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Aggregate specification.

public abstract class Vinyl.Sdk.Filtering.Aggregate


Type Name Summary
Filter Filter Gets the filter specification to which this aggregate belongs.


List of aggregate specifications.

public class Vinyl.Sdk.Filtering.AggregateList
    : IReadOnlyList<Aggregate>, IReadOnlyCollection<Aggregate>, IEnumerable<Aggregate>, IEnumerable


Type Name Summary
Int32 Count
Filter Filter Gets the filter specification to which this aggregate list belongs.
Aggregate Item


Type Name Summary
void Add(Aggregate aggregate) Appends an aggregate specification to the list.
IEnumerator<Aggregate> GetEnumerator()


Extension methods for the Vinyl.Sdk.filtering.aggregatelist class.

public static class Vinyl.Sdk.Filtering.AggregateListExtensions

Static Methods

Type Name Summary
void Add(this AggregateList aggregates, Column column, Function function) Appends an aggregate specification to the list.
void Add(this AggregateList aggregates, String columnName, Function function) Appends an aggregate specification to the list.
void Add(this AggregateList aggregates, Guid columnId, Function function) Appends an aggregate specification to the list.


Applies an aggregate function to a column.

public class Vinyl.Sdk.Filtering.ColumnFunctionAggregate
    : Aggregate


Type Name Summary
Column Column Gets the sort expression.
Function Function Gets the logical function definition.


Column sort specification.

public class Vinyl.Sdk.Filtering.ColumnSort
    : Sort


Type Name Summary
Column Column Gets the sort expression.
SortDirection Direction Gets the sort direction.


Represents a search condition which compares a column to a scalar value.

public class Vinyl.Sdk.Filtering.ColumnValueCondition
    : Condition


Type Name Summary
Column Column Gets the column definition.
ComparisonOperator Operator Gets the comparison operator.
Object Value Gets the comparison value.


Comparison operators.

public enum Vinyl.Sdk.Filtering.ComparisonOperator
    : Enum, IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


Value Name Summary
0 Equals Equality comparison.
1 NotEquals Inequality comparison.
2 LessThan Less than range comparison.
3 GreaterThan Greater than range comparison.
4 LessThanOrEquals Less than or equals range comparison.
5 GreaterThanOrEquals Greater than or equals range comparison.


Represents a search condition such as table binding criteria.

public abstract class Vinyl.Sdk.Filtering.Condition


Type Name Summary
Filter Filter Gets the filter specification to which this condition belongs.


Extension methods for working with the Vinyl.Sdk.filtering.condition and Vinyl.Sdk.filtering.conditionlist types.

public static class Vinyl.Sdk.Filtering.ConditionExtensions

Static Methods

Type Name Summary
Object GetBindingValue(this ConditionList conditions, String name) Gets the condition value for the given column.
Object GetBindingValue(this ConditionList conditions, Column column) Gets the condition value for the given column.
Boolean TryGetBindingValue(this ConditionList conditions, Column column, Object& value) Gets the condition value for the given column.


Collection of search conditions.

public class Vinyl.Sdk.Filtering.ConditionList
    : IReadOnlyList<Condition>, IReadOnlyCollection<Condition>, IEnumerable<Condition>, IEnumerable


Type Name Summary
Int32 Count
Filter Filter Gets the filter specification to which this condition list belongs.
Condition Item


Type Name Summary
void Add(Condition condition) Appends a search condition to the list.
IEnumerator<Condition> GetEnumerator()


Extension methods for the Vinyl.Sdk.filtering.conditionlist class.

public static class Vinyl.Sdk.Filtering.ConditionListExtensions

Static Methods

Type Name Summary
void Add(this ConditionList conditions, Column column, ComparisonOperator operator, Object value) Appends a search condition to the list.
void Add(this ConditionList conditions, String columnName, ComparisonOperator operator, Object value) Appends a search condition to the list.
void Add(this ConditionList conditions, Guid columnId, ComparisonOperator operator, Object value) Appends a search condition to the list.


Filter specification for a logical table definition.

public class Vinyl.Sdk.Filtering.Filter


Type Name Summary
AggregateList Aggregates Gets the aggregate specification.
ConditionList Conditions Gets the search conditions.
String Keywords Gets or sets the keyword search criteria.
Nullable<Int32> Limit Gets or sets the maximum number of rows to return. This property is used in conjunction with the Vinyl.Sdk.Filtering.Filter.Skip property to support pagination.
Int32 Skip Gets or sets the number of rows to skip before returning rows. This property is used in conjunction with the Vinyl.Sdk.Filtering.Filter.Limit property to support pagination.
SortList Sorting Gets the sort specification.
Table Table Gets the table to which the filter specification applies.


Helper class for constructing a Vinyl.Sdk.filtering.filterbuilder.filter class.

public class Vinyl.Sdk.Filtering.FilterBuilder


Type Name Summary
Filter Filter Gets the filter specification.
Table Table Gets the table definition.


Type Name Summary
FilterBuilder Aggregate(String column, Function function) Aggregate the values in the given column using the specified function.
FilterBuilder Average(String column) Averages the values in the given column.
FilterBuilder Count(String column) Count the values in the given column.
FilterBuilder From(Table table) Constructs the filter specification for the given table.
FilterBuilder From(Guid tableId) Constructs the filter specification for the given table.
FilterBuilder Max(String column) Gets the maximum value in the given column.
FilterBuilder Min(String column) Gets the minimum value in the given column.
FilterBuilder Sum(String column) Sum the values in the given column.
FilterBuilder Where(String column, ComparisonOperator operator, Object value) Appends a condition to the filter specification.


Sort specification.

public abstract class Vinyl.Sdk.Filtering.Sort


Type Name Summary
Filter Filter Gets the filter specification to which this sort belongs.


Sort specification direction.

public enum Vinyl.Sdk.Filtering.SortDirection
    : Enum, IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


Value Name Summary
0 Ascending Sort in ascending order.
1 Descending Sort in descending order.


List of sort specifications.

public class Vinyl.Sdk.Filtering.SortList
    : IReadOnlyList<Sort>, IReadOnlyCollection<Sort>, IEnumerable<Sort>, IEnumerable


Type Name Summary
Int32 Count
Filter Filter Gets the filter specification to which this sort list belongs.
Sort Item


Type Name Summary
void Add(Sort sort) Appends a sort specification to the sort list.
IEnumerator<Sort> GetEnumerator()


Extension methods for the Vinyl.Sdk.filtering.sortlist class.

public static class Vinyl.Sdk.Filtering.SortListExtensions

Static Methods

Type Name Summary
void Add(this SortList sorting, Column column, SortDirection direction) Appends a sort specification to the list.
void Add(this SortList sorting, String columnName, SortDirection direction) Appends a sort specification to the list.
void Add(this SortList sorting, Guid columnId, SortDirection direction) Appends a sort specification to the list.


Extension methods for the Vinyl.Sdk.tables.table object model.

public static class Vinyl.Sdk.Filtering.TableExtensions

Static Methods

Type Name Summary
Filter CreateFilter(this Table table) Creates a filter specification for the given table schema.