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Restart a Windows private agent


Restarting agent services is required whenever you have made changes to your agent configuration. Restarting the agent can also be a good troubleshooting step if you are experiencing issues, which may be resolved after restarting.

Restart a private agent

Though the agent can be stopped and then restarted directly from the machine where the private agent is installed, it is best if it is first stopped from the Management Console Agents page using the "Drain Stop" command, and then restarted using the commands on the private agent machine itself.

The "Drain Stop" command will wait for a period of time to complete existing operations and refuse to accept new ones. Long-running operations may be canceled instead of completing.


When an agent drain stop is initiated, the agent will now wait 180 seconds for any APIs to finish running before the drain stop is completed. For private agents, the wait time can be configured within the file by setting agent.drainstop.api.wait equal to the desired number of seconds.

Once stopped, the agent can only be restarted manually from the private agent machine directly.

  1. From the Management Console Agents page, select "Drain Stop" from the menu for the agent. The agent will then stop.

  2. The agent can then be restarted from the machine where the private agent is installed, either by:

    • From the Windows Start Menu: Run "Start Jitterbit Services" to restart the service; or

    • From the private agent installation directory: Run StartServices.bat to restart the service.

Once the private agent is started successfully, the status of the agent in the Harmony Management Console (Menu > Agents) will be "Running." You can also use Windows Services to check that the Jitterbit Services are all up and running:


If—after restarting the agent—you see that not all Jitterbit services have restarted, you should try stopping and restarting the private agent. If a second attempt does not resolve the situation, you should contact support.