccountName String Name of account which payment was paid.
ReferenceNumber String Reference number of a expense.
ReportId String Id of report.
ReportName String Name of the report.
StartReading String Start reading of odometer when creating a mileage expense where mileage_type is odometer.
Status String Status of the expense. The allowed values are unbilled, invoiced, reimbursed, non-billable, billable.
Total Decimal Total of expenses.
TotalWithoutTax Decimal Total amount of expense calculated without tax.
VendorId String Id of the vendor the expense has been made.
VendorName String Name of the vendor the expense has been made.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Amount Decimal
ExpenseFilter String
RecurringExpenseId String


Generated schema file.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • TransactionDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ToDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • FromDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • CashBased supports the '=' comparison.
  • AccountType supports the '=' comparison.
  • ProjectId supports the 'IN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL' comparisons.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM GeneralLedgerReport WHERE TransactionDate = 'Today'

SELECT * FROM GeneralLedgerReport WHERE ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM GeneralLedgerReport WHERE FromDate = '2022-10-10' AND ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM GeneralLedgerReport WHERE CashBased = True

SELECT * FROM GeneralLedgerReport WHERE AccountType = 'Asset'

SELECT * FROM GeneralLedgerReport WHERE ProjectId IN ('234457895670')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
AccountCode String Account Code
AccountGroup String Account Group
AccountId String Account Id
Balance Integer Balance
BalanceSubAccount String Balance Sub Account
ClosingBalance Integer Closing Balance
ClosingBalanceSubAccount Integer Closing Balance Sub Account
CreditTotal Integer Credit Total
CreditTotalSubAccount String Credit TotalSub Account
DebitTotal Integer Debit Total
DebitTotalSubAccount String Debit TotalSub Account
Depth Integer Depth
IsChildPresent Boolean Is Child Present
IsCollapsedView Boolean Is Collapsed View
IsDebit Boolean IsDebit
Name String Name
OpeningBalance Integer Opening Balance
OpeningBalanceSubAccount Integer Opening Balance Sub Account
PreviousValues String Previous Values
AccountType String = Account Type The allowed values are Asset, OtherAsset, OtherCurrentAsset, Bank, Cash, FixedAsset, Liability, OtherCurrentLiability, CreditCard, LongTermLiablity, OtherLiability, Equity, Income, OtherIncome, Expense, CostOfGoodsSold, OtherExpense, AccountsReceivable, AccountsPayable, Stock, PaymentClearingAccount, PrepaidCard, OverseasTaxPayable, OutputTax, InputTax.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CashBased Boolean
TransactionDate String
ToDate Date
FromDate Date
ProjectId String


Retrieves the content of the mail sent to a contact.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • ContactId supports '=,IN' comparisons.
  • StartDate supports '=' comparisons.
  • EndDate supports '=' comparisons.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM GetContactStatementEmailContent WHERE contactid = '3255827000000093001'

SELECT * FROM GetContactStatementEmailContent WHERE contactid = '3255827000000093001' AND startdate = '22-01-2023'

SELECT * FROM GetContactStatementEmailContent WHERE contactid IN ('3255827000000093001', '3255827000000102354')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
Body String The Body of an email that has to be sent. Max-length [5000].
StartDate Date = The Date when or after the contact was created.
EndDate Date = The Date after the contact was created.
ContactId String Contacts.ContactId = The Contact Id.
FileName String The File Name.
FromEmails String From Emails.
Subject String The Subject of an email that has to be sent. Max-length [1000].
ToContacts String To Contacts.


Generated schema file.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • TransactionDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ToDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • FromDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • WarehouseId supports the '=' comparison.
  • StockAvailability supports the '=' comparison.
  • Status supports the '=' comparison.
  • ItemId supports the 'IN' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM InventorySummaryReport WHERE TransactionDate = 'Today'

SELECT * FROM InventorySummaryReport WHERE ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM InventorySummaryReport WHERE FromDate = '2022-10-10' AND ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM InventorySummaryReport WHERE warehouseid = '3285934000000113095'

SELECT * FROM InventorySummaryReport WHERE StockAvailability = 'AvailableStock'

SELECT * FROM InventorySummaryReport WHERE ItemId IN ('5672409674565')

SELECT * FROM InventorySummaryReport WHERE Status = 'Active'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
CategoryId String Category Id
CategoryName String Category Name
IsComboProduct Boolean Is Combo Product
QuantityAvailable Double Quantity Available
QuantityAvailableForSale Double Quantity AvailableForSale
QuantityDemanded Double Quantity Demanded
QuantityOrdered Double Quantity Ordered
QuantityPurchased Double Quantity Purchased
QuantitySold Double Quantity Sold
ReorderLevel String Reorder Level
Unit String Unit
ItemName String Item Name
Status String Status The allowed values are All, Active, Inactive. The default value is All.
Sku String Sku
ItemId String Item Id

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
WarehouseId String
StockAvailability String
TransactionDate String
ToDate Date
FromDate Date


Generated schema file.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • TransactionDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ToDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • FromDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ItemId supports the 'IN' comparison.
  • Status supports the '=' comparison.
  • StockAvailability supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM InventoryValuationReport WHERE TransactionDate = 'Today'

SELECT * FROM InventoryValuationReport WHERE ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM InventoryValuationReport WHERE FromDate = '2022-10-10' AND ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM InventoryValuationReport WHERE StockAvailability = 'AvailableStock'

SELECT * FROM InventoryValuationReport WHERE ItemId IN ('5672409674565')

SELECT * FROM InventoryValuationReport WHERE Status = 'Active'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
AssetValue Integer Asset Value
CategoryId String Category Id
CategoryName String Category Name
ItemCreatedBy String Item Created By
ItemCreatedTime Datetime Item Created Time
ItemDescription String Item Description
ItemItemType String Item Item Type
ItemLastModifiedTime Datetime Item Last Modified Time
ItemProductType String Item Product Type
ItemPurchaseDescription String Item Purchase Description
ItemPurchaseRate Integer Item Purchase Rate
ItemSalesPrice Integer Item Sales Price
ItemSalesDescription String Item Sales Description
ItemRate Integer Item Rate
ItemSku String Item Sku
ItemStatus String Item Status
ItemUnit String Item Unit
QuantityAvailable Integer Quantity Available
ReorderLevel String Reorder Level
ItemName String ItemName
Sku String Sku
ItemId String IN ItemId
Status String = Status The allowed values are All, Active, Inactive. The default value is All.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
StockAvailability String
TransactionDate String
ToDate Date
FromDate Date


Retrieves list of credits applied for an invoice.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • InvoiceId supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM InvoiceAppliedCredits WHERE InvoiceId = '1864543000000078539'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
CreditnotesInvoiceId [KEY] String Id of credit note invoice.
InvoiceId String Invoices.InvoiceId Id of an invoice.
CreditnoteId String CreditNotes.CreditnoteId Id of a credit note.
AmountApplied Decimal Amount used for the credit note.
CreditedDate Date Date when the credit was applied to the invoice.
CreditnotesNumber String Total number of credit notes applied to the invoice.


Get the attachments associated with invoices.

Table Specific Information

The connector will use the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • InvoiceId supports the '=,IN' comparisons.

For example:

SELECT * FROM InvoiceDocuments WHERE InvoiceId = '3255827000000101306'

SELECT * FROM InvoiceDocuments WHERE InvoiceId IN ('3255827000000101306', '3255827000000101223')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
DocumentId [KEY] String Id of Document.
InvoiceId String Invoices.InvoiceId = Id of a Invoice.
FileName String Name of the document attached.
AttachmentOrder Integer Integer denoting the order of attachment.
CanSendInMail Boolean Boolean denoting if the document should be send in mail or not.
FileSize String Size of the file.
FileType String Type of the file.
Source String Source from where file was uploaded.
UploadedBy String The name of the contact who uploaded the file.
UploadedTime Datetime The date and time when file was uploaded.


Get the details of line items from invoices.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • InvoiceId supports the '=' and IN operators.


InvoiceId is required to query InvoiceLineItems.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM InvoiceLineItems WHERE InvoiceId = '1864543000000078539'
SELECT * FROM InvoiceLineItems WHERE InvoiceId IN (SELECT InvoiceId FROM Invoices)
SELECT * FROM InvoiceLineItems WHERE InvoiceId IN ('1864543000000078539','1864543000000078540')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
LineItemId [KEY] String Line Item ID of an item.
InvoiceId String Invoices.InvoiceId Id of an invoice.
AccountId String BankAccounts.AccountId Id of the Bank Account.
AccountName String Name of the account.
BcyRate Decimal Rate of Base Currency.
BillId String Bills.BillId Id of an invoice.
BillItemId String Item ID of an invoice.
CustomFields String Custom Fields added for the line item.
Description String Description of the invoice line item.
Discount String Discount applied in invoice.
DiscountAmount Decimal Discount Amount applied in invoice.
ExpenseId String Expenses.ExpenseId Id of an expense.
ExpenseReceiptName String Receipt name of an expense.
GstTreatmentCode String Code GST treatement.
HasProductTypeMismatch Boolean Check if product type mismatch or not.
HeaderId String Id of a header.
HeaderName String Name of a header.
HsnOrSac String HSN Code.
ItemId String Items.ItemId Id of an item.
ItemOrder Integer Order of an item.
ItemTotal Decimal Total number of an item.
ItemType String Type of an item.
Name String Name of an invoice.
ProductType String Type of the product.
ProjectId String Projects.ProjectId Id of the project.
PurchaseRate Double Purchase rate of an invoice.
Quantity Decimal Quantity of line items.
Rate Decimal Rate of the line item.
ReverseChargeTaxId String Id of the reverse charge tax.
SalesorderItemId String Item ID of sales order.
TaxId String Taxes.TaxId Id of tax.
TaxName String Name of tax.
TaxPercentage Integer Percentage of tax.
TaxType String Type of tax applied to invoice line item.
Unit String Number of unit in line items.


Get the list of payments made for an invoice.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • InvoiceId supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM InvoicePayments WHERE InvoiceId = '1864543000000078539'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
InvoicePaymentId [KEY] String Id of an invoice payment.
InvoiceId String Invoices.InvoiceId Id of an invoice.
PaymentId String Id of payment.
PaymentNumber String Number through which payment is made.
PaymentMode String Mode through which payment is made.
Description String Description of the invoice payment.
Date Date Date of an invoice payment.
ReferenceNumber String Reference number of an invoice payment.
ExchangeRate Decimal Exchange rate provided for this invoice.
Amount Decimal Amount of the invoice payments.
TaxAmountWithheld Decimal Amount withheld for tax.
OnlineTransactionId String Id of online transaction.
IsSingleInvoicePayment Boolean Check if the invoice is single invoice payment.


Retrieves list of all invoices.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • InvoiceNumber supports the '=' comparison.
  • ProjectId supports the '=' comparison.
  • Balance supports the '=' comparison.
  • CustomerId supports the '=' comparison.
  • CustomerName supports the '=' comparison.
  • Date supports the '=,<,>' comparisons.
  • DueDate supports the '=,<,>' comparisons.
  • LastModifiedTime supports the '=' comparison.
  • ReferenceNumber supports the '=' comparison.
  • Status supports the '=' comparison.
  • Total supports the '=' comparison.
  • Email supports the '=' comparison.
  • RecurringInvoiceId supports the '=' comparison.
  • ItemId supports the '=' comparison.
  • ItemName supports the '=' comparison.
  • ItemDescription supports the '=' comparison.
  • InvoiceFilter supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM Invoices WHERE InvoiceNumber = 'INV-000057' AND CustomerName = 'OldTech Industries' AND Date = '2016-03-02'

SELECT * FROM Invoices WHERE DueDate > '2019-07-02'

SELECT * FROM Invoices ORDER BY CreatedTime DESC
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
InvoiceId [KEY] String Id of an invoice.
InvoiceNumber String Number of an invoice.
Adjustment Decimal Adjustments made to the invoices.
Balance Decimal The unpaid amount.
CompanyName String Name of the conpany.
CreatedTime Datetime Time at which the invoice was created.
CustomerId String Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer the invoice has to be created.
CustomerName String The name of the customer.
Date Date =, <, > Date of an invoice.
DueDate Date =, <, > Date of when the invoice is due.
DueDays String Number of due day left for invoice.
HasAttachment Boolean Check if the invoice has attachment.
InvoiceURL String URL of Invoice.
LastModifiedTime Datetime The time of last modification of the invoice.
ProjectName String Name of the project.
ReferenceNumber String The reference number of the invoice.
Status String Status of the invoice. The allowed values are sent, draft, overdue, paid, void, unpaid, partially_paid, viewed.
Total Decimal Total of invoices.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Email String
RecurringInvoiceId String
ItemId String
ItemName String
ItemDescription String
InvoiceFilter String


Retrieves list of all active items.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • TaxId supports the '=' comparison.
  • TaxName supports the '=' comparison.
  • Description supports the '=' comparison.
  • Name supports the '=' comparison.
  • Rate supports the '=,<,<=,>,>=' comparisons.
  • AccountId supports the '=' comparison.
  • Status supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM Items WHERE Rate < 200 AND Rate > 24.9

SELECT * FROM Items WHERE Description = '16' AND Name = 'Monitor'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
ItemId [KEY] String Id of an item.
ItemName String Name of an item.
ItemType String Type of item.
TaxId String Taxes.TaxId Id of a tax.
TaxName String Name of tax.
TaxPercentage Integer Tax percentage of item.
AccountName String Name of the account
Description String Description of an item.
HasAttachment Boolean Check if the items has attachment.
ImageDocumentId String Id of an image document.
Name String Name of an item.
Rate Decimal =, <, <=, >, >= Price of the item. Search items by rate.
ReorderLevel String Reorder level of the item.
Status String Status of the item. The allowed values are All, Active, Inactive.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AccountId String


Retrieves warehouse details related to items.

git a

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the ItemId column, which supports '=,IN' comparisons.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM ItemWarehouses WHERE ItemId = '3255827000000081058'

SELECT * FROM ItemWarehouses WHERE ItemId IN ('3255827000000081058', '3255827000000102354')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
WarehouseId Long The Warehouse Id.
ItemId String Items.ItemId The ID of the item.
IsPrimary Boolean A Boolean indicating whether the item is primary.
Status String The Status of the item. It can be active or inactive.
WarehouseActualAvailableStock String The Warehouse Actual Available Stock.
WarehouseAvailableStock String The Warehouse Available Stock.
WarehouseName String The Warehouse Name.
StockOnHand String The Current available stock in your warehouse.


Retrieves list of line items of a journal.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • JournalId supports the '=' and IN operators.


JournalId is required to query JournalLineItems.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM JournalLineItems WHERE JournalId = '1894553000000085774'
SELECT * FROM JournalLineItems WHERE JournalId IN (SELECT JournalId FROM Journals)
SELECT * FROM JournalLineItems WHERE JournalId IN ('1894553000000085774','1894553000000085775')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
LineId [KEY] String Id of line in journal.
JournalId String Journals.JournalId Id of journal.
AccountId String BankAccounts.AccountId Id of the Bank Account.
AccountName String Name of the account.
Amount Decimal Amount of the journal line items.
BcyAmount Decimal Amount of base currency.
CustomerId String Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor.
CustomerName String Name of the customer or vendor.
DebitOrCredit String Indicates if line item is Credit or Debit.
Description String Description of the journal line item.
Tags String Details of tags related to journal line items.
TaxAuthorityId String Taxes.TaxAuthorityId Authority ID for tax.
TaxExemptionId String BankRules.TaxExemptionId Id of exemption in tax.
TaxExemptionType String Type of exemption in tax.
TaxId String Taxes.TaxId Id of tax.
TaxName String Name of the tax.
TaxPercentage Integer Percentage applied for tax.
TaxType String Type of tax.


Generated schema file.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • TransactionDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ToDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • FromDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • CashBased supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM JournalReport WHERE TransactionDate = 'Today'

SELECT * FROM JournalReport WHERE ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM JournalReport WHERE FromDate = '2022-10-10' AND ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM JournalReport WHERE CashBased = True
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
AccountTransactionsAccountId String Account Transactions Account Id
AccountTransactionsAccountName String Account Transactions Account Name
AccountTransactionsDebitAmount String Account Transactions Debit Amount
AccountTransactionsCreditAmount String Account Transactions Credit Amount
ContactId String Contact Id
ContactName String Contact Name
CreditFcyTotal Integer CreditFcyTotal
CreditTotal Integer CreditTotal
Date String Date
DebitFcyTotal Integer Debit FcyTotal
DebitTotal Integer Debit Total
EntityId String Entity Id
TransactionId String Transaction Id
TransactionNumber String Transaction Number
TransactionType String Transaction Type

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CashBased Boolean
TransactionDate String
ToDate Date
FromDate Date


Generated schema file.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • TransactionDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ToDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • FromDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • CashBased supports the '=' comparison.
  • ProjectId supports the 'IN, Not In, IS NULL, IS Not NULL' comparisons.
  • AccountType supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM MovementOfEquityReport WHERE TransactionDate = 'Today'

SELECT * FROM MovementOfEquityReport WHERE ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM MovementOfEquityReport WHERE FromDate = '2022-10-10' AND ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM MovementOfEquityReport WHERE AccountType = 'all'

SELECT * FROM MovementOfEquityReport WHERE ProjectId IN ('2346789876554')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
Label String Label
LabelTotal String Label Total
SubLabelTotal String Sub Label Total
AccountName String Account Name
AccountCode String Account Code
AccountId String Account Id
AccountTotal String Account Total
SubLabel String Sub Label

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
TransactionDate String
ToDate Date
FromDate Date
CashBased Boolean
AccountType String
ProjectId String


Retrieves list of accounts of opening balance.

Table Specific Information

No filters are supported server-side for this table. All criteria are handled client-side within the connector.

Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
AccountId [KEY] String BankAccounts.AccountId Id of an account.
AccountName String Name of an account.
AccountSplitId String Split ID of an account.
AccountType String Type of the account.
BcyAmount Decimal Base currency of the amount.
CurrencyCode String Code of currency.
CurrencyId String Currencies.CurrencyId Id of a currency.
DebitOrCredit String Type of mode the opening balance is.
ExchangeRate Decimal Exchange rate of the currency.
ProductId String Id of the product.
ProductName String Name of the product.
ProductStock Integer Stock of the product.
ProductStockRate Integer Stock rate of the product.


Get transaction summaries of opening balance.

Table Specific Information

No filters are supported server-side for this table. All criteria will be handled client-side within the connector.

Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
EntityType String Type of entity of opening balance transaction summaries.
Count Integer Count of transaction summary.


Retrieves list of organizations.

Table Specific Information

No filters are supported server-side for this table. All criteria will be handled client-side within the connector.

Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
OrganizationId [KEY] String Id of an organization.
AccountCreatedDate Date Date when the account was created.
CanChangeTimezone Boolean Check if the organization can change the timezone.
CanShowDocumentTab Boolean Check if the organization can show a document tab.
CanSignInvoice Boolean Check if an organization can sign invoice.
ContactName String Display Name of the contact. Max-length [200]
Country String Country of the organization.
CountryCode String Country code of the organization.
CurrencyFormat String Format of the currency used in the organization.
CurrencyCode String Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencyId String Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CurrencySymbol String Symbol of currency used in the organization.
DigitalSignatureMode String Mode of digital signature.
Email String Email address of an organization.
FieldSeparator String Character which is used as a field separator.
FiscalYearStartMonth Integer Start month of the fiscal year in an organization.
IsBillOfSupplyEnabled Boolean Check if the bill of the supply is enabled in an organization.
IsDefaultOrg Boolean Check if this is a default organization.
IsDesignatedZone Boolean Check if there is a designated zone in an organization.
IsDsignRequired Boolean Check if the digital signature is required in the organization.
IsExportWithPaymentEnabled Boolean Check if export with the payment enabled in the organization.
IsGstIndiaVersion Boolean Check if the organization has GST version on India.
IsHsnOrSacEnabled Boolean Check if the organization is enabled with HSN or SAC.
IsInternationalTradeEnabled Boolean Check if international trade is enabled in an organization.
IsInventoryEnabled Boolean Check if inventory is available in an organization.
IsInvoicePmtTdsAllowed Boolean Check if invoice payment TDS allowing in the organization.
IsPoEnabled Boolean Check if probationary officer is enabled in the organization.
IsQuickSetupCompleted Boolean Check if quick setup is completed for the organization.
IsRegisteredForCompositeScheme Boolean Check if the organization is registered for composite scheme.
IsRegisteredForGst Boolean Check if the organization is registered for GST.
IsRegisteredForTax Boolean Check if the organization is registered for tax.
IsSalesInclusiveTaxEnabled Boolean Check if sales inclusive tas is enabled in the organization.
IsSalesReverseChargeEnabled Boolean Check if sales reverse charge is enabled in the organization.
IsScanPreferenceEnabled Boolean Check if scan preference is enabled in the organization.
IsSearch360Enabled Boolean Check if search 360 is enabled in the organization.
IsSkuEnabled Boolean Check if stock keeping unit is enabled in the organization.
IsTaxRegistered Boolean Check if the tax is registered in the organization.
IsTrialExpired Boolean Check if the trial is expired or not for a particular organization.
IsTrialExtended Boolean Check if the trial is extended or not for a particular organization.
IsZiedition Boolean Nodes used for Internal Usage for Zoho Books.
IsOrgActive Boolean Check if Organization is active.
IsOrgNotSupported Boolean Check if Organization is not supported.
Mode String Mode of an organization.
OrgAction String Action of the organization.
OrgCreatedAppSource Integer Source of the app where organization was created.
OrgSettings Boolean Settings of organization.
PartnersDomain String Domain of partners.
PlanName String Name of the plan.
PlanPeriod String Period of the plan.
PlanType Integer Type of a plan.
SalesTaxType String Type of sales tax.
Source Integer Source of the organizations.
StateCode String Code of state.
TaxGroupEnabled Boolean Check if the tax group is enabled in the organization.
ZiMigrationStatus Integer Nodes used for Internal Usage for Zoho Books.
ZiZbClient Integer Nodes used for Internal Usage for Zoho Books.
ZiZbEdition Integer Nodes used for Internal Usage for Zoho Books.


Generated schema file.

Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
Accountid String Account id
Accountname String Account name
Amount Integer Amount
AppliedDate Date Applied Date
AppliedInvoiceAmount String Applied Invoice Amount
AppliedInvoiceBcyAmount String Applied Invoice BcyAmount
AppliedInvoices String Applied Invoices
BcyBankCharge Integer BcyBankCharge
BcytotalExcludingTdsDeduction Integer Bcytotal ExcludingTdsDeduction
ContactBillingAttention String Contact Billing Attention
ContactBillingCity String Contact Billing City
ContactBillingCountry String Contact Billing Country
ContactBillingFax String Contact Billing Fax
ContactBillingState String Contact Billing State
ContactBillingStreet1 String Contact Billing Street1
ContactBillingStreet2 String Contact Billing Street2
ContactBillingZipcode String Contact Billing Zipcode
ContactCompanyName String Contact Company Name
ContactCreatedBy String Contact Created By
ContactCreatedTime Datetime Contact Created Time
ContactcreditLimit Integer Contact credit Limit
ContactcustomerSubType String Contact customer SubType
ContactDepartment String Contact Department
ContactDesignation String Contact Designation
ContactEmail String Contact Email
ContactFacebook String Contact Facebook
ContactFirstName String Contact First Name
ContactLastModifiedTime Datetime Contact Last ModifiedTime
ContactLastName String Contact Last Name
ContactMobilePhone String Contact Mobile Phone
ContactNotes String Contact Notes
ContactOutstandingReceivableAmount Integer Contact Outstanding ReceivableAmount
ContactOutstandingReceivableAmountBcy Integer Contact Outstanding ReceivableAmountBcy
ContactPaymentTerms String Contact Payment Terms
ContactPhone String Contact Phone
ContactShippingAttention String Contact Shipping Attention
ContactShippingCity String Contact Shipping City
ContactShippingCountry String Contact Shipping Country
ContactShippingFax String Contact Shipping Fax
ContactShippingState String Contact Shipping State
ContactShippingStreet1 String Contact Shipping Street1
ContactShippingStreet2 String Contact Shipping Street2
ContactShippingZipcode String Contact Shipping Zipcode
ContactSkype String Contact Skype
ContactStatus String Contact Status
ContactTwitter String Contact Twitter
ContactUnusedCreditsReceivableAmount Integer Contact Unused Credits Receivable Amount
ContactUnusedCreditsReceivableAmountBcy Integer Contact Unused Credits Receivable Amount Bcy
ContactWebsite String Contact Website
CreatedBy String CreatedBy
CreatedTime Datetime CreatedTime
CurrencyCode String CurrencyCode
CustomFields String CustomFields
CustomerName String CustomerName
Description String Description
Documents String Documents
FcyBankCharge Integer Fcy Bank Charge
FcytotalExcludingTdsDeduction Integer Fcy total Excluding TdsDeduction
GatewayTransactionId String GatewayTransactionId
HasAttachment Boolean Has Attachment
InvoiceNumber String Invoice Number
InvoiceNumbers String Invoice Numbers
LastFourDigits String Last Four Digits
LastModifiedTime Datetime Last Modified Time
PaymentId String Payment Id
ProductDescription String Product Description
RefundedAmount Integer Refunded Amount
Retainerinvoiceid String Retainer invoiceid
TaxAccountId String Tax Account Id
TaxAccountName String Tax Account Name
TaxAmountWithheld Integer Tax Amount Withheld
Type String Type
UnusedAmount Integer UnusedAmount
CustomerId String IN, NOT IN Customer Id
Date Date =, >, < Date
PaymentMode String IN, NOT IN Payment Mode The allowed values are Bank Remittance, Bank Transfer, Cash, Check, Credit Card.
PaymentNumber String =, !=, LIKE, CONTAINS, NOT LIKE, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL Payment Number
AccountIdFilter String IN, NOT IN AccountIdFilter
BcyUnusedAmount Integer =, !=, <, <=, >, >= Bcy Unused Amount
BcyAmount Integer =, !=, <, <=, >, >= Bcy Amount
BcyRefundedAmount Integer =, !=, <, >, <=, >= Bcy Refunded Amount
ReferenceNumber String =, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, CONTAINS Reference Number

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
PaymentType String
PaymentDate String
ToDate Date
FromDate Date


Generated schema file.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators: The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

  • SoldDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ToDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • FromDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ProductCode supports the '= , != , LIKE , NOT LIKE, CONTAINS, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL' comparisons.
  • ItemSku supports the '= , != , LIKE , NOT LIKE, CONTAINS, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL' comparisons.

For example:

SELECT * FROM ProductSalesReport WHERE SoldDate = 'Today'

SELECT * FROM ProductSalesReport WHERE ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM ProductSalesReport WHERE FromDate = '2022-10-10' AND ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM ProductSalesReport WHERE ProductCode LIKE 'bags%'

SELECT * FROM ProductSalesReport WHERE ItemSku IS NOT NULL
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
IsComboProduct Boolean Is Combo Product
ItemCreatedBy String Item Created By
ItemCreatedTime Datetime Item Created Time
ItemDescription String Item Description
ItemItemType String Item Item Type
ItemLastModifiedTime Datetime Item Last Modified Time
ItemProductType String Item Product Type
ItemPurchaseDescription String Item Purchase Description
ItemPurchaseRate Integer Item Purchase Rate
ItemRate Integer Item Rate
ItemStatus String Item Status
ItemUnit String Item Unit
Margin Double Margin
ProductId String Product Id
Profit Integer Profit
QuantitySold Integer Quantity Sold
SalesPrice Integer Sales Price
SalesPricewithTax Integer Sales Price with Tax
Sku String Sku
Unit String Unit
ProductCode String = , != , LIKE , NOT LIKE, CONTAINS, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL Product Code
ItemSku String = , != , LIKE , NOT LIKE, CONTAINS, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL Item Sku

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
SoldDate String
ToDate Date
FromDate Date


This report summarizes your company's assets, liabilities and equity at a specific point in time

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • TransactionDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ToDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • FromDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • CashBased supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM ProfitsAndLossesReport WHERE TransactionDate = 'Today'

SELECT * FROM ProfitsAndLossesReport WHERE ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM ProfitsAndLossesReport WHERE FromDate = '2022-10-10' AND ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM ProfitsAndLossesReport WHERE CashBased = True
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
BalanceTypeName String Balance Type Name
SubBalanceTypeName String Sub Balance Type Name
AccountTransactionTypeName String Account Transaction Type Name
AccountTransactionTotal Decimal Account Transaction Total
BalanceTypeTotal Decimal Balance Type Total
SubBalanceTypeTotal Decimal Sub Balance Type Total

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CashBased Boolean
TransactionDate String
ToDate Date
FromDate Date


Retrieves list of invoices created for a project.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • ProjectId supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM ProjectInvoices WHERE ProjectId = '1894553000000012367'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
InvoiceId [KEY] String Invoices.InvoiceId Id of an invoice.
InvoiceNumber String Number of an invoice.
ProjectId String Projects.ProjectId Id of a project.
Balance Decimal Total amount available in invoice.
CreatedTime Datetime Time at which the project invoice was created.
CustomerId String Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor.
CustomerName String Name of the customer or vendor.
Date Date Date of project invoice.
DueDate Date Delivery date of the project invoice.
ReferenceNumber String Reference number of project invoice.
Status String Status of the project invoice.
Total Decimal Total of project invoices.


Generated schema file.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • BillingType supports the '=, !=' comparisons.
  • ProjectId supports the 'IN, NOT IN' comparisons.
  • CustomerId supports the 'IN, NOT IN' comparisons.
  • Status supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector

For example:

SELECT * FROM ProjectPerformanceSummaryReport WHERE Status = 'active'

SELECT * FROM ProjectPerformanceSummaryReport WHERE CustomerId IN ('3285934000000104002')

SELECT * FROM ProjectPerformanceSummaryReport WHERE ProjectId IN ('3285934000000312337')

SELECT * FROM ProjectPerformanceSummaryReport WHERE BillingType != 'based_on_staff_hours'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
ActualCostAmount Integer Actual Cost Amount.
ActualRevenueAmountBcy Integer Actual Revenue AmountBcy.
ActualRevenueAmountFcy Integer Actual Revenue AmountFcy.
BudgetedCostAmount Integer Budgeted Cost Amount.
BudgetedRevenueAmount Integer Budgeted Revenue Amount.
CustomerName String Customer Name.
Description String Description.
DifferenceInCostAmount Integer Difference In Cost Amount.
DifferenceInCostPercentage Integer Difference In Cost Percentage.
DifferenceInRevenueAmount Integer Difference In Revenue Amount.
DifferenceInRevenuePercentage Integer Difference In Revenue Percentage.
ProfitAmount Integer Profit Amount.
ProfitMargin String Profit Margin.
ProfitPercentage String Profit Percentage.
ProjectName String Project Name.
Status String = Status. The allowed values are active, inactive.
ProjectId String IN, NOT IN Project Id.
CustomerId String IN, NOT IN Customer Id.
BillingType String =, != Billing Type. The allowed values are based_on_staff_hours, based_on_project_hours, fixed_cost_for_project, based_on_task_hours.


Retrieves list of users associated with a project. Also, get details of a user in project.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • ProjectId supports the '=' comparison.
  • UserId supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM ProjectUsers WHERE ProjectId = '1894553000000072363' AND UserId = '1894553000000056001'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
ProjectId String Projects.ProjectId Id of a project.
UserId [KEY] String Users.UserId Id of the user.
IsCurrentUser Boolean Check if it is a current user.
UserName String Username of the project users.
Email String Email ID of user.
UserRole String Role of the user in project.
RoleId String Users.RoleId Id of the role.
Status String Status of the project user.
Rate Decimal Hourly rate for a task.
BudgetHours Integer Total number of hours alloted to the user for the project.
BudgetHoursInTime String Time of total number of hours alloted to the user for the project.
TotalHours String Total number of hours to be spent in project.
BilledHours String Total number of billed hours to be spent in project.
UnBilledHours String Total number of unbilled hours spent in project.
BillableHours String Total number of billable hours spent in project.
NonBillableHours String Total number of non billable hours spent in project.
StaffRole String Role of staff in project.
StaffStatus String Status of staff in project.


Get the attachments associated with Purchase Orders.

Table Specific Information

The connector will use the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • PurchaseorderId supports the '=,IN' comparisons.

For example:

SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrderDocuments WHERE PurchaseorderId = '3255827000000101306'

SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrderDocuments WHERE PurchaseorderId IN ('3255827000000101306', '3255827000000101223')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
DocumentId [KEY] String Id of Document.
PurchaseOrderId String PurchaseOrders.PurchaseorderId = Id of PurchaseOrder.
FileName String Name of the document attached.
AttachmentOrder Integer Integer denoting the order of attachment.
CanSendInMail Boolean Boolean denoting if the document can be send in mail or not.
FileSize String Size of the file.
FileType String Type of the file.
Source String Source from where file was uploaded.
UploadedBy String The name of the contact who uploaded the file.
UploadedTime Datetime The date and time when file was uploaded.


Get the details of line items of purchase orders.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • PurchaseorderId supports the '=' and IN operators.


PurchaseorderId is required to query PurchaseOrderLineItems.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrderLineItems WHERE PurchaseorderId = '1894553000000087078'
SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrderLineItems WHERE PurchaseOrderId IN (SELECT PurchaseOrderId FROM PurchaseOrders)
SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrderLineItems WHERE PurchaseOrderId IN ('1894553000000087078','1894553000000087079')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
LineItemId [KEY] String Id of line item.
PurchaseorderId String PurchaseOrders.PurchaseorderId Id of purchase order.
ItemId String Items.ItemId Id of an item.
ItemOrder Integer Order of an item.
ItemTotal Decimal total number of item in purchase order.
ItemType String Types of item.
AccountId String BankAccounts.AccountId Id of the Bank Account.
AccountName String Name of the account.
BcyRate Decimal Rate of base currency.
CustomFields String Custom Fields added for the line item.
Description String Description of the purchase order line item.
Discount Double Discount to be applied on purchase order line item.
Name String Name of the line item.
ProjectId String Projects.ProjectId Id of the project.
Quantity Double Total number of items added in purchase order.
QuantityCancelled Double Total number of cancelled quantity added in purchase order.
Rate Decimal Rate of the line item.
Tags String Details of tags related to purchase order line items.
TaxId String Taxes.TaxId Id of tax.
TaxName String Name of the tax.
TaxPercentage Integer Percentage applied for tax.
TaxType String Type of tax.
Unit String Number of quantity.


Retrieves list of all purchase orders.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • Date supports the '=' comparison.
  • LastModifiedTime supports the '=' comparison.
  • PurchaseorderNumber supports the '=' comparison.
  • ReferenceNumber supports the '=' comparison.
  • Status supports the '=' comparison.
  • Total supports the '=,<,<=,>,>=' comparisons.
  • VendorId supports the '=' comparison.
  • VendorName supports the '=' comparison.
  • PurchaseOrderFilter supports the '=' comparison.
  • ItemId supports the '=' comparison.
  • ItemDescription supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrders WHERE VendorId = 1894553000000077963

SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrders WHERE Total < 300

SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrders WHERE CONTAINS (PurchaseorderNumber, 'PO-')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
PurchaseorderId [KEY] String Id of a purchase order.
BilledStatus String Billed status of a purchase order.
ClientViewedTime Datetime Last time when the client has viewed purchase order.
ColorCode String Color code of this purchase order.
CompanyName String Name of the company.
CreatedTime Datetime Time at which the purchase order was created.
CurrencyCode String Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencyId String Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CurrentSubStatus String Current sub status of a purchase order.
CurrentSubStatusId String Current sub status ID of a purchase order.
Date Date The date the purchase order is created.
DeliveryDate Date Delivery date of the order.
HasAttachment Boolean Check if the purchase order has attachment.
IsDropShipment Boolean Check if it has drop shipment.
IsViewedByClient Boolean Check if the purchase order is viewed by client.
LastModifiedTime Datetime Last modified time of a purchase order.
OrderStatus String Status of purchase order.
PricePrecision String The precision for the price.
PurchaseorderNumber String Number of the purchase order.
QuantityYetToReceive Decimal Number of quantity yet to receive from purchase order.
ReferenceNumber String Reference number of a purchase order.
Status String Status of a purchase order. The allowed values are draft, open, billed, cancelled.
Total Decimal =, <, <=, >, >= Total of purchase orders. Search by purchase order total.
VendorId String Id of the vendor the purchase orders has been made. Search by vendor id.
VendorName String Name of the vendor the purchase orders has been made. Search by vendor name.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
PurchaseOrderFilter String
ItemId String
ItemDescription String


Generated schema file.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • PODate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ToDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • FromDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • VendorId supports the 'IN, NOT IN' comparisons.
  • Status supports the 'IN' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrdersByVendorReport WHERE PODate = 'Today'

SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrdersByVendorReport WHERE ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrdersByVendorReport WHERE FromDate = '2022-10-10' AND ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrdersByVendorReport WHERE Status IN ('draft')

SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrdersByVendorReport WHERE VendorId IN ('3285934000000104023')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
Amount Integer Amount.
Count Integer Count.
FcyAmount Integer Fcy Amount.
VendorCompanyName String Vendor CompanyName.
VendorCreatedBy String Vendor Created By.
VendorCreatedTime Datetime Vendor Created Time.
VendorDepartment String Vendor Department.
VendorDesignation String Vendor Designation.
VendorEmail String Vendor Email.
VendorFacebook String Vendor Facebook.
VendorFirstName String Vendor First Name.
VendorLastModifiedTime Datetime Vendor Last ModifiedTime.
VendorLastName String Vendor Last Name.
VendorMobilePhone String Vendor Mobile Phone.
VendorNotes String Vendor Notes.
VendorOutstandingPayableAmount Integer Vendor Outstanding Payable Amount.
VendorOutstandingPayableAmountBcy Integer Vendor Outstanding Payable Amount Bcy.
VendorPaymentTerms String Vendor Payment Terms.
VendorPhone String Vendor Phone.
VendorSkype String Vendor Skype.
VendorStatus String Vendor Status.
VendorTwitter String Vendor Twitter.
VendorUnusedCreditsPayableAmount Integer Vendor Unused Credits Payable Amount.
VendorUnusedCreditsPayableAmountBcy Integer Vendor Unused Credits Payable Amount Bcy.
VendorWebsite String Vendor Website.
VendorName String Vendor Name.
VendorId String IN, NOT IN Vendor Id.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
PODate String
ToDate Date
FromDate Date
Status String


Get the details of a line items of bills.

Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
LineItemId [KEY] String Id of line item.
RecurringBillId String Bills.BillId Id of a Bill.
AccountId String BankAccounts.AccountId Id of the Bank Account.
AccountName String Name of the account.
BcyRate Decimal Rate of Base Currency.
CustomFields String Custom fields.
CustomerId String Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor.
CustomerName String Name of the customer or vendor.
Description String Description of the bill line item.
Discount Double Discount to be applied on the bill line item.
HeaderId String Id of the Bank Account.
HeaderName String Id of the Bank Account.
ImageDocumentId String Id of the image document.
IsBillable Boolean Check if the bill line items is billable.
ItemId String Items.ItemId Id of an item.
ItemOrder Integer Order of an item.
ItemTotal Decimal Total items.
ItemType String Type of item.
Name String Name of the bill line item.
PricebookId String Id of pricebook.
ProjectId String Projects.ProjectId Id of project.
ProjectName String Name of the project.
Quantity Decimal Quantity of line item.
Rate Decimal Rate of the line item.
TaxId String Taxes.TaxId Id of tax.
TaxName String Name of tax.
TaxPercentage Integer Percentage applied for tax.
TaxType String Type of tax.
Unit String Number of quantity.


To list, add, update and delete details of a bill.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • VendorId supports the '=' comparison.
  • VendorName supports the '=, CONTAINS' comparisons.
  • RecurrenceName supports the '=' comparison.
  • Status supports the '=' comparison.
  • StartDate supports the '=,<,>' comparisons.
  • EndDate supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM RecurringBills WHERE vendorid = '3255827000000081003'

SELECT * FROM RecurringBills WHERE CONTAINS (vendorname, 'c')

SELECT * FROM RecurringBills WHERE startdate > '2023-03-3'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
RecurringBillId [KEY] String Id of a Bill.
VendorId String = Id of the vendor the bill has been made.
VendorName String = Name of the vendor the bill has been made.
Status String = Status of the bill.
RecurrenceName String = Frequency at which recurring bill will be sent.
RecurrenceFrequency String Search recurring bills by recurrence number.
RepeatEvery Integer Integer value denoting the frequency of bill.
StartDate Date =, >, < Date when bill was created.
LastSentDate Date Date when recurring bill was last sent.
NextBillDate Date Date when bill will be sent next.
EndDate Date = Date when the payment is expected.
CreatedTime Datetime Time at which the bill was created.
LastModifiedTime Datetime The time of last modification of the bill.
Total Integer Total of the bill.


Retrieves list of all the Expenses.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • AccountName supports the '=' comparison.
  • CustomerName supports the '=' comparison.
  • LastCreatedDate supports the '=,<,>' comparisons.
  • NextExpenseDate supports the '=,<,>' comparisons.
  • PaidThroughAccountName supports the '=' comparison.
  • RecurrenceName supports the '=' comparison.
  • Status supports the '=' comparison.
  • CustomerId supports the '=' comparison.
  • AccountId supports the '=' comparison.
  • Amount supports the '=,<,<=,>,>=' comparisons.
  • RecurringExpenseFilter supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM RecurringExpenses WHERE Amount = 500 AND PaidThroughAccountName = 'Petty Cash' AND RecurrenceName = 'Vehicle Rent'

SELECT * FROM RecurringExpenses WHERE LastCreatedDate > '2017-07-16'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
RecurringExpenseId [KEY] String Id of recurring expense.
AccountName String Account name of an expense.
CreatedTime Datetime Time at which the recurring expense was created.
CurrencyCode String Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencyId String Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CustomerName String Name of the customer.
Description String Description of the recurring expense.
IsBillable Boolean Check if recurring expense is billable or not.
LastCreatedDate Date =, <, > Recurring expenses date on when last expense was generated.
LastModifiedTime Datetime The time of last modification of the recurring expense.
NextExpenseDate Date =, <, > Recurring expenses date on which next expense will be generated.
PaidThroughAccountName String Name of the account from which expenses was paid.
RecurrenceName String Name of the recurrence.
Status String Status of a recurring expenses. The allowed values are active, stopped, expired.
Total Decimal Total of recurring expenses.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CustomerId String
AccountId String
Amount Decimal
RecurringExpenseFilter String


Get the details of line items of a recurring invoice.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • RecurringInvoiceId supports the '=' and IN operators.


RecurringInvoiceId is required to query RecurringInvoiceLineItems.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM RecurringInvoiceLineItems WHERE RecurringInvoiceId = '1895453000000042244'
SELECT * FROM RecurringInvoiceLineItems WHERE RecurringInvoiceId IN (SELECT RecurringInvoiceId FROM RecurringInvoices)
SELECT * FROM RecurringInvoiceLineItems WHERE RecurringInvoiceId IN ('1895453000000042244','1895453000000042245')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
LineItemId [KEY] String Id of line item.
RecurringInvoiceId String RecurringInvoices.RecurringInvoiceId Id of recurring invoice.
ItemId String Items.ItemId Id of the item.
ItemOrder Integer Order of the item.
ItemTotal Decimal Total number of item.
Description String Description of the recurring invoice line item.
Discount String Amount of discount applied for items of recurring invoice.
DiscountAmount Decimal Amount of discount.
HeaderId String Id of the header.
HeaderName String Name of the header.
Name String Name of the recurring invoice line item.
ProjectId String Projects.ProjectId Id of the project.
Quantity String Total number of item.
Rate Decimal Rate for recurring invoice.
TaxId String Taxes.TaxId Id of tax.
TaxName String Name of the tax.
TaxPercentage Integer Percentage applied for tax.
TaxType String Type of tax.
Unit String Total quantity included in recurring invoice items.


Retrieves list of all recurring invoices.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • RecurrenceName supports the '=' comparison.
  • CustomerId supports the '=' comparison.
  • CustomerName supports the '=' comparison.
  • Status supports the '=' comparison.
  • RecurringInvoiceFilter supports the '=' comparison.
  • LineItemId supports the '=' comparison.
  • TaxId supports the '=' comparison.
  • Notes supports the '=' comparison.
  • ItemId supports the '=' comparison.
  • ItemName supports the '=' comparison.
  • ItemDescription supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector

For example:

SELECT * FROM RecurringInvoices WHERE RecurrenceName = 'Office Rent' AND EndDate = '2018-06-21'

SELECT * FROM RecurringInvoices WHERE ItemName = 'Standard Plan'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
RecurringInvoiceId [KEY] String Id of a recurring invoice.
RecurrenceName String Name of a recurrence.
ChildEntityType String Entity type of a child.
CreatedTime Datetime Time at which the recurring invoice was created.
CustomerId String Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor.
CustomerName String Name of the customer or vendor.
EndDate Date End date for the statement.
LastFourDigits String It store the last four digits of customer's card details.
LastModifiedTime Datetime The time of last modification of the recurring invoice.
LastSentDate Date Date recurring invoice was last sent.
NextInvoiceDate Date Date when recurring invoice will be send next.
RecurrenceFrequency String Frequency of the recurrence.
ReferenceNumber String Reference number of recurring invoice.
StartDate Date Starting date of recurring invoice.
Status String Status of the recurring invoice. The allowed values are active, stopped, expired.
Total Decimal Total of recurring invoices.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
RecurringInvoiceFilter String
LineItemId String
TaxId String
Notes String
ItemId String
ItemName String
ItemDescription String


Retrieves list of child expenses created from recurring expense.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • RecurringExpenseId supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM RecurringSubExpense WHERE RecurringExpenseId = '1801553000000089750'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
RecurringExpenseId [KEY] String RecurringExpenses.RecurringExpenseId Sort expenses.
AccountName String Name of the account.
CustomerName String Name of the customer.
Date Date Date of a recurring expense.
ExpenseId String Expenses.ExpenseId Id of an expense.
PaidThroughAccountName String Name of the account from which payment was made.
Status String Status of the recurring expense.
Total Decimal Total of child expenses of recurring expenses.
VendorName String Name of the vendor.


Retrieves the list of inline transactions.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • TransactionDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ToDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • FromDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • AccountId supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM ReportsAccountTransactionsDetails WHERE TransactionDate = 'Today'

SELECT * FROM ReportsAccountTransactionsDetails WHERE ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM ReportsAccountTransactionsDetails WHERE FromDate = '2022-10-10' AND ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM ReportsAccountTransactionsDetails WHERE AccountId = 1055236000000014066
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
AccountGroup String Account Group.
AccountType String Account Type.
AccountId Long = Account Id.
AccountName String Account Name.
Branch String Branch.
ContactId Long Contacts.ContactId Contact Id.
Credit Decimal Credit.
CurrencyCode String Currency Code.
Date Date Date.
Debit Decimal Debit.
EntityNumber String Entity Number.
NetAmount String Net Amount.
OffsetAccountId Long Offset Account Id.
OffsetAccountType String Offset Account Type.
ProjectIds Long Projects.ProjectId Project Ids.
ReferenceNumber String Reference Number.
ReferenceTransactionId Long Reference Transaction Id.
TransactionDetails String Transaction Details.
TransactionType String Transaction Type.
TransactionId Long Transaction Id.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
TransactionDate String
ToDate Date
FromDate Date


Get the attachments associated with retainer invoices.

Table Specific Information

The connector will use the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • RetainerInvoiceId supports the '=,IN' comparisons.

For example:

SELECT * FROM RetainerInvoiceDocuments WHERE RetainerInvoiceId = '3255827000000101306'

SELECT * FROM RetainerInvoiceDocuments WHERE RetainerInvoiceId IN ('3255827000000101306', '3255827000000101223')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
DocumentId [KEY] String Id of Document.
RetainerInvoiceId String RetainerInvoices.RetainerInvoiceId = Id of a retainer invoice.
FileName String Name of the document attached.
AttachmentOrder Integer Integer denoting the order of attachment.
CanSendInMail Boolean Boolean denoting if the document should be send in mail or not.
FileSize String Size of the file.
FileType String Type of the file.
Source String Source from where file was uploaded.
UploadedBy String The name of the contact who uploaded the file.
UploadedTime Datetime The date and time when file was uploaded.


Retrieves detail of line items of retainer invoices.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • RetainerInvoiceId supports the '=' and IN operators.


RetainerInvoiceId is required to query RetainerInvoiceLineItems.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM RetainerInvoiceLineItems WHERE RetainerInvoiceId = '1894663000000085023'
SELECT * FROM RetainerInvoiceLineItems WHERE RetainerInvoiceId IN (SELECT RetainerInvoiceId FROM RetainerInvoices)
SELECT * FROM RetainerInvoiceLineItems WHERE RetainerInvoiceId IN ('1894663000000085023','1894663000000085024')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
RetainerInvoiceId String RetainerInvoices.RetainerInvoiceId Id of a retainer invoice.
LineItemId [KEY] String Id of line item.
AccountId String BankAccounts.AccountId Id of the Bank Account.
BcyRate Decimal Rate of Base Currency.
Description String Description of the retainer invoice line item.
ItemOrder Integer Order of items.
ItemTotal Decimal Total number of items in retainer invoice.
Rate Decimal Rate of the line item.
TaxId String Taxes.TaxId Id of tax.
TaxName String Name of the tax.
TaxPercentage Integer Percentage applied for tax.
TaxType String Type of tax.


Get the list of payments made for a retainer invoices.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • RetainerInvoiceId supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM RetainerInvoicePayments WHERE RetainerInvoiceId = '1894663000000085023'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
PaymentId [KEY] String Id of a payment.
RetainerInvoiceId String RetainerInvoices.RetainerInvoiceId Id of a retainer invoice.
PaymentMode String Mode through which payment is made.
ReferenceNumber Currency Reference number of retainer invoice payment.
Amount Integer Amount of the retainer invoice payments.
AttachmentName String Name of the attachment.
BankCharges Integer Charges of the bank.
CanSendInMail Boolean Check if the retainer invoice can be send through mail.
CurrencyCode String Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencyId String Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CustomerId String Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor.
CustomerName String Name of the customer or vendor.
Date Date Retainer Invoice date.
Description String Description of the retainer invoice payment.
DiscountAmount Decimal Amount given for discount.
ExchangeRate Decimal Exchange rate given for this retainer invoice.
HtmlString String HTML context of a retainer invoice.
IsClientReviewSettingsEnabled Boolean Check if the client review settings is enabled or not.
IsPaymentDrawnDetailsRequired Boolean Check if the payment drawn details is required.
LastFourDigits String It store the last four digits of customer's card details.
OnlineTransactionId String Id of online transaction.
Orientation String Orientation of the page.
PageHeight String Height of the page.
PageWidth String Width of the page.
RetainerinvceBalance Integer Total amount for retainer invoice.
RetainerInvceDate Date Date for retainer invoice.
RetainerInvceId String RetainerInvoices.RetainerInvoiceId Id for a retainer invoice.
RetainerInvceNumber String Number of a retainer invoice.
RetainerInvceTotal Integer Total of retainer invoice.
TaxAmountWithheld Integer Amount withheld for tax.
TemplateId String Id of a template.
TemplateName String Name of a template.
TemplateType String Type of a template.
UnusedAmount Integer Total amount which is unused.


Retrieves list of all retainer invoices.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • Status supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM RetainerInvoices WHERE Status = 'All'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
RetainerInvoiceId [KEY] String Id of a retainer invoice.
Balance Decimal Total balance of a retainer invoice.
ClientViewedTime Datetime Time when client viewed the retainer invoice.
ColorCode String Color code of retainer invoice.
CreatedTime Datetime Time at which the retainer invoice was created.
CurrencyCode String Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencyId String Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CurrentSubStatus String Current sub status of a retainer invoice.
CurrentSubStatusId String Current sub status ID of a retainer invoice.
CustomerId String Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor.
CustomerName String Name of the customer or vendor.
Date Date Date of a retainer invoice.
EstimateNumber String Estimate number of retainer invoice.
HasAttachment Boolean Check if the retainer invoice has attachment.
IsEmailed Boolean Check if the retainer invoice is emailed.
IsViewedByClient Boolean Check if the retainer invoice is viewed by client.
LastModifiedTime Datetime The time of last modification of the retainer invoices.
LastPaymentDate Date Date of last payment made to retainer invoice.
ProjectName String Name of the project.
ProjectOrEstimateName String Name of project or estimate.
ReferenceNumber String Reference number of a retainer invoice.
RetainerinvoiceNumber String Total number of retainer invoice.
Status String Status of the retainer invoice The allowed values are All, Sent, Draft, OverDue, Paid, Void, Unpaid, PartiallyPaid, Viewed, Date.PaymentExpectedDate.
Total Decimal Total of retainer invoices.


Generated schema file.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • TransactionDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ToDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • FromDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • CustomerId supports the 'IN, NOT IN' comparisons.
  • EntityList supports the 'IN' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM SalesByCustomerReport WHERE TransactionDate = 'Today'

SELECT * FROM SalesByCustomerReport WHERE ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM SalesByCustomerReport WHERE FromDate = '2022-10-10' AND ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM SalesByCustomerReport WHERE CustomerId NOT IN ('3285934000000152001')

SELECT * FROM SalesByCustomerReport WHERE EntityList IN ('invoice')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
ContactBillingAttention String Contact Billing Attention
ContactBillingCity String Contact Billing City
ContactBillingCountry String Contact Billing Country
ContactBillingFax String Contact Billing Fax
ContactBillingPhone String Contact Billing Phone
ContactBillingState String Contact Billing State
ContactBillingStreet1 String Contact Billing Street1
ContactBillingStreet2 String Contact Billing Street2
ContactBillingZipcode String Contact Billing Zipcode
ContactCompanyName String Contact Company Name
ContactCreatedBy String Contact Created By
ContactCreatedTime Datetime Contact CreatedTime
ContactCreditLimit Integer Contact CreditLimit
ContactCustomerSubType String Contact CustomerSubType
ContactDepartment String Contact Department
ContactDesignation String Contact Designation
ContactEmail String Contact Email
ContactFacebook String Contact Facebook
ContactFirstName String Contact FirstName
ContactLastModifiedTime Datetime Contact LastModifiedTime
ContactLastName String Contact LastName
ContactMobilePhone String Contact MobilePhone
ContactNotes String Contact Notes
ContactOutstandingReceivableAmount Integer Contact Outstanding Receivable Amount
ContactOutstandingReceivableAmountBcy Integer Contact Outstanding Receivable Amount Bcy
ContactPaymentTerms String Contact Payment Terms
ContactPhone String Contact Phone
ContactShippingAttention String Contact Shipping Attention
ContactShippingCity String Contact Shipping City
ContactShippingCountry String Contact Shipping Country
ContactShippingFax String Contact Shipping Fax
ContactShippingPhone String Contact Shipping Phone
ContactShippingState String Contact Shipping State
ContactShippingStreet1 String Contact Shipping Street1
ContactShippingStreet2 String Contact Shipping Street2
ContactShippingZipcode String Contact Shipping Zipcode
ContactSkype String Contact Skype
ContactStatus String Contact Status
ContactTwitter String Contact Twitter
ContactUnusedCreditsReceivableAmount Integer Contact Unused Credits Receivable Amount
ContactUnusedCreditsReceivableAmountBcy Integer Contact Unused Credits Receivable Amount Bcy
ContactWebsite String Contact Website
Count Integer Count
CreditNoteCount Integer Credit Note Count
CreditNoteAmount Integer Credit Note Amount
CurrencyCode String Currency Code
CustomFieldsList String Custom Fields List
CustomerName String Customer Name
FcyCreditnoteAmount Integer Fcy Creditnote Amount
FcyInvoiceAmount Integer Fcy Invoice Amount
FcySales Integer Fcy Sales
FcySalesWithTax Integer Fcy Sales With Tax
FcySalesWithoutDiscount Integer Fcy Sales Without Discount
InvoiceAmount Integer Invoice Amount
JournalCount Integer Journal Count
PreviousValues String Previous Values
Sales Integer Sales
SalesDepositCount Integer Sales Deposit Count
SalesWithTax Integer Sales With Tax
SalesWithoutDiscount Integer Sales Without Discount
CustomerId String IN, NOT IN Customer Id

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
TransactionDate String
ToDate Date
FromDate Date
EntityList String


Generated schema file.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • TransactionDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ToDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • FromDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • CustomerName supports the 'GROUP BY' comparison.
  • SalesPerson supports the 'GROUP BY' comparison.
  • CustomerID supports the 'IN, NOT IN' comparisons.
  • WaresouseID supports the 'IN, NOT IN' comparisons.
  • AccountID supports the 'IN, NOT IN' comparisons.
  • ItemName supports the 'IN, NOT IN, LIKE , CONTAINS , NOT LIKE' comparisons.
  • ItemSku supports the '= , != , LIKE , CONTAINS , NOT LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL' comparisons.
  • Unit supports the '= , != , LIKE , CONTAINS , NOT LIKE , IS NULL, IS NOT NULL' comparisons.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM SalesByItemReport WHERE TransactionDate = 'Today'

SELECT * FROM SalesByItemReport WHERE ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM SalesByItemReport WHERE FromDate = '2022-10-10' AND ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM SalesByItemReport GROUP BY customername

SELECT * FROM SalesByItemReport GROUP BY salesperson

SELECT * FROM SalesByItemReport WHERE customerid IN ('3285934000000152001')

SELECT * FROM SalesByItemReport WHERE warehouseid IN ('3285934000000113095')

SELECT * FROM SalesByItemReport WHERE accountid IN ('3255827000000101306')


SELECT * FROM SalesByItemReport WHERE Unit LIKE 'cm%'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
Amount Integer Amount
AmountWithTax Integer Amount With Tax
AmountWithoutDiscount Integer Amount Without Discount
AveragePrice Integer Average Price
IsComboProduct Boolean Is Combo Product
ItemCreatedBy String Item Created By
ItemCreatedTime Datetime Item Created Time
ItemDescription String Item Description
ItemItemType String Item Item Type
ItemLastModifiedTime Datetime Item Last Modified Time
ItemProductType String Item Product Type
ItemPurchaseDescription String Item Purchase Description
ItemPurchaseRate Integer Item Purchase Rate
ItemRate Integer Item Rate
ItemStatus String Item Status
ItemUnit String Item Unit
ItemId String Item Id
PreviousValues String Previous Values
QuantitySold Integer Quantity Sold
ReportingTag String Reporting Tag
GroupAmount String Group Amount
GroupTotalQuantitySold String Group Total Quantity Sold
Unit String = , != , LIKE , CONTAINS , NOT LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL Unit
ItemSku String = , != , LIKE , CONTAINS , NOT LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL Item Sku
ItemName String IN, NOT IN, LIKE , CONTAINS , NOT LIKE Item Name

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
TransactionDate String
ToDate Date
FromDate Date
CustomerId String
AccountId String
WarehouseId String
CustomerName String
SalesPerson String


Generated schema file.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • TransactionDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ToDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • FromDate supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM SalesBySalespersonReport WHERE TransactionDate = 'Today'

SELECT * FROM SalesBySalespersonReport WHERE ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM SalesBySalespersonReport WHERE FromDate = '2022-10-10' AND ToDate = '2022-10-31'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
CNCount Integer CN Count
CNSales Integer CN Sales
CNSaleswithTax Integer CN SaleswithTax
Count Integer Count
InvoiceCount Integer Invoice Count
InvoiceSales Integer Invoice Sales
InvoiceSalesWithTax Integer Invoice SalesWithTax
PreviousValues String Previous Values
Sales Integer Sales
SalesWithTax Integer Sales With Tax
SalespersonId String Salesperson Id
SalespersonStatus String Salesperson Status
TotalSales Integer Total Sales
TotalSalesWithTax Integer Total Sales With Tax
SalespersonName String Salesperson Name
CreditBalance Integer Credit Balance
Email String Email
BalanceDue Integer Balance Due

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
TransactionDate String
ToDate Date
FromDate Date


Get the attachments associated with salesorders.

Table Specific Information

The connector will use the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • SalesorderId supports the '=,IN' comparisons.

For example:

SELECT * FROM SalesorderDocuments WHERE SalesorderId = '3255827000000101306'

SELECT * FROM SalesorderDocuments WHERE SalesorderId IN ('3255827000000101306', '3255827000000101223')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
DocumentId [KEY] String Id of Document.
SalesOrderId String SalesOrders.SalesorderId = Id of Salesorder.
FileName String Name of the document attached.
AttachmentOrder Integer Integer denoting the order of attachment.
CanShowInPortal Boolean Boolean denoting if the document should be shown in portal or not.
FileSize String Size of the file.
FileType String Type of the file.
Source String Source from where file was uploaded.
UploadedBy String The name of the contact who uploaded the file.
UploadedTime Datetime The date and time when file was uploaded.


Retrieves list of line items of a sales order.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • SalesorderId supports the '=' and IN operators.


SalesorderId is required to query SalesOrderLineItems.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM SalesOrderLineItems WHERE SalesorderId = '1894553000000077349'
SELECT * FROM SalesOrderLineItems WHERE SalesorderId IN (SELECT SalesorderId FROM SalesOrders)
SELECT * FROM SalesOrderLineItems WHERE SalesorderId IN ('1894553000000077349','1894553000000077350')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
LineItemId [KEY] String Id of a line item.
SalesorderId String SalesOrders.SalesorderId Id of a sales order.
BcyRate Decimal Rate of Base Currency.
CustomFields String Custom Fields added for the line item.
Description String Description of the sales order line item.
Discount String Discount given to specific item in sales order.
DiscountAmount Decimal Amount of discount applied for items of sales order.
ImageDocumentId String Id of image document.
ImageName String Name of the image.
ImageType String Type of image.
IsInvoiced Boolean Check if the sales order is invoiced.
ItemId String Items.ItemId Id of an item.
ItemOrder Integer Order of an item.
ItemTotal Decimal Total amount of an item.
ItemType String Type of item.
Name String Name of the sales order.
ProjectId String Projects.ProjectId Id of the project.
Quantity Decimal Total number of quantity.
QuantityCancelled Decimal Total number of quantity canceled for salesorder.
Rate Decimal Rate of the line item.
Tags String Details of tags related to sales order line items.
TaxId String Taxes.TaxId Id of tax.
TaxName String Name of the tax.
TaxPercentage Integer Percentage applied for tax.
TaxType String Type of tax.
Unit String Total quantity included in sales order items.


Retrieves list of all sales orders.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • SalesorderId supports the '=' comparison.
  • CustomerId supports the '=' comparison.
  • CustomerName supports the '=' comparison.
  • Date supports the '=,<,>' comparisons.
  • ReferenceNumber supports the '=' comparison.
  • SalesorderNumber supports the '=' comparison.
  • ShipmentDate supports the '=,<,>' comparisons.
  • Status supports the '=' comparison.
  • Total supports the '=,<,<=,>,>=' comparisons.
  • ItemId supports the '=' comparison.
  • ItemName supports the '=' comparison.
  • ItemDescription supports the '=' comparison.
  • SalesOrderFilter supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM SalesOrders WHERE CustomerId = '1894553000000077328' AND CustomerName = 'Zylak' AND SalesOrderFilter = 'Status.All'

SELECT * FROM SalesOrders WHERE ShipmentDate > '2017-08-01'

SELECT * FROM SalesOrders WHERE CONTAINS (SalesorderNumber, 'SO-00')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
SalesorderId [KEY] String Id of a sales order.
SalespersonName String Name of the sales order.
BcyTotal Decimal Total Base Currency.
ColorCode String Color code of Sales order.
CompanyName String Name of the company.
CreatedTime Datetime Time at which the sales order was created.
CurrencyCode String Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencyId String Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CurrentSubStatus String Current sub status of a sales order.
CurrentSubStatusId String Current sub status ID of a sales order.
CustomerId String Contacts.ContactId Id of the customer or vendor. Search Sales Order based on customer_id.
CustomerName String Name of the customer or vendor. .
Date Date =, <, > Date of an sales order.
DueByDays String Total number of day sales order is due by.
DueInDays String Total number of day the sales order is due in.
HasAttachment Boolean Check if the sales order has attachment.
InvoicedStatus String Status of invoiced sales orders.
IsEmailed Boolean Check if the sales order is emailed.
LastModifiedTime Datetime The time of last modification of the sales order.
OrderStatus String Status of order.
ReferenceNumber String Reference number of sales order.
SalesorderNumber String Number of a sales order.
ShipmentDate Date =, <, > Date of shipment.
ShipmentDays String Total number of days for shipment.
Status String Status of sales order. The allowed values are draft, open, invoiced, partially_invoiced, void, overdue.
Total Decimal =, <, <=, >, >= Total of sales orders.
TotalInvoicedAmount Decimal Total amount which is invoiced.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
ItemId String
ItemName String
ItemDescription String
SalesOrderFilter String


Generated schema file.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • TransactionDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ToDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • FromDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ItemName supports the '= , != , LIKE, NOT LIKE, CONTAINS, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL' comparisons.
  • ItemSku supports the '= , != , LIKE, NOT LIKE, CONTAINS, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL' comparisons.
  • WarehouseId supports the 'IN, NOT IN' comparisons.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM StockSummaryReport WHERE TransactionDate = 'Today'

SELECT * FROM StockSummaryReport WHERE ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM StockSummaryReport WHERE FromDate = '2022-10-10' AND ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM StockSummaryReport WHERE ItemName IS NULL

SELECT * FROM StockSummaryReport WHERE ItemName = 'BAGS'

SELECT * FROM StockSummaryReport WHERE CONTAINS (ItemName, 'BAGS')

SELECT * FROM StockSummaryReport WHERE ItemName LIKE '%b'

SELECT * FROM StockSummaryReport WHERE ItemName NOT LIKE '%b%'

SELECT * FROM StockSummaryReport WHERE WarehouseId IN ('3285934000000113095')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
ClosingStock Double Closing Stock
ItemId String Item Id
OpeningStock Double Opening Stock
PurchaseAccountName String Purchase Account Name
QuantityIn Double Quantity In
QuantityOut Double Quantity Out
ItemItemType String ItemItem Type
ItemProductType String Item Product Type
ItemStatus String Item Status
ItemUnit String Item Unit
ItemDescription String Item Description
ItemRate String Item Rate
ItemPurchaseDescription String Item Purchase Description
ItemPurchaseRate String Item Purchase Rate
ItemCreatedTime Datetime Item Created Time
ItemCreatedBy String Item Created By
ItemLastModitfiedTime Datetime Item Last Moditfied Time
ItemSku String = , != , LIKE, NOT LIKE, CONTAINS, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL Item Sku
ItemName String = , != , LIKE, NOT LIKE, CONTAINS, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL Item Name

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
TransactionDate String
ToDate Date
FromDate Date
WarehouseId String


This report summarizes your company's assets, liabilities and equity at a specific point in time

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • ToDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • FromDate supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM TaxSummaryReport WHERE ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM TaxSummaryReport WHERE FromDate = '2022-10-10' AND ToDate = '2022-10-31'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
InputTaxAccountId Long Input Tax Account Id.
IsTaxAccount Boolean Is Tax Account.
IsValueAdded Boolean Is Value Added.
OutputTaxAccountId Long Output Tax Account Id.
TaxAmount String Tax Amount.
TaxId Long Tax Id.
TaxName String Tax Name.
TaxPercentage String Tax Percentage.
TransactionAmount String Transaction Amount.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
ToDate Date
FromDate Date


This report summarizes your company's assets, liabilities and equity at a specific point in time

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • TransactionDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ToDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • FromDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • CashBased supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM TrialBalanceReport WHERE TransactionDate = 'Today'

SELECT * FROM TrialBalanceReport WHERE ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM TrialBalanceReport WHERE FromDate = '2022-10-10' AND ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM TrialBalanceReport WHERE CashBased = True
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
BalanceTypeName String Balance Type Name
SubBalanceTypeName String Sub Balance Type Name
AccountTransactionTypeName String Account Transaction Type Name
AccountTransactionCreditTotal Decimal Credit Total
AccountTransactionDebitTotal Decimal Debit Total
SubAccountCreditTotal Decimal Sub Account Credit Total
SubAccountDebitTotal Decimal Sub Account Debit Total
CreditTotal Decimal Account Transaction Type Credit Total
DebitTotal Decimal Account Transaction Type Debit Total

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CashBased Boolean
TransactionDate String
ToDate Date
FromDate Date


Generated schema file.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • ReportDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • VendorId supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM VendorBalancesReport WHERE ReportDate = '2022-10-31'
SELECT * FROM VendorBalancesReport WHERE VendorId = '3285934000000104023'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
VendorName String Vendor Name
BillBalance Integer Bill Balance
BcyAdvancePayment String Bcy Advance Payment
BcyBalance Integer Bcy Balance
BcyBillBalance Integer Bcy Bill Balance
BcyCreditBalance String Bcy Credit Balance
BcyExcessPayment Integer Bcy Excess Payment
BcyJournalCredits String Bcy Journal Credits
CurrencyId String CurrencyId
ExcessPayment Integer Excess Payment
FcyAdvancePayment String Fcy Advance Payment
FcyBalance Integer Fcy Balance
FcyCreditBalance String Fcy Credit Balance
FcyJournalCredits String Fcy Journal Credits
VendorCompanyName String Vendor Company Name
VendorCreatedBy String Vendor Created By
VendorCreatedTime Datetime Vendor Created Time
VendorDepartment String Vendor Department
VendorDesignation String Vendor Designation
VendorEmail String Vendor Email
VendorFacebook String Vendor Facebook
VendorFirstName String Vendor FirstName
VendorLastModifiedTime Datetime Vendor Last Modified Time
VendorLastName String Vendor Last Name
VendorMobilePhone String Vendor Mobile Phone
VendorNotes String Vendor Notes
VendorOutstandingPayableAmount Integer Vendor Outstanding Payable Amount
VendorOutstandingPayableAmountBcy Integer Vendor Outstanding Payable AmountBcy
VendorPaymentTerms String Vendor PaymentTerms
VendorPhone String Vendor Phone
VendorSkype String Vendor Skype
VendorStatus String Vendor Status
VendorTwitter String Vendor Twitter
VendorUnusedCreditsPayableAmount Integer Vendor Unused Credits Payable Amount
VendorUnusedCreditsPayableAmountBcy Integer Vendor Unused Credits Payable AmountBcy
VendorWebsite String Vendor Website
VendorId String = Vendor Id

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
ReportDate Date


Retrieves list of bills to which the vendor credit is applied.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • VendorCreditId supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM VendorCreditBills WHERE VendorCreditId = '1894545000000083308'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
VendorCreditBillId [KEY] String Bill ID of vendor credit.
VendorCreditId String VendorCredits.VendorCreditId Id of a vendor credit.
VendorCreditNumber String Number of vendor credit.
Amount Decimal Amount of the vendor credited bills.
BillId String Bills.BillId Id of a bill.
BillNumber String Number of a bill.
Date Date Date of a vendor credit.


Retrieves list of line items from vendor credits.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • VendorCreditId supports the '=' and IN operators.


VendorCreditId is required to query VendorCreditLineItems.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector

For example:

SELECT * FROM VendorCreditLineItems WHERE VendorCreditId = '1894545000000083308'
SELECT * FROM VendorCreditLineItems WHERE VendorCreditId IN (SELECT VendorCreditId FROM VendorCredits)
SELECT * FROM VendorCreditLineItems WHERE VendorCreditId IN ('1894545000000083308','1894545000000083309')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
LineItemId [KEY] String Id of a line item.
VendorCreditId String VendorCredits.VendorCreditId Id of a vendor credit.
AccountId String BankAccounts.AccountId Id of the Bank Account.
AccountName String Name of the account.
BcyRate Decimal Rate of a Base Currency.
CustomFields String Custom Fields added for the line item.
Description String Description of the vendor credit line item.
GstTreatmentCode String Treatement code of GST.
HasProductTypeMismatch Boolean Check if the product type has mismatch.
HsnOrSac String HSN Code.
ItcEligibility String Eligibility of Input Tax Credit.
ItemId String Items.ItemId Id of an item.
ItemOrder Integer Order of an item.
ItemTotal Decimal Total of an item.
ItemType String Type of an item.
Name String Name of a line item.
PricebookId String Id of a price book.
ProductType String Product type of vendor credit.
ProjectId String Projects.ProjectId Id of a project.
Quantity Decimal Quantity of vendor credit.
Rate Decimal Rate of vendor credit.
ReverseChargeTaxId String Id of the reverse charge tax.
Tags String Details of tags related to vendor credit line items.
TaxExemptionCode String Code of tax exemption.
TaxExemptionId String BankRules.TaxExemptionId Id of tax exemption.
TaxId String Taxes.TaxId Id of tax.
TaxName String Name of tax.
TaxPercentage Integer Percentage of tax.
TaxType String Type of tax.
Unit String Unit of line items in vendor credit.


Retrieves list of vendor credits.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • VendorCreditNumber supports the '=' comparison.
  • Date supports the '=,<,>' comparisons.
  • LastModifiedTime supports the '=' comparison.
  • ReferenceNumber supports the '=' comparison.
  • Status supports the '=' comparison.
  • Total supports the '=,<,<=,>,>=' comparisons.
  • CustomerId supports the '=' comparison.
  • VendorCreditsFilter supports the '=' comparison.
  • LineItemId supports the '=' comparison.
  • ItemId supports the '=' comparison.
  • TaxId supports the '=' comparison.
  • CustomerName supports the '=' comparison.
  • ItemDescription supports the '=' comparison.
  • Notes supports the '=' comparison.
  • ItemName supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM VendorCredits WHERE Total >= 100 AND Status = 'open'

SELECT * FROM VendorCredits WHERE VendorCreditNumber = 'CN-00001'
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
VendorCreditId [KEY] String Id of a vendor credit.
VendorCreditNumber String Number of a vendor credit.
VendorName String Name of the vendor the vendor credit has been made.
Balance Decimal Balance of a vendor credit.
ColorCode String Color code of vendor credit.
CreatedTime Datetime Time at which the vendor credit was created.
CurrencyCode String Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencyId String Currencies.CurrencyId Currency ID of the customer's currency.
CurrentSubStatus String Current sub status of a vendor credit.
CurrentSubStatusId String Current sub status ID of a vendor credit.
Date Date =, <, > Date of the vendor credit.
HasAttachment Boolean Check if vendor credit has attachment.
LastModifiedTime Datetime Last modfified time of the vendor credit.
ReferenceNumber String Reference number of the vendor credit.
Status String Status of the vendor credit. The allowed values are open, closed, void.
Total Decimal =, <, <=, >, >= Total of vendor credits. Search by total amount.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CustomerId String
VendorCreditFilter String
LineItemId String
ItemId String
TaxId String
CustomerName String
ItemDescription String
Notes String
ItemName String


Retrieves bills related to vendor payments.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the PaymentId column, which supports '=,IN' comparisons.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM VendorPaymentBills WHERE PaymentId = '3255827000000099005'

SELECT * FROM VendorPaymentBills WHERE PaymentId IN ('3255827000000101458', '3255827000000099005')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
BillPaymentId [KEY] Long The Bill Payment Id.
PaymentId String VendorPayments.PaymentId The Vendor Payment Id.
AmountApplied Integer The Amount Applied to the bill.
BillId String Bills.BillId The Bill Id.
TaxAmountWithheld Integer The tax amount which has been withheld.


Retrieves list of all the payments made to your vendor.

Table Specific Information

The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • VendorId supports the '=' comparison.
  • VendorName supports the '=' comparison.
  • Amount supports the '=,<,<=,>,>=' comparisons.
  • Date supports the '=,<,>' comparisons.
  • Description supports the '=' comparison.
  • LastModifiedTime supports the '=' comparison.
  • PaymentMode supports the '=' comparison.
  • PaymentNumber supports the '=' comparison.
  • ReferenceNumber supports the '=' comparison.
  • VendorPaymentFilter supports the '=' comparison.
  • Notes supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM VendorPayments WHERE Amount >= 98 AND Date < '2019-07-07'

SELECT * FROM VendorPayments WHERE PaymentNumber = 1;

SELECT * FROM VendorPayments WHERE CONTAINS (PaymentMode, 'sh')
Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
PaymentId [KEY] String Id of a payment.
VendorId String Id of the vendor the vendor payment has been made. Search payments by vendor id.
VendorName String Name of the vendor the vendor payment has been made. Search payments by vendor name.
AchGwTransactionId String Id of a ACH GW Transaction.
Amount Decimal =, <, <=, >, >= Payment amount made to the vendor. Search payments by payment amount.
Balance Decimal Balance of vendor payment.
BcyAmount Decimal Amount of Base Currency.
BcyBalance Decimal Balance of Base Currency.
CheckDetailsCheckId String Id of a check.
CheckDetailsCheckNumber String Number of a check.
Date Date =, <, > Date the payment is made. Search payments by payment made date.
Description String Description of a vendor payment.
HasAttachment Boolean Check if a vendor payment has attachment.
LastModifiedTime Datetime Last Modified Time of the Vendor Payment.
PaymentMode String Mode through which payment is made. Search payments by payment mode.
PaymentNumber String Number through which payment is made. Search with Payment Number.
ReferenceNumber String Reference number of a a bill.

Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
VendorPaymentFilter String
Notes String

Stored Procedures

Stored procedures are function-like interfaces that extend the functionality of the connector beyond simple SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE operations with Zoho Books.

Stored procedures accept a list of parameters, perform their intended function, and then return any relevant response data from Zoho Books, along with an indication of whether the procedure succeeded or failed.

Zoho Books Connector Stored Procedures

Name Description
AddAttachment Attaches a file to salesorder, invoice, purchaseorder etc.
AddExpenseReceipt Attaches a receipt to an expense.
ApproveAnEntity Approves an estimate, salesorder, invoice, creditnote, retainerinvoice, purchaseorder, bill or vendorcredit.
BillsApplyCredit Applies the vendor credits from excess vendor payments to a bill.
ContactEnableOrDisablePaymentReminder Reminds the associated contact if payment date is missed.
ContactEnablePortalAccess Enables portal access for a contact.
ContactSendEmail Send email to contact.
DeleteAttachment Removes attached file from salesorders, invoices, purchaseorders, or bills.
DeleteCustomModuleField Deletes a column from a custom module.
DeleteImportedStatement Deletes the BankAccounts statement that was previously imported.
DownloadAttachment Returns the file attached to the invoice.
DownloadExpenseReceipt Returns the receipt attached to the expense.
DownloadRetainerInvoiceAttachment Returns the file attached to the retainer invoice.
EmailACreditNote Emails a credit note to the customer.
EmailAnEstimate Emails an estimate to the customer.
EmailAnInvoice Emails an invoice to the customer.
EmailAPurchaseOrder Emails a purchase order to the customer.
EmailARetainerInvoice Email a retainer invoice to the customer. Input json string is not mandatory. If input json string is empty, mail will be send with default mail content.
EmailASalesOrder Email a sales order to the customer. Input json string is not mandatory. If input json string is empty, mail will be send with default mail content.
EmailMultipleEstimates Email an invoice to the customer.
EmailMultipleInvoices Email an invoice to the customer.
ExportReport Downloads report as a pdf or xls file
GetOAuthAccessToken Gets an authentication token from Zoho Books.
GetOAuthAuthorizationURL Gets the authorization URL that must be opened separately by the user to grant access to your application. Only needed when developing Web apps. You will request the OAuthAccessToken from this URL.
ImportCreditCardStatement Imports your bank/credit card feeds into your account.
InvoiceBulkInvoiceReminder Reminds your customer about unpaid invoices by email. A reminder mail is only sent for invoices in an open or overdue status. You can specify a maximum of ten invoices.
InvoiceCancelWriteOFFInvoice Cancels the write-off amount of an invoice.
InvoiceDeleteExpenseReceipt Deletes attached receipt.
InvoiceEnableOrDisablePaymentReminder Enables or disables automated payment reminders for an invoice.
InvoiceWriteOFFInvoice Writes off the invoice balance amount of an invoice.
MarkCustomerContactAsPrimary Updates the status as primary for customer contacts.
MarkJournalAsPublished Updates the status of a journal as published.
ModifyBankAccountStatus Updates the status as active or inactive for a bank account.
ModifyBillStatus Updates the status as void or open for a Bill.
ModifyChartofAccountStatus Updates the status as active or inactive for a chartofaccount.
ModifyContactStatus Updates the status as active or inactive for a contact.
ModifyCreditNoteStatus Updates the status as draft, void or open for a CreditNote.
ModifyEstimateStatus Updates the status as sent, accepted, or declined for estimates.
ModifyInvoiceStatus Updates the status as sent, void, or draft for an invoice.
ModifyItemStatus Updates the status as active or inactive for an item.
ModifyProjectStatus Updates the status as active or inactive for a project.
ModifyPurchaseOrderStatus Updates the status as open, cancelled, or billed for a purchaseorder.
ModifyRecurringBillStatus Updates the status as stop or resume for a recurring bill.
ModifyRecurringExpenseStatus Updates the status as stop or resume for a recurring expense.
ModifyRecurringInvoiceStatus Updates the status as stop or resume for a recurring invoice.
ModifyRetainerInvoiceStatus Updates the status as sent, void, or draft for retainerinvoice.
ModifySalesorderStatus Updates the status as void or open for a project.
ModifyUserStatus Updates the status as active or inactive for a user.
ModifyVendorCreditStatus Changes an existing vendor credit status to void or open.
ProjectsInviteAUser Invites a user to the project.
RefreshOAuthAccessToken Refreshes the OAuth access token used for authentication with ZohoBooks.
SubmitAnEntityForApproval Submits an estimate, salesorder, invoice, creditnote, retainerinvoice, purchaseorder, bill, or vendorcredit for approval.
TransactionsUnCategorizeACategorizedTransaction Reverts a categorized transaction to uncategorized.
TransactionsUnMatchATransaction Categorizes an uncategorized transaction.
UsersInviteAUser Sends invitation email to a user.


Attaches a file to salesorder, invoice, purchaseorder etc.

Name Type Required Accepts Input Streams Description
EntityId String True False ID of categories like Invoices, Purchase Orders, Bills, SalesOrders.
EntityName String True False Name of Entity The allowed values are invoices, purchaseorders, bills, salesorders, journals.
Attachments String False False Allowed Extensions: gif, png, jpeg, jpg, bmp, pdf, xls, xlsx, doc and docx.
DocumentIds String False False Ids of the documents.
CanSendInMail Boolean False False Boolean to decide if the document should be send in mail or not.
Content String False True The content as InputStream to be uploaded when LocalFilePath or FolderPath is not specified.
FileName String False False Attachment name. This is required when content is not null.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Attaches a receipt to an expense.

Name Type Required Accepts Input Streams Description
Id String True False ID of an expense.
Attachments String True False Expense receipt file to attach. Allowed Extensions: gif, png, jpeg, jpg, bmp, pdf, xls, xlsx, doc and docx.
Content String False True The content as InputStream to be uploaded when LocalFilePath or FolderPath is not specified.
FileName String False False Attachment name. This is required when content is not null.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Approves an estimate, salesorder, invoice, creditnote, retainerinvoice, purchaseorder, bill or vendorcredit.

Name Type Required Description
EntityId String True ID of categories like estimate, salesorder, invoice, creditnote, retainerinvoice, purchaseorder, bill or vendorcredit.
EntityName String True Entity Name such as estimate, salesorder, invoice, creditnote, retainerinvoice, purchaseorder, bill or vendorcredit The allowed values are estimates, salesorders, invoices, creditnotes, retainerinvoices, purchaseorders, bills, vendorcredits.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Applies the vendor credits from excess vendor payments to a bill.


Import your bank/credit card feeds into your account:

INSERT INTO BillsApplyCredit#TEMP (BillPaymentsPaymentID, BillPaymentsAmountApplied) VALUES ('3255827000000150156', '600')
INSERT INTO BillsApplyCredit#TEMP (ApplyVendorCreditsVendorCreditId, ApplyVendorCreditsAmountApplied) VALUES ('3255827000000150156', '600')

EXECUTE ApplyVendorCreditsAmountApplied Id = '3255827000000150152', BillPayments = BillsApplyCredit#TEMP
EXECUTE ApplyVendorCreditsAmountApplied Id = '3255827000000150152', BillPaymentsPaymentId = '3255827000000099218', BillPaymentsAmountApplied = 900
Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of categories like Invoices, Purchase Orders, Bills, SalesOrders.
BillPayments String False Bill Payments
ApplyVendorCredits String False Details of vendor credit for which credit has to be applied
BillPaymentsPaymentId String False ID of the Payment
BillPaymentsAmountApplied String False Amount applied to the bill.
ApplyVendorCreditsVendorCreditId String False ID of the Vendor Credit
ApplyVendorCreditsAmountApplied String False Amount applied to the bill.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Reminds the associated contact if payment date is missed.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of a contact.
EntityStatus String True Status such as enable or disable The allowed values are enable, disable.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Enables portal access for a contact.


Enable portal access for a contact:

INSERT INTO ContactEnablePortalAccess#TEMP (CustomerContactId) VALUES ('3255827000000122033')

EXECUTE ContactEnablePortalAccess Id = '3255827000000093001', CustomerContacts = ContactEnablePortalAccess#TEMP
Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of a contact.
CustomerContacts String False Customer Contacts
CustomerContactId String False Customer ContactId
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Send email to contact.

Name Type Required Accepts Input Streams Description
Id String True False ID of Contacts
ToMailIds String True False Array of email addresses of the recipients.
Subject String True False Subject of an email that has to be sent.
Body String True False Body/content of the email to be sent
MailDocumentsDocumentId String False False ID of the Documents attached with the contact
AttachUnpaidInvoiceList Boolean False False Boolean denoting if customer unpaid invoice list should be attached with email.
AttachCustomerStatement Boolean False False Boolean denoting if customer statement pdf should be attached with email.
CustomerStatementFileName String False False FileName of customer statement. Required if AttachCustomerStatement is true
Attachments String False False Files to be attached to the email
Content String False True The content as InputStream to be uploaded when LocalFilePath or FolderPath is not specified.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure


Removes attached file from salesorders, invoices, purchaseorders, or bills.

Name Type Required Description
EntityId String True ID of categories such as Invoices, Purchase Orders, Bills, or SalesOrders.
EntityName String True Name of the entity. The allowed values are invoices, purchaseorders, bills, salesorders.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Deletes a column from a custom module.

Name Type Required Description
FieldName String True Name of the field that has to be deleted.
EntityName String True Name of the custom module
IsForceDelete Boolean False Name of the entity
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Deletes the BankAccounts statement that was previously imported.

Name Type Required Description
AccountId String True ID of Bank Account
StatementId String True ID of Bank Statement
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status


Returns the file attached to the invoice.

Stored Procedures Specific Information
Process of Download Attachment

Zoho Books allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the Exec query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparison. For example:

EXECUTE DownloadAttachment SourceId = '1894553000000091007', SourceType = 'invoices', FileLocation = 'C:/zohobooks'
Name Type Required Accepts Output Streams Description
SourceId String True False ID of categories like Invoices, Purchase Orders, Bills, SalesOrders.
SourceType String True False Type of source The allowed values are invoices, purchaseorders, bills, salesorders.
FileLocation String False False The folder path to download the file to.
Encoding String False False The FileData input encoding type. The allowed values are NONE, BASE64. The default value is BASE64.
FileStream String False True An instance of an output stream where file data is written to. Only used if FileLocation is not provided.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.
FileData String If the FileLocation and FileStream are not provided, this contains the content of the file.


Returns the receipt attached to the expense.

Stored Procedures Specific Information
Process of Download Expense Receipt

Zoho Books allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the Exec query. These columns can typically be used with only the = comparison. The available columns for DownloadExpenseReceipt are ExpenseId and FileLocation. For example:

EXECUTE DownloadExpenseReceipt ExpenseId = '1894553000000092001', FileLocation = 'C:/zohobooks'
Name Type Required Accepts Output Streams Description
ExpenseId String True False ID of an expense.
FileLocation String False False The folder path to download the file to.
ExportFormat String False False The format of the document to download (HTML or markdown). The default value is html.
AsZip String False False Download the file or folder in a zip format.
Encoding String False False The FileData input encoding type. The allowed values are NONE, BASE64. The default value is BASE64.
FileStream String False True An instance of an output stream where file data is written to. Only used if FileLocation is not provided.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.
FileData String If the FileLocation and FileStream are not provided, this contains the content of the file.


Returns the file attached to the retainer invoice.

Stored Procedures Specific Information
Process of Download Expense Receipt

Zoho Books allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the Exec query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparison. The available columns for DownloadExpenseReceipt are RetainerInvoiceId, DocumentId and FileLocation. For example:

EXECUTE DownloadRetainerInvoiceAttachment RetainerInvoiceId = '1894553000000085021', DocumentId = '1894553000000099221', FileLocation = 'C:/zohobooks'
Name Type Required Accepts Output Streams Description
RetainerInvoiceId String True False ID of retainer invoice.
DocumentId String True False ID of document.
FileLocation String False False The folder path to download the file to.
Encoding String False False The FileData input encoding type. The allowed values are NONE, BASE64. The default value is BASE64.
FileStream String False True An instance of an output stream where file data is written to. Only used if FileLocation is not provided.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.
FileData String If the FileLocation and FileStream are not provided, this contains the content of the file.


Emails a credit note to the customer.

Name Type Required Accepts Input Streams Description
Id String True False ID of Credit Note
CustomerId String False False Customer ID of the customer for whom the credit note is raised.
ToMailIds String True False Array of email addresses of the recipients.
CcMailIds String False False Array of email addresses of the recipients to be CC ed.
Subject String True False Subject of an email that has to be sent.
Body String True False Body/content of the email to be sent
MailDocumentsDocumentId String False False ID of the Documents attached with the contact
CreditNoteNumber String False False The CreditNote Number associated with the Id.
Attachments String False False Files to be attached to the email
Content String False True The content as InputStream to be uploaded when LocalFilePath or FolderPath is not specified.
FileName String False False Attachment name. This is required when content is not null.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure


Emails an estimate to the customer.

Name Type Required Accepts Input Streams Description
Id String True False ID of Estimate
FromContactId String True False ID of the contact from which email has to be sent
ToMailIds String True False Array of email addresses of the recipients.
CcMailIds String False False Array of email addresses of the recipients to be CC ed.
Subject String False False Subject of an email that has to be sent.
Body String False False Body/content of the email to be sent
MailDocumentsDocumentId String False False ID of the Document
EstimateNumber String False False The Estimate Number associated with the Id. This value is required if AttachEstimateAsPdf is true
AttachEstimateAsPdf Boolean False False Boolean value denoting if estimate pdf should be attached or not in the mail.
SendAssociatedAttachments Boolean False False Boolean denoting if attachments associated with estimate should be attached with email.
Attachments String False False Files to be attached to the email
Content String False True The content as InputStream to be uploaded when LocalFilePath or FolderPath is not specified.
FileName String False False Attachment name. This is required when content is not null.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure


Emails an invoice to the customer.

Name Type Required Accepts Input Streams Description
Id String True False ID of Invoice
SendFromOrgEmailId Boolean False False Boolean to trigger the email from the organization's email address
ToMailIds String True False Array of email addresses of the recipients.
CcMailIds String False False Array of email addresses of the recipients to be CC ed.
Subject String False False Subject of an email that has to be sent.
Body String False False Body/content of the email to be sent
InvoiceNumber String False False The Invoice Number associated with the Id. This value is required if AttachInvoiceAsPdf is true
AttachInvoiceAsPdf Boolean False False Boolean value denoting if invoice pdf should be attached or not in the mail.
AttachCustomerStatement Boolean False False Boolean denoting if customer statement pdf should be attached with email.
SendAttachment Boolean False False Boolean value denoting if the documents attached to the invoice should be sent or not.
Attachments String False False Files to be attached to the email
Content String False True The content as InputStream to be uploaded when LocalFilePath or FolderPath is not specified.
FileName String False False Attachment name. This is required when content is not null.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure


Emails a purchase order to the customer.

Name Type Required Accepts Input Streams Description
Id String True False ID of PurchaseOrder
SendFromOrgEmailId Boolean False False Boolean to trigger the email from the organization's email address
FromAddressId Long False False ID of From Address of the Email Address
ToMailIds String True False Array of email addresses of the recipients.
CcMailIds String False False Array of email addresses of the recipients to be CCd.
BCcMailIds String False False Array of email address of the recipients to be BCC ed.
Subject String True False Subject of an email that has to be sent.
Body String True False Body/content of the email to be sent
MailDocumentsDocumentId String False False ID of the Documents
PurchaseOrderNumber String False False The PurchaseOrder Number associated with the Id. This value is required if AttachPurchaseOrderAsPdf is true
AttachPurchaseOrderAsPdf Boolean False False Boolean value denoting if purchase order pdf should be attached or not in the mail.
Attachments String False False Files to be attached to the email
Content String False True The content as InputStream to be uploaded when LocalFilePath or FolderPath is not specified.
FileName String False False Attachment name. This is required when content is not null.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure


Email a retainer invoice to the customer. Input json string is not mandatory. If input json string is empty, mail will be send with default mail content.

Name Type Required Accepts Input Streams Description
Id String True False ID of Invoice
SendFromOrgEmailId Boolean False False Boolean to trigger the email from the organization's email address
FromAddressId Long False False ID of From Address of the Email Address
ToMailIds String True False Array of email addresses of the recipients.
CcMailIds String False False Array of email addresses of the recipients to be CC'd.
Subject String True False Subject of an email that has to be sent.
Body String True False Body/content of the email to be sent
MailDocumentsDocumentId String False False ID of the Documents attached with the contact
RetainerInvoiceNumber String False False The RetainerInvoice Number associated with the Id. This value is required if AttachRetainerInvoiceAsPdf is true
AttachRetainerInvoiceAsPdf Boolean False False Boolean value denoting if retainer invoice pdf should be attached or not in the mail.
Attachments String False False Files to be attached to the email
Content String False True The content as InputStream to be uploaded when LocalFilePath or FolderPath is not specified.
FileName String False False Attachment name. This is required when content is not null.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure


Email a sales order to the customer. Input json string is not mandatory. If input json string is empty, mail will be send with default mail content.

Name Type Required Accepts Input Streams Description
Id String True False ID of SalesOrder
FromContactId String False False From Address of the Email Address
ToMailIds String True False Array of email addresses of the recipients.
CcMailIds String False False Array of email addresses of the recipients to be CC ed.
BCcMailIds String False False Array of email addresses of the recipients to be BCC ed.
Subject String True False Subject of an email that has to be sent.
Body String True False Body/content of the email to be sent
MailDocumentsDocumentId String False False Document Ids of the Sales Order
SalesOrderNumber String False False The SalesOrder Number associated with the Id. This value is required if AttachSalesOrderAsPdf is true
AttachSalesOrderAsPdf Boolean False False Boolean value denoting if invoice pdf should be attached or not in the mail.
Attachments String False False Files to be attached to the email
SendAttachment Boolean False False Boolean value denoting if invoice pdf should be attached or not in the mail.
Content String False True The content as InputStream to be uploaded when LocalFilePath or FolderPath is not specified.
FileName String False False Attachment name. This is required when content is not null.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure


Email an invoice to the customer.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True Comma separated estimate ids which are to be emailed.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure


Email an invoice to the customer.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True Comma separated invoice ids which are to be emailed.
Contacts String False Contacts for whom email or snail mail has to be sent.
ContactId String False ID of the contact.
Email Boolean False Boolean to specify if email has to be sent for each contact..
SnailMail Boolean False Boolean to specify if snail mail has to be sent for each contact.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure


Downloads report as a pdf or xls file


This supports filters of the respective report view:

EXECUTE ExportReport ReportName = accounttransactions, ReportType = pdf, Filters = 'TransactionDate = ThisQuarter', FileLocation = C:\zohobooks
Name Type Required Description
ReportName String True Name of reports.
ReportType String True FilType in which report has to be downloaded. The allowed values are pdf, xls, xlsx.
ShowOrgName Boolean False Boolean denoting org name should be shown or not.
ShowGeneratedDate Boolean False Boolean denoting date at which report was generated should be shown or not
ShowGeneratedTime Boolean False Boolean denoting time at which report was generated should be shown or not
ShowGeneratedBy Boolean False Boolean denoting name of the user who downloaded the report should be shown or not
ShowPageNumber Boolean False Boolean denoting page number should be visible or not.
Filters String False The value can be any filterable column supported in the respective reports view.
FileLocation String False Location at which exported report should be saved.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Gets an authentication token from Zoho Books.

Name Type Required Description
AuthMode String False The type of authentication mode to use. Select App for getting authentication tokens via a desktop app. Select Web for getting authentication tokens via a Web app. The allowed values are APP, WEB. The default value is APP.
Scope String False A comma-separated list of permissions to request from the user. Please check the Zoho Books API for a list of available permissions. The default value is ZohoBooks.fullaccess.all.
CallbackUrl String False The URL the user will be redirected to after authorizing your application. This value must match the Redirect URL you have specified in the ZohoBooks app settings. Only needed when the Authmode parameter is Web.
Verifier String False The verifier returned from Zoho Books after the user has authorized your app to have access to their data. This value will be returned as a parameter to the callback URL.
State String False Indicates any state which may be useful to your application upon receipt of the response. Your application receives the same value it sent, as this parameter makes a round-trip to the ZohoBooks authorization server and back. Uses include redirecting the user to the correct resource in your site, nonces, and cross-site-request-forgery mitigations.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
OAuthAccessToken String The access token used for communication with Zoho Books.
OAuthRefreshToken String The OAuth refresh token. This is the same as the access token in the case of Zoho Books.
ExpiresIn String The remaining lifetime on the access token. A -1 denotes that it will not expire.


Gets the authorization URL that must be opened separately by the user to grant access to your application. Only needed when developing Web apps. You will request the OAuthAccessToken from this URL.

Name Type Required Description
CallbackUrl String False The URL the user will be redirected to after authorizing your application. This value must match the Redirect URL in the Zoho Books app settings.
Scope String False A comma-separated list of scopes to request from the user. Please check the Zoho Books API documentation for a list of available permissions. The default value is ZohoBooks.fullaccess.all.
State String False Indicates any state which may be useful to your application upon receipt of the response. Your application receives the same value it sent, as this parameter makes a round-trip to the Zoho Books authorization server and back. Uses include redirecting the user to the correct resource in your site, nonces, and cross-site-request-forgery mitigations.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
URL String The authorization URL, entered into a Web browser to obtain the verifier token and authorize your app.


Imports your bank/credit card feeds into your account.


Import your bank/credit card feeds into your account:

INSERT INTO ImportCreditCardStatement#TEMP (TransactionsTransactionId, TransactionsTransactionDate, TransactionsTransactionDebitOrCredit, TransactionsTransactionAmount) VALUES ('3255827000000150156', '2023-03-27', 'Debit', '6000')

EXEC ImportCreditCardStatement AccountId = '3255827000000150152', StartDate= '2023-03-01', EndDate = '2023-03-31', Transactions = ImportCreditCardStatement#TEMP
EXEC ImportCreditCardStatement AccountId = '3255827000000150152', StartDate = '2023-03-01', EndDate = '2023-03-31', TransactionsTransactionId = 3255827000000150156, TransactionsTransactionDate = 2023-03-27, TransactionsTransactionDebitOrCredit = debit, TransactionsTransactionAmount = 6000
Name Type Required Description
AccountId String True ID of the Bank/Credit Card account
StartDate Date False Least date in the transaction set
EndDate Date False Greatest date in the transaction set
Transactions String False Transactions
TransactionsTransactionId String False Least date in the transaction set
TransactionsTransactionDate Date False Date of the transaction
TransactionsTransactionDebitOrCredit String False Indicates if transaction is Debit or Credit
TransactionsTransactionAmount String False Amount involved in the transaction
TransactionsTransactionPayee String False Payee involved in the transaction
TransactionsTransactionDescription String False Transaction description
TransactionsTransactionReferenceNumber String False Reference Number of the transaction
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Reminds your customer about unpaid invoices by email. A reminder mail is only sent for invoices in an open or overdue status. You can specify a maximum of ten invoices.

Name Type Required Description
InvoiceIds String True Array of invoice ids for which the reminder has to be sent.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Cancels the write-off amount of an invoice.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of Invoice.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Deletes attached receipt.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of Expense attached to an invoice.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Enables or disables automated payment reminders for an invoice.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of an Invoice.
EntityStatus String True Status such as enable or disable The allowed values are enable, disable.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Writes off the invoice balance amount of an invoice.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of Invoice.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Updates the status as primary for customer contacts.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of a customer contact.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Updates the status of a journal as published.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of a journal.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Updates the status as active or inactive for a bank account.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of a BankAccount.
EntityStatus String True Status to be marked for a bank account- active or inactive. The allowed values are active, inactive.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Updates the status as void or open for a Bill.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of a Bill.
EntityStatus String True Status to be marked for a Bill- void or open The allowed values are open, void.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Updates the status as active or inactive for a chartofaccount.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of a chart of account.
EntityStatus String True Status to be marked for a chart of account- active or inactive. The allowed values are active, inactive.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Updates the status as active or inactive for a contact.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of a Contact.
EntityStatus String True Status to be marked for a contact- active or inactive. The allowed values are active, inactive.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Updates the status as draft, void or open for a CreditNote.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of a CreditNote.
EntityStatus String True Status to be marked for a CreditNote- draft, void or open The allowed values are draft, void, open.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Updates the status as sent, accepted, or declined for estimates.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of an estimate.
EntityStatus String True Status to be marked for an estimate- sent, accepted or declined. The allowed values are sent, accepted, declined.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Updates the status as sent, void, or draft for an invoice.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of an invoice.
EntityStatus String True Status to be marked for an invoice- sent, void or draft The allowed values are sent, void, draft.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Updates the status as active or inactive for an item.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of an item.
EntityStatus String True Status to be marked for an item- active or inactive. The allowed values are active, inactive.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Updates the status as active or inactive for a project.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of a Project.
EntityStatus String True Status to be marked for a project- active or inactive. The allowed values are active, inactive.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Updates the status as open, cancelled, or billed for a purchaseorder.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of a PurchaseOrder.
EntityStatus String True Status to be marked for a PurchaseOrder- open, cancelled or billed The allowed values are open, billed, cancelled.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Updates the status as stop or resume for a recurring bill.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of a recurringbill.
EntityStatus String True Status to be marked for a recurring bill- stop and resume The allowed values are stop, resume.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Updates the status as stop or resume for a recurring expense.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of a recurring expense.
EntityStatus String True Status to be marked for a recurring expense- stop and resume The allowed values are stop, resume.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Updates the status as stop or resume for a recurring invoice.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of a recurring invoice.
EntityStatus String True Status to be marked for a recurring invoice- stop and resume The allowed values are stop, resume.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Updates the status as sent, void, or draft for retainerinvoice.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of a retainerinvoice.
EntityStatus String True Status to be marked for a retainerinvoice- sent, void and draft The allowed values are sent, void, draft.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Updates the status as void or open for a project.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of a Salesorder.
EntityStatus String True Status to be marked for a salesorder- void or open The allowed values are void, open.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Updates the status as active or inactive for a user.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of a user.
EntityStatus String True Status to be marked for a user- active or inactive. The allowed values are active, inactive.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Changes an existing vendor credit status to void or open.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of a vendorcredit.
EntityStatus String True Status to be marked for a vendorcredit- void or open The allowed values are void, open.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Invites a user to the project.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of project.
UserName String True Name of the user. Max-length [200]
Email String True Email of the user. Max-length [100]
UserRole String True Role to be assigned. Allowed Values: staff, admin and timesheetstaff
Rate String False Role to be assigned. Allowed Values: staff, admin and timesheetstaff
BudgetHours String False Task budget hours.
CostRate Decimal False Cost Rate
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Refreshes the OAuth access token used for authentication with ZohoBooks.

Name Type Required Description
OAuthRefreshToken String True Set this to the token value that expired.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
OAuthAccessToken String The authentication token returned from ZohoBooks. This can be used in subsequent calls to other operations for this particular service.
OAuthRefreshToken String This is the same as the access token.
ExpiresIn String The remaining lifetime on the access token.


Submits an estimate, salesorder, invoice, creditnote, retainerinvoice, purchaseorder, bill, or vendorcredit for approval.

Name Type Required Description
EntityId String True ID of categories like estimate, salesorder, invoice, creditnote, retainerinvoice, purchaseorder, bill or vendorcredit.
EntityName String True Entity Name such as estimate, salesorder, invoice, creditnote, retainerinvoice, purchaseorder, bill or vendorcredit The allowed values are estimates, salesorders, invoices, creditnotes, retainerinvoices, purchaseorders, bills, vendorcredits.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Reverts a categorized transaction to uncategorized.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True Imported Transaction Id.
AccountId String True Mandatory Account ID for which transactions are to be listed.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Categorizes an uncategorized transaction.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of a bank transaction.
AccountId String True Mandatory Account ID for which transactions are to be listed.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.


Sends invitation email to a user.

Name Type Required Description
Id String True ID of user.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Stored procedure execution status.

System Tables

You can query the system tables described in this section to access schema information, information on data source functionality, and batch operation statistics.

Schema Tables

The following tables return database metadata for Zoho Books:

Data Source Tables

The following tables return information about how to connect to and query the data source:

  • sys_connection_props: Returns information on the available connection properties.
  • sys_sqlinfo: Describes the SELECT queries that the connector can offload to the data source.

Query Information Tables

The following table returns query statistics for data modification queries:

  • sys_identity: Returns information about batch operations or single updates.


Lists the available databases.

The following query retrieves all databases determined by the connection string:

SELECT * FROM sys_catalogs
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The database name.


Lists the available schemas.

The following query retrieves all available schemas:

SELECT * FROM sys_schemas
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The database name.
SchemaName String The schema name.


Lists the available tables.

The following query retrieves the available tables and views:

SELECT * FROM sys_tables
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The database containing the table or view.
SchemaName String The schema containing the table or view.
TableName String The name of the table or view.
TableType String The table type (table or view).
Description String A description of the table or view.
IsUpdateable Boolean Whether the table can be updated.


Describes the columns of the available tables and views.

The following query returns the columns and data types for the INVOICES table:

SELECT ColumnName, DataTypeName FROM sys_tablecolumns WHERE TableName='INVOICES'
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the table or view.
SchemaName String The schema containing the table or view.
TableName String The name of the table or view containing the column.
ColumnName String The column name.
DataTypeName String The data type name.
DataType Int32 An integer indicating the data type. This value is determined at run time based on the environment.
Length Int32 The storage size of the column.
DisplaySize Int32 The designated column's normal maximum width in characters.
NumericPrecision Int32 The maximum number of digits in numeric data. The column length in characters for character and date-time data.
NumericScale Int32 The column scale or number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
IsNullable Boolean Whether the column can contain null.
Description String A brief description of the column.
Ordinal Int32 The sequence number of the column.
IsAutoIncrement String Whether the column value is assigned in fixed increments.
IsGeneratedColumn String Whether the column is generated.
IsHidden Boolean Whether the column is hidden.
IsArray Boolean Whether the column is an array.
IsReadOnly Boolean Whether the column is read-only.
IsKey Boolean Indicates whether a field returned from sys_tablecolumns is the primary key of the table.


Lists the available stored procedures.

The following query retrieves the available stored procedures:

SELECT * FROM sys_procedures
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The database containing the stored procedure.
SchemaName String The schema containing the stored procedure.
ProcedureName String The name of the stored procedure.
Description String A description of the stored procedure.
ProcedureType String The type of the procedure, such as PROCEDURE or FUNCTION.


Describes stored procedure parameters.

The following query returns information about all of the input parameters for the ExpenseReceipt stored procedure:

SELECT * FROM sys_procedureparameters WHERE ProcedureName='ExpenseReceipt' AND Direction=1 OR Direction=2
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the stored procedure.
SchemaName String The name of the schema containing the stored procedure.
ProcedureName String The name of the stored procedure containing the parameter.
ColumnName String The name of the stored procedure parameter.
Direction Int32 An integer corresponding to the type of the parameter: input (1), input/output (2), or output(4). input/output type parameters can be both input and output parameters.
DataTypeName String The name of the data type.
DataType Int32 An integer indicating the data type. This value is determined at run time based on the environment.
Length Int32 The number of characters allowed for character data. The number of digits allowed for numeric data.
NumericPrecision Int32 The maximum precision for numeric data. The column length in characters for character and date-time data.
NumericScale Int32 The number of digits to the right of the decimal point in numeric data.
IsNullable Boolean Whether the parameter can contain null.
IsRequired Boolean Whether the parameter is required for execution of the procedure.
IsArray Boolean Whether the parameter is an array.
Description String The description of the parameter.
Ordinal Int32 The index of the parameter.


Describes the primary and foreign keys.

The following query retrieves the primary key for the INVOICES table:

SELECT * FROM sys_keycolumns WHERE IsKey='True' AND TableName='INVOICES'
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the key.
SchemaName String The name of the schema containing the key.
TableName String The name of the table containing the key.
ColumnName String The name of the key column.
IsKey Boolean Whether the column is a primary key in the table referenced in the TableName field.
IsForeignKey Boolean Whether the column is a foreign key referenced in the TableName field.
PrimaryKeyName String The name of the primary key.
ForeignKeyName String The name of the foreign key.
ReferencedCatalogName String The database containing the primary key.
ReferencedSchemaName String The schema containing the primary key.
ReferencedTableName String The table containing the primary key.
ReferencedColumnName String The column name of the primary key.


Describes the foreign keys.

The following query retrieves all foreign keys which refer to other tables:

SELECT * FROM sys_foreignkeys WHERE ForeignKeyType = 'FOREIGNKEY_TYPE_IMPORT'
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the key.
SchemaName String The name of the schema containing the key.
TableName String The name of the table containing the key.
ColumnName String The name of the key column.
PrimaryKeyName String The name of the primary key.
ForeignKeyName String The name of the foreign key.
ReferencedCatalogName String The database containing the primary key.
ReferencedSchemaName String The schema containing the primary key.
ReferencedTableName String The table containing the primary key.
ReferencedColumnName String The column name of the primary key.
ForeignKeyType String Designates whether the foreign key is an import (points to other tables) or export (referenced from other tables) key.


Describes the primary keys.

The following query retrieves the primary keys from all tables and views:

SELECT * FROM sys_primarykeys
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the key.
SchemaName String The name of the schema containing the key.
TableName String The name of the table containing the key.
ColumnName String The name of the key column.
KeySeq String The sequence number of the primary key.
KeyName String The name of the primary key.


Describes the available indexes. By filtering on indexes, you can write more selective queries with faster query response times.

The following query retrieves all indexes that are not primary keys:

SELECT * FROM sys_indexes WHERE IsPrimary='false'
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the index.
SchemaName String The name of the schema containing the index.
TableName String The name of the table containing the index.
IndexName String The index name.
ColumnName String The name of the column associated with the index.
IsUnique Boolean True if the index is unique. False otherwise.
IsPrimary Boolean True if the index is a primary key. False otherwise.
Type Int16 An integer value corresponding to the index type: statistic (0), clustered (1), hashed (2), or other (3).
SortOrder String The sort order: A for ascending or D for descending.
OrdinalPosition Int16 The sequence number of the column in the index.


Returns information on the available connection properties and those set in the connection string.

When querying this table, the config connection string should be used:


This connection string enables you to query this table without a valid connection.

The following query retrieves all connection properties that have been set in the connection string or set through a default value:

SELECT * FROM sys_connection_props WHERE Value <> ''
Name Type Description
Name String The name of the connection property.
ShortDescription String A brief description.
Type String The data type of the connection property.
Default String The default value if one is not explicitly set.
Values String A comma-separated list of possible values. A validation error is thrown if another value is specified.
Value String The value you set or a preconfigured default.
Required Boolean Whether the property is required to connect.
Category String The category of the connection property.
IsSessionProperty String Whether the property is a session property, used to save information about the current connection.
Sensitivity String The sensitivity level of the property. This informs whether the property is obfuscated in logging and authentication forms.
PropertyName String A camel-cased truncated form of the connection property name.
Ordinal Int32 The index of the parameter.
CatOrdinal Int32 The index of the parameter category.
Hierarchy String Shows dependent properties associated that need to be set alongside this one.
Visible Boolean Informs whether the property is visible in the connection UI.
ETC String Various miscellaneous information about the property.


Describes the SELECT query processing that the connector can offload to the data source.

Discovering the Data Source's SELECT Capabilities

Below is an example data set of SQL capabilities. Some aspects of SELECT functionality are returned in a comma-separated list if supported; otherwise, the column contains NO.

Name Description Possible Values
AGGREGATE_FUNCTIONS Supported aggregation functions. AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, DISTINCT
COUNT Whether COUNT function is supported. YES, NO
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_OPEN_CHAR The opening character used to escape an identifier. [
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CLOSE_CHAR The closing character used to escape an identifier. ]
SUPPORTED_OPERATORS A list of supported SQL operators. =, >, <, >=, <=, <>, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, NOT IN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL, AND, OR
GROUP_BY Whether GROUP BY is supported, and, if so, the degree of support. NO, NO_RELATION, EQUALS_SELECT, SQL_GB_COLLATE
REPLICATION_SKIP_TABLES Indicates tables skipped during replication.
REPLICATION_TIMECHECK_COLUMNS A string array containing a list of columns which will be used to check for (in the given order) to use as a modified column during replication.
IDENTIFIER_PATTERN String value indicating what string is valid for an identifier.
SUPPORT_TRANSACTION Indicates if the provider supports transactions such as commit and rollback. YES, NO
DIALECT Indicates the SQL dialect to use.
KEY_PROPERTIES Indicates the properties which identify the uniform database.
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_SCHEMAS Indicates if multiple schemas may exist for the provider. YES, NO
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_CATALOGS Indicates if multiple catalogs may exist for the provider. YES, NO
DATASYNCVERSION The Data Sync version needed to access this driver. Standard, Starter, Professional, Enterprise
DATASYNCCATEGORY The Data Sync category of this driver. Source, Destination, Cloud Destination
SUPPORTSENHANCEDSQL Whether enhanced SQL functionality beyond what is offered by the API is supported. TRUE, FALSE
SUPPORTS_BATCH_OPERATIONS Whether batch operations are supported. YES, NO
PREFERRED_CACHE_OPTIONS A string value specifies the preferred cacheOptions.
ENABLE_EF_ADVANCED_QUERY Indicates if the driver directly supports advanced queries coming from Entity Framework. If not, queries will be handled client side. YES, NO
PSEUDO_COLUMNS A string array indicating the available pseudo columns.
MERGE_ALWAYS If the value is true, The Merge Mode is forcibly executed in Data Sync. TRUE, FALSE
REPLICATION_MIN_DATE_QUERY A select query to return the replicate start datetime.
REPLICATION_MIN_FUNCTION Allows a provider to specify the formula name to use for executing a server side min.
REPLICATION_START_DATE Allows a provider to specify a replicate startdate.
REPLICATION_MAX_DATE_QUERY A select query to return the replicate end datetime.
REPLICATION_MAX_FUNCTION Allows a provider to specify the formula name to use for executing a server side max.
IGNORE_INTERVALS_ON_INITIAL_REPLICATE A list of tables which will skip dividing the replicate into chunks on the initial replicate.
CHECKCACHE_USE_PARENTID Indicates whether the CheckCache statement should be done against the parent key column. TRUE, FALSE
CREATE_SCHEMA_PROCEDURES Indicates stored procedures that can be used for generating schema files.

The following query retrieves the operators that can be used in the WHERE clause:


Note that individual tables may have different limitations or requirements on the WHERE clause; refer to the Data Model section for more information.

Name Type Description
NAME String A component of SQL syntax, or a capability that can be processed on the server.
VALUE String Detail on the supported SQL or SQL syntax.


Returns information about attempted modifications.

The following query retrieves the Ids of the modified rows in a batch operation:

SELECT * FROM sys_identity
Name Type Description
Id String The database-generated ID returned from a data modification operation.
Batch String An identifier for the batch. 1 for a single operation.
Operation String The result of the operation in the batch: INSERTED, UPDATED, or DELETED.
Message String SUCCESS or an error message if the update in the batch failed.

Advanced Configurations Properties

The advanced configurations properties are the various options that can be used to establish a connection. This section provides a complete list of the options you can configure. Click the links for further details.


Property Description
OrganizationId The ID associated with the specific Zoho Books organization that you wish to connect to.
IncludeCustomFields Whether to include custom fields in views.
RowScanDepth The maximum number of rows to scan for the custom fields columns available in the table.
IncludeCustomModules Whether to include user-defined custom modules.
Region The Top-level domain in the Server URL.


Property Description
InitiateOAuth Set this property to initiate the process to obtain or refresh the OAuth access token when you connect.
OAuthClientId The client ID assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.
OAuthClientSecret The client secret assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.
OAuthAccessToken The access token for connecting using OAuth.
OAuthSettingsLocation The location of the settings file where OAuth values are saved when InitiateOAuth is set to GETANDREFRESH or REFRESH . Alternatively, you can hold this location in memory by specifying a value starting with 'memory://'.
CallbackURL The OAuth callback URL to return to when authenticating. This value must match the callback URL you specify in your app settings.
OAuthVerifier The verifier code returned from the OAuth authorization URL.
OAuthRefreshToken The OAuth refresh token for the corresponding OAuth access token.
OAuthExpiresIn The lifetime in seconds of the OAuth AccessToken.
OAuthTokenTimestamp The Unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds when the current Access Token was created.


Property Description
SSLServerCert The certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL.


Property Description
Location A path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures.
BrowsableSchemas This property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA, SchemaB, SchemaC.
Tables This property restricts the tables reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Tables=TableA, TableB, TableC.
Views Restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA, ViewB, ViewC.


Property Description
AccountsServer The full Account Server URL.
MaxRows Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses.
Other These hidden properties are used only in specific use cases.
Pagesize The maximum number of results to return per page from Zoho Books.
PseudoColumns This property indicates whether or not to include pseudo columns as columns to the table.
Timeout The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation.
UserDefinedViews A filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views.


This section provides a complete list of connection properties you can configure.

Property Description
OrganizationId The ID associated with the specific Zoho Books organization that you wish to connect to.
IncludeCustomFields Whether to include custom fields in views.
RowScanDepth The maximum number of rows to scan for the custom fields columns available in the table.
IncludeCustomModules Whether to include user-defined custom modules.
Region The Top-level domain in the Server URL.


The ID associated with the specific Zoho Books organization that you wish to connect to.

Data Type


Default Value



In Zoho Books, your business is referred to as an organization. If you have multiple businesses, set each of them up as an individual organization. Each organization is an independent Zoho Books Organization with its own organization Id, base currency, time zone, language, contacts, reports, etc. If the value of Organization ID is not specified in the connection string, then the connector makes a call to get all the available organizations and will select the first organization ID as the default one.


Whether to include custom fields in views.

Data Type


Default Value



If set to FALSE, the custom fields of the table are not retrieved. This defaults to true.


The maximum number of rows to scan for the custom fields columns available in the table.

Data Type


Default Value



Setting a high value may decrease performance. Setting a low value may prevent the data type from being determined properly.


Whether to include user-defined custom modules.

Data Type


Default Value



If set to true, the custom modules created by the user are listed. This feature requires a Premium subscription at a minimum.


The Top-level domain in the Server URL.

Possible Values

US, Europe, India, Australia

Data Type


Default Value



If your account resides in a domain other than the US, then change the Region accordingly. This table lists all possible values:

Region Domain
US .com
Europe .eu
India .in


This section provides a complete list of OAuth properties you can configure.

Property Description
InitiateOAuth Set this property to initiate the process to obtain or refresh the OAuth access token when you connect.
OAuthClientId The client ID assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.
OAuthClientSecret The client secret assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.
OAuthAccessToken The access token for connecting using OAuth.
OAuthSettingsLocation The location of the settings file where OAuth values are saved when InitiateOAuth is set to GETANDREFRESH or REFRESH . Alternatively, you can hold this location in memory by specifying a value starting with 'memory://'.
CallbackURL The OAuth callback URL to return to when authenticating. This value must match the callback URL you specify in your app settings.
OAuthVerifier The verifier code returned from the OAuth authorization URL.
OAuthRefreshToken The OAuth refresh token for the corresponding OAuth access token.
OAuthExpiresIn The lifetime in seconds of the OAuth AccessToken.
OAuthTokenTimestamp The Unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds when the current Access Token was created.


Set this property to initiate the process to obtain or refresh the OAuth access token when you connect.

Possible Values


Data Type


Default Value



The following options are available:

  1. OFF: Indicates that the OAuth flow will be handled entirely by the user. An OAuthAccessToken will be required to authenticate.
  2. GETANDREFRESH: Indicates that the entire OAuth Flow will be handled by the connector. If no token currently exists, it will be obtained by prompting the user via the browser. If a token exists, it will be refreshed when applicable.
  3. REFRESH: Indicates that the connector will only handle refreshing the OAuthAccessToken. The user will never be prompted by the connector to authenticate via the browser. The user must handle obtaining the OAuthAccessToken and OAuthRefreshToken initially.


The client ID assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.

Data Type


Default Value



As part of registering an OAuth application, you will receive the OAuthClientId value, sometimes also called a consumer key, and a client secret, the OAuthClientSecret.


The client secret assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.

Data Type


Default Value



As part of registering an OAuth application, you will receive the OAuthClientId, also called a consumer key. You will also receive a client secret, also called a consumer secret. Set the client secret in the OAuthClientSecret property.


The access token for connecting using OAuth.

Data Type


Default Value



The OAuthAccessToken property is used to connect using OAuth. The OAuthAccessToken is retrieved from the OAuth server as part of the authentication process. It has a server-dependent timeout and can be reused between requests.

The access token is used in place of your user name and password. The access token protects your credentials by keeping them on the server.


The location of the settings file where OAuth values are saved when InitiateOAuth is set to GETANDREFRESH or REFRESH. Alternatively, you can hold this location in memory by specifying a value starting with 'memory://'.

Data Type


Default Value

%APPDATA%\CData\Acumatica Data Provider\OAuthSettings.txt


When InitiateOAuth is set to GETANDREFRESH or REFRESH, the driver saves OAuth values to avoid requiring the user to manually enter OAuth connection properties and to allow the credentials to be shared across connections or processes.

Instead of specifying a file path, you can use memory storage. Memory locations are specified by using a value starting with 'memory://' followed by a unique identifier for that set of credentials (for example, memory://user1). The identifier can be anything you choose but should be unique to the user. Unlike file-based storage, where credentials persist across connections, memory storage loads the credentials into static memory, and the credentials are shared between connections using the same identifier for the life of the process. To persist credentials outside the current process, you must manually store the credentials prior to closing the connection. This enables you to set them in the connection when the process is started again. You can retrieve OAuth property values with a query to the sys_connection_props system table. If there are multiple connections using the same credentials, the properties are read from the previously closed connection.

The default location is "%APPDATA%\CData\Acumatica Data Provider\OAuthSettings.txt" with %APPDATA% set to the user's configuration directory. The default values are

  • Windows: "register://%DSN"
  • Unix: "%AppData%..."

where DSN is the name of the current DSN used in the open connection.

The following table lists the value of %APPDATA% by OS:

Platform %APPDATA%
Windows The value of the APPDATA environment variable
Linux ~/.config


The OAuth callback URL to return to when authenticating. This value must match the callback URL you specify in your app settings.

Data Type


Default Value



During the authentication process, the OAuth authorization server redirects the user to this URL. This value must match the callback URL you specify in your app settings.


The verifier code returned from the OAuth authorization URL.

Data Type


Default Value



The verifier code returned from the OAuth authorization URL. This can be used on systems where a browser cannot be launched such as headless systems.

Authentication on Headless Machines

See to obtain the OAuthVerifier value.

Set OAuthSettingsLocation along with OAuthVerifier. When you connect, the connector exchanges the OAuthVerifier for the OAuth authentication tokens and saves them, encrypted, to the specified location. Set InitiateOAuth to GETANDREFRESH to automate the exchange.

Once the OAuth settings file has been generated, you can remove OAuthVerifier from the connection properties and connect with OAuthSettingsLocation set.

To automatically refresh the OAuth token values, set OAuthSettingsLocation and additionally set InitiateOAuth to REFRESH.


The OAuth refresh token for the corresponding OAuth access token.

Data Type


Default Value



The OAuthRefreshToken property is used to refresh the OAuthAccessToken when using OAuth authentication.


The lifetime in seconds of the OAuth AccessToken.

Data Type


Default Value



Pair with OAuthTokenTimestamp to determine when the AccessToken will expire.


The Unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds when the current Access Token was created.

Data Type


Default Value



Pair with OAuthExpiresIn to determine when the AccessToken will expire.


This section provides a complete list of SSL properties you can configure.

Property Description
SSLServerCert The certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL.


The certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL.

Data Type


Default Value



If using a TLS/SSL connection, this property can be used to specify the TLS/SSL certificate to be accepted from the server. Any other certificate that is not trusted by the machine is rejected.

This property can take the following forms:

Description Example
A full PEM Certificate (example shortened for brevity) -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE-----
A path to a local file containing the certificate C:\\cert.cer
The public key (example shortened for brevity) -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
The MD5 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4
The SHA1 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d

If not specified, any certificate trusted by the machine is accepted.

Certificates are validated as trusted by the machine based on the System's trust store. The trust store used is the '' value specified for the system. If no value is specified for this property, Java's default trust store is used (for example, JAVA_HOME\lib\security\cacerts).

Use '*' to signify to accept all certificates. Note that this is not recommended due to security concerns.


This section provides a complete list of schema properties you can configure.

Property Description
Location A path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures.
BrowsableSchemas This property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA, SchemaB, SchemaC.
Tables This property restricts the tables reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Tables=TableA, TableB, TableC.
Views Restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA, ViewB, ViewC.


A path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures.

Data Type


Default Value

%APPDATA%\ZohoBooks Data Provider\Schema


The path to a directory which contains the schema files for the connector (.rsd files for tables and views, .rsb files for stored procedures). The folder location can be a relative path from the location of the executable. The Location property is only needed if you want to customize definitions (for example, change a column name, ignore a column, and so on) or extend the data model with new tables, views, or stored procedures.

If left unspecified, the default location is "%APPDATA%\ZohoBooks Data Provider\Schema" with %APPDATA% being set to the user's configuration directory:

Platform %APPDATA%
Windows The value of the APPDATA environment variable
Mac ~/Library/Application Support
Linux ~/.config


This property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC.

Data Type


Default Value



Listing the schemas from databases can be expensive. Providing a list of schemas in the connection string improves the performance.


This property restricts the tables reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC.

Data Type


Default Value



Listing the tables from some databases can be expensive. Providing a list of tables in the connection string improves the performance of the connector.

This property can also be used as an alternative to automatically listing views if you already know which ones you want to work with and there would otherwise be too many to work with.

Specify the tables you want in a comma-separated list. Each table should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Tables=TableA,[TableB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`TableC With Space`.

Note that when connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you will need to provide the fully qualified name of the table in this property, as in the last example here, to avoid ambiguity between tables that exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.


Restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC.

Data Type


Default Value



Listing the views from some databases can be expensive. Providing a list of views in the connection string improves the performance of the connector.

This property can also be used as an alternative to automatically listing views if you already know which ones you want to work with and there would otherwise be too many to work with.

Specify the views you want in a comma-separated list. Each view should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Views=ViewA,[ViewB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`ViewC With Space`.

Note that when connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you will need to provide the fully qualified name of the table in this property, as in the last example here, to avoid ambiguity between tables that exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.


This section provides a complete list of miscellaneous properties you can configure.

Property Description
AccountsServer The full Account Server URL.
MaxRows Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses.
Other These hidden properties are used only in specific use cases.
Pagesize The maximum number of results to return per page from Zoho Books.
PseudoColumns This property indicates whether or not to include pseudo columns as columns to the table.
Timeout The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation.
UserDefinedViews A filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views.


The full Account Server URL.

Data Type


Default Value



Typically, the value of this property is, but if your account resides in a different location, then the domain should change accordingly (.com, .eu, .in,, ...).


Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses.

Data Type


Default Value



Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses.


These hidden properties are used only in specific use cases.

Data Type


Default Value



The properties listed below are available for specific use cases. Normal driver use cases and functionality should not require these properties.

Specify multiple properties in a semicolon-separated list.

Integration and Formatting
Property Description
DefaultColumnSize Sets the default length of string fields when the data source does not provide column length in the metadata. The default value is 2000.
ConvertDateTimeToGMT Determines whether to convert date-time values to GMT, instead of the local time of the machine.
RecordToFile=filename Records the underlying socket data transfer to the specified file.


The maximum number of results to return per page from Zoho Books.

Data Type


Default Value



The Pagesize property affects the maximum number of results to return per page from Zoho Books. Setting a higher value may result in better performance at the cost of additional memory allocated per page consumed.


This property indicates whether or not to include pseudo columns as columns to the table.

Data Type


Default Value



This setting is particularly helpful in Entity Framework, which does not allow you to set a value for a pseudo column unless it is a table column. The value of this connection setting is of the format "Table1=Column1, Table1=Column2, Table2=Column3". You can use the "*" character to include all tables and all columns; for example, "*=*".


The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation.

Data Type


Default Value



If Timeout = 0, operations do not time out. The operations run until they complete successfully or until they encounter an error condition.

If Timeout expires and the operation is not yet complete, the connector throws an exception.


A filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views.

Data Type


Default Value



User Defined Views are defined in a JSON-formatted configuration file called UserDefinedViews.json. The connector automatically detects the views specified in this file.

You can also have multiple view definitions and control them using the UserDefinedViews connection property. When you use this property, only the specified views are seen by the connector.

This User Defined View configuration file is formatted as follows:

  • Each root element defines the name of a view.
  • Each root element contains a child element, called query, which contains the custom SQL query for the view.

For example:

    "MyView": {
        "query": "SELECT * FROM INVOICES WHERE MyColumn = 'value'"
    "MyView2": {
        "query": "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id IN (1,2,3)"

Use the UserDefinedViews connection property to specify the location of your JSON configuration file. For example:

"UserDefinedViews", C:\Users\yourusername\Desktop\tmp\UserDefinedViews.json

Note that the specified path is not embedded in quotation marks.