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Install a private agent group in Kubernetes using Helm


A group of Jitterbit private agents can be configured to be auto-registering and autoscaling by using Kubernetes. This page describes how to configure a group of private agents using Kubernetes and Helm.

Reference: The values YAML file

The agent group is configured using a specific values.yaml file. These are the attributes and definitions in the file, based on the register.json defined for the agent group (original in the Jitterbit charts GitHub repository):


Agent registration access tokens require agents version 10.83 / 11.21 or later.

Attribute Example Values Description
nameOverride private-agent-group Used to name Kubernetes resources; by default the name of the chart (agent-group) is used but can be overridden with this
image: Image mapping
    repository jitterbit/agent
    tag latest Unless specifically required, use latest
agent: Agent's register.jsonmapping
        cloudURL URL of your Harmony region; see example register.jsonfor the region list
        token jb_a1b23c45-d6ef-789a-b0cd-e12fabcd3e4f Agent registration access token
        agentGroupId 346591 Agent group ID
        agentNamePrefix "%host%" A prefix added to the UTC timestamp of agent creation to form the agent name
        deregisterAgentOnDrainStop true Performs agent deregistration upon agent drainstop
hpa: Horizontal Pod Autoscaler mapping
    minReplicas 2 Minimum number of replicas
    maxReplicas 3 Maximum number of replicas
    replicas 3 Initial number of replicas; a safeguard is to set this equal to the maxReplicas


If using agents version 10.83 / 11.21 or later, we recommend using Agent registration access tokens over encrypted Agent Installer user credentials. Agent Registration access tokens do not expire and can be managed in the Management Console at any time.

Attribute Example Values Description
nameOverride private-agent-group Used to name Kubernetes resources; by default the name of the chart (agent-group) is used but can be overridden with this
image: Image mapping
    repository jitterbit/agent
    tag latest Unless specifically required, use latest
agent: Agent's register.jsonmapping
        cloudURL URL of your Harmony region; see example register.jsonfor the region list
        username $00+LongEncryptedAndHashedUsername== Encrypted and hashed username from generating the agent group's register.json
        password $00LongEncryptedAndHashedPassword= Encrypted and hashed password from generating the agent group's register.json
        agentGroupId 346591 Agent group ID
        agentNamePrefix "%host%" A prefix added to the UTC timestamp of agent creation to form the agent name
        deregisterAgentOnDrainStop true Performs agent deregistration upon agent drainstop
hpa: Horizontal Pod Autoscaler mapping
    minReplicas 2 Minimum number of replicas
    maxReplicas 3 Maximum number of replicas
    replicas 3 Initial number of replicas; a safeguard is to set this equal to the maxReplicas

Install and run the agent group

Follow these steps to install and run an agent group in Kubernetes using Helm:

  1. Ensure that your Kubernetes cluster is up and running and that your Helm client is configured properly to use the cluster along with Jitterbit's public Helm repository.

  2. Generate the agent group's register.json file, if you haven't already. Instructions on this are at Agent automatic registration and autoscaling.

  3. Create your agent group's values.yaml file. Note that as YAML is a superset of JSON, you can assign agent.registerjson to your register.json's JSON object. Here's an example values.yaml file created using the register.json file from the previous step. It was converted into YAML by placing it under agent.registerjson:


    Agent registration access tokens require agents version 10.83 / 11.21 or later.

    nameOverride: private-agent-group
      repository: jitterbit/agent
      tag: latest
        token: jb_a1b23c45-d6ef-789a-b0cd-e12fabcd3e4f
        agentGroupId: 346591
        agentNamePrefix: "%host%"
        deregisterAgentOnDrainstop: true
      minReplicas: 2
      maxReplicas: 3
    replicas: 3


    If using agents version 10.83 / 11.21 or later, we recommend using Agent registration access tokens over encrypted Agent Installer user credentials. Agent Registration access tokens do not expire and can be managed in the Management Console at any time.

    nameOverride: private-agent-group
      repository: jitterbit/agent
      tag: latest
        username: $00+LongEncryptedAndHashedUsername==
        password: $00LongEncryptedAndHashedPassword=
        agentGroupId: 346591
        agentNamePrefix: "%host%"
        deregisterAgentOnDrainstop: true
      minReplicas: 2
      maxReplicas: 3
    replicas: 3


    If you are using a Windows operating system, make sure that the values.yaml file has the UNIX line endings \n instead of DOS's \r\n.

  4. Check that your Docker runtime has sufficient resources allocated to it to accommodate the maximum number of replicas you have specified. Each Docker private agent requires 0.25 cores and 2 GB memory:

    Resource Value Calculation Value Not to Exceed
    Cores 0.25 cores x maxReplicas (number of CPUs) x (number of cores/CPU)
    Memory 2 GB x maxReplicas Available memory allocated to the Kubernetes cluster
  5. In the example Docker Kubernetes system shown below (a macOS computer with 6 cores—labelled CPUs in the Docker UI—and 16 GB of memory allocated to Docker) you could run at most 7 Docker private agents. Eight agents would require 2 cores and 16 GB of memory, using all the available memory. However, as Kubernetes itself runs some containers on the same Docker runtime (known as Kubernetes in Docker), allow at minimum headroom of one core and a portion of the memory rather than dedicating all of the resources available to the agent group:


  6. Add Jitterbit's public Helm chart repository to your client. No credentials are required:

    helm repo add jitterbit
    # "jitterbit" has been added to your repositories
  7. Update your Helm client's local cache of repositories (recommended). This will ensure that you are using the latest version of the Helm chart:

    helm repo update
  8. Install your agent group's Helm release:

    helm upgrade --install --force --atomic --timeout 1h -f ./values.yaml private-agent-group jitterbit/agent-group
  9. Wait for each agent pod to spin up and monitor using the Jitterbit Management Console:

    watch kubectl get pods

Access an individual agent

If you need to access one of the agents, you can execute a Bash shell in its container using the following code, replacing private-agent-group-0 with the Docker name of the particular agent you need to access:

kubectl exec -it private-agent-group-0 bash

Agent group teardown

When you are ready to tear down the agent group, uninstall the Helm release:

helm uninstall private-agent-group