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Restart a Linux private agent


These are the instructions for restarting a Linux private agent on Debian and RPM Linux distributions.

For additional information on Linux private agents, see these resources:

For documentation on how to accomplish certain tasks with Jitterbit private agents, see Private agent how-tos.

For documentation on overcoming challenges with Jitterbit private agents, see Private agent troubleshooting.

Restart an agent

Restarting agent services is required whenever you have made changes to your agent configuration. Restarting the agent is an appropriate troubleshooting step if you are experiencing issues, which may be resolved upon restarting. You must restart the private agent any time the configuration script is run or changes to the configuration file (/opt/jitterbit/jitterbit.conf) are made.

Though the agent can be stopped and then restarted directly from the machine where the private agent is installed, it is best if it is first stopped from the Management Console using the "Drain Stop" command, and then restarted using a command on the private agent machine itself.

The "Drain Stop" command will wait for a period of time to complete existing operations and refuse to accept new ones. Long-running operations may be canceled instead of completing.


When an agent drain stop is initiated, the agent will now wait 180 seconds for any APIs to finish running before the drain stop is completed. For private agents, the wait time can be configured within the file by setting agent.drainstop.api.wait equal to the desired number of seconds.

Once stopped, the agent can only be restarted manually from the private agent machine directly.

  1. From the Management Console, select Drain Stop from the menu for the agent. The private agent will then stop. You may need to refresh the webpage to see an updated status.

  2. If the private agent does not stop or respond to the Management Console, you can stop the agent using:

    $ sudo jitterbit stop
  3. The agent can then be restarted from the machine where the private agent is installed by using:

    $ sudo jitterbit start

Once the private agent is started successfully, the status of the agent in the Harmony Management Console (Menu > Agents) will be "Running." Note that it can take more than a minute for the Jitterbit private agent to start up and register with Harmony. You can also check the status of the agent locally.

Start the services at system startup

The Jitterbit private agent package will attempt to configure your system to automatically start the private agent on system boot and uses SysV-style initialization, which is generally supported on all distributions.

If your system does not use SysV-style initialization, you can add the command /opt/jitterbit/bin/jitterbit start toward the end of your startup script. You can also add the command /opt/jitterbit/bin/jitterbit stop to the shutdown script.

Keep the Linux agent stopped after an upgrade

You can prevent the private agent from restarting after an upgrade if you have tasks such as configuration changes you need to make after an upgrade but before the agent starts. Set the environment variable JITTERBIT_INSTALL_AUTO_START at the command line to anything other than y. For example:



This is an operating system environment variable. Do not set this in the jitterbit.conf file.

To start, run jitterbit start from the command line. You can also type unset JITTERBIT_INSTALL_AGENT_START from the command line to clear the variable, which starts the private agent automatically. However, if you are using SysV-style initialization scripts, the variable setting will be cleared with this command, but a reboot is required.

Another method is to set the environment variable using the Linux export command and then use the Linux echo command to verify the setting and return the value. For example:


Agent status

You can check the status of the private agent on the machine by running the status option of the jitterbit command:

$ sudo jitterbit status
JitterbitProcessEngine is running with PID XXX
JitterbitScheduler is running with PID XXX
JitterbitFileCleanup is running with PID XXX
All services are running

Next steps

For additional information on Linux private agents, see these resources:

For documentation on how to accomplish certain tasks with Jitterbit private agents, see Private agent how-tos.

For documentation on overcoming challenges with Jitterbit private agents, see Private agent troubleshooting.