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Edit the agent configuration file (jitterbit.conf)


If you are using a private agent, you can change certain settings for your agent within the Jitterbit configuration file (jitterbit.conf). This page describes how to make those changes, as well as what settings are available.

Make config changes

You can make changes to jitterbit.conf remotely via the Management Console, or manually in the directory where the private agent is installed.

Editing remotely is the preferred method, and by using this method it is easier to ensure synchronization between multiple agents within an agent group and to see changes to the config file. If you do not want to store the contents of your jitterbit.conf file in the cloud via the Management Console, but would still like to make changes to the configuration file, you can do so manually.

In either case, after you have edited the configuration file, all Jitterbit services must be restarted in order for the configuration change to take place.

Edit remotely via Management Console

Remote agent configuration is available for private agents version 8.14 and higher. In addition, you must have remote agent configuration enabled in order to make changes to the configuration file remotely. To enable remote agent configuration:

  1. Log in to the Harmony portal and choose Management Console.
  2. Click the Harmony portal menu in the top left and select Organizations.
  3. Within the table, select the organization for which you want to enable remote agent configuration.
  4. On the far right of the selected row, use the Actions dropdown to select Edit Organization Policies. You must have Admin permission for the organization in order to see this option.
  5. In the popup, check the checkbox next to Enable remote Agent configuration, then click Save.

After remote agent configuration is enabled, edit the configuration file.


Reference Agents for all options available when editing the Jitterbit configuration file remotely.


When you enable remote agent configuration, the current agent configuration (excluding the local PostgreSQL cache database information and local predefined global variables) will be read and stored in the cloud so that you can view and edit it remotely. Once you enable remote agent configuration, any changes you make manually to the local jitterbit.conf file located on the agent will not take effect.

To disable remote agent configuration and again be able to edit the local jitterbit.conf file manually, open the Organizations page, select an organization, select the Agent Management tab, then disable Remote agent configuration. However, note that you will lose the current remote agent configuration that was stored in the cloud. After agent services are restarted, your agent will read from the local jitterbit.conf file.

Edit manually

Although editing the local configuration file manually of each agent is possible, this is not the preferred method to make configuration changes. Please refer to Edit remotely via Management Console above for the preferred method.

The local configuration file is located in the installation directory of the machine where the private agent is installed. This is usually in one of these locations:

  • Windows (Harmony): C:\Program Files (x86)\Jitterbit Agent\jitterbit.conf

  • Windows (v5.x): C:\Program Files (x86)\Jitterbit Integration Server\jitterbit.conf

  • Linux: /opt/jitterbit/jitterbit.conf

To make changes, open jitterbit.conf in a text editor, edit it and then save the file. You must have system administrator permissions in order to edit jitterbit.conf.

The configuration file format is as follows:

  • Sections are defined by single lines containing the section name enclosed in brackets. Example:

  • Keys/values are defined by a key name, followed by a single equals sign, followed by the value.

    There are to be no spaces between the key, the equals sign, and the value. Example:

  • Some values might require single or double quotes. Example:

    mykey="my value"
  • Keys must be in their correct section as documented here in order to be found and to take effect.

  • Section names and key names are not case-sensitive.

  • Order of items within a section does not matter.

  • Comments can be denoted by a single hash (#) character. Anything on the line following the # will be ignored.

  • Do not have any lines that contain a single hash (#) character. This will cause the next line to be ignored.

  • All filenames are relative to the home installation directory folder unless otherwise noted.


    Use forward slashes for file/directory paths even on Windows (such as C:/Windows/Temp).

Restart Jitterbit services

All Jitterbit services must be restarted in order for the new configuration to take effect.

On the machine where each private agent is installed, first stop the services, then restart them.

Windows Linux
From the Start Menu:

Stop Jitterbit Services
Start Jitterbit Services

From the Jitterbit Agent installation directory:

> StopServices.bat
> StartServices.bat

From a prompt:

$ sudo jitterbit stop
$ sudo jitterbit start

Use an alternative configuration file

To use an alternative configuration file, you can (on Windows) start the private agent from a command line:

> jitterbit.exe -f c:\config\alt-jitterbit.conf

Upgrade a private agent

The configuration file is preserved upon upgrading a private agent. That is, the existing jitterbit.conf file is not overwritten when installing over an existing agent installation.

From time to time, there may be additions or changes to jitterbit.conf as announced through the Harmony release notes. To take advantage of any enhancements or to make adjustments, you are welcome to manually add new settings and values to your existing configuration file after upgrading.

Another option is to uninstall and reinstall the agent to obtain the latest copy of jitterbit.conf, keeping in mind that you will need to reapply any previously applied customizations. For backup purposes, we recommend making a copy of your existing private agent configuration file prior to reinstalling.

Configuration settings and default values

These sections describe each setting available within the jitterbit.conf file and the default values for each setting.


In the following table, a value of 0 is interchangeable with a value of false and a value of 1 is interchangeable with a value of true.

Within the jitterbit.conf file, lines that begin with # signify that these lines are comments that are ignored in the actual configuration. Several optional parameters are commented out in this fashion; to use these parameters, you must remove the beginning # so that the parameter is read as part of the configuration file.


When editing the configuration file, note that the remainder of a line that is commented out with # must not be left blank, or the next line will be read as a comment even if it does not begin with #.


Default value Description

By default, the TempDir setting is left blank and the temporary directory provided by the operating system will be used, with Jitterbit temporary files being located in %temp%\jitterbit or /tmp/jitterbit.

On Windows with the default OS temp directory, this would be C:\Windows\Temp\jitterbit.

On Linux with a default OS temp directory of /tmp, this would be /tmp/jitterbit.

To use a different temporary directory, set TempDir equal to its absolute path. Use forward slashes, even on Windows. The directory must exist and be readable and writable by the Jitterbit private agent.


By default, the CurlDebugDir parameter is left blank and detailed debugging logs are not created.

To get detailed debugging logs of FTP and HTTP requests, you can change the value of this parameter to any valid directory path where you want debugging logs saved. Each request will create a new file in this directory.

Also see Curl debug logs.

EnableLocalFileLocation false

By default, EnableLocalFileLocation is set to false. This means using local files as sources or targets is disabled.

To use local files on your private agent, you can enable local files by changing the value of this parameter to true. For more information see Enabling local file location.

JavaScriptMaxIterations 50000

The maximum number of loop iterations allowed in Harmony is 50,000. The maximum number of loop iterations in JavaScript is per script, not per loop.

For example, one JavaScript script containing three loops, where each loop executes 25,000 iterations, would be a total of 75,000 iterations running within the one script.

To increase the maximum number of iterations allowed in any one JavaScript script, manually add JavaScriptMaxIterations=X where X is greater than 50000.

RecoverableStatusCode 500,502,503,504

By default, RecoverableStatusCode is set to the error code list of 500,502,503,504 for private agent version 10.34 and later.

For private agents 10.30 through 10.33, the RecoverableStatusCode setting and the error code list must be added manually:


When RecoverableStatusCode is set and the Retry option is selected in an HTTP connection, the activity recovers from the listed error codes and retries the activity.

EnableAPITimeout false

By default, EnableAPITimeout is not present in the jitterbit.conf file and must be added manually.

If EnableAPITimeout is set to true, operations triggered by API Manager APIs will use the operation timeout settings set in Cloud Studio or Design Studio.


Default value
User jitterbit

By default, when a Jitterbit private agent is installed, a local PostgreSQL database is installed. This section provides the private agent username for that local PostgreSQL database.

We do not recommend changing the default local PostgreSQL database. However, to use a different PostgreSQL database, this is where you would specify its information and credentials.


The Windows quiet agent installer version 10.48 or later config64.ps1 script allows specification of an alternative agent username in its Postgres_agent_username field, which will update the User value here.

DisableOdataCount false Disables the $count and $inlinecount settings in incoming OData queries. Set to true if you experience performance issues issues in the background database as a result of count functionality. This is available only with a private agent 9.6 or later.
Password generated upon installation
Driver 'PostgreSQL ODBC Driver(UNICODE)' Windows 32-bit
'PostgreSQL Unicode(x64)' Windows 64-bit
'PostgreSQL-jitterbit' Linux
SystemDbName 'postgres'
Port 6432 For private agent version 10.60 or earlier, the default port is 6543.


Default value Description
DebugJDML false Set to true to add additional logging of OData calls in the API logs, including the actual SQL sent to the database. This is available only with a private agent 9.6 or later.


Default value Description
MaxNumberOfWorkerThreads auto

By default, when MaxNumberOfWorkerThreads is set to auto, the number of worker threads will be two times the number of cores.

You can change this value to any number from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 200.

RunOperationsInSeparateProcess true

By default, when RunOperationsInSeparateProcess is set to true, operations will be run in separate processes. When this option is true, the default is unlimited runtime for how long an operation is allowed to run.

To set a limit on how long each operation is allowed to run, you can set MaxOperationRuntimeSeconds to the number of seconds allowed. You can optionally specify a MaxOperationRuntimeMessage that will be logged in cases where the maximum runtime is reached.

It is not recommended to turn off RunOperationsInSeparateProcess. You can do so by setting RunOperationsInSeparateProcess as false. In that case, MaxOperationRuntimeSeconds and MaxOperationRuntimeMessage will not apply.

EnableDebugDump false

By default, EnableDebugDump is false and debug dump is not enabled. To enable, set to true.

If enabled, you can set DebugDumpDir to the path to a directory for the debug dump. If not specified, DebugDumpDir will default to the TempDir setting under [Settings].

To specify a directory, set DebugDumpDir equal to its absolute path. Use forward slashes, even on Windows. The directory must exist and be readable and writable by the Jitterbit private agent.



This section provides the default values of predefined global variables, which are also known as Jitterbit variables. These can be overwritten on a case-by-case basis by setting the corresponding variable in a script.

For complete documentation on all variables that can be set in this section, see Cloud Studio Jitterbit variables or Design Studio Jitterbit variables.

Default value Description
jitterbit.source.db.preserve_char_whitespace false By default, leading and trailing whitespace from a source database is not preserved. To preserve leading and trailing whitespace, change the value to true. false By default, null is not included in a SQL statement from a target database. To include null, change the value to true.
jitterbit.scripting.nesting.max 10 By default, up to 10 nested scripts are allowed. To decrease or increase this maximum, change the value to another number.
jitterbit.scripting.while.max_iterations 50000 By default, each while loop is limited to 50,000 iterations in a script written in Jitterbit Script language. To decrease or increase this maximum, change the value to another number.
jitterbit.scripting.db.auto_commit true By default, database scripts will be automatically committed. To use database transactions, you can change this value to false.
jitterbit.scripting.db.max_rows 10000 By default, the maximum number of database rows affected by a script is 10,000. This number limits the amount of rows to return for the DBExecute, DBLookup, and DBLookupAllfunctions (see Cloud Studio Database functions or Design Studio Database functions). To decrease or increase this maximum, change the value to another number.
jitterbit.scripting.ldap.scope 1 By default, scripts allow the use of LDAP. To turn this option off, set to 0.
jitterbit.scripting.ldap.include_dn_in_results false By default, scripts do not include the distinguished name (DN) in the Active Directory. To include the DN, change this option to true.
jitterbit.scripting.ldap.use_paged_search false By default, paged search for LDAP is turned off in scripting. By default, Active Directory allows your queries to pull only a certain number of records at a time. If this is option set to false and you run a query that exceeds this limit, your query will fail. If you set this to true, Jitterbit will retrieve the data in pages so that the Active Directory limit won't be exceeded.
jitterbit.scripting.ldap.max_search_results 1 By default, the maximum search results returned from an LDAP search by default is 1. For more results, increase this number.
jitterbit.scripting.ldap.return_null_if_no_results false If set to true, then an LDAP query with no records matching the query will return a single NULL value.
jitterbit.source.text.csv_nullable false By default, if using a text CSV file as the source file, nulls are not allowed. Change this value to true in order to allow nulls. true If set to true, trailing line breaks will be removed before the target data is posted. false By default, XML boolean target values are represented with string values: "false" and "true". If set to true, XML boolean target values will be represented with "0" or "1" for false and true values respectively.
jitterbit.source.ftp.transfer_timeout 3600 By default, the transfer timeout for FTP sources is 3,600 seconds. To increase or decrease, change the value to another number. 3600 By default, the transfer timeout for FTP targets is 3,600 seconds. To increase or decrease, change the value to another number.
jitterbit.http.enable_cookies false By default, cookies are not enabled for HTTP connections. To enable cookies, change this value to true.


Default value Description
WriteLog 0

By default, WriteLog is set to 0, meaning detailed logging of transformations is turned off.

To turn on detailed logging of transformations for debugging purposes, you can change this value to 1.

It is not recommended to keep logging enabled, since this option can produce a lot of files. In addition, note that detailed logging can also be turned on at the operation level, which is preferred.

When WriteLog is enabled and WriteLogDir is left blank by default, debug logs will be written to JITTERBIT_HOME/DataInterchange/Temp/Debug. If you want to change the directory where the logs are saved, you can specify the value of WriteLogDir as the desired directory location.

For more information see Operation debug logging.

ValidateXML 1

By default, ValidateXML is set to 1, meaning XML validation is turned on.

To turn off all XML validation on a global scale, set to 0. However, this is not recommended. It is recommended to set this on the transformation level instead.

LdapEnableAutoUpdateMode false

By default, auto-update mode for LDAP is not enabled.

If changed to true, auto-update mode enables you to search for each entry to determine if the entry should be added or updated.

TimingOn 0

By default, TimingOn is set to 0, meaning profiling files is not turned on.

To turn on profiling globally, change this value to 1. When enabled, profiling files are written to JITTERBIT_HOME/DataInterchange/Temp/LOG by default. You cannot change the log directory for this parameter.

AutoStreaming 1

By default, AutoStreaming is set to 1, meaning autostreaming is turned on.

To disable streaming, set this parameter equal to 0. However, this is not recommended. It is recommended to do this on individual transformations instead.

Also see Cloud Studio Transformation processing or Design Studio Stream and batch transformations.

UseOldRuleForLoopOneOfXmlNode 0

By default, this parameter is set to 0, meaning this rule is not enabled.

The only instance in which this parameter should be set to 1 is to ensure backward compatibility. When set to 1, a rule that was present in previous versions for creating one-of XML target nodes will be used.

AutoXsiNil 0

By default, this parameter is set to 0.

If this value is set to 1, then the transformation will automatically create an xsi:nil="true" attribute for an element that is mandatory and unmapped.

DefaultEntityResolution true By default, the parsing of IDoc types is enabled. To disable this extra parsing in a private agent, manually add DefaultEntityResolution=false in the [TransformationEngine]section in jitterbit.conf.


Default value Description
Debug false

By default, Debug is set to false and debug mode is not enabled.

To enable debug mode, set the value to true. This will cause additional process messages to be written to the log file. You may want to enable this if you have temporary data that should not be deleted.


Both the Debug value and the WriteLog value must be set to 1 (true) in order for logs to be generated.

See Operation debug logging for additional information.

AlwaysRunSuccessOperation false

By default, this parameter is set to false.

If set to true, then operations would be set to always run successfully even if there is no data. This option may be useful when there are no source files available for a file-based source, but you want the operation to run as if it were successful.


By default, when not specified, the temporary storage root directory will be TemporaryStorage and under the OS temp directory, or under the temp directory specified by the TempDir setting under [Settings].

On Windows with the default OS temp directory, this would be


On Linux with a default OS temp directory of /tmp, this would be


To specify a different temporary storage directory, set TemporaryStorageRootDirectory equal to its absolute path. Use forward slashes, even on Windows. The directory must exist and be readable and writable by the Jitterbit private agent; otherwise, the setting is ignored.

See Log file locations for additional information.


By default, when this parameter is not specified, the number of operation threads is unlimited.

To set a maximum number of threads, you can use a number as the value here.

MaxOperationStackDepth 50

By default, the maximum number of nested synchronous operation calls allowed is 50.

To increase or decrease this maximum, set to the desired number. To make this parameter unlimited, set the value to 0 or a negative number. However, note that setting this parameter to unlimited is not recommended since it can cause system instability.

MaxAsyncOperationChainLength 50

By default, the maximum number of asynchronous operations allowed in a single chain is 50.

This is to guard against infinite operation loops. To increase or decrease this maximum, set to the desired number. To make this parameter unlimited, set the value to 0 or a negative number.

MaxAsyncOperationChainLengthOverrideAllowed true

By default, this parameter is set to true, meaning it is possible to override the maximum asynchronous operation chain length. When this option is enabled, you can override the maximum chain length by setting the global variable $jitterbit.operation.max_async_chain_length (see Cloud Studio Operation Jitterbit variables or Design Studio Operation Jitterbit variables).

If this option is changed to false, it will not be possible to override the chain length using the global variable.

AlwaysDeleteTempDir false

By default, this parameter is set to false, meaning temporary operation files are kept until asynchronously cleaned up.

To always delete temporary operation files even on errors, set to true.

WriteLog 0

By default, WriteLog is set to 0 (false).

To enable WriteLog mode, set the value to 1 (true). This will cause additional process messages for both API and scheduled operations to be written to the log file. You may want to enable this if you have temporary data that should not be deleted.


Default value Description
EnableErrorLogging true

By default, EnableErrorLogging is true, meaning only API operations (configured for custom APIs or OData services) with errors are logged in the operation logs.

If this option is set to false, error logging to the operation logs is disabled.

EnableLogging false

By default, EnableLogging is false, meaning all API operations (configured for custom APIs or OData services) are not logged in the operation logs. Note that you can still view API processing logs on the API Manager API Logs page.

If EnableLogging is set to true, then all API operations are logged in the operation logs. Note that when EnableLogging is set to true, the setting for EnableErrorLogging is ignored (as all API operation logs would be logged).

EnableOperationIdLogging false

By default, EnableOperationIdLogging is false, meaning the ID of an operation causing a crash will not be logged.

If this option was set to true, then the operation ID of the operation causing a crash is logged and can be used to determine the root cause.

APIOperationLogging false

By default, APIOperationLogging is not present in the jitterbit.conf file and must be added manually.

If APIOperationLogging is set to true, a log will record the start of an API call and the time elapsed.


Turning on this setting will generate at least four additional lines for each API operation, which can result in very large log files.



[HttpEndPoints] settings apply only to Design Studio hosted HTTP endpoints.

Default value Description
EnableErrorLogging true

By default, EnableErrorLogging is true, meaning only HTTP hosted endpoint calls with errors are logged in the activity log.

If this option were set to false, error logging in the activity log would be turned off.

EnableLogging true

By default, EnableLogging is set to true for HTTP hosted endpoints, meaning all HTTP hosted endpoint calls are logged in the activity log. To disable operation logging for HTTP hosted endpoints, you can change this value to false. You may want to disable logging for greater efficiency and throughput under load.

Note that when EnableLogging is set to true, then the setting for EnableErrorLogging is ignored (as all HTTP calls would be logged).

If both EnableLogging and EnableErrorLogging were set to false, then no logging would be enabled.


Default value Description
DeregisterAgentOnJVMShutdown true

If DeregisterAgentOnJVMShutdown is set to true (or is not present), then agent deregistration should happen, even when stopping the agent (unless stopped using the "Drain Stop" command from the Management Console).

If DeregisterAgentOnJVMShutdown is set to false then agent deregistration does not happen on stopping the agent (unless when not stopped using the "Drain Stop" command from the Management Console).


Default value Description
DisableSuccess false

By default, DisableSuccess is false, meaning creation of success files is enabled.

You may wish to turn this option on by setting to true if you don't want success files to be created, which can save disk space.

DisableFailure false

By default, DisableFailure is false, meaning creation of failure files is enabled.

You may wish to turn this option on by setting to true if you don't want failure files to be created, which can save disk space.


Default value
user-defined user-defined

This section is used to create custom predefined global variables that are initialized for any operation that starts on the agent. If you specify bubble='gum', this will add a predefined global variable called bubble with the initial value of "gum" that can be referenced in scripts as $bubble or by using Get("bubble").

See Cloud Studio Jitterbit variables or Design Studio Global variables.


Default value Description
AutoStart 1 By default, this parameter is set equal to 1, meaning AutoStart is enabled.
SleepTimeInSeconds 5

By default, the sleep time is set to 5 seconds.

This value can be increased or decreased depending on your needs.

WriteLog 0

By default, this parameter is set to 0 and scheduler debug logging is turned off. This is the recommended setting, as turning on scheduler debug logging could generate a large volume of logs and could potentially cause performance degradation.

To activate scheduler debug logging, change this value to 1. The log is written to the temporary directory and is called scheduler_debug.log.


Default value Description
AutoStart 1

By default, this parameter is set equal to 1, meaning AutoStart is enabled.

If you change this option to 0, then file cleanup will not automatically run, effectively disabling file cleanup.

SleepTimeInSeconds 5

By default, the sleep time is set to 5 seconds.

This value can be increased or decreased depending on your needs.

FrequencyInHours 24.0

By default, file cleanup will run once every 24 hours.

This value can be increased or decreased depending on your needs.


Default value Description

Specifies default SMTP servers to use when an email message is to be sent and no SMTP Servers were specified by the user.

Add the SMTP servers in a comma-separated list.

DefaultFromEmail Specifies a default email address to use for the "From" field if none was specified by the user.
If your SMTP server(s) need authentication, specify the account and password here. Set UseSSL to true if the SMTP server requires SSL/TLS.


Make sure that these files can be read by the Jitterbit application and by no one else!

Default value Description

There is no default PublicKeyFile. You can specify the absolute path to your public key here if applicable. For example:



There is no default PrivateKeyFile. You can specify the absolute path to your private key here. For example:


PrivateKeyPassphrase There is no default PrivateKeyPassphrase. You can specify your private key passphrase here if required.
User-configured for multiple sets

Multiple sets of keys can be configured by setting, for example:




With an entry such as:



Make sure these files can be read by Jitterbit, but by no one else! Only PEM-formatted certificates and keys are supported.

Default value Description

There is no default CertificateFile. You can specify the absolute path to your SSL client certificate file here. For example:



There is no default PrivateKeyFile. You can specify the absolute path to your private key here. For example:


PrivateKeyPassphrase There is no default PrivateKeyPassphrase. You can specify your private key passphrase here if needed.
User-configured for multiple sets

Multiple sets of certificates and keys can be configured by setting, for example:

$ = "Me";


$jitterbit.source.http.ssl_cert_id = "Me";


$jitterbit.web_service_call.ssl_cert_id = "Me";

With an entry such as:

CertificateFileMe='C:/Users/My Name/Certs/me.crt'
PrivateKeyFileMe='C:/Users/My Name/Certs/me.key'


These settings define the available XML schemas.

Key Default value
Schema_2001 DataInterchange/xml_dtd/Schemas/XMLSchema_2001.xsd
Schema_1999 DataInterchange/xml_dtd/Schemas/XMLSchema_1999.xsd
SoapEncoding DataInterchange/xml_dtd/Schemas/SOAP_Encoding.xsd
WSDL DataInterchange/xml_dtd/Schemas/WSDL.xsd
SoapEncoding_v11 DataInterchange/xml_dtd/Schemas/SOAP_Encoding_v11.xsd
SoapEncoding_v12 DataInterchange/xml_dtd/Schemas/SOAP_Encoding_v12.xsd


Certain database drivers require special characters to delimit table/column names. If your application requires different settings, you can modify these entries.

Many ODBC drivers require table and field names to be quoted if they are case-sensitive or contain special characters. Configure the quote character(s) for your driver in this section if they are not already included. Special characters that are supported as delimiters include / . * = ? | ( ) [ ] { and }. These delimiters are defined by specifying the Quote Begin and Quote End in this section.


'PostgreSQL Quote Begin'='\"'
'PostgreSQL Quote End'='\"'

'PostgreSQL-psql Quote Begin'='\"'
'PostgreSQL-psql Quote End'='\"'

'PostgreSQL ANSI Quote Begin'='\"'
'PostgreSQL ANSI Quote End'='\"'

'PostgreSQL Unicode Quote Begin'='\"'
'PostgreSQL Unicode Quote End'='\"'

SQL Server

For SQL Server, the Quote Begin and Quote End are required only for tables or columns containing special character(s).

'SQL Server Quote Begin'='['
'SQL Server Quote End'=']'


For MySQL, the Quote Begin and Quote End are required for tables with spaces in them.

'MySQL Quote Begin'='`'
'MySQL Quote End'='`'

MySQL 3.51 driver

'MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver Quote Begin'='`'
'MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver Quote End'='`'

MySQL 5.1 driver

'MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver Quote Begin'='`'
'MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver Quote End'='`'


'Oracle Quote Begin'='\"'
'Oracle Quote End'='\"'

Oracle XE

'Oracle in XE Quote Begin'='\"'
'Oracle in XE Quote End'='\"'

Microsoft ODBC for Oracle

'Microsoft ODBC for Oracle Quote Begin'='\"'
'Microsoft ODBC for Oracle Quote End'='\"'

Oracle ODBC driver

'Oracle ODBC Driver Quote Begin'='\"'
'Oracle ODBC Driver Quote End'='\"'

Oracle in OraClient10g_home2

'Oracle in OraClient10g_home2 Quote Begin'='\"'
'Oracle in OraClient10g_home2 Quote End'='\"'


'Microsoft Quote Begin'='['
'Microsoft Quote End'=']'

MS Access

'Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) Quote Begin'='['
'Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) Quote End'=']'


'Excel Quote Begin'='['
'Excel Quote End'=']'

MS Excel

'Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls) Quote Begin'='['
'Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls) Quote End'=']'

MS Excel - Alternate name

'Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb) Quote Begin'='['
'Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb) Quote End'=']'

FileMaker Pro

'DataDirect 32-BIT SequeLink 5.4 Quote Begin'='\"'
'DataDirect 32-BIT SequeLink 5.4 Quote End'='\"'


'IBM DB2 (AS400) Quote Begin'='\"'
'IBM DB2 (AS400) Quote End'='\"'


This section is used with proxy settings for calling external resources.

Default value Description
MaxConnections 50 Maximum number of total connections to keep in the pool. If set to 0 or less, the default value defined by the Apache HttpClient library is used (currently 20).
MaxConnectionsPerRoute 5 Maximum number of connections per route. If set to 0 or less, the default value defined by the Apache HttpClient library is used (currently 2).
TimeoutInSeconds 60 Timeout, in seconds, to wait for a connection from the pool. If set to 0 or less, the default value defined by the Apache HttpClient library is used (currently resulting in no timeout, meaning the timeout will be indefinite while waiting for a connection to become available).
HttpSocketTimeoutInSeconds 180 Timeout, in seconds, after establishing the connection, that the client socket waits for a response after sending the request. This is the elapsed time since the client has sent the request to the server before the server responds. If set to 0 or less, the default value defined by the Apache HttpClient library is used (currently 60 seconds).
HttpConnectionTimeoutInSeconds 180 Timeout, in seconds, to wait for the connection with the remote host.


This section is used with local resources (SOAP services, API).

Default value Description
MaxConnections 50 Maximum number of total connections to keep in the pool. If set to 0 or less, the default value defined by the Apache HttpClient library is used (currently 20). This value can be set to 100. See Note.
MaxConnectionsPerRoute 50 Maximum number of connections per route. If set to 0 or less, the default value defined by the Apache HttpClient library is used (currently 2). This value can be set to 100. See Note.
TimeoutInSeconds 60 Timeout, in seconds, to wait for a connection from the pool. If set to 0 or less, the default value defined by the Apache HttpClient library is used (currently resulting in no timeout, meaning the timeout will be indefinite while waiting for a connection to become available).
HttpSocketTimeoutInSeconds 180 Timeout, in seconds, after establishing the connection, that the client socket waits for a response after sending the request. This is the elapsed time since the client has sent the request to the server before the server responds. If set to 0 or less, the default value defined by the Apache HttpClient library is used (currently 60 seconds).
HttpConnectionTimeoutInSeconds 180 Timeout, in seconds, to wait for the connection with the remote host.


These only apply to [HttpConnectionPoolLocal] settings.

If you set MaxConnections and MaxConnectionsPerRoute to 100, make these additional changes:

  1. Edit the file and set:


    Do not set max.concurrent.requests above 100. This will revert the value to the default of 16.

  2. Edit the httpd.conf file and set:

    ThreadsPerChild 101


Default value Description
WebServiceDebugFile ''

By default, writing to a web service debug file is disabled.

When enabled, backend web services will write debug information to this file while in debug mode.


This section provides configuration options for how to handle potential error situations in the backend. Possible values are:

  • Ok: The situation is regarded as normal; continue as usual.
  • Warning: Log a warning and continue.
  • Error: The situation is regarded as fatal.
Default value Description
NoRowsAffectedOnDbUpdates Ok An update statement in a database target that does not affect any rows is Ok per the definition above.
NoTargetDataGenerated Ok No target data was generated is Ok per the definition above.
NoWebServiceRequestData Warning No data available to generate a valid web service request generates a Warning per the definition above.
EmptyDatabaseSource Warning A flat database source is empty generates a Warning per the definition above.


Default value Description
DebugLogLevel There is no default DebugLogLevel. Acceptable values are SEVERE (highest), WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST (lowest), OFF, or ALLas defined in


Default value Description
LogLevel OFF The default value for LogLevel is OFF, indicating that logging is turned off. Acceptable values are SEVERE (highest), WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST (lowest), OFF, or ALL as defined in


Default value Description
SessionTimeout 60 The default value for SessionTimeout is 60, which is the number of idle minutes after which an open JDBC session will timeout. This is used as a failsafe measure, as the sessions will normally be closed by the server after use. You can change the session timeout by adjusting the number.
ClientSessionTimeout 180 The default value for ClientSessionTimeout is 180, which is the maximum number of minutes that a JDBC operation is allowed to take. After this the operation will fail. If you think that a JDBC operation (such as a JDBC target write process) will take longer than this, you should increase this number.
LogLevel INFO The default value for LogLevel is INFO, indicating that informational messages are being logged. Acceptable values are SEVERE (highest), WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST (lowest), OFF, or ALL as defined in


The [LDAP] section of a private agent configuration file can be used to add UTF-8 support for Microsoft Windows and Active Directory with Windows private agents that are version 9.5 or higher.

Key Value Description
CharacterEncoding ISO-8859-1 Supports UTF-8 encoding.

This may be warranted if you use the LDAPReplace() function to replace a value in an Active Directory as seen below, and find that the text is converted to a different result than the entry, such as François being replaced with FrançOis:

LdapReplace("givenName", "François");

To avoid problems with special characters, add the [LDAP] section as follows and then restart the agent:

  1. Update the jitterbit.conf file with the following lines:

  2. Restart the agent.

For more information, see Cloud Studio LDAP functions or Design Studio LDAP functions.


Default value
MSAXUrl This is used by the Microsoft Dynamics AX Connector (Design Studio or Cloud Studio) and should not be changed unless instructed by Jitterbit support.
MSCrmUrl This is used by the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Connector (Design Studio or Cloud Studio) and should not be changed unless instructed by Jitterbit support.
jitterbit.connectorcall.timeout 300 Timeout value in seconds. This is used by certain connectors and should not be changed unless instructed by Jitterbit support.


This section is present on private agents 10.48 and later and is used for the generation of component input and output data when operation debug logging is enabled on an individual Cloud Studio operation running on a 10.48 or later private agent.

When upgrading an earlier private agent version to 10.48 or later, the generation of input and output data is automatically enabled by default, even if the [VerboseLogging] section and its keys are not present in the configuration file.

The generation of component input and output data is unaffected by the agent group setting Enable Cloud Logging. Component input and output data will be logged to the Harmony cloud even if cloud logging is disabled unless verbose.logging.enable is explicitly set to false. This overrides the generation of component input and output data when Enable Debug Mode Until is configured on an individual Cloud Studio operation, but does not prevent operation debug log files from being generated. Both types of operation debug logs are covered in Operation debug logging.

Default value
verbose.logging.enable true

When true or when this setting is not present in the configuration file, component input and output data are written to the Cloud Studio operation log when operation debug logging is enabled on an individual Cloud Studio operation running on a 10.48 or later private agent. Set to false to prevent component input and output data from being logged to the Harmony cloud.


When this setting is not present in the configuration file of a 10.48 or later private agent, the setting is treated as if it were present and set to true. That is, generation of component input and output data is enabled by default on all 10.48 and later agents unless this setting is explicitly set to false.

verbose.logging.commpress.folder.path By default, this setting is commented out and is not used. It should not be changed unless instructed by Jitterbit support.
verbose.logging.log.folder.path By default, this setting is commented out and is not used. It should not be changed unless instructed by Jitterbit support.
verbose.logging.log.file.extension .verbose This is used for operation debug logging and should not be changed unless instructed by Jitterbit support. This setting is not required to be present in the configuration file in order for component input and output data to be generated. true This is used for operation debug logging and should not be changed unless instructed by Jitterbit support. This setting is not required to be present in the configuration file in order for component input and output data to be generated.