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Install a Linux private agent on RPM


These are the instructions on downloading and installing the Jitterbit private agent on a RPM-based Linux system. Prior to installation, we recommend reviewing Agent groups high availability and load balancing and Private agents best practices tech talk.

For information on system requirements, see System requirements for Linux private agents.

For information on configuring the installed Linux private agent, see Configure a Linux private agent.

For Debian-based Linux systems, see Install a Linux private agent on Debian.

Software prerequisites


The root user on your server must have access to the sudo command.

Required libraries

RPM-based Linux private agents require these libraries to be installed:

Required Libraries


The listed libraries and the packages that contain them may be named differently depending on the Linux distribution used.

Install required libraries

To install the required libraries and update the required packages on 64-bit RHEL 7 and 8, or Amazon Linux AMI, run these commands:

$ sudo dnf update

# Required for Amazon Linux AMI:
$ sudo dnf -y install libgcc44 libstdc++44

# Required for all operating systems:
$ sudo dnf -y install python3
$ sudo dnf install
$ sudo dnf install libnsl
$ sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python

Amazon Linux

After installing an agent on Amazon Linux 2, yum or dnf commands may fail. If you need to run these commands, change the Python soft link back to Python 2.7, as follows:

sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python

If you need to run jitterbit-config, you must restore the soft link to Python 3, as follows:

sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python
$ sudo dnf update

# Required for Amazon Linux AMI:
$ sudo dnf -y install libgcc44 libstdc++44

# Required for all operating systems:
$ sudo dnf -y install python2
$ sudo dnf install
$ sudo dnf install libnsl
$ sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python


Broken or missing dependency: If you have a library with a broken or missing dependency, check for proper links to the source by using the ldd command to return a list of dependencies. For example:

$ sudo ldd /opt/jitterbit/lib/

You can also use the package name to check the installation status of the dependency, using the same naming convention as for installation:

$ sudo yum list installed libgcc

Download the Linux private agent

These instructions on downloading a Linux private agent assume you have already created an agent group, agent(s), and an environment for your organization within the Management Console. Refer to Agents for more information.

  1. Log in to the Harmony portal and go to the Management Console > Agents > Agent Groups.
  2. In the upper portion of the screen, select the agent group row. The lower half of the screen should now list the Available Agents within the selected agent group.
  3. In the lower portion of the screen, select the agent row. Then click the Action dropdown on the far right and select Download for Linux RPM.
  4. The Linux agent executable can be downloaded once, stored locally, and reused to install any additional private agents as they are added.

Install an agent

All installation commands require root access. We recommend using a command line for installation, as the installation generates important messages.


The root user on your server must have access to the sudo command.

To install and configure a private agent using a RPM-based operating system, follow these steps:

  1. Use this command to navigate to the directory where the private agent download is located:

    $ sudo cd <DIRECTORY>
  2. Use this yum command to install the RPM package. All package dependencies will be automatically downloaded and installed:

    $ sudo yum install <PATH>/jitterbit-agent-<VERSION>.x86_64.rpm
  3. The Jitterbit private agent is installed in /opt/jitterbit. This location cannot be changed.

  4. Upon successful installation, the name of the installed package is jitterbit-agent.

Install an agent with wget

Alternatively, you can install a Linux private agent using the wget command following these steps:

  1. Log in to the Harmony portal and navigate to the Downloads page.

  2. In the Jitterbit Agent row, right-click Linux RPM (x64) or Linux Redhat Non-Root (x64) in the Download column and copy the link address.

  3. Install the private agent using these commands:

    $ sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/python2 /usr/bin/python
    $ sudo dnf install wget
    $ sudo wget <URL FROM DOWNLOADS PAGE>
    $ sudo dnf install ./jitterbit-agent-<VERSION>-38.x86_64.rpm
    $ sudo dnf install wget
    $ sudo wget <URL FROM DOWNLOADS PAGE>
    $ sudo dnf install ./jitterbit-agent-<VERSION>-38.x86_64.rpm
  4. The Jitterbit private agent is installed in /opt/jitterbit. This location cannot be changed.

  5. Upon successful installation, the name of the installed package is jitterbit-agent.

Next steps

For information on configuring the installed Linux private agent, see Configure a Linux private agent.


Jitterbit private agents cannot be started without completing the configuration step.


Jitterbit private agents installed on Microsoft Azure servers require a reduced agent heartbeat interval.

For additional information on Linux private agents, see these resources: