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System requirements for Linux private agents


These are the system requirements for installing the Jitterbit private agent on a Linux system. Prior to installation, we recommend reviewing Agent groups high availability and load balancing and Private agents best practices tech talk.

For instructions on downloading, installing, configuring, restarting, upgrading, rolling back, and uninstalling a Linux private agent, see the appropriate page for the supported distributions:

System requirements

Best practices

  • Supported systems: Install the private agent on a tested and supported system as listed on this page. For optimal results, we recommend you follow these prerequisites and requirements for the operating system, PostgreSQL database, and hardware.

  • High availability and load balancing: Prior to installation, review the recommendations for high availability (active/active) and load balancing as described in Agent groups high availability and load balancing.

  • Server installation: For production environments, we recommend installing the private agent on a server. Agent installation on a desktop machine is recommended only for development, quality control, or testing environments.

  • Clean installation: Do not install the private agent on a server that is already running another database. The agent installs and runs its own PostgreSQL database. Running the agent on a server that is already running an Oracle or SQL Server database may cause performance issues.

  • Same timezone: We recommend that all agents in a private agent group have the same timezone. Because the timezone of configured schedules is dependent upon the private agent timezone, schedule runs may be unpredictable if the timezones are different.

  • Account permissions: We recommend using a Linux superuser account for installing the agent. Using a local user account is not recommended.

  • Uninstalling: Before uninstalling, we recommend you copy the config files and security certificates of your current installation in the event you want to reinstall with the same configuration at a later time.

Operating system requirements

The Linux version of the Jitterbit private agent requires a 64-bit OS. It is supported for these distributions derived from Debian Linux and Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Intel hardware:

The Jitterbit private agent has not been certified against other similar distributions with Debian or RPM package distributions derived from the Debian and Red Hat distributions. Amazon Linux provides multiple Linux versions, of which only Amazon Linux AMI 2 has been certified.

Prerequisite software requirements

For instructions on installing the required libraries, see the appropriate page for your distribution:

Required Java version

The Jitterbit private agent package is bundled with a 64-bit version of the Java 8 Runtime Environment (JRE) and does not require a separate Java runtime. Jitterbit automatically installs the required Java Runtime Environment specifically for Jitterbit to use so that it does not conflict with other Java installations that may already be installed. As of Harmony 9.8, the version of Java shipped with the agent is the AdoptOpenJDK JRE. This JRE is licensed as described at the OpenJDK website.

Jitterbit can be configured to use an external JRE. The minimum version is 1.8 (Java 8). To change the Java runtime used by the Jitterbit private agent, edit the file /etc/sysconfig/jitterbit to use the appropriate version of Java runtime and restart all Jitterbit services.

Unlimited strength Java Cryptography Extension requirement

For the agent to securely communicate with resources such as servers, the Java Runtime Environment used by the agent should be using the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) with Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files. If you are using the JRE that is shipped with the agent, it is using JCE with Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files.

If you substitute a different JRE for the one shipped with the agent, you will need to replace the policy files included with the JRE with Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files, if it is not already using them. To install the Java Cryptography Extension Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files:

  1. Go to the Oracle website to download the ZIP file containing Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files.
  2. Unpack the ZIP to extract the local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar JAR files.
  3. Copy and replace the existing JAR files found in <JITTERBIT_HOME>\jre\lib\security, replacing <JITTERBIT_HOME> with the path to your private agent root directory.
  4. Restart the Jitterbit private agent.

PostgreSQL requirements

PostgreSQL is installed as part of the private agent installation. This instance of PostgreSQL is for use only with and by Jitterbit.

The version of PostgreSQL distributed with the agent depends on the private agent version:

  • Linux private agents 11.0 and later are bundled with the 64-bit, 14.5-1 version of PostgreSQL and the PostgreSQL ODBC driver.
  • Linux private agents 10.37 through 10.x are bundled with a 64-bit, 9.6.x version of PostgreSQL with the PostgreSQL 9.2 ODBC driver.

Using an existing PostgreSQL installation instead of the PostgreSQL instance bundled with the agent is supported through advanced configuration options. During configuration of a Linux private agent, run the configuration script with the -c option.

The version of the existing PostgreSQL database must match that expected by the agent version:

  • For 11.0 Linux private agents and later, an existing PostgreSQL database that is version 14.5-1 has been confirmed to work. Other 14.x PostgreSQL versions are expected to work but have not been tested.
  • For 10.x Linux private agents that are at least 10.37, the existing PostgreSQL database must be version 9.6.x.

These requirements must be met to install the PostgreSQL instance that is bundled with the agent:

  • Do not install PostgreSQL separately prior to installing a private agent for fresh installs.
  • Do not use a plus sign (+) as part of the PostgreSQL password when installing a Jitterbit private agent. The minimum number of characters for a PostgreSQL password is eight (8). We recommend that you not use accented characters (such as é) or any of these characters in the PostgreSQL password: + @ $ % & [] {} () , ; ? ^ = £.
  • Do not have any other databases configured or running on the Jitterbit PostgreSQL instance.
  • Do not use the Jitterbit PostgreSQL database/server as part of any Jitterbit operations and transformations.
  • Do not use Windows compression on the Jitterbit folder, PostgreSQL folder, or temp folder on the machine where the private agent is installed and running. Using Windows compression will drastically slow down processing of Jitterbit operations and transformations.
  • Port 46914 must be free for use by the PostgreSQL database.
  • PgBouncer may be required for high-load environments. Linux private agent version 10.6 and later automatically install PgBouncer. If you already have an existing installation of PgBouncer and experience issues upgrading, contact support for assistance.

Hardware requirements

These are the minimum requirements for hardware and virtual machines for Jitterbit private agents:

  • Quad-core processor

  • 8 GB RAM

  • 50 GB available hard drive space; this includes space for the software, parallel processing, and temporary storage that can grow quite large while running an operation

  • Minimum of 100 MB/s (megabytes per second) transfer rate on the hard drive

  • High-speed Internet connection

  • A direct hardware installation or an installation on a virtual machine from VMWare, VirtualBox, Amazon AWS, or Rackspace that is configured for the specific requirements outlined above

  • Optimal configuration of the system and overall environment; if not optimally configured, sporadic and unpredictable problems can result from poor disk IO, limited/out of memory, limited/out of disk space, power failures, and/or abrupt system restarts

  • Access to outbound port 443 (HTTPS) to communicate with Harmony. Port 443 is normally allowed by corporate server firewalls.

  • Access to specified inbound ports as needed; generally, inbound ports do not need to be opened

It is recommended that the Jitterbit API platform be used for inbound messages or data. Where a private agent is used to receive a message directly (such as an outbound message from Salesforce) in lieu of the Jitterbit API platform, then the inbound ports 443 (with SSL) or 46909 (HTTPS) could be opened. Custom ports may be used for specific requirements if they are redefined in the private agent configuration and are allowed by any corporate firewall.

Next steps

For instructions on downloading, installing, configuring, restarting, upgrading, rolling back, and uninstalling a Linux private agent, see the appropriate page for your distribution: