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Cloud Studio frequently asked questions


This page covers frequently asked questions about Jitterbit Cloud Studio, the web-based version of Jitterbit's project design application.

Who can use Cloud Studio?

All Harmony subscribers have access to Cloud Studio.

When you log in to the Harmony portal, click the Cloud Studio app tile on the left to begin designing projects directly in your browser:

tiles Cloud Studio

As a new Cloud Studio user, where should I start?

Sign up for the introductory course offered through Jitterbit University, our online learning management platform. Information about signing up is available at Getting training.

We also have a Cloud Studio quick start guide to get you up and running quickly, and a dedicated section of Cloud Studio documentation for detailed reference.

In addition, Jitterbit Marketplace provides hundreds of pre-built projects by offering Cloud Studio integration recipes and Cloud Studio process templates, with more continually being added. To get started with an existing recipe or template, see Starting a recipe or template project.

Where can I get help?

We provide the same level of support for Cloud Studio as we do for our other Harmony products. Learn more at Jitterbit support.

How can I build my own connector?

Cloud Studio offers two ways to build custom connectors:

  • Connector Builder is a no-code, UI-based tool to build connectors from REST APIs. Connector Builder connectors can be used immediately after creating them using either cloud or private agents.
  • The Connector SDK is a Java Software Development Kit to build connectors by writing Java code. Connector SDK connectors must be compiled and built and can be used only with private agents.

What version of Cloud Studio am I using?

As a Harmony portal web application, you are always using the latest available version of Cloud Studio. If you want to correlate the version with release notes, see Finding my Jitterbit version.

Like our desktop Design Studio application, Cloud Studio requires the use of Jitterbit agents for running your projects. The minimum agent version supported with Cloud Studio is version 9.4.2.

Certain Cloud Studio features may require a higher agent version, including building custom connectors using the Connector Builder or Connector SDK (version 10.0) and using certain application-specific connectors (version 10.0 or 10.1) as documented under Connectors.


To use certain features, you may need to use a private agent or the Jitterbit Sandbox Cloud Agent Group, as the Jitterbit Production Cloud Agent Group is on a later release cycle and may not include the latest available features (see cloud agent groups).

How is Cloud Studio different from Design Studio?

When moving from Design Studio to Cloud Studio, you can review the main differences in our Cloud Studio overview for Design Studio users.

Can I migrate projects from Design Studio to Cloud Studio?

We offer a free evaluation for migration services. Migration cost could vary depending on project complexity. The Jitterbit Cloud Studio Readiness Team can review your projects and provide an estimate. Your Customer Success Manager can arrange a meeting with the Readiness Team.

You can also rebuild projects from scratch in Cloud Studio.

What is the future of Design Studio?

We do not currently have plans to end-of-life or eliminate support for Design Studio, our existing desktop application for project design.

Can I still use Cloud Studio if I want to keep using Design Studio for my current projects?

Sure! You can even use both Cloud Studio and Design Studio at the same time, as long as they are for different projects. Using both design applications for the same project is not possible.